THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. t: m PERSONAL NOTES MRS. E. D. McAItTHUK left this morning for tho Coqullle Valley. JPItOF. RICHARDS of this city wns n visitor to Myrtlo Point this morn- MRS?' CHAS. KAISER of North Bend wns a Mnrshflold visitor yestordny. HERMAN HILLYER nnd wlfo of this city nro Myrtlo Point visitors for n fow days. MRS. C. II. MARSH nnd Miss Mnmlo Gulovson went to Myrtlo Point this morning. CHAS. UONEURAKB loft for Myrtlo Point this morning to take in tno County Fnlr. MRS. VS. V. MORRISSEY wns n pas senger on the trnln for Myrtlo Point this morning. MISS MAUDE HOWRON Is spend ing n fow dnys nt tho Dowro'i rnneh on Ten Mllo. A. D. WOI.COTT nnd wlfo woro pns- Bongcrs to tho Cotjiilllo Valley re gion this morning. MRS. S. C. SMALL of this city loft for Myrtlo Point this morning to visit with friends for n fow dnys. MRS. h. LANG nnd dnughtor Miss Mnhol Lnng nro In Myrtlo Point for a fow dnys enjoying tho Fnlr. CHAS. STAl'l-T mndo n business trip to Norwny yestordny nnd visited tho Kalr nt Myrtlo Point. MRS. L. W. TRAVER nnd father, W. A. Border of Pint II, loft for Myr tlo Point to view tho sights nt the fnlr. MRS. P. N. FLAQG and baby left this morning for Salem where they will visit Mrs. Flngg'a mother, Mrs. A. II. Eddy. A. E. SEAMAN, wlfo nnd daughter, Miss Mnrlon, of this city nro enjoy ing a. dny or two of tho Fair nt Myrtlo Point. MISS LOLA MONTGOMERY loft on tho train for Fnlrvlow via Coiiulllo this morning where sho will teach school this wlntor. MR. AND MRS. W. P. MURPHY returned Thursday from n short visit with Mrs. Murphy's hIbIo.', Mrs. J. E. Schilling nt Myrtlo Point. MRS. NORMAN NELSON of tho U. S. Llfo Saving Station nt Snn Francisco Is expected Monday for u short visit as tho guest of Mrs. E. Mlngus. MISS DELIA HOLMES, who Imi been tho guest this sumnior of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Krlodborg, oxpects to loiivo Mondny for her homo In California. S A Y !:i WE ARE Bishop Scadding Has a Good Word for Coos on Re turning Home. HOY TAKES I.QNfl WALK. XiOstcr Osborne of lluiidon Make Trl to Albany. ALHANY, Or., Sept. 27. Lester Osborno of Ilundon whllo on his wny to this city to rosumo his studies in Albnny College, wnlkcil from Coos liny to tho railroad at Rosoburg and covered tho dlstauco of 00 miles In 24 hours. Osborno stnrtod to walk nnd when ho was well on tho wny decided to kcop going nil night. Ho sprained his nnklo, but desplto this handicap nvoraged two iiiIIch and n Jinlf nn hour for tho entlro dny and night. Osborno hns attended Albany Collego for two years paBt nnd Is now In his third yenr in tho nendomy do-nartmonl. Bishop Scadding thinks thnt Cooj county Is prosperous, according to tho following in tho Portland Journal: Bishop Charles Scadding of tho Oregon Episcopal church has Juot returned from his nnnunl vls'tn tlon of iinrlshcs and ' missions of coos county. Three weeks woro spent nmong tho church pcoplo of unniincr, Umpire, North Rend, Co (1 ii I lie, Dnndon, nnd Mnrshflold. "I wns much impressed with tho improved conditions nnd tho spirit of the pcoplo," snld llishop Scad ding. "They nro waiting wlih groat Interest tho ndvont of trains from Eugcno nnd Mnrshflold nnd the Improvement of Coos hay hnr- bor. They bollovo thnt thnt part of tho country 1b In for n groat de velopment. I think thoro Is no question of tho futuro development along commercial and mntcrlnl linos, and I am especially Interest ed In having tho development of tho church keep pace. Dean Ilors fall has chargo of tho work from Handon south, nnd Rov. Robert iirownlng Is working from Marsh flcld north. Uoth clergymen nro working hard, nnd havo tho lovnl co-operation of tho lay people Fi nancial conditions, ns Indlcntcd by returns to tho church, nro bettor than ever boforo. During my work there, I stayed In my cabin at Handon by tho seaside." HOO ill HOLD BIG GATHERING (Continued from Pago One) GRAY HAIRS OUT MAltltlAUi: LICENSES. County Clerk Wutson Issued tho following marriage licenses durlns tuo wvoic Kmll 11. Olsen nnd Annn J. Jobn eon, both of Mnrshfluld. John F. Coney and Evn E. Fry, both of llnudou. Ralph William Rodgors and Vlgn Ellon Rodgcrs. both of llandon. John E. McConnlck, Lebanon, Oregon, nnd Margaret C. Hewltr, Mnrshflold Dan E. Maloney and Helen A. I Improvo tho growth nnd npoaranc'o A Harmless Remedy, Made From Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. A fcollng of sadness accompanies tho discovery of tho first grny hnlrs which unfortunately nro looked unon na horalds of advancing ngo. Grny hnlr, howovor, hndsomo as It may bo, makes n porson look old, Wo nil know tho ndvantnges of bolng young. Asldo from tho good Im pression n youthful npponrnnco rnnltes on others, simply knowing thnt you nro "looking lit" gives ono courngo to undortnko and nccompllsli things. So why suffer tho hnndlcnp of looking old on nccount of grny hnlrs, when n slmplo romody will glvo your hnlr youthful color nnd bonuty in n fow dayB' tlino? ;uosi poopio Know tliat common gnrdon sngo nets as n color rcstoror and scnlp tonic ns woll. Our grand motnors usod n "Sngo Tea" for Keeping their hnlr dnrk, soft nnd luxurlnnt. In Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur Hnlr Romody wo havo nn meal propnrntlon of Sngo combined with Sulphur nnd othor vnlunblo romcdlcs for dandruff, Itching scnlp nnd thin, wonlc hnlr, thnt Is split nt tno ends or contsnntly coming out. A fow applications of this vnlunblo remedy will bring back tho color, nnd In a short tlmo It will romoro ovory traro of dandruff nnd grently respond In behalf of Governor West, nnd C. F. McKnlghr wns called upon to speak In behalf of President Tnft. Mr. Potter then cnllcd for expressions from n num ber of others, Including Messrs. Wcrnlck, Droulllnrd, Geiscndorfei Powers, Conrnd, Mnloney, Glnztor, Guyton nnd Kchoe. Tho members extended n vote of thnnks to Mr. Potter for coniiug to Coos Dny to nttend tho conca tenation nnd assisting In tho arrangements. Ilcforo disbanding for tho even ing Mr. Potter announced that W. J. Conrad hnd been appointed for ono year as vice geront snnrk for tins locality. Leo Webster was asked to glvo tho benediction and paid qulto a fitting tribute to tho organization. Those AMcudlnir. Tho following woro those seated at supper: W. J. Cqnrnd, E. W. Klssnni, P. N. Roborg, C. F. McKnlght, E. K. Jones, S. P. Dnrtlott, II. G. Kern, A. VS. Kruso, Elljnh Kolloy, J. .1. Mc Donald, Danlol Hepburn, Robt. K. Booth, A. II. Powers, C. W. Mont gomery, W. C, Swain, L. E. McDan- lols, F. E. Glazier, L. F. Fnlkcnsteln, A. II. Dnly, Leo Webster, F. W. Wood, C. II. Worrel, II. E. Rultninnn, F. G. Groonough, L. Q. Swotlnnd, J. W. Gnrdlnor, E. L. Pierce, M. C. Mn loney, R. A. Wcrnlch, Geo. Olesen dorfor, Don. Ostllnd, Win, Ekblnd, J. D. Goss, A. II. Potter, E. Ross, .1. A. Allen, T. W. Rcnnlo, R. P. Kohoo, D. J. Kenny, C. II. Droulllnrd. J. A Pnttison, Andy P. Davis nnd Jnck Guyton. The Clothing: Question i R- W-r&CLsy. iw -o j 0-AV si sxfi LtiO. . iGift.'tk'.n. C?) 9 Htfraasfefi au ik'Mmssmm&MJjpJL m:zm m lb P'MiL ( S2WIIIIIII lllllllllllM;illl!iJIIII!iiJiMMin iiiiiii& pHllll!HWfMMBrT EJl i m i it r fh i v wan aaj( uimH t iwvwa 1912.1 iWvAQ W I r'yM,Mrl 1 Wffi III ' r in I f f n ij , -" Drndloy, both of Mnrsliflold 11. M. Nelson and I.ovnnn M. LU lobo, both of Marshfleld. Coqulllo llornld, Fronch BONBONS ASSORTED only 10 CENTS I'Ol'ND at NTAK VOltU'H SATURDAY mid SUNDAY. Hot CHICKEN SAHTHIfS. TAMA MIS at of tho hair. (lot n. fifty-cent bottlo from your druggist todny, nnd nntlco tho dlffor onco In your hnlr after a fow days' troatmont. All druggists sell It, un dor gunrnntco thnt tho monoy will no rofuniled ir tho remedy is not ex nctly as represented. Go to SARTER'S for tho REST OF EVERYTIIINd. jpeciafl Tomorrow Only 25c Emirson Hose, -First QiuaE ilty, 2 Pairs 35 Cemte NORTH REND NEWS Fred Stora left this week for a visit with rolatlvea In Portland. Mrs. Norn Russell and baby of North Dcnd wcro visitors In this city yestordny. Mrs. W. Potorson of North Inlet Is visiting rolntlvcs todny In North Dcnd. Rov. A. S. Illscy has been returned ns pastor of tho North Dcnd Motho dlst church. Miss Ollvo Richards of Sumner is tho guest of Mrs. E. Gcorgo Smith of Coos River. Mondny afternoon n mooting of tho Coos county lodges of tho K. of P. will bo hold In North Dcnd. Irn Wheeler hns moved from this city to Lnkcsldo whoro ho will stay this winter nnd cugngo in bont re pairing. G. J. Riehnrdson, owner of tho No war k, hns decided to mnko his homo In North Rond nnd hns lensed tho Wnltors residence J. A. Ward, sclonco teacher In tho high school hns notified tho school hoard that ho desires to resign ns soon ns a successor can bo appointed. Leonnrd Jlnsters, wlio formerly hnd chnrgo of tho Sumnor hotel, Is erecting a cottngo on soiuo In ml ho hns recently purchased, bolow Sumner. O. II, Peterson of May, who has been spending tho summor nt his old home In Sweden, Is now In Now York nnd will roturn homo shortly. Tho entlro contrnl portion of Slier- mnn nvonuo will bo occupied whon sovornl business changes nro made. M. G Coleman has leasod tho Robt. Marsdcn building recently vacatod by E. D. Mlchnol nnd will on October 1st movo his Jowolry storo thoro. Tho building is bolng nlcoly furnished for tho purposo. Mrs. C. W. Taylor will occupy tho room wlicr-i the Hoolllng storo Is with a restaurant which sho nnd a sister of bora will open up soon. Tho Hoolllng grocery will bo moved into tho Dames build ing formerly occupied by tho Wa-ith-orly saloon. Convrdht. ffllrliarlfl, Bttm & fln, .Kocliestcr, IN, X. "Where can I get most style, most wear, most satisfaction, in clothing at the least cost?" Everybody claims to give most for least. This time we're not going to. We simply say, "Grant us the favor of a few minutes of your time, so that we can show you what we have and actually demonstrate that U Money Talks" This always is a saving for you. Our stock of suits, overcoats and rain coats is now complete. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Mnrshficld. BUILDING AT HAllltOlt. Bandon. ISSUE LAND DOOKLET. ALL CUT PRICES oh MER CHANT STOCK Contsraie Until Goods Are Vnlunblo Publication Gotten Out by Portland Uody. Tho third edition of a booklet on "Public Lnnds In Oregon," contain ing compioto information on all tho public lands, both government and stnto owned, in tho stnto, nns Just been Issued by tho Portland Cham ber of Commerce Tho present booklet has been edited so cl03uly up to aaro thnt It Is completo up to 10 dnys ago. including tho ef fect on Oregon public lands of leg islation oy tno last congress. THOINGS TO THINK AROUT. Thoro nro 17,803 varieties of oil stoves thnt won't Binoll In tho n1 vortl8ement8. A mnn with a Inrgo family who Is working on a salary does not hnvo to seok nn Investment. They como to him. A now patent mousetran Is In- vented In this country every threo minutes. Kngllsh Is a universal language incepting In tho United States nnd England. Thero nro 6,793, 345 excuses to glvo tho wlfo for getting homo Into and not ono good ono. Extensive Improvements Are- Doha; Made nt Curry County Town. Extenslvo Improvement work Is bolng dono nt Harbor In Curry county, according to tho following' from tho Gold Dench Globo: Chnrlos Smith of Harbor, tho owner nnd manngor of tho Har bor Townslto proporty, was In town rccontly, giving soino Idea of what hns been accomplished thero n well ns whnt has been planned for tho fitlurc. Tho largo feed barn I now completo with olghty tons of hay mowed away. Tho now hotel uemg uuut uy Mr. Smith is now almost, finished. Tho building Is a 27-room house, built something on tho plan of n bungalow and of peeled fir logs of uniform size. The pponlng of the new hostolry will bo colobrntetl by n dnnco on tho evening ot tno 2Sth. Mr. Smith uaiiulih a enw mm in n i,..ih thero In tho nenr future by Port-I nnd cnpltnl, and ns soon as build ing mntorlnl can be procured mnnvl uuuuings win no erected. Other un niuro oxiensivo Improvements nro In courso of Incubation that havo not matured sufficiently to warrant their publicity. TALKS ON HEALTH. Prominent Doctor Says Peoido Can Tnko Care of Selves. (By Associated Pres3 to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Trust tho peoplo and thoy will take caro of thomsolves In health nffol-s jmnoui ueing drlvon, Is tho way Dr. Woods Hutchinson of Now ork, In nn nddress boforo tho Aniorlcnn Public Health Assoclr. t on, Hummed up tho health slhia f.!1 wlntlne to tho genornl public. riio tlmo has passed." ho said. when any of tho trappings of mys tory need bo placed nbout ques tions relating to tho public health. Twonty-nvo yearn ngo when medi cal kuowlodgo was less advance!, mystory was probably necessary." WIdo publicity nnd a discussion of health probloms, ho declared. wns doing moro to bring tho Unit od Stntcs Into nn excellent state rt health than tho strict enforcement of laws In soino other countries. Theg FRECKLES ptemfeerBricl Now shares her happiness and shines resplendent along with our line of Sparidimig Out Glass Hamid Paimted Cfeima aed Rich Silver All are appropriate wedding gifts and she will not be happy until she gels them, SEE GET ni tp line VUJtV PRICES Red Gross Jewelry Dept. TJbe Golden Rul PIllST NATIONAL HANK lll.DG. W. A. Smith. Drldcoton. 1ml.. lmrt kidney troublo for years, and was so crippled with rhoumatlsra ho could noi uress wittiout help. Ho started using Foloy Kidney Pills, and say8. 'I began to get better nt once, and now nil my troublo hns loft mo nnd 1 do not feol that I over hnd rhoumu tlsm. I rest well all night nnd tho' u; years oiu, can now do tho work of n man of 35 yenrs. I would like to bo tho means of others getting benefit from Foley Kidney Pills' ueruse substitutes. Lockhart & Par sons, tho Rexall store, "The Busy Corner." New DriiR That Quickly Removes ...ii-auuiuiiii-jy spots. inoros no longer tho slightest need of feeling ashamed of your irecKies, ns n new drug, othlno uouoio sirengtn lias been discovered wim jiuBiuvuiy removes ttieso homolv spots. ' Simply get ono ounce of othlne uuuuio sirongin, irom nny first cla3s uniKKibi nnn nppiy a llttlo of It at night, and In tho morning you will sco that ovon tho worst freckles have begun to disappear, while tho lighter ones have vanished entirely, it seldom thnt moro than nn ounce is ucuuuu iu L-uuuueieiy ciear tho skin mm sum a oenuuiui clear complexion. Do suro to nsk for tho double onuubiu uuuuo us uiis is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to Phone 122-J. yfWS - wJ 1 SlWJlfi ssf Yvj Avm m 1 1 mMMWM I r(j . ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 lrvfrV -Wt ' """''ff IL rvh J" 193 Front Street If Yon Ask Our Advice ns to tho best cut to buy, o vW glvo It cheerfully and oof31.'': Toll us whnt you wnnt tho meat . w and we'll toll you whnt nnd how nw-" to buy. Young wives will this sorvlco a great help in marketing and will savo themseiw much worry and useless expe by taking advantage of It. . UAnSHFIELD CASH HAIQ&' FOURIER BROS. MarshneldTelephone North W"1 aai-J Two Market 8 -htu.jn- i ?. -7T' '" ""J1W1C -