THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. p- ?! ' " - ' 'ifWS V VJ if", (3e In W Vv1 7 hi 1 sn BWiiT"?1" III HI I "" Mli-mifln 'ww-.-yrr. JlI i . i,., , ,.,, .,..... - - i,m I a.jjy..'r Yt... Aii, ';,,:,?; :. ; nt.:YvMrWiju d-aia. "ryct',' All Wool Clothes HpASTE and good judgment are both served when you buy Woolen Mill Clothes, The fabrics cover an attractively wide range. Their style is pleasing and distinctive. Their fit is accurate and satisfying. Combined with all of this they give an unusual degree of wear and service. In addition you have this signed guarantee in the pocket of every coat : tfiM ian ( miii iiM'i iw HvfwMtttvvi t'MMtmM wMti I v Jl- rmr nrnf4f -orr fiv Kwy.t-H rf'V-V . . rf " tlf J till! Pill Arams ClTl t I .-.-., f fit,. ..., .4.. till VtUIIIUt f rS rf - V!!!! rywm w rrriF(',lvll Ufli' f 'V'V V t- V j ivG,itjift4Stf.S'sivrssaffAjf..;tAs'r9f uort'fccc sf,n. JP f ' V 77lJ-ClT k. X CLCVCLANO.OHIO. I 1Vn7mgJK1 Wt ptNUIII fW futliKMfff.rtlt'fWV J ,&.,JJIr jTfc.'N I Think it over and come and see what we have for you at $15,00, $17,50 and $20,00, Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers HIHHBi Always "The Busy Corner"-The Rexall Store NEVER BEFORE ' . NEVER AGAIN Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap Sold everywhere in the United 'States for 10 cents 3 cake will be sold tomorrow at THE BUSY CORNER for only iyz cents a cake, Tomorrow, Saturday, September 28, one day only, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" pH0NE in MM OOO . us Tiftes Want Ads Bring Results && COOS IUY TIDES. Bolow is glvon tho time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a' compa, Ison on consecutive heights will indlcato whether it Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, substract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. 27 28 29 30 I Irs. 2.58 Feot 5.8 Hrs. 3.3G Feot 5.7 Hrs. 4.17 Feot 5.3 Hrs. 6.01 Feet 4.7 September, b.6l 1.0 9.05 1.4 9.34 1.9 10.05 2.4 3.07 G.2 3.35 G.4 4.09 G.5 4.43 8.5G 0.3 9.32 0.0 10.12 0.1 10.57 6.4 0. Inipiotlng Itcsldeiice. Mrs. F. A. Hazard is making extonslvo im provements and repairs on her res ident at Fifth and Markot srreet3. ISurlul Hero. -A telegram was re colved today by H. C. Noblo stat ing that tho body of tho lato Hiram King would arrive hero on tho Re dondo Saturday. Tho runoral will be hold Sunday afternoon. IIhj'h Fiirm Q .V. Artls who re cently wont to Arizona for tho bono fit of his health, writes that ho has purchased tvo acres within a milo of tno city limits of Phoenix and expects to start n strawberry farm. Mum. Hall la Charge. Mrs. O. LoRoy Hall will speak in tho Marshflold Baptist church Sunday .morning and ovenjng. A invitation is extended to ovoryouo to bo present. Council Meets Tonight. Tho city council will hold an adjourned mooting this evening. The principle mattor to bo discussed will bo tho matter of changing Front streot to conform with tho right of way of tho Torminal railway. CVjquillo Glil Honored. In a re port of tho Sophomoro class oleu tlon nt tho University of Oregon, tho Oregon Kmorald says: For sec rotary, Miss Grctchon Sherwood of tho city of Coqulllo, received tho entire ballot of tho class. O'Donnell Doing Well. J. A. O'Donnell, who was burned when his houso was burned Is In nbout tho sumo condition today, Whllo his burnB aro vory sovoro nnd It was at first thought that lu could not re cover, there Is now some hopo of his gottlng well. Looking Over tho Country. L. Q. Swotland, presldont and managor of tho New Perkins Hotel In Portland, is in tho city. This Is his first trip to Coos Bay and ho came to look over tho country, Ho was much Impress ed with tho beauty of tho scenery on tho Drnln-Allcgany nuto lino. Mr. Swotland is n member of tlio Hoo Hoo In Portland nnd last night he nttondod tho concatenation In this cuy. For Wilson l-'uiui. A list of con tributions to tho Wilson fund In tho Portland Journal Includes ono of $50 from Coos county people, having been presented by Hugh Mcl.nln. Lease Garage Tho Simpson T,nm bor Co., hns this week leased to Qorst &. King for a term of flvo years tho building known as tho North Bond Furnlturo factory erected novoral ycarB ago for tho purpose- of manu facturing furnlturo. Not being nlilc to socuro proper manngomunt tho building nnd machlnory havo not boon used for throe or four years. Messrs. Goorst and King havo tnkm n lcnso on tho building of sufllclent length to warrant fixing It up tho way they want it, nnd will convcit it into a modern cnmirn. Thai, ulll not only havo a ropalr Bhop nnd' tako enro or ineir own cars but will be In shnpo to Btoro machines fir o'hora nnd nlso do repairing, lbey take possession at onco. Coos Bay Hnr-bor. PLAY AT MVltTLi: POINT. Murslillchl Team Goes to Fair City This Morning. Tlin Mnrslinnli! Tlnenlinll nlnn tnff for Myrtlo Point this morning. They played thoro this morning nnd will play ngaln tomorrow morning. Mnlonoy nnd Thomns of North Bond wont over to play with tho team. Those going from Marshflold woro Norman Johnson, C. B. Lnndors, Stnnloy Brlggs, Wnltcr Jensen, Coo. Johnson, S. B. Woods nnd C. Lang-worthy. DON'T FOUGHT SAJITKII'S. Special CANDY SALH nt STAF FORD'S SATURDAY nnd SU.VDAV. FUKNCII BONBONS 10 CKNTS per POUND. POCKP.T FLASH LIGHTS Bntterlos at Till: GUNNKRY. and GAFF Hooks nt THK GUNNBRY. Spoclal CANDY SALK at STAF FORD'S SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY. Fit i:Cl I BONDONS JO CBNTS por POUND. TlOT TAMALl'.S at SARTBR'S. Let your NICICHLS do tho work of DIMUS nt tho PFOPLKS 5-10-15 (M'.XT STORi:. KKVZFR'S ORCT1BSTRA DANCH nt HAOLl' HALL Sntimlny night. THK WKATHKR. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight; fair Saturdny except showers tonight or Saturday nenr tho coast. LOCAL For 1:43 a. OBtllnd, mclcorologlcnl Maximum . . , Minimum 37 At 4:43 n. m GO Precipitation nono Wind Northwest; clear. TKMPKHATURE RE PORT. 2 1 hours ending nt m., Sept. 27, by BonJ. Rpcclnl govornntont observer: ......... so WATCH THIS SPACE PENSLAJR HONBSTY JT'ASSTCCIAA -AND SKILL Ifl WL-CAN MAKUJ'J DAYTON BICYCLES QUALITY r-ASSTCCIxA fM-ANDSKILb-4jl WL.CAH MAKtyy -rrM-v w This Is Bargain Time For Bicycles Competition has brought the price of bicycles down lower than ever. Can Daughter Ride? Buy her CHRISTMAS Bicycle now. Get the benefit of the low price let her enjoy a wheel now, for it MIGHT be raining CHRISTMAS TIME. Our stock of 2tees in girls' wheels will be complete again Saturday. We will take care of your daughter's wheel if she buys it from us. Always ready to oil, adjust or inflate tires on wheels bought of us. Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents Phone J58-R 1 72 Broadway ffA-ASSTEEL-AA fii-AND SKILL K WL,CANMAKEJ PROMPTNESS ap-ASSTEEL-nll BI-AND SKILL 11 NL.CANMAKCJy COURTESY