1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. H it l !ili in i rBr 'F.l IB1 II in I M- ' h; fl! COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXEY Editor nnd Pub. DAN K. MALOXEY News Kill tor Entered at the- postofflco at Mann Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second cki34 mall matter. .An Independent Hcpubllcan new3 por published every evening oxcopt .Sunday, and Weekly uy OTio Coo Hay Times Publishing Co Official Paicr of Coos County. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IK A NA- TION SET OPT TO EIGHT- EOUSNESS. THE Japanese deslgnnto tho reign of a sovereign ns such or such an ora. The reign of Mutsouhlto was doslgnated "tho era of enlightenment," or Intelli gent administration. The sover eignty of Yoshlhlto Is to bo known oftlclnlly as "tho era of great righteousness." To occidental ears the phrases sound fantastic or quixotic. Hut to sympathetic thlnkors who try to penetrato beneath the surfaco thoro Is a Socrntle sequence In the two. Socrates believed that virtue fol lowed and rosulted from knowledge or wisdom. Japanese statesman ship olllclnlly expresses u similar thought. There is something superb and Inspiring In this IdoHllsm. It lc cognlzos that righteousness is tho solid foundation of national wel fare, it realizes that righteousness exnltoth a nation. It sets up ethi cal conduct ns tho standard for thu Individual and virtue as tho goal of the people. In other words, Utopia Is consid ered to bo no unattainable com monwealth in "Ciickoocloudlnnd.- but a land of political righteous ness and social wolllio ng, that can tie approximated, If not actualized, Hero and now on this mntcrlnl earth and In this world of selfish aion nnd clashing nations. Japan can lay nslilo thoughts of aggrandizement at tho expense of China and can devote Itself sin tcroly and unselfishly to promoting the Interests of the hnploss Ko reans. Its politicians can work on the basis of this Utopian program and think only of tho people's good and not of their own private advantngo. Its merchnnts will practice tho Utopian prlnelplo tluit "honesty Is tl o host policy." and mnko tho word of a Jnpaneso. mer chant n snyonym for honor, squnro dealing nnd truthfulness. The Jap nnexo masses will nceopt tho truths that purity Is an Incumbent on man ns on woman, that womanhood should ho honored for Its own Bal:o and that tho uplift of Jnpnno'o women Is IndlspeiiBablo to tho en durance of Jnpaneso socloty under the stress of now conditions. Japnn has entered nn "tho ora of tho great rlghtoousnoss." Eu rope and tho Pulled Stntcs could do worse than to follow tho lead of Japan and set thomselves at work In onrnest to bring In tho millennium. MV IIOVIIOOI) PANTALOONS. (Being somo reminiscent rhyme with almost ns ninny unfellcd scams as' tho trousers had.) Tonight as I sit In my cosy den My minds runs hack to that old tlmo when I'd Just completed a couplo of Junes And had been presented with pantaloons. Mother hail mndo them of Pa's old pants, Without a pattern nnd taking a chanco That tho things would fit little they did, But I was tho nll-flrcd proudest kid My folks had seen for a motnh of moons When I broko out In pantaloons. Even tonight my old skin Itches When I recall thoso boyhooy breeches; Tho cloth was "Jeans," n Jlggcry stuff That was always stiff and always rough; Whorovor It rubbed It loft Its mark Scarred up the skin llko hickory bark, And my llttlo legs wers nlways soro, Because of tho boyhood pants I wore. It occurs to njc now that It gavo mo pain When I learned how easy tho cloth would stain; That In spite of nil that I could do To keep them clean for n Sunday or two, Somethtng'd happen I'd spill somo Juice, Tomnto or apple It was no use, Thoso spots would got there nil to soon And soli my boyhood pantaloons. But In my grny-halrod ago I'd frco ly trado My prosont pants that woro tnllor mado Tho corduroy kind nnd tho hand-me-downs Tho kind I'vo bought In n hundred towns I'd give thorn nil nnd much to boot For tho prlnclpnl part of that coat less suit That I got at tho end of n couplo of Junes Oh! I love them yet thoso panta loons. L. P. HATHAWAY. NOTICE. Knights of Pythlns will mcot at tho I. 0. O. F. hall at 1:110 Sun day to attend tho funeral of Hiram King. 1 N I E IN MARSHFIELD WELT, KNOWN PORTLAND CAPI TALISTS VISIT COOS HAY TO MAKE INVESTMENTS. Mnrshfield has been entertaining prominent citizens of Oregon tin nwarcs within tho Inst day or two. L. It. Swotland, manager of tho Now Perkins Hotol of Portland, nnd his fathcr-In-law, L. P. VV. Qulmby, ono of tho prominent nlo neors of Oregon and first gamo warden of tho stnto, havo been stopping at tho Chandler nnd Inves tigating tho prospects of tho city. Mr. Swotland Is a promlnont bus iness man of Portland nnd in addi tion to bolng Interested In tho Now I'uiiuiiH uuiui ia u uirgu iuvim'ui in rem estate, no was very xav orably Impressed with Coos Bay nnd snys that somo day a gic.tt city will be built nt this point. Mr. Swetlnnd nnd Mr. Qulmby left this nftornoon for Myrtle Folm. but will return later to mtiko fur ther Investigation nnd Investments. Mr, Qulmby Is already Interested In somo property In North Bend. An Appeal to Wives! You know tho torrlblo affliction that comes to many homes from tho result of a drinking husband or son. You know of tho money wasted on "drink" that Is needed In tho homo to purchnso food and clothing. OIlItlNE has saved thous ands of drinking men. It Is a homo trentmont nnd can bo glwn secretly. Your money will bo re funded If, after n trial, it hi.s failed to benefit. Costs only $1.00 n box. Como In and got .n free booklet and let us tell you of tho good OltltlNE Is doing. Owl Pre scription Phnrmncy. Front street. (II'XS .VERY. to Kent nt THE CVS- If womon wore. Hiiro that wero ruled by their stomachs vould lonm to cook better. men they REMEDIES. Oh. friends, lot's hnvo the referen dum! Wo have all soils of woo nnd grief, and that. I know, will surely nnd 'em, and bring our weary souls relief! This thing of living costs llko thunder, we pay so much for grub and conls: lot's roferond such vIIh under, nnd win our freedom i.t the polls! Brnce up, brace up. ye patient drudges who slnvo to gnln n scanty store! Insist on the recall of Judges, nnd nil your troubles will bo o'er! Tho boons for which our fathom battled nre forced nwny from tolling men. but when wo hive the Judges rattled, we'll get such bless ings back again! Tho bitter voke thnt thou endurest. the yoke 'tlMi doth thy wlthorH wrench, will full vhen thou canst grab a Jurist, and drug him screnmlng from the bench! Wo view conditions with deep loathing; wo huve no fat upon our alats; our kids nro shy of needful tlnthlng, our wives are wonting last year'a hats. Lot's rise and have somo revolutions, demanding, for the iVepul'H gain, publicity of contribu tions to every national campaign! When once the figures hnvo been yrlntod, the cost of living will do urease, our future will be rosy-tlntiI nd llfo will soom as slick ua'grsusa! ftTTtUU. 1311 kr m..L,.WU,, , fVlflfc 1,1.1. . W V ' Lbcuxjn. KEEN K UTTER THE (H'XXEKY. KUTLEHY nt Tho Presbyterian ladles will hold a cooked food sale, Saturdav af ternoon, Sept. 2S, at Perry & Nich olson's storo. French IIOXIIOXS ASSORTED only -10 CENTS POUXD at STAF TODD'S SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY. Your Child's Health Your First Thought J' you havo children, naturally your first thoughts aro for tholr hoaltL You ....ttj.iiy wain mem to aovoiop ntronir. healthy constitutions. Tho most carol nil attention must bo glvon when chll. drcn show tun first symptoms of tho many common ailmonts. rcrhaps they aro weakly and thin, or grow too fas thus sacrificing strength? Thoso and other apparently minor ailments may bo for lffoCrUn"0r t0 a Wcalc conBtltutla Such children noed Jayno's Tonic Y?ltm which is essentially cfil. drcn's tonic. 1'irst of all, it will proper. i? f the child's stomach. It will also improvo tho appetito, and will add f.V,?.J,18tT l0 th0 olher otsaua of the Kodiy: Ia casc? f thln or impure blood. It increases tho number of red cor CSne?,.on,nb!ln th, enriched blood to keep tho body Wealthy and strong? w ii?i7ith8 moat. common ailmonts that children develop is that of a dls dV,d "?. "ading to an Jmpal? ed digestion. In many cases this testinal tract. To correct such troublo Jayno's Tonic Vermifuge la unsurpassed' h.,f,i, .if" "J70 beon "stored tc tUAlV1 throuh tho uso of this tonio BMXlV.le'r cept no other. Jayne'fc RonhTladerD", m' D' A RROKEX EXOAOEMEXT. A broken engagement Is n jer- toug thing, frequently resulting In much unhnppluesB. Fnlluro to keep u business appointment Is n bro ken engagement. A failure of Mils description recently resulted In n man losing ono of tho best buys In PERIIAM PARK. If you have uu appointment with Rcld bo sure and keep It If you haven't you should make one. SEE REID ABOUT IT. Coko Bldg. TONIGHT nt The R.oyal Old Dr. Judd. Tho Mighty Hunter. Tho Sheriff Outwlttod. Juno Hull In two now songs. X IIIim1iIi ., Mtein-Bloch., . 4 Jiilillili I 1 111 II mmwwiw iimin "i v-er77mwUvca lww a vis' vxK 1! 1 Wmtlir wl mm urn. i iifflusrivm siu l ionVyfff w.iwtt rnninffl n i ' i n wviLvmuwur - . t "iiif'T 7 mm mmm 11 t vmwumfti Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets Comforters We run save you money on 11icm uei'essltio.s for tho coming cool wea ther. Cotton Blankets. In gray, tan nnd white, from ?2.D0 to 85 Cents Wool Blankets In gray, vicuna and white, from $8.00 to A good vnudovlllo tonm for novt Monday Hummel nnd Deuel 2 nets cadi nlglit. PRICE 10c. WANT ADS. FOR REXT Finnisheil rooms from ll.DO por weok up. 227 South Fourth streot. LOST lllnck loose-leaf pocket noto oooic wiin san Francisco nddross on first pago. Return to Chand ler Hotel nnd receive rownrd. $3.75 Don't Blanket. assorted filling, only fall to see our St. Regis COxSO Inches, In plaids of colors, nil wool wurn nnd "HAPPY tried it nt DELUJHT," SARTER'S. hnvo YOU TROLLS nnd Trolling Lines at THE t.TXXERV. FOR RENT 1'iivnto garage close In. Apply Dr. J. T. McCormac. $6.50 The Bazar "Store of Quality.' Phono 32. FOR SALE Clieai n good Mrong1 pony. A child's pot. Inquire V. Jl. McMullon, Emplro. I WAXTi:i) Boys to Carry Times in South Mnrshfield. FOR SALE Rooming House. 11 furnished rooms. 35G Front St. HORSE FOR SALE Vivo years old and weighs 1500 lbs. Apply Carlson & Kotkn, Beaver Hill. FOR SALE Forty colonies of bees! nt Coaledo. First class condl- Uon,,.,Wto s- K0011. Dx 557, Mnrshfield. ' , V-"-"'" I"- n.)....i'.v I 1HiOi& u luunj. ' a1 f ' -jj Olympic Flour Snnw ni. 1?1m AU A ftVtll i tTnrtrrt4 "I Fur" " fjrfil2s: foumss RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern hard wheat usd ei' F100R cluslvoly la milling those brands of t flour. e!''""' TO REXT A neatly neatly furnished room. ivi contral Avonuo. FOR SAL1 Oasollne lwit Escort. 3C.7.L 9 h. p. onglne. Cheap. Seo John Benr, IOR SALE Dairy ranch heart of navigation on Haynos Inlet. Easy ;?rm?, 1A,,,1,S8. ferry Crouch, Mnrshfield. Oregon. l'OR REXT Or Sale, as.ncro ranch 1-2 mllo from croamory. FIno dairy ranch. Will run ten cows. 0. W. Starr, Brldgo, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir ami nl dor, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, hone 15S-L. WAvrrn a ...i t. " ' : "- b"! uwK agent nt. once. Apply Box L, Times office. "This is my grand son. Fit hint In a Stcin-Bloch tuit.' J've been filled In them for fifty years. It's In the family." Ms Not WJhat We Sa y W Do It's Wfinafc W D How often have you read the promises of men ? How often have you paid the penalty afterwards? We often question the advisability of tellingf.about the clothes we sell, for talk is cheap. However, there is only one way to interest the man who doesn't know us and that is to advertise. So, we are forced to use this method of getting in touch with you. This advertisement is not going to say a single word about our clothes. Its Jonly object is to invite you to visit our shop. When you arrive here, we'll show you. After all, that's the best way. Can we hope to see you soon ? I Magoes & M atsoim