The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 25, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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M. O. MALONKV Editor and Pub.
BAN K. MALONEY News Editor
Entered at tho postofflco nt Marah
tflold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho mails as second clu3i
mnll rantter.
An Independent Ilepubllcnn now3
2.por published ovory ovoning except
(Sunday, and Wcokly by
Olio Coos Hny Tlnica Publishing Co.
Official Pairer of Coos County.
One year , $G.OO
3cr month f'O
Ono yoar $1.50
When paid strictly In advanco the
subscription prico of tho Coos Bay
Tlmos Is $5.00 per year or jz.uu lor
bIx mouths.
How sacred and beautiful Is
tho feeling of affection In tho
purcj and guileless soul! Tho
proud may sneer nt It, the
fnshtonnblo call it a fable, tho
selfish and dissipated affect to
desplso it, but tho holy pas
sion Is surely from heaven, and
Is made evil only by tho cor-
ruptlon of those it was sent to
nrcscrvo and bless. Mordnunt.
Address all communications to
Mnrshficld :: ;: :: : Orcgoj
Dedicated to tho scrvlco of tho
people, that no good causo shall lack
champion, nnu tunt ovu bumi uti
thrlvo unopp ised.
Tho Times wishos to nnnotinco
that beginning with Saturday's In
auo It will start a scries of "Talks
on Advertising" by Ralph Kayo of
tho Hnlph Kayo company of Port
Theso talks, contrary to tho gen
eral rulo, aro short, concise, bring
ing out ono point at a timo and
can bo road In flvo minutes.
They ilrst tnko up advertising
from a moral standpoint nnd then
r,ct down to speclfc examples not
tolling how to wrlta nn ndvortlso
mcut from a theoretical standpoint
hut showing how It Is being douo
by successful advertisers largo nnu
Theso tnlks, besides appearing In
Tho Tlmos, nro bolug published In
tho Spectator In Portland and In
tho Astorinn of Astoria, Oregon,
and nro crcntlng considerable Intor
tst among rendurs.
Tho Ilnlph Kayo company, of
'which Mr. Kayo Is the head, Is n
Portland advertising company hand
ling numerous accounts, such as
Woodwnrd-CInrko & Co., Log Ca
Itn linking Co., Paclf'c Power and
Light Co., etc.
Mr. Kayo has associated with
Mm Mr. A. 13. Honnott of tho A.
K. Honnott & Co., Portland pub
lishers' representatives, Mr. Den
nett Is an advertising mnu of 12
Tears' experience principally on
nuwspnpora In Now York and Unit-
ton, nu well as Oregon nnd Wash
ington. Mr. Knyo's exporlonco has boon
chiefly In Now York, whero ho was
Tilth tlirco of tho big agencies. Ho-
sldni being In tho advertising bus
tuess Mr. Kayo Is the author of
numerous articles on advertising
and , merchandising that have up-
jieareu in j.iiHiorn puiiiicuiiiius
Chiefly among his works nro "Cro'
atlvo Shoo Itotalllug," "Successful
lolling luetbods from the public's
standpoint," "Putting It up to your
roods," "Tho personal element lu
Demonstration," etc.
Tho Times wishes to nssura Hi
renders that much benefit can bo
derived from rending theso nrtlcloa,
tlio first pf which will appear lu
Saturday's Issue.
(From tho Yonculln Tlmos)
W. C. Uawloy, M. C, Hopubll
rau direct nominee for congress of
this, tho tlrat congressional district,
waB a visitor lu town yosterday.
lie shook bunds with tho liullnioos
les, democrats, prnhllm and social
IstH, also with the ropiihllcnii. Ills
aiotto Is: No Interest to servo but
too public Interest.
Old Knthor Time- koopa up his
tail, unwonrled, novor stopping.
Soon wo must net our checkbook
straight nnd do our Christmas
shopping. There's such u string
of yesterdays! And each ono bad
its sorrows, and Tlmo goes luiht
2nfi down the wiija to briiiK somo
thcilro tomorrows. We oftontlineu
deplore his flight, ns wo are grow
ing older; but Father Time's all
Tfgllt, all liKht. bin scythe nnon
Sfs shoulder! If Tlmo stood still
vo'd never quit to walling places
Tending; and ovory grief and ev
ry fit would never hnvo nn end
trig. If some one tronts mo ill
rotlny. gives mo n deal that's rot
wn. Time gently soothes my wrath
j way not week It's nil forgot
Jcn. When I against misfortuno
Buck, and trouble with mo llimor.
Tlmo says, 'Til show you better
luck." nnd loads me by tho finger.
Tlmo Is the healer and the hope
whon nil is done and spoken, .itul
ho provides tho only dope that
heals tho heart that's broken. Tho
gall and blttornes of life, tho
mi re oor vain endonvor. the nerl
Down this llttlo world we travel
Hendcd for tho land of Dawn
Sawing wood and scratching gravel
Horo today, tomorrow gono
Down our path of doubts and dan
gers Wo aro toddling, mile on mile,
Transient and Inquiring strangers,
Dumped Into this world nwhllo
Lot ub ninko tho Journey pleasant
For tho llttlo tlmo wo stay;
All wo havo is just tho present
All wo need Is Just to day
Let's cucourago ono another
As wo push along tho way,
Saying to our Jndod brothers:
"Hero, I'll holp you with your load I"
Danish scorn nnd vain reviling
Danish useless tears and woe;
Lot us do tho Journey smiling
All our hearts with lovo aglow.
Lot ub novor Bcnrch for sorrow
Slnco tho Journey is so brief
Hero today and gono tomorrow,
What havo wo to do with griof?
Down this llttlo world bo wander
Strangers from some unknown
irondod for tho country yonder
Whero they hnvo no signs or tears
Let ub thcrcforo ccaso complaining
Lot us bo no longor glum;
Let us nil go Into training
For tho Joyful llfo to como!
Do a doer, not n dreamer.
Uso your brains ns well ns your
Kldncss soon cours unless kept in
Don't glvo up because so mo jno
snya you can't.
Tho Icomnn ns woll ns tho bnkor
has frosted cakes for sale.
Ho also waits who serves espec
ially If ho tries to Borvo a woman.
Lovo'b young dream Is all right In
Its way but it's only a dream.
Don't Icicle a man hecnuso ho Is
down luck often chnngos without
Somo peoplo will tnko n dollar
and ninko a thousand others spend
a thousand to mnko a dollar.
Wo nro Informod thnt beof has ta
ken another Jump. Koally It was un
mcossary. It waB qulto out of reach
Homo people iro alrondy tolling
wnat tnoy would do If they had n
million dollars but they won't do
nuythlng of tho kind.
4 44
At Sunrise.
Movo along, you long-horned crlt-J
I'm n-hank'rln' for my fritters;
Deen hero senco tho sun went
Holdln' you old brutes aroun',
Whoopee! Kiyl! Git along
'Foro 1 git to feelln' wrong.
I ain't built Jus' llko a preacher,
An' my goodness nln't a feature
So you'd bettor movo up fast,
For this feolin' may not last
Whoopee! Kiyl! Git along,
Caln't you understand my
Wonder if in all creation,
I havo got a kind relation,
Thnt will over send for me
Tako mo whero I want to be
Whoopeo! Kiyl! Hoy! tlicro,
Caln't you seo It's breakm
Wonder If I'm over goln'
Dock whero fields o' corn Is grow
in' Dack there whero my peoplo stay,
Lookln' for mo ov'ry dny
Whoopeo! Kiyl I Darn your
You would drlvo a man to
Bwcnr. .
Don't llko this hero nlght-tlmo
Llstonln' to tho coyot's' howlln',
Wish I lived nwny back East,
Whore I coudn't seo a benst
Whoopee! Kiyl! Go 'long Dub,
Don't you hear tho call to
Dob Stanley.
A Itiuining llccord of In
dividual Opinion by a
Quiet Observer.
It costs moro to avengo a wrong
than to bear it.
"I will," has lifted many a
out of tho rut.
If you . happen to got a
don't wait, boost yourself.
Tho secret of wit is saying tho
least with tho fowest words.
Editor Times:
Evory person is nn exnmplo for
some other person. No person Is en
tirely frco from this responsibility.
Much ns wo may deny tho fnct wo
nro influenced moro or less by tho
lives of thoso about us. Others find
in us tho characteristics and quail
tics thoy dcslro to emulate Wo In
turn seo In others thoso beauties of
character wo deslro should bo found
in us. Therefore It Is ovory porson a
duty to bo live thnt any lnllucnco
they may exert on others shall bo a
good lnlluonco. Thnt lnllucnco enn
bo secured only by loading good lives
nnd by thinking good thoughts. Good
thoughts lend to good deeds. They
1,1,11,1 irnnit characters. Tho grand
est characters havo been built by
ririit tiiinklnc-. ltlcht thinking Is
Tho Times will bo pleased to pub
lish letters from its readers on all
questions of publlo Interest. Each
letter must bo signed by tho wrltor,
and so far 03 posslblo bo limited to
200 words. In publishing theso let
ters It must bo understood that Tho
Times docs not Indorso tho viowa ex
pressed therein; It Is simply affording
n means for tho voicing of dlffcront
opinions on nil questions affoctlng
tbo publlo welfare
always good thinking, night Is nl
wnys good. Good thoughts nro cup
nblo of right. Good ennnot prodtico
evil. Evil cannot produco good. A
troo is known by Its fruits. Grapes
do not grow on thistles. Tho porson
who carries good thoughts will ln
llucnco thoso nbout him for good un
consciously. Good thoughts mani
fest themselves voluntnrlly In speech
nnd nctlon. It Is not tho fnco wo
enro about half bo much as tho men
tal qualities which nro oxtornnllzed
on that face Thoro la moro gonulno
bonuty In tho homely fnco of n good
thinker thnn there la In tho most ox
qulslto profile thnt Is govomod by
slnlBtor thoughts. Wo nro drawn to
a good face Wo aro repelled by an
ovll ono. It Is tho dlfforonco In tho
in on tall I ty.
Mnrsiiuold, Or., Sept. 2.1, 1912.
Editor Times:
It Is truly wonderful how mnny
things somo of Mr. Tnft'B friends
know that nro not true
Now tho tariff board through
which tho tariff la alleged to havo
been taken out of politics, was not
tho Idea of Mr. Tnft at nlL It wns
tho Idea of ex-Senator Deverldge At
first, Mr. Tnft was bitterly opposed
to tho Idea. Later, ho espoused It.
Why? Probably becauso ho saw ho
rnnlil control thn Hoard nnd thereby
Thoro Is amplo room nt tho to)) , ,ilnv or nlinnn tariff loclslntlon to
for tho winner don't bo nfrnld to Blllt j, own sweet will, Hint's why.
cllmb- Again, listen to this: "Mr. Tnft
T , . ' has mnlntnlncd tho high stnndlng of
Learn to run a small engine, auditM0 Untc,i stotca among tho nntlons
It Is much easier to manage a mo- of tho worIt, 0 ,m clovntot,
En'. I lila rnmililln In Mm lilfrlinat ulnnn
"Thoro ban
If n man wants to work ho can
always find something to do.
Our most successful business men
nmong world powers."
arrthoiQoromtromthyn mntorlnl nml mor,U m,vnnco'
arc tnoso uw rose from tho !3t nt nt ,lomo n1 ,ncrcnBCll rc8nort
' for tho United Stntes abroad." Yo-
An inventor claims to hnvo per- '1 I'orhaps theso aro tho rcnBonB
fected an umbrolln that will not turn S'1,yMF5clco; nnd, B,omo ,llrty, ""J,?
Inside out. Hut oven that kind will South American states can rob. kill
not always turn up nt tho right place nn1 Pn'or scores of American clt
whon It Is wnntod 1 ,70ns' cvcn on nur own Bnl, without
' fenr of molestation, whllo William
"Is thoro novor to bo nn end to tho,c?m),ncontI' munches Aunt Dollns'a
Increnso In tho cost of living?" nsits ,),0Ji: ...
'a Tononlc linnnr In n worrlml Innn I "O " IS, WO DCCaniO a WOrKI
For nil of us thoro surely will bo nn
end to It somo tlmo or other unless
tho doctors find somo wny of pro
venting It.
"TIII3 i!;lil SAW.M."
A .Mnrshllold marrlod man who re
fuses to permit his nnmo to bo di
vulged hnndfl tho "Tea nnd TonBt"
editor tho following now vorslon of
"Tho 23d Snwm":
"My wlfo Is my boss. I shall not
Sho mnkoth mo Ho down bohlnd
tho bod when tho awoll comnnny
on m os and sho lendoth mo hehlnd her
up l-ront Htroot. Sho rostoroth my
pocket book after sho has snont nil
itw contontH on hobhlo skirts nnd mov-
liiK picture shows, nnd sho londcth
mo up tho main nlslo of tho church
ror iter now hnfa sake
Yea, though I walk moro thnn half
tho ulKht through tho dark rooms
with a crying baby, will got no rest,
for sho Is behind mo; her broom
stick nnd hatpin they do overythlng
olso but comfort mo.
She proparoth n cold snnck for mo
then mnkoth a boo lino for an Aid
Socloty supper. Sho nnnointoth my
bond with tho rolling pin occasional
ly. My arm runneth over with bun
dles before she la hnlf dono hor shop-
Suroly her drossmnkor's nnd mil
linery bill shnll follow mo nil tho
dnys of my llfo iiud I will dwell In
mo house of my wlfo forever."
power nbout tho tlmo of tho Span
Ish-Amerlcan war, whllo Mr. Tnft
was In n Bnfo placo dovourlng plo
and quaffing Innumerable Ico cream
sodas. It was thon this republic was
A "thlHonn nnrlv" will. tl.lrnn I '' " io iiikiiusi inniio among
dances, nrrnnged by thirteen young1 S'Tnto" nl ludm"; tho nart of'T
gonr Fr7dayr?i,o'7hateCennt,h C'S0 " Taft.'" ThS pol'lUoS w 'maintained
young n,en "who'nt ended" "nnd . " American citizens.
nod tho Jinx on that night desorvo nil "",.,. '7,. '"i". "r " "
thnt la coming to thorn.
Iloosovolt, until tho nffnlrs of Btnto
woro turnod ovor to tho nrosont aour
Inn rvli mini In lolvnl I am
'If III thO day I COIlld but do tllOl It 8 trim Mr. Tnf'l,np ,,rnDn,..n,l
Thnt I lm.1 tilnnnnil M,o .Inv n.wl t,l tnl8t8 Unt,0r tll SllOrmnil InW.
'. ndi,ifnnCd th dn a,Ul ,)llt wlmt good has It ever dono?
I fool thn liinn of iiia woiil.l n, W,int K00(l w' 't OVOr do? SoiUO-
nak "ll "00r ,,0l' nnswor mo that. If Mr. Tnft
A fairer token from our com- !?, "L1t',01 'r,cJ.l,110f, th ,.n,orct.
inon store tnon why ,,0C3 Wn)1 street, tho Gug-
Konholms. tho Hynns. tho Morcnns.
"And this I think of others, day ""f Slb' ",0 Dl'Pn8. P
by dny, , ostlo Smoot, Cox, Darnes, Penrose
iiiiiu.uii, jhwii u nnu nu mo nonv
only throng Bbout for him? And
thoy do. Aro thoso neonlo children?
Do thoy not know their frlonds? Yen
And. "ho has kept faith with tho
As through the world thoy go
mm gropo nnu ran
If their despair woro only
And their Intont mndo
how dlff'ront nil!"
Lovo Is a melodrama, marrlngo a
mony nnd tho strife. Tlmo wipe marr higo-a arce "" ' '
away forover. Tlnn hx .,i
Whon ho has n headacho or a
heartache n man thinks there must
bo somothlng sorloua tho mnttor
wltli him; when sho hasn't ono or
tho other n woman KNOWS there
is somothlng serious tho matter with
rny jorover. Then et us not
oor trouble wall, but patiently
enduro It; thnuKh all the otlnu
tiealer fall, Time cvrtnlulv Wi
euro It.
s- QWu
rriMn joins coi'PLK wuosk
COMHIXKl) .(;s TOTAL tll:l.
ASHLAND. Ore., Sept. 2I.--Jhs.
S. lloyd of niuuba. Tulnro countv.
Cnl., nnd Mrs. I.ydla Powell, who
llvos nine -nillds oast of Ashland
wore married hero at tho UnptUt
pnrsonngo. lloyd Is S5 voars old
and his brJdo 7S. 0 has five liv
ing children threo sons, axed
81. 53 and 51: two lnniflitra
hT1, co nn, r,a yeara; 7(5
children and groat-grandchlldren
and flvo Kreat-gront-grandehlldron.
"Cupid cn got tho old as well
ns tho young." ho said.
Mr, nnd Mrs. lloyd will live In
DInubn. Cal,
Any woman on onrth looks boau
tlful to a man ns long ns tho love
light Is turned on Ijer; It Is only In
tho cold gray dawn of ennui that
ho begins to dlscovor flnws In hor.
When by chance n clover woman
mnkos a foolish remark hor husband
is always, so dollghted at tho phe
nomenon that ho can't help kissing
A womnn loses her faith first in
Santn Glaus, then In fairies, then In
women nnd last, in love.
Self-confldonco and determina
tion nro tho primary olomonts of
peoplo." nut has ho thouch? Knv!
HLAMIXG Till: TOWN. H:" rnuMno.
"Tiii giiMi,. i. n -h.. i . I 'or instnnce was not Mr. Tnf
tho shiftless man assorts, thon takes-! I?'1 w,t, n. c,.onr ""'lorstandlng
his seedy grlnsnck down, nn.i t.nowalon ".l"1" of tl' People that ho
his socks nnd shirts nnd to somo oth-1 V" ., "n,w,t" "' lwor to ro-
or villago gooa to sook tho shining ' "" lSJ H,"w " necossarios? Ho
Plunk; thoro ho accumulates now 'T" "' ,Dlr,c,ctI' nftr election did
woos. nnd snya tho burg Is punk In I not cnl1 n 8PcInl sosslon of Con-
overy town, howovor slick, you'll hear Bross, ?Ion?.1Vly for that ver' Pr
tho failures say: ThB i wretcS' P0"0' "? M. Wns tho tariff bo ro
hnmlot makes us sick, wo'll chnso"1."00'17., u,.w"8,t- Was not "solf
ourselves nwny. Tho poor mini lins i n rcgn.t.,on 8atlsn' w'tl whnt con
no chances here, ho finds o 'g,w,tll?. !d! " "as. Did not
door; tho whole corrupted ntmos-' ,.", .'"' .,erpermont u,on
Phero mnkea head and bosom soro"l Vpnn.d, llowin U10 onrtn nssrlng tho
From town to town tho fnllurea drift .?', th.nt tho Pn'n'Aldrlch bill was
and find each ono tbo worst, until at', . w1 cver; "S"K tariff schedules
Inst tho peolors lift them to tho Juk t0 b,.l8for up., nrements. that ov
feet first. All towns aro unn.i if ,i en Jlls .9W .blends admit were fak-
wlll work and try to renth tho ton- 7, i , ,UU1' Wns tnat nn oxhlbi
all towns nro fierce If you're a shirk. Uo? f hls grent w'8'oM? You
"iiuso Hussion is to yawp. Select a
man whoso heart Is bold, whoso cour
ago never slumped, nnd ho will gath
er famo nnd gold, no mntter whoro
ho b dumpod. Though plnnted in tho
virgin woods, or on nn Island baro,
you'll soo him coming with tho goods,
nnd both feet In tho nlr. And when
you hear a pilgrim wall, and blnmo
things on his town, you may bo suro
that ho would fall where'er ho sot-
UUU nown.
Governor Oswald West and William
Hanley of Hums aro expected hore
to lioad Oregon's delegation at tho
Twontioth National Irrigation Con
Kjess. which moots nt Salt Lako Sept.
30 to Oct. 3. Other nromlnont work.
ors of tho Irrigation Congress to bo
present nro Senator Francis G. Now
londs. of Nevada, president of tho
congress, George A. Snow, of Salt
Lake, chairman of tho board of con
trol, and Arthur Hookor, of Spokane,
secretary of tho Congress.
can and stand for prcciBoly tho
samo principles now thnt I stood
for when nominated.
If I am elected I shnll moat cor
tninly voto for Den Selling for
United Stntes Bonutor, In enso ho
shall rccelvo moro votes than any
other candidate for thnt position
at tho election next November. Ditt
In case another cnndldnto for thnt
office shall recelvo moro voto3
than Mr. Selling 1 shnll voto for
that candidate In other words,
I will voto for tho people's choice,
regardless of my personal prefer
ence . , , ,,
If I mn elected nnd thoro hIiiiiI
bo an effort mndo by tho legisla
ture to repeal or wenken by
amendment tho recnll, the primary
election lnw, tho Initiative or ref
erendum, or the corrupt practices
net, I shnll certainly oppose Biich
effort. I regard tho corrupt prac
tices net ub ono of tho best lawa
over enacted by tho people It
has almost eliminated tho boss and
grnftcr from tho politics of this
atate If olected I shall mnko a
special effort In the Interest of
tho following measures:
First State appropriation for n
district exporlmont station for Coos
nnd Curry counties, to ho mnnuged
by nn oxport from tho Oregon Ag
ricultural College
Second Employers' liability act
providing certain fixed damnger for
lnlured Inborers without nny ex
pense- et lltlgntlon.
Third Exempting personal prop
erty to tho amount of ? 100 from
Fourth To open Roguo Itlver lo
commercial fishing.
Fifth ltepenl of tho present law
providing a county achool commlA
Blonor or supervisor.
Sixth Hnlslng of salaries of
Btato and county olllcors.
Seventh Preventing fraudulent
corporations from nolllng wntorud
stock to Innocent purclinsors.
Eighth Fuvor Governor WcstV
proposed lnw to reduco tho present
exorbitant rntes of express com
panies. Of nntlonnl Issues I hollovo In
FIrat Nntlonnl prosidontlnl prof
eronco lnw.
Second Minimum wngo scnlo
nnd olght-hour dny on continuous
Third Am n firm bollovor In n
tnrlff both for protection nnd
rovenuo; but hollovo tho present
rnto on necessaries should bo re
duced and tho rnto on luxuries
raised nnd that such adjustment
can best ho mndo by a tnrlff
board selected for that mirnoae
Hoping to recelvo tho support of
nn wno doiiovo In theso princi
ples, rognrdloss of present or for
mer political affiliation, I romain,
A. A .. .
T 'AAx.
" kw; ,.
T .1.- V'rStWS.
o Wonmn'rifcJ
I V.ny H "opt from. 7... .
iinio uy dlpnlni- ii."1 "HJ
iien wrapping each v,,fl
packing th0 '" li t,
u basket mlS
diner In i, "n ti-
. T V A i .
recently addn.i i"il
Howor; Mothor Care,3
V WlBBln, mid JSJi1 S
num. it
" rpThj
t'onfinllt ti.i.i.. .
t-vunuj (1IMIIMI l n
Julia Franco nml iiIb
Athcrton; ciilp of tho pi,
"A long and poorly co'1
".micrcst for
r, , Ono ol S
fniKOtto lumlnr. "uuleMl
having decided Intoros V,
ucnted reader" nn. I??
cldo point of Interest I .
ventures of .lulla rw "
Clilp of the Flylnc it (l I
crude In the style? W',"rJ
y viruio or sincerity and u,
of really good cowboy ,
Mother Carey's ChlckcnihJ
nlsconco of Llttlo Womei. VI
incung mo iniinnn fralllt, oi
and Amy, which rendert V
coifs books so lovable.
Jowol Is a girl's story, LI, J
thor Carey's Chickens, It "!
iouu wun pieasuro by p;nl
i'v.w,,,u no won ns cniidrcn.
-r,"ccn,r.V" :yJ !"t J!
Tired Girl, the Dru h
npponra without blowing c! tr
ots in tho magazines and
llsbcs Itself nmong tie
niuuii iiiigiii- do called prc-it
classics. Such a tntn ! w.".
Pa In tho Independent for j
lumuur iv. ion can read u h
iiiiiiiiiuh, ion win probitlj:
iiiv.iiimv.1 ,i, (i iiii'iinic.
Tho Scientific American fcrll
luiiiiiur i contains two article! H
pocinny noioworthy. 0n Ii ,
oll-mlxed Portland tanff.t. ,
which It Is claimed It I. '1
ngnlnat molsturo permcatloi rl
Hocoiui nrucio is on practhiijj
flcloncy. It contends (hit m
nnd ofllcleiicy nro not synoift
irnii HjHiuiu ny us cost miyiiaJ
iy lunno ior inoincicncy,
Tho library lias roomi hh
In tho Coko lliilldlng, oppoduJ
Chnndlor Hofol, It Is opta b
iu to iz nnu from 2 to 1 1
7 to P.
In ono way Mr. Taft Is a very
groat man 12 or 15 foot around
his plo basket. Mentally, ho Is about
22 caliber, short, black powder, rlm
flro. He has beon wonderfully for
tunate, not unfortunate, as claimed
Ho has won his own spurs by his
own efforta nowhore All tho num
erous positions ho has filled havo
ueon nanueu to mm on a silver tray
Thoy havo been handed him becauso
ho Is an aristocrat. Pap's big fat boy,
with a wooden grin, nnd it can't bo
Editor Tho Times:
As somo parties havo questioned
my position in present campaign,
I wish to say to tho voters of till)
district that I was nomlnatod at
tho primary olectlon last April for
state senator as a Progressive Re
publican upon a platform endors
ing tho election of United States
aonatora by a direct vote of the
peoplo and other progressive laws
known as tho - "Oregon system."
I am still a Progressive Republl-
hnndlt Loiinsborry Hiul Clover As
Mstimt in Train Hobborle.s.
Whnt Ilandlt Loiinsborry did In
Grants Pass boforo nnd nftor tho
Yoncnlla train robbery, nnd who wna
his partner will bo nn Important
development In tho Investigation of
tho fedoral authorities. A room In a
Grants Pass lodging houso will bo
tho revolving pleco In tho Investiga
tion. Thoro clothoa woro changed,
Pinna mado, nnd other devolopmonta,
now not conornllv knnn nli.nn
light. Incidentally, not half 'tho In.
i-iuuiiiB or mat day havo beon told.
It was novor Intended for public
vim. mm iurs. i.ounstjorry lind beon
partially recognized upon tho Btreots
or Grnnts Pass, clothod In malo gnrb.
Tho 'lenk' Is now bollovod by fodor
nl nnd pollco nuthorltle3 to hnvo
changed tho plans of Mrs. Lounsbor
ry to- return to Medford with hor
two boys. There wns qulto nn ox
chnngo of words at tho meeting
winch recont devolopmonta havo
mndo of Importance.
Tho federnl authorities and tho lo
cnl pollco havo novor got ovor the
Idea that Loiinsborry hnd nn nsalst
nnt in both the Redding nnd Topoka
rohborlos. on tho ground that It
would bo lmnosslliin tn n
oao nnd enter a train without tho
;V' V.1 M,,eon. nn not attract tho
attention of someone
imJJi0! W.mrcnb0UtB of Mrs T'oun8'
t?y ' ' n m's,ery. A tolegrnm
from Topoka savs sho lofi Mt
on schedule Sho may ho with rola-
vos In Montnna or Minnesota. In
tho meantlmo tho homo ranch Is go-
il-,t0,r.uln.' the crons wnattonded to,
with kindly neighbors helping nil
they can to keep thlnga In order.
Granta Pass Courier.
EUGENE. Sept. 24. Tho Ore
gon Emerald, tho student nowspa
Lur WMWrcd at, tho Stato unlvor
sity, will bo Issued horoaftor threo
times a week Instead of twice The
iVnnf,!?Ji? ih0 slzo of th0 entrance
class implied a greater demand for
,iw. T nna tno uuslnoKS
? i.V.y ,n EuBene induced by tho
building of new railroads furnished
the advertising patronage.
President Tnft Glvo lilt
ItcuiuilliiL' Sriitrm.
(Dy Associated Press to tbeCociI)
WASHINGTON, Sept, !l-1
think nil tho money ve bl
should bo In circulation In i ii
toiu which Invites and Am if
drlvo It Into socks nnd ut(t;i
posit vnults." said Taft today :
nddrosslng tho American Aux1!
tlon of Commercial Kxecntlui
sosslon horo boforo lie left tor Si
York. "Ono of tho troubles
us lnhorcnt In tho character of o
government, Is thnt congrtu 1
our public men nro prono to 'l
with thoso thlnitt which ittil
men most easily and farorb!f-
short to head no he attenuos
tho gonornl nubile" said th W
Idont. "It Is pretty hard to I
tlm ttAAntn In 11 nv nltentlOD tt
banking system, but the pro'
must bo solved nnu us up"-
business men of tho country.
iMinmv to PAMl'AIC.V.
COLUMnUS, .0.. Sept. II.-
ornor Hnrmon nnnounced IM.?
his return from tho racllleC
nbout tho middle of October
lln irnno n cnW n alto for tM V-
bulldlng at tho Pnnama-PJcU :
,,,.. 1.. ...Ill ,nt-n lllO StUCPt-
lUltilllUII, HO Hill I""" "..,.
tho domocrntlc stato aim
nr !,,. enmn PSDCOOT
nu 1H11U uv...- -- ., ,m
wo aro soiling C9(
nt $2.25 nnd "
We also have somo m
$1.25 Per Box
1?nnv fin,. ICiiiff appl $
only T r.
Four and a half tier BJ
apples, per J,3
box Y
Phono orders to
TTe Bazar
"Store of Quality. f
JTUUliO " - -