FVOU WOULD WIN UfFS BATTLE, YOU Tl HARD HITTER AND A POOR QUITTER - "TTPirriSlNa In Tlio TIMES &f 0HHK? A WANT ADVKItTISING In The TUXES 1 ---rIsiNa In Tlio TIMES WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIM15S Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU enn really help tho family rovonues by renting n fow fumlahod rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may kcop that llttlo oxtra In como as "steady ns n clock." , Market" Effectively! tl"' '5K.l facta about your V'Jforo tho eyes of all "pob PropeL'Lr8in town! And If tboro IblebUnyf thorn who ought to own- ,it,rou"- MEMBER OP TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESil Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1912 EVENING EDITION. fcuvi. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll jn c"j nnd Coos liny Advertiser. n,m " ns Tlio Const mwi. NDERFUL CURE BROUGHT ABOUT FOR MARSHFIELD I Lvard Meado. Actor, o,- lows nan ui i from roou. REL,EVTE0DTALFPARALYSIS fcase Attracts .tho Attention of Many roysiciana m cm.. Francisco. (Special to Tho Times) I CIV FRANCISCO, Sept. J. Ll abstinence from food ns a euro Lrpiralrils has boon uomuiiHuuiuu I it,, satisfaction of a numbor of Uilclani of this stnto In tho enso I .. .- .. f nrt.l.flnlfl Orn. '. six weeks ago, Meado who wa 'idling In San Francisco, BUfforod ntl hfs respiration only being itlispairca. iu" - - ezpltte use 01 ms mn b'" unu i!i tm, can spenk prnctlcnlly ns niumiual nnd hns so fnr rccovor dttenseor his right sldo as to nblo otilk. He expects to icnvo aan r,uci:o next wcck lor sacnuiiumu, .teliteljr tufcJ- yr. Kudo Is well known lioro nB icember of tho Mnrgarot Hob thoa iltomDanr. Shortly nftor lio loft itrlth tho company ho took sick ulientto San Francisco wucro no cltttd the stroko of pnrnlyals. II KING IPS DEAD Veil Known Coos County Man Dies Suddenly in California. Hlrtm Kins, well known rcsldont t Coos county, droppod dend at ftno, Calif., Saturday. Word was wired here through n mossago to iliiBllr, Mr. Klnir wont to Cal- 'onla about two years ago for tho tut of nli health. Ho was thon "Sertag from rheumatism. Slnco ' feat to Fresno ho had boon ro- Mttf with his sister, Mrs. Q. O. 'm of that city. SfrKlflKWag a win nf T. A Klni? CoqulUe. He also lcnves throe sis. ', Mrs, Harry Noblo of this city, a wooay or Coqulllo, nnd Mrs. )m of Fresno. Ho wns unmar- N and about ED Vfnm nlil Tor many years Mr. King wna ;-wx Identified with tho lumber urn ot this county. Ho wns a '13 Crlrer In thn onriv ,invu nhn ttnaa were used In logging. Later El . " .wtviuuu 1UI HIU tie 'Daniels Creok camp which is 0DrtArt h fr i.i j it-.. rti. ii ' mum UI1U VUll- lJ tlewai Hnrlncr 1.1 .ll., .!.. ruded u one of tho best loacora In u ? V .Mr- King was a mombor h.. ADignig of Pythias and also hi., ri11 ot tne world. 'Uinot Vnrn- .i..ii .t . , . WJUud H wuuinor mo uunai k Th VD0 or th0 body urust E w." ,he ,uter t0 havo tho bur- ti. U , n nccunt of wlro S'9 .o ?t eeamide arrangement WIHEMvSS KHOM JAPAN'. Cnllfoinln Klntlon Hen is Mes miko Sent fiyini Orient. VALLEJO, Sept. 24. An of ficial report waa mndo to tho Mnro Island nnvy yard of tho receipt, September 8, by tho Tablo Uluff wiroless atntlon of incssnKos gent from tlio Japan- oso station at Shomlsakl to tho United States cruiser Maryland. 2000 miles awny. Tho Japan- eso atatlon Is C500 mllca from Tnblo Uluff. Mi M 1 E Residence of Well Known Dairywoman Entirely De stroyed by Fire. Tho residenco of Mrs. Sarah A. Yoakam on Coos Itlvor wna ontlroly destroyed by 'flro this forenoon. Mrs. Yonknm wna In MnrshMold at tho tlmo of tho flro. Ilor daughter, Mrs. Krlck was at tho house Tho flro Bocmod to hnvo startod in tho roof Ground tho chlmnoy. Mrs. Krlck smollod tho amoko nnd when sho dls covorod tho flro It had a good start. Neighbors aaw tho amoko nnd hur ried to naslst. They mnnagod to snvo moat nil of tho furnlturo but tho hoiiRo wnH burned to tho ground. Tho rosldenco had boon built for nearly thirty years but was a nlco homo nnd was in good repair. Tho Iiouho sot back Homo dlstanco from tho rivor near tho foot hills. Mrs. Yonkatn conducts a Inrgo dairy, milk- 'Ing nbout fifty cowa. Tho loss was probably ?1,G00. Tho houso waa In sured. Mrs. Yoakam has nnothor smaller rosldonco which was on a pnrt of tho farm which was homesteadod so sho will hnvo a placo to llvo until sho can robuild. ARE 10 WED ON THURSDAY STRIKERS CLAIM TREY CONTROL HAN REBELS THREATEN In Contradiction Manager Says Mines Will Soon Be in Operation Again. (By Associated Press to Tho Coua nay Times.) UINGHAM, Utnh, Sopt. 21. J. C. Lowncy of UuttB, Mont., nail Ynnclio Terslch, executive board mombors of the Western Fcdoni tlon of Minora, arrived hero today from n conference nt Salt Lnko City and announced Hint tho strik ing minora were In Biich full con trol of tho situation that tlio oper ators will bo forced to tonus. In contradiction, Mnnngor .Tack ling reiterated tho determination of tho company to rcsumo opera tions shortly, regardless of tho miners' dcmnndB. Tho Greeks nro gathering In crowds on tho hills but bo fur thero has been no shooting, copper company continues to incut Its force ot guards. Tho nug- (By BIG GERMAN DIPLOMAT DEAD One of the Most Brilliant Men of His .Country Passes Away. Itcfuscs n Conference. 8socIatcd Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 21 A. L. Wilde, secretary-treasurer of tho Union Steam Shovel men, through Governor Spry is endonv orlng to bring nbout a meeting be tween the labor lenders and min ing operators. Manager Jackllng so far haB refused to consider such a conferenco. FORCES CO TO 1 United States Will Send Big Number of Marines ' There. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos nay Times.) WILMINGTON, Dol., Sopt. 24. After n conferenco with President Tnft on his prlvato car enrouto to Now York todny, acting Secretary ot tho Navy, Ucokmnn Wlnthrop, announced that 7D0 United States at tBy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) BADENWEILEIt, Badon, Ger many, Sopt. 24. Germany's most brilliant dlplomnt, Bnron Adolph Marshall Von BlerBteln, died horo to !vn nftor n. short Illness. Tho Baron. who had occupied tho position as1 marines would bo dispatched Gorman ambassador to London onlyjonco to Snnto Domingo. slnco Mny of this yenr, had corao horo to tako a courso of alkallo wntcr troatmont and wna in comparitivoly good health until a wook ago. Then ho suddenly becamo ill nnd rapidly becamo worse- until ho died todny. Tho Baron was a nativo ot Baden and was Bovontly. yoara old. MY SA W SIM! Tiers made. j.i... .. . .. eli!nr .T.ifl .. ' ,n l" tnor ttr fnr lii ,u l"P'iono com Be7 at Coqulllo. When itljM,. Jhe messaGQ was put othowntn??.c.e.an.d Mr, King did t'Ktlttd it 7 . "on 8 aoatn until ho i sLd teIeEram ,n te P08t- POXDITION'S GRAVE. B' 1"8dlto Pm to cow Bay Jltim.:!er.re(l during a ride from ioit the Jri asnlneton yesterday ,IM1CS nnd Central Am- f'-'ttlne. " "untlngton Wil Siu-.s secretarr nf en tir m Ne.ewWfurjrTof stat. W. T. B,ri. and t fntho LatIn'Aluorlcan tc'of'ff8tJ' ,H. Clark, Jr., boIIcI- honh..i? d.artraont. Tho in &.: ,ne sltuatinn in vi.n 1.7 -""ICO vi, ,,, " '"" "B"u TeC d,scussed and tho "'aent. u ueiuro llio Xm CHAIUMAX. clted Press to the Coo Bay ,BrAuo( jRlCAcn ,?;,m68)- "otWart', Be.pt- 2 Hugh C. v second nn ftato waa ap- - '' tjr pfiXSLAir" Dan E. Maloney and Miss Helen Bradley Will Be Married in Portland. Dan E. Mnlonoy. news editor of Tho Times, loft on tho Bronkwater for Portland whoro in Tnuraaay no nnd Miss Helen Urndloy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Bradloy of this city will bo married. Miss Bradloy has boon in Portland for somo wooks a guost nt tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. H. O. Paddock. Tho newB of tho approaching nup Uala will not aurpriao their friends na "tho llttlo bird that tells" has boon busy for sometime After a brief honeymoon trip thoy will re turn to Coos Bay to make their fu ture homo in Marshflold. ' WILL THY STRENGTH. "Wilbon To Tnko Part In U. S. Sena torial Fight, (By Awoclated Pre t Tke Cot BayTiaae) . T NEWARK, N. J Sept. 24. N. J. 'Wiiann'n hold on tho party In New 'Jor8oy waa tested in toaay a coaiem for tho democratic nomination for 'United States senator to succeeu "Prank O. Briggs, ropresontatlve, whoso term expired next March. Tho covornor'B choico for congress Is William M. Hughes of Patterson, and 1b opposed by formor senator, James Smith, Jr., of Newark, whoso candi dacy mot defeat loss than two years ngo because of Wilson's opposition. This year Wilson will again vigor ously oppose Smith. NEW ARMY MEASURE. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) wARHTNfiTns. D. C Sent. 24. Oftlcera and enlisted men In tho army nlioont frnm flutV on UCCOUnt Of diS' ability resulting from drunkeness or any other form of dissipation will forfeit pay during uieir uusui.. This disciplinary measure is provided for In tho appropriation bill passed at tho last session of congress. Fra Dlavola, tho greatest outlaw tho world ever know, pictured in three reels at the Royal tonight. Families Want Damages Be 1 cause of Money Spent for Drink. (By Associated Prens to Tbo Cooi Bay Tlmos) CHICAGO, Sopt. 24. Eight dnm ngo Bulla for a total of eighty flvo thousand dollars damages woro start ed in ho circuit court here yester day against tho owners and managers of thirty saloonB and persons owning nroporty on which tho saloons aro situated. Tho suits woro brought by forty wlrea and children who declaro their Incomes havo become Impaired through tho shortcomings of tholr husbands and fathers, which In nil cases aro alleged to bo traced to tho saloons. Tho buUb aro filed hy th6 counsol of tho Citizens' Leaguo of Chicago, which "has for Its object tho enforcement of tho otato dram shop act. DECISION FINAL. LEAVE FOR BEVERLY. (By Associated Pross to the Cooa Bay Tlmos). WASHINGTON, Sopt. 24. Proa Ident Taft loft horo today for Bev erly via Now York nnd Altoona. President Ttift Decided Question of , ocenn travel. CANAL OPENS ON OCT. 15. ffi Revised Estimate Fixes Defi nite Date for Passing of First Ship. WASHINGTON, Sopt. 24. Revis ed estimates mado public recently by tho Panama Commission gtvo Octo ber 16, 1913, as tho dato on which tho first vessol will pass from sen to sea through tho now waterway. By December 1, 1914, tho canal will bo ready for unrestricted use oy com mercial vessols. Tho formal opening to bo colobratod by a naval pagoant In which tho war vessolB of tho world will Join, will bo held on January 1, 1915. With this new approximation, It has doveloped that more xnonoy Is being spont by foreign nations In get ting ready for tbo new impotus to trado than la being used In tho con struction of tho canal itaolf. Flvo republics alone In South Arn erlca aro expending $225,000,000 In tho developments of tholr rallwaya and waterways. Every Important port of tho Europo la being Improved to tho highest dogreo of offlcloncy for AN ATTACK ON TEXAS TOWN JUST AS GOOD FISH IN THE SEA, SAYS SHE. Dhorccc SnlN Ont on llrlny for Second Spouse. LOS ANGELES, Sept. II. Respecting a vow mado on tho occasion of tier divorce from a former husband, never to mnrry on land again, Mrs. Maudo Schumnn of San Diego went thrco miles to sen in a power boat to bocomo tho brldo or Robert Roy Mlnton. "My last mnrrlngo wns tin- lucky," sho said, "and 1 vow- cd never to remarry on Innd." 4" M E F Several Big Men Called to Testify Regarding Cam paign Contributions. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Sopt. 24. Son ator Clapp has received from Geo. V. PerklnB n letter nuking that Charles D. HilloB, chairman of tho Republican national coramlttco, bo called to tho scnato committee In vestigating cnmpalgn expenditures and testify fully ns to his chargo that Roosovclt spent millions of dollaro of Harvester Trust money. Clapp stated that lllllca would un doubtedly bo called boforo tho com mlttco and questioned not only upon that reported stntomont, but upon tho gonornl subject ot cam' patgn contributions. Formor Speaker Cannon nnd Roprcscntntlvo McKlnloy of Illinois nnd wcoks of Massachusetts will probably bo naked to testify lu connection with tho lnvostlgntlou Into tho alleged campaign contri butons by tho protected Interests, prior to tho tariff sessions In 190'J. Tho National Tobacco Dealers' us soclntlon domnnds an Investigation in relation to tho American Tobac co Co. to contribution to cnmpnlgu funds of recent years. Tho hear ings will bo resumed next wock. FIFTY-ONE TO FACE CHARGE General Steever Reports They Are Making Trouble on the Border. GENERAL 0R0ZC0 IS STILL AT LARGE Two Deputies Killed in Fight With Mexican Cattle Thieves. (Uy Associated Press to Tho Cooa liny Times.) WASHINGTON, Sopt. 24. Gen eral Steever notified tho War Da pnrtment todny Hint tho Amorlcnn Bldo border wns threatened by an nttnek of the rebels on Uouqulllas, Texas. Tho town has been Backod. Gonornl Stcovor hn dlroctod Major Cameron to prevent doprcdatloua In tho Big Bend District. Gonornl Pnsqual Orozco contin ues to elude his pursuora nnd ro portcd In tho vicinity ot Gonornl Trovlnn'B ranch 110 mllos south west ot Del Rio, with 1000 men. It 1b thought ho may bo advancing on PIcdgrns Ncgras. DEPUTIES KILLED. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) MORE3NCI, Ariz., Sopt. 24. Deputy Sheriffs Albort Mungula. nnd Tom Campbell ot Glonless county woro killed and Deputy Koppol sorlously woundod In a fight with a band of Moxlcnn cnt tlo rustlers at Eaglo Crook laut night. Thirty armed mon havo loft horo for tho sceno. OLD VESSEL TROUBLE lTollalosu Garb, (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. Secre tary Fisher's action laat January in revoking tho order of former In dian Commissioner Valentino, bar ring religious garb or insignia from covernraent Indian BchoolB, was up held by President Taft, In an ordor made public today. The decision of tho President is that teachers now employed In In dian BchoolB may continue to wor the garb of their religious order but tho privilege uu. , . personB hereafter entering tho ser vice. This ruling will enable the government to fulfil its obligations, fu' n,00irtftTit savs. to tho teachera i,n were taken Into the govern ment service, when religious schools were taken over bodily as govern ment Institutions. rri, r..nMpnt's nil nK Is the fin al step In a controversy that has engaged tho Interior Department with religious bodies more than a year. Commissioner Valentino's or der would nave iiruinun teachers from wearing religious garb In the Indian schools after tho end of the last school year. President Tnffs order, and a let ter from Secretary Fisher to Mr. Valentino, which accompanied it. lay stress on tne mti l,"' w ,,"" sloner Valentine issued his ruling without consulting the secretary or the president! ;and while the en tire subject was under investiga tion. Mr. Fisher's revocation of the ordor now Is mado final. TENSLAIt. Tho Pacific coast of South Ameri ca, extending 6,000 miles south from Panama, Is awakening to tho oppor tunities that will como with tho op ening of the canal. Bolivia, Chile and Peru aro spending J50.000.000 in opening up their Interiors with railways. Chile Is building at Val paraiso a now harbor to cost ?15, 000,000. ARMY MEN TO 5IEET. WUI Devlso Means of Reducing Number Men in tho Field. (By Associated Presa to The Com Bay Times.) CHARLESTON, W. Va Sept. 4. Orders woro issued today from the offlco of Adjutant General El liott, summoning all tho commis sioned officers commanding mltary companies In tho martial law 7ono to Charleston for a conferenco to devlso some plan by which tho number of soldiers in the field may bo reduced. MAKES THREE SPEECHES. Bryan nt Los Angeles Busy Talking for Democrats. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Sopt. 23. Will lam J. Bryan, who arrived hero to day "On tho trail of Roosevelt," de livered three speeches, ono at tho hotel whero ho had breakfast, to a largo number of women, at noon ho addressed tho workmen In the mill district and this afternoon spoke at Fiesta Park to a largo and enthus iastic audience. Dynamiting Cases to Be Ta ken Up in Federal Court October l. (By Associated Presa to The Coos Bay Tlmos.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sopt. 24 Charged with complicity In tho so called "dynamiting conspiracy," flf-ty-ono men, present or former offi cials ot labor unions, aro to appear for trial boforo Judgo Albort B. An derson nnd a Jury In tho Federal court of this district on Octobor 1. Indicted undor a Federal statuto forbidding the transportation of ex plosives on passenger trains, tho de fendants aro alleged to havo been concerned in a natlon-wldo plot to deatroy tho proporty of contractors mploylng non-union Ironworkers, culminating In the explosion in tho Loa Anceles Tlme8 building, which coat twenty-one lives. Flrfy-four were Indicted by tho grand Jury In Its report of February 6 last, but of this numbor John J. and James B. McNamara aro in San Quontln prison, California, and J. J. McGray, a former member of tho ex ecutive board of tho International Association of Bridge and Structural Ironworkers, has not beon found by tho foderal authorities. Most of tho defendants nro or havo been connected with tho ironworkora' nEHnrintlnn. which, alnco 1905, has been engaged in a strugglo with tho National Erectors' Association, an organization of structural steol and iron contractors orapioyuiK " inn workmen. Mombors of this om payors' association Buffered loss from moro than ono hundred explo sions from 1905 to 1911. Most prominent among tho defen dants aro Frank M. Ryan, prosldont of tho International Association of Brldgo nnd Structural Ironworkers; Herbert S. Hockln, acting secretary treasurer and the alleged head of tho "dynamiting crow," John T. Rut lor. of Buffalo, first vice-president, nnd Michael J. Young of Boston, nnd Phillip A. Cooloy of New Orleans, mombors of tho executive board. Business agents and secretaries Steamer M. L. Plant, NoW the Yukon, Is Badly Damaged. ' After withstanding capturo In tho Spanish-American war and giv ing long sorvlco out of Coos 117, tho Btonmer M. F. Plant rocoutly mot with nn accident which loft hor In bad condition. Tho Plant la now known ns tho Yukon. Sho wnB bought from tho Oregon Coal and Navigation Co. by an AiasKa, firm. Hor name waa changod au4 aho wbb put on a run to Alaska. Sho collided with tho ateamor Falr havon off Point Arenas and is qulto badly damnged. Tho old Plant la ono ot tho most htstorlo boats on tho coast. Sho formorly waa on tho Atlantic and waa in tho sorvlco from Now York to Southern ports. Whllo sho was nvnnii liv citizens of tho United States she was eailod undor tho Spanish flag and when tho Span-Ish-Amorlcnn wnr broko out she was tho first merohant boat cap tured by tho Americana. Tbo vob sol was Bold for prlzo money and was bought by tlio Plant syatom of Florida and was namod tho M. F. Plant. Lator alio waB purchasod by Goodall and Perkins and wi brought around tho horn by Cap tain Nelson, who for many yeara waB hor mnstor. The Plant for a Ion tlmo run botwoon Cooa Bay nndSan Francisco. , The vessol haa had varnna names. Sho was originally the Spanish steamer Cuba. I.ator sno was tho Bpanisn sioamor ArKuuuui and aftorward was roglstorod as an American vessol na Cocoa. When aho waa purchased by tho Plnnt Bystem Bho was given the namo of tho M. F. Plant which waB roralned until sho was sold to tho Alaska firm and tho name changed to tho Yukon. Tho Plant had sovoral narrow escapes whllo running in and out of Coos Bay. On ono occasion, ono of her cabins wns washed off. Tho cabin Is still on Coos Bay, be ing In tho shapo of a scow house tied up near tho Kruso and BanKa shipyard. Fow peoplo who pais tho llttlo floating white houso rea lize that it Is ono of Coos Bay s fow relics of tho SpanlBh-Amorican war and now perhaps all that 8 loft of the old Btoamor which is of local iro nworkora' unions throughout tho country, a"0 1, hnvo beon Implicated In t ho UloRul transportation of "plosives from atato to Btato. make up tho grentor part of tho list of defendants, hut 'ofllclala of othor unlona also aro in united States Senator John W. Kern Is to bo ohiof counsol for the defendants and tho government will bo reprinted by District At orner Charles W. Miller nnd his assistant , Clarence Nichols, who conducted thl grand Jury investigation.