THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. III'' ' The Best Made MILLICOMA $3 HATS New Fall Shapes Now in Stock Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Mnn Clothiers 'Always "The Bxisy Corner" wmo rrom I I JAPAN M They mnVo the firmest, otrong est, most serviceable tooth brushes. Tho Retail d.-ugglst la nblo to supply you with theso best tooth brushes at tho lowest prices, be cause he buys in conjunction with all tho other Rcxall druggists theleaillnR drucRlstn of tho coun try and oo commando tho low est prices on tho beet cooda in tho market. Any tooth brush you rjet hero will clve you completo (satisfac tion. Roxall Antiseptic Tooth Powdorh tho best all-around dental preparation made. Gold with the Rcxall junrnntee. In handsome lithographed tin boxes. The largest package of food Tooth Powder to bo bad nywherc for 25c. - Lockhart-Pa rsons Drug Company The Rexall Store 'The Busy Corner" rhone jlalu 20fl W The Bcot ( 5Jg: Tooth Brush j' g1: Bristles L'- r"y STATEMENT OF COXDITIOX FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHF1KLD, OREGON, At tlio close of business, September 1, 1012. Ln... , RESOURCES. nl1?? Rnd discounts J455.211.87 Banking house j 60,000.00 -aa and exchanges 307,835.46 Total ', $813,047.33 Canlt.i . , LIABILITIES. "PI al stock paid In 50,000.00 S,Land univlded profits C9'6"'" uPostta ' 703,494. C6 Total Abstracts, Real and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Cooalii HEKitY SENGSTACKBN, Mgr. "' Office Phono 181 PlattlnK Lands a peelaltr. TimUr 01 tadtttt "BABTglDH" Qmvnl Xg Uarsntold Office 14-J. YOUR JOB PRINTING DINE "ram1" & r J.' 23 Save Money on Underwear Men's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Under wear, Cfp nor irnrinont JJL Mqii'h Catnol Hair Undor por gnrment Mon'8 Grey Wool Under wear, por , garment. . . . $1.00 $1.25 Moil's Wool Underwear, groy nnJ brown, per M CA garment 4 J" Tho Famous Modl'cott Natural Wool Undorwcar, (TO CA por gnriiicnt .). JU Men's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Union Stilts, only $1.50 Men's Hlbbcd Wool Union Stilts, on sale, rn only kJ)J. JV The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. EXTRA TWO HEEL FEATURE, .MERCHANT OK VENICE -at- TEe Royal TONIGHT Ono night only. Don't miss your only clianco of seeing this groat Shakespearian ploy. Miss Juno Hull lit Two Now Sonii. Good music nnd realistic sound C'ftVflH. 10 CENTS. FREE! FREEl BICYCLE FREE! rrates. Tnko thorn nway, plenso, for kliullJiig. MAIISIIFI KM) CYCLERY, Dayton Agents Phono 158-R 172 nroadway. J813.047.33 , Estate, Fire AT THE TIMES' OFFICE COOS HAY TIDES. Below is given tho timo and holght of high and low water at Marshflcld. Tho tldca nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their tlmoa on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on conaccutlvo holghts will indlcato whothor It is high or low water. For high walor on tho bar, substract 2 hours 34 mlnutos. Date. Scntrnibor. C.29 1.20 G.5I 2.4 7.27 1.9 7.52 1.3 0.3 7.04 0.4 7.35 0.5 5.3 24 1.45 5.G 2.13 0.9 2G Mnshed Fingers. Otto Potorson, a longshoroninn, had two fingers mashed while loading a vessel. Council Tonight Tho Marshflcld City Council will meet tonight to take up various matters, Including Bomo street work, nnd will also probably discuss tho coming city election, Hurt In Woods. Mr. Strang, employed at tho McDonnld-Vnughaii Logging Company, had a flngor cut off whllo working In thu WANT ADS. FOR SALE Rooming House. 11 furnished rooms. 35G Front St. FOR HUNT Furnished Lotisekecp. ing rooms. 1024 Elrod. LOST Key l-lni; with bunch of keys, Sunday, on Wntorfronr, Re turn to It. S., Times Ulllco. FOUXD Pair f guld-rlmiucd xw.'c- tacies. owner may sccuro samo nt Times ofllco by paying for tins notico. HOUSE FOR HALE FIvo years old and weighs 1500 lbs. Apply Carlson & Kotka, Denver Hill. WAXTED A loan of $000. Will pay 8 por cent nnd sccuro loan with mortgago on unimproved Hunker Hill proporty, valued nt $1000. Address I), enro Times. FOR KALI? Forty colonies of Ikmm nt Coalodo. First class condi tion. Wrlto S. Reed, Uox 557, Mnrshfiold. FOR II EXT Furnished room. Ap ply 030 First strcot. FOR SALE Houso and two lots In Empire $500 down, balanco on easy tonus. Mrs. T. W. Ron nie, North Bond. WANTED A Candy Maker. Lewis' Confectionery Store. FOR SALE Modern 8-room lmii.i low, cheap if taken nt onco. Bul'l bungalow to bo movod onto buy er's land, l'liono 1221, North Doiid. TO RENT A neatly neatly furnlMied room, 1044 Contra Avonuo, FOR SALIC Gninlliio boat Escort. 3Gx7.4. 9 h. p. onglne. Cheap. Seo John Dear. FOR SALE Dairy ranch; head of navigation on Hnynos Inlot. Ens tortus. Address, Porry Crouch, Mnrshfiold, Oregon. FOR RENT Or Sale, 33.ncrc ranch 1-2 mllo from croamory. FIno dnlry ranch. Will run ten cows. O. W. Starr, Rrldgo, Oregon, FOR BALF Dry wood, fir nnd n! dor, nt Campboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 758-L. WAXTED A good book agent nt onco. Apply Rox L, Times office. V" ' " f lira. 0.17 Foot C.2 Hrs. 1.01 Feet 0.5 Hrs. 1.42 Foot 5.0 Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour a l3jufatulCLuUWJ RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern cluslvoly In milling flour. t .nvYnrff i '- f COXDENSED STATE.MEXT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho closo of business, September 1, 1012, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $305.4 14.72 Overdrafts J 'It Bonds, warrants and securities G3, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation .. 25,000.00 Real cstato. f urlturo and fixtures ?2'222'2? Cash and sight exchange 149,208.05 Total $623,470.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ? 10'01' Surplus and undivided profits , '. . "'" a Circulation, outstanding JH??,2? Deposits 88'0S6-61 Total $623,470.39 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholders is $100,000.00. ' ' INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DORJBEY KREITZER, Cashier. THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Pross.) OREGON Fair tonight; light frost southwest; henvy frost in east. Tuesday fair, rising temperatures and west- erly winds, LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4; 43 a.m., Sept. 23, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special gorornmont mo- toorologlcal observer; Maximum 0G Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m 41 Precipitation nono Wind north; clear. woods. Ho is ono of tho Ditto RIdgo Tigers. No Change. It wns roportd that O. O, Lund, who Is n cnndl dato for sheriff, has disposed of his shoo and hnrncss shop bore, but Mr. Lund says tho report lb without foundation. Short In Accounts. "Sandy" Mooro was taken to Coqulllo this morning charged with appropriat ing money from tho Hub store, wltoro ho hns been working for sovoral uiohtns. Ho Is said to be about $50 Bhort In his accounts. Dandon Rccordor. Aro nt Aberdeen. In a noto to Tho Times, Mrs. Peter Scott, Sr Bays that sho and Mr. Scott nro now pleasantly located nt Aber deen, Wash. Mr. Scott is omploy cd on a largo drodgo of which their son, Potcr Scott, Jr., Is tho captain. Tho dredgo has about complotcd Its contract and may try and get n contract hero. Has Sister Here. Mrs. O. SJoij borg of Hall nvenue, Is a slslvr of Agnes Mnlloy, who on Saturday was married to E. N. McDonnell of tho Oregon Power Co. at St. Paul. Mrs, McDouuoll visited her sister horo Inst winter nnd It wns dur ing her Btny horo thnt sho and Mr. McDonnell beenmo acquainted. Sho has boon spending tho last few months nt her old homo :n Ashlnnd, Wis. Bishop Sells Handon Projiorfy. W. J. Sweet has purchased tho two lots of DIshop Scaddlng nt tho cornor of Sprtico street nnd Rlvorton nvcnuo nnd will com mence tho erection of a modern bungalow nt onco. This Is ono of tho finest rcsldcnco sites In Handon and Mr. Sweet Is certainly to bo congratulated upon securing tho samo. Dandon Rccordor. Reiuovo Steel. J. L. Dowmnn of tho Woolen Mill Stores loft '.his morning via tho Drnlu-AUognny au to lino for Portland nnd from thcro will go to tho Pendleton Roundup. While- coming In l.wt wcok, Mr. Dowmnn snld ho wns In formed nt Drnln that tun Southorn Pacific wns removing tho stool brjdgo that was put in for tho Drain-Coos Day line, to use tno material on tho Eugeno-Coos Bay lino. This ollinlnntcs Drain's last hopo that tho Southern Pacific might again go bnok, to tho D.rala routo. Ciutlwell Hero, W, '. Card woll of Uosohnrg. arrived horo Sat urday to spend a couplo of weoka in Mnrshfiold nnd Us vicinity In tho Interest of his candidacy for district nttornoy. Mr. Card well wns n cnndldnto against Geo. M. Drown for tho Republican nomina tion a fow yonrs ago, but this yonr no Is an ludopondcut candidate. Ho says ho Is meeting with much oncourngomont nnd declares ho is going to win. John Long Is tho Democratic candldnto nnd Geo. M. Drown nlso a Republican candl dnto. RushliiK Line. J. D. McNeil to dny received n lottor from W. T. Lester, an old frloud of his nt Durns, Oregon, In which Mr. Los tor says tho Southern Pacific Is rushing tho cast nnd west llilo. Ho snys they havo 3000 mon nt Work now nnd that tho lino will bo fin ished into tho Durns valley next year. Gets Quick Results, This morn ing Roynold Soars camo to Tho Times and Inserted a lost nd for a bunch of koys. A fow hours la tor O. F. McGcorgo brought tho missing koyB to Tho Tlmos. his frr ' f mm mM& hard whoat used ex it. w these brands f&iitHl-KM z son, Ronald, having picked them up on tho waterfront. They were promptly returned to Mr. Soars. Will Play .Myrtle Point. A team from Mnrshfiold will go to Myrtle Point Friday to play a team nt that place. Tho county fair will bo In session at thnt timo, Dainago Wiring Ycstorday some party or parties got Into Capt. 1). W. Olson's new house nnd cut tho circuit in two places. Luckily it was dlscovored boforo tho house was plastered, reducing tho troublo and eliminating tho dnngor of moro serious damage. Mr. Ed munds Bay that ho knows who did tho trick nnd thnt if thcro Is n ropetltlon of It, he will criminally prosocuto tho offender. Mr. Ed munds hns tho contract for wiring tho building nnd thinks tho net wns nlmcd nt him. For Auto Rond Dr. Bartlo wont to Myrtle Point In his car yester day to chart tho local highways, In order to havo It put on tho now nuto routes of Oregon, which tho Portland Auto Club Is Issuing. Ho hns nrrnnged to havo tho road from Myrtlo Point to Roscburg charted, Just completing tho auto routo from Roscburg to tho soa. Tho placing of tho locnl highway on tho nuto chart will, It Is be lieved, bo Instrumental in bringing many atttolsts hero next season. Dr. Dnrtlo and Dr. Durmlstor Join ed tho Portland club Inst summer. PERSONAL NOTES CARL ALDRECI1T went to Myrtlo Point todny on business. R. E. KNORR of tho Rod Cross Is planning to spend n wcok's va cation In tno Coqulllo valloy. G. S. IIODSON of North Uend wont to Tomploton Sunday to conduct Sunday school at that piaco. GEORGE MURCH, Jr., has roturn cd to Corvnllls to rcstimo his courso nt tho Oregon Agricultur al College. IRA D. RIDDLE, court reporter, wns hero todny, onrotitt) homo to Rosoburg, aftor attending court nt Coqulllc. MR. nnd MRS. D. Y. STAFFORD loft yesterdny "on tho Rcdondo for San Francisco and will visit In California. MISSES LUCIA and Gertrude Mor gan left today for Philomath, whoro they will rcstimo their collcgo work. J. E. SCHILLING of Myrtlo Point Is In Marshflold today on bus iness, having driven over In his nuto this morning. TOM STORA, tlmokcopor at Mc Donnld & Vnughnii'B camp, left today to spond n fow days' va cation In Portland. MISS GENEVIEVE SENGSTACKEN loft yeBtordny for San Frnnclsco nnd bny cities on n visit. Sho wont on tho Rcdondo. R. C. FULLER, n registered phar macist, arrlvod on tho Ilrcnkwa- tor to tnko n position vj'it'll tho i.ocKiinri-1'nrnonH DIiiR Go, J. P. THOMSI5N. of Catching In let will ienvo tomorrow 'with his toon, for St. Louis, Mo., to con sult specialists about tho luttor's health. MANAGER F. C. 1HRC1I of tlt6 Red Cross Pharmacy returned yostcrday from a wook'fl outing lit tho Gould rnnch, noar Alle gany. L. K. DALLINGER of tho locnl en gineering ofllco, left yeBtordny for San Francisco, whoro ho will spend n couplo of wcolcs' vncntlon. MISSES MARJORY COWAN and Ponrl Rolgnrd loft this morning on tho Gnrdlnor stago for i-Jti- gono to outer upon their stu dies nt tho Htato university. MRS. E. GEORGE SMITH of South Coos nivor wna n Marsh flold visitor todny. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will occupy tho Dr. McCormnc summor homo, "Deor Lodgo." C. II. FAIRES nnd family will leave- soon for Portland to innko tholr homo. Mr. Fnlros was for- morly proprietor of tho Chand- lor Cigar stand, but has recant- " ly boon working nt tho Smoue llOUEO. ROY LANDRITH of Coos Rlvor wns n Mnrshfiold business vis Itor todny. Ho roports thnt tho ranchers nro busy gathering tholr potatoes. Owing to tho blight, tho yield will not bo moro than half tho avorago crop. A. II. STUTSMAN and wlfo nnd C. S. WInsor nnd family enjoyed nn nuto trip to tho WInsor nnd Fnlkonsteln ranch on tho tipper Coqulllo yesterday. A largo forco of men Is clearing addi tional land ' and It Is oxpocted that tho dnlry herd will bo soon Increasod to about 150 head. L, D, LARSON, formerly of Lam port nnd who has recently bo-m connected with tho Goldon Rulo, will lenvo shortly for Mnploton, whoro ho will tako chargo of n now hotel now undor construc tion. Portor Bros, havo mado Mnploton tholr hoadquarters. It Is located at tho head of navi gation on tho Sulslnw nnd Is ono of tho most thriving towns on tho JC n gono Coos Day lino. J. C. JONES of tho Coos Bny Steam Laundry, roturned yestor day via tho old Coos Day wagon road, from a trip to Dnkors flold, Cnl., whoro ho was called by nn nccldont to his son. Tho r SURELAY FOR THE SOUTH Leaves Here Sunday Morning tAMlli PnrriA of I iimhnn Willi UUHJU Ul UUIIIUl,! t and Passengers. i Tho steamer Rcdondo sailed at v 10 n. m. Sunday for San Francis- , co. Sho carrlod a cargo ot lum ber arid tho following passengers: Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Joo Williams. J. L. Harrlgnn, Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. G. Ramback, Mrs. Kato tv Gurnoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. San ford, Mnster Yoklm, Mrs. J. A. Yc klm, Miss Gcnovlovo Scngstnckon, Margaret and Charles Jackson, L. A. Dnkcr, Mrs, Annlo Slmmonds, E. A. King, A. D. Portor, Joo Da- mard, T. Drlco, J. P. Reaves, w. F. Squires, Lloyd Dyers, Mrs. J. T. Dyors, W. II. Hayes, Mike Aprs tola, L. Means, C. March, E. D. McDonald, A. McDonald, D. Wood bury, D. O. Hnllran, J. McConnolI, W. Swcctmnn, J. McLnln, M. Nol Bon, J, ThnuBon. lnttcr was getting along nicely when ho loft. It took thorn nearly 24 hours to como In on tho stage from Rosoburg. Mrs. W. F. HODSON of Coos Rlv or, Is In town today. GEO. M'CULLOCH of Hnvnna Inlet ivni In tli In pltv tnilnv. h D. A. CURRY will go to Curry, cuumy uu minimi; nil'. WM. SCHAFFER of Coos Rlvor la a Marshflold visitor today. D. D. DRA1NARD of Ilnynoo In let was In this city todny. ED NOAH Is In Mnrshfiold from his homo on Coos Rlvor, today. MRS. DAGGET of Allegany camo down from her homo this morn ing. HENRY BREMER from nbovo Alio gnny will bo In this city for a fow days. ERNEST HARRINGTON, time kcopor at Camp 0, was In tho city todny. MR. AND MRS. J. M. CULLEY of Catching Inlet woro MnrsnflcIU visitors todny. Tho public is cordially Invited to nttond n freo lecturo on Christian Sclonco by Frank II. Leonard C. 3. D. member of tho Hoard or Lec tureship of tho Mother Church, Tho First Church ot Christ Scientist In Boston, Mass., at tho Masonic Opera Hoitso Tuosdny ovonlng, Soptembor 24th, nt eight o'clock. Tho pur pose ot this lecturo Is not public ity In order to prosolyto from other fnlths; Its objoct Is to correct er roneous Ideas provnlont regarding Christian sclonco, TWO YEARS AGO BETTER. Tho school enrollment nt the North Bend public schools tor this year shows nn lncronso ovor 1911, but it Is still loss than tho enroll ment of 1910, Inciting 31 of mont Ing tho total of two yoars ngo. Tho iiguros tor tno thrco yonrs follow: 1910, 30C; 1011, 311; 1913, 335. NEED NEW TENDER. Recommendation for Ono May lla .Mado by Inspector. According to tho following In tho Portland Journal, another light- houso tender may bo furnlsshod for. c t'ncifio const: Among tho recommendations that may bo mndo to congress nt Its next sosalon by tho llghthouso board, may bo ono for a light draft toador for this district, nccordlng to G. R. Putnam, coiiliiilssloner of llghthodaoj who arrived hero Into last night from tho north. Inspector oBck, of tho Seventeenth district, has rccommondod that such a craft bo built for tho district for uso In tho shallow wators of ports on tho Oregon Const. Mr. Putnam says that this rocommondatlon will bo submitted for a now tender for Alaska to tuKO tho placo of tho America, which was wreckod lost summer. If ono Is sccurod for tho Sixteenth district, says Commissioner Putnnm, the tondor Columblno, now doing duty In Alaskan wntors, will como back horo to hor old station. PRIEST A DEPUTY. NEW YORK, Sopt. 21. For tho first timo In tho history of Now York City n Roman Catholic prloit has been named n deputy sheriff. Tho wenror of tho shield Is Rov. Father James B. Curry, rector cf St. James church In tho notorious Cherry Hill section on lower Man hattan, Ho Is prominent In vlco nffnlrs and philanthropic work J Peeslair