ISBilBSRB"" BER 21, 1912 EVJMIMG EDITION. 'd I HtrUUUiTtJAT I tADVEl ipatV ,(, Mr Li put hr tei" W:l boods to. c s 11 Be" Hub Dry $ i - i p. (Continued frni'i . f,q Two.1 tlmo was enjoyed nnil n delicious rc lnst served to the following guests: Mrs. Geo. Hazor, Mrs. .1. T. McOulrc, Mrs. L. A. Weldner niul Misses Ida B. Mitchell, Bessie ltninel, Blanche nnd Ornco Williams, MIMrod RooJ, Knrn Shouso, Josephine (Irllllii, Freda Hnzer, VIoln Smith. Alice Wat tors, Esther Iinhoff, Bessie Bain nnd guest or honor. .Mlgg LIM-mi McCann. 0 RECEPTION. LnHt Saturday evening nt the Nor wegian Luthornn church hall, the inombut'H and friends gave n reception for their new pnstor nnd IiIh wife. non Hackland nt tho honic of their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Downing of Enstsldo. Tho evening wns spent In n most enjoyable way by tho fol lowing ones piosent: Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Downing. Misses Victoria Lund, Ollvo Moore, Mario McLaln. l'ercal Olson, Ktliel Anderson, Fnrlds Swan son, Annn Lund. Marlon Whltty and Annlo Hncklnnd and .lames Whltty, Otto Olson, Elmer Poicrsou, Carl Hngtiulst, Vernon Hncklnnd, Rny monil Whltty, It. Hnckland, Freddie Lund and Willie Kittson. O O IMN.NHIC PARTV. Mrs. Clias. Lapp entertained a faintly party nt dinner Welnpslay turned from Chicago; tho latter Is visiting Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Mrs. J. T. Hall will entertain tho club next Thursday, September 2G. O Mrs. D. A. Jones wus hostess Thursday to the members of tho Mln-nlo-Wls Club nt her homo on South Seventh, street. A pleasant aftornoon was spent, and a dainty luncheon ser ved. Those present wero Mrs. Helen Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Thomninn. Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Davis, Mm. E. Kelly, Mrs. F. II. Dresser, an I l.)iirr guests, Miss Inez Hnldwln i n ! .dlej Eva Dresser. n Tho regular - llin o.' the Social S wing Club ' ' : h wns to have been hold Thurr ' y with Mr. Jack Swan son, was - ctpcuc 1 until imtt Thurs day, c- " .. : t!,e lllnu:g of .Vrs. Swnns :. 0" The I'll '!i Clfli mo, last Wed nesday afro noon at Bunker Hill with Mrs. Mnt!''" :v There was a short business .Hill during which tho follow! z ii.vr" v va votod Into the club. Mis. l.alc r.nd Mrs. MeDong ald, bnth of Bt'"'fcr Hill. After a tiour of chat tho fol lowing; were " ed refreshments: Mrs. Geo. '' rke. Mrs. Chnpln, Mrs. n-lnol-t.. Mrs. K. Erlekson, Mrs. W. .wi'-in, Vim. Brlnkley, Mrs. B. Mntl.I' i an' Vrs. Carl Albrccht nnd Mrs. C ' WnlUer. the Inst two being fi Mnnv Marslilu'ld ladies arc now wearing Hub Suits and Coals.' Women who want "something (liffoi-oiit" arc enthusiastic over the handsome designs and beauti ful new effects the excellence of the materials and fine tailoring. When you sec Hub Suits and Coats well, you'll not he satisfied with others. No two alike. PRICED UP TO $15.00. -fl HOME FROM THEUR HONEYMOON if .-. j u .- 'I, Frederick W. Powers Mid hU brldo, formerly Miss Eva Tultyt who arrived on Coos Bny this week after nu extended on stern honeymoon trip. Mr. Powers nnd Mica Talty wore mnrrlcd re cently at the homo of tho bride's parents In nibbing, Minnesota, the wedding being the consummn tlon of a school dny romance, both bolng grnduntos of the. snVuo school. The now store will carry Shoes, Cloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Petticoats. "Waists, Notions and all lines of Ladies' l?eady-io Wear and will carry the kinds you see in San Francisco and Portland. Now Goods coiniu; in on every boat. Evening Gowns and Party Dresses will be herc.soop. Wait for the New Store. Always remember "The Saving to You" "Money Talks" Hub Dry Goods Co. O'CONNELL BUILDING Itov. and Mrs. Thorpe of Portland, Oregon. Tho parlors wero prettily tlceornt d In (lowers far tho ocrnslbn nnd h bowl of dnhllns formol the center ploce of tho bnnquot table. Speech es by Hpv, Benction, Uev. Oslund nn violin nud cjnrlnot solos by Chris Leo nnd K, Mollum, nccompnnlol by Miss Mnbol Mnthlson forme i tho pro grain, for tho evening nfter which n iiro wns presented the pnstor by tho s. mombers and friends of tho congre gation. Light refreshments were eorved by the Ladles' Aid. O 0 HOSKItUI) liUNCIIEON, Last Tut's.lny afternoon, Mrs. lie- becca I.UHo-Stump entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon for Prof. Hoggs nnd six little girls of "rose bud" fame. Tho luncheon room wns charmingly decorated In pink, mi I tho little girls with their bright fares full of happy anticipation, tho!r dainty white frocks nnd their Joyous talk and laughter, well repaid the hostess for her efforts. Tho sumptuous luncheon was ser ved to the following guests. The little Misses Klouior Flanagnn, Syl via Bnlllngor. Virginia Coke. Allco l.oulso Malcney, Allio Pylor nn-l Ka thorlno Stuirp, an I Prof. Hoggs. o FAKEWEIili IMKTMJ-5 On September third, the members of the Prlscllln Club of Bunker Hill gave n farewoll surprise party to Mrs. James Mcintosh and Mrs. Peter Frost at the home of the latter, which proved a most enjoyable nf.'nlr, It being a complete surprise to both parties. T''i se nresent wero Mrs. Ooorge Rourke, Mrs. Henry Olson, Mrs. Hen Mathlsou. Mr. Hay Chimin. MUs Al lco Mathlson, Mrs. Pre.l Olnolds, Mis. Win. (Jnle. Mrs. Win. Nellson and Mrs. Knute Erlekson. After n boun teous basket lunch wns partaken of nnd farewells were said, tho guests departed wishing both parties a pleasant Journey an.l much prosper ity. O A farewell surprise part,)' was giv en In honor of Anna, Kobort nnd Ver- evening, compllniontnry to her noph ow. J. 11. Hlggens of West Virginia; Mr. Hlggens has three aunts.. In the county, Mrs. T. 1 Wilson of Rtver ten. Mrs. Isanc Wilson of Llbby nu I Mrs. Lapp of this city, nnd this Is (ho first tlmo In twenty-tiro yearn tjint they hate had n reunion, Tbaio pre sent were Mr. nnl Mrs. Isnao Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Donoss, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Sneddon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lapp, Mrs. T. P. Wilson. Mrs. Waltor Denoss, John Wilson, Archie Wilson, Joe Lapp, J. H. Rlggons, May Wilson, Irene Deness, Mabel Sned don and Pearl Lapp. O K.N.IOV SOCIAL. The Young People's Society of the Norwegian Lutheran church enjoyed a short program nn I social Inst Thurslay evening nt t'v church hall, at the close of which Misses Mabel Mathlson nud Helje Johnnsen servoil refreshments to tho following: Miss es Klslo Larson. Jennie Larson, Myr tle Lund, Miss Olson. Dlua HJIIbe. In geborg Larson, Dlno Martinson, Lucy an l Lilly Thorwald, Anna Oldtuark, Cecil and Kbba Osterlnl, Cora an! Mnbol Mathlsou, Borghll I Olson, nn ' Messrs. John nn.l Albert King, Eirll Onbrlolson, Harry Johnnsen. An!rew An 'orson, Arthur Kolstnd, Mr. llnlm berm, Occur Erlekseti. Chris Peter sen. Victor Osterlnl. E. Mollum, Al frol Jarou nn 1 Krol Bont7. A "rng" social will be given by tho young people this evening. MUs Jonn'o Johnson, Messrs. John King mi l Oliver I.nrson will sene mil Jim Martinson will net as auctioneer. O CLl'llS ami SOCIETIES. O The A. N. W. Club was ontor'alno! last Tlrrslay nftoinoon by Mrs. W. V. Siiulres nt her homo In Hunker Hill. After a short business sosslou nnd social time, the gues's wore ser vo I I'nlpty refreihiuonts. Those pro sent were: Mrs. J. T. Hall. Mrs. Puiiile Hazard. Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs. S. Lnndo. Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Lyman Noble. Mrs. Olivia Ed man, Miss Clovo and Mrs. W. P. Squire. Mrs. Edman and Miss Clove were guests; tho former has Just re- guests from Mnrshfleld. The club will moet tho first Wednesday In Oct obor with Mrs. nrlnlcley at Eastalde. O The Poclal Embroidery Club was entertained last Wednesday after noon by Mrs, Oulmetto on Second street. Sewing nnd Instrumental music by Mrs. Lorlne wore tho diver sions of the afternoon, at the close of which n dainty luncheon was served to tho following guests: Mrs. Lorlne, Mrs. Swlnford, Mrs. O. Hanson and Mrs. Hlldon. The club meets again noxt Wednesday with Mrs. Hlldon. O Tho Ladles' Aid of tho naptlst church held a silver ton nt tho homo of Mrs. Alva Doll last Wednesday nf ternoon. A reading by Mrs. A. Z. Downs, and n piano solo by her daughter. Miss Anna, wero enlnvful by all. After n short business ses-l slon and social hour, dainty refresh ments wero served. Those presont wero: Mrs. R. P. Harrington and little son, Evorett, Mrs. Henry Black, M". Dreser nn I daughter, Miss Eva Dresser. Mrs. John Nagle. Mrs. (Jeo. Ayre. Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mrs. A. 7.. Downs. Mrs. Roycroft. Mrs. Helen Halduin, Mrs. D. L. Hood, Miss Ma mie Ciulovson, Mrs, L. E. Doll nnd Mrs. Alvn Doll. O Tl-.e Ladles' Art Club will hold Its ftrrt -ce'Ing far the fall Friday, Oct ober the fourth with Mrs. F. M. Flyo.! O I Vl Vlrtnrln Lun I of Enstslde on-' tertnlnel the Article Needlo Work-' ors W'e'mv 'ny afternoon nt the homo of her paints, Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Preen. Tl'o pfternoeii was spent verv plcx-ntlv In sewing nnd olint after which de'lilous rofroshmonts were serve I to the following: Mrs. Net Ins of San FratKls'-o; Mrs. W. Spado. Mrs. S. Richard. Mrs. It. Hall, aul Mrs. A. Hroeu mil Misses Suslo Mahcl", Fsi I i-qi Jennie John son. Hall, Victoria Lun I and Hllla West. Mrs. Walter Spnde of Ferdale will entertain the Club Wednesday, Sept. 23. O Tho Ladles' Aid Socletv of the Presbyterian church met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Thomas Hownrd At tho business session, a commltttee was appointed to repair the manse, preparatory to tho coming of a now pastor. Tho Indies are making plans for n bazar which will bo hold later. Tho society Is Invited to meet with Mrs. Harkor tho llrst Wcdncsdny In Octobor to enjoy a "Sllvor Ten." Thoso present nt tho meeting woro Mosdamcs Converse, J. W. Langdon, A. L. Hutz, F. S. Dow, A. E. Seaman, W. S. Nicholson, I. S. Smith, Tom Hownrd, C. II. Waltor and Wilson. 0 Mrs. J. C. Jones will ontortaln tho C. W. n. M. at tho homo of Mrs. R, A. Copplo, tho first Tuesday In October. Last Tuesday evening, the Degroo of Honor held its regular meeting at the Odd Follows hall. An Informal luncheon and dancing party wns giv en later In tho oventng to which several Mnrshfleld young people were invited. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will hold a cook od food sale Snturdny Septomber 28, tho place to be announced later. O A "Stag Party" at which the Miss es Ellen and Inez Anderson wero hostesses at their home In North Bend, afforded n great deal of pleas ure Thursday ovcnlng. The girls wero all masked and an evening of merri ment enjoyed. Dancing, cards, music nud singing were Indulged In and not tho least of the fun was a "Joy ride" to MnrBhfleld, tho party returning nt n lsto hour. During tho evonlng Miss Shollow of Coqulllo rendered sovernl solos. Following are tho guests Misses Anna Reed, Nora Hago, Ruth Ollbertson, Elizabeth Hoolllng. Otti lia Hoolllng, Laura Kruso, Ingma Johnson. Edith Horn, Ethel Van Zllo, Goldto RIggs, Mallnda Anderson and Miss Shollow of Coqulllo. O The Thimblo Club of North nend enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon yesterday with Mrs. J. 0. Horn as hostess. At this meotlng tho ladles decided to glvo a Halloween party, tho last of Octobor, to which tho hus bands will bo guests, at the home of Mrs, W. Bailey. Mrs. Horn's guests wero Mesdames S. S. Jennings, J, Linden, II. Burmelster, H. O'Mnro, K. J. tliissell. M. Ci. Coloman, C. C.I Williams, J. C. Wallaco, J. H. Groves, Wm. Bailey. A. II. Derbyshire, M. E. Everltt. V. Watters, Ira II. Bartlo and Miss Edith Horn. ; The next meeting will bo with Mrs.1 Honderlcks on Haynos Inlet, Oct. 3 whore tho Indies will spend tho day.l O The Ladles' Art Club will meet the first Friday In October with Mrs. J. W. Hlldenbrnnd. O M. W. A. SOCLtL. ! Last Tuesday evening the Coos Bay' Camp S40S of Modern Woodmen of America initiated n class of ten; the ladles of the Royal Neighbors Lodge served luncheon, the event proving to bo n most onjoyablo affair. Among thoso presont woro tho fol lowing guests from North Bond A. F. Johnson, Soth Johnson, L. A. Looiuls, J. II. Groves. II. Sanforil, W. II. Chn pollo, Win. Otis nnd Dick Fryo. ' O DINNER I'AUTV. Dr. nnd Mrs. E.MIngus nro enter taining a fow friends nt .dinner at tho Chnndlor this evening. o DANCES. Another of tho series of dnnccs given by Lew Keyzer's orchestra a the Eagles' JfH last Saturday night was largely attended and proved to be one of tho most enjoynblo of the season. Mr. Keyzer has arranged for tho latest danco music for these dan ces and It Is being greatly appreciat ed by dance lovers. Another of tho series will bo glren tonight. 0 INFORMAL CHAT. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Browning loft this morning via the Draln-AHogany auto lino for their homo In The Dalles after a short visit with Mr. Browning's brother, Rev, Robort E. nrownlng of this city. O Mr. and Mrs. Ed Forrest are ex pected to nrrivo next Saturday from LendvlUe, Colorndo, to spend tho win tor at the J. W. Hlldenbrnnd home. Mrs. Forrest Is a sister of Mrs. Hll donbrand. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moellor on tertalned Thursday n pnrty of friends from Coqulllo who made the trip over by nuto. Among thoso In tho party wore Mrs. Geo. Pike. Mrs. J. E. Ben hnm, Mrs. E. 0. Hollnnd. Mrs. Nols Osmundsen nnd Etigeno Wlckhnm. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCarthy nnd S. A. Cnrmlchnol hnvo been enjoying an outing nt tho bench tho past weok. 0 Miss Elizabeth Hoolllng has re turned form a short visit In Bandon. F. P. Norton and his nleco. Miss Preston, hnvo returned from a sovor al weeks' tour of Wlllamotto valley points where Mr. Norton hnd horses In the circuit rnces. They roport n very plensnnt trip. Guy Warner hns returned from his vacation trip In Cnllfornln. Mrs. Warner nnd baby remnlned for n long stay. Mrs. Warner Is rapidly re cuperating from her recent operation which will bo gratifying news to their many friends in Marshdeld. -O W. S. Chandler and wife, their daughter, Mrs. Harry Tremntne, and probably their son. Irving Chandler, ) '..?. n week from tomorrow for White Salmon. Wash., where Mr. Chandler will spend a month in tho mountains for tho benefit ol 1 health. Mrs. Tromnlno wjlj tri" to hcrf homo In Vancouver, D.C Mrs. W. G. ChnnillcrwhohuH spending tho summer with nM nt Merlin, noar Grnnts Tm, Onr! i will nrrivo hero Wednesday to jq Mr. unnniiicr. i -0- Mrs. 10. K. Jones nnd ton. Eactul roturnod this weok from a fewij! visit with relatives nnd mJi: Portland nnd Vancouver, D. 0. 0 W R Jlrnicn nnil famllr b0 til some tlmo havo bocn located la Fl dloton, Ore., returned to tie uaj wi i. n . HI V vmffVfl iweeK. tr. jirown wm u n i Ped os a former band bor. n The Misses Annie and NelHi B land loft this weok on tne Bream. er to attend the Mt. Angel AcalJ m m in... t hi wk for ForV land, and later vlll o to EaijM J attend the Kn.t. T.Pl as represeniatire ir"" - Drancn or insi- orur. ...Mi" qenerfeve 8ewUelii this weeK on inq "?"",, .ytl San Francisco where ate "' '""I for a time with frienai. . .. . ....r7I,i rinrdoa ll wanor Aspiunu "" "" fM1Eii mussen left this week to t their work nt Corvains. Misses Rose and Clara WW! on the Breakwater Uit X a short visit wltn ineau land. T.n Wednesdoy erenlnr. Gertrudo Scalfe waj tendereo i prUo party at her home on u" street. Miss BcMtu the W recipient of a beauwm -,;, and bonuet of flowers aa prw from her mother. tA Thoso present were MW ' j Dow, Gladys D.menL R.. g Mildred wnson, ",(h cf tio Hanson, Kathryn SmW i, trudo Scalfe and VIoln ,wni Leo La Chapelle. Claude George and Henry Lecocq. Donald, Fostus and H"e7 nnd Duncan Scalfe. Fred Powers and brldVr'e7w this week from the east M wero married a few weett 88" .. ,vi,n rAturned''! .Mrs. uiivia "" -- . ujgum days ago from Chlcngo .and of Mrs. L. Lang of South u will en"1 Mrs. E. W. Kammerer w tain with a party In nDOrTuesd;. Ramona Rndcllffo next Sept. 24. Miss Anna McNnry of PoJ visiting her sister Mrs. b. of this city. JCl r& ADDITIONAL SOCIETY E"S l'AU" rww." ".. 0L--S.N