AIM HIGH1 m THE TARGET AT I EAST BE WORTH THE AMMUNITION . 11 i K ' !'! I TTl)VKIW,IS,Na nlio TIMES mil IMt "r 1cnl E8tato ",n (loos lag titt WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMJilS Will Keep your Incomo front Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can rcnlly help tho family rovonues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, tho Market" EITccllvolyl it will P"t th0 fncts "P0",1 .f"our Lmv boforo tho eyes of nil "pos- pttP i fvors" In town. And If thoro fjno of ".on" who ought to own It, you u bu you may keep that llttlo extra In como as "steady as a clock." MEMBER OF THE ASSOOIATEl) PREStJ , . vWl Estninisncii in Jtwo VOL. AAA VI. W Tl0 const Mull. MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912 EVENING EDITION 14 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 55 - - --.-..-. i rn. . "" " ' - - SOLDIERS MAY BE ORDERED OUT ITALIANS AND TURKS FIGRT it HI MfllilNtS WOUNDED BY THE INSURGENTS United States Forces in Nica ragua Fired Upon While Aboard Train. THERE TO OPEN 1Hth RAILROAD LINE The People at Granada Were Found on the Verge of Starvation. (Br Associated Prcbs to the 13008 Bny ' Times.) MANAGUA, Nlcnrnijiui, Snn Junn Dei Sur, Sept. 21. (Delayed In transmission.) Tliroo American marines were sllglitly wounded by Insurgent bullets fired nt Mujor Smcdley D. IJullor'H ibuttnllun (if American marines ns tho train bearing tho force of tiluo Jnckotn ua marines wns pawing through JUsija Thursday nlc.ft for tlw pur pose of opening up tho to Cranada. The American forco wired today at Unnmdn, tho pop slice of which wns on tho 'vergo of narration. . f DEAD LEFT IN THE STREETS Strike Situation at Bingham Does Not Improve Men Are Still Entrenched. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bny Times.) BINGHAM, Utah, Sept. 21. Ad jutant General E. A. Edgowomt nn 1 unpi. w. u. Wcbl) of the Utuli Nntlonnl Guard, Lieut. C. A. Per sons of tho United States Army and others mudo nn Inspection to ddy of tho workings of tho Utah Copper Company's proporty for th purpose of sclenting u point of viiutiiKu for stationing tho compan ies of tho National Gunrd, In wuo it Is necessary to call soldiers to tho scene. The strikers arc unusually unlet today. Humors of plnni to plnco mnehlno guns opposite the fortlflcatSllim On tho nifiiiiitnln'iiM.v licld hy tho strikers, nro micun- iirmeu. The "breastworks f the Mvlkoru Americans Tell of the Mexican Federal Defeat .at Ojin- aga Arms Seized. (lly Associated l'ross to Tho 'Coos Hay TlmoM.) MARFA, Tox- Sent. l!l dimmi,, returning from OJIungn wkory tho wore occupied again today leuerois wero uorouted Sunday sav Uiut thoy saw n8 nuiny an 1C deail Mexicans lylnw In tho stmotH on Thursday. Tho deputy United tfinics CUStOtils ml lui'lor Jit I i-.. ffluiio, mo AtuurlcoiiH declare, linJ III 1MB POSWIHHIOII 75 llOWH, 2lJ0 rifles, 10,000 rounds of nmiuunl tlon nud fifty pistols eaptuied fioni Hinugglers llhlu the lust low dn. e w I RECOVERED Han Arrested Admits He Rob .bed Millionaire's Mansion Last January. (By Associated Press to Tho Oooa Day Times) .NEW VOUK, Sept. 21. Tho bur Jary of tho mansion df 3. P. Mor ns, Jr., while Mr. .Morgan and 'Ills forty-servants -worn sleeping, hna ten confessed to tho police by John Berniuer who wns arrested Into yes- uraiy. in ola possession woro found Ktea watches, mednls, diamond Plus and other articles stolui from the home. To burglary occur red lilt January but the news wan tot Dido public until Bomo tlmo af ar men a reward of fn.uOO wns of ied for the recovery df various nr wi i stolen, mnny df -Which -were (Icelesi becatun nf Mirtir ni.. "an. Dernaucr wns arrested In a, fwaihop no "was trying to dfa rm of some of the stolen mrtlclcs. ! MAKKS XDW JIUnWO. trour Wis mnmlnM About' uountry "Banks. ,' (By Aeioclited Press to me Coos uay TlmtH.) "H IUKK Kant 1 -.. CJn..t il 1 " .,'1 - ruilUB iMkMj"1 l0 0lntiT 'banks 7 uwn loay W Lawrence O. rrj, comDtmib.1. .r ,.. , W.htUoM ankJr watners. : after October Iwsald -he de- (tmtr. k i ,ne "nniBintlon nt all 2R"ta te board .of dlctors HcV"618 ttnde ,fal -thdlr pro w&J h c.omPt-0w cautioned mn ,Jqulre ' "'lly i ,T i "-uul"rnw)n ioru or an ca rnrniiaii .. acwi m m :r-"""vu " u" - . uii retort." DOUGLAS, ArJz., SopL 21 The federal columns under couimand cf Alavurndo and Alunoz, ulilch wore out of cammunlcntlou with Agtin Priotn for so Vara 1 dais, havo m- rlved at rrontrns, where thoy com- iiiiicu wiui uoionoi ozrcpnn. Thoio nro COO IoIaral3 nt Knoittrns. In antldpatlnK an attack bv tho r.. hols, noarily the entire rnrrlson nt ARxia I'riutn wero used Jn outpost duty Inst night, Miniagers 'Confer. Hy wAnsodatod Press to Oooa Bay Time.) H1NT.ILUI, Ut'h, SepU ill. As Blstnnt Malinger U. C. Gmmioll ot tho t;tnh Copper Compnnj arrived here todrty, and Ocncrnl Mnnncor U. C. Jia-kllnc 'Is duo Inter for n cnnTtirnnrM with the inbfo ofllrl'ilB nnd memhors of tho sheriff's posss. It Is snld plnns for putting strike breakers to work will bo discussed. IIINGUAM, Utah, Sept. 21. The miners hnvo held numorous gath erings, Bbindlng firm In tholr do mnnds. The operntors nro equally determined nnd tho fourth day of the strike shows no prospects of a settlement. Since Governor Spry's visit to tho camp two dnys go tnero hns boon but little disorder. Lust night ho ngnln cautioned tno miners thnt he would not nllow tho HvcB of cltlycns to bo endnngcrod nnd said ho would uso nny power of tho state If nccessnry to en forco the Inws. GunnlliiK Itnllrond. Three hundred strikers ronnnBAr- ed todny nt tho fortiflcntlon on Vo mountnlnsldo known ns tho "snoot ing gallery," from which tho firing wns done toward tho Utnh Copper mine during tho first dnys of tho miners strlko hero. The men nro nnpposed to Imvc ngnln tnktni their places on nccount of tho report thni nan-union men would bo put to work by tho Utnh Coppor Co. todny. More deputy sheriffs -woro sent ont to the ninghnm nnil Garfield ntllroail todny to strengthen 'ho patrol estnhllshed on tho theory tho lino might bo blockaded to provent uiomiportnuon or strike, breakers, STREET IRK IN iP ERESS ?toaptroller wid that wl.Kn. 4 of .ne"?,neT "" "not con- KntioATi v. vy '"nKB -to 1 tatW.A - "" 'tj Liuur- 4 iSnli 50rPratlcm l,e Tohin 'ieilrSi?. you! . that UdeTat in, rU,a fu" Btnt0' : tUra ,vf buB'ns of con- "rtareD a.uCOpr b0 K've" Poritini ., ? tho company or uUtor.H """e uy an Independent anSss sniPATiir. ''aCaitlin.i. c.. .. . OiHi. ."".?" " 'cmortnl to BOSTON' m rtUB"K A"h Set. 21. Myrtle Point Will Have Eleven Blocks, and Is Quite Metropolitan. (Sjmclnl M Tho Tiacs.) MYUTItlS POINT. Sept 21. This city vlLl bo qulto metropolitan when the pavlip; la fJnJ&kcd. Tho live-ton r.tuam jollor of tho Coos Ilay Construction Company w;is brought to this city oventho coun ty road .from Coqulllo and the work of .rolllnc down rtho ub grado prcjiaraton to InyljjK on th concroto AioRnn. Ilrought on tho same daj wns other maacrlnl and the largo Jienter for molting the .bituminous .rock which uio muru rproKrcsalro iDwncoi alone tha street will have uit on the conanto bas as soon on It Is Ibild. When all tho contemplated to flnlshod Alyrtle Point Will liaro nloven blocks uif ipaved strttct. EVANGELISM IS ONLY GRAFT Tl KILLED BY P Monoplane in Europe Drops .r-rom ureat Height While Making Flight. Sy Associated Prowi'to tho Coos Bay Times). iFHIEnUHO, Saxony, Sopt. 2i. i.iuuiouiuius tiurgcr nnu JimgnniiR, flying from Chomnltz to Berlln.wero "klllod todoj- when tl6lr noroplnno Svr Riimo cause not explained, crn lied to the earth ilrom n grent height. HAWLEY 10 BE E RESTAURANT MAN KILLED ANOTHER TEN HOUR BATTLE IS T W L READ lUlllulll Chinese Keeper in Tenderloin x)f San Francisco Is Murdered. (By Associated Prass to tho Coos Bey Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, SopL 21. Geo Sam, a Chinese restaurant keeper 'In "tho'lJoart or Uiry'-tuindorloin, was Bhot nnd'klllcd In Jits plnco of business Inst "night by two robbers who rob bod tho till of cino hundred dollnrs. Thtro Is no truae of tho murderers. Mseting Will Be Held at ifhe .Chamber of JDommerce ' Rooms. (Congrosaman W. C. Ilawloj ,s oowcted .In tho cir this opening. JIo 1b to arrive on JJio stage, jirab aby about 6 p. m. At the Cbxin bor of Commorce wuma there U1 lie .a public mcetfau; this evoning to (discuss with tho Consreaamun the needs of Coos Bay. North Bend cltlsans and rtho public in general have been Mnvltcd to u tend and take part tin tho disau- eina. GARRY OUT A SUICIDE PACT TTAIiKSoON TKHTJiKAXCK Suclj Is Staltmenl Made Isy Prominent Ministers Meet ing at Chicago. (By Associated Jresa to Tho Oo Bay Time.) CIUCiVGO. Sept. 20, "Evangcfl Ism In Hie United Btates has degen erated Into commercialism nnd pro-; tesslonnllam," according to Dr. J. M., Gray, dean of the Moody Hnstltutoy who spoke boforo the national con ference of ovnngollsui here yester day. "The presont day ovnncensi us convea so tangled wltti booster nnd hymn book propositions that thoy simply are In a monoy-maldni; bus iness," asserted Gray. The methods of finance conducted by some suc cessful ovangellsts, ho declared, "woro nothing but graft." "When I started out as an evan gelist." said Dr. P. 13. Taylor, pas tor of tho First Baptist church of Indianapolis,' "another evangelist In vited mo to come to his house, ns ho said, 'to learn tho tricks of the trade. Tvo got 'ora skinned a mllo In taking nn offering,' wn6 one i. Vui Ereai ...' .'" """ or tins evnngousis uoaaiH, cuiihu- W,. 'he DerZ.T, 8ru,a 00 ued Taylor. "Imagine Wesley or uls cl!' .t0 wWh, Moody saying that." FUe Tlie ' SutL n, cathollcs In the iPob..,. " American cnriinni. r.... ""u rarlev of v..,, v ,. i.7,,.!? memorial to ti.n n-7.i! &8 t .1 " Part "in . ,D ",0ior- ,,.l'Bii.e..'n ho great ronubllc hrchfunfl,!s;.wher.theCath. :A.O0t amn T "V mission amid r th crVn eriy' u wns nov. rtrewmra' Amioclfttlon fOperm fitm,iaa at Boston, Misjj. BQBTON, Mass., Set. 20. "The brewers are tbe malnsttty of national and practical tlemporan," said Pre- nlilnnt Tnpnh IWtinnArt nf Nnw YffJt yesterday in opening Ids addreaa at' the amitial convention of the United, Brewenf Association. President Rup- pert sketched Cio commercial chan-, ges of thirty-eight year since tne first Boirton corurentlon stating that between 1870 nnd 1910, -while pop ulation iiad Increased throe hundred percent, rtho consumption rf beer bad increased iceven hundred prrcent. Kan and Woman Ki IhEm- .selves m Hotel in Cal- gary, Alberta. ifflty Associated Press to The Coos Bay 'Times.) (CALGARY. Alberta, Sept. 21. Clasped In each other's arms In meur room in a local notol a man and woman rtclstered Mr. -and .Mrs. W. Intnout, were found dead today. A rerolver which causod death was found. It was evldent y -a suicide pact. Jvettora In the deaM man's packets Indicate that he las a brother In Frwowatur, Orejcon. :.MORK TAS1ERS FODXR. IDocsiBienta Taknii from ftulUci Re cord Fucw Recovered. (By Associated Preoa to Tho Cms BatTIbm) WASHINGTON. D. O.. Sent. 21. ?Inro missing papers withdrawn from the Indian Tiureau flies by Mrs. Helen lllorce Gray, Investigating the crow moian affair and arrested horo am a charge of concealing public re cords, 'buvo been ffound at the de partment of Justice and other places. TJactlcalJy all the tpapers withdrawn !by Mrs. Gray are accounted for. Provision Made for Many Rel atives and Friends Here and Abroad. Tho will of the lato Mrs. Louisa Hirst was rend last night. Tho es tate, It is said, will Inventory from $115,000 to $10,000, Including lenl nnd personal property. The will wns executed August 13, 1910. Horbort Lockhnrt nud J. W. Uon uett nro nnmed nB executors. In the will the tcstntrlx llrut provides thnt her rcninlns bo lntd to roBt In the mausoleum which was erected In tho Odd Fellows tioinetory In memory of her lato husband, Thomas Hirst. Sho gives to her brother, W. II. Milton of Now South Wales, Aus tralia, tho sum ot $1000, and to each of his children, Annlo, NolIIo, Edith and Louisa Milton, the sum of $1000. In caso of tho death of any one ot these bcnoflclnrles their bequest Is to bo divided hetwo'.'ii tho others. Tho will bequeaths to ultima Nasburg of Marshftcld, tho d.m of $1000 and to her children, Lo.ilsa C. Lockhnrt, Harry Nasburg and Claudo Nasburg tho sum of $1, 000 each. Mrs. Hirst leaves to Harry Nas burg her plnco of rcsldenco In Marshfiold and nil tho furnlturo thoreln, nnd othor personal effects belonging to the houao. In enso Mrs. Hirst should not own tho house nt tho tlmo ot hor death, Mr. Nasburg Is to rocolvo In llou of the property tho sum of $6000. Mrs. Hirst boquenths to Mrs. Ma ble Cnssndy nnd, Mrs. Helen Royal, two daughters of hor brothor-ln-lnw, Mathow Shaw, and Mnto Ran dolph nnd Leo Shaw, children ot Mathow Shaw, nil of California, nnd to such children of her brothor-inJ law, John Hirst of British Colum bia, ns mny bo living, tho sum or $1000 each; nnd to Esther Ogrcn the sum of $500. Flvo thouBnnd dollnrs' worth of government bonds nro loft with tho Bennett Trust Compnny, In trust for Mrs. Hirst's ndoptod son, Mil ton HlrBt, tho Interest to bo paid to him. In case It Is deemed nd vlsablo by, tho trustees tho samo may bo used to purchaBo necessi ties of llfo or other articles for tho Use and comfort of Milton Hirst or other legitimate expense Incurred for tho caro,-comfort', or support, of tho beneficiary. It tho trustees at any time see fit thoy may pay to Milton Hirst Two Hundred of Former Killed and Wounded Gaining an Oasis. TURK AND AR"AB LOSS IS MUCH GREATER Engagement Takes Place Yes terday Twelve Miles From Tripoli. (By Associated PrtMS to Tho Cooe Bny Times) RO.M13, Sept. 21. Another ten hour buttle resulting In tho Italian occupation ot the OnHis of Knnzcur, 12 miles southwest of Tripoli, la reported to tho Itnllun wnr olllco by Geuernl Rogul under yestcrdny's dnto. The Itnllun losses nro given as 200 men killed nud wounded. Tho Turk nnd Arnb losses wore lnrger, but General Rogut docs not specify the uuinbor. NO NEWS IN JOYNER CASE IU!.' condemned In Portu- i.rwanla mi.' .&ent- 20. The " T S"!? W.vatt ing seventy mues NSLAR. WELCOME BUYAX. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times ) BUTTE. Mont., Sept. 20. Demo cratic leaders from all over the state gathered here yesterday to greet Wm. J. Bryan, who entered Montana for a two days' campaign in behalf of the Democratic ticket, BODY OE DEAD MAN F II II fl I At n lute hour tld ufternooii the body of n wmiim wns found on tlie mud flt t,K ewht ,,,, of tho bay by wuno iMiyw. Up to the hour of koIuk to press the body had not I" Identified nor Mere nny particulars of tlu uiTatr obtainable. The body Is that of an mjed woman with Krey hjiir, probably 05 or 70 years old. Coroner Wilson has tnken cluiie of the Ixwly. SPECIAL CANDY SALE Saturday and Sunday at STAFFORD'S. AH fresh CARAMELS. 35c a pound. 11 KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA DANCE at EAGLES' HALL Saturday night. IS AFTER MEN Advertising in San Francisco for Workmen for Five Year Job. San Francisco newspapers contain advertisements for men to work on tho Willamette Pacific railroad at both Coos Bay and Eugene. Tho ad vertisement is for teamsters, labor ers, drlllors, rockmen, tunnel men and station men. In tho advertise ment It Is referred to as "the big now five year Job." Wages offered are from $75 up. CARAMELS .15 rents a pound at STAFFORD'S. Special Saturday and I persons Sunday Candy Sale. matter Ib entirely discretionary wun me trustee or its successor. If upon tho death or Milton Hirst he should have previously married and leaves lineal descendants, tho Income from tho said government bonds shall bo used and expendid In tho support and educatlton of such descendants or descendant, and upon the youngest child of Milton Hirst reaching the age of 25 yoars the principal Is to be divided be- ttween tho children. If Milton Hirst dies, leuvinc no children, but leaves a widow who lo a worthy and respectable por son In tho discretion of tho trust company, tho Interest Is to uo padd to her during her Ilfotlmc, or as long ns- she does not remnrry. In case of tho death of Milton Hlrtit, and If ho should marry, also tho death of his wife, leaving no heirs, the bonds then to go to tho public school district of Mnrsn- field. Mrs. Hirst lenves to Mrs. Eliza beth Butler, wlfo of J. W. Butler, nnd to Mrs. Knto Duebner, wlfo of William Duebner, nnd to Mrs. Car rie Anderson, wlfo of E, A. Ander son, oach two shares In the I. O. O. F, Cemetery association as a small token of regard nnd of np preclatlon of their attentions dur ing the recent attack of illness of Mrs. Hirst. To Eleanor Flanagan, daughter ot James H. Flanagan, Is left lot 25 In Block 1 of West Bunker Hill addition to Marshfield. Two shares In tho cemetery us Boclntlon ar,o left to tho Bonnott Trust Co. with Instructions to uso tho Income In caring for the muiis oloum. Tho will provides for tho comple tion of tho mausoleum which nt tho tlmo of tho execution of tho will wns In tho courso of construc tion. It Is now completed. All of the rest of tho estnto Ib left to the executors. Horbort Lockhnrt nnd J. W. 801111011' nnd to tho Bennott Trust Co., ns trustees, to dispose of nnd sell without fur ther order of tho court and con vert Into money nnd pay tho money in equal portions to the following w. H. Milton. Edith M - ton and Louisa Milton, Louisa C.J Prosecuting Attorney Visit tho South SloughNot Yet Certain of Murder. District Atto'rnoy Goorgo M. Brown nnd Assistant District At torney Llljoqvlst returned last night from South Slough, whore thoy wont to make Investigations re garding tho Joyner disappearance case. Mr. Brown said thnt tlwro wore soino matters thoy wauled to look into, but that so far thoro woro no now developments. Ho says ho wnntu to bo miro that Joy ner Is dend. Wiiilo the bollof or tho offlccra Is thnt tho man hns been killed, thoro Is nothing to positively assuro that, such Is the caso. W 1II0 the grand Jury hns boon dismissed It can bo called togothor ngaln in tho ovont that It shduld bo desired to hnvo nn Indictment roturned. If tho prosecuting nttor noy finds nny posltlvo ovldonco thoy enn cnuso artists on warrants. Tho Investigation of thoiJordnn caso wt by no menns boon 'droppod. WOMEN KXOUSEIV Mm. Ilurrlnmn and MUs, Wto,a Vvyt Not Temlfy . (By Associated Proso to Tho Cooo Bar TImoo.) WASHINGTON.iDC., Sept; 21. ir 11 '""""u" "wiaow or tho lato any part of tho principal, but this t "j """'mnn' "na "I's DIIss, daught er of tho lato CornelluB N niia- . mor treasurer of tho republican dr. i..hR ?mml t0 wU1 b0 e"uod.from testifying boforo tho 8omto commlt- C St,at'n.g th campaign contrl but ons. Sonntors Clapp and Ponroro decided this today.' Tho sergeant at arms sent to New York to subpoon ae tnom wns ousiirni) tiV n n m thoff, formorly private socrotary to Mr. Harrlraan, that Mrs. Harrlman U, ,n. Peraonnl knowledgo of the contributions nnd that ho was witt ing to produco any docuraonts of thn Harrlman estuto for tho Inspection of tho committee Cornelius Bliss, Jr has assured representatives of tho committee that ho will nrodurn v paper that tho Bliss ostato has rolat ntontrlbutlonB. Lockhart, Harry Nasburg and wa.u,doNn8burK' Mnta Randolph, Mable Cassady, Leo Shaw and Nol IIo Royal; tho children of John Hirst who may bo living, and Esther Oron. If any ono In ono of groups of logntces shall bo dead, his or hor sharo is to go to tho others of tho same group, Milton Hirst, It Is especially statod, It not consldorod as rosldu ary logatoo, ho having otherwise been provided for In tho will. 11 ono or tno trustees should die tho others namod aro to sorve. In caso tho estato is not sufllclont to pay nil of tho bequests tho de ficiency Is to bo borne pro rntlo, oxcopHng thnt Milton Hirst Is flrsc in hav, ,th0. '6000 ,n Bovornmout bonds hold in trust for him, It be ing oxprossod that It Is ospeclnlly tho wish thnt ho shall hnvo the in como from time sum. SECRET INDICTMENTS. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times). BOSTON, Mass., Sept. 21. A so crot Indictment wns roturned todny by tho Suffolk county grand Jury In vestigating the nlloged lllognl distri bution of dynamite at Lawronco dur ing tho textile strlko Jnnuary last. RACES POSTPONED. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 21. TH Vanderbllt cup borlos of auto rued was put off today for two weos