THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY L TTnttiau T, ARSON. 1 Pianist nnd Tcftchor. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-R. rwTllBSNBW ' - fiwnnton, Tom T. Ilonnott jSiSS " 1 Counsellor,, nt Law. FUnngiui 'v Orciron. JKlTBIui'"' " " ... r.T.l'fli!lt P Pianist nnd Teacher U-aj5.'?K- ",oadv'w ... irii.i: iiuiuiiiu' L Violin Instructor. Annlr Ilnlnw Mush' Store. AIW Clawi Htnil September 1. W H. S. TUHI'EN, Marsh field. Oregon. It. W. MORROW, n JICIlllHU l..ll.1l..ia ntfmt sT ( jl IT"" Architect, llooms 001 nnil !0, Coko Building MnrMiiit'iii, "H"'" Dlt. JJUIU l. n"'i 1 ' Specialist In Nerve nnd Spinal Dleciwc Oinco Hours, 1 to C p. m. Onicc, 5104 Ooko HulUllnK. MARSHFIELD OREGON U Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro cqulPPOiJ to do high clnBs work on short notlco nt tho very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coko BIdg.. Opp. .. ... Ulf 1.1 rumndler uoioi. !"" i-- I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 841 North Front Bt. Bui. Phone 296-X; Ilea Phona Hi-J A modorn Drlck building, Bloctrlc Light, Steam Heat. Elogantly Furnlihed Rooms with Hot nnil Cold Wator. HOTEI COOS 0. A. Metlln, Prop. IUtwi BO cent a day nml upward Cor. Broadway nnil Market Mnrnhflcld, Oregon. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Somo cholco sites It you eco mo nt onco. AUG. FRI7.EEN. 08 Central Ave. The Sign of Good Candy Always Marshfieltl & North Bend Auto Line (MUST & KING. Proprietors. Cut leave Marahflola. every 46 minutes from 7:1C a. m. until 12:30 midnight. I.eavo North Dona on ume tchodulo, starting at 7 a, in until midnight. See Saturday Times fnr vNedule. New Line of Fixtures Watch our window Tucs day Thrco dollars up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. WEST MARSHFIELD SNAPS U x 90 Corner Commercial nd Thirteenth $075 70 x 100 Fourteenth St. .$1-100 50 x HO Central Avo. . . ,U47o TO x 100 Commercial and Fourteenth $1800 ' S. KAUFMAN & CO. H7 Front Strott, We Clean and Press todies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J Barsna,d & Langworthy iDAiirn0""0 FIXTURES "JADED ART GLASS DOMES 2E,IM3 STAND IVMPS. PHONE184.R. E Ktjfly SURELAY W. . i aj i . - THE FHIEN1) S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. PORTLAND FROM COOS BAY THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, AT 12 O'CLOCK M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACU1U STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. o. F. McGEOHGE, Agent. FAST AND Steamer Redondo Equlpicd with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO Sunday, Sept. 22, at 10 a. m. AH Passenger Reservations Ironi San Francisco Must Do Mado at H05 Fifo Building, or Pier No. 10. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORGE, Agont. EQUIPPED WITH Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AIN8WORTH ROCK, PORTLAND AT H n. in., SEIT. S, 7, 12, 17, 22 nml 27. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE SEPT. I, O, 11, 10, 21 ami 20. Phono Main J15-L. Steamer Washington Will Sail From North Bend for San francisco Saturday Afternoon, September 21. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. 8. DOW, A sent. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS jlflMM Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Havo Pure Wholesome Meats. G set AVI) GIT AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AND GE1 OF PUCES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES S1.GO AND UP. .. iU I iLMillilS&iUSil ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, SI. 25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENitY SENaflTACKIEN, BIgr. Coqullle Offl.o Phono 191 Platting Landa a specialty. Parma Tlmtor Coal andenli "EAST8IDF," General A Marshaeld Office 14-J. T. J. SOAIFE jjj a. H. HODGI.NS Marshfield Paint (Sh Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished. Phone 140-L. Oregon OF COOS HAY' COMMODIOUS WIRELESS J. C. MILLER, Agent. Octtin Dock. South Brondwny and make soke lion from the large stock now on hand. liv. "Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but tho best work is turned out. 'Phone 58 busy You Auto Call Footc PHONE 141-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J. Residence Pliono J8-J. Will Make Trip to Coqullle. BUMS LARGE ONES Structures nt tho Snn I'Yiiuclsco Show Arc HIk. San Francisco, Sept. 18. Somo interesting points about tho Paniv mn-Pnciflc Intornatlounl Exposition' Tho Court of Honor will bo ontlro' ly surrounded by a colonnndo coni' prised of massive arches. Groups ot statuary symbolizing tho rising and tbo sotting sun will surmount tho colonnndo. Tho dominating tlicnio of tho ex position from an architectural view point will bo tbo hugo tower of tho Administration building, 425 fo;t nigh and flanked on cither sldo by tho glided dome, towors and minar ets of tho remaining buildings of the group. Tho largest building group in tho Exposition will bo tho Palace i Agriculture, covering In two '" tions a floor area of 080,000 r,q m o foot. Hundreds ot thousands of trufj, shrubs and vlucs tiro ready to bo i. moved at the proper time and set out innccord with tho plan that will harmonlzo with tho architectural j.nd color schomo of tho buildings. Ono of tho most striking ot tho Exposition palaces will bo tho Hor ticultural building, whoso domes arr.l minarets will rlso up 100 to 12H foot. Tho building will bo con structed of glnss. Tho concessions and amusement center will occupy CG acres, tho Manufacturers building an area of 27C.2G0 squaro feet. Tho total area ot tho main exhibit pnlaccn lit square ground feet will bo 3,731, G00. HIS MOTHER'S CRIH. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Tlmea.) ATLANTA, Gn., Sept. 19 Tho Ht tlo crib which held tho mother of Colonol Roosovolt when a baby will bo shown tho presidential candidate whon ho visits this city tho Inttor part of his month. Tho crib Is positive ly identified by "Mnmy Grnco" who wnB Mrs. Koosovolt's negro nurso nnd on tho bottom Is scratched tho words: "Mndo by Denny Oontry for .lamcn Hulloch, Mnrch 1G, 183G." Tho Col onol's mother's namo was Mlllio Hul loch. "HEALER" A....ESTEI). Chlfiigo Mnn Is Arrohtod on n Ser- Iiiiih Charge. (Ily Associated Press to Tho Coos Ilay Times.) CHICAGO, Sept. 19 Tho testi mony of throo young girls nnd a young wlfo resulted In holding Henry C. Oortlo of Chicago Holghtn, allogod "faith honlor," to tho grand Jury on a sorloua charge Ella llormnn, tho complaining witness, ngod fifteen, told n story which ahocko'd thoso who hoard It. Sho declnred Oortlo claim ed to havo powor by which ho could direct tho future of his pationtH ovon whon thoy woro miles nway. Othors who testified against tho alleged prac tices woro Mrs. Johnson, aged nine toon, Nottlo Lovltt, ngod slxteon. and Llzzlo Albright, ngod fifteen. Oortlo denies tho charges. Peevish Children M Suffer With Worms Don! t angry with your child bo teams ha or aha la continually lrrltabln. In nlnety-nlna out of ono hundred cases yon will find that the tronblo la worms. Among tho common symptoms of tha preMnoo of round worms axe nervous ntsa, which often loads to epilepti form attacks dltrlnesa, vertigo, capri cious appotita, rostloas sloop, itching of tho eyes and noie, nausea and often hysteria. Bound worms axe several Inches In length and infest tho stomach. Occasionally several hundred aro found in a single person. Thread worms aro email er, often not longer than a quarter of an Inch. Tho symptoms denoting their presenco aro about the same, but In this caie the child has no appetite. Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge is unsur passed in removing worms. Not only will It destroy them, but lta tonic effects will restore the stomach to healthy ac 'iTity. Aa Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge seldom purges, the Indications of lta beneficial effects will bo the improved condition of the person using It. Millions of parents havo praised this medicine for more than eighty years. Insist upon Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge, and accept no other, Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D, Jayno & Son, Phila delphia, Pa. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOJRTHELL PHONE 121. Thi Star Transfer aud Storage Co. Is prerared to do all kinds ot hauling on short notice. W meet all tTaius and boat and wo also have tho latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H.Heisner,ProP. Phones 98-R, 120-J. or 49-L. City Auto Service Good Cara. Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46j Night Phone 46. BARKER & GOODALE, proprietor. PEOPLE MUST T Government Will Expect Port Orford Port to Help in 1 Desired Work. That sanio Indication of support from tho people of Port Orford is shown before tho government will consider tho harbor improvomont desired at thnt plnco Is Indicated In tho following which appeared in tho Orcgonian: Not until tho Port of Port Orford Commission has met and an Indica tion is given tho War Department what Biippurt may bo expected from tho taxpayers In shouldorittg a por tion of tho cost, will tho probable nction to bo taken to mako Port urford a harbor of rcfugo bo known. Assistant Engineer Schubert, at tached to tho ofllco of Major Mor row, corps of Engineers, United States Army, returned yesterday from Port Orford, after having con ducted n preliminary examination Into tho project, as provided in a Congressional act passed at tho lust session. Tho samo situation had boon gono over by two boards of en gineers, tho last lu 1S90, and tho schomo was then to build n Jetty. Now residents ot Port Orford doslro principally that n small breakwater, probably 200 foot long, bo construct ed iib a protection to a wharf nt which vessels load lumber. For six months of tho year tho harbor pre sents no problems for vessels, as during tho summer season It is pro tected on tho north, but in winter tho southorn oxposuro makes It un tenable nt times. Tho Port district comprlsos .121 Bqunro miles nnd tho assessed value of property therein Is $1,700,000. It Is estimated Uicro Is timber yot standing equal to 1,352,000,000 to it ot which 140,000,000 feet is tho famed Port Orford cedar. Uofore filing hlu report Mr. Schubort ex pects to hear from tho Port Com mission. PRISONERS SEE RAMUS. Mother of Mrs. Rt'ounull Calls to Koo Daughter In .hill. (Ily Associated Press to Tho Coos liny Times.) COLFAX, Wash., Sept. 19. Wes ley and Wlnnlo Hrownoll, who kill ed Albert Novos, Mrs. llrownolPa fnthor, Sunday, near here, woro vl Itod nt tho Jnll yostorday by Mm Albort Novob, who nrrlvod today from Klppon, Ida., with tho Hrow noll bnblos and by Mrs. Emma Grit fin, daughter of Mrs. Neves by hor first husband. Tho Ilrownolls woio overjoyed at tho sight of tho child ren. Mrs. Novch lu n stntomont to day admitted that sho had hcaid rumors ot hor hiiBlmiid'H alleged mistreatment of tholr dai'ditor. Sho spoke lu uucompllmontnry tonus of Novch, with whom sho had not lived for sovoral yoars. Mrs. Novob did not hold Hrownoll entirely blame loss In tho matter, nor docs Mrs. Grlllln, Tho Inttor stated film would not bollovo tho charges mado by Mrs. Hrownoll against corlaln men of Cul do Sac, Idaho. THE DOC'S LULLAHY. "HubIi, my bnbo," croons old Doc Wlloy, n ho wnlka tho floor at night: "fliiroly I osteon) you highly, nnd would further your dolight; I would Join you In n frolic, euro you of your Htomarh ucho, but thoro la no dopo for colic that Is lit for you to tako. Llston to your daddy chirrup, nnd you'll soon improve, I woon; I can't glvo you soothing syrup that Ih loaded with morphlno! Dondly dyes and ac ids boric, alcohol by drugs dollied, constltuto tho pnregorlc you aro yell ing for, my child. Ccnso, O coaso your frozlod screaming! Pnronta In tho bygono times doped tholr child ren, llttlo dreaming thnt thoy thus committed crimes: Infants nlways did korllummlx rnttlod paronts whon thoy roared, and thoso parents, In tholr Btomnclts divers brauds of pots on poured. Wo know bettor, now. my darling, opon nro our oyes, I hopo; so you'd hotter quit your snarling, for I will not glvo you dopo. If n baby's tummy's nchlng, It must aclio until It quits; If In spasms ho is shaking, ho must .throw his llttlo fits. Trust to Naturo sho will euro you: she at last will bring you onsoj and all dopo, I do asuro you, Is moro ilorro than tho.dlsoaso. Thoroforo, potsy, quit your shrieking; I havo pains all up my back, nnd my way worn knees nro creaking, and I Just stopped on a tack! TIME COPY WALT MAS W. A. 8mith, Brldgoton, Ind., had kldnoy trouble for yoars, antf was so crippled with rheumatism ho could not dress without help. Ho started using Foloy Kldnoy Pills, nnd say,. "I began to got bettor nt onco, and now all my troublo has loft mo and I do not feel that I ovor had rhoum tlsm. I rest well all night and tho' 59 years old, can now do tho work of a man of 35 years. I would llko to bo tho means of others getting benoflt from Foloy Kldnoy Pills.'' Refuse substitutes. Lockhart & Par sons, tho Roxall store, "Tho Busy Corner." E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right here. 870 North Front Street , Marshfield. U GIVES IDEAS -ON WOAD Glenn D. Hart of South Dako ta Writes to The Coos Bay Times. Tho following Is recctvod from Dead wood, S. D.: Coos Hay Tlmoc: I notlco lotB of railroad talk In tho columns of your paper, nearly ovory issue, but 1 do not read of any company really building grades or laying stool. You havo ono of the best harbors on tho Pacific with a llttlo fixing and if somo good live railroad company, llko tho Chicago & Northwcstorn for Instance, would extend tholr lino west of Rlverton, Wyoming, past tho Yollowstono Park to Rosoburg and Marshflold, what a killing thoy could make. And how It would dovelop tho great Stato of Oregon. F. A. Haines, residing In your city, was ono of tho greatest pathfinders tho Northwestern ovor had, and If ho was glvon tho finan cial asslstanco necessary ho could bring tho lino In from Rlvorton, Wyo ming to Rosoburg and Marshfield so that tho futuro generations to como would pralso his namo. Ho Is tho greatest railroad man In your midst today. I want to see tho lino built. If Porter Brothers had havo gono to Rosoburg nnd built a lino to Marsh field, instead of from Eugono, thoy could havo avoided tho tunnol nnd struck n nlco grndo all tho way. It Is tho only fcaslblo routo today to Marshflold, rotjirdlcss of what engi neers or railroad oIIlclalB sny, Tho Chicago nnd Northwcstorn railroad la tho greatest system In tho world and tho states through which this company hns built her lines nro tho host on of tho vory prosonco of so groat a railroad. Evoryouo whethor living in Marsh flold or Rosoburg, or any other town in tho state, should boost for this vory thing. If you wnnt to dovolop onstorn Oregon nnd at tho samo tlmo increaso ho population of your fair city, you need an oast and west rail road not merely to Rosoburg but clear through to whoro tho Chicago and Northwostorn stopped nt Rlvor ton, Wyoming. Onco you got this, tho stnto ot Oregon's futuro grontnost Is assured as woll as hor cities. 1 will admit that Oregon Is a groat stnto and hor pcoplo nro groat boost ers, but what you noed is moro rail roads oast and west across your ntnto and ovory citizen should start In boosting nnd keep It up until this comes to pass. Lot co-oporatlon bo tho pass word ot overyono and tho knockors will Boon bo a thing of tho pnst, nnd you can got anything you want from tho corporations. Youra truly, GLENN D. HART. THE WORKER. By Borton llraloy. I havo brokon my hands on your grnnlto, I havo brokon my strength on your stool, I havo sweated through yoara for your plonsuro, I havo worked llko a slavo, for your weal. And what Is tho wago you havo paid mo? You masters and drivers of mon -Enough so I como In my hunger To beg for moro labor ngaln! I havo given my manhood to oorvo you, I havo given my gladness and youth; You havo usod mo, and spent mo, and crushed mo, And thrown mo asldo without ruth; You havo shut my oyes off from tho sunlight, My lungs from tho untainted air, You havT housod mo In horrible places Surrounded by squalor and caro. I havo built you tho world In its beauty, I havo brought you tho glory and spoil, You havo blighted ray sons and my dnughtors, You havo scourgod mo again to my toll, Yot I Buffer It all In my patlonco For somehow I dimly have known That somo day tho Worker will con quer In n world that was meant for his own! KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA DANCE at EAGLES' HALL Saturday night. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. If you have anything to Mil. trade, or rent, or want help, try a Want Afl Mrs. J. N. Hill, Homer, Ga., has usod Foley's Honoy and Tar Com pound for years, and says sho always recommends It to her frlonds. "it never falls to cure our coughs and colds and prevents croup. Wo have lli ntifllrnn nnd nlWnVR clva thOm Foloy's Honoy and Tar Compound for a cold, and they aro all soon well. Wo would not bo without It In our house," Lockhart & Parsons, the Roxall store, "rna uusy uorner. urn tidt I?3 m if V f , rtMr-