THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19 12-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MAIiOMiV Kdltor mid I'uli. AN K. MAI.O.VKV News l.dl...:- WIIV WOltltVV ICKNKSS nmy come: death mny k bo t i lie door; but tlio ninn who doos not glvo up cuts down the rforlor liUls mid clients tlio undertnk er altogether. HiiHlneM donls may go vvroni? nnd fliinminl disaster may threaten, I) ut tlio in un wlio takes stock In lilniHelf and rornnlns on tlio Job seldom en ters tlio liankruplcy court. I'ovoriy mny be nt tlio door, nnd hnrd luck mny brliiR adversity, but tlio mnn who taken his forluno with n smllo will bo nt tlio door when Ills ship comos In. So, don't worry! Worry imps vitality, brings gray hairs, produces vvrlnekles, nnd It can turn n sunrlilny day Into a dreary ono. Without a cloud In tlio sky, wony tnn mako ono believe there will be a downpour any minute. Worry discounts bills receivable adds Intorost to those which nro to he paid and disturbs tlio scheme of things generally. It nover won a bnttlo. It novor tlenrcd a situation. It nover solved a problem. LOCAlOVERfLOW llOIt.V. . MACK To Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mack nt their homo In North Mnrshllcld, Friday, Sopt. 20, n girl. Mother nd child are doing nicely. ruinlly Has Typhoid Dr. House vorth has returned from (Inrillnor nrhcro ho was called to nttund tho Joe Lyons family. Ono dnugliter la Just recovering from a solgo of typhoid fever, Mr. Lyons In 111 of It nnd nn athor dnugliter lins Just come down TrJth tlio disease. They nttrlbuto It to spring water near where the liavo boon camping. Mr. Lyons owiib hnlf of tlio townslto of Iteodsport. Formerly Llviil Here. Clifford CogglnB Is Bpoiidlug n few dnyH on tho Hay, renewing old ucnunlntnnces, en route to IiIh homo nt Imperial Cnllf. Mr. Cogglns was hero about tlilrly-tlireo years ago, and Is very much Impressed with the changes thnthnve tnken plnco hero. Ho thlnkH there Is splendid outlook for tlio future. AliONO TI1K WATKIIFIIONT The Steamer Hardy, formerly the (Irneo Dollar, arrived hero yesterday from, tho south to load nt tho C. A. Smith mill. Tho launch MoMunxor lias boon old by C. !:. Nicholson to Nel Mini- Hon who will keep the boot on tho IlnynoH Inlet run. The schoonor Adviiit which sailed IIiIh week for Sun I'ruiiclsco cnrrlod SRO.OOO feet of lumber from tho Hlmpson mill. The steamer A. M. Simpson towed to Kau Francisco the stern wheel stenmer built at Kiuse and Hanks for the I'ny company of San I'rnucUco. The Hteanier wiim londed with lumber to ninko her steady. NEW AT THE GOLDEN RULE S nun i iiiliil' ukai (LI....J I. u;:irr::3,B0S'l PULL OUT Uiiniy In wine t ..ii. in nun. navy i M w - U J I ud uiullnul. TIihoh' Want Ada brlnx resultH EASY. SORE HI CURE COLDS Don't Neglect a Cold. Ely's Cream Balm Will Stop it in the Sneezing Stage. A cold Konor.ill) uliiicUs til. ni'iiKHBi .111111 )iiiiiitiin ti.. ... ... ".".':" !- i"-. -'- !?. 3-?i' ".K. . .nrruims"-....-r,.:n:,r .... ..ourtlM. rnu,ag ., Hie " 1111 t'tM. IlIllirbkMllMtakl ktitftk lh..... 1 ...1. I'M. IIIUirhMIIMhU ktilftak Iho.mi ...l.i ,i I lil llallilt un n (knA '--"--. !. iiiii'ii'. "-. ...., v, vmr ii-ii till i.w . . " " -,--. WM...I ,1.1 1 iirn. v tu iii.i..i' w.ii- ... ? r ' " "icsin' . - ,,,,, ' ,0 '- u,ut'. ht" "'', sitae and sulphur. rlMUIIUail-ii,.m, mi- 77 : " ' !'., i , , , , Hompouiided with later dl red L SAI.K l.elever double Imnvl , " ,".eu'r' IimiiIi- cases of hair ionics and stliiiu uiu shot un- aM,,, conditions. Price 1 :r :;r era issr-as ,,if SS .,; wt,,,,-,,,, ,., ,v,.Hi -. fi ' . ' "-" MIM'lit'U II Dill Mil V II IIP.tllit.i-l.. ,.r .1 ....i.l ......i, iiiimiv, VJIKMIIIl. but heal Iiwla and strengthens tli. 1 hair to It. untiiral c r ' my ;:- nienibnine.. thus eud.nj 'So,!?, Klay'miotheV'nuto. start vwnk catarrh. er day.,KOe, TlUV ttWtnmt VVl" "" "l lets Perrectlj liaim- s recommended and sold by all j ll UKKISIS. I Personal Notes UAY NOKIj , , t,,,8 vlt. e,8 Creek tml!,v from Dnn- MISS OLI15 IlICHAUDS of Sumner Is a Marshlleld visitor. MRS. GKO. MONTGOMERY of Mlll- Ington Is In town today. Mil. HODSON returned to his homo on South Coos river today. W. VAUGHAN of Daniels Creek Is a Mnrahtlcld visitor today. MUS. 11. OLSON of Hunker Hill was a Marshlleld shopper today. ' 0. T. TUKADCJOLD Is hero from Han don on business nnd nloasure. MltS. HAIUIY LOUD loaves for Port land tomorrow morning via Drain. JACK IIHATTIE nnd "Grandma" Ho attlo wero Marshlleld viators to- doy. J. L. KENT will bo an outgoing pas senger on the Drain auto tomor row. MRS. ALLEN ItANDLEMAX of Den ver Hill Is tho guest of friends In Mnrshllcld. MRS. W. H. PIPER and Claud Piper of North Coos River were In this city today. MRS. LUTHER JUDY nnd bnby of North Coos River were In Mnrsh llcld today. MISS LULU HODFOX left for Alle gany this afternoon where she will spend tho winter. M. PI! ELAN of Snilth-Povvors Camp No, 1 on Coos River is a Marsh lleld visitor today. CHAS. LIQOET, ono of the prosper ous ranchers from Ten Mile, wns In tho city today. MR. nnd MRS. ANDREW STOREY of nbovo Allegany, ramo down on tho Alert this morning. MRS. FRANK TERRY nnd llttlo dnugliter Kathlcou of Danlols Crook nro In Mnrshdold today, DR. and MRS. A. CI. DROWNING will lonvo tomorrow morning for tholr home after n pleasant visit In tho city. MRS. CHAS. TILTON returned to Mnrshllcld today nfter a short visit with Mrs. Alex Mntson on Catching lnlot. S. P. HARTLETT nnd Alfred Johnson Jr., of tho Randolph Lumber com pany nro horo today on business nnd pleasure. J. R. REESE who has been n guest of J. 11. Zolgler loft yestordny for The Dalles and plans to inovo his family here soon. T. J. THRIFT, Coos County nssessor, wjib horo from Coiiulllo yestordny on business nnd pleasuro and Inci dentally to do n llttlo campaigning. JOHN HOMAN came down from Dan iels Crook today. Ho has received news of the Illness of his wife at Roscburg nnd started for there to day. MRS. CHAS. CONKLIN and boh Will, nnd Mrs. Frank Terry nnd dnugbt or Kathleen are spending the nftor noon with their sister, Mrs. Henry Holm nt Pint I). MISS LOLA MONTGOMERY Is In to day from I lay nos Inlet. Shu has II n lulled her school on tho Inlet and will stnrt touching at Fnlrviow n week from next Mondiiy. MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS of Sum ner Ih In tills city today. Mr. Har ris Is' now employed with the How-oll-Soeloy camp near Coqulllo and Mr. iiud .Mrs. Harris nnd family will move there next week. MR. mil MRS. W. F. FITSOX. who have been visetlng their win. Otto Fumiii of Hunker Hill, returned to their home ut Aiiimtvllle. near Sal imii, after un nlmence of about six week. HAllRV 0. HITLER, formerly hbIh- unit city engineer of .Marshlleld 'TTTZ " - nnd hilar with the llnlne survey. I M)SI Indies' Hold liulf union pin nrrlved bore yestordny from 1'uhco, i 8t,t wi"1 I'onrls. Finder roturn to Wash., where he tins lieo'i I'-mM-I Hnznr nnd rocelvo lownrd. lied with P. A. Ilevors' Irrigation ' ;...., ,77 . projects for the past year or so. ("", Red 1N- il .'iim-.d iiojr. itetl MISSES IDA. U'ELl.A nnd IRENE n" (u" ' cxcojit whlto bronst nnd tip THE GRAY HUB 1 - : j I A Few Applications of a Sim-! jjiu n;meuy will Dinig daCK the Natural Color. Pull out one isruy liulr mid ueii win lane tu place ld ki.mii. which U, tu Is an I "Id kiviii,;. which U, tu it ureal I eMeiii. true. If no tttepo me tuUe.t j lo btlill tile INIIIm-. Wlii-ii Kiay 1 mis uppenr It Is u slii 1,1:1! Nil 1 11 iv needa asslsiuurtv I. is Nil- V".V'" ..Sa,H fur ''"'l'1 Oils '" dull, lifeless hair, or hfjrthnt Is falling out. is not iisxsMMrllv a M.TS V&JTS. liere e SJ. - S1 - j"!. : to !..,nr-. -. 1 tiZF'.ZV'W ift'fiiitn mi ........ j . - - -. . "" -' I'll I'HKIIIIIU III iiMkiui.ill..kk -. ItltVll W sage an,! Su!,ili'ir alr IU1! COOK, the daughters of George H. Cook, left on the Hreokwnter today for Albnny, where they will attend tlio Hencdlctlno Sisters' school. Their brother, John, left last week to attend Mount Angel college near Portland. ALEX N. W1TT.MAX.V, a former resi lient of Curry county nnd an old friend of T. .1. Thrift, Is hero from Ilutte, Mont., to visit friends nnd look after some litigation In the circuit court here. Ho has been No. 1 on tlio Ilutto pollco force for a number of years. FRED STOKA of Daniels Crook wnB In Mnrshllcld today. J. L. HOWMAN, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Btorcs, Is expected hero today from Portland to spend n few days with Manager Hotnor of tho Mnrshfleld Woolen Mill store. 0 MURDER GLUE Prosecutor Brown and Lilje-,' qvist visit South Slough This Afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney Georgo M. Urovvn and Deputy Prosecuting At torney L. A. LHJenvist nnd Marshal Carter loft this afternoon for South J Slough. It Is understood thnt their j mission Is particularly to probe some new clues In tho Joyner ense' nnd nlso for tho purpose of trybigi to clean up the South Slough conn-! try. I The grnnd Jury hns boon ad journed until tho December term of court, but it Is understood thnt If the now clues In tho case- "pan, out," they will order somo nrrcsts on JiiBtlco court warrants. I They wore rnthor rotlccnt about J tlio affair horo today but consulted, with a number who have been ' quoted ns claiming to know somo Inside fnctB nbout tlio Joyner case. ' WANT ADS. WANTED Three limliciucii nt once. Inuulru nt the Depot. FOR KENT Furnished lioiiselcceii- lug npnrtmonts. Cor. Second nnd Highland. Phone IllllX. WILL EXCHANGE Timber ,, North Lnke county, I nillw from Reedsporf, 1-2 mile from S. P. grado work. $1000 mortgage; will tradu canity of $1500 f ir property In North Henil or vi cinity. Write If you vvnnt 10 trade, Owner S, Cnre Timos. WANTS.!) A Candy .Maker. Lewis' Confectionery Store. I'Olt SALE Fine Infill bay colt. Ill months old. Large. ' Phone FOR SALE .Modem H-innm liiini low. client) If tnken nt once. Sal 1 liuiib'nlcw to be moved onto I.i. ur'u laud. Plimio 1221, Norm Heud. I'Oll SALIC Quick ami Clienp, I'ur ulture. Phono I Kit. i inn. Howard Tor Its return or Information as to whereabouts Glen Roxelle, Empire, Or. t'Hi RENT A uwitly uently furiiMuil , room. 1011 Central Avenue. OlMi A baby's gold ring.. ,,. T can have mriiiu by applying ut limes oltlee mid paying for Mus iidvertltftutieut. LOST Case containing jjold r VVZt- ,u,wa,',l tw m," lut to WANTED Voiiiik man for oneil store mid clerical work. Apply In own baud writing hluic rrr. enees and exiierlemv. T. t. Time. i.ii. .. ... '" n.ii.ii. (uisollue Ihxii liseort. atix..i. v h. p. engine. Cheap. See J uh 11 Hear. MA.M'KD An epetieuceil (erlier to teach eIKlu months' term of chool In DlstrU-t No. 12 ,n tnt.-Hng Slough. Apply at onee U clerk. George Ross. Mnrsh- M)ll SVI.I-: Dairy rmieli; lienil f nvlKntluu on llayue inlet, ljnfcy Mr"'i ,A4H,w- I'eiry Crouch. I'tJIt RUXT Or Sale, Ilo.ncre rnncli 1-8 uille from eroamery. Fiu dairy ranch. Will run ten 15 V ilii.'.. 1 1 i.i .... ii h.,h Dry vvix-d. fir m.l i. der. nt Campbell's Wood Yard , Ferry InudliiR. Phono TfiS-L. I H WANTKD A kihhI luxik aent nt once. Apply Hox L. Times odlce. FOU SALK CI I HAP Nearly now flTo-passenser auto. Address Bar sain, Times Omce. M am Eft i r..i TTvrrwm'F-.rmr'ji uj .... .j.j a A Great Line v5 irs'v. "rrnm Wiv Lmt m ',u, Head Caps and H&fo ekweair Yours, Anxious to PI TTieT. i Fr n ji qii r i" r'lv Jyi! 1ivVt iii W ii m rrv. t k i n c a d a c o C LOTHtS. Bey Yoo Soft While fthe Seasons Yooinig r.riic time lo secure the host of the best is now. A week from now our assortment of suits cannot possi bly contain the patterns it does today, so wliy wait ? That you are going to have a now suit is a forogoin conclusion, so take your pick while picking is best. Stcln-Hlocli nnd IlrnndeRce, Klucnld & Co. Suits linvo tho flttliiB proclivities of custom tailor work. Their vnluo will surprise you and their prlcen Impress you. M KAMMERER SAY W of C To Show Yons "Adler's VU W Noted the world over for their correct cut and up-to-date models have perfect fitting shoulders and the front will never break down --they are priced moderate ly, too $ J 8.00 to $30.00 uuataM).. New Arrival; ease. atmi lothing - . n OMeonajn o o TravelninM Bags