WE ALL GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO US ffiSfiffi WILLS ON THE SPOT PrTiTlSlNO in Tho TIMES !.... vr Itcnl Estate "in (E000 Exmts WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can rcnlly help tho family rovenuoa by renting a fow furnlshod rooms and, If you know how and when to ubo tho classified columns, you tuny keep thnt llttlo extra in- .ho Market" Effcctlvclyl in mil tlio facts nuout yum 11 before tho oyoa of nil "poa- P'rfvcrs" In town. And If thoro 8lbl0n of thorn who ought to own !. t" .-.1 soil HI ii, i"- - MEMBER OP THE, ASSOCIATED PHESsJ como as "stoatiy na a ciock. .stabll-dicd In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 54 JL XaAVI.u, fjim Coast Mnll. mujAj-m mn lift Hi YESTERDAY OCCUPIED THE ENTIRE DAY Bridge Attend esoltaionFnnothe passeu uj ' inn Hnnnnn. , y ,.w ..-.,- UCH INTEREST SHUWIM DI rturuL I J. Simpson Makes Some Statements neyuiumy j. M. BiaKC, UUjuuiui. !... nrlor to tho adoption of a solution by tho audlonco In nt ndanco at tho bridge hearing yo rjS.Itcrnoou.i..rk.B IIH con- ntlnn L. J. diuii'bu" " !.... USIOD, u. ..... (lilm- end uelivorou u "'., Dfciy, ,.'" delation of Jncob M. Blnke, rmcrly of Coos uny, "VV "u" " Francisco. lur. u.unu .- Irlttcn a aora r ,", " ntdoei. ho h.id charged vnrloiiB o on Coos liny wuu cuuiuviub !lh thO SOUUlUril ruiaiw i - i that company in n """' ot to bottlo up Coos Dny." Uo il mentioned icw uj- nuiuu, um id named L. J. Simpson na being le of tho principal apeakora rilmt tho bridge In 1009. in flowery, dramatic appoil, 'rmcatlns with Irony, sutlro nnd mile ridicule. Mr. Simpson rc- led to Mr. Wake. Ho doclurnd it Mr. Illnko was prompted In his tick on tho people on tho liny, c Southern Pacific nnd in nia )Klt!on to tlio bridge uy ro' into on effort to nvcugo tho inc of defeat ho had suffcrod n x years ago when tho pooplo of .rth llcnd had voted down hlB up Icatlon for a franchise about r5 1. Furthermore, no said Mr. At was disgruntled becnuso ho id failed to unload onto tno luthcra Pacific his Coos Day unchlio at a hnudsomu profit to Imtelf (Dlako). Ho roforrod con- hotly to Mr. Wnko as "Windy" like, probably because of the losth of Mr. Dlnko's letters, which fit required nearly threo houra to ltd. He laid that Coos Bay should low tho world thnt It liau "no pom for any moro non-proporty dldlng J, M. Wakes." I Mr, 8lmnson said thnt when Mr. Ihke was seeking n franchise. In rm Bend, ho (Wnko) and como ) him (Simpson) nnd sought tila ipport. Mr. Simpson an Id ho hud tod Mr. Rlako who wns backing project and Mr. Wnko lind ra- nd to tell, beyond saying that frlcodi" were Ho snld ho was satisfied, knowlnc thnt Mr. fke had no monoy to enrry otic pea a project, in consequence. t naa not lent Ills support and or Mr. Dlako thought ho nnw on pportunlty to "get squnro with ww uena ana vent his splto and appointment." Mr. Simpson said thnt ho had PPosed the brldgo In 1900 largely 1 aCCOUnt Of thn rlnmi nf lirMi'rt uU ProPosed. Ho said that 1 aid not opposo It now becnuso Plans had been changed. Any- 'i, ue aio, tnat tlio men who did W COaned their mlnil. ham ln Im w?i .'? ,lhe 'nsnno asylums jnd -..vuuaues. 10 his lettnrn Mr Ttln1 lnnl...l.,l i7.i!lC0.ri.c of .now8PnPer clippings. .v V .l Bomo 0f 8 informa bmkM ll wns trom the "ofllclal WOIOpiecft nf XI- mill, ti mi Hnnl. ' ' IHIO, I uu PPP'OgS Werfl frnm tl.o nnna ti C; C08 Ra' News nnd a 3nn mio paner. vnrv fan. nf ih.m V.?; Mr' nink0'8 letters wro miration nf 11.. i..i . .n.,t. km,. tlc1?8 b' c- p- Connolly, o'din. .. yW La'8on nnd others, h 1.-.7 .in! southern Pacific nH t. etc.. nf T7." .... ,"uw'. eritj . """win nines, uo r' H.tS?er"L t,mes the Btory ot am Paclf,c'8 PiirchnsS of the n.. V8 or. t,(' fln,s MIbk 1 f y tnrn,K Alvn Doll, id .1 J.l..un ns very mysterious "suuicant mnvn oiii -.!.. .-1 R..U.. """ irsi. -HJ. CeeUhe.J'8t of those pro. otest.Vr" '".. yienmy's TIme3, 4Uto lVh0 blowing were n 7t0 'I the Svsalnn . y-. Bennett. "' V P. Th. ' m$' " briefly to L0!'! Inter n., . "l.,.-u. 1,n,uz I asle. end !,' .'," . ' "'""B" s dai . -i 11 1 1 11 nnmnonn MIte WowW Bo through this r,omCV,n,fj,s tnlk nlso re !hd mi? nIz'tel,lni how In 1S03 "m't Pa r 1"V nt ,ne Chicago '!lDe lo", lnhRtn,ha(l t0l(l him Of ? Pi... :. 'n (jlascrnu' "l.f .,... fflPB- ''lontl nank nnd th IVne ona"gil ,,KUro' Ncnr- t,h, T b3f'h,the entlon of fr tm.,, Da 1 dozen hmICM r MILL SLOUGH HEARING BRIEF MR i ffi ,11 "n,l srri.nt en no,lses or IfJn 0'M,!j,"'tl,K' were ever , f K. l,i-' Is across - ouiiu uend 2"Hthat the great (Conti; ned on page Six.) Investigation of Closing of the Waterway Not as Pro longed as Expected. Tho argument!) for and nunlnst .filling Mill Slough woro auhmltttid boforo Cnpt. II. II, Hubert Into yes tordny afternoon. Tho hearing wns not of na long duration or nu ani mated aa had boon oxpoctcd. At tho conclusion of tho meeting, K. M. Frlodburg waa allowed ten daya In which to (Uo a potltton from property owners objecting to tho filling ot tho slough nnd City At torney Qosb wns grnntcd permis sion to file copies of resolutions ndoptcd by tho Port Commission nnd tho Port of Coos Day, favor ing tho filling of tho Slough. Tho principal objectors to t'.ie filling ot tho Slough woro F. M. Krlodbcrg, Chna. lllckox, Judge IIn.ll and S. I). Cnthcart. Among H10H0 urging tho closing of tho alough lu addition to tho petition from abutting ntul ndjn cent proporty owners, circulated by Dr. Lesllo, Alvn Doll and I. S. Smith, ns n special committee ot tho Chnmbor ot Commorco nnd tho resolutions of tho city council nnd other bodies, woro J. Albert Mat son, C. It. Peck, V. S. Chnudliir, V. A. Hold for 12. 0. Porhnm, John D. Goss, J. W. Uonnott, D. C. Oreen for tho Oregon Power Com pany, A, Y. Myers, Dr. Mlngus nnd a petition signed by all tho phy sicians of tho city, stating that tho slough was a menace to public health. F. M. Frlodborg was tho firxt speaker 011 tho question, following tho reading of tho petitions tor closing tho slough nnd tho objec tions ot Hnll & Hall, as attorneys for Mr. Frlodborg and others. Uo stated that ho had resided along Mill Slough slnco 1893, that ho had used tho waterway for navi gation over slnco that tlmo, that In addition to tho fuol for tho old olcctrlc light plant and tho lo?a and piling that had been foatcd in and out of tho slough, considers bol of tho matorlnl for tho con struction of tho Chandlor Hotel hud bcon hnulod Into tho slough. Uo stated that tho slough was always unvlgablo twlco n day, that ho had navigated It at low tldo during tho wlntor months nd that tho closing of It would intorforo with his plans for establishing a manufacturing In stitution on tho slough. C. R. Pock questioned Mr. Frlod borg at somo length and wanted to know If Mr. Frlodborg had not stated that he would withdraw his opposition to tho closing of tho slough It ho was paid $30,000 for his proporty. Mr. Pock said the statement had bcon mado to Alva Doll. Mr. Frlodborg said that ho had not exactly offered to withdraw his opposition on thnt ground, but that ho had offorod to sell his property on tho slough for ?30,000 and not object to tho closing nf tho slough, lg ho wns nfTordfcd a similar location on tho watorfront of tho city. Mr. Peck wanted to know what Mr. Frlodberg's proper ty was ussessod. Mr. Frlcdborg said that ho did not exactly ru niember. A. H. Powoffl snld that ho wohid glvo Mr. Frlodberg four times as much for tho property in question as it was assessed. D. C. Green, spoaklng for tho Oregon Power Company, said that his company, or rathor a subsidiary of tho Oregon Power Company, tho Northern Idaho Light nnd Power Company, hold tho title to the old olectrlo plnnt nnd that ho hud signed for It In favor of closing. V. S. Chandler said that Mr. Frledborg was mistaken about tho matorlnl for tho hotel being hauled in thoro, tho only mnterlnl being piling, which had to bo floated lu at high tldo. Ho said that Mr. Friedborg's denial of It being nn annitnrv la inpnrrppt. because tho I nauseating odors from tho slougti 1 had oven caused trouble a block or more away from It. ' T W nnminft wild that ho no lloved tho great majority of the ' people of .Mnrsniiem nivoruu will ing the slough. However, HmiifM Mm! tho Drouerti' owners that would be benefited by tho closing of tho slough should p:u damages to thoso who sustained in jury by closing It. ' Dr. Mlngus said that tho slouch was absolutely unsanitary and that It was a continual menace to the public health. Jndco Hnll sad mat ine omy nnosiinn invnivad. It seemed to hlmwaB whjJhrUjesloiighwns (Continued on Pago Six.) Blue Jackets and Marines in Skirmist Near Managua in Nicaragua. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 20. A delayed cablegram from Admlrnl Southorland nt Managua dated Sept. I! KILLED MY Twenty-Five Men Injured by Explosion in Big Steel Works. (I)y Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) JOHNSTOWN, Pn., Sept: 20.--An explosion in tho open hearth de partment of tho Cnmbrln Stcol Co. todny resulted In tho death of two men nnd the serious injury ot five, and twenty moro or less hurt. Twenty tons of molten metal was released by a lenk in tho furnnco nnd renched n pool of water nnd exploded. WOMAN AHHi:STi:i). (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Sopt. 20. Helen Gray, tho Investigator whoso work nt tho last sosslon ot congress for tho Graham committee of tho Housc.crcatcd such a sccno upon tho floor in which sho was charged with being a "woman lobbyist," was ar rested yesterday on n warrant sworn out by tho Indian nurcnu charging her with concealment of tho public records. ALL GETTING I S IN OHIO Wilson Opens Campaign To day and Other Parties Start Tomorrow. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) COLUMBUS, O., Sopt. 20. Invad ing Taft's stato, Governor Wilson op ened tho Ohio democratic campaign today with flvo speeches, assisted by Congressman Jamea M. Cox, candi date for governor, and Senator Goro of Oklahoma. Tho republican party'B campaign with Senator Lodgo as prin cipal speaker and tho Progressive campaign with Governor Hiram John son heading tho list of oratorB, will open campaigns in Ohio tomorrow. ItOOSBVELT IN OHIO. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) HOLDREGE, Nebr., Sopt. 20. Roosevelt Is in Bryan's homo stato today for a campaign of a day and a half. He reached lloldrogo after an nil nlfFht'n rldo from Denver. He stopped two hours, proceeded to Hast ings, Falrmouni, uroio ana wncoiu. on his way to Omaha. He will re main there all night. REPORT NOT VERIFIED. Story Circulated tluit Suit Is to He Started Against Standard Oil. (By Associated Press to Coos Bav Times). WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Re ports thnt tho government Is about to start contempt of court proceed ings against tho Standard Oil Co. on evidence gathered In tho Wntors Plerco light, found no verification at the Department of Justice today. It Is known, however, that Attor ,. nnnnrni Wlnkorsham nersonnlly followed tho details of tho Waters-1 Pierce case to detect any violation of the supremo court's dissolution decision. THREATEN CRUSADER. 17 Indicates skirmishes between men of tho nnvnl forces and rebola woro fought at Darrnncn, fourteen, inllos south of Mnnngun, whore tho nnvol expedition was Booking to rollovo tho Amorlcnna, Tho bluo Jnckots and mnrlnea llrcd upon tho robela. Their leaders refused Southerlund's do mand to open tho way and southward and he sent for reinforcements from Bnnngun. 170.000 STOLEN DM Robbers Get Money Sent to Pay Florida Railroad Employes. (By AsBOClatod Proas to The Coot Bar Tlmss) PENSACOLA, Fin.. Sept. 20. Scvcnty thousand dollars was stolen from express pnckngcB sent from Pcnsncoln banks on tho Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo train to Flomatlon for payment of tho employes of tho Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo in that dis trict, it wns learned here today. Tho robbery occurred Wednesday. Tho railroad dotectlves bollovo tho mo noy was stolon somowhoro botwoon Pcnsncoln nnd Flomatlon. Efforts woro mado to keep a secret of the fact that a thoft had occurred whllo officers Investigated. Tho Boventy-flvo thousand dollar--in currency wns sent from n local bank In scaled packages which vcvo properly receipted for by tho express agents and messengers according to tho story horo. When tho delivery wns mado at Flomatlon It Is said only $5,000 of tho shipment remain ed. Soventy thousand wns extracted and slips of pnpor cut from maga zines substituted. Virginia Brookes of Illinois Says She Ih Not Scared. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times). CHICAGO, Sopt. 20. Letters threatening violence to Miss Virginia nrooks, tho "Jonn Do Arc" of West Hammond, 111., unless sho stopped her vlco crusade, were turned over to the United States postal authorities today. "Letters don't frighten me," said Miss Drooks. "I'm going lu to this fight with more vigor, now that I have been threatened." All kinds CARAMELS only 35c a pound at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. The very latest special Is "HAPPY THOUGHT" at SAItTER'S. TO HELP WILSON Wilson National Progressive Republican League Opens in New York. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times) COLUMBUS. Ohio. Sent. 20. Co incident with tho opening of the Domocratlc campaign In Ohio today, by Gov. Wilson, is another event importnnt to tho Wilson Intoreals, and which has his hearty approval tho formation In Now York of tho Wilson National Progressive Re publican League. The Governor nnd Rudolph 8precklea, who la now in Now York, Is in churgo of tho movement. Exchanged telegrams wero mado public today, Sprecki-js said: "Eastern headquartors of tho Wilson National Progressive Repub lican League today oponed In tho Metropolitan building in Now York. Our lengue Is founded by progres sive Republican who hope to save the progressive movement that was started some years ago in tho Re publican party, but which is now being betrayed by the organizations of .Colonel Roosevelt's third term party. Under these conditions you alone desorve the support of the true progressives who placed princi ples abovo partisanship. Our mem bership Is wholly Republican, but wo fool Justified In voting and working for your election, slnco the candidate of tho Republican party does not represent the progressive majority in that party and the Roosevelt candidacy Is hopeless and serveB to divide our progressive forces." Wilson replied: "Your telegram telling mo ot tho formation of tho Wilson Progressive Republican Leaguo gave me the deepest grati fication nnd encourngement. The action you and your associates aro toklng .seems to mo truly patriotic. The progressive forces of the nation ought not to be divided. No mere attachment of a party should now separato men whose purposes and convictions are united for a com mon object. Tho formation of tho league seems to mo ono of ho most reassuring Indications of tho temper of thoughtful men. Mny 1 not convey to you my congrntula- 110118 on your 'own pari in ino movement." WE MAY NEED THE HRIDGE and we may need It not, but It's an assured fact that tho children must have toys. Our advance shipment of holiday toys is In, nlso a big lot of nll-tho- yoar toys. Don't pay over loc for a toy till you have investigated our line. "Always Something New." TEOPJjE'S 5-10.10 CENT STORE. COOS RIVER QUINCES at Stauff's Grocery. M E OWNERS WILL ATTEMPT II STRIKE B S REBELS Wli Report That Mexican Federal Body Entirely Wiped Out in a Battle. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sopt. 20. It la roportod tho ontlro commnnd of Mex ican fcdornla under Colonel Oborgon was wiped out by tho robols In n bat tle at San Joaquin ranch this morn ing. Thoso not killed wero taken prlsonorB by tho robela. HEARING SATURDAY. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) DOUGLAS, Arizona, Sopt. 20. Preliminary examination of E. S. O'Reilly, R. 11. O'Kcofo and G. J. Jones for nllcgcd violation of tho pre sidential proclamation, prohibiting tho exporting of arms into Moxlco, was postponed today until Saturdny on nccount, of tho Inability of tho United Stntcs Attorney, J. E. Morri son, to bo present. . GOVER LOOT 1 Part of Quarter Million Dollars Stolen in Canada, is ' Found. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 20. Part of the $272,000 loot robbors got from tho Bank of Montreal nt Now Woat mlnBtor, U. C, was hidden hero and recovered by tho Chicago police, ac cording to an admission of Assist ant Chief Scheupttlor today. It .'s Intimated it Is a largo amount. Various pollco ofllclals, including an acting captain, woro summoned to headquarters today in connection with a report ot a Grcok who had been locked up threo days after $10,000 was found in hlSj posses sion, had bcon allowed to escano without any rccbrd bolng loft ot his arrest. It was said tho man was nrrcstod by detectives after a suloon koopnr had "tipped off" that ho was car rylng a bundle ot greenbacks. Thny wero Canadian bills of largo do nomination, IN THE LEAD Shipped More Lumber to San . Francisco Bay Than Other Points. Coos Bay again loads all other Pa cific coast ports, in the amount of fir and spruco lumber shipped into San Francisco Bay during a given period, Tho Pioneer Western Lumberman prints figures to show tho total lum ber shipments to San Francisco Bay from Aug. 30 to Sopt. 13. Tho total fir and spruco lumber received at that port from different coast points is shown below, tho comparison bo ing Interesting: Columbia river 3,125,000 Grays Greeks at Bingham Gather with Arms to Meet Trains. SITUATION STILL A CRITICAL ONE. Western Federation May Call out Men in Both Arizona and Nevada. (By Associated Pross to the Coos Bar Timos). BINGHAM, Utah, Sopt. 20. Thoro woro no developments of radical na ture among tho strlkora this morning. All la quiet. Managor Jackllng said: "Tho strikers nt Bingham do not re present tho Bcntlmont of tho mnjority of tho employes. Wo will boo thnt tho men who wnnt to wo'k aro given employment nnd protection. As to tho date of resumption I nm not pre pared to speak but as soon na ar rangements enn bo mndo to glvo oin ploycs proper protection tho men will bo put to work." Number lu TIioiiniuuIh. (By Associated Pross to the Coos Bay Times). BINGHAM, Utah, Sopt. 20. Sixty two hundred mon now compose tho army of mlno workers Idlo In the strlko nt tho mines horo. Tho pres ent Indications nre thnt tho number will bo grcntly Increased unless n set tlement Is brought about In a fow dnys. Thoro nro no Indications of nn ngrcomont bolng reached. Sovon tccn hundred men forcod to lonvo work when tho concentration mills at Garfield wero compollod to cloro down last night for lack of oro. Not n shot was heard In Bingham last night. Tho minors nro nccoptlng tho ndvico of Governor Spry nnd othors to romaln qulot. But early this morn ing they began to assomblo at tho rnllrond stntlon nnd In a llttlo while threo hundred men, chiefly Q rooks, woro discussing tho roport thnt the Utah Copper Co. proposed to put somo men at work In tho stoam shov el pits today. Tho Oreoks olalmod they hnvo ndvlcca from Salt Lnko that L. G. Skllrla, an employment agent, ongnged by (ho Utah Coppor Co., will forward tho strlko broakors. Tho ro port Irrlatlng ns Skllrla. Is ono of the Issues of tho strlko by tho Grook ele ment which nssorts ho dictates the employment of his countrymen by tho conipnnlos, lovlod toll wngos nnd pro cured tho dlschargo of many Greeks that do not pntronlzo his store Gov ernor Spry wns told yostordny by mnny Greeks thnt they nro willing to wnlvo tho wago domands If Skllrla Is romoved from tho camp. Mon aro leaving tho enmp at tho rato of 100 to 1C0 every day. To DlNnnn Strikers. (By Associated Pross 10 The Coot Bay Times.) BINGHAM, Sopt. 20 Tho sheriff's forces aro In conforenco on tho ad visability of disarming tho strlkora who nro congregated about tho rail way station, presumably to await the arrival of tho strlko broakors. OTHERS MAY STRIKE. Mny Call Out OOOO Mon In Arl.on nnd Utah, (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SALT LAKE CITY, Sopt. 20. Charloa II. Moyor announced today thnt tho Woatorn Fedorntlon was con templating calling out tho union mos employod by tho Novndn consolidate! properties at Ely, Nevada, tho RaT consolidated at Kplln, Arizona, an& the Chlno at Santa Rita, Now Moxl co, all of which aro controlled by the Utah coppor Interests. Tho proper ties aro managed, by D. C, Jackllng. "We consider tho move," said Mo yor, "and havo n man on tho way to Ely to take up tho matter thoro." Jackllng refuses to recognlzo tho un ion in Utah and wo see no reason why tho union men In othor states should work for him. Somo of his mon have signified a willingness to go out on a moment's notice" The proportlos outside of Utah employ about 0,000 mon. EXPECT IMtt TRADE. Harbor 2,230,000 Coos Bay 4,490,000 . i.'ort.,r Countries Aro Preparing for Wlllapa 2,335,000 Onpnlnir of tho Ciuial. Port Gamble 2,135,000 nandon 4CC.000 Everett 710,000 Ludlow 1,600,000 Astoria 2,050,000 Abordeen 1,300,000 Coqutllo 705,000 Raymond 700,000 Umpqua 200,000 Rocho Harbor 300,000 Port Angoles 700,000 EXT1.XD TIME. ("Br Associated Pross to The Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. In n roport on tho Panama canol and Pnn-Amorlcan trndo, John llarrott, director genoral of tho Pnn-Amorl-enn Union, who recently mndo a trip through Europe to study what tho European govornmontB nnd com morclul Intorosts nro doing to got ready for tho oponlng of tho Pana ma canal, declares ovory Important port In Great Britain, Franco, Ger mnny, Spain. Italy. Austrln nnd Bel glum nro being Improved to tho highest degreo of efficiency for over sea commorco. "ino Kiiroiionn "- (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times), in lonivfnTnw n n cnn. on Tho time In which Samuel Gompors. ! ernmonts are Instructing tholr dlp-A-.,. .r.i .. ti. ,,. !!., 1 lomntlc and consular offlcors to m- may file appeals from tholr contempt!'" over' ),asoin irllh0. E u ., or,nnona l,no .n vn,l,l I ItV OXpeCtCd tO UO lirOUght ttbOUt Uy from October 1 to November 1. Tho men are under Jail sentences for vio lation of a court's Injunction In Bucks' stove and rango case. tho Cannl. CARAMELS i.B rntn a pound at STAFFORD'S. Spoclul Saturday and Sunday Candy Sale,