n'pp'iiijj wp ?"pr THE COOS BAY TIMES, NiARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 12-EVENINGJDITION. I, , win'iimii aj i , juu-u- ,j 'V't ,--! 'm' uinl.i.n,Mffi23EBHZP3BlWBBBM33aBBia " I 't if 'I 'J- 1 I M Jr k'l ill BK m r ii n II HML-IT. r.' - - . -- -- W11 TTl IE fri MaMPfm gBEftggjffiaTaEre'asa OONTIUDUTION8 concornlng toclal hppninEB, lntondod for publication In tho aoclety depart niont of Tha TlmoB, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of lach wmIc. (Excoptlona will bo allowed only In cases where ronta occur lator than tho time mentioned.) nfekor, Hlckor, llttlo stnr, How 1 wonder who you aro, As you flit ncross tho Bcono On tho moving picture screen. nicker, flicker, llttlo piny, JIow I wonder wlmt thoy sny. Wonder what their gestures mean, On tho moving picture screen. flicker, flicker, llttlo star, I'm for you, whoo'er you are, For I llko tho way you walk And you never, novor talk. $ 4 POWKRH-TAlTV XUITIAI.S. Jlr. Frod Powers nnd his bride iro expected hero soon from their honeymoon trip, having reached So nttlo yoBtorday morning. Tho Mc galm Ore, published nt Hlbblng, Minn., rIvch tho following dotnlls of tho young couplo'B mnrlngo: On Wednesday morning nt C 'clock' Miss Evn Talty, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 Tnlty of tho Ma honing location, and Frederick W. Powers of Mnrshflold, Oregon, wore Joined In tho holy bondH of wedlock at tho Ilomnn Catholic Church of tho Blessed Sacrament, Rov. Jas. Ilognn rending the nuptial mass. Only n fow relatives and othor most Intlmnto friends were present nt tho ceremony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Powers loft on tho early morning trnln Wednesday for Minneapolis, where they Intended to spend Kovernl dnys at the statu fair, after which they plnnned on visit- beautiful scenery and dollghtful cli mate. Friends of Mrs. Prouss will bo In terested to learn that sho Is study ing nt the San Diego Music Insti tute. Sho Is taking piano nnd evolu tion of musical form from Cieorgo Edwards, nn artist and composer, who Is attracting much attention on tho Pacific Coast; sho also Is mudylng esthetics of Dr. Henth Uowdcn, formerly professor of esth etics and philosophy nt VnBsar. Tho San Dlogo Union of last Sundny morning contained tho following notlco: "Dr. Uowdon's class In esthetics, nt the San Diego MubIc Institute, mot as usual Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock to contlnuo the subject of "tho Comic Con sciousness," nnd particularly "Tho Relation of Comody to Tragedy In tho Drnmn." Mrs. Rosa Prouss read nn origlnnl artlclo on "Tho Nn turo of tho Comic In Art,' which formed tho basis of an Interesting nnd valuablo discussion by tlrt) class." puoohkss CLUii. A spoclnl mooting of tho mom burs of tho Progress club was hold yesterday nftornoon with Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, at which tlmo Mrs. J. M. Upton was appointed as dclegnto to read a paper before tho Coiulllo Educational Longuo. Arrangements wore mndo to gtvo tho annual club party at tho homo of Mrs. J. W. Donnott on tho ovonlng of Soptom ber 30, nnd tho husbands of tho ladles will bo Invited. Tho first regular mooting of tho club will bo with tho prcsldont, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, on October 7, nnd tho subject will bo "Travel Dny," In chnrgo of Mrs. Scngstnckcn. o HL'MXEK SOCIAIj A SUCCESS. Th6 bnznnr nnd soclnl given by tho lndlos of Sumner last Saturdny evening wns n succcs financially nnd socially, dcsplto tho lnclomont wea ther. Most of tho peoplo of Sumnor Valley, nccompnnlcd by visiting Ing Mrs. Powora' slstor, Miss Violet Tnlty, who Is tnklng tho nurse's frlonds, assembled enrly nt tho hall training In a Mllwnukco hospital, whoro thoy enjoyed n pleasant social From tboro thoy will go west to their future homo In Mnrshflold, Oregon, via tho central transconti nental routo. Doth Mr. and Mrs. Powers npont tliolr boy nnd girlhood dnys hero, and both were graduated from tho local high school. As n eonso quenro they possess nn envlnblo elr rlo of frleudH In tho city who will , vlsh thorn never ending liapplnosH through life. Deviating n trifle from tho strictly news feature of tho event, tho young mnu hereof might udd that ho has It from hoiiio of Mr. and Mrs. Powers' old school mates that they feel deeply grieved to think that nn opportunity was not given them to give tho newly- wods such n farewell iih wns fitting nnd becoming members of tho "Old flunrd" (all of which will probn-j tho Jar. tlmo while mirth nnd Jollity ruled tho hours. Mcanwhllo tho Misses Mabel Mills nnd Jonnlo Catching dispersed sweets from tho candy booths, Miss Fredn Holm nttended to tho wants of tho thirsty nt tho punch nnd lomonndo Btnnd, whllo Mrs. Clarenco Harris presided nt tho booths for tho wilo of fancy ar ticles, rcady-iundo clothing, ote. Mile. Mystic, In tho dim rercsscs of her caverns consulted tho planets nnd revealed tho future to the cur ious, whllo the grab box In chnrgo of Airs. W. II. Farrln, wnH nn attrac tion only rivalled by tho guessing contest nt tho bean Jar, whoro MIbh Mny Holandor recordod tho various OHtlmatoH nnd announced Doltnns Dyer winner on a guess of 1191, against 1200 bonus, tho contents of iy muni mm-!' i mi MiiiieniH w At lut.'IO n nlco supper wns served h.,". , ii T ,VoworH 8t;,,0", ,,n'fl.l tho dining hall, consisting of .n'. ! know io, JiTV ",U' r,,mV00' ''. Hnndwlches nnd othor dol-r-nlrlreof nnd the ,,,7 ," urn jinn nnisi iii'uriny wiiu .Mr. i amount added to the proceeds of tho PERSONAL notices of rlaltora In tho city, or of Coos Day people who Tislt In other cities, together with notices of toclal affairs, ar lladly receded In the aodal do partment Telephone 133. No tlco of club meetings will be pub llihed and aocroUrlea are kindly requeated to furnlah same. platform, both young nnd mlddlo nged, who hnd gnthored to witness tho "old tlmo dnncc." Ono of tho women snld, (nnd she blushed when sho said It), that tho dnnco did not brenk up until aftor midnight and It was the first tlmo that somo of them hnd dnncod for 40 years. Quito a fow of tho pio neer families in nnd around Myrtlo Point wore rcprcBontod. O CItESCEXDO CIjUU. Tho MIbbcb Hago of North Dond were hostcBsos Wednesday ovonlng to tho mombora of tho Croscondo Club, honoring Roy Marlon Whoolor of Portlnnd. A plonsnnt ovonlng of music nnd gnmos wna onjoyod. At "Progressive Peanut" Profosaor C. A. Davidson captured tho prize. A dollclous thrco courso luncheon wns sorvod by tho hostess to tho fol lowing gucstB! Mr. nnd Mrs. It. P. Swonrlngcn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoolllng, 'Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Davidson, Miss 'Mnrjorlo Swcarlngon, Miss Knthor Ino Swoarlngon, Mre. Jennings, MIbs Otella Hoolllng, Miss Ellzaboth Jennings, Miss Amy Jones, Mlsa Clover Mlllor, Miss Ocrtrudo Now klrk, Mrs. Nowklrk, August Hool llng, Roy Cnrr, E. R. Fluoklgor, and guest of honor, Roy Marlon Whoolor. o CHURCH PICNIC. Mombors of tho Swedish Luth ornn church enjoyed nn outing on Catching Inlet nt tho Solnndor plnco laBt Thursday, tho Inunch Allco II. bolng chnrtorod for tho occasion, nt which about 7fi or 80 wore pres ent. Aftor a bounteous picnic din ner, Bomo oxcollently rendered pin no Bolectlons wore onjoyod and a Bpecch by Rov. Oslund nnd Bongs In which ovoryono Joined. Rov. Oslund, wlfo nnd children returned homo Frldny morning, tho others arriving In town about 7 o'clock Thursdny ovonlng. O $ YOUXfl FOLKS' I'AIITV. I.nst Tuesday ovonlng Clifford Dowiib very plensnntly ontertnlned n fow of his friends nt tho hore of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. '.. Downs of South Drondwny. Tho evening wns happily spent In music, Mr. Ilaynnrd contributing very much to tho ovonlng's enjoyment with his vocal nnd InBtrumoutnl selections. (Continued on Pngo Eight.) Oregon Agricultural College mill lm Piiu-mii' iiihiiv iiii.i.i,., "' '" """"' '" ,11" "ti ui ing i:x(5.(ji:.mi:ts. Colporteur hont. The Indies who contributed food and urtleleH for sale, nnd those assisting In the preparations for the event uprn Mru O V Vnlunn Mm l FrlemU of MIhs Ellznbeth Cex . l'urrln. Mrs. A. 1). Iloo'ue. Mih! and Mr Charles l.oure.v hao been m. jj. iwrUor. Mm. II. W. Sunford. sppnapii ur uiuir anprnm-iiiiiK ""P Mia. A. 1). Wright. Mrs. Clara Noah, tlalH 'I he oxHi-t .Int.. has not boon, yn. Clmrlos Solnndor. Mrs. J. W announced. Mlsa Cox Is uu elllclent Cuehlnn. Mr. V. Mills. Mr. Clnr emplnye of the .MarhfIold pontolllco ,. Harris. Mrs. Fred Hansen. Mrs. and Mr. I.owrey Is naUtant time- i. n Mn.ihim i n.,,.1 ?..n.,nir v......... ..i ii... a o...ii. ...iii ,.. :. ...:. " " r.iiHuii, -.,.. ... ... . ... .,... ,,,. .hi. Jim. w, v. nurrls. and M Uses Mny I.ItU I'm lu llf.ll' .tf.M.f I.IU. ,. Iwi.ll.. .... n . ... ,. . .. . 'j ioilt til Souih Mijrshflold and ban spout the ,. Stutsman of Marshfleld ru,.t.r hi inu u. a. niniiii uui. .Mr. Mra. c. Harris, and Mlaaes Mny iroy Is now eriHtlng n home on slander nnd draco Snnford. Thoso mill lourtli street. Mis Con l) n.ntrlbtitlng money were Mrs. M. i- iluiiRliler of .laiiuva . Cox of A. VW1II 0f Sumner nnd Mtw. A. mom of hor life on tho Hay. Moth the uliUK people htlo a lliibt of Mi n. lx wiiu will unite In oMondlng foil' llMtlOHB. O AXXIVHIISAltV. hast Sundny Mr. and Mr. Chns. fatauff entortiiliiiul at illnnor in lion This grent Institution opens its doors for tho fnll somestor on Sep tember l!0th. Courses of Instruction Includo: Gcncrnl Agriculture, Ah ronomy, Anlmnl Husbandry, Dal'y Husbandry, Dnctorlology, Dotany nnd Plant Pnthology, Poultry Huabanil ry, Horticulture, Entomology, Vot erlnnry Sclonco, Civil EnglneorIn, Eloctrlcnl Engineering, Mcchnnlcal Engineering, Mining Englnooring, Hlghwny Engineering, Domostlc Sci ence, Domestic Art, Commorco, For estry, Phnrmncy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics. MnthomnHcs. English Lnn guago and Literature, Public Speak ing, Modern Lnngunge. History, Art, ArcMtecturo, Industrlnl Pedagogy, Physical Educntlon, Military Sclonce and Tastles, and Music. Catnloguo and Illustrated lltera- turo mnlled freo on nppllcntlon. Ad dress: Registrar, Oregon Agrlcul in i H Ir r'Y Ti 111 v I J lygpi) EGEE K1NCAID & CO I C LOT HES, ?, Tak die Cltlhier?s Word I rFor What Yom Pwclhase oir I Depemd e Your Owe Juadlgmemitt? o rioM'.mts picxir. i4 tural College, Corvnllls, Oregon. Last Wednesday ocuuied one of.SoI'Q'd Your Opens .Septoinber iii Hie most uiiImuo nnd onjovnble events that the people of Mvrtle Point and KiiiroundliiK towns have over wltnossel. when the old nlo- noors of Coos minty hold a remi nd oi in me mini womiiik niiiiivoiwtry Ion nt that place. .Mnrshflold wns of Mr. and Mis llenj. Oslllnd. not a well riinumiii -,. v. Thoi,e prweut were Honor Kiioats. I poo tod. Mrs. O Hansen l.lin, ti.n II.. ....! ,- 11 it n.,1,.. i .... ..... ... .I..H ..no. ii. i. wbiiiiiii huh in. oniy one ntteiuiinn from this nliiee tie ititlliillttll'. Mill'li. Mr mill Miu .1.. 11... f. .......... .. , .,...' ,, . , , ... . . '" " nnriiiuuii, u inre picnic I eii i Johnson and l.lnur Johnson, , illnnor was spread In the Dixon Mih Harvey (lilfflth and l.muliter. move and no party of voutm peoplo 1 .'mi of San Fruiulwo, Mr. Nel ex er enloved h illnnor ninn n...n .11.1 rV' . . r A- I " II III You Don't Get Mad iiiiMfiii, n. nun jin, moat, u inn i ni.i nnniii.. r r-.w., .. Clm.i.-i stauff mid little .1 uightei , tlit evenln.- grew ehlllv. n roiirhiK Mar .ret and l'. e Marlon. . bonfire was made nnd nround this . . . " the nierrvniiikerij ciitlmi-Mil in rmmu. it vt..vi?, t.t t.,t t "-lltiifo and to talk over the JJLi,iiI,Aki f"'8, ,in,h t,n'1 nml haiw- wh,,,M ,.: ,m(l ,aUe l),0PO In tlio lnya Rone' Mrs lohii 1'i.m -n of San DIoko by. Tho largo platform was the writes many lnt lesiinK fuels nbout scene of lively confusion, ns Inter, that part of the lountry. which' on. the old ireiitleiiion linmn tn sceuis 10 oi nttiaiting iiuuli atten uliooso tliolr partners for the grand Hon from nrtlstb. uuislilnus and lit-! man h. which was lend bv Pol ltnsn oraiy folks, as well as numerous, of Handon and Mrs. Ilonder of Mvr- iium nay nenpie on imount of Itsltle Point, sister of ex-Congrossninn Herman. The square dances, old fashioned polka and others were dnncod during the evening nnd such dunce music ns tho "Arkansas Trh velor." plnyed by one nnd somo times two fiddles nnd ono gultnr, ocenslonod shouts of laughter and cheers from the crowds around tho SVIJiELLA COltSh'TS may bo obtained In Marshdeld from frs. Anuia Holland, Corset tor. 152 So. 6th St, Phone 200X. nnd throw away your linen when It comes back from our Laundry There Is no reason for nnythlng but bntlsfaction in the condition of the llnon we send baik to your home Our methods of washing and Iron ing provide anlnst any Injury to the most dollcnte fabrics. We give you high grado work but charge only roasonnblo prices. Our prompt dellvorlos pleaso our patrons. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOXE MAIN .".7-J. I N either case we want to see you. We work conservatively; feeling our way as we go. The clothes vou see here NOW can be bought according to your own" standards or in accord with ours. In either case, you will receive positively reliable clothes and a certain standard of style that will please you more than you ever have been pleased. The Steimi Blodh and Eramidegee Kkc&id & Co, Clothes are wonderfully good and dependable. Then, they are styled with the rare elegance and individuality seldom seen outside of a custom tailor's work. Won't you have a look at these clothes ? You'll enjoy it. Do. aitson Magimes & M