THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1912-EVEMIWG EDITION. i THE PEOPLE'S PORUM The Times will be pleased to pub llh letters tram Its readers on a I' Questions nt public Interest. Eact letter must bo signed by tbo wrltor ' uiul nil fur as posslhlo bo limited to run words. In publishing tlicso let ters li must bo understood that Tht TlinH does not Indorse the views ex prosed therein; It Is simply nftordlnj; a means for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions tho public wolfaro. affoctlnt; Till! BCAIILET WOMAN'. Editor Coos Dny Times: ..There hns been much discussion of tho whlto Hlnvo evil, Its growth nnd rnmlflcntlons, nnd mnny ex press Riirprise nt Its magnitude: but It BceniH to mo that, considering the opportunities that have boon offeree' by the general hick of publicity nnd tho disposition of tho public to Ig noro It, as hns heretofore been the enso, tlio HiirprlKltig fnct Is that 1' hns not gnlned nn oven wider foot hold. Much has boon snld of tho exploit ers of girls nnd women nnd Htrlngcn' lnws hnvo recently been passed for their punishment. Mnny unsucccss ful nttempts hnvo been mndo to, bnn lull thcHo women nnd by exorbltan linos to forco thorn out of business but nil of thin docs not scorn to havr tho desired effect. Hut how n bout tho men who pnt ronlzo them?" Very llttlo hns been snld am' nothing ilnno. It Is nppnront that t Rurrcssfully stop nny business, It ir necessary to Htop tho purchase, h law, and with nulllclcnt potmltles nt tnrhed, to render It effective. Stop her Incomo nnd tho scnrlot wojnni would practically renso to exist. I Rccmii to mo that her crlmo ngnlns' Bocloty Ir not so great oh that of thr men who pntronlzo hor, and contrnc" dlsoaso nnd Infect tholr loving wive or marry Innocent girls nnd cltlio Infect thorn or produce defcctlvi children. Therefore It scorns to me that met nro nlmost Invnrlably responsible fir tho fnct thnt there ore lowd women nnd they nro tho only means of sup porting tho wretched business mr nro prlmo offenders nnd should !) punlflhnil ns hucIi. So when you nr rnlgn tho fallen woman nnd hold he up to scorn, romombcr thnt If I wero not for tho financial supper of the men, nho would probably b n true woman and n hnppy mother Instond of a despised wretch. Si ploaso flavo soino of your scorn fo tho men who nro hor patrons am' give hor tho benefit of some of your Rympnthy. Ovorlook her short romlngs ns much as you do those n' the innn who patronlo her, win have no excuso to offer for thorn selves savo mlsernblo brute passion whereas tho lowd women at Ions' earn tholr mlsernblo livelihood. A UHADlin. I'AKMEIIH AM) Till: HI.VOLi: TAX Kill tor Times: Tho Minneapolis Farm, Block nn' Homo, writing nn farming Interests rites tho single tnx ns follows: "Thoro Is no reason for fears 01 the part of tho fnnner thnt his In forests will stiff or. In fact, tho re verse Is llkoly to bo true, and ho li nut to find nfter n fair trial of tin slnclo tnx that ho would not wish If go back to tho present system. Pui In tho simplest form possible tho sin glo tax provides thnt nil taxes shiil1 bo levied on tho burn laud, exclusive of Improvements. Thus, If n mnr hns a half section farm, with n goiu' set or uiiiiiiingH up on It, he Ih tnxer no more than the man who holds Ir Idleness thu half section adjoining In other words, ho Is not taxed ho cniiBo ho hns been Industrious, bu' becnuso ho holds for IiIh own nrlvii' usu n certain part of the soli. I' tho man whoso land lies Idle object thnt he cannot afford to pay the tax tho nnswer Is thnt society cannot nf ford to have him hold out of use r half section of land needed bv thr community, which creates the vnlue of tho land to which ho holds title Kvory community hns nt loast our example of such Idle land enriching Its ownor without his raising lib hand to help tho neighborhood. It Is tho baritH and houses and hcIiooIf nnd tilled Holds about him that have mndo his ncres valuable, and the sin gle tnx proposition Is that society has a right to thnt which It Ikik created In other wordH that It will not nllow him to enrich himself n tho expenso of Ills hnrd-worklng nolghbors. lly tnklng tho net pro HtH on land or n tnx the single taven would drive tho speculator Into land cultivation, or out of the Innd-ltnH lug business, nltogethcr. Ah a mat ter of fact tho common practice throughout the country district loupe toward tho single tax Idea. Tito wri ter knows wholo townships where tho nbscnteo owner Is tnxel 'all the trallle will bear,' and where the as Hessment. on live stock, bulldlnus nnd other property, Is cut to as low n point ns possible. This Is a recog nition of the working principle of tho slnclo tnx Ami it hns ns nn ob- farmers. Hather than working n detriment to tho ngrlrulturnl Inter rMa of tho country. Farm. Stock nnd Homo believes that a JiiRt application of tho direct tax on land vnlue? would larcoly Improve farm condi tions by forcing Into use the Idle lands now hold for sacculation pur noses lands thnt ordlnnrllv do not bear nny fair proportion of the a burden, nnd directly In the degree to which n man wns a farmer nnd not n land speculator such a tnx would benefit rather than harm him." This same land speculator (work Ing much harm to the entire conntrv and every community wherein he Is located with such iloadly nnd rotnrd-1 will Iiik effect on Its propross Is the wwiio Hiipixisod fanner with his controlled allies who Is maltlnc some ronl far mers of land wonder why tho Grango In soino cases nppears to op- LOCAL OVERFLOW WEDS IX CALIFORNIA .Mrs. Mjin llurcl and Oeoige Drews Married nt Itlvcrslde News hns reached hero thnt Mrs. Myrn Html, sister of A. H. Campbell, and Uny I'. Campbell, of this city, and one of Mnrshfleld'fl former school girls .wns mnrrlod on Sunday, Sept. 1st, to Mr. Geo. Drow at tho homo of tho brldo's mother, Mrs. M. F. Campbell of Hlversldo, Calif. Mr. Drew has boon employed for many ycarB as n pressman on tho uauy I'rcss of Hlvorsldo. Tho only nt tondnnt was Mrs. Hurd's llttlo son, Hnlston. Immediately nfter tho coromony, thoy depnrtod for a short honeymoon. 0 " SCHOOL NOTES. Mnrshflold public schools will open Monday, September 10th. Grndo pupllB now to tho school can onroll nny nftcrnoon this week at the superintendent's olllro In tho High School building. Parents will find It to tholr ndvan togo to attend to this beforo Mon day, Scptomber lCth. High School pupils nnd commer clnl students will do well to confer with Mr. Imrkcr nnd Mr. Morris nt tho High School building on Sntur dny afternoon, September 14. For mor pupils of tho High School whose enrollment was completed Inst Juno, need not come unless changes are desired. Tho commercial dopnrthicnt wilt onroll students from North Pond, llnndon, Sumner, Cooston nnd Curry county, ns Indicated by applications for admission. The compulsory school law applies to all pupils from tho eighth to tho Iftccnth birthdays. Children under six nro not ndml .ed to tho school. Tho school has sonil-nnniiiil pro notions. Dcglnners classes nrc or ganized In September nnd again on iboul February 1. ACTION nv council. Itotitlne ProciTiliiius of Monday Nlulit'N Session. Among tho routine matters to come beforo the council Monday night woro tho following: Tho council nllowed n largo num ber of current bills, Including $8." for thu monthly support of tho Mnrshflold Public Library, ind SIAO for thu Coos Day Concert Ilnnd. An Invitation from thu Cnlifornln Municipal League to have n dele gate prosont at tho convention In Man Diego was rend hut no action was taken towards sending n dele gate. An ordinance declaring th Inten tion to construct n 3owor on South First Rtreet nnd South Front Rtreot near Hull aveiiuo and Hrondw.iy wub read. J. V. Wntt, F. A. Goldou nnd O. S. Torrey woro named ns vlowors to apportion tho cost. Tho nssessment for lmnrolit lovontli Htreot from Flnnngiin to iloldou wns read nnd approved. Tho issossinent Ih $1.71! per foot front, jxcIuhIvo of Intersections, wlikh will cost about $27fi. tho total coht of tho Improvement being about) II.2IM1. City Uocorder Ilutler was orvloro.l paid $25 additional for his services 'tiring 'tho mouth of August. Tho lew ordlnnnco llxlng his salary nt $125 por month does not beronio ef fective for uwhllo nnd tho council leclded thnt he wns entitled to tho idvanco nt onco, so mndo tho spoclnl appropriation. Tho Coos liny Wntor Company Inst evening presented bills Pir about six montliR wntor service to tho city. Why they woro held back tho council did not know, but thev woro flnnlly ordored pal I. XOHTII IXLKT N'KWS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holslor r rejolilng over tho nrrlval of n baby girl. Dr. Popo llownrd of Kvor'ett. """I it'iHiiiuii on mo nrenKwnter, Monday, nfter a brief visit with his uioiner. wiiiinm llownrd i-npinin uison of the Schooner wiiisy .Miner came over from Han don to visit his family over Sun tiny. He was 17 duyu on tho trip from San Francisco to llnndon. Mrs. Noun Trnvers of Snn Prnn. ilsco nnd Mrs. Allre Archer nnd daughter of Raymond. Wash., are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. W Judd. Cranberry growers in Hit n.tin, are busy harvesting their crops. P. II. Pinkerton has boon ill tho past week. The lost Sunday afternoon meet- ng wns hel.l at tho homo of Mrs. Kmlly McFarlnnd. Tho nnst mo,.t. Ing will bo hold nt Win. Howard'. T. S. Smnll mndo flnni nmnt o his homestead last Saturday K, , Robinson nnd Reuben Lyons wero ins witnesses pose tlie single tax. Owners of Idle wild ami uncultivated lands In large quantities will fall undor tho slnclo tax. Is your farm and lands worth los than 510.000? Tho r1h.i nv decrease your taxes nnd vnni imu ut us privato ownorshlp will re- main ininct ns it over has, roRnrrtless i wnai -KnocKors" and paid hlro iiiiks may ten you. c. ii. Mclaughlin. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY E DXA LOUISK LARSON, rinnlst and Teacher. Harmony. Musical History Phono 2GJR. V HHXXETT," J. ilennett Swnnton, Tom T. I!ennett Altoi'iH-ys anil I'liiiiHi'llors al . Pluiumnn .V Ilennett Hunk Ittiililiug. Miirsliflehl, Cikii Co., Oregon, P III1L RiThFYiALLI X Kit Pianist anil Teiiilier Residence-Studio, L'.'IT So. llroatlwoy Phono 18-1.. T KV K, - Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Store. Clans Starts Septeiubei' 1. w M. S. TUHPKX, AHCII1TF.CT. Mnrshficld, Oregon. Dll. V. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Itiilldlng, over (Jniml Theater. Olllce Phone :I!!0. w. (3. CHANDLEIt, Architect. ItiKiniK ill) I ami :W2, Coke Itiilldlng Marsh field, Oregon. D It. Illltl) It. OLAHKK, Specialist In Nerve uinl Spinal Disease. Olllco Hours, 1 to C p. in. Olllce, ill) I MARSH F1KLD Coke llttlldlng. OHKOON DIt. A. .t. IIKXDUY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Illdg., Opp Chnndlor Hotel, phono 1 1 2-.1. The Sign of Good Candy Always iiwUtti iHililiJ Blanchard's Livery Wo hnvo secured tho llvory busl nosa of L. II. Hclsnor, and nro pre pared to render excellent srvlro to tho pcoplo of Coos liny. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd everything thnt will menu satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driv ing horso, n rig or nnythlng needed In tho llvory lino. Wo nlBo do truck ing business of nil kinds. HliANCHAItl) lUtOTIIKItS, Phono lilH-.L Llvory, Vevi ami Sales Service. Ill Hist ami Alder Streets IHJILDIXfJ AND HKPAIIt WORK, House Moving anil (.'railing. Wo nro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract nnd gunrnntee satisfaction. Lot uh flguro with you. (J. S. FLOYD Ai CO., Phono ill (I-.!. MnrMiflelit, Ore. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD l-XKCTIIIC l'lXTUHKS LKADKD AHT (JLASS DOMKS POItTAHLK STAND LAMPS, PHONK IHMt. Have Tfcat Roof Fixed NOW Seo GOltTIIELl phoxi: :nui. E. Pale & Co. High Grode Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolens fit ana uatisfactlon Guaranteed Wo do all work right horo. 370 North Front Street Mnrsliflchl. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old Falso Teet sent us. Highest prices paid f-ir old Gold, Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting neflning Co. K8tabllshed 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l4. TO DKNTISTS. We will buy your Gold FUUng3, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. HIcu est prices paid. We Clean and Press ti I'hono Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered 3-Coos Bay Steam Laundry TUONK MAIN 87-J Pump Solid-Breech, Hammerless. Sal Rnffnm F.iprhnn pmnfv cItpIIc q lL. downward smoke and gases must go the same way, too insuring uninterrupted sight iapiu punning always. bona jtsreecn irlammerless perfectly bal. anced a straight strong sweep of beauty from stock to muzzle. Three Safety Devices accidental discharge impossible. Simple Take-Down a quarter turn of the barrel does it carrying, cleaning, intecr. hange of barrels made easy your fingers are your only H BKH. L5 Uucks ! D oeason Opens Sunday and Ducks Are Plentiful We are pleased to furnish the sportsman with a complete outfit We have the famous "Speed Shells," the ones that "bring home the Bacon." A Few Winchester and U. M. back hunting clothes and others: decova. shell batrs. duck eafc shell vests, cleaning rods v.cs, cartridge belts, recoil pads. GUNS TO RENT KStS I mmmmmammlmmmm New Line of Fixtures Watch ouv window Tues day Three dollars up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. I'liunc 2J17.J. t. J. I'stlmatcs Aiiyuhvrc. Any Tinio Careful Driving Kcasonalile IIulcs PISIIHU AUTO SKUVICIJ Win. Klsilifp. ir... l'linilslicd. StP''0nnlrd0,rSo J !"W CIBar """" 'w. Alter li I 5-J. Marshflolii nr, M., "" no. HO TEL COOS C. A. Mctlln, Prop. Cor r'f " ,,,,y """ lwa,,l, Cur. llrnnilivar nu.l Market Mnrshfluhl, Oregoii. wmm & 'SsV- tools. j Y) UUN For trap or field work the fastest natural pointer. Your dealer has one, Look it over to-day. ReminjJIon Anns-Union Metallic Carlnl 209 liroudwuy tl NewTJ ucks ! una 0 Reminders for That Trip: C. factory loaded shells: the famous Duel- and brushes, gun oil, rust remover, gw THE GUNNERY Sportsmen's Headquarters WANTED ! ! ! C.IUPKTS UIMIOLSTIIIUNO AM) l'lAXOS TO CL1UX, l,y tho I'liou mat c t eanliif. Company. Orders for work taken nt OIXO & IIAltVEV, , I'hono 100 scAir: ffi . Jl. HODfil.VS Marshfield Paint, Decorating Co. MAHSIIFIKIil), I'hono MO.L. OifKoji SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store The newest up to date lasts for ,o!!e3 "ml enlldron; all sizes. uromlwny. Mnrshfleld. Real Estate and w , oFIRH 1NUHANCE fecral G.mhI llargalns In Vurms nnd City Property. AUOJ. PIU.EEN', ,l.llcila Central Ave. MAItSlWKM, OREOON Plis niakeo'irIlcrt ass comikcIAI JUli m Khm rl r$cy$ wiiST junsnn"! 41 x 90-Coruer .i ThlrleCDtl ' 70 x lOO-Fourtej CO x 140-Ceninl' 70 x lOO-CoBEe Fourteenth " I. S. KAUfl 177 Front You AutoC I.HO.NBWl Stand ii"'-tfCi TWO t" a'.!I!W l'1"" mJ )nuuicm , .TXnKilK PVrf rvzi -hbfe- ''"W11HWJHW-.M