THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 I, 1912 EVEMIMG EDITIOH. I mmmmmasaaissummTmnKvrHU New Fall Salts, Raincoats ana Overcoats - i 1 1.. 1 Portland Loses First of New Series to Oakland Los Angeles Loses. PORTLAND, Sept. 11. Portland dropped tlio first game of tho new Priced $1 GEOKOi: (JOORHl'M ADDS NHW DKPAHTMHNT TO ttAHACi: FOR ih:ni:fit of coos couxtv auxoists. Georgo Goodrum la Just complet ing rearranging his garage nnd put ting In n complcto lino of nuto sup plies. Ho will lmvo a new otllco in tho quarters formerly occupied by tlio O'Kolly waiting rooms and In I series to Oakland yesterday Tlio games resulted as follows: At San Francisco U. Portland 1 to $35.00 II. E. c c connection with It will liavo a ware- Oakland 3 KOTO SUPPLIES COAST LEAGUE TO 8E CARRIED BALL SCORES 5.0 G II. 12 G II. house- room filled with supplies and I At sacramenio n. t Knnriitiinn n 4 ! if i h """ . . ' t Aoln., !l Mr. Goodrum has arranged to car- "" """,, , ... f..ll 1I.. nf ,.nrl. f,.- tl,n Pn.lll.1 At LOS AngClCS It. lac, for which ho Is agent, nnd which Vornon 8 11 will bo a great convenience to Cadil lac owners In this section or the state, as It will eliminate delays in enso of accidents Jo machines. His lino of nuto Btippllcs will also bo very complcto and Includo all the minor parts that will bo suitable to nil makes of autos. Ilo will also carry a largo lino of tires. Tho now departments In connec tion with tho repair shop that ho maintains In connection with tho garago and which Is In chnrgo of Mr. Stcolo, ono of tho best nuto mo- San Francisco. 1 14 NORTH HHNR NKWB Mr. Krnnlck of Hnngor was in Mnrshficld yostorday. Miss Ida I). Mitchell of Allcgnn was n guest of Mrs. 13. J. Kettering of South Mnrshficld yostorday. Miss May Petorson of Mnrshficld was tho guest of Mrs. M. G. Colo- mnn of North Rend yestcrdny Mrs. W. D. Simpson nnd rinuch- cnnnics on mo coast, win oo a no- j0P, Miss Kdltli, wcro guests of Mrs. cidod boon to nutolsts In this sec- v. N. Ekblnd of Marshficld Mon tlon. ,lny. Mr. Goodrum would like to lmvoj Mrfl (minott and son of North nil tho nuto ownors In this section , nond. and slater. Miss Abbott of drop In and see the new shop and misboro, woro In Mnrshficld yostor inako suggestions as It Is his dosln ' (nVi to mnko It' ns convenient nnd ns ml-1 jirs, George Taylor of North Rend vnntngcous as posslblo to tho Coos H0R,ts Is spondlng n few dny with county enr ownors. I i,or dnughtor, MrH. Percy Pcot of Hnstsldo. Tho Mlzpnh Rlblo rings of North Rend will hold n business nnd so clnl meeting Friday ovonlng nt the Prosbytorlnn church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns Ronnlo nnd Ronnlo's mint. "Aunt" Mary FInnngnn. will loavo noxt month for Los Angolos, whero thoy will mnko their homo. Mrs. Helen Gnlo and llttlo daugh ter, who for tho pnst several weeks havo boon visiting In North Rend, will loavo next week for their homo In Modford. Tho Altnr Guild will meet tomor row nftornoon nt 2: .10 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Goo. Everett, Plat R. Ab mnttors of importanco will 1..4 .... F AAMAlllnMnHftM n ft.11 nl. IIU Hi' IUI V.UIIOIUUIIIIIUII, Mill m- I tendnnco Is dpslrod. 44 4 4444, 444 44 4444 ' ' "0,IBnn' WM0 ror l" nnBl B,x 4 ALONG TIIH WATKHFRONT "ooU" !ln8 ,,cBon .Y11!1 M wlf nt H10 44444444044444441 St. Holcnn Sanitarium wlicro tho Tho Damlon nnd Advnnco sailed' ,nt'or B receiving medical I treatment, from Rnndon yesterday for San roturno. I to North Rond yesterday Francisco ' I on ,M0 Hodondo. Ho roports Hint Tho Fl'flold arrived In nt Rnndon 5,r; ,"nj" ,,0J" "I!"' 1 110 imrmiK hi rurin, given 11 Mnrshficld local tolont nt North ' Rend Monday ovonlng received I hearty npplnuso from n well filled ,l house. Tho members of tho cast played well ami ciioruscs ami spec- Si:C. KNOX IX TOICIO. TOKIO, Sept. 0. Ainiilcnn Secre tary of Stnto Philander 0. Knox, tho first special envoy to tl t funeral of tho Into ompi'ior. t? lonch Japan. 'Mrs nrrlvod in Toklo th' filtcrnoon nnd wns given n formnl wolcomo. A. O. U. W. Regular mooting of Mammoth Lodgo, No. R". A. O. V. W. Thurs dny, Sept. 12. Rig class for Initia tion nnd lino feed. All members nro requested to bo on hnnd. Vis- f.l.. t.., 1lA.(. fKAIt. nlllAH 1la.lln lllllft IIIUUIUIO iltJIII VVUVi JIIIIOIIIl !!.. ... 11-11.. ..l..1 1 ' nulla ruiiiiiuiy luivivuu, E. A. ANDERSON, Recorder. B yostorday from Snn Francisco. 4 AMONC1 Til 1-3 SICK 4 Alfroil Fllesburg, who recently tindorwcut nn operation for appen dicitis, about ten duyii ago, re covorod sulllclently to bo down town. Inltles woro especially good. Tho North Rond regular team de feated tho North Rond firemen nero In n thirteen Inning gnmo Sun lay, four to thrco. Tho scoro was two U two nt the end of tho ninth v'-nlg for tho firemen struck nut twenty given last Friday ovonlng for tlio' ,,c" wimo Mnw,w "," " """" bonoflt of tho library, tho cnnimltteo r,,r tho rof"inr,,J In chnrao has decided to do so nndj KKYXKIt'S OHCIU'STRA RANCH wislios to announce that this onter-j nt KACJI.KS HALL Saturday night. ininnient, winch will lio glvon next Frldny evenlnic, September 13. will REPEAT MRRAItV HKNKPIT. I Owing to tho fact that reuotH on tho part of so many hnvo beoni mndo to ropont tho entertainment, lM II2 Itf llSMa ncfMcwyorkiJf Values that make every. one take notice Because- c. ejlred genjanx! Maker j- of Benjanin QotIes -w.e have the only right selling plan cash only "Money Talks Don't help pay for some else's bad bills We are showing, without a doubt, the LARGEST and best assortment of clothes ever displayed on on Coos Bay We invite comparison with other stores Then we can prove to you what we mean when we say "Money Talks j Marshfield Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Ubby COM,. Tho kind VOU hnvo' AIAVAYH TSUI). Phono 72 Pnclflr'. I agia-g rragrrer.TOTi?mTga?,r3w:yn m bo more finished than tho last, nil, l.Uer- . Trnnnfer Co. little flaws being ellmlnatod. Rosorvod sonts will sell at 60 cents. GW HAIRS QUICKLY mm Autoluo Dolorln. PoHtinnster nt, (iiirdeu, Mich., knows the exact facial 'tn he fpeakti of the curntlvo, valuo of Foley Kidney Pills. i .iivk: "From iny tn eierlinee I1 lecuniniend Fiilev Kidney PIU, na ,i fent remedy for ktdncv tmiiliie Iv father wa cured of kidney ills-' M-!' and n oud many of my neigh- imm were cured uy Foley K Idnev IIIh." I.ockhart Pnrsons, tho Rex- 'I lico "Tlio Mnsv fornor " A Harmless Remedy, Made! From Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. EQI'IPPKI) WITH Vlltl-3M3SS Steamship Breakwater ALU AYS O.N TIK. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLANM) AT a. in.. SEPT. aft mm kaa 1 -v a akuBBaia . &.. ....... ., i, ii, an nun -,. I' .'I.11MI1II.I,I .VI' TIIH Si:U It'K I, I), II, II), 'J I and 211. OF THE TIDE SEPT. Phono .Main ll.VI.. .1. C. MILLER, Audit. teamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Friday, September 6, at 10 A. M. with PAssE.varns and freight A feelliiK of widiiertM ncconipiinlenj IUO PER CKXT DECLINED, tho dlninory of tho Unit Biny lialr Ywterday n recent pun-hnser In which iiiifortiiiiniil. are looked upon Porham Park declined to nccept nn ns herahlK of iuUiuii'Iiik ano. (Ray! advanco of ll'O per cent on money hair, hooor. ImiUonm as It may Invoxted. Two reasons woro nsslKii be, inaken a portion look old. Wo oil. ono that he wanted to build his nil know the luUniitnuo of belli' own homo on Hint nnriinninp m.n you hk. Anldo from tho ood lm-(tlio other that ho considered the! prosblon a youthful appearance property worth more. Talk wlthi jimuos on omeis, mnipiy Kuowinu Kohl, owners nsont. Coko Ride that you aio louklim lit" jjlvon onol fouriiKo to iiinleritikr) and aceompllsh IhliiKs. So why suffer tho haiidlenp of lookliiK old on account of urny lialrs, when a simple remedy will' KiNe your hull- youthful color and! beauty In n few duvs' tlnio? .miih inuipio Know i nut (oniuioii garden sao nets as a tolor u-storer nnd stalp tonic as well. Our man-l-niothers used n "Sh Ten" for kooplnic their hair dark, soft nn t luxuriant In Wyoth's Siiro mid Sulphur Hair Romody we hne an ideal iireparatlon of Saito comblnel with Sulphur and other aluable remedies for dandruff. ItchliiK scalp nnd thin, weak hair, that is spilt at tho ends or contsanily coming out A fow applications of this valuable romody will bring back the color, nnd In n shoit tlmu it will remove evory trace of dniidniff ami greatly linprovo tho growth ami apoarance of tho hair. Oet u fifty-cent bot'lo from vour druggist today, nnd notice the differ ence in your hnlr after n fow days' treatment. All druggists sell it. un der gunrnnteo that tho money will bo refunded if tho romody is not ex actly as represented. PH. DOW, Awnt. Ocean IX- THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' S. S. ALLIANC: EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR, COOS BAY FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, AT 6 P. M. OUNNECTIXII WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT POKTUlXn NORTH PACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ,h0,,e O. F. McGEORGE. Agent. Get Busy .Mi mArKu t,iat Roop- ut F,sT co115 ,N asd on kii il-r i'pS1?. 9N a,".NaK8 AND ROOFINa PAPER. SRIMiLFS .1.00 AND UP. ROOFrNO PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.28 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. R. J. MONTGOMERY i Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid fir old Gold. Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sont by Return Mall. Plilln. Smelting .M Refining Co. Established 20 Years. S!l CliCKtiuit St., Philadelphia, P.. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold FIUlng3, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Higa t prices paid. EAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redond riiltKHl with tireless and submarine bell SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Friday, Sept. 13, at. 12 o'clock All Passenger Reservations Krom Snn Francisco Must Ro Mnde nt nor, File Rulldlng, or Pier No. 10. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PI,0NR C. F. McGEORQE. Ant Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance; . Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEtfttY 8ENG8TACICKN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl o Phone 191 Platting Lands a 11)6018111. warms Timber Coal andenU "EASTBIDBT General Ag MarahOeld Offlco 14-J. City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Dlanco lintel and Blanco Clger 8tore. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone it. RARKKIl A GOODAIiE. proprietor. TiTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. minutee from T, a. m. untuTo SebVe;n8,lLSn0ohaJ5e ,8t Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line OORST & KINO. Proprietors. Cara leave Marshfield on Kunrauioe our work. Mover. We mianigni. ueave North Bena same 'CDeauie, atarting at 7 a. ml IflT - until midnight. See Saturday Tim, L- H. HOICIVah f - w m Aiitiiir:i . w for Mhedule, We Clean and Press InrlJnc' anH Pflf'S W Goods Called for nnA Dplivered Coos Bay Steam Laundnf I Pkonei S8.R, i20.J. o?49.UPt PHONK MAI - -l'