THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION, !S Y Great New Stock of the Hart SchafFner & Marx OU men in Marsh- field who are par ticular about the clothes you wear now have an opportunity to get the the kind of clothes you want at the price you want to pay. Hart SchaffnerSc Marx M coods were never better than this full; the finest weaves, the best tailoring, the smartest styles ever shown. Young Men's Special Styles if Some very unusual tilings mm for you young fellows; live- M1 ly paiicnis, anajiiij uuw mo dels; sonic very smart new ideas in cut and finish. Latest Styles Prices nro low ns UBiinl Suite $18.00 nnd up Overcoats $1G.50 nnd up IlllllfcSr ,1f ft Rm !' 7 J l A ,i ; I '''' IFs-Hfk 7 1 & I .'Si" fe' - mkm warn ,J v mm MA AURSBfe. t'WNLm. . V W5SSi MWJlr XI w & v ii .wvyvvvv". -r '. r.'iwo..t W Iff w Oopjrlifht llnrt Soliaffncr A Marx OOOB ll.U TIDES. Hoi w Is glvon tn-i tlmo and ' eight of high and low water at Mnrshneld. Th tides nro placed In tho order "f occurrence, with tholr tlmou on 'he first lino and heights on the sec ond line of c;ich day; a comparison of consccutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wntor on bnr, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Onto. September. llHrs.. 2.15 8.13 2.C3 8.32 Poet. C.7 0.G C.4 0.7 13'Hrs.. 3. JO 9.28 -1.07 10.01 Pcot. G.C 0.3 G.9 0.1 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Pair tonight. nnd Thursday. Easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. Por twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n.m., Sopt. 11, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- tcorologlcal obsorvcr Minimum 44 4 At 4:43 n. in CO her of residents hns been filed with tho county clerk and tho question will bo put on tho bnllols nt Hunker Hill this fall. Buys Lots. C. M. Andorson, n brothor-ln-lnw of J. E. Oron. who recently moved from Minneapolis to Coos liny, hns bought boiiio lots on Soventh Btreot, between Hall nnd Johnson, from C. E. Gilbert nnd Is moving n houso on to thorn. Ho Is arranging to erect a new houso on his other two lots on South Plfth street, botwecn tho two fine houses which tho Ncrdrum Brothors nro erecting. Street Work. Tho street work Is being rushed during tho lino weath er. Contractor Hugh MeLnln yes tcrday stnrtod In on the South Fourth street clovntod rondwny. Tho Federal Construction Company Is completing tho bnso for tho hnrd surfaco paving nnd expects tholr equipment for tho surface work hero tho last of tho weok. Chns. Noblo is having tho pllcdrlvor putting In tho Ternilnnl lino work evenings to hasten its complotlon on Front Btrcet, nenr Central nvenuo. Olllcliil Visit. Mrs. Mnrgnret Hnytor, worthy grand mntron of tho Eastorn Star Lodge, for tho stnto of Oregon, mndo hor ofllclnl visit to tho Marshflold chapter Inst evening. this is sirs, unytcr's Ilrst offlclnl visit In tho county nnd tho Marsh flold chapter together with about 18 visiting mombors from North llond enjoyed very much hor tnlk on tho PERSONAL NOTES tcorologlcal obsorvcr: lodgo work. After tho meeting, a .Maximum 84 banquet was sorvod to tho guests Woolen Mill Store , This store is the home of Hart Sehaffncr & Marx clothes Precipitation nono Wind north: cloar. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Lafayette Razors Manufactured from extra quality crucible steel. Direct from the factory sale, for one more day only, at 25 Cents Each. WANT ADS. FOR SALIC Flvo passenger fore door lO-horxcpoucr Stcvcus-Diir-yrn unto, HMO model. Fully llllllllllll. fll'l'U 11,'IM'lli'iillf mm' Must lii) sold before Saturday. Price 1)00. Cost new ,$:S.100. i iiiiiio iimi or ;n-ii. HORN. MELVIN To Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Molvln nt tholr homo on North Drdndwny, Wodnesdny, Soptombor 11, n nine-pound son. Ho Is their first hoy mid tho thrco llttlo daugh ters nnd tho parents nro highly elated over his arrival. Mr. Mol vln Is superintendent of tho Fed eral Construction Compnny nnd re cently brought his family hero from Cnllfornln. Ho was roarsd at Gnr dlnor nnd on Coos liny. FOR SALE CHEA!' Nonrly now llvo-pnsHcngor nuto. Address Bnr- gnln, TlniCH Olllco. (Yes, 25c only.) If not satisfactory after one week's trial, return to us and get your money's worth in merchandise. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE I3lTSY CORNER" PHONE- MAIN 298 US CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The; First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, September I, 1012. RESOURCES. J-wnj and Discounts . $305,414.72 "Wdrafta 1G3 12 wad, warrants nnd securities 03.G89.U0 Li ?nia t0 80cilro circulation '. 25,000.00 l estate, furlturo nnd fixtures 80,000.00 n and sight exchnngo 149.20S.G5 Tota' JG23.47G.39 LTAIHI.tTIlBH. C'Pltal stock paid In $100,000.00 C Zi... na ,ini"vlded profits 11,419.78 f-'?"on outstanding 24.000.00 1S8.05G.C1 Deposits Total ,$G23,47G.39 " mm t" Capital Stock tlio Individual liability of Stockholders Is . $100,000.00. WTnitL'ST IA" ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. s- CIIAXIuj.jii, President DOHSEV KHEITZER, Cashier. MEN WANTED Edgormnn $3.50 per day, 20 potato dlggors, $2 nnd board. Phono 2G9-L. LOST Largo ngato brooch. He wn rd If returned to Times olllco. WANTED Pantry jjlrl. Apply lit Chaudlor Hotel. NTC'E Miltuihau homo for lady teach er or man nnd wlfo. Iuqulro "C," Times offlco. PAUTV that took a pair of ladies shoes nt Englo hall Saturday night return to Times ofllco. WANTED Man for roof work, nso ono man to work on plnco by month. Call up Cortholl, phono 3121. STATEMENT OF CONDITION of FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON, M the close of buslucss, September I, 1012. i and Hie . RESOURCES. 2Wnl hoICOUntB $455,211.87 Chanii ' 50,000.00 Ul exchanges 307.835.4G Total , $813,047.33 ?PlTitook nu . LIABILITIES. SfPlMtwS Pa,d ,n ." ' $ 50,000.00 Spoilt, ,undlMed profits, a., (.,.; ;..;. -59,552.67 V ., VUJ.V'1'00 FOR RENT Or Sale, !I5-ncio much 1-2 mllo from croamory. Flno dairy ranch. Well In. Ton cows. G. W. Stnrr, Urldgo, Oro. FOR SALE Two motor InmtH In ..good running ordor. $1G0 cash for both. Phono 10. WANTED High School pupil villi work for room nnd board. Would prefer to bo nonr school. Address II., enro Times. FOR SALE Rooming Houso of 11 rooms, furnished. 3G2 North Front Street. FOR SALE All household furniture rhonp. Apply Titos. Ronnie, North Rend. I OR SALE Cheap; Itcinlncton tjpewrltoi In good condition. Ad dress Typewriter, caro Times. FOR SALE First class gasoline launch with cnhln nnd 5-horse-power onglnoj nil good ns now, sultablo for family or fishing boat. Snap. Cash, trndo or part on tlmo. Address "A," enro Times. IIUY NOW. Borne choice lots In NORTH DEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. OEAn'& CO, first National Bank. Guurdd Arrive. Two guards from tho Oregon Stnto hospital nrrlvcd hero today via Onrdlnor to tnko Al fred Whltty mil Mrs. Charles Nord strom thoro for trontment. To Open Store. E. C. Bnrkor has loused one-half of tho room occu pied by tho Rohflold Brothers' store nnd will opon a Jowolry storo thoro next weok. Mr. Bnrkor was former ly loented thoro, but spent tho sum mer nut of town. Sunday School Rally. Tho Pros bytorlnn lllhlo school Is planning nn oxcollont program of oxcrclscs for Rally Day. It will bo glvon In tho month of Octobor nnd will bo proceoded by nn nrtlvo work to In cronso the momhorshlp of tho school. Gives Parly. Clifford Downs on tortalnod a few of his friends Inst ovoulug nt tho homo of his parentH, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 7.. Downs of South nrondway. A very pleasant even ing of music wns enjoyed by nil, nf tor which delightful refreshments woro sorvod. Stiitfo Chnngcs. Tho mall and stngo sorvlco between Mnrshflold nnd North Bond will go on tho wlntor schodulo Octobor 1 nnd will lonvo horo In tho oveulng instead of at G o'clock In tho morning. Tito first of this month, tho fnro wns nd vnncod from $G to $7. IiCmvo Next Week. Dr. Schonek and tho Blltmnro forest school stud ents, who havo been spending n month on tho Hay, will lonvo on tho Brenkwntor Soptombor 19. Thoy will go onst nnd snl early noxt month from Now York for tho Blnck Forest In Oormany, whoro they will spend tho wlntor. After CiivtH. Resldonts of tho Bunker Hill precinct nt tho Novem ber election will vote on tho ques tion of prohibiting- cows from run ning nt largo thoro. An Inltlntlvo potltfnn slgnod by tho required mini- INVEST: In Myrtle Point, Ore. Wo can furnish you acreage properties In tracts of 5 acres for n home; to 1.100 acres for a stock ranch. DO YOU WANT u business or u business lo cation. Wo havo either or both for you. Also choice res. ideuco properties, Improved or unimproved, lie from Missou rilet us SHOW YOU. Horace W. Ames Co. Myrtle Point Oregon and locnl members. Mrs. Hnvtor loft this morning for Gardiner. Hottest Day of Year. Yesterday was tho hottest day pf tho year on Coos Bny. Tho govornmont thor momotor kopt nt tho homo of U. S. Wcnthor Obsorvcr B. II. Ostllnd reg istered 81 In tho shndo, whllo tho former warmest dny this sumtnor wnB only 78. Tho wnrm wonthor has been vory goncrnl, having stnrtod ns far onst as Chicago last weok, whoro tho heat caused n number of deaths. Tho warm woathor caused no dnmngo to crops horo, but was npproclntcd after tho ton dnys' rainy spell. Shrlncrs Hard Trip. John Kron holm who roturnod yestordny ro ports that ho oncountorod ono of tho Inst of tho parties of Shrlnorn re turning from Coos Bny nenr Camas Valley. Tho party consisted of L, L. Mullt, Win. Rnymond, Mr. Stono nnd Mr. Carter and tholr auto was Btuck In tho soft mud. Thoy woro nenr tho end or tho worst pnrt of tho road. Thoy got stranded ono night nnd had to remnln out all night In tho mnchlno. Anothor tlmo thoy had n break down nnd Mr. Mu llt had to wnlk eight miles to got ropnlrs. Ho wns wearing low shoes and lone beforo ho got over tho eight miles ho lost thorn nnd hnd to tramp In his Blocking foot nnd his podnl extremities woro still vory soro. Mr. Kronholm nlso Bnw n big Hudson enr proppod up by tho rond sldo, two of tho whcols bolng gnno, ovldontly for ropnlrs. Riijh Residence Site John D. Jones hns purchased a tract of land In First Addition to Mnrshflold on tho point once occupied by tho old Enstport Hntol and recognized nn ono of tho honuty spots of Mnrsh flold. Mr. Jones' Innd fncos on Southwest Boulevard nnd oxtonda eastward to Coal Bank Inlet, which stream sorvos as tho boundary of his trnct on ono Bldo. Tho ground pur- ohasod Is practically roctangul"-. 150 feet wldo nnd 400 fot long, nnlj It includes n coiinr-covoroii Knoll which will mnko an Idonl location for a houso. Mr. Jones bought tho land for n homo slto nnd will build n Bovon or eight-room rosldenco thoro noxt summer. Ho intonds to incronso tho natural honuty of his grounds by lovollng, torrnclng nnd soedlng to lawn down to tho wntor'n odgo. His plans nlso contomplnto tho building of n honthouso nnd bontlandlng, so thnt ho enn go to nnd from his plnco of business olthor by rond or by lnunch. $3,500 312-J. nuto for $900. Phono TONIGHT AT We Royal PRICE 10 CENTS. The Fatal Mirror. Vengeance Mine. Four Flush Actor. TOMORROW NIGHT. Tho big four-rool fenturo, Tho Fall of Black Hawk. Don't miss, this. I Slippery Jim. The Convict's Daughter, big four net comody-drnmn, by Chns. E. Me-, rjiroy ami loeni peopio tor rrniay night. RAY WARD Is hero from Rosohurg on n vacation. JACK DEATTIE of Coos RIvor Is in Marshflold today. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlet Is In this city todny. ALVA BONEBRAKE of Ross Inlet Is In Mnrshflold today. MRS. P. M. PARSONS Is entertain ing nt luncheon this nftomoon. MR. AND MRS J. J. BURNS of Coos River woro In Mnrshflold yestor dny. REV. O. LEROY HALL of Mnrsh lleld wns n North Bond visitor yes tordny. POY COX of Allegany enmo to town this morning for medical treat ment. A. II. STUTSMAN accompanied Cnptnln Ilnrls yesterday to Sumner on business. E. A. ANDERSON nnd L. W. Trnvor went to Coqulllo yesterday on court mnttcrs. JACK McDONALD returned to Loon Lnko yestordny nftor sovornl days' Btay In Mnrshflold. ERIC nOLT will lonvo Snturday for Salom to rcsumo his courso In Wlllnmotto University. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS nnd Mlso Joan Fitzgerald loft this morn ing to visit friends nt Sltkum. JACK SNEDDEN loft todny for Five Mllo, near aBndon, whoro ho will spend pnrt of his vacation. MRS. ROBT. McCANN nnd Miss Lll llnn McCnnn of North Bond, woro Mnrshflold visitors yestordny. D. M. KEMP, formerly of Florenco and Glcndn, but now loented nt Eugene, Is visiting friends on tho Bny. MRS. FRANKLIN BIRCH lenvos this weok on nn extended visit nt tho homo of hor pnronts In Call fornln. MISS ANNA CLINKERBBARD will ieavo tho last of tho week for Philomath to rcsumo her collego courso. OEO. ROSS of Cntchlng Inlot In In this city todny. Ho Is n nophow of J. W. Bonobrnko, who died this morning. DR. E. MINGUS loft for Myrtlo Point this nftomoon. Ho will go on to Ashlnnd to visit for nwhilo with his mother. C. M. DOUTT nnd family of Alle gany nro planning to lonvo tho last of tho weok for Portland nnd other northern points. W. D. BAIN nnd wlfo expect to lonvo tho last of tho weok for Portland nnd other northern points, whoro thoy will mnko nn extendod stny. TOM A. WILLIAMS, spcclnl ropro sontntlvo of Henry Dlsston & Sons Koystono Snws, of Philadelphia, Is In tho city on business connected with tho C. A. Smlth.Co. MISSES BELL PARDEE nnd Evolyn Lowls nnd R. E. Morris, Alva Crowloy, L. J. Hopson nnd E. J. Jackson woro outgoing pnssongors on tho Rosohurg Btngo yestordny. MRS. FRANK MARHOPFER is ox pectod homo tho lnttor part of tho month from Utah, whoro sho ' has been spending tho summer with hor pnrcnts. MR. nnd MRS. WALTERS nnd fnm lly nnd Cnrl Thompson who linvo been spending the summor nt tho C. II. Wnllors homo will lonvo tho last of tho weok for tholr homo In Missouri. MRS. O. LEROY HALL nnd children who woro oxpectod In Frldny from Portlnnd, wired thnt thoy will bo unnblo to return until tho follow ing weok. Tholr llttlo son is re ceiving medical attention. F. A. GRANNI8, n member of tho Mnrshflold High School faculty, Is oxpectod horo today vln Myrtlo Point, from Snlom, whoro ho has boon employed In ono of tho stnto Institutions during vacation. CELL IRELAND loft today noon for Camas Valley, to visit relatives. From thoro, ho will go to Pendlo ton for tho round-up, from Sop tombor 25 to 28, nnd will spoilt! somotlmo In Portlnnd, returning horo early noxt month. J. M. RAY of Loon, Knn., loft todny for Coos County, whore ho will visit threo brothers. Ho visited n cousin, O. T. Rny. horo, tho lnttor being tho 87th rolntlvo ho hns vis ited slnco lonvlng ICnnp"i In Juno, Ho hns more to visit. Eugono Guard. H. P. LEID will leavo In n 'ny or two for Portland to got tho bnl nnco of tho equlpmont for tho bnkory nnd dollcntosson which ho will opon In tho Johnson building on Socond Btreot, nonr Contrnl nvenuo. Ho will let tho contract for remodeling tho plnco todny, probably. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED AT Marshfield Cyclery Phono 1.1H-H. ' 172 No. Brondwny. TRUFOR TRUSS Tlio most hclentlfJc Truss on tho market. Retains your rupture. Fitted hy un expert. Solo agents. m r k w vrHrrv I r--rr1 1 fcA.k LB "J Aw.iyLyj f'' f Olympic Flour SWndjLu f wc-uw iHoti '... Snow Drift Flour t RETAILPRICL ' $1.50 PE& SACK NorthwesUrn-fTd wht ud n cluslvely la mttUis tk brd of v"m ' ,t? lojBiaaor i hour SURELAY -. ...v. . . , r. . i T . . . .... o-u,v .- i iimmrii.ii - 'ii -ffiht-m & .1