The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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) Sn Put Your Kcnl Kstnlo "In
Will Keep your Iiirumu from
Furnished Rooms Steady.
YOU enn really help tlio family
rovenucs by rcntliiB u fov furnlahotl
rooniB nnd, If you know how and
when to uso tlio classified columns,
you may keop that llttlo extra In-
como as "stoatly ns a clock."
I dm JinrKCf j'.m...-'
in nut tlio facts about your
' " before tho oyes of all "pos-
proper y Jofo re i Aml ,f ihmQ
tl3 ono of '0 m w..u
tit, yu H
I. vVVUi IMMltllfiiru in
OL. XaAVU M rrtl0 Const Mnll.
. . 1 .. ,U"U
A Consolidation of Times, Const. Mnll
No. 46
nnd Coos liny Advertiser.
L Elkins Gets Six Months in
county jwii 'ui """i
from Blanco.
m warrFn GIVES
feas. Denison Wins "Fight-
ijngCaseiromBuiiKur nm
unc inuiuiiuuiii.
fSooclnl to Tho Times)
;C0QUIM-E. Scut. .-Tlio jury
,v Mn nf Otto ElkltiB, charged
th tho tlicft nf a suitcase from
,e Dlanro liotcl, brought In n vor-
Former President Has Busy
Day in Rose City Leaves
There Tonight.
Associated Press to Tho Coos
Hay Times.)
kt of guilty f pet'V Inrcony, that , Uoosovolt ,onVC() iorljnn,i tonluht ho
fixing tlio vaiuo in i ...,.. i,,tj8 rnr to ,,, MyQ op,,ortunty
II, or $1 1cm than tho amount of romriB tlmt ll0 B)onl n ,,,,,,.
fffary for tlio more bcHoub r-, .fiii,K miHV ,iav. it,, WI1(. I11.1in1,l1
me of grand larceny. Judgo Coko, ono imir lo nmBolf following the
ntenced him to six months In tho nrrlvnl of tho trnn frnm ,, t
rantr Jail' . ,, , , . I Sound this momliiR and nnnthar
Wm. Wnrren of Mnrsliriol-l I-, hour during tho afternoon. Asltlo
irit licrn VlStcnlliy tO nllHWOI' lUl f,nM tl.nan Inlnmiluuloiiu I.I.. ,!..
k'nent for rniililliiK rotuniod by, tI110 wnB occ,,c,i carrying out the
10 urand Jury Inst weolc nnd fur-i i0i,cthv nrocrnm tnniiiiril nut liv iim
,h-,l MOO for his nppoaranee Uilocnl coininlloo of lM0 irOKrest.vo
I niuiorcti iimi inner niiiii-uiiviiin party.
r been returned In gambling KiiUou-Ini? llm nmml riipnnllnn l.n
ksM at Mnrahflohl. but no Infor-, ...,, i. !, i,ti rr n onnrnrnn
ullon la omninnmo a win. u ".wlth loadors of tho Progressive par-
Tnosramijiiry iiiiii.iiir.iii ii"i ty In OroRon and then ntlendod n
!l "blind 11(1 rtlllOllt. Ulltll tllO t,lni.linnn nf Mm n.l i,w.t, nml l,.nr..
idlcted party Is arrested tho nnnio, clllUi KqIIowIiir lunehcon ho mndo
l tne true urn win noi no gnuii , Bovoral short talks at points on both
it. , ,, , I sides of tho Wlllnmotto river. Ro-
A report Is expected 0.1 tho Condi turnlnrr n thn lintnl hn nenln won!
iurderenso from Hnndon soon. into BoeliiHlon with Procrossivo lend-
It In nlso expected that will orB nn,i thon went to tho Audltor-
fnrlhop rennrt on (no vlrn eru-' ...... ...1. i. .iii.....i i. ,..
.-....-. .., - --- - ---- i llllll, OIIUIU I1U MUII.UII'II IIIU III il I It
lit and tho liquor rases which Mr. n(i,ir0B8 of tho day to sovernl thous
llleqvlit has broiiRlit beforo the nntj porsons. TonlRht ho will visit
tv granu jury. ,,,, ' tho Mooso club and dopnrt for tho
In tho caso of IT. Brlnklcy vs. cnBtorn part of tho stato at 8 o'clock.
ha. Denison for $u00 damnROs for
lersona! Injuries sustnlncd In n,
ht, tho Jury returned n vordlet,
br the defendnnt. Until resldo nt
outer Hill, nonr Marshflold. Drink
r wai clinrgoil with making ro-
iirki about Donlson's wlfo and
wlion gave him n heating. Don-
on paid a fine In Justlro Ponnnek's
fcurt at Marshflold for tho assault.
CiniimlsKloiiei' of Indian Alfnlrs Ite-
slgim to Aid New I'niiy.
(I)y Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Dny Times.)
I WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Itobort
G. Vnlontlno, commissioner of Indian
nffalrs, has sout his resignation to
tho Interior Department to becomo
offoctlvo nt tho dlscrotlon of Secre
tary Fisher, now In Hawaii. Valen
tino will Join tho Progrcsslvo nnrty.
ChnrRes that Uohort Valontlno,
who resigned yostordny ns commls
slnnor of Indlnn affairs, took liquor
with him on nn nfllclnl visit to tho
Indlnn reservation In Oklnhomn, will
bo Investigated by tho Dopartmont
of Justice, It was lonrnod today.
OMPETITION is tho llfo of trndo," Is a saying worn throndbaro
by time, but still true. As n modorn adaptation It might be
montlonod that "competition Is tho soul of courtesy." In other
words, ono may expect satisfactory sorvlco whero thero Is moro than ono
nppllcnnt for tho favor.
Tho Coos Day Homo Tolophono Company, growing gross and Inso
lent with Its monoply, proposes that tho peoplo of Coos Day must bo
sntlsflcd with what It Is pleased to tender In tho way of service
Whon tho company's application for n franchise was beforo the
council, The Coos Day Times consistently nnd courngooiiBly opposed It on
tho conditions named. Nevertheless, nfter n star chamber tesslon with
tho mnnngor of tho tolophono company, tho franchlso was granted.
Ono of tho first nets of tho now company waB to lncronso tho rates on a
promlso of bottorment of sorvlco, which hns novor boon fulfilled. Dy
distributing tho stock among a lot of local pooplo tho company hns
sought to suppress any criticism by tho strength of local Influence
The sorvlco hns gono from bad to worse. Whon you call contrnl,
you may got an answer In a mlnuto and It mny bo five. If you seok
Information, you may get It nnd you mny not.
Do not blnmo tho tolophono girls. Tho Times received Information
direct from tho acting mnnngor last nlpht Hint tho girls are Instructed
not to glvo nny Information. The Insolent lmpudonco thnt you may re
colvo from headquarters Is not tho result of n girl's Inck of tact, but tho
policy of tho company. "If you don't Ilko our sorvlco, whnt aro you go
ing to do about It?" Is tho Implied question of their Insolence.
Coos Dny hns no need 'for n second tolophono compnny, except ns It
Is prompted nnd promoted by tho unsatisfactory and Insolent sorvlco of
tho present concorn. They nro doing their best at present to drlvo tho
pooplo of this community to n now company. If thoy think tho namo
"Homo Tolophono Company" Is going to protect thorn from their own
evil nets, thoy nro mistaken- Thero Is n point whero forbonranco coasos
to ho a vlrtuo, nnd a pursuance of tho present policy of tlio company
will soon roneh that destination.
Two per cent a mo.ith which tho compnny Is now paying mny ho
comforting to tho stockholders, but It Is not solnco to peoplo who pay
monoy for sorvlco and rcceivo Insolence nnd Impudence In return.
This Insolonco Is n direct rostilt of nn nrrogant mnnneoniont that
thinks bocnuso It hns a monopoly, tho public be dnmned but tho
public driven too far may find nnothor destination thnn damnation.
Coos Dny Is entitled to n competent and courteous tolophono ser
vice If tho prosont compnny grows gross and Insolent with tho
stronRth of Its monopoly nnd refuses to glvo It thero are other methods
and mentis.
A word to tho wlso Is sometimes not BUdlfTlclont, but It should bo
Glvo Coob Dny tho sorvlco It desorves and pnys for, or nn effort will
. bo. Jl!1"A JQ .pey.uro It In somo other .mnnnor.
Mexican Federal Garrison Is
Forced to Surrender After
Ammunition Gives Out.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa
Dny Times.)
MAIIKA, Texas, Sept. 11. Tlio
President Madero's Plan
End Pillaging Near Bor
der to Give Aid.
Start One Force Marching to
North and Second Will
Sweep Southward.
(Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Inter
vention in Mexico seemed n Btop far
ther off todny. Tho robol raiding
nlong tho border Is expected to bo
Kedornl gnrrlson at Ojlnnga, Mexico, onde.l by lho Mexlcnn fodornls, who
surrondorod Into yesterday to tho re
hols. News of tho surrender wiih
rccolvod today from Ojlnnga, fifty
miles from Mnrfa. General Snnches
commanding wns In Prosldlo nt tlio
1 1 mo of tho surrender trying to got
moro ammunition fortho fodornls.
General Stecveis Claims Itebols Were
Driven Hack.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Daj
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 11. Gonor-
nl Stcovors' dispatches last night tol
nro to bo pormlttod to cross Toxns
nnd Now Mexico to nttnek tho In
surgents nlong tho frontlors in Chi
huahua nnd Snnorn. Whllo one
forco of fodornls movos down from
tho northern boundary, nnothor Is
being workod up tho Southorn Pa
cific lino In Moxlro. Tho plan Is
to catch tho robels botwoon tho two
Tho robels say tho plan will only
transfer tho sont of wnr from tho
hordor to tho mountains. Madero's
movoment of troops Is In rosponso
to tho demands of tho United Stnuti
ling of tho bnttlo of Ojlnnga mado thnt Amorlcnns bo protected. Tho
Pioneer Resident of Coos
County Succumbs Sudden
ly at His Home.
. Doncbrake, n pioneer resi
st Of Canst rnnntv nml lnn mi.
- ..... ...... w w
l;tj In thn Inu'Mrv I, .ml.. .,,.., ., ,
nifleld, died nt tho homo of Alva I
'ncbrake. on Put, Mm- itltn o, .i
t.Ock this mnriilni. .r li,i....i rn .
had lecn 111 only n short tlmo'
uru oi ms death enmo ns n
MH to his mnny friends. i
r uoncurako wns nbout Cr. years
' S6 and rnmn in Pun. rn. ...,,.
fr U J'Carg (ICO. Ifm n limn lin
aj engaged In the Jowolry businoss
". then went to arnngovlllo,
ce he romalned eight or ton
. and later returnod to tho Day.
?mln ln tho Jowo,ry business;
.n V ' u ""," "ooui two years
F.hen he went to Hlllsboro, Oro
a. lie tiwr. ,.,i. n d,...
. I coming back hero about n year
,.v UQ w,Ml "l8 son on tho
nch at Catching Inlot. Mr. Dono
re aa a son of Jacob Donobrako.
n. .rv,vert l,y t,ireo BOnB. O.
in S n ot Oakland, Cnl.. nnd
tther.t0 th0 two former, Mr.
kif. it ,"avinB been mnrrlod,
6v.. ."v11 nu voos county and
f,"" relatives. Mr8. j. v. niccs
S WJ.1!
toebr." .;r:,Mv.0 8'80ir.8 ; oir:
Nchlag i1 ? .T
eafi. "luiuur oi wie
lternnr!UncIal wlU iQ VtlAay
Ihf1 . x OCI0CK nt tho Coob
Itutt6 u.nde.r tno n8PJce8
om w. ' . "aving transferred
d Tunco..loilEO to Hlllsboro
eld il .'?" win 'eavo Mnrsh
''hTa.vc0Cl0C. Frlday nnd the
itrta?: a, ' leave upper
ertIfSi.?, o'clock. Short
s and nn ;S c,onducted at the
Lo?Hau.thoboatby UloRov-
," win uo n spe
cial meeting Friday.
Pf 13, at tho Mn
lc hall, for the
Purpose of conducting
tne funeral of Dro. J.
E s V.'neurake.
.Siwonciiir.' '
- nALL Sturdav nlahf. I
Pntgreslves Xniiie Stnte Ticket nt
ISoNe Meeting.
(Dy Associated Press to the Cooa Dny
D0ISI3, Idaho, Sopt. 10. Cn mu
tinies for nil stnto olTlcos oxcopt
govornor woro nnmed Inst night by
tho oxoeutlvo commlttco of tho Pro
gressive pnrty. Monroo Smock wns
named for congress. No opopsitlon
will bo offorod ti '"'nntor Dorah or
Congrossmnn Front h, Republicans.
PreBsuro hns boon brought on Paul
Clngstono, bonton for Republican
nomination for govornor by fifteen
votes, to hoad tho Progressive ticket.
Final Result of Primaries There
Yesterday Will Not Be Def
initely Known for Hours-
Probable Results.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Dny Times.)
SEATTLE, Wash., Sopt. 11. In
terest In tho result ot yesterday's
primary election editors on tho Dem
ocratic nomination for govornor.
Thoro nro soen candidates, ench of
whotoi showed strength nt boiiio
point. Elinor C Mullln cnrrlod
King county by n largo majority, but
fow returns from othor counties
hnvo bcon rocolvod. In tho first So
nttlo district Charles G. Holfnor, ro
portod to bo Woodrow Wilson's per
sonal advisor, overwhelmingly do
featod Thomas It. Ilornor for Con
gress. On tho Ropubllcnn sldo, Govornor
Mnrinn K. Hnyf Attorney Gonornl
W. V. Tanner nnd Congressman
Humphrey, of tho First district, prac
tically had no opposition, whllo sev
en men sought lloutonnnt govern
orship nnd four nion and two women
strovo for tho public Innd commls
slonershlp. It will bo many hours
beforo tho results aro known dofln
Itoly. Socrotnry of Stnto I. M.
Howell wns renominated nnd D. II.
Cox apparently has bcon nomlnntod
for tronsuror. Stnto Insurance Com
missioner John II. Sehlvoly wns de
cisively bonton by II. O. Flshbnck.
In tho Second congressional district
Albort Johnson won tho Ropubllcnn
nomination nnd In tho Third district,
around Spokane Roprcsontntlvo W.
L. LuFollotto sconis to bo renomi
nated. J. 10. Frost nppcnrs to bo
nomlnntod for congrcssmnn-nt-largo
on tho Ropubllcnn ticket. For llou
tonnnt govornor on tho Ropubllcnn
tlckot, Charles K. Coon cnrrlod King
county by n Inrgo plurality. IIo also
ran strong In ovory county thnt has
roportod, nnd It Is bollovod that ho
has boon nomlnntod.
no mention of tho surrender of tho
fedornl gnrrlson, but on tho contrary
roportod tho roiiols wcro ropulsod.
Rebel Icndcr Remands Surrender nf
Ilnnlcr Town.
(Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Dav
DOUOLAS, Ariz., Sopt. 11. Tho
robol lendor Colonol Antonio Rolns
formnlly domnndod tho surrender to
day of Agua Prlota, tho Mexican
movoment Is expectod to qulot the
situation for tho present nt loasL
Keep Plans Secret.
Thero Is n possibility Hint the
Mexlcnn Fodornls mny not cntor El
Paso nfter all. Tho ofTlclnls horo
aro roluctnnt to glvo tho robels the
ndvnntngo of knowing In ndvanco
whoro tho Fedcrnls will cntor thn
United Stntcs, tho tlmo of entrance
or tho point whoro tliov will llkoly
reeross Into MMoxIco. Tho plan to
tako them from El Paso to Douglas
town Just across tho bordor, whon m"y "ot b cnrrlod out. Tho supply
ono of tho bloodiest battles ot thai f ."flea and ammunition thnt tho
Mndoro revolution wns fought a JJnltod States Is inttomptlnR to plnco
year and a hnlf ago. Unless tho' n tho hnnds of Amorlcnn colonists
town Is surrondorod within 21 hours. )n northern Mexico, It Is roportod,
Rojns declared ho would attack , havo boon dotalned nt Warron, north
with 1000 men. Tho fodernl gnrrl-i0 Mnco. Rebel activity all nlong
son Is 200 tho boundnry wost of El Pnso Is ro-
Four hundred Ynquls will nld in PortotI todny to tho Wnr Dopnrt
tho dofonso of Agua Prlota. ToRo-,n,nt.
Jas' tlemnnd for tho Biirrondor of I KoportB from tho southern part ot
tho town, Lleut.Col. Dogno, com- Mexico Indlcato sorlous condltlona
mnndor of tho rodornl gnrrlson nt thero. Ronowod robol actlvltlos nro
Agua Prlota ropllol that ho would reported from sovoral points nnd
answer In writing oh sqon as i,o( thero nro dally cngngomonts bo
honrtl from tho commander of tlio. twoon tho fodornls and robol bands.
Tho North Rend city council Inst
ovenlng ordered bids cnlled for tho
Improving of Sherman nvonuo from
California street to n point north of
Florida, and Montana from Sherman
to Hamilton.
Tho council decided to meet to
morrow with City Engineer Drlghnm
and go over tho part of North Dend,
north of Virginia, nnd botween Pony
Inlet nnd Shermnn nvenuo to con
sider tho grades ho has established.
Ho haa estimated tho total cost of
grading all tho streots In this dls
rict nt about $70,000. Nothing will
probably be done on It boforo
Some are also asking that ho pre
pare plans and estimates of grading
nil the streots botween Virginia and
Tho council adopted a resolution
favoring tho bridging of tho Dny un
der the regulation of the government
englneors nnd the city officials were
Instructed to attend tho hearing In
Marhleld Sop. 19, nbout the mat-te'r,
$3,500 auto for $900. Phone
New York Man Commits Sui
cide so That His Firms Will
Get Life Insurance.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Day Tlmos.)
NEW YORK, Sopt. 11. Nathan
Gift, tho manufacturer who commit
ted Biilcldo In hla downtown olllco
Mondny, la said to havo done so bo
cnuso two firms with which ho Is
connectod will bo lwlpod out of
their difficulty by the $100,000 In
surance carried on his llfo.
Failure of Contractor of Coos liny
Itontl Up in court.
Tho Rosoburg Revlow sayB: At
. -.,. a v nrentt nnd G. M. Das-
sett of Drain returned Sundny morn
ing from Salt uuce uny. wnero wiu
attonded the hearing of a suit grow
ing out of the failure of Thomos
Owens, n subcontractor of the C. E.
Loss Company In the construction of
three miles of railroad out of the
town of Drain for tho Southern Pa
cific Compnnvin few years ago. Tho
Dank of Drain honored Owens' tlmo
diecks in the aggregate of nbout
$5000 on tho guarantee of the Com
mercial National Dank of Salt Lake.
When Owens failed tho Salt Lake
hank failed to make good on Its
guarantee to the Dank of Drain and
the present suit to recover tho mo
nov resulted. The presont Drnln
Stnte Dank has no connection with
the oH Dnnk of Drain, except that
It took over such sound collateral of
tho latter as was available. At the
close of the threo days' hearing tho
court took the matter under advisement.
Strenuous Contest of Gasoline
Cars on North Bend Streets
Last Night.
Edgar Simpson proved that his
now runabout could boat L. J.
Simpson's touring enr ln an excit
ing auto race on Shorman nvonuo ln
North Dend last ovenlng. Edgar
Simpson, who has Just returned
from San Francisco with his now
car, was engaged In convocation
with L. J. Simpson as to tho re
spective merits of tho two cars. To
sottlo the controversy an lmmodlato
raco to tho top of Sherman nvonuo
hill was agreed on. Start was mado
from tho North Bend stables, Ed
gar Simpson driving blB own car,
and Tom Sawyer driving L. J. Simp
son's touring car. After a good
start the cars aro said to havo mado
In excess ot 50 miles an hour, but
Edgnr's car wont tho faster nnd he
returned and secured the $-10.00
which was wagered on the result.
Thoro was only one unfortunate
Incident, that being the killing 6t
Mr. McGuire's dog, opposite his bar
hor shop. Tho dog wns n very val
uable ono and while not for sale
was valued at $500 by Its owner.
nuto for $900. Phone
Hasn't Sufficient Money on Ilniul to
Pay Policemen.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
CHICAGO, Sept. 11. Every mem
ber of the Chicago Police Depart
ment may be compelled to take a
furlough of forty-six days without
pay, on account of the city's finan
cial condition. There Is a deficiency
of $3,701,000 In the city's treasury
caused by a recent decision of tho
supreme court on the law which per
tains to the fixing of a basis of tax
ation on property.
military rone
Tho rebels nro now advancing on
Agua Prlotn In threo columns.
NoIiui'h Appointment Confirmed lint
Him Nut Reportetl for Duty.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Day Times.)
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 11. JIarry
E, Nolan, tho young dlplnmnt who
wns arrestod In Now York, wns con
Southern Pacific Lines In Mexico Suf-
fer nt Rfliels' Hnnds.
(Dy Associated Press to the Coos Bay
NEW YORK, Sopt. 11. The
Southorn Pacific railroad has naked
tho Stnto Dopnrtment nt Wnshlncton
to protect its Interests In Moxlc,
nlloglng that bodies of robolj from
inn tn innn ... ..ninnin ..
flrmn.l liv lm Knnntn no annrntnpv nf I .'" ,w ."""u "" l""hiilh, i lliwilf,
the lotion nt Pnnnmn. but hns not j pU nn'1 1)Urn,nB U' rn,,r,"a
Idaho Suffragettes Decide to
Nominate Republican
Ticket of Own.
(By Associated Press to Cooa Bk
BOISE, Idaho, Sopt. 11. Doclir
Ing thoy nro tired of tho continued
wrangling and lighting by tho men
of tho Republican party In Idaho,
tho women mombors of tho pnriv an
nounced last night comploto novor
anco from tho men and declnrod
thoy would place a ticket of tholr
own In tho field. A call for a con
vention nt Boise will bo Issued. A
comploto stnto ticket from governor
down will bo nomlnntod.
(By Associated Press.)
JERSEY CITY, Sept. 10.
Socialists may fly tho rod flag
without police Intorferenc In
Now Jersey, according to a de-
clslon of Supremo Court Jus-
tlco Francis J. Swayze In tho
case of the two men of North
Bergen, N. J. "This Is a freo
country," said Judge Swayzo,
"and tho socialist .party Is a
legally authorized party In the
state of New Jersey. The Rod
4 flag Is the emblem of that
$3,500 auto for $900. Phone
Annual G. A. R. Encampment
Parade Takes Place
Stand March Well.
(By Associated Prohs to tho Coob B.iy
LOS ANGELES. Sopt. 11.
Marching with faltering stop, but
with heads oroct nnd with tnttorod,
old, bullot-rlddlod flags flying, 7000
voterniiB of conflicts hctwoon the
stntcs gnthored In annual encamp
ment, pnradod through tho streots ot
Lob Angoles todny. Tho woathor
wan perfect. But a fow of tho sol
dlors faltorcd, and at tho end of the
one nnd four-fifths mllo Journey,
thoy pnssed tho rovlowlng stnnd
with a honrty cheer for their com-mnndor-ln-chlof
nnd his party. Af
ter passing tho rovlowlng stand tho
marchers disbanded. Tho parado of
tho veterans caused great enthus
iasm. Today's program Included
mnny rountons of stnto socletlos nnd
Cnpnln Albert Hansen of tho steam
or Newark died suddenly nt Mercy
hospital last night. Ho camo hers
recently from Eureka.
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 11. With
tho onllstod forco of tho navy below
normnl strength, tho Dopartmont
has begun an active campaign to get
recruits. The total number of on
listed men now Is 46.7CC or 5,031
less than required by law.
at EAGLES' HALL Saturday night.