THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1 912-EVENING EDITION. Have You Seen Our New Line of fall ggj Winter PatternSamples? Wo know wo nro showing tho swollen! and niftiest lino over Been on Coos liny nnd wo want to show you. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor-Made Suits at about tlio prlco yon uny for rendy-mndo. In stylo nnd iitillty and price wo think wo enn do Just n llttlu hotter thnn unyono on Coos Day. Have your next suit mndo to your inonHuro. Fit nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Harmon Tailoring Co. 128 ntOXT STREET. APPENDICITIS Cored Without Operation. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) COUNTY OF STEELE, t S3. I, Rlchird Jabrciss, of O watonna, Minn., being first duly sworn, do uy llut I am the person named in and who subscribed the fol Iotn statement and the same is true of my own knowledge, lattery particular: "I had severe pains in my right side, just a bote the Appendix. I went to the doctor and he nronounccd mv cue Appendicitis and advised an operation. UQOODl urot. llnN Slnr anil Itmmiit it TrllllSCnt. Affrr fnlrlnil It till. vat.l t feffia rilai stopped and I felt like a new man. I heartily recommend (Adler-Mca) Trutatnt to anyone troubled with Appendicitis, as I know it has cured me." .. , OL (Signed) RICHARD II. JAHREISS, Ule BW Seal. Subscribed and sworn to before tne June 29. 1905. TW' J. NEWSALT. Notary Public. Steele County. Appredkjtli lilecomtnir worse and wort, and everyone should know o( thU wonderfully succetiful utitnnu A yaluabla book, sbowlnir many pictures o( tbat curious and llttlo known oriran, tbo ,.?JirPInll,'n,ttlllnrhowAl,Pndlcltllicaued,howltcsnb treated without operation, uaiuv jrou can eatUy guard yourself against It, will bo circa PKEE to anyone callloif at our store. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co, i ng rnisy corner"- PHONE MAIM STATU.MK.yr OK CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAIISHKIELD, OREGON, At the close of business, September 1, 1012. ,.,. , RESOURCES. '?" ad discounts $455.211, S7 (a .5ihou',e - 50.000.00 n and exchanges a ..'.'. . , 307.S35.4fl Tota .'....". ...,... -J813.047.3J a...... LIABILITIES. sZi 8,ock ,ald ''. V. .'?-?. . . HZa"d m"llv'ued profits. , , '"" ..... Total CONDENSED STATEMENT - The First National At the close of business, Jurut 14, 1012. . RESOURCES SlJl'counte '. 23 C S bonrtIr?n " and "curltlea 7 Rl est? l? 8PC,lro circulation " 2 Cli ib i .i f''rnltnre and f ixturos 8 aQJ sight exchange ... 18 Total C,Bl( "LIABILITIES. 8Wbi . mJla ' : 10.000.00 ClllMlon r." vWed pro"t8 ......... 10.548.83 DP03lt. ' 0ut8'ndlnB. ...,,, 23,800.00 W ' .7... . . . ! !!......!. 477,024.74 Ul ,., 011,S78,87 ,r' ''m'w.iomj0 Cp,tttl ?y?k th lndl.vidual liability of Stookhold INTKRBar PA,D ,mjB XV9 8AVIKGfl nEPOSITS. , anuusjR, pr,i4Bt. , i DQRWIY KRSITMin. Cashier. .. Opposite ,Orplicum Theater. Here Is Sworn Proof a Instead I went to tv-illlr nl lAMIrr.l.Vil lnrl..l tnmArt ..1 Tlii. -V The K.exa;l More 20fi US '. . 50,000.00 ; 69,552.07 703,494.00 ,$813,047.33 Bank of Coos Bay 8,516.72 8.191.32 5,000.00 1.011.34 8.C53.99 9Ul,a73.7 r COOB BAV TIDES. Hoi w Is givon th tlmo nnd height of high and low water at Mnrahfleld. Th tldos nro placed In tho order of occurrenco, with tholr tlmo on the first lino and hnlirhta nn tha ma. ond lino of each day; a comparison 01 consecutive neignia will indicate whothor It la high or low water. For high water on bar. aubtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. September. 10Hrs., 1.23 7.38 2.17 7.GX Feot. CO 0.8 CO 1.4" llHrs.. 2.15 8.13 2.53 8.32. Feot. C.7 0.G C.4 0.7 TIIK WEATHER. 4 (By Asaoclatod Proaa.) OltEGON Fair tonight. nnd Wednesday. Easterly wlndB. local temperature he- port. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a.m., Sopt. 10, by BonJ. Ostlin'd, spodlnl govcrnmont mo- tcorologlcal obsorvcr: Maximum 74 Minimum 44 At 4:43 a. m 45 Precipitation nono Wind north: cloar. Building New House. Mr. Oscar Ingmnn Is building n six-room mod orn houso on a vory sightly building spot selected by him In First Addi tion to Mnrahflold. Repent Itcncflt. Plnns nro bolng WANT ADS. l-'Olt KENT 7-room Iiouho with B ncrcH of lnnd nonr Flngstnff. $12 por month. I, S. Knufmnn & Coj WANTED Wnltcr. Apply 'Unltl; moro Itcstnurant. WANTED Mini for roof work, nlHo one mnn to work on plnco by month. Cnll up Cortholl, phono 3121. I'Oll ItENT Or Hale, .1.nrru rnncli ! 1-2 inllo from cronmory. Flno dnlry ranch. Well In. Ton cows. 0. W. Stnrr, Ilrldgo, Oro. FOR SALE Two motor. IioiiIh in ..good running order. $100 cash for both. Phono 10. WANTED High School .pupil will work for room nnd bonrd. Would prefer to bo nonr school. Address J I., euro Times. WANT ADV. ANSWERS. Answers for the following advor Users aro liow In Tho. Times' olllco waiting to bo called for: "X" 3 lottors. "Y" 1 lottor. "Typowrltor" 1 lottor. . "A" 2 lottors. "L. N." 1 lottor. 1'Olt SALIC Itoomlug House of It rooms, furnished. 302 North Front Stroet. FOR SALE All household furniture cheap. Apply Thos. Rennlo, North Bond. WANTED - Housekeeper, woman rompotont of caring for children, or man ami wlfo If womnn could do housowork and caro for child ren. Address L. N enro Times. WANTED ComiK-'tent girl desires position In small family. Call at 379 North front streoi. I'OU SALE Clieup? Ucmlngton tpowrlrer In good condition. Ad dress Typewriter, caro Times. .. ... FOR SALE First class gasoline launch with cabin nnd 5-horse-powor engine; all good as now, sultnble for family or fishing boat. Simp. Cash, trndo or part on tlmo. Address "A," care Times. UUY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can bo had at a very reasonable price If tnken now. E. S. GEAR &. CO, First N'MtlunaJ Tlink VMimi:LL.S REPAIRED AT Marshfield Gyclery Phono 1.-H.R. 17U No. Hroadwiiy. r"1 ' JULJJL'lU i Olympic - ' - '. v Snow Drift Flour PKiJcf ,JR,ETAILPR1C!. , S1.50 PER. SACK - " Northwestern bard wheat used -etl cluslvely In fmllllng th brands of tsnnmic runwwpuDpwj 0 I... . mndo to ropeat tho boneflt porform mice for tho Marshflold Public Li brary next Friday night nt tho Ma sonic Opera Houso. New Uungalow. Matt Anderson 1b superintending tho construction of a five-room bungalow for hlmsolf on Southwest Boulevard, First Ad dition to Marshflold. For .School Library. Supt. Tlod gen announces tho recolpt of a lea ther bound Drlttanlca Encyclopedia, presented to tho High School llbrnry through Dr. J. A. McCormn'c. Invitations Out. M,r, nnd Mrs., L. J. Simpson hnvo Issued. Invitations for a dancing party to given nt Simpson's Pavilion, Thursday 'oven lug, September 12, complimentary to Miss Isabel Stearns nnd Miss Bur rows. Many Knjojr Dnnco. Ovor nlnoty couples onjoyod tho ball given at tho Eagles' Hall Saturday night by tho Coos Bay Concert Band. It was one of tho best over given by tho organ ization. Another will bo givon In a fow weeks, Low Koyzcr having chargo of tho ono next Saturday night. To Open Jewelry. F. W. Bertram who recently enmo to Cooo Bay with his wlfo and child from Santa RoHn, Cal., announces that ho will engago. In tho Jowolry buslnoss horo. His fixtures nnd stock will arrlvo In n uu ui inu uuu iiu la nutv luuKiug nil a location. Hunker Hill School. Tho Bunker Hill school oponod yestordny with Mrs. E, Kolloy as instructor n tho lower grades, and Miss Anna Dodgo of tho uppor grados. Miss Dodgo,' who rocontly taught In Ashland, 1b a sister of Mrs. H. V. Woods of South Fifth street. Tho school opons with an enrollmont'of 48 pupils. ' Burglar Scnro Sunday night par ties living near tho R, E. Plncgor res Idonco In South Mnrshtlold thought tlioy saw a strnngor ontor boforo Mr. nnd Mrs. Plncgor roturned homo. Tho lattor heard a peculiar nolso In nn upstairs room but thought noth-. lng of It. Again this morning tlioy heard straugo nolsos but woro unn bio to find nny trnco'of tho midnight prowlor. v Honor Miss Metllii MIbs Mory Motlln Is tho rcclplont of a vory beautiful hnhdpalu'ted nnd hand burnt nlilrtwnlflt 'set, presented to her by Miss Jonnlo Mlllor In appro elation of Mlns Mnry's skill nnd grnco oxhlbltod Inst Frldny night nt tho ontortnlnmcnt when slio nnd Ed Your Pay Check Will Go Farther and Get More at The Fixup Than Any Store on Coos Bay. More in Quality, Service, Style. Come in and Make Us Prove It. SUITS, $8.50 TO $35.00 The Fixup MarMiflold. North Rend. Flour m m r 4k IH9WW: hr vu! mLsszxxss' na Hawkmnn did tho Spanish dnnri, Tho painting was dono by Miss Mll lor nnd Is really beautiful. Two Insanity Cases Alfred Whit toy of Eastsldo has been tnken Into custody owing to showing traces of Insanity. Ho was recently brought bnck from Salem. A Miss Mnc Gcnn of Empire will also bo exam ined soon. Chicken Child Mine. About threo weeks ngo Mrs. Edward E. Dyer of Danlols Creek, dressed a chlckon In tho gizzard of which was found n smnll gold nugget. Slnco then tho gizzards of sovoral other chlckons hnvo been carefully oxntu lned nnd Sunday anothor nugget was found In ono. This goes to provo thnt thoro is certainly a vein of gold on "Drenmlnnd" Covo, tho homo of Mrs. Dyor. Looks for Itnllrond. In a lottor td Tho Times, Will Hutchoson, who Ib employ od In tho clothing storo of lils uncle, James Hutchoson, nt Eureka, snys: "Rnllroad talk Is nil you hear In Eurokn. In 1914 wo will bo connected up with San Fran cisco. In 1915, I'll visit Mnrshflold on tho now road." Attached to tho noto Is a clipping tolling of Engin eer Hooy's recent trip up tho const from Crescent City to Coos Bny, do tnlls of which woro published In Tho Times during Mr. Hooy's visit horo. Football Practice. Princeton hns nothing on Mnrshflold In tho wnyi of footbnll prnctlco. A numbor of stnr players of Mnrshflold wont out to tho gridiron Inst Sunday nnd In dulged In a prnctlco gamo to plnn for tho Benson's llno-up. Among thoso In tho prnctlco woro: B. Woods," N. Johnson, Pat Flanagan, Ires Elrod, Max Kruogor, Allan Nichols, Ed Dolnn, "Curloy" Lar son, B. Wilson, A. 13. Evans nnd J. Bogard. Arrnngomcnts nro nlrondy under wny for a gamo with tho nil ntar plnyors of tho Blltmoro noys for next Sundny. Enlarge Firm With Iho addition of tho ladlos' roady-to-woar and dry goods dopnrtments, tho Huh Dry Goods Company hns boon strength onod by tho acquisition of A. S. Koh lor, nn oxporloncod dry goodn mnn from Dotrolt, who tnkca nn Interest In tlio firm nnd who will bo with tho now store nt nil times. Mrs, Fluolln Tumor will hnvo ontlro chnrgo of tho Indies rondy-towoar dohartmont In whlcli lino sho has bocomo woll known ta tho ladles of Coos Bay. Arrnngomcnts for oponlng tho now storo nro bolng pushed rapidly nn possible PERSONAL NOTES J. GOULD ennio down from Allognny this morning. CLAUDE PIPER of Cooh River Is In Mnrshflold todny. , REV. HALL roturnod yestordny from 7 n trip to CoquIHo. WARREN PETERSON of Golden Fails Is In the city todny. .ALFRED TYBERO Is In this city i from Qoldon Fnlls todny. CLINT MALEHQRN of Bnndon spout Sundny In Mnrshflold. FISH WARDEN AL NICHOLS of Empire wns In Mnrshflold yestor dny. J. A. 'GOODWILL loft todny for Portland nnd other northern ' nnlntB. , D. W. REKS and Will Snoddon loft I todny for a month's vacation visit nt Roslyn, Wash. J. H. CHRISTIE, bookkeopor for tho Gnrdlnor Mill Company, Is a Marshflold visitor. ' MRS. ELIZABETH LAWLOR left to day for Portland, whoro sho will mako an oxtonded stay. MRS. M. E. HILDRETH nnd Mrs. C. T. Fnrlss of North Bond nro visi tors In Mnrshflold todny. MRS. WM. COX and children roturn ed todny from a visit with rela tives In nnd nonr Eurokn. F. P. NORTON In n enrd to frlonds here announces that ho Is going to Eugono for tho rnco meot thoro. CIIAS. REHFELD roturned Monday from a vory successful throe wooks ramping trip In Curry county. ELIJAH KELLY roturnod yostorday to his position nt tho Codar Point boom nftcr spending Sundny with his fnmlly hero. R. E. L. I1EDILLION of IlanJon pnssed through horo today curouto SURELAY homo from a short stay at Eu reka, ED OLDLAND and sister, Miss Delia OJdlnnd, nro In Mnrshflold today from tho Odlnnd ranch on Smith Inlot. TOM GUSTAFSON of Loon Lake Is In Mnrshflold todny. This Is his first trip to our city for a numbor of years. s HENRY LAIRD of Loon Lnko camo to Marshflold this morning and left for CoquIHo this nftornoon on Court business. J. MURPHY, J. SPEAR, II. GILFIL LAN nnd Ross Irwin woro outgo ing pnsaongors on tho Rosoburg Btngo yesterday. MRS. J. W. BENNETT and sons, Hutton nnd Rodortc O'Connor, re turned yostorday from tholr out ing nt Ten Mllo. B. R. HODSONToturnod todny from Southern California. Mrs. Hod son remained thoro for tho bene fit of hor health. FRED SITLEY, who has boon em ployed horo for somo tlmo as mar bio cuttor loft yesterday for Pu get Sound polnta. MRS. J. E. MAUS5EY nnd children loft for Cooston this morning, whbro tlioy will visit with Mrs. Russoll for a. wook. MRS. W. L. TOTTEN and family of Allognny moved to Bay City to dny, whoro Mr. Totton will bo em ployed In tho mill. JA8. FERRY, Jr., loft yestordny for tho Ferry rnncli, whoro ho will spond n few dnys nnd hopes to bog n fow door whllo away. MRS.- HOMER MAUZEY and sister, Mrs. M. J. McDonnld, nnd chlldron nro expected In on tho Bronkwator noxt Friday from .Oswogo. A. B. DALY roturnod todny from a visit with Ills wlfo nnd fnmlly, who hnvo boon spondlng tho pnst yonr In Southern Cnllfornln. JUSTICE PENNOOK nnd Night wntch Shoup woro among thoso called to CoquIHo yostorday as wltncssos In Circuit court cases. E. BEDIENT nnd family, who hnvo boon rosldlng In South Mnrshflold aro moving to Bend, Oro., whoro tlioy oxpect to mnko their homo. MRS. O. LoROY HALL nnd throo chlldron nro oxpocted on tho Bronkwator Friday from Portland nnd Pendloton, whoro tlioy hnvo boon visiting for tho past throo weeks. MRS. CHAMBERS roturnod this morning from Dnnlols Creok, whoro sho hns npent n plonannt week with Mrs. Dyor. Tho lnttor roturned with Mrs. Clinmborn to visit for a fow dnys. MISSES HAZEL MERRYMAN nnd Evelyn Lnngworthy, who hnvo boon visiting for tbo past two dnyn nt tho Will Smith homo on Coos Rivor, roturnod homo this morning. W. EDWIN TRIBBLE nrrlvod this morning nftor nn oxtonded nb sonco from Coos Bny. Ho enmo in by wny of Myrtlo Point nnd reports much -ovldonco of nctlvlty nlong tho lino of tho Smith-Powers logging railway. HUOH SNEDbON nnd wife und children roturnod ovorlnnd yester day from nn extended visit with relatives In Nobraska, at Rnsylyn, Wash., and other points. Tlioy Iim! a vory plonBant trip but woro vory glnd to got back to Coon Rny. MISS RUTH DRAKE of Portland, a former nurso In ono of tho ", Marshflold hospitals, who has boon visiting nt tho Gould place at Allegany, camo down from tho river this morning and will roturn to hor homo on tho next Broak- , wator. HILLIS SHORT camo In from Ton Mtlo yostorday on business nnd pleasure Ho reports tho road i in had shapo. Tho auto jtirted' yestordny morning, but .stranded? about half way and tho regular stage had dlfflculty In getting through. TRUFORM TRUSS The most scientific Truss on the market. Rutulus your rupture. Fitted by nu expert. Solo agents. - V'l -4 v Vl Jl . -& 4ru"q 49.,nitt