THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORF"" """"" SEPTEMBER 10, 1 912-EVENIMG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONHY Editor and Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Kdltor Entered at tho postofflco nt Marsl field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second cl;m uonmu lBtu You ought not to auto when you ought to ho In church, Tho one that spends tho most tlmo explaining that tho othor follow is to blamo, Is almost always wrong. A Marshflold minister says that with Bomo pooplo, tho greatest suf fering In dying Is caused by them having to leavo tholr money. ALONG THE WATEItFIlONT Tho Osproy nrrlvod In yestonlny from noguo Rlvor. Tho A. M. Simpson arrived at North Bond yesterday from Rodondo and San Podro. PARTV that tMk pair of Indies' shoes nt Englo hall Saturday night return to Times oftlco. HOU8EWIVEB, your Inst chnnco to got tho liO MULE TEAM Borax and soap products nt a special prlco through your grocer will ho by call ing mo up at 120-X.botwcon 7 and 8:30 this ovonlng or tomorrow morning. MoBt cordially, II. A. B. SNI3VE. REPEAT LIRKAHV BENEFIT. Owing to tho fact that requests on tho pnrt of so many luivo been mnilo to repent tho ontortalnment given laBt Friday oveiilng, for tho bonoflt of tho library, tho comuijttco in chnrgo 1ms decided to do so and wishes to announce Hint this entor tnlnmont, which will bo given noxt Friday evening, Soptombor 1.1, will bo moro finished thnn tho last, nil littlo flawn being ullmlnntoil. Roporvod sonts will soil nt r.O cents. KEVZEIt'H OltrilKSTRA DANCE At EAf.'MCS' IIAMi .Saturday night. CIIA.MIIKIl OK COMMERCE. Thoro will bo n mooting noxt Fri day ovijnlng, Sopt. 1.1, nt 8 o'clock nt tho Chnmbor of Commorco. All member tiro roucHteil to bo present ns innttorn of Importnnt bus Ihosn nro to bo dlseuHHoil. By ordor of J. T. McCORMAC, Bros. kevi:rs oit iii'ktra dance ill. EAOLKS' IIAI.Ii Saturday nlKhr. STOPPED I HOTEL ARRIVALS ! Monday. COOS Wm. Lauren, Portland; Ed. King, Richmond, Cal.; W. H. Baird and wife, North Bend; O. W. Harmon, North Bend; Albert Sea foldt, Astoria; Chas. Towor and wife, Eugono; M. Morton, Portland; Eva Solmer, Portland; H. D. Short, Portland; W. Ruhh Portland; Mrs. F. J. Cronln, Portland; A. L. Veazlo, Portland, R. H. Carter, Portland; B. II. Sargont, Eugeno, Mrs. Sar gent, Eugono; Marie Sargent, Eu geno; Geo. 0. Gothlo, Portland; Mrs. Simpson, Gardlnor; Mary II. Chaso, Coqulllo; Ed. Jnckson, Eugene; M. B. Harlow, Eugeno. BLANCO Mrs. Mnnccrt, Bandon s Mrs. Mars, Baudon; J. M. Orosvenor, Coos Rlvor; Chas. Poterson, River ton, Ore; Jnko Bohlondlr, Blue Rldgo; R. E. Sanderson and wlfo, Bluo Rldgo; It. M. Rau, Portland; Arthur Gall, wlfo and children, Port land; 0. II. Olson, North Inlot; C. Mnlohorn and wlfo, Bandon; Robo Lowls, Bandon; F. Latty, Grants Pnss; Howard Evans, Buckley, Wash. LLOYD R. C. Dalo, Portland; J. W. Klrkpntrlck, Emplro; Jno. Dou bnr, San Frnnclnco; J. 0. Bolghloy, Portlnnd; M. M. Hoffman, Portland; Bert Hermann, Rosoburg; M. C. An dorson, Bandon; P. G". Stnnloy, Sa lem. 1 CHANDLER W. II. Young, Port Inud; J. W. Anderson, San Fran cisco; Chns. II. GIob, Corvnllls, Oro.; Reubon L. Lconnrds, Eugono, Oro.; J. Wnltson, Sau Francisco; W. II. Lovlan, Portland; W. II. Blumburg, Snn Frnnclsco; Edgnr C. Hymnn, Now York; S. P. Bartlott, Ran dolph; A. Goldsmith, San Francisco; A. C. Bannokoff, Portland; Mrs. Wm. Olson, Beaver Hill; J. P. Mnstor son, Port Orford; Clnro Shorwood, Coqulllo; Grotchcn Shorwood, Co qulllo; Lctn Mast, Coqulllo; C. S. Gauntlett, North Bond; Paul Bem mlnghrla, Chicago; F. Thllean, Port land; C. J. Downs, Chicago; A. M. Butlor, Portlnnd; J. II. Barbour, Portland; G. M. Wntklns, Portland; II. B. Douchoy, Portland; P. J. Brown, Seattle; Wm. Black, Wilson vlllo; W.W. Soulo, Raymond, Wash.; R. Llbley, Portland; Mrs. M. L. Sill, Portland; M. Fhey, Glenwood, Wis.; Miss Rodgcra, Wnlla Walla; F. L. Botsford, Portland; V. A. Bushnoll, Portlnnd; Louis Knapp, Port Orford; Orris Knapp, Port Orford; II. P. Howad, Evorott, Wash.; F. J. Clc mo. Portland; E. I. Chandler, city; B. R. Chandler, city; J. J. Klrkpnt rlck, Ban Francisco; T. B. Whipple Portland; F. R. Behoonds, Portland; J. P. Chrlstln, Gardner; II. H. Hoi- lister, Portlnnd; J. Cody, Bandon. MR. AND MRS. WILL SMITH of I Coos River aro Marshflold visitors today. DEAFN1MS CANNOT HE CURED tiyl ml rjllciitlotn, iid they mnnot rteh tlioilltrMcil portion nt the cur. There U 0'iljr tonowty to iinr ?( r,Mil Hint In by roil tltiitlonol rcmctllr. Pfitfnu li riturnl by All Itillamrileorilltl'Mi of Ilio tuiiniin lining of the Kiiilnelilun luhe, Wlicn Hill lube I ln Mumril ou Imvet ritinbllnii ount nr lmpr lert ln-trlnit. nml when It l entirely rloneit Pcufm'H l III ri'tillt, rtiul nnleri tint ItilMni. innllnn run bo tokrn nut mul tlitif tnro rpntorcl t'lt norinil rniiilltlnn, licnrliiK "III bo do trimtl forevo :iiliiocnemit l tonnreiKn.eil ly ( rttnrrli. nltlelt I nnthlnit but nil ItilUn mill cnnilltlon of tliuimirutia mirfiiro. no mil k'lve (mo lliinilreil Iollr for Htijr MFC of ileifnrM (rmiMil by rntArrli) (hit rnn not I euro) by llrt.i'n CnUrrli Cure. Hn iorcircuiar,irco. . J.rill'.XKY & CO.,Toloto, ( floM by DriiiTsUt". 7.V TnVu llrtll' 1'iimlW ("111 fiirroiHtimitlnn I WITH GATARRH A Common Sense Treatment for Colds and Catarrh Gives Instant Relief. No matter how uilHurublo you nro with catarrh or a cold In tho bend, noBo stnppod up, throat sore, eyes running, dull pain In tho head, dry rough, fovor, foul brcnth, Ely'u Cream Halm will give you Instant relief. It gots right to tho root of the I trouble, cloansoH, heals and strength oim tho raw, noro mombrnues, stops the iittHty illschnrgo ho that you aro not constantly blowing tho iioho nnd xplttlng. In n few minutes nfter ap plied you can Jimt foul It doing Its work of clearing tho head, the pain nnd HorcncBs nro relieved, tho brcnthlng becomes natural and tho at tiffed up fooling Ih unite. Thin clemming, healing, antiseptic Balm contains no mercury, cocaine or oth- r hiirmfiil drtigH. It Is ensy to ap ply, pleasant to use, nml neer fnlln lo give relief, even in the worst rases. Nover neglect a cold, and don't mffer the miseries of catnrrh nor disgust your friends with your hawk ing, spitting ami foul breath. Got n RQ-cont bottlo of Ely's Cream Halm from your druggist and start the treatment nt once You will llml that It will bo tho beat Investment you ever mnilo. German Prunes For Canning Fresh from Coos River. Tele phone your orders at once to The Bazar "Sloro of Qunlity." Phone 32. WKST MAltSliriKM) SNAPS 11 x 90- Corner Commercial nml Thirteenth $17."J 70 x 100 Fourteenth St. .$1 100 SO x 1 10 - Central Ave . . .91 17. "0 100 -Ci'iutuiuclal nml r.iuiteeuth $1800 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 r nt Stroot. PREE An Interview its to good buys we have: 100 ft. fronting on Front si. untl out to luii'tior line, A Mian nt $21,000. Terms. Set oral good business buys, well paying, splendidly located that nro genuine good buys. till, 000 telephone poles ami some piling; mostly Port Or foid dry cedar, nt 7 ct. per ft., In boom at Coiitilllc. French Realty Co. 313 JJ N. Front St. E. Pale & Co. High (Jnule Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Dnruoatlo Woolens Fit and latUrartlon Ouaranttxd W do all work, right hore. U7 Nortli I'roat BUet t MatTlifleld. TVER .101TNSON BICYCLES nt Pioneer Hardware On. 'iriUtlVfl KXH IlKIMIIt WOT1I5 Jloiis Xolne and (nullnt;. We r prepared to do this work the day or contract nnd gunranter .atlsfactlnn I.t ua figure with you . S. FI,OV CO. Plion 1-J lfrhfll(1 Or Barnard & Langworthy Set our window display of wood uiiHcrmo virruniss I.HADI11) AltY OLAU HOUMS rouTABLH nAvm LAMra LOCAI pVEULOW . Has' Operation. Mrs, Charles La- Chappoflo of South Droadway nn- a. dorwent an operation nt Morcy hos pital today nnd is roportcd to bo get ting along nicely. Phono Meeting.- At n mooting of tho stockholders of tho Coos Day Homo Tolcphono Company yestorday, W. F. Jowott of Gardiner was ad dod to tho directory board. Tho oth er old directors woro ro-olcctod. Thoy nro E. A. Andorson, W. U, Douglns, Dr. B. Mlngus, Jnn. Mngoo, W. P. Murphy and Ceo. D. Mnndlgo. So mo extensions nnd Improvements woro dlscussod but nothing doflnlto wns done. Tho directors will elect tho othor o(llcor8. Plan Meeting. At a mooting of tho Dull Mooso Club nt Hnrry 0. Hoy's olllco last night, it was do cldod to tako stops to form n county organization nnd momborshlp rolls will bo circulated nt Coiiulllo whllo court Is In session. Whether they will put a county tlckot in tho field will depend on tho notion tn'lcon nt tho stnto mealing In Portlnnd, Tho locnl club now has nbout 8G mom be rs. 'w PKItSOXAL OVisnri'"" MRS.. HELEN BALDWIN nnd Miss Inez Baldwin roturncd today fron a visit to their old homo In Mlch ienn. . I MnS. MBEU nnd daughter, Miss darn, arrived hero today froni( Oakland, Cal., to visit at tho home i.- .ntt,nr Mm. Knrdcll. in South Marshflold. JUSTICE PENNOCK, C. I. Holgard, Tom Hnll and J. C. Kendall nro among tho Mnrshflold contingent ',.' tittendlngcircult court In Coqulllo today. MIL and MRS. W. D. DAIN expect "to leavo tho last of tho week for Portlnnd and will spond several weeks visiting In Tacoma and So attlo and othor northern cities. Thoy may locato permanently in Washington. JOHN KRONIIOLM of tho Mngncs & Matson store roturncd todny via Myrtlo Point from Puynllup, Washington, whoro ho was callod on matters connected with tho estnto of nn undo who died ro ccntly. Ho saya tho amount of his Inheritance is small. DR. A. L. HOUSEWORTH roturncd todny from Coqulllo, whoro ho was callod ns a wltnoss In tho enso of Brinkloy vs. Donlson, tho for mor Bulng for tlnmngcs for per sonal Injuries Inflicted by Donl son In n fight. Enrouto homo Dr. Housoworth sprung tho nxlo of his car. LndleV Aid Outing. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Swedish Lutheran church will havo ah outing on Thursdny, Soptombor 12. Tho Allco II. hns boon chnrtorcd for tho day nnd tho trip will bo inndo up Catching Inlot. Tho launch will lenvo Mnrshflold nt 7:30 n. m. Is Improving Tho wolcomo word comes from F. E. Hnguo thnt ho 1st Improving rnpldly from tho offocts of his recent oporntlon nnd oxpocts to loavo Rochestor In a dny or two for Vlctorln, whoro ho and Mrs. Hnguo will vlBlt for n tlmo boforo roturnlng to Coos Day. ijjeMLasAxasKriSKassirmm WS Watch Repairing Opening Wednesday Sept 11 and followings days of Fall antf Winter Millinery Mrs. A. (M; Aiken Coos Building, Marsfyficld, Ore. ' I' I University of Oregon Correspondence School offers, FREE, with tho oxdoptlon,, of tho coBt of postage on tin. nnd cost of tho Unlvoralty Extension Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF ob GON. forty UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit t. Mm courses solectcd Is tho only rcqulrcmont for onrollment i. . Corrcspondonco Dopartmont. CourHoa aro offorod In tho departmtjs of Botany, Dobntlng, Economics, Education, Electricity, Engllih It ernture, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mochub! Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, PhyBloIogy, Sociology anl to. voylng. Writo to tho Secrotnry of tho Corrcspondonco School tH vcrslty of Oregon Eugono, for Information nnd catalogue COURSES IN RESIDENCE nt tho University prcparo for the Pr fesslons of ENGINEERING, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, ul TEACHING. Fall somostor opons Tuosdny, Sopt. 17. Addre ii( Register for catalogues descrlptlvo pt tho Collogo of EnBlncorltn.tit Collego of Liberal Arts, tho Schools of Education, Commerce, L .Mcutcino, ami .mime. 3 Jffl fill Our Meat Cutter Is An Artist In his lino. Cuts off nlmoit m-s tho right qunntlty every time, en It off bo thnt It looks as Itnf nB It Is good. Andlf tou would hn how good our nicnt can be, ta of our stenks oi roast. Tttrn dollclous. MAHSHF1ELI) CASH MAIUT. FOURIER BROS. Mnrxlitleld Telephone XorlhWl UJ1-J Two Market SI Wc take pride In tho (pialHy and uccuracy of our work. Perfect running order Is true economy In n timepiece. Accumulating nml rancid oil I ruinous. i. .,... i .ii.i ... I IHM ' 1F-M JUU III.'IUIIIK III i. let im oMimlno your Hatch, U I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 1111 North Front Ht. fins. Phono 29R-X: Res Phono I CO-J Red Cross Jewelry Department lenclci-3 and Opticians. Electric Light Makes Homes Twice as Welocme The clear, steady, cheerful glow of electric light up Hali to everyone. I,ov rates and the tungsten (.'Mazda) lamps have placed electric lighting within tlio financial means of moderate Incomes, Cleanliness, safety, convenience make electric light tho most practical of all llluiiilnants. A GOOD TIME TO WIRE VOUU IIOl'SE IS PRIOR TO TALL HOUSE CLEANING. " MtMleiu Hiring methods, such ns followed by the capa ble firms listed below, eauso -no damage to walls and ceil ings, no dirt or little, nor any discomfort to the household. Our own representative will call at your request, lay out lighting plans ami make a careful estimate. HE WILL ACT AS VOUU REPRESENTATIVE in the Interests of good service. Electric wiring adds to the value of any property. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLKTEIU.Na AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneo matlc Cleniilntt Company. Orders for wink taken at ' GOING Jt HARVEY PHONE 100 V. J. KUIFK J2 a. II. IIODUUU Marshfield Paint, Decorating Co. KtUaatei UARSHFIHUD, rurnltthed Pkoan HOL Ohikod SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store The newest up to dato lasts for ladles and children of all Blzes. 180 So. Brondwny, Mnrshflold, You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIOIIT AND DAY Uid fromt of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OAU8 After 11 P. U. phone 6-J RMldesce Phone 2K-J Will mlf trlM to Coqulllo. Coos Hay Wiring C'.. Telephouo 2373 Ki3 North Broadway Baruaiil .V; I.anwottliy, Tolophono 1S1-R. 170 South Broad wn v. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178. AiijrMlirro, Auy Time Carolul IHHTtnjc Reoonabli Ilatri PfSIIBn AUTO HKRVICB WM. riSHBM, Prop. PboAa Molars t Hlllyer'f Objat 8ta, Pkaae 18-J. Attar U P. M. PWaa 5.J MaaaMM. aVatwo. i "dam Brlok Buuaing. Electric Llgat, Bteam Heat. Klogantly raralahed Rooms with Hot and Cold Watar. HOTEL OOOB 6. A. UKTLIN, Prn. ati' MM a Day and awdf. iar 'iiit a Makt i Marmauaid. 9nn. Blanchard's Livery Wo have ecurad the llvory bual t'es of L. U. Halaner, and ara pro pared to ronior excellent aervlco to the people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers gPnd rlcs and everything inat win mean tiatnitactory service to the public. Phon- us for a driving .hi8?,' a rl?. or layhns needed In be livery line. Wo also do truck Ine busluoBB of all kinds. BLANCHARD BROTHERS Mu 1IMW Jru1 'ul S",Wi Service. yiJV1 Mirr H! Real Estate PIRR INSntANOK bevor.l good bargains In Farms and city property. Am. FRTZEEN. u- ,.ttS Ceatral Ave. i .1 nielli Unique Pantetorium Aa.nt for E4war4 . Wraaaa cT Talloring-Ut ?.; M OoBimaixUl. hkamm MIX New Line of Fixtures "Watch our window Tuej day Three dollars up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone S.17-J. BBBMaffaaBBH The Sign of GoodCandy Always Have That Roof Fmi MOW -Sco COIiTIIELl T7 1KVA LOUISE LARSON, - PlanUt and Teacher. Harmony, Musical History. Phnnn 254.R. T nr mjiiTuivpr , iinnmi . I r. .. o . TnmT. B4WP Attorneya and OouiueUon i JJJ rmnagau tieuuun W"U"J T mi Marantieia, uo" - "--P KHL IULKV BALIJKOKR Uealaanco Studio 237 So. DKW rnona u T EW KKYZEIL Violin insruu "-w Apply Haines -Muslo fitor" starts Sept. l. Wm. b. ruRPE.v, lHM1ilriwf. lnrnhfleld. Oregon. nn. it. v. MOItKOW, U llenthrt. 171 Grilles Tl-onlfr. And Building. 0"r,ii Office Pboneji W. a. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Hooins 301 ami snfl Coke I" "'' alarshlieiu. D n. biui n. cwniifc . SpfcialUt Ui Nerve and W Ul""'" Office 304 Coke Dulld'ftJl .f.i.,i nfflce Hours i Phone 144-L. D - . ..TMjiinVB i. II. A. J. MM" - Jnt. Sfpdrai Deot 7".,rteU We are aouipped to frt irork ob abart notW LaV .H.-t. , ttU VliaBaVM- fcetai, F ,V..'t"' "-"ri-Vil'i yyJ-- VSfVS9