THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ww in j m m mu Great New Stock of the Latest Hart Schaffner & Marx Styles YOU men in Marsh field who are par ticular about the clothes you wear now have an opportunity to get the the kind of clothes you want at the price you want to pay. Hart Schaffner & Marx Koods were never better limn this fall; the finest weaves, the best tailoring, the smartest styles ever shown. vnnnir Men's Special Styles Gmnn vnrv unusual tinners V for you young fellows; live- J ly patterns, snappy now mu dels; some very smffrt new ideas in cut and finish. Prices nro low ns usual Suits $18.00 and up Ovorconts flO.50 and up I I ii l k I i' M'A V i It . ' t iiffliiiS mil !i . i mKxfi i. nso i i m wtr km: 1 I 'J v .... ...- KmM iifff if ft ifMi W&l W I. f pigf 111 F5fe$ luA mhMJTHMK ' IVi 'IS feWl! V V. RSSfe. wmmj. AuBk Mt ir "V IMI.UI II i 'ii'n i.;,,l 1 PERSONAL NOTES THIS WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fnlr tohlght. Tuosday light frost In tlio west, hoavy frost In tho oast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. ' Tor twenty-four hpurs ending at 4:43 n. m., SepWO, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 08 Minimum 45 At 4:43 a. m 45 Precipitation nono Wind north: clear. CoDjrrluht Hurt ScLnirncr & Marx Woolen Mill Store This store is the homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes HwWH Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Lafayette Razors Manufactured from extra quality crucible steel. Direct from tho factory sale, for 3 days only, at I 25 Cents Each. (Yes, 25c only.) If not satisfactory after one week's trial, return to us and get your money's worth in merchandise. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE- MAIN 298 US WEST MAHSHFIELB SNAPS 41 x 90 Cornor Commercial and Thirteenth $073 70 x 100 -Fourteenth St.r.91100 GO x 110 Central Avo....$1475 70 x 100 Commercial nnd Fourteenth $1800 I. S. KAUfMAN & CO! 177 Front Street. WANT ADS. rv STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OHEGON, At the closo of business, September 1, 1012. !,. ,. RESOURCES. "-owsand discounts f455.211.S7 Hnkin5 house 50,000.00 "" na exchanges , 307,835.40 To'l , . . .$813,047.33 Ciali.i . . LIABILITIES. upl al stock paid In 50.000.00 Siand "divided profits . 59,552.67 vmi ! . ! . j 703,494.00 TW SRI 3.047.33 CONDENSED STATEMENT 01 The First National Bank of Coos Bay At o close of bus-lucM, Juno 14, 1012. Lot RESOURCES. Cd! " dlounts 1238, C S. wS r?5'8 8n(l securities 78, uf in Beriiro. aUmuIau. 9R - wiiuuiuuuu, . ui ,516.72 ,191.32 AAA AA cli Vnd ,'iiU.rnUuro and "xturea 81,011.34 ,tst3.y Real na sight exchange 188 Total 011,S7S.a7 CiBii.1 ... . LIABILITIES. i8P!i in P ? ,n ' $10M0M0 WbS ""d vlde Pf lta 1 0.5 4 S. S "Malta Wl"nainc 1 J, 100. oo 477,024.74 Total ,Iaddltl Wl 1,871. ST uiiM(M(VooCtplul8tock the ,n(,tT,dua, i,abmty of wkni(J- . iNTEm . ? ilf " "" UN TIMK AJffD SAVINGS DHfiWKlV. ANDLER,. PrwUftat nnnaiT-YBMnHL 8ulir;' WANT ADV. ANSWERS. Anawors for tho following ndvor tlsors nro now In Tho Times" olllco waiting to bo called for: "X" 3 lettors. "V" 1 lpttor. "Typewriter" 1 letter. "A" 2 lottors. "L. N." 1 lottor. WANTED Pantry ;lrl. Apply Clinu dlor Hotel. FOR SAIiE ItoomliiK Houso of II rooms, furnlshod. 3C2 North Front Street. FOR SALE All household furniture cheap. Apply Thos. Ronnlo, North Dond. WANTED Housekeeper, woman competent of caring for children, or man nnd wife If woman could do housowork and care for child ren. Address L. N care Times. WANTED Competent girl desire)) position In small family. Call at 379 North Frout street. I'Olt SALE Clieups Remington tjpowrltor In good condition. Ad dress Typewriter, care TImos. FOR SALE First class gasoline launch with cabin nnd 5-horse-powor engine; all good as new, suitable for family or fishing boat. Snap. Cash, trade or part on time. Address "A," caro Times. I'Olt SALE Typewi Iter; cheap. Rox 572, North Dond. DUY NOW. flnm. rhntea lota In NORTH BEND cn le had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO , Flrat Vitltnnl TlnnV VMURELLAS REPAIRED AT Marshfield Cyclery Phono 138-R. 172 No. llrondway. Council Tonight Tho Mnrahflold city council will moot tonight to tnkc up various matters. New Rcstnurnnt Powell nnd Oil ier have taken over tho dining car rcstnurant on North Front stroot. They nro experienced restaurant men. Drive Mnuy Pllei Moro thnn 3,000 piles somo of thorn being driv en ninety foot havo already been un cd In tho foundation of tho now pulp mill nt tho C A. Smith plant. Ferry Repaired Tho Eastsldo fer ry wont out of commission after tho first trip this morning to mnko somo necessary ropnlrs. Capt. Hall ex pects to rosumo Inter this afternoon. Meet Wednesday Tho Lndlea' Aid of tho Uaptlst church will moot with Mrs. John Nnglo for a business session next Wednesday nftornoon, Sept. 11. Brings Ront Rack Win. Cox hns brought his housoboat, which was mado hcadqunrtors for tho Coos Bay Outing Cluh'nt South Slough, back to Mnrshllcld, the club having censed oporatlpns fontho season. Pamphlets Arrive Tho State pnmphlots containing a copy of all measures roferrcd to tho pcoplo by tho legislature nssombly to ho sub mitted at tho coming election, aro bolng received by nil registered vot ers. Resumes Business n. E. Plnogor who n few dnys ngo bought tho MII lor Cleaning and Pressing Establish ment of North Front stroot hna ns suinod charge nnd Is welcoming his old patrons back In tho lousiness. Ho expects to onlargo nnd lmprovo tho business. Quit Fight flnmo "Rllly" Wnr ron, tho harbor, roturnod Snturdav from n two weeks' vacation visit In Portland. Whllo thoro ho mot Earl Hcridorbonj wel known on Coos Bay from many pugilistic contests. Hon ilerson hns ((tilt tlio ring nnd Is now working for n contracting company n Oregon City. ' , Snuhert INtnto Frank Snubort was appointed ndmlnlstrntor of tho estnto of J. F. W. Saubort, of Acme, by Judge Thompson yestordny and (Hod his bond. Tho estnto Is stated to bo worth obout ?2l;000f F. W. Magulro, W. D. Saffloy und A. II. Prntt wore appointed ns appraisers. Eugeno Roglstor. Plan Mci'Ker Tho Coos Bay Homo Tolophono company has mado n pro position to tho Coqulllo Valley Mu tual company to tako over Its busi ness In tho valloy cities on a twenty flvo cent per month rental basis, tho mutual company to koep up Its rural lines. Tho stockholders of tho Co qulllo compnny will moot Soptombor 18 to consider tho matter. Injured In Mill Whllo sawing logs this afternoon at tho McDon ald mill nt Loon Lake, Mr. Berry, ono of tho employes, slipped and fell and ns a result Is suffering from a broken arm. He was brought to town Immediately for treatment, ac companied by Henry Laird and Jack McDonald, Tho accident was not serious. SuvWiik Party. This afternoon, Mrs. F. Si 'Dow Is entertaining at a Nelghb&flood Sewing party. Fol lowing aro tho guosts: Mrs. D. Nel son, Mrs. Robortson, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Oammlll, Mrs. Geo. Gulovson, Mjs. Rolandson, Mrs. Ivy Condron, Mrs. Frank Sumnor, Mrs. B. Ostllnd, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Dlmont, Mrs. S. D. Harper, Mrs. L. M. Mnuzey, Mrs. L. Lang, Miss Lang, Mrs. R. Des mond and Mrs. A. B. Campbell. KEV.ER'S ORCU TSTRA DANCE at EAGLES' HALL Saturday iiIkIii. r A. uktdLuuvr y ajiito ' ? ... Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRICk $1.5p PER. SACK Northwettlrn harwkrtl'jtted ;. elnslvelylB' mllBC taa- brands pt 1bY. " wraimsco. biiR JESS SMITH of Coos River Is a Marshfield visitor today. R. O. GRAVES returned yesterday from n trip to Portland. DR. TAGGART returned yesterday from a trip to Portland, MISS HELEN LANDRITH of Coos River Is In this city today. RALPH DRESSER left today for Smlth-Powors Camp No. 0. K. L. HEAP of Allegany was a Marsh Hold business visitor today. MISS RUTH MATTHEWS took a pos- f Itlon In Stafford's Candy storo to day. ED. BOYERSMITH of Tho Hub re turned jestcrday from a trip to , Portland. 'MRS. FLUELLA TURNER rcturnod yestordny from a visit In Portland, nnd Albany. ROBERT HAYTER enmo down from tho Jcsn Smith placo on Coos Rtvor this morning. MISSES MABEL nnd ANNA WICK MAN of Emplro woro In Marsh field lcBt Saturday. Z. T. THOMAS who camo down from Allegany yestordny, returned to his homo this afternoon. MRS. P. C. DODSON returned yestor dny from n visit In Portland and other northern points. JOHN DASHNEY loft for Lnmpa this morning nftcr spondlng a week In this city with his family. MISS MYRTLE GORDIER has taken a position at Stafford's confection ery and lco cronm parlors. MR. STULL is In Marshflold today from Allegany. Ho Is now road supervisor of that country. GEO. SHELLEY returned to Myrtio Point this morning ntter nn ovor Sunday visit with tho family In North Bond. MRS. J. C. JONES roturnod to Mnrshllold todny nftor n wcok'H visit nt tho J. G. Horn rcsldcnco In North Bend. C. R. WALKER of Rosoburg who hna been spending n fow weoks horo loft this morning via Port land for home. L. G. MASTERS of Sumnor roturnod yestordny from n vacation trip to Portland, Puget Sound, nnd other northern points. M. R. PECK loft for his homo In Sonttlo today nftor a short visit with his brothors, C. R. Pock nnd ' Arthur Peck horo. DR. nnd MRS. BROWNING of Tho Dalles arrived yesterday to visit at tho homo of his brothor, Rov. Robort E. Browning. BEN CHANDLER loft on tho Drenk wntor todny to rosumo his course nt tho University of Oregon. Ho will graduate this year. D. II. ORANT of Rosoburg, who had chargo of tho pllgrlmngo of Illllnh Tomplo horo, loft on tho Bronk wator this morning for his homo. J. McMAHON, who camo horo a fow months ago from Croscont City, loft tills morning via Portland for California whoro ho expects to lo cato. MARSHAL CARTER wont to Co qulllo this morning to testify In ncinio enses In circuit court thoro todny. Levi Smith Is taking his placo during his nbsonco. HARRY C. MILLER, who rocontly sold his donning nnd pressing bus iness to R. E. Plnogor left today on tho Brcnkwater for Carvallls whoro ho oxpocts to locate MRS. KATE PREY of Coos River Is In Marshflold today. Mr. Prey Is now employed In the machine shop at tho wostsldo mill and tholr futuro homo will bo at Eastsldo. MISS MARJOR1E COWAN of Glen Junction returned to her school yestordny after visiting a day or two with her parents In Marsh flold. Miss Cowan will leavo soon t to resumo her school work at Oregon University. MRS. F. J. FEENEY nnd son of Bandon who havo been guests of Mrs. H. J, McKeown for a day or two loft this morning for Portland nnd other points where they will visit for awhile. MRS. C. A. SEHLBREDE loft this morning for Salom and other Wil lamette valley points where sha will visit friends nnd TolatWes. She was accompanied by Mrs. M. E. Shupo and Miss Hester, who have beon her guests here. HOWARD SARGENT nnd family loft yestordny for Marshflold, whoro ho will have chargo of a Slngor Sow ing machlno agency. Ho has boon, working nt tho Ax Billy Dopart mont storo. Eugono Roglstor. MISS ALICE ARMSUY, ono of tho grndo tenchors In tho Mnrshllold schools, nrrlved horo yestordny. has spent tho past summer at Her homo Is In Kansas but sho Northwestern University In Chi cago. .MISS NANN BROWNING and her mother nrrlved hero on tho Break water yesterday. Miss Browning will teach In tho Mnrshllold schools next yonr and they will probably mako their homo with tho Rov. It. E. Browning. DR. J. T. MvCORMAC returned yes terday from a wook's Btay at Portland on business nnd pleasure. Mrs. McCormne expects to leavo tho last of tho weok for Borkoloy whoro thoy will spond tho winter nnd Dr. McCormno will Join her thoro lator. F. W. DAVIS and Roy Pruddon, tho camp ovangollst, nnd his gospol singer, loft for Portlnnd on tho Broakwntcr this morning, Aftor a month'B engagement In Portland, Mr. Davis will return to tho Bay. Mr. Prudden is rottirnlng to his work In Now York. RAY OLL1VANT of Olllvnnt nnd Weaver, will loavo soon on his nnnual vacation, part of which will bo spont nt tho Pondloton roundup and at Rosoburg. ALEX JOHNSON nnd wife of South Marshflold, who havo boon spond lng n fow days at Loon Lako as guests of Victor Carlscs, roturn od homo today. . i "7 MRS. OAUGIIELL DEAD Wcddorhurn Wouinti Succumbs Sud denly nt Mercy Hospital Last Saturdny occurred tho donth of Mrs. Fannlo C. Caugholl at Mercy hoBpltnl In North Bond. Tho do coasod was n rosldent of Weddorburu and loaves a husband nnd family to mourn her loss. Two of her sons nro oxpectod horo this nftornoon from Woddorburn. Ono of thorn Is mnn ngor of tho McClcay estnto storo nt Gold Bench. About three weeks ago Mrs. Caug holl underwent nn oporntlon nt tho Morcy hospital. Donth camo ns a re sult of n homorrhago of tho lungs. Intorment will tnko placo at Wcd dorhurn, Ore, to which placo tho body was taken this nftornoon. NORTH REND NEWS. Mr. nnd Mrs. E, E. Rlggs, Miss Goldlo Rlggs, Mrs. Fcbnrt Simpson nnd Miss Mnrbirot irpson loft to dny for a fow day' visit to Ton Mllo. Captain Edgar Elmpson roturnod today from n two n.oiithr' trip to Sr.ii rrnnclsco. Mrs. M. G. Coleman of Sherman nvcnuo will ontortuln Wednesday r.t n fnrowoll reception In honor if Miss Ida B. Mltcholl, n former North Bend school tenchor, who will leavo shortly for Ohio, George lllnsoy has taken a posi tion us tlmokoepor nt tho Henry Hoyt camp on South Coos Rlvor. MIbb Alpha Wlcklnnd Is tho guost today of Miss Mamlo Goulovson nt hor homo In South Marshflold. Tho Preabytorlnn nnd M. E. Lndle3 Aid Soclotles nro planning a picnic for Thursdny at Piper's Grovo, If tho weather Is favorable, If not, tho Preabytorlnn ladles will hold tholr mooting with Mrs. Goorgo Mnndlgo. Oregon PEACHES 75c PER ROX. PHONE your ORDERS early. Tho BAZAAR. PHONE a2. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO LADIES OF COOS nY. Noxt Monday, Tuosday and Wed nesday, Septombor 9, 10 and 11, wo will mako an ndvnnco Fall nnd Win tor showing of tho latost styles In Fashionable Mllllnory. This exhibit will ombraco somo of tho most charming creations direct from thov ronters of style and fashion. All tho ladles are cordially Invlt1 ed to call and mako an Inspection. CLARKE MILLINERY, Centrnl avenuo and Broadway- TRUFORM trus: The most bclintlfJc on Uio market. Retains yonr rupture. Fitted by uu export. Solo ugenth. SURELAY -- f"-""i T T , , ,