I. T""t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, 9 Moitite off JDelmqoemll: Tax ffoir Une Year 191 1 - Blanco with Chnptor 275 lo 5 , n" nnml Laws of Orogoii the l" " .. , i,.fnnr.a nS follows: hlcb IS 1B BUU l. flr m i Four months after dato fct0" t charged nBtt,n8t rol It 1 i: t '- Tiiir tii trhen icn iu T,.,i.,nt. tho tax COI- taxes t .",.. tho tax col- Property.lmll cnuso to bo published tlUIIIIIi1'"' M t . 'tor S cck for four suqcosslvo nnce each CM.' ,.. r nows- once cm" "v ,nntior or nows ffeeks, " "J". 1)y tho county court papers Bclcctod)y u JodnBH w pub ln "-""., 'on3 of section 2002 B??e,S Oregon Laws, n notice stat of Lorlr lotion of tho several par- cd'. ro dollnqicnt, tho .amount of uxel JSd tho name of tho ownor, W"drn ho tax roll, and a " ,how thnt six months.after auch .Utement that six. mo ,,., VS'.tfnnnoncy will Issuo therein, aa 0( d Id br law. Such notice shall pr0T iil.hed for a price not exceed- ,1 nroicribed b7 Section "' .i n . Tn.ifa Thn L1903 Loras uru-Bui "" .,. .hall forthwith cnuso to "x.c". iS cony of tho printed nu- ?.'.V. , nubile Dlncos In, his coun- Y".i. r wnkB. commonclng four LmL after tho dato When such 5 become delinquent, .nd shall flli In tho offlco of tho county cork 0 hl county n copy of such notice, Ith a certificate onflorsdd thoreon Mttlne forth that such notices had ttin postod in tour public places In Ms county, as hcrcinboforoiprovldod. Section a. Tho ncglcct-ortfnlluro of the Ux collector to glvo bucIi notlco i. th mannor horcin provided shall not Invalidate any tax icortificnto of delinquency, but shnll subject tho Ux collector to any damngan which m.r ha sustained by any party In jured by tho falluro o glvo ouch no tice. Section 0. Tho cost of publishing inch description shall Ibo ridded to udibecomo a part of tho ;jpcnnlly ekarjod against tho particular' tract of real property. Notice Is Hcrey tuirm That tho horolnatter described par- cell of real property 'havo taxes charted against them for tho 'year 1911rand which bceamo delinquent on the first Monday In April, 1012, and which bavo not been 'patd.much description, tho names of 'tho owners of laid real property as Shown nspon the Ux roll, and the mmoant of uhi charged against cachiparccl nro ii foltows: C. J -Mahonoy, SEWNBW. fl. 8. Twp JJ, SR. 12, tax $1.0(4; rS WW NWK.fl 9, Twp. 23, Sit. 112,'tax, ll.M; NEKNWW, 8. U, fTwp. 23, 8R. it, tax, 1.64 Edward Davis, BE W NWW, '8. -LI, Twp,!3,UR. 12, tax $L5 a 'J. Mahonoy, NWSEIi, SWW NEU.'SEKNWW. 8. 17. Twd j23. BUM, tax, $6.56; EWNEW,tS 17,' Twp ?3,8R. 12, tax $3.28. 1 BunueiaH Arnojd, BWWNEW.-fl l.l.TwujJS.'Sn. 12, tax, fl;C4. Wjlll&rn McNeill, SEWIWW, -S. ll.Twoa3.cn 12. tat il.tUMlnfc 1, 8. 1, Twp 23, Sit. 12 tax 1.4:' OlIrer'Landrlth. NWfiB.'fl. la Twp IJ.iflR m, tax. $3.28, personal property $3.1fl: 8WNE. . -in. Twp 13,-SR. II, tax, $1.G4. i J.jiiauer. BSW, WWW fiWU. S. 34. Tkvn. 23. sn 11 ., JJ.J8. Cal W. WrlcKV t nl ,.A H' Iwdlnjl. 48, V 47 of deeds, Coos itS J.V,Twp , BR 12, tax, -71c. .'MftJIanscn.tund. H of land "in l . t. 230 of deods, Coos Co , LIIIlB TliOm. ! Horns n 1- ff l in lid a 13, Twp- 23, sn "" TWPJJ.HR -fa. tnT tJ 1A ' ftMl.t - ' Tv, Hw.p .. 11. tax. $8 20. . vi a. Manev Nr av.u. a 2fc "... BR. 11. taxTisOGfl. iYJS'8-,I'Tw"'8R-". I .KjiJf- A Tlmhor Co., lot. BTnBPV0deJ iler on WBW, hWlWWLH.SB.B. . W'.BK Oil,. fL2A8S-. . i.fr2. finn G ttr -i o t . x. in?: ? 3i Twp. 24. sn. 13 t .," 31, Twp. 24, SR. 12, tax, ' 1.C8RtaiiN2rfW 35, A. r n.."1' oR. 12. tnx. S Oh U N cJ- C. Vandal ,". 8 1 't-AY01' 18- p 54i .. --. i, au. is, tat BCllIlt r ,xJt.53. e,H-10. Twp. 24, SR. 13, v.1S1' BR. is ." " "u"ns. a. 13, .'Pnnholm . b.l'jlansandrord. t. ' JWP. 24 Rt , " a 11, f!"U'pL13- . 1.28. EE Rot Hobln son, lots l, a, 'M : 11.47?' B 15- Twp. 24, SR.' l5,' .l . - wP. 24, 8R. 13 tax: ."'IMiH . jnh. I V7 ' deedi o cr,bed Vo1- i3 ' " I7.8K ' 8' 22 Twp. 24. SR. n p.l !,tM' 3'J 'oL 57.'i. jmIvM dwlbod (n 0llh.',r3.l2 of deds. tax. $2.05 :p.,-i' noert Jneu it4' 8U 13- tn!C. Blc V'.Sn i30(N'.sl"Sh, S. 14. Cn.t !,..'' J3, tax. t(5 50 ' E. L. Hohlnson, lota C nnfl .7,5. 22,1, l1r: n- Wnlte, tind. V lot 2 and Twp. 24, SR. 13, tax. $4.75 Chns. C. Colamnn, und. 1-10, laiU doscribod Vol 57, 1 353 of doods, S. 24, Twp. 24, SR. 13, tax, 5c. Ina Holm, tldo land fronting lot 4, S. 25, Twp. 24, SR. 13, tnx, $2.0o. Frodorlck Lnckstrom, und. V, 31; SByl( S. 25, Twp. 24, SR. 13, tnx $5 03: personal nroncrty. 43.45. John W. Plurainer, NSEU. SW SB , NE 4 SW Vt , S. 3. 8, Twp 24, SR. 13, tax. $8.10. David Wilcox, otal, tldoland front ing lot 1, S. 35, Twp. 24, BR. 13, tax $2.05 H. W. Parker, und. U. dots. fi. 7. 8 & 13, S. 0, Twp. 25, SR. 10, tax, $14.85; und. U lots 2, 3 & 4, BWVi NEV4, S. 0, Twp 25, SR. 10, tax, $14. 14. Geo W. Deal. SWSE, S. 6, Twp. 25, SR. 10, tax, $14.40. II. W I'arklow, und. Vi Hot 3. SU NWU. S. 1, Twp. 25, BR. 11, tai, 1U.UO Unknown ownor, NWV4NWU, 8 I, Twp. 25, SR. 11, tax, $20r?0: und. 7-1C lot 1, S 2, Twp. 25, SR. 11, tax, $8.54. Unknown owner, SWViNEVt.iB 2, Twp. 25, SR. 11, tax, $20.70. Unknown ownor, NEUNBU, S. II, Twp. 25, SR. ll.Jax, $l.GG:Wh NB .8. 12, Twp. 25, SR 11, tax, $41.40. Julius A. Hoelllng NEH8Vi, S. 18, Twp. 25, SR. 11, tax, $4.24. Unknown ownor, lot 8, 8 SS.'Twn. 25, SR. 11, tax, $1.10. I Hnckor, und. 'BWViSEVi.'lots 7 & 13, 8. 23, Twp. 25, SR. 11W, tax, $2.4G. R. II Mast. und. WSWWSEM. lots 7 & 13, 8. 23, 'Twp. 25SR. 11, Monnsha W. W. tto.,'lots 4 & 6, 8. 24, Twp 25. SR. 11,-tax, $18:45; lots L$Jl' 8- 2C( TvfP' 2C,'SR. 1-1, tax, $2G.G5. I. Hacker und. lofl, S. UG.'Twp. 25, SR 11, tax, G2c. R. II. Mast, und. lot 1,'S. 2G, iwp. to, au. 11, iax,'U2c. Monnsha W. W. 'Co, SE'NEU. S. 2G, Twp. 25, SR. 11, tax, $20.50. Mary Ella Barry, 'hurtl doscMbeU In Vol. 49, P 495 of floods, S. 29,'Twp. 25. 8R. 11, tnx, 41c. P. A. Golden, land described Vol. 44, P. 8, of deeds, S. 31, Twp 25, 8R. 11, tax, $2.TJ7; personal property Chas. McQorrn,'SE'SBU, 8. 33, Twp. 25, 8R 11, tax. "$20:50. Alfred Olson, BW8WW8W 8. 4, Twp 25, SR. 12, -tax, $12.06, porsonnl property. "$342. Marsollls S. CroBson, 'WHNW, SEKNWK 8. 4. Twp. -25, SR. 13. tnx, $9.88. Matt Klokns, und. lota 3, 4 & NX 8WmV. K Twn -K on tax, $5.54; 8SW.WH, 8 ?3 Typ. 2G. 8R. 12. tax. 82c. I Alvln Schmidt. WWBWfBBU SEW J S. 5, Twp. 25. 8R. 12. tax. 113.74 i-uiur jununu(i, y ftttft w YtUU i HUH, H. C. Twp. 25. SR. 12. tax. $3.78. A. II. Hrnckct, tmd M 'lots 3, 4 & N-?A8WV4NVy4, 8. 5. Twp. 25, SR. 11. tax, ID.D4. TVIatt Klokns, und. TiSEW NE7U, S. G. Twp. , SR. 12, tax, 92cr; SSENEU, S. G, Twp. 25, SR 12, tnx. $1.03. Gllbort Gllbcrtson, land described in 'Vol. 53, P 458 of deeds, '8. 6, Twp. 25, SR. 12, tax, 37,115 per sonal tproporty, $8.20; land doscribod in Vol. 56, P. 160 of deeds, 8. G, Twp. 25, 8T(. 12, excepting 19 ncroa .own ed by M. D. Cutllp. tax. $14.39. Emily Stevens, motes and 'bounds 4 rods -x 23 rods, 8. G, Twp. 25, :SR. 12, tax. 21c. A. II. Ilrackett, und tt NH8BU NEU & und. Ya of land described in Tol. 57, T. G24 of deeds, fl. 6, Twp CC.'SR. IS, tax, $1 03. C. F. Murry, 2-100 aero laAi de scribed in "Vol. S, P. 58, lino . vt 1911 tax roll, Coos Co., S. 6, Twp 25, 'SR. 12, tax, 52c. Clara Mae niunden 2-100 r land decrlbod in 'Vol. 2, P. 58. line 6, jot of 1911 tax mil, Coos Co , 0. fl, Twp. 25, SR. 12, tir. r2c. Ttlrd I Mean lots 15 & 16, fi. 10, Twp -25, SR. 1.'. tax, $4.24. Bmlth & Kennedy, NHNEM, S. 13. Twp. 25, SR. 13, tax, $4.36. nird I Mead, NHNEU, 8 15, Twp 25, BR. 12. tax. $5.44. W. M. Starblrd, SWtfNEHSEtf, 8. 17, Twp. 25, 8R. 12, tax, $1.47. Fred Hansen, land described In Vol. 56, P. 494 of deods, 8. 18, Twp 25. SR. 12. tax, 25c. Harry W. Walker, 1 Vt ncres In NE cor. Sec. 18, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax, $3 07. Wm. 8. A John M. Crook, SEW SWU, WNEtf.NB..EW. 8. 19 Twp. 25, BR. 12. tnx. $117.60. Mary E. Solbel, NEtfSEU, SBVi NB. NWSBH, 8 19, Twp. 25, SR. 12, rax, $12 26. W. M. Starblrd, NBUNEU, 8. 20, Twp, 25, SR. 12, tax, $9.95. C. A. Relley. WSW. NE SWVi, SWUNWH. S 20, Twp. 25, SR 12. tax, $117.60 Ina Holm. SE VI NEW, 8. 20, Twp. 25, SR. 12. tax, $2.45. W. M. Starblrd. NWWNW, S 21, Twp. 25. SR. 12. tax. $8 33. Inn Holm, SWtfNWM, 8 21, Twp 25. SR. 12, tax, $3.19. E. G. Flanacnn, und. W NWH, 3. 22. Twp. 25. SR 12. tnx. $1.70. E. B Sonbrook. und. M NWW, S. 22. Twp. 25, SR. 12, tax. $1.70. Elizabeth L. Adams. NENWM, S. 25, Twp. 25, SR. 12, tnx. $1.70. G. A. Slgnalness & O C. Sether, und. 2-3 of lnnd described In Vol. 2, P. 66, lino 24 of tax roll for year 1911, 2 acres in S. 29, Twp. 25, SR. 12. tnx. $2 05. C. L. Smith, und 1-3 land describ ed in Vol. 2, P. 67 of 1911 tnx rol., 1 ncro in S. 29. Twp. 25, SR. 12, tax, $1.03. J. A. Mondny, land described in Vol 20, P 181 of deeds. 8. 30, Twp. 25. SR. 12, tax. $25. 83; land do scribed In Vol. 20, P. 424 of deel8. S. 30. Twp. 25, SR. 12, tax, WAS? ... ..a. Tnmot. Ilnmlllnn K- I. H Hlllinif.T. ,nnd described in Vol 2, P 68. line 7 of 1911 tax roll, 1 V, acres In 8 31, Unknown ownor. land described In v 2; P. 71, lino 1G of 1911 tax roll, C acres In S. 2, Twp. 25, SR. 13, tnx $1.34 j tldoland fronting part ul' S' 2 Twp 2B' su' 13' tajc' tldelnnd irontlng S. 3, Twp. 25, SR 10, mx, a.YU. Rnnk of Oregon, und lot 2 and tltlolnnd fronting S 3, Twp. 25, SK. 13, tax, $7.43. Unknown ownor, und. 3-108 of tldo lnnds described in Vol. 2, P. 73, line 35 of 1911 tnx roll, 2.00 ncres In a. 10, Twp. 25, SR. 13, tax, $3 64. Annlo Doollng, land described In Vol 43, P. 240 of deeds, S. 10, Twp. 25, SR. 13, tax, $54.00 R. G. Gnlo, land doscribod in Vol. 44, P B89 of deeds, 8. 19, Twp. 26 SR. 13, tax, $08.25. DaVld Wilcox ot nl, lldelund front ing lot 2, S. 11, Twp 2o, SR. .3, tnx, t J..J.O. Coos Dny Gas & Eelectr cCo., land described In Vol. 50, P. 444 of deeds, S 15, Twp. 25, SR. 13, tax $4'U.0. B. F. Wyatc. SSWViNEWBEU. NW V BW NE SE Y , S. I TwP. 25, SR. 13, tnx, $34.13. E. M. Ward, timber on the EV4 NnVi.T3V4S13V4, S. 21, Twp. 25, SR. i3, tnx, 116.20. Belt -Lino II. R. Co, SEWNBU, E,4SE S. 21, Tw4 io. S"C. 13 tnx, $434 Belt 'Lino Ry. Co , NW loss part covered by portion of Cum Bay plat E, S. 22, Twp. 25, SR. iJ, tax, $682. 50. J. K. Kollock, NWUBWU, 8 22, Twp. 25, SR. 13, tax, $12 HO ti. ai. wnrd, tlmDor mi 'NWi, S. 22, Twp. 25, SR. IS. tax $47.3i'; timber on NWUSWVi, S. ii Twj.. 25, SR '13, tnx. $8.19. Bennott Trust Co., land doFr.rbod In Vol. C8, P. 474 of deeds, S. 2G, Twp 25,SR. 13, tnx, $110.20. Oscar 'Scagren, land dcscrlbol Iti Vol. 2, P. 92, lino 7 of 1911 ux rolls, S. 34, Twp. 25, 8R. 13, tax, $7.88, personal proporty, 95c. Coos Boy Land Co., land described In Vol 2, P. 94, lino 9 of 1JU tux rolls. 8. 36, Twp. 25, SR 13, tax, $1.89. Unknown ownor, land dosorlbcd In Vol. 2, P 94. lino 12 of 1911 tax rools. S. 36, Twp. 25, SR. U3, tax, 13. ID Lnno Coos Land Co., NEW. 8. 16, Twp. 26, SR. 9, tax, $68 S8;."NWUi S. 16, Twp. 26. SR. 9, tar, $68.83; SWW. S 1, Twp. 20, SR. J), tax, $G8 88; SEVi, 8. 16, Twp. 2C,rBR. 0, tnx, SU8.8JC Wm. M. .'McGee, SWWNWW, 3. 32, Twp 2.1,: SR. 9, tax, $17.22. Eugeno M Ward, SEW. 8. 8, 'fTwp. 26, SR. 10. .tax, $49.00. Otis Fuller, SttSW, S. 24, 'frwp. 26, SR. 10, ttax, $80.36. BcnJ. Cotter, NEW, 8 30, JTwp. 26, SR. 10, tax, $71 9G. G. W. Beale, timber on the .SM:, SWW. 8. 3X, fTwp. 26, 8R. 11. tax, $14.16; SWSWW. 8. 36, Twp. iBR 11, tax, $4.43. , I 8. Smith. IEWSEW SWW. . .4, Twp. 2G, SR. 12, tnx, $1.23. Rosotta Granbn. WW8EW8W.W and mots and boundg in 8. 4 Two .26, SR. 12, tax, $3.02. W. A. Connor, land described tin IV'ol. 42, P. 120 .of deed In 8. 5, Twj). SO, SR. 12. tax. itl.04 Jns. B. Johnson, Land described In Vol. 53, P. 315 of deeds, 8 6, Tw?. 2$, an. la, tax. xa.05. E1I Stonlon, land .described in Vol- 2. IP. 114, lino 1 tUf 1911 tax rolls la S.6, Twp 26. SR. .12, tax, 74c. W. C. Blckford.KWW. B. 13, Twu 26..SR. 12, tax. $19.G8. U. N. Black, lot.6& 4.74 acres off oast.stdo lot 7, S. 17, Twp 26, SR. 12, aoss 19 acres polfliljy II N. Black, balance duo $16.47. Joo Workman. NWWNWW. 8. 13. Two. 26, SR. 12, tax, 33. 60. II. N Black, 21 acres, of hill land In lot 10, 8. 20, Tip. -.26, 8R 12, tax, 811c. Mnrtha Cavnnnh, land described In Vol. 43,ipage 383 of deods.;S. 1, Twp. 26, SR. as, tax, 24c. O. E .Norrell & W. C Howie, SWW lot 4, 8. 7, Twp. St, BR. 13, tax, $1.1S. Mrs. Erie II. Potter, 2 acres land described &n Vol. 2, P 126. lino 33 1911 tax rolls, 8. 11, Twp 26, SR. 13, tax, $7.88; personal jiroper U, $7.79. Carrie 8. Jones, land deecrltod In Vol. 51, P. 505, of deeds, B. 12. Twp 26, 8R. 13, tax, $5 64; personal prop erty, $2.67. J, W. Snoower, 8EWNWW. BW NEW SWW, 8. 13, Twp 26, BR. IS, tax, $12.30. Lena Loler. und WWV5NWW. NEWMVW. NWWNEW, 8. 28, Twp. 26, BR. 13, tax, 90c; und. W Htt SEW. NEWSEW, S. 28, Twp. 26, SR 13, tax, G2c. Wm. Hunter, NWW, S. 29, Twp 26, SR. 13, tax, $7.20. E. G. Young & Co.. NEW SWW, S. 30, Twp 26, SR 13, tax, $1.64, EttNEW. SWWNBW. S. 30, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tax, $6.60. George Vernon, NEWSEW, Sl SEW. S. 32, Twp. 26, SR 13, tax, $4 92. Lena Loler, und. NEW 8. 33, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tax, $1.03; und. Vw SEW. 8. 33, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tax, $1. 02; und. W SWW, S. 33, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tnx, $1.03; und. W Nfe SWWSWWNWW. lot 6, 8. 34, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tax, $2.05. C. E. Green, land described Vol. 2, P. 134, line 32 of 1911 tax rolls, S. 34. Twp 26, SR. 13, tax, 21c. S. B. Cathcart, land described Vol. 2, P. 135, line 5 of 1911 tax rolls, S. 34, Twp. 26, SR. 13, tax, 21c. Geo. Ferry, land described In Vol 0. page 234 of deeds, S. 34, Twp. 26, SR. 13. tax, 41c. Senport Land Co., lots 4, 5 & 6, WHSWW, SEWSWW, S. 2, Twp. 26, SR. 14, tax, $8 42; tldelnnd fronting lots 4. 5 & 6, 8. 2, Twp. 26, SR. 14, tax. $2.21. Coos Bay Mfg. Co , timber on lota 4. 5 & 6, and SWW, S. 2, Twp 26, SR. 14. tax. $41.83. Saeport Land Co., E'SEW, 8. 3, Twp. 26, SR 14, tax, $3.76 Coos Bay Mfg. Co., timber on E J SEW. SWW SEW & lot 3, 8. 3, Twp 26. SR. 14. tax. $23.50 John Marsden, lot 4, S. 8, Twp 26, SR. 14, tax, 31c. Julius Fauchald, NWNBW, 8. 9, Twp. 26, SR. 14, tax, $8.20 Seaport Land Co., EW NEW, NEW qM. S. 10. Twp 26, SR. 14, tax. $5 f"4 fooi Uny Mfg Co. tlmlirr on NEW, S 10, Twp. 20, SR. 14. tnx $2t r,n timber on NEWSEW. S 10 ,. n,,.. 14. inx, ,,.uo. Senimit Und Co Hdolanil front- uih 101 1, a. 11, iwp, jo, br. 11, tnx , $1 01; lots 1, 2, & 3 WV6NWV4. SV1SV S' "' TWP' 2G' B1U 14' rnXon.- ,- n u ,.,. benpoit Land Co , Hdclnml front- Coos Bay Mfg Co., tlmbor on lots Elmer A. Todd, lot 4. 8. 29. Two 26, SR. 14. tnx, $1.47. Geo. II. Crow, SWW NEW. t? ?3, Twp. 26, SR 14, tax, $2.45. Geo. H. Wobor, SWW, 8 34, Twp. 26, SR. 14, tnx, $15.68. Geo. R. McGee. lots 6 & 7. NEW SWW. S. 6, Twp. 27, SR 9, tax, $52.53. N. P. Ry Co. by C E. Moulton, NWW SWW, 8. 7, Twp. 27, SR. 0, tnx, $18 90. Luolln M. Brndbury, NWW NEW, S. 8, Twp. 27, SR. 9, tax, $18 90. Merchants Saving & Trust Co., NEW, S. 30, Twp. 27, SR. 9, tax, $73.20; NWW, S. 3G, Twp 27, SR. 9, tax, $73.20; SWW, S 36, Twp. 27, SR. 9, tax. $73.20; SEW, 8. 36, Twp. 27, SR. 9, tax, $73.20. BonJ. O. McGoo, SEWSWW. 8. 12, Twp. 27, SR. 10, tax, $22.05. B. Roy Anderson, EW-NWW. W'i NEW, S. 24, Twp. 27, SR. 10, tax, Bt.4U. Lano Coos Lnnd Co., NWW, 8. 36, Twp. 27, SR 10, tax, $85.40; NEW, S 30, Twp. 27, SR. 10, tnx, $85.40, SWW, S. 3G, Twp. 27, SR. 10, tax, bo.u; si5, a. 30, Twp. 27, SR 10, tax, $85.40. Arthur R. Rogers, NWW, S. 2, Twp 27, SR. 11. tax, $70.80; 8BW S. 2, Twp 27. SR. 11, tax, $70.80, 8WW 8. 2. Twp. 27, SR. 11. tax, $70.80; NEW. S. 2, Twp. 27, SR. 11, tax, $70 80; BWNBW. 8. 10. Twp. 27, SR 11, tax, $G5.00; SBWNWW, NWSWW. 8. 10, Twp. 27, 8R. 11, tax, $82.50; NSBW, SWWNEW. 8EW8EW, 8. 10, Twp. 27, SR. 11, tax, $110.00. W G. King, NW. 8 14, Twp. 27, SR. 13, tax, $120.32. Jas F. Gill, lot 7, less part sold, 8 29. Twp. 27. 8R. 13, tax. $12.30; NWWNBW. BBWNBW. NBWNWW & lot 2, less 22 acres sold to J. W. Offlold, 8. 32, Two. 27. SR. 13, tnx, siuz. 00; iota 0, o & tldo land, loss 7 acres sold to H. J Colllor, 8. 33, Twp. 27, SR. 13, tax, $60 68. Laura J. Robinson, land described In Vol. 33, P. 60 of deods in 8. 36; twp. 27, sr. 13. tax, ?l 63; person al property, $2.48. Mcrtchnnt ft Prcnss, lota 1 & 2, 8 8, Twp. 27, 8R. 14, for personal proporty tax, $7.18. O Evan Lucas, NWW, 8 21, Twp. 27. 8R. 14, tnx, $6.30; QWWSWW NEW, 8. 21, Twp. 27. BR. 14, tax, 35c. Unknown owmtm, NW NWW NEW. 8. 28, Twp. 27,, SR. 14, Ux, $10.58 T. II. Walkers. SW8W oiNB;. Stt SWSWW.NBW. NWNWNWWSBW, 8.'28, Twp. 27, 8R. 14, tax, $1.06. Unknown owner, NWW6BW, S 32, Twp. 27, 8R. 14. tax. tl.76. C. Mc Johnson, 8WWNEW. S. 34. Twp. 27, SR. 14, tax, $29.75; per sonal proporty. $4.13; SBWNWW. I'S. 34, Twp 27, SR. 14, tax, 29.75. All west of Wlllamotto meridian. Annlo M. Louch. NWW 8. 8, Twp. 28, SR. 9, tax, $13.92. Annlo L. Linn, BWW. S. 8, Twp. 8, 8R 9, tax, $23.20. Malcolm McCallunt, SEW, 6. V Twp. 28, SR. 9, tax, $13.92. 'Etholyn Barbour Read, SWW SWW, 8. 20, Twp. 28, SR. 'J, tax. $2.32. SUas R. Barns, SEWSHW. 8 3:, Twp. 28, SR. 3, tax, $17.40 Cwmon Crltes Lumber Co tim ber on SB'INBW, NEWSEW. 8WWSBW, S. 6, Twp. 23, BR. JO, tax, $.76. Unknown owner, that part of the SWW. fl. 15, Twp. 28, SR. 10. lying north of the East Fork of the Co Qullle river, tax, 58c. Jefferson M. Granger, NWW, 8. 22. Twp. 28, SR. 10, tax. $9.28. BenJ O. McGeo, NWW NEW, 6. 32, Twp. 28. 8R. 10, tax, $2.32. Mrs. Roxaaan Minard. 7 acres In SWW. 8. 16, Twp. 28, SR. 11, tax, $8.41; personal property, $16.65; lots, 8. 9, ft 10, 8EWSEW, 8 2z, Twp. 28, 8R. 11. tax, $0.24; lots 1 6 ft 7, NBWNWW, SWWNBW. S. 22, Twp. 28, BR. 11, tax $51. 91. Luella A. Lewis. BWW SEW. S. 26. Twp. 28. SR 11, tax, $1.64, WW-NEW. NWWSEW. S. 26. Twp. 28, SR. 11, tax, $4.92; SHSWW, EWSWW. 8. 26, Twp. 28, SR. 11, tax, $23.58. O. C Rice. lot 3, 8. 4, Twp. 28, 3R. 12, tax, $18.57. Thomas Taylor, land described In Vol. 3, P. 20. line 6 of 1911 tat rolls. Jn 8. 6, Twp. 28 ,SR. 12, tax,' $9.76. Anna Jacobson. lot 1. EWSWW. SWNWW, less a strip of B ond of' BWNWW. SW NWW. S 7. Twn 28, SR. 12, tax for und W. $77.68. A. C. Summorlln, SWWNEW, NWWSEW. lots 77 8 & 9, 8. 14, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax, $55.90; per sonal property, $10.77; NEW SWW, S 14j Twp. 28, SR. 12. tax, $1.40. Hilda Anderson, NEWSEW, 8. 13, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax, $4.10; person al property, $1.13. W. S. Eachus, land described In Vol. 45, P. 37 of deeds, S 19, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax $12.92; personal property, $2.24. J, J. Johnson, heirs, SWSEW, lots 5 & 6, S 22, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax, $4.38. Eldrldge Ingram,. SW NEW, SEW NEW. NEWSEW. 8. 24, Twp. 28, 3R. 12, tax. $18.38. Ida C. Wright. NWNWW. SWW NWW. NWWNEW. S. 24, Twp. 28, SR 12, tax. $8.32. Conrad Hammerloff, NEW SWW. WWSEW, lots 2 & 3, 8. 24, Twp. 28, SR. 12; rax, $31,07; personal property, $4.26. Ore. & Cal. RR Co.. SWWSWW, S. 35, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax. $14.00. Selma Stalger. NEWSEW. S. 36, Twp. 28, SR. 12, tax,, $2 80. ' Moses Endlcott land described In Vol. 3, P. 39. lino 27 of 1911 tax 11 Twn 2n qii 14 t, mbm' onBt cnd of NBV4SBU. S. 7, Twp. 11, iwp. ,20, SR. 14, tax, $35.25. 28. SR 13 tnr X.I fiO nornnnil C W. Piatt, NWWNWW, S. 15, property, $4.88 Personal nimi3,!!,' ' V''i a ..- Eurekn Conl Co., lot 1, SWNEW, Tn??ttSrU,8li C.': Hn' S - NEWNEW. S. 8, Twp 28, SR. 13, 1 f i'- i urif ikTiiri xtiif irtir .1 -, v..n. ., . HU. vu w -,,,. mu, uni xi, bUA, i. ,. roll, 8. 1, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $23.73. T. M Johnson, land described In Vol. 3, P. 40. line 6 of 1J11 tax roll. 1, Twp. 2?. SR. 13, tax, 117 !)3; personal property ?! 03. , , ,,,,. ., , ,, ,..,,, , v,.. 3. ! N. lino t f tnx rolls. A y,-l. 3. V 14. line cf tax rol 1. Timi o , cp 1 ;i t.1Y sn n Geo E Plku lo a 1 & 2 si 3' 4' Vvp. S'sRfnftaxfn POLon Property, $4 07. 0 NEW 5.08; tax, $128.33; personal proporty, $16.23; NWWNEW. less 3 acres. S. 8, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $3.23. Duncnn Urquhnrt, lot 5, 8 8, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tnx, $47.25. II. J. Potorson, land doscribod in Vol. 3, P. 53, lino 33 of 1911 tnx rolls, S. 8, Twp 28, SR. 13, tax, $2.36. Robori Sudden, land described in Vol. 3, P 55, lino 9 of 1911 tnx rolls, S. 8, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $30.24. Carl Sholton, lnnd described Vol. 56, P. 348 of deeds, S. 8, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $4 72; porsonnl uroD- orty, $14.75; river frontage on lots 0 ti. 6, oiock c, Rlverton, S. 8, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $1.48. Euroka Coal Co.. WNWW. S. 9. Twp. 28 SR. 13. tax. S5 92: W SWW, S. 9, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, O. C. Rico. NEW SWW. 8. 9. Twn. 28, SR 13, tax. $29.60: W,SEJ,i. a. y, iwp. zh, SR. 13, tax, $59.20, NEW SWW, SEWSWW, S. 10, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax, $88.00. Frank Wlllnrd, 8 W NEW NEW. 3. 13, Twp. 28, SR 13, tax, $30.G3. Fat Elk Dralnngo Dlst., land do scribod Vol G8, P. 406, of doods, 32-100 ncres, tax, 88c. O. C. Rico, WW NEW, 8. 16, Twp. 28, SR. 13, tax $14.80; NWSWW, S 16, Twp. 28, 8R. 13, tax, $14.80. W. 8. Eachus, lot 13, 8. 24, Twp. 28, 8R. 13, tax, $86.39. Argo Clay Product Co.. 22 ncres land doscribod In Vol. 3, P. G6, lino 1 or 1011 tax rolls, 8. 36, Twp 28, SR. 13. tax, $16.10. A. H. Hulton, SWW NWW. NWW SEW, NWSWW. 8. 3, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $8.23. R W. Squire, land described in Vol. 57, P. 419 of deeds, 8. 15, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, 70c. Norman Wilson, lnnd describod In Vol. 39, P. 0, of doods, 2 acres, 3. 17. Twp. 28, 8R. 14, tax, $4 40. Talbert Pruott. land described In Vol. 48, P. 422, 8. 17, Twp. 28, 8R. 14, tax, $1.10. Isaac Storm, land described Vol. G2, P. 187 of doods 8. 17 Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $2.07. Jennlo A. Taylor, EWEWSWW SEW. less 8 acres, 8. 17, Twp. 2S, SR. 14, tax, $5.28. E. M. Lockhnrt, und. W, 8WSBW SWWSWW, 8. 20, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $1.24. Bandon Heights Trust Co., 8W SEW SWW SWW 8. 20, Twp. 28, 8R. 14, rax, $1.24. Mary Gilbert, NEWNWW, 8. 26, Twp. 28, 8R- 14, tax, $1.40. Josoph Wldoll, lots 6, 7 & 8, 8. 25, Twp. 28, SR. 14,tax porsonal proporty, $11.12. E. M. Lockhart, und. W NWW NEWNEWNWW. S. 20, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, 62c. Martha E. Fish, SB W SWW. 8. 23 Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $3.85. E. M. Lockhnrt. und. V, SWWW WMiflWWNWW, 8. 29, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $1.24. Bandon Heights Trust Co. und. Vj NWWNEWNEWNWW; all of EW WttHEWNWW, 8. 29, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax. $4.88. E. N. Smith WWNWWSBWSWVI 8. 29, Twp. 28, SR. 1 4,tax, $2.44. Dolphl Lodgo No. G4, IC of P., land described Vol. 3, P. 82, lino 51 of 1911 tax rolls, 8. 30 Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $10.13. Poter Culvor land described Vol, 49, P. 163 of deeds, 8. 30, Twp. 28, SR. 14 tnx, $1.88. Mildred Coumorlllo, land describ ed Vol 57, P. 90 ot deodB, 8. 30, Twp. 28 SR. 14, tnx, $2.82. Lee Barrows, land described Vol. 68, P. 466 of doods, oxcept land de scribed Vol. 60, P. 69 of deods, 8. 34, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $6.25. Adolph Haborly, SEW. loss High land Park and other parcels sold. except 55 acres on which tax Is paid, leaving 14 acres in S. 31, Twp. 28, tut. 11, tnx, m.dd. C. Era Smith, land described Vol. 64, P. 150 of deeds, 8. 31, Twp. 23, SR. 14, tax, $4.39. Stevon 8. Llttlo, SEW SEW, 8. 32, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $2.60. C. H. Donlca, EW SWW NWW NWW, 8. 32, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $4.07; personal property, 98c. H. Sengstncken, SWWNEW, S. 35, Twp. 28, SR. 14, tax, $1.40. W. B. Mack, NWW SWW, WW NWWSEWNWW, except 107 aero paid on by W. 8. Mack and 26H- 1 ncres paid on by B. A. Hadsell, loav- ing 20M. acres unnald. tax. $22.6. A. II. Rosa, land described Vol. 6 P. 73 of deeds, S. 25, Twp. 28, SR 15, tax, $5. 63. W. A. Somers, land described Vol. 45, P. 359 of deeds, S. 25, Twp. 28, SR. 15. tax, $1.50, Dunham, Siglln & Boak, land de scribed Vol. 26, P. 124 or deods, S. 25, Twp. 28, SR. 15. tax, $60.00. W. E. Nelson & wife, land describ ed Vol. 51, P. 200 of deeds, 8. 36, Twp. 28, SR. 15, tax, $7.32; person al property, $4.23. Methodist E. Church So., 4 acros land 528 ft x 330 ft. In S. 36, Twp. 28, SR. 15, tax, $13.00. Caroline Carson, 10 acres lnnd 1320 ft x 330 ft. S. 36, Twp. 28, SR. 15. tax. $22.75. Mny Pearco, land described Vol. 3, P. 96, line 7 of 1911 tnx rolls, S. S6, Twp. 28, SR. 15, tnx, $2.44. Claude W. Brown & Ida M. Ab bott, land described Vol. 49, P. 516, of deeds, S. 36, Twp. 28, SR. 15, tax, $1.63. Frank J. Haynos et nl, EWSEW. 8 18. Twp 29, SR. 9. tax, $31.80. H. 8. Da vis, W W NE W , B W NW V 5. 2, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tax. $13.78. Unknown owner, NWSWW, S, 4, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tax, $21.20. S. C, Bronson, lots 4, 5, 10, 11, 3. 6, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tax, $8.33. 1 Ernest J. Markbam, NWNBW. Tilintntt TTrrtu Mnt A L rmmmh nff NWNWW. S. 12, Twp. 29, SR. It, tnx, $42.40. Vincent B. Sncnd, WNEW, WW SEW. S. II, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tax, $33.92. Jonnlo A. Gcorgo, SEW, S. IS, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tnx, $42.40. A T. Dxl.lnonn VUWU1 OWl NEW.NWWSEW. S. 20, Twp. 2 J, SR. 10, tnx, $42.40. II. S. Davis EWSEW. NWWSEW. SEWNE, S. 28, Twp. 29, SR. 10, tax $25.97 Robt. W. Sovn, lot 4, SWNWW'. SWWNEW, S. 4, Twp. 29, SR. 11, tax, $24.06. Wm. Mills. SWW S. 4, Twp. 23, SR. 11, tnx, $24.90. T. L. ft J. L. Knight,, NWNWW, SWW NWW, S 16, Twp. 29, SR. 11, tnx, $8.52. Thomns L. Knight, land described In Vol. 34, P. 316 of deeds. 8. 16, Twp. 29, SR. 11, tnx, $19.85; po. sonnl property, $20.66. Ellon W. Gnnloy, NWNEW, S. 18, Twp. 29, SR. 11, tnx, $22.00. John A. Gordon, land described Vol. 55, P. 638 of deods, 8. 28, Twp. 29. SR. 11, tnx, $8.88. Thomns Jcrrnl, EWNEW. S. 29, Twp. 29, SR. 11. tax. $17.22. Ettn I. Evorndcn, land described Vol. 58, P. 598 of deodB, 8. 33, Twp. 29, SR. 11, tax, $3.02; personal proporty, $1.78. Eunlco Orr, land describod Vol. 40, P. 319 of deeds, B's. 7 ft 8, Twp. zy, su. in, tnx, $1.58. II. M. Gntcs, land described VoL 3, P. 115, lino 27 of 1911 tnx rolls, S. 8, Twp. 29. SR. 12, tax, 36c. J. Grovor Brown, land described Vol. 56, P. 634 of doeds, 8. 8, Twp. 29, SR. 12, tnx, $10.65. T. W. McCloskoy, (Myrtlo Point Canning Co.), land described VoL 35, P. 2G8 of deodB, S .8, Twp. 29, SR. 12. tnx, $4.44. Ella Lonherr, W ncro land describ ed Vol. 3, P. 116, lino 21 of 1011 tnx rolls, S. 8, Twp. 29, 8R. 12, tax. $1.78. R. P Endlcott, land doscribod "VoL 40, P. 632 of doods, 8. 9, Twp. '32, SR. 12, tax, $3.20 E. C. Roberts, land describod Vol. 57, P. 621 of deods. 8. 9. Twn. 2D. 8R. 12, tax, 71c. J. II. Hunt, land doscrlbcd Vol. 48, P. 381 of doods, 8. 9, Twp. 23, 8R. 12, tax, $42.59 A. Crcnson, land doscribod in Vdl. 59, P. 61 of doods, 8. 9, Twp. 29, 8R, 12, tax, $1.66. Alva Huntloy, lnnd doscribod in Vol. 32, P. 142 ot doods, 8. 10, Twp. 29, BR. 12, tax, $6.51; porsonal proporty, $4.38. It. P. Endlcott land doocrlbed Vol. 45, P. 493 of doeds, B. 16, Twp. 23, SR. 12, tax, $1.42; land describod Vol. 40, P. 40 of doods, 8. 16, Twp. 29, 8R. 12, tax, $1.42. Goo. Lalngor, land described VoL 44, P. 476 of deods, 8. 10, Twp. , BR. 12, tax, $2.1S. Q. V. Gurnoy, land doscribod VoL 56, P. 3 of deods, 8. 16, Twp. 20, SR. 12, tax, $7.91; porsonal property,c $2.04. ' B. E. Bondor, lnnd doscribod Vol. 66, P. 459 of deedB, 8. 16, Twp. 29, 8R. 12, tnx, $T.78. O. R. Ruscoo, lnnd doscribod Vol. 40, P. 262 of deeds; 8. 17, Twp. 33, SR. 12, tax, 53c. C. R. Hammond, SWSWSBW. & 10, Twp. 29, SR. 12, tax, $2.20; por sonal proporty, $3.25. Mobos Endlcott, SEW NEW. 0. 36. Twp. 20, 8R. 12. tax, $6.30; timber on NEWNEW, 8. 20, Twp. 29, BR, 12, tax, $4.50. Wm. Cnrlllo. NWWNWW, less pnrt sold 8. 20, Twp. 20, BR. 13, tax, 90c; land doscrrbed Vol. 50, V, 470 of deeds. 8. 27. Twn. 29. SR. 1SL tnx, $1C.G8; porsonnl proporty $1.92. C. R. Hammond, NWNEW, 8. 30, Twp. 29, SR. 12, tnx, $27.78. G. B. Morgan, EW8WW. SEW NWW. SWW SEW, S. 3, Twp. 29, SR. 13, tnx. $7.40. Wm. Stlllwoll, SWW, S..16, Tw. 29, SR. 13, tax, $4.00. Ernest Llvormoro, SWSBW. 8. 15. lZv.; 22 8R- 13 tax- s.20;new NEW. 8. 22, Twp. 29, SR. 13, tax, $10.00; NWWNWW. S. 23, Twp 29, 8R. 13, tnx, $1.04. Chas. Anderson, lot 3, 8WNWW. SWWNEW 8. 4, Twp. 29, SR. 14 taxfl $16.60. .... Stephen 8. Llttlo. lot 4. 8. 4, Twp. 29, 8R. 14, tax, $2.60; lot 1, SEW NEW, 8. 5, Twp. 29, 8R. 14, tax, $5.20. ' O. II, Chandlor, lnnd described la Vol. 54, P. 559 of doods, 8. 6, Twb. 29. SR. 14, tax, $1.14. Mary Tcnnlson, NWNWW. NWW NWWNEW, 8. 8, Twp. 29, 8R. 14, tnx, $7.22; porsonal property, $2.11. May Ohraan. NEWNEW. S. 10, Twp. 29, SR. 14, tax, $1.44. J. L. Nelson. WW NWW. NEW NWW. NWWNBW, 8. 10, Twp. 23. SR. 14, tnx, $6.81. E. L. ft May Ohman, SEW8WW 8. 11, Twp. 29, SR. 14. tax, $1.44. Elva J. Haga, lot 13, 8. 12, Twp, 29, SR. 14, tax, $1.44; lot 4. 8. 13, Twp. 29, SR. 14, tax, $1.44. Vospor Brumback, SWW NWW. NWW SWW, S. 17. Twp. 29, 8R. 14. tax. $6.44; personal proporty, $2.13. Frank Boyorlo, timber on NW SWW. S. 19, Twp. 29, SR. 14, tax, $5.92. V. E. Hlxon. WWNEW, NWSBW. S. 26, Twn, 29, SR. 14, tax( $5.73. R. P. Hompol, SEWSWW. 8. 30. Twp. 29. SR. 14, tax, $1.48; EVS NWW. SWWNEW. S. 31, Twp. 23, sit. 14. tnx. $20.79; personal prop erty, $3.27. Isabella Hosklng. lot 7 SEW NEW, S. 1, Twp. 29, SR. 15, tax, $10.08; personal proporty, $11.64. II. L. Smith. NEW NEW NEW SWW, S 1, Twp. 29. SR. 15, tax 23c. Goo. II. Smlth.SENESWW, S. 1, Twp. 29. SR. 15, tax. 93c. F. C. Woodruff, und W SWNWW, NEW SWW, S 1, Twp. 29, SR. 15, tnx. 28c. Tnrakauth Das. NEW NEW SEW, NWSB WNEW SEW, 8. 12. Twp. 29. SR. 15, tax, 5Gc. Anltln DeOoscon, EWSEW. SWW SEW. SEWSWW. less 36 ncres, S. 12, Twp. 29, SR. 15, tax, $0.94; per sonal property, $1.06. Henry S. Axtell, NWNWW NEW SEW less 2 W acres sold, S, 12, Twp. 29. SR. 15, tax, 19c. O. Boak. WW NWW, SEW NWW. NEW SWW, 8. 13, Twp. 29, SR. 15, WSNSWSSrfrfWNVWNiWrfVSNi (Continued on Next Page.) u Twp. 25, SR. 12, tax, $2.88