The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday Sept. 11
and Mowings days
of Fall and Winter
Mrs. A. Q. Aiken
Coos Building, Marshficld, Ore. MM S
Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store
Let Us Talk It, Over
No counterfeiter has ever produced n perfect dol
lar bill.
No imitator lias over equaled Parke, Davis & Co.'o
Divide man into classes druggists, physicians,
preachers, manufacturers, etc. Would any man un
der the sun be guilty of saying that all druggists are
alike, nil physicians are alike, all preachers alike,
or that all manufacturers are alike? Just as there
is a difference in the medicines made by different
' manufacturers. For years, in practically all our
Prescriptions, we have been dispensing prepara
tions manufactured by Parke, Davis & Co., ac-
!... l.1.,,l l-v ltuifrt 4 lift In-i'irnof iiiirl lirtcf nnninnofl
1 KUUmUliKWi iu mihu mv. uwu. W1...1T.
laboratories in the world for the .scientific prepara
tion of high-grade pharmaceuticals. This is one of
the main reasons why Doctors prefer to have us fill
their prescriptions, because there is no guess won:
about Parke, Davis & Co. "s remedies; they arc al
ways the best and always used at the "BUSY COR
NER,'' where every Prescription is carefully com
pounded and twice checked before delivered. Prices
Always Moderate. PorlV called and delivered freo
I of charge in any part of town.
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Hoi w Ib given th tlmo and
height of high nnd low water at
Th tides are placod In the order
of occurronco, with tholr tlmo on
the first lino and heights on tan soc
ond lino of oach day; a comparison
of consecutive heights will Indicate
whether It la high or low water. For
high wator on bar, subtract 1 hours
34 minutes.
Onto. September.
lira. .4.59
Ft. 0.1
lira. .0.59
Ft. 0.5
12. 10
(Uy Associated Press.)
OREGON ShoworB tonight
and Sunday; southerly winds.
For twenty-four hours ending
at 4: 13 n. in., Soptr. 7, by BenJ.
ustlinu, special government mo-
teorologlcnl observer:
Maximum G4
Minimum 51
At 4:43 n. m 51
Wind southwest; cloudy.
tonight's Program
6 Hoyal
Cjumont Weekly World's nletor-
1 18.
Willie Pnun'e imii,,., i,.,...,. T...
h drama.
P the Xlck of Time Western.
tuning strawberries Industrial.
Ml Mtdlrlnn iiml il... 11.......1
K wo food comedies.
'w reeiti tor l()e.
I TOMOItltOW vir-ii-i.
IJ In Wood A strong drama
lo reels. Also three othor reels
fcflimi.iive on tho Hroakwator.
"t two programs mo Special
m .niss iiiem.
. 1
--- t t t f 9UU
1 100-Fourtconth St. .$1100
0 x HO central Ave.... $1475
hJ5f:r,LComraMclal and
-'" 8180O
l" Front street
JEA.M FOR SALE !JOOO lbs.; grey
geldings; G and 9; now heavy
wagon harness, double and slu
plo. Hound nnil true; will bo sold
nr bargain, luqulru Times offlco.
FOUND A Mnsonli Idem. In
quire at Stafford's.
WANTED Housekeeper, woman
competent of caring for children,
or man and wlfo If woman could
do housework and care for child
ren. Address L. N., caro Times.
WANTED ly young man, work lu
any kind of a storo lu Coos coun
ty; best of roforencos; salnry no
object. Address "Willing," caw)
Is Naturalized. Louis Englund of
i Mnrslilleld wnB ono of about twenty'
11 vo who obtained their llnnl natural-
lzntlon papers from Clerk Watson
I this week.
I Moot Tonight. Harry G. Hoy and
I other followers of Col. Hoosovolt
havo called n mcotlng of tho Pro
gressives to bo hold In Mr. Hoy's
office tills evening to form n Dull
I Mooso club hero. A goncrnl Invltn-
1 tton is extended to Progressives to
. attend.
Plans to Build. Jns. Flanagan of
tho Flnnngan & Ilonnott Hank was
over from Mnrshflold last Saturday,
Wo understand tho firm contemp
lates tho oroctlon of n two or tbrco
story brick on tho slto whero tho
bank and harness shop aro now lo
cated. Myrtlo Point Enterprise
Prove Up on Clnlnw. Sovoral
homestoadors appcnrcl boforo Land
Commissioner Pock yesterday and
todny to mnko final proof on tholr
claims. Among thorn wore Charles
A. Dlngman of North Inlot, Anna C.
Preseott of Ton Mllo, Josoph G. Wl
loy of North Inlot and Thomns Small
of tho Sand Hills section.
Is Promoted. J. C. Swlnford of
Mnrslilleld has boon nppolntcd chlof
engineer of tho Oregon Powor Com
pany's plant at Portqr. Mr. Swln
ford has been with tho company for
some tllno ami his promotion Is s
roward for faithful and olllclcnt ser
vice His many friends will bo
i ploasod to learn of his advancement.
Gets KesiiltN. Arcnio runups m
North llond docldod to sell his mnro
and rig tho othor dny mid tolophonod
a "for snlo ad." to Tho Times.
Within n day tho outfit wns sold to
Al Nichols of Eniplro. Tho ad
brought scores of replies and yes
tordoy Mr. Phillips phoned Tho
Times to stop tho ad bocnuso ho wna
being bothered too much by re
sponses. , , ,
Itoiicli Port Orford. Locnl Shrln
ors havo received word that tho party
of Ashland Shrlnors who nro return
ing homo via tho Const routo, roach
od Port Orford Into yesterday. It Is
not anticipated that they will havo
much dllllculty In making tho rost of
tho trip homo, ns tho balanco of tho
road Is In hotter condition to stand
tho wot weather. Tho visiting Shin
ers sustained nlno broken nxlcs on
tholr mnchlnos, according to reportB
that C. I. Relgard rocelvod from
thorn. . , .
ma Vm.ii Ed Hanson has elv-
' on up his position ob engineer of tho
Itni? Gleaner and will leave Mondny
for Astoria to tako chargo of a big
ranch at Warronton for Dr. Owen
Adair. Dan Itoberts hns succeedod
him as engineer on tho Glonnor. Mr.
Hansen and Dr. Owens Adair ro ro
tated by marriage. Sho has visited
on tho Day n number of times, Is
....i... w.niihv nmi la considered ono
I of the brightest womon In Oregon
land nttnlnod consldornblo fnmo
through her bills In tho Oregon Leg
islature, otio Jiaa uoon hviuk !""
Mr iinnsnii will loavo for thoro Moii-
dnv and will ho "frp"'''""'1 J
WANTED Competent girl ik-Mres
position In small family. Call at
379 North Front street.
WANTED A young Kll 1" t, ca,"
of boy (4 years old) from 3 to C
dally. Address "D," Times olllce.
WANTED Slashing or lund clear
lng by tho ncro. Address Druco
Hood, Mnrslilleld.
suitable for family or fishing boat.
Simp. CaBh, trado or part on
time. Address "A," caro Times.
FOR SALE Typewriters cheap,
llox 572. North llond.
Borne choice lots In NORTH BEND
ran be had at a very reasonable price
If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO,
Flr Vatlnnal RnnkL
MONEY' SOLD on Installment 1
help working pooplo and othors.
JI. II. Ilnrpor, 334 First street.
Phono 349.
FOR RENT Nice furnished front
room on first floor; suitable for 1
or 3 gentlemen; office or profes
sional mon preferred. Phone
WANTED Good .mature for horse.
Notify llox 748, Marshnold.
WANTED In offlco of afternoons;
refined girl or woman; moderate
salnry to bogln. Address X,
TOR SALE Cheap; Remington
typewriter In good condition. Ad
dress Typewriter, care Times.
.... i..i.--i y "" '
FOR SALE -: First class gnsollno
launch,. wlthpalitn. arid 6-horse
power onglne; all good as now,
son, John Hnnson. Mr. Hanson Is a
brother of Jens Hansen, of Norton'
ami Hansen.
N Itetter. Konnoth Kolly, who,
hnB been vory ill at Mercy hospital1
following an operation, Is reported
Boinuwhat Improved todny.
New Partner. J. E. Cooley has
tnken J. II. Rahskopf Into partner
ship In tho rcnl estato and lnsurnnco
business, tho hitter succeeding M.
A. Swcotmnn.
Wed TiHlny. Walter Howard'
Bnrd and Lavlna Elizabeth Franklin
woro married this afternoon by Jus-1
tlco Pcnnock in his offices. P. J.
Hayes and Jess Dairy mplo wero wit
nesses. Unrd Is engnged in tho li
quor business.
Buys Business. R. E. Pino has,
purchased tho cleaning nnd pressing'
business of II. L. Miller on Front I
street, near the Ekblnd hardwaro
Btorc, and hnB taken possession. I to'
is cxperienccu in hub lino oi worn
aud plans to cnlnrgo It.
O'Brien Coming. It was roported
hero today that J. P. O'Brlon, vico
presldent of tho Southern Pacific and
now In chargo of tho Wellington
lines, would nrrlvo horo this even
ing. Mr. O'Brlon no longer has jur
isdiction over tho Southern Pacific
lines in this section nnd tho oblect
of his trip could not bo figured out.)
W. F. Miller, superintendent of tho '
local Southern Pacific linos, had not'
been apprised of his coming. It may
tio that Mr. O'llrlen Is coming hero
on pcrsonnl matters.
Ts Appointed. Al Nichols, of Em
pire hns been appointed water
bailiff for Coos County by Stato Flsii
Warden Clauton. Ho will havo
chargo of tho enforcement of tho llsh j
iiiwo iiuiu uuiiiig mu Buuauu. nun-,
orto thoro hns boon no fish wnrdttii
for this section, but owing to roport
ed violations last year, Mr. Clauton1
decided to havo a rcprcsontatlvo,
here. Tho position Is n good one
and Mr. Nichols la an excollont man
for tho plnco, his years of oxpcrlenco
fishing and familiarity with tho
waters enabling him to glvo excel
lent sorvlco. Ho nsks thnt tho fish-.
crnion co-opornto In tho mattor ns'
ho docs not wish to work any hard-!
ships on them by bolng compelled to
prosecute thorn through violations
caused by tholr Ignorance of tho:
Mrs. Max Tlmmcrmnn has bconj
qulto sick nt tholr homo tho Inst
fow days.
William Thorpe, nn old North
llond votornn who has been 111 for
some time, Is reported worse. Ho Is
suffering from a complication of dis
eases. S. C. Hunch from nonr Myrtlo
Point, who recently underwent nn
oporntlou nt Mercy hospital, has re
covered Bulllclontly to roturn to his
homo today.
Mrs. Del Parks fell off a box while
working at her homo InForndnlo and
sustained n broken arm. Sho is
getting along ns well as could bo ox-
pocted. Thoy resldo near tho Fred
Rnckmnu homo.
'Mrs. Chns. Nordstrom of South
Mnrshflold. who hns been In a rathor
fierlous condition, wns reuortod Im
proved yostordny and It mny not ho
necessary to sond hor to the Stato
hospital as was aniirehondod,
Mr. J. C. Jones writes rolntlvoJ
from nakor8vlllo. Call., to tho offoct
that his llttlo boy Is Improving ami
tho doctor gives him great hopos of.
a speedy recovery. Tho llttlo follow
was Injured by nn nutomobllo somo,
tlmo ngo and for n while his II fo
was despaired of.
Tim Hllrulintli nrlvod In nt Hlllldoll
yesterday from San Francisco. j
Tho tug Robnrts Balled vostordoy
with a scow in tow for llio siusiaw.
Tim RniiH'illtn nnil Hnndon Balled
yostorday from Hnndon for San
Tho tug Glonnor returned to Gnrd
inor yostordny with n genornl mer
chandise cargo.
Til,,. Aiivnnt pnmn In vostordav and
Is loading nt tho dopot wharf from
tho Coqulllo mills.
Tho Excolslor snllpd yesterday
with a cargo of lumbor from tho
Smith mill for Snn Francisco.
The Hroakwator sallod from Port-
Inml nh R nVlnck tills momlllg Ulld
should reach horo oarly Sunday.
Tno Rustier reiurneu louny irum
tho ShiBlaw, and Is taking on n cargo
of gonoral merchandise for Gold
Roach, whoro sho will load with
wool for Eureka. On her roturn
horo, .sho will go on tho Coos Ray
Slusta'w run regularly.
Engineor Leofo has not yet ascer
tained to whom tho 1000-pound an
chor pulled up by the dredgo Oregon
from tho Eniplro shoal bolongs.
Tom Rarry, of Eniplro, Bays It was
lost thoro about 14 years ago whllo
E. K. Ralllnger thinks It was lost by
tho Newark a year or so ago. Tho
anchor was not deeply Imbodded. I,.
dlcntlng that It otthed had not beon
thero long or that tho shoal Is nut
changing much.
ED NOAH, of Coos River, Is In tho
city today.
SI NOAH, of Coos River, Is In Marsh
field today.
MRS. NAGLY, of C003 River, Is a
visitor hero today.
MRS. ELMORE of Allegany la In
Marshflold today.
P. E. LARSON, of Allegany, enmo
down today on business.
GEO. RANKIN, of Dnnlols Creek, is
a Mnrslilleld visitor today.
MRS. C. L. KIDDER, of Coqulllo,
was n Marshflold visitor today.
lot, Is a Mnrslilleld visitor today.
E. F. MORRISSEY Is over from Co
qulllo to spond Sunday at home.
let wns n Marshflold visitor today.
R. A. WALLACE of Coqulllo was a
Marshflold business visitor yester
day. MRS. K. M. HALL of Isthmus
Inlet was n Marshnold shopper
O. U. HELT was an outgoing pas
songer on this morning's stage for
FRED GERCKE of tho Smokohouso
expects to lenvo next week to en
Joy n vacation.
C. H. LARSON and A. O. Wilson
will leavo on tomorrow's stngo for
W. J. FELLOWS of Ten Mllo wob In
Marshflold yesterday on business
nnd plonsuro.
REV. Q. LEROY HALL went to Co
qulllo todny to conduct services
thoro tomorrow.
DR. J. T. McCORMAC Is expected
homo tomorrow from a wcok'ii
stay In Portland.
REARD, of Dnnlols Creek, enmo
down this morning.
TOM SMITH nnd brldo passed
through hero today en routo to
tliolr homo nn Coos River.
GUY CHAMnERS nnd mother loft
this nftornoon for DnnlclB Creek,
whoro thoy will spend Sundny at
tliolr ranch.
J. L. KATES nnd wlfo woro down
from Smith-Powers Cnmp No. C
yestcrdny. Thoy aro planning to
movo to town.
W. P. HARMON hns rotumed from a
business trip to Coqulllo Vnlloy
points. Ho says tho carnival plan
ned nt Randon linn been called off.
been visiting Mrs. II. Reed, will
visit rolntlvcs at Coqulllo and
pinna to lenvo for Portland nbout
Soptombor 20.
Coqulllo yesterday aftor a visit
nt tho homo of 1'ior parents, Judgo
nnd Mrs. D. L. Watson at Coos
MRS. Mary Thompson una roturnod
to town from Ton Mllo, where she
taught a two-months' term of
school In tho Schuttor district this
A. McADAMS. of Reaver Hill, was
in Mnrshflold on business yostor
dny. Ho reports that John Strand
hns given up his Intention of starl
ing a saloon nonr Conlcdo.
tlo Point camo over today to visit
for a fow days with friends nnd
rolntlvcs In this city. Sho will ro
turn to her homo noxt Mondny.
NICK STAMnONE nnd John John
son of Mnrshflold returned Inst
ovonlng from Coqulllo, whoro thoy
secured tholr flnnl naturalization
pnpors. About 15 secured papers
L. M. TOZIER and wlfo havo por
ponod tholr trip to Eugono tin 1
Guy Warner can return. Mr.
Wnrnor Is bolng dotntnod nt San
Francisco by tho Illness of Mrs.
Wnrnor, who entered n hospital
thoro rocontly.
CHAS. SHIELDS, socretnry of tho
Oregon Equal Taxntlon Longuo,
roturnod to Coqulllo this morning
nftor ltnvlng spoken nt North Rond
last night. Ho had a good audi
ence thero. Mrs, Slilolds hns been
visiting rolntlvcs and thoy will ro
turn from thoro to Portlnnd over
land. HENRY RISCHOP who has been vis
iting In Washington, writes from
Topponlsh thnt ho Is getting anx
ious to roturn to tho Roy. Ho
says that section does not compnro
with Coos Ray. Ho met J. W.
Snover, formorly of Mnrshflold, at
Topponlsh, nnd says that both Mr.
and Mrs. Snover nro anxious to
return hero.
PLAY of NIFTY now fall 8TYI V.4.
PATTERNS Just rocelvod TODAY.
Noxt Mondny, Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Soptombor 9, 10 nnd 11. wo
will make nn ndvanco Fall and Win
tor showlne of tho latest styles In
VMimELLAS REPAIRED AT J Fnshionnblo Mllllnory. This exhibit
will omurnco somo oi iu i"oi
charming croatlons direct from tho
contors of style nnd fashion.
All tho Indies nro cordially Invit
ed to call nnd mnko nn Inspection.
Contrnl nvonuo nnd R road way.
Marshfield Cyclery
Phone lUH-R. 17- No. Rioadwny.
Tfc- J ' iff
JWtiCA '
Olympic Flour
Snow Drift Flour
$1.50 PER. SACK
Northwestern hnrd wheat used
cluslvely in mllllnc te brands of
COOS F. Hnnscom, Portland, B.
P. Segur, Myrtlo Point; Bort H.
Church, North Inlot; Ed Jackson,
Gardiner; C. H. Groom, Portlnnd,
Kato Martin, Coqullle; Mlnnlo Mc
Curdy, Coqulllo; A. P. Johnson,
Lakcsldo; J. Hangln, Portland; Prod
Gngo, Allegany; Chns. McCrny, Co
qulllo. BLANCO Clnrcnco Kendall, E.
Barnoy nnd E. P. Mendoch of Coos
LLOYD Martin Oslln. Medford:
John Clark, Chicago, 111.
CHANDLER Leo Wlllard, New
York; Juno Hall, Portland; A. Mc
Adnms, Bonvor Hill.
LLOYD O. Elklna, Falls City,
Ore; B. II. King, Portlnnd; II. W.
HIgglns, Portlnnd; Mrs. W. D. Hall,
Coqulllo; Jack Hall, Coqulllo; Miss
Mlnnio Brandt, Coqulllo; Randolph
Shorych, Pittsburg, Pa.
BLANCO H. G. Hall, Bandon;
Mark Gotty, Marshflold; Raymond
Burns, Coqulllo; Edward Hansen,
city; B. II. Gllflllnn, Grants Pass;
Captain Call and daughtor.
COOS HOTEL Mr. Prlco, Sum
nor; John E. Hoops, Myrtlo Point;
W. W. Gngo, Coqulllo; A. R. Eny
carst, Lakcsldo; Geo. Wilson, Em
pire; B. II. King, Portland; il. W.
HIgglns, Portland; L. W. Sanders,
North Bend.
THE CHANDLER P. C. Bllllagn,
Portland; Agnes O'Kcofo, San Fran
cisco; Gladys Roovea, San Prnnclsco;
Ernest Estnbrook, Tomplcton, Ore.;
J. O. Strnlton, Tomplcton, Oro.
FRED GERCKE, who leaves next
week to visit In California, will bo
accompanied back by n wlfo, ac
cording to reports todny. Mr.
Gcrcko has beon employed nt tho
SmnkohotiBO tho past year.
PLAY of NIFTY now fall STYLES.
PATTERNS Just rocelvod TOD.W.
Largest nnd REST LINE of CHINA
nt tho LOWEST PRICE In Marsh
lineo-i anpq spy iuvf .somsx
R. A. Copplo hns hnd n forco at
work all weok marking down and re
arranging tho Merchant stock, pre
paratory to moving tho Goldon Rulo
storo Into tho room formerly occu
pied by W. T. Morchiint & Son. I
It Is Mr. Copplo'a Intention to j
mnrk tho Morehnnt stock nt a prlco
that will movo It In n hurry. Every
thing will bo sold nt ono-hnlf prlco
and somo of It for much less.
It Is bollovod tho now storo will bo
rondy to opon noxt Saturday. Watch
for tho announcement of tho opening.
Shoulder Brace and
Back Support
For Men, Women nnd Children,
Docs Not Cut Under Arm.
Strictly high-class and scientific
for persons desiring good fig
ure, square hlioulders nnd high
Light, neat nnd easy. Tho
"Truoform" Bquaroa tho should
ers, oxpands tho chest, Imparts
llfo, vigor nnd health to tho
lungs, nnd othor vital organs, by
giving them freedom of nctlon,
rollovlng thorn of that congested
condition cnusod by n hollow
chest nnd Ill-shaped drooping
shoulder. All who aro Inclined
to stoop should wonr tho "Tru
form," nnd all young pooplo
whllo growing. It adds to tho
gonoral appoaranco, giving oroct
cnrrlngo. It does not show
through shirt waist and nlds
your clothes to eet 'proporly.
Gives onorgy nnd ambition.
Wards off ailments through full,
doop, proper brenthlug. "Thd
"Truform" Is mado of tho best
materials with rubbor covered
stays, non-riistiible, wasluihlo'
ami durable. Tho only braco
that Is freo under arms causing
no nnnoyanco to wouror. It sus
tains tho back with comfort.
When ordering by mall glvo
chost measurement undor arms.
Manufactured for
ijif fjHiii irArb
r i-