I hi !Sft i 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES 31. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Pill). DAN K. MALONEY NcMsJCdltor Entered at tho postofflco at Mnrsl field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second clam Moumu cuj SOCIETY AND JOURNALISM. THE son of tho founder of tho Chautaugua Bystcm naturally looks upon his task as an edu cator In torms of democracy, pub licity and uplift; so It Is not surpris ing to find Prcsldont Vincent of tho University of Minnesota present at tho conferonco of journalism, educa tors and publicists now In session at Madison, wis., debating aspects of journalism. Ho has dono well In his address setting forth tho co-ordlnato task of university and press, to mtiko It clear that If tho pross too often of lato has yielded Its Idealism to "economic nnd social pressure," 't bas not erred alono. "It shares tho responsibility with politics, with business, at times with education, nnd oven with religion." To read eomo current criticism of American journalism 0110 might Infer that tho only offenders ngalnst social ethics wcro editors nnd publishers. A com mercial ago unquestionably has af fected them considerably. Xo scn slblo man disputes this. Hut so It has other moldorn of social Ideals. A majority of working Journalists, us President Vincent says, nro "In sym pathy with tho changes which prom fso largor Justlco nnd falror condi tions of life." If tlioy inalto papers that fall short of their own nnd tho public's ideal in respect to candor, sincerity, decency nnd dignity, tho fnult, ns President Vincent says, Is with tho mnnngors who omploy them Tho Minnesota oducntor rightly atrcsBcs tho responsibility of society lor tho press It tolorntcs. Decent pcoplo who want hlgbtonod Journal must quit patronizing low-toned ones, either ns readers or as adver tisers. Hcnson nnd conscience dic tating tho courso of residents' nttl tudo toward n local press, tlioy enn (orco obcdlonco to Ideals. Faco to fnco with n reading constituency that withholds or gives Its patronngo ac cording ns Journals to certain stand ards, thcro oro few owners of nows pnper properties who will not obey tho domnnd. Tho real question thoroforo Is, Who shall framo tho demand? A vigilant minority nonio or otliorwlso always controls. Uoston Monitor. t WITH THE I toast andtea: GOOD EVENING I resolved that, like tho sun, so long as my day lasted I would look on tho bright sldo , of everything. Hood. GO W CO L SMITH PLANTS BALL EAGUE SCORES ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS LIFE A catch of breath, a rising sun, A few gray clouds, llfo'o race begun. Electric Power Plant to be Finished This Year Mr. Mereen Returns. Itnpld progress is bolng niado on tho now electric nlant at tho C. A. Youth scales tho heights, lovo seeks Smith mill and it is hoped to havo it its end, icndy for operation within tho next Wealth comes and goes, ties break thrco mouths. Tho boiler plant will and mend. probably be coraplotcd within a i month nnd tho balance of tho ma- A few good friends, a tear, a smile, chinory Installed within two months Somo days of cheer, a sigh moan- trom that tfmo so that tho plant while. Bhould bo completed somo tlmo lu DINNER PARTY Last evening complimentary to tho Illltiiioro boys, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. I'niiim miturtnlned nt dinner. Thoir guests wcro Mesaers. Mooro, Walter, Nye and Pnion. 0 Next Saturday evening nt Tho Chandler tho local fraternity men will tender a Pan-Hellenic banquet in honor of tho fratornlty men among tho Ulltmore boys. FOR A I'M) LANG SYNE. 4 , 4 Next Wednesday, Sept. 11, tho Coos County Ploueors win noiu a PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7. Italn ' gathering nt Myrtle- Point nnd will I enow old times nnu acqiiniiuuncus Rain Prevented All Except San I Francisco-Los Angeles Game Yesterday. ! HOW THEY STAND Los Angeles ... .87 Vernon SC Oakland S4 Portland GO San Francisco . . G3 Sacramento . . . .52 159 .G9C CI .G85 CI .568 71 .459 88 .417 90 .307 loft this week fcToTvT5 land. 10ttelap y0;....?."! nmosioxidciiango.oiu menus ue- .wii u u w rui.u0rceu concro o gan Frnncl8C0 gamo In tho const There will bo n big ,''"",. :,...JZmX IS "r u"Ln' "League yesterday. Tho score: n o'clock in the oven buio iiiuusiiiD 6iu niou, biuvu iuuus ,.."...--.., ,..-.- ...... , At Los AncnlCS It. II. E. n linn.flrn mill nil th noart' I . "?.?.? W2"" 5 V,1 nl"!.n,a,0.. ? Los Angeles 1 5 1 dco. Among those ... . ... ... . .. .... i,n ;i.i,itn r ..... !..:- it Snn I-ranclsco ino sun uroops uown, mo ciouus ".v "'.uu,u u; uv luuiwu u . -0 Mrs. P. c. Dirch nm MlssHaZotMcrryInnnaiLV apcndlng tbomimSa0, homo, plan, to inn' ?. e &J Chleo, California, t0,Xe!j Mr. nnd Mrs. F u tr. clicstor, Minn, where M? , r,0 U dorwont an oporntlon .1. !"4 Tho operation wassVc" ,S Is oxppctod that Mr. n.',.1 "H jontarh better ,Jft Jji ..... -o- i. u. iionon und fnm- . , their now homo at Ponin, n. reitl the first of tho 4 :htJy cards just receive. by fr 3 They had a rather hard dk,lr washout delaying tZ $. nosa of Miss Illlth linn-,""ll trP thttj ss Iluth ii" B?a."lll with thoir plans fnr , "."'ti at - - U II n !. lunowHiono Park. 0-. swing low, A fow farewolls, then tlmo to go. CLIFFORD KANE STOUT. PLUGGING ALONG. Down on tho corner some soru headed men stand an the bourn gal lop by, kicking mid carping and roasting again everything under tho ky. While they nro showing that life Is n.fako, proving that ovcry- uiiugH wrong, Peter tlio potior bus no roar to liiaRo Peter keeps plug Blug along. Many are Idle; tho linker, tho clork, laborers, too, by tho score: bitter their cry that they cannot got work nothing but grief Is in Htorol Peter la laboring year nuer year, uumiiiina n antlsflod song; ovorythlng'H gay on tills old planet hero! Peter keopa plugging along. Peter has paid for the eo -Jngo he owns, Petor Is clear out of debt; down In the bank bo him two hundred bones why should ho wor ry or fret? Iloodli'HH of soreheaiU who stand on U.u utreot, making mum ulnae mm n gong, Peter keopa huBtllng on rubber-tired feet Peter Kvops plugging along. It Isn't necessary for tho girls who really don't want to get married to advertlso tho fact. Somo girls have a way of making men lovo them by saying tlioy nover Intend to get married. About tho last place on earth to look for tho "philosopher's srono" la In an engagement ring. iso, Mamlo; tho girl who was born in May needn't necessarily oxpect llfo to no a continual picnic. It makes no dlfforcnco to n girl how ninny of her friends got mnrrlod &o long ns alio Is engaged. No girl over dospnlrs of making nn eligible match as long as sho can af ford an afternoon nnd evening gown. Thoso men who nro continually running In debt might learn to crnwl out by wntchlng tho baby once In a whllo. Most mon enn tnlk moro frcoly numii mo neons or tnoir country limn they can nbout tho needs of their family. A rcgrottablo fact In connection with tho Independence of young womon Is thnt with somo It tnkes tho luim of Impudence. will bo readv for onarnttnns. tts ' construction Is necessarily Blow and tne winter season will probably pre- "DUGS" IMYMOND DKAI). 2 9 2 tend from MnrBlilleld ni iHnnson. who has been In Coos conn- ity since 1S53, 59 years; Mr. 13. it. I Hilborn, of Mllllconia, ami aire. u. lent It bolnc rushed . rnnl.ilv i... Former Noted New York Pitcher H. Diingnn, of Coos iiiyor, wno una Is desired. I Siiccimilm Today. , cnlled our county Her liomo ror f.J Arno Moreen, of tho C. A. Smltn (' Associated Press to Tho Coos years. The iiaiiics of the other plo- COinnnilV. who rntiirnnil from lio Uay Times.) i iieurn 01 .nunuuuiu " ..i... south on tho last Nann Smith, o-' CHICAGO, Sopt. 7. Arthur, bot iircsscd hlmsnlf ns nlnnnn,! with H.n tor known In bnscbnll circles ns progress being made. Ho has boon "Hugs" Itnymond, former pitcher of, dovotlng his attentions rocontly to tho Now York National League team, iI'I',iVI2,:il(i''!fc'i a a ! tho ImnrovonicntH liolnir niniln nt Bnc vn fniiml ilnnil In n dnivnlown hnlnl latlionto mill Onltlnilll. Thn Hnnr... tnilnv Thn Nirnnnr'i Iiipv nilil Hint I MlHS Marjory CoWllll, (if Glell i picnic dinner at Miss Ida Adams, formeri, .,. .iilng, followed by J Han of this city, writes thif la OIU-W8IUUI1UI1 I1UV1I1K n 111081 (lollg itflll .L i ' who will at-, visited In Portland. s.i uA'H from MnrBhlleld nro Mra. 0.. const cities. Sho Is nn !,,,!. ?ll to Now Hampshire. ,roai 0 will aiipcar lator. 0 4AAAAAA . . . . tAAAJ,i,:wVM! .u.VTVMMi, enjoyable tt Tho Crescendo Club nnd wit ' llllllo Class KnVo nn n . J ." curslon to .lonlnn'H pom'i'w lug. conipl inentary to l'rof. n0,v , rlon Wheeler of Portland, M guest of Prof. Davidson, u m , Tioga vaB chartered for the S? rIoii and monto yards will bo puroly n retail death was duo to heart dlsenso, ag-l Junction, Is spending Saturday and ,.row uraucn uui mo now yarus at Uak- gravatcd by tho excessive heat, land will bo a wholcsalo depot for supplying tho cities around tho Day. HOOSHVKLT IS HU8V. iiio plan la to navo tho Adollno Sunday with her parent8, Mr, Mrs. .Ins. Cowan, In this city. 0 . Pleasant weather and a jS d of young people together K co lunch prepared bv th.i.j. Smith, tho big now sister ship of tho K.PreIdoiit 8penkn in North I)n-! 1'oavor Hill Nann Smith, carry lumber thoro nnd kotn, Kimiitlo to .Montnnn. v,B,t wltn fl,r8' iiit-ii ii win uo uoiivcrcu. ii win uo (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi impossible for tho Adollno Smith to, rjay Times) dollvor parts of cargoca at different GRAND FORKS, N. D., Sept. C Slt.M. P5 I8 BT, of th0 "l d0 not l)0,lovo that tho American T .' r0nr ' ' b?,".d? ,nA .. ' PJPlo will put into power a party .-:-.-" "". mv nii. wiilrli nniinr nlnn nr Inn Ulna .ilnli rs v$rFs$?$i rL''rir!0 r T""r,c" "' Ni:WS OI.' ALLKOANV. Mrs. R. Rooko of Coos River Is visiting friondB In Allegany this weok nnd expects to go to Loon Lake Stindny to visit her son, Robort Rooke, for a fow days. Honry Lnlrd of Loon Lnko oxpecta to go to Coqiilllo Mondny to nttond court. NORTH URNI) NKW8 Thoro will bo services nt tho St. Mnrys' church Sundny nfternoon nt 2 o'clock. POItTCIIH MVV STOItK. Itportnl to Havo Purchased Hiinl ICntnlillNliiiicut nt Iliigeiip. FLORKNCU, Or., Sopt. 7. Tho current wnB turnod on from tho plnnt of tho inorenco Klectrlc Com pany Saturday night for tho llrst tlmo. Several buildings have nl- ivtor ii-ii i-f I rt,n,l' ,,po" w,ro,, ""'' nmro wiring Ih look for coiiurusHliinni ni.i. ,,inf,..,..:i "0II "" rnBl h the mon can don't bother his soul; working I ,worR' At iroHtnt tliu nliiiit Ih In n nwny In tho sun and tho Bbado, ho Ih, ,0,"l,,,rn',( w,"'t' "l ding, but a ncqulrliig n toll. Having a wn( fir (,l,m" Htrmtmo will bo erected In the neiiHon of Htntw, wtillo be Is rng- . nun mrong, reier titan Hoiiho with al ii,''ll,U"1 8 ,,otor ls llBBlK v,Mi.ti nn, tr Cbnajn KM Frimh Folo fiiip!i.H Walker St',.1 a short time. It Is iiiulerstood hero that Porter llroa. havo purchased I tho stock of tho Hurd Lumber A avigaiion uonipany'8 storo anil will distribute It to the commissary do partmontH of (heir varloui railroad j (cimtrui'llou cauipM. die TAI'I'V and PKANUT lllliri'liK 2'i t'i:.TH POUND. SATURDAY and SUNDAY nt STAFFORD'S. Tho Royal Neighbors will ex tlimiKo meeting night with the Mod ru Woodmen fur September 10 only. THKSi: COLD AND CHILLY KV IIMNt.'S TUV , HOT TA.MAI.i: AT SARTIIR'S. ARK (U'ARDING ItOAD MANAGUA. Sept. C--Ainericnn inarltiea and blue-Jackets are now guarding ninny stations on the rail road from Co rln to to Managua. Tho operation of tho road will bo ro- mimed at once. tlo shower thoro last weok but it woa noped that tho weather would turn fair. Reports of rain thoro yoator day nro discouraging. Mr. Moroon said thnt ho did not hear any now railroad nowa whllo away. So far ns ho know, thoro woro no now developments in tho South ern Pacific and Termlnnl rnllway ne gotiations rolatlvo to tho cntrnnco to Mnrshnold by tho Southern Pa cific. Ho said that ho thought it would work out nil ngnt. Ho expressed regrot ovor tho dredgo Orogon bolng tnken nwny. Ho said ho had honed that Hhn wnni.i ronialu hero this wintor nnd continuo tho channel Improvements nild alao that something would bo dono to wards filling Mill Slough. Ho said ho regarded Mill Slough as ono of tho most sorloiiB drawbacks In tho development of Mnrshrtcld nmi thought that something should ho nu in onco to ovorcoinn it. Mr. Smith will probnbly bo bnck pn tho Ray In nbout a month ns ho eaves Kuropo Septombor II for home. WILIIHLMINA IS TOTAL LOSS Wi-eckeil Si'liiKincr Cniileil No Insu,. unci' liar Npt ltcsponslhle. FLORRNCH, Ore., Sept. 7.ifp to tho presont tlmo no efforts hnvo been mndo to flont tho stranded Wllhol nilna. Most of tho upper works woro washed awav bv tii, otr,r. i. ..... ..I..I. ,L .' ." . ."'".". "' "inur ..... nmi a- is uoiintrui ir nnythlng can bo saved. Tho Wllhelmlnn car- " ',1H"rnncPn'J will be a total loss to the owners. hero today. In speaking of tho Dem ocratic party and Woodrow Wilson. From North Dakota Roosovolt will go to Montann, making flvo speeches thoro tomorrow. n nico lunch prepared by the In. and sand battles lniiiinii.r1.M. .5 !- All.- lloninn ret,,rned SJK Wt4 Illll 1VIIIIIJ ItllV'l tl OHUI I 1 J. T. McCormnc. Tho following wero nmon, .t. present, nnd ns some ono eipmui it, to niontlon tho ono who bad a, beat tlmo would bo to nnmfl nth vi -lllllll. IIIHIIU - lf,1 .!. mi .. "' and with other relatives on tho Day o 'n.i.. ..,.,? " "nBf. fllici. oxnecta to leave shortly for her homo r" "li.r.Y"!.. ",",.u'...':0WKir. -0 Mrs. Desmond, who hns been vis Iting nt tho W. T. Merchant homo SAVi: SIXTY-TWO LIVFS. Four ItHMiklyn Pollcpitien Rescue Many From Fire. (Dy Assoclatod Press to the Coos Day Tlmes.l NEW YORK, Sopt. 7. Sixty-two persons, 18 of them children, nil of wnom woro ovorcomo by smoke In a tenement nro In Rrooklyn, wero ro movod by four pollcomon early to day In n half conscious condition. I'lcturoH Studio. and framing, Wnll:r WOI.GAST HURTS ARM CADILLAC. Mich.. Sept. d.Mt WolgiiHt. lightweight champion, sus tained nu lujiiiy to his right arm to day whllo cranking hla auto. The doctor'H declare they will keep him out of the ring for six weeks, In which case the match with Pnckoy MeFarlaud In New York this month will nrnbnlilr be pciHtponed dlo Fro.sh Foto Supplies -Walker Stn- CIIICAGO LINICS COSTLY. CHICAGO, Sopt. 7. Tho proposed subway system In Chicago from tho uown-iown district to South, West, North, Northeast and Southwest will cost flGO.000,000. PANAMA .MAN ANGRY. Jenliioj-8 of it. s. Control of Canal Zc-no In ::pivhscd. iuy Associated Press to Coos IJu Times ) PANAMA, Sopt. 7. In tho ns- Bomuiy today Deputy Constantino nrusuinonn, rornior president of tho iiniiiiiini assomiiiy and a rolatlvo of President Arosomenn, ndvlsed Pana ma to "retain tho remnant of their sovereignty as tho claws of tho Am erican Kaglo aro deep In the body gfv tho republic." Replying. Deputy Justinlanl, a mombor of tho majority saiu Panamn had nothing to fear Ing. Mo8dnmos. Davidson and Nn. kirk, Messrs. Moody. Hnge. Carr.Di vldson, McNny, Goodwin and Jkfc. gor. O .! IHLT.MOIti: INITIATION. Tonight tho Illltmoro forw.7 boyH will hold their monthly Inlfc Hon snngerfcHt at the Oco. Marti homo nu South Coos ltlvcr. Tti nro four candidates to be Inltlittl "Prophet" Whinner. "Squirrel" Alexander, "Pat" Dougherty, "Duko" Keolor. The boys leave Mnrsli field (or Hi 8Ccno of foHtlvltlcs about 5 tblm onlng nnd tho guests will follow rt tho lnuneh Mnrshflehl nt about I'b p. m. Dr. Hnyden hns charte i tho "clnuibnko," und this Is suSdetf nsstirnnco of Its cxrcllcnrc. After the Initiation, "tunti"u! supper, the boyti will enjoy whit cnlled n "Blng," 'wbero cverjrxwj JoIiib In. If tho candldntci areibleti Dick Mnrkle, of , lift their voices aftor the eTttltj guestH this wooki nrogrnni. This la tho first aantenVt near Los Angolca. O Win. Patterson, who Ih visiting his mint, Mrs. Abo Tonbrook, nenr Kla math Falls has written ills mother, Mrs. Ida Patterson, that ho expect h to return noon. Mrs. Tonbrook will return with him to spend tho winter hero In hopes of benefiting her hoalth. 0 Mrs. A. J. Aiken returned to the Hay this weok, from San Franclso. Mrs. Otto Solicitor will not return for a week or ton days. Sho la re ceiving medical treatment, o Mrs. Fay E. Ward and hnby, of Missoula, Mont., who havo mndo nn oxtended visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Sheppnrd, of North Rend. parentH of Mra. Ward, left for their homo last Saturday. O Mre. C. A. Wilson, of North nond, returned this weok after visiting relatives at Vancouver. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. Cooston, hnvo na rholr niece, Miss Minnie Parker, of; or aong feast that tho boys have bs'l .liimiiuii. Illinois, wno intends to on tho liny. Kn.tlnln .... .1. ...I... I iviiiuiii mi me wiuier, 0 Mra. W. II. Simpson and Mra. C. II. Worrel. of North Ilend. left over land for Portland Inst Tuesday. n Miss Selnia Holmes plans In leave noxt weok to visit In San Francisco and othor California points. o 0 jivi: PLAY. Me It la announced that "The Dar'Isl of Parla" will be repeated at Nona llend next Monday evening Ijr l! Marahllold homo talent cait wlU successfully piesented It here M Wediicsdny night under the dim- Mr. nnd Mrs. Thnmn nrn,ll.-.V,,""", ."'"'." '""".iV.i hnvo tnken ai.artn.onu , ei, o-n" " ' um,.or. " lir" " '"l "'rto null imiMhwr m. ii i . y" , n pop mar one nnu iui ' ono hir In' "rn,,'nw ,1'nvl.ig' muBlo .uui was well handled br rit o ill ly fron, ,ortI,,l1 o homo talent. Mr. Gral.nm mart!" J"ln..llor. '"'sbaiid, who Is a member i.rrm.-o for lt ...oductlon ia C oiu iiiiaiim nau noui ng to fear' of tho nriuiuimu- k-i.V.T.i 7. lunuiKi nrnnori,. I...I .."..-' "M " "lumur, .WTH, MIOIII-l -J1"""J """""-'U HIWII. eggOr. WIO Wn Vljjlll.m. II...... I I -.- ..-.. ..-. . ClmtllL irj-ni. " iiiuiu iiuru. 1'ur 1'iioios uuiuunuao. uu 0 i"- nmii , IWTIinBHBHMKJTITIIWillL1 ' - JM.ii . j " MrTTiTT1ll ii .Mill' 'WBIM mwmTI One-fourth I Q" on A BIG CUT ON Hand 'Painted China and Cut Glass nu; r.m'K.vri-;ns will soon UK HKMODT'I.INfi OUR STORi: AND TO RKDUCi: THE ItltEAKAGi: WE IIAVS Di:CIDKD TO SELL THESE GOODS AT A VERY LOW PRICE FOR AHOUT TEN DAYS. SAVE .MONEY ItY UUYING NOW GET YOUR FUTURE WEDDING OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS NOW. T "W aw jioiuie men amid All. M I name: I ' you like Good Clothes, and are willing to par a fail- price fm. them, just hear in mind this mo: "SelihM-lhilhmore." It stands fm. ,, than you've been used lo gettin- for your monev; a lact that's worth remembering. When we say SHiloss Clothes are better than others you ean buy, that statement's either true it isn't. We believe it fo true;and it is, von ought to buy them. At least you ought to know. It's easy to find out. ScMoss-Baltimraore Cloth .es' j? Red Cross Jewelry Department Phono V-J, JeMelers und OjitleluiiN, 103 Front Strtvt. aio sold In MARSHFIELD at THE FIXUP. You enn got them; and you ought to. YOU'LL FIND THEY HAVF CERTAIN STYLING, FIT AND FINISH MOST UNUSUAL that they're very carefully made; that they KEEP their looks and shape. All this Is sure, and guarantee'.: yot th " no more than others.. TJb Pimp Marshfield North Bend rmm Mima mm LJfcWr) KHUUS tftOl 4 f CUakt Ua. iiitwi 4 mw