THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. KINDLING THE OLD FIRES AH Eyes Pacific Coast One of iho manv irood thinirs .Mwrntinlislinil h tlm Pnimnin n,,i ua i,;i,i; and now by the consideration of rules to regulate it, is the advertising of the Pacific Coast. All over the country the people know that the UM-ritoi-v ninny tlm Pnnifirt ...ill 1.- it.. 1 l'Ji..l I 71 r, ., ,- ."' . .. ..... i v oasi win uu vjisiiy Muuuiitiuu uy tnc opening oi tuc Canal. Especially will the gateways of the Pacific Coast, the harbor cities, be helped. Coos Bay will have rnil rn:ul connnunication with' the rnst nf tlio fmitifi'v 1' lm rimn iim rinnni io vmwiu -en business, and the double effect of the entrance of the railroad here and the opening of (he Canal will causo a growth and prosperity on Coos Bay that experienced business men say will be second to none in the history of any city 'in the country. First Addition to Marshfield The main chance for annexing some of. this prosperity to yourself is in owning real estate on Coos Hay. Any lot in Marshfield you buy at present market prices will make you money. The lots in First Addition to Marshfield arc the best real estate bargains now offered; this is apparent from the large sale of them to Marshfield business men. These lots arc each 50 feet wide, 120 feet long, face on improved streets, cost $300. and can be bought at terms to suit your purse. Follow the pavement on South Fifth Street (where so manv handsome new resi dences arc being built). First Addition commences three blocks south of School. the High Reynolds Development Co. Coke Building Owners. Telephone 160-J MAKES A 6ITZ BATH OF ANY BATHTUB COMFORT LUXURY CONVENIENCE ,m - vr Li i zz - fib-3f ;.v . Triplex Bathtub-Chair K'CKMJ tCl(.:ivllv fir TMt TMPKX OATMTUf ""'"., Ml CWCl, 3lt UCKAMMIA AVINUt, 1-MHT'l. fCNNA.,U. t. A. It It a luxury In the bath at It con bo hung Inildo at tho upper nd of the tub aivlnrj greater convenience while bathing. Ue Intldo or cuUlde, or at either end and la ao mado that It adjuitt to fit any .bath tub. Nothing to fatten Jut placo It vvhero you want It and turn down the .eat. Nothing to get out of order will latt for generation Foldi up out of tho way when not In uto. . . . ,. The chair It to eaty to manipulate, that It can be u J bn the imilliit child and It to ttrongly built that It W II comfortable tupport the heavlett adult. Tho Trlplox Dathtub-Chalr It highly recommended by hotel manaaere, hospitals and tanltarlume throughout the United &utes. Midt with all pnrts nickel plated, both Intlde and out, highly polished nd guaranteed not to rust. Hard wood teat It heavily coated with a permanent enamel making tho Tri plex Dathtub'Chalr an articlo whoto rindtome aapearance will beautify ny bathroom. Style 1 solid metal, heavily nickel plated $1.50 Style 2 tubular metal, heavily nickel plated $2.00 Style 3 all solid brass, heavily nickel plated $3.00 Caa be purebmd at ao; ol lit H ataita. going harvev pioneer iidw. co. w. v. i:lp.i.d co. MARSHFIELD IIDW. CO. PERRY S NICHOLSON n. handel W. K. WISEMAN O. A. JOHNSON W1LLEV Ai SCIIROEREIl Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do veil to rail at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL VORKS South Broadway and make selec Hon from the large stock now on hand. Vr. "Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but the bfst work is turned out. vP"? 13 - ,j J ' -yfei. '--cry., wm. Duck Season Opens Sunday, September 1 5th Are You Ready? Let Us Help You. A Fixsh Stock of Ammunition All Makes Single Barrel, Double Barrel, and Pump Guns of All Makes. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Come Here First. Sportsmen's Headquarters. Ot.ltnMA iQZg on AWARE. Agents 'or IIwIpyDavId8on nnd Imllnn Motorcycles. The Youngster's Bath will bo ono good big frolic for both him nnd his niothor if It Is tnlcon In tho right kind of a bnth room. And besides bolng fun It will bo fur inoro honlthy too, Let us show you how easily and reasonably you can ninlco your bath room a Joy room. Willey & Schroeder ao.1 North Trout Street. PHONE 77-J Get Busy 'n rmrrn t"at noop, hut first comr in and oki SHlVfj VVi SHINGLES AND HOOFING PAPER. "''- 51.50 AND UP. n00FrG PAPER, ONR PLY, $1.5 AND FP. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Times Want Ads Bring Results How Can Home be Happy when tho food Is not of tho best.' Try n sack of Haines' flour and know tho Joy of eating flno bread, biscuits, cake, etc. If all your othor food is as good as that baited from Haines' flour you certainly are to bo onvled. Ordor a suclt today and bo suio It is Haines'. A. T. Haines Phono 100J Waterfront, Mild. WILLAMETTE VALLEV FARMS, In Lane County, Oregon. rruit llerry Fnnns, Truck Farms, Dairy Farms, Stock Farms, General Fanning .t.i TipenniPTiVR T.TST rim iui iyww. . . - - and LITERATURE telling you oboul tho wonderful resources of Lane County, Oregon. J. E. THOLS & CO., ' Cottage Grove Oregon. New Line of Fixtures Watch our Avindow Tues day Three dollars, up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. fMi- Phone 237-J. AOVOOOOvv. rt Wilton f r 'I he Times. Uy Noilio i.i u Graves. (All rights reserved) JACK camo homo earlier than us ual thnt night. Ho had had u hard tlny's work In tho omco nnd was much In need of rest. Dor othy nnd Jack, Junior, both met him nt the gate, dressed immnculatoly. Ho noticed as ho entered tho kitch en, (Jack always hnd to go to tho back door lest ho lcavo footprints on tho hall floor) how spick nnd span everything was. "Where Is your mother, child ren?" aBkctl Jack. "She Is upstairs cleaning out tho linen closet," ropllcd Dorothy, "and she Is Just awful tired, 'causo I heard her say bo." "O, Louise," called Jack. "Come on down and let's tnko tho kiddles over to tho park for an hour bofore dinner. It will bo a rest for us both, and say, but It's cool over thorol" "I in nwrully sorry, Jack," camo Mrs. Jack's answer In a plalntlvo voice, but I'm dead tired, and I've Just got to finish this closet for to morrow. I have more planned than I can get done, nnd then there Is an other thing I'vo got a roast in tho oven, nnd 1 havo to watch It. ' "0! hang tho roast," replied Jack, and soon ho was In tho pnrk with Dorothy nnd Jnck, Junior. When they retunrcd from tho pnrk at six o'clock, Jack found ovorythlng In tho host of order, a spotless tnble, but n tired Rooking llttlo woman. As soon ns dinner was llnlslicd, Jnck snld to Mrs. Jack: "Let's go for a stroll, Louise, and talk over old times. I sco thoro nro to bo some good pictures nt one of tho theatres. Wo might drop In thoro. Wo can get n girl to come and stay with tho kiddles." "I'm Just too tired, and besides tho girl might not put them to bod Just nt eight o'clock, or attend to them properly," replied Mrs. Jack. Jack was soon at his club having what tho othor fellows called a .'WWWN'WV. THE SUNDAY M Postmaster Curtis Receives Further Instructions Con cerning the New Order. Postmaster Curtis Is In receipt of tho following communication from iho First Assistant Postmnstor Gen eral. According to this lottor, box holders may got such mall ns is dis tributed, also newspapers and hotels aro to rccolvo Sunday mall. Post master Curtis says that during part of tho year the Marshfield mall ar rives boforo mldnlglit nnd under this construction of tho now regulation tho mall will bo distributed ns bo foro and boxholdors will get their mnll as formerly. Tho following is tho nfllclnl letter on tho subject: Sir: From numerous communi cations rccolved at tho department thoro nppours to bo somo misappre hension nmong postmasters as re gards tho provision In tho Post Of flco Appropriation Act for tho flscnl year ending June 30, 1913, relating to tho dollvery of mall on Sundny at first and second class post nfflcos concerning which certnln Instruc tions wero Issued by circular lottor datod tho 24th Instnnt. This pro vision ns construed by tho Postmast er Goncrnl doos not roqulro that tho lobbies of such offices bo closed on Sundny but simply thnt tho dellvory of mall to tho gonornl public, through tho gonornl delivery, carrier windows, and boxen bo discontinued. Mnll rocolvod In tlmo for distribu tion Into such boxes befnro mid night on Saturday should bo dis tributed to tho boxes and be avail- alilo to lock-box holdors on Sunday, pr usual. Tho only mnll thnt will bo nffepr ed under tho PostmnBtor Genernl's construction of tho new law Is that rocolved at tho post office on Sun day which has hitherto boon dis tributed to lock bovos, nnd of this mnll that lntondod for nowspapera nnd for hotel suets, nnd also news papers nddrMaed to nowgdoalers. "Jolly tlmo," but to him It wns Juut n change something to whllo away tho time. Mrs. Jnck put tho children to bod nt olght and then began to sort over bo mo things In tin old trunk. She enmo to a bundle of old letters Mod with bluo ribbon. They wero from Jack, and written during tho old dnya of their courtship. That very evening, Jnck had spoken of old times. As she spread tho flrBt ono, out rolled n ringlet of hair tied with dainty ribbon. As sho bognn read ing, tho color camo back Into tha thin pnlc fnee nnd her chepks burned ns sho read: "Whon wo Bhnll bo so happy In n cozy, llttlo cot, Hid In n nest of roses In somo fairy garden Bpot, Whoro tho vines nro ovor frultod, And tho wenther'a ovor flno, And tho birds nro ovor singing For thnt old sweetheart of ml no. She snt ns ono In n dream, think ing, thinking. "Something la wrong," Bald she to herself. When sho again folded tho lottor It was wet with tears, tears of happi ness, tears of sadness. Tho next morning Mrs. Jack strolled to tho gato with Jack, and plucking n rosobud, sho pinned It on his coat. That day, work In tho ofllco Boom ed very easy for Jack nnd for somo reason ho could senrcoly wait t? start home. That ovenlng Mrs. Jack met him at tho gato looking rested and happy. Ho found Dorothy nnd Jnck, Junior, In tho back yard dress ed In overalls and playing in a jillo of sand. "My! but things tnBto good to night, Louise, and you nro looking ltlto n queen." Whllo they wero ontlng, tho door boll rang. "Nover mind," onld Mra. Jack. "It's only tho girl who is go ing to stay with tho kiddles. I'm going for a Btroll. with you tonight, nnd talk ovor old times." vswws should be distributed to tho boxes ns hitherto. In order to give tho provision as llboral a construction as posslblo tho Postmaster Gonornl wIbIics postmast ers on application to havo their em ployees sort out In omorgoncy ensoa on Sundny letters of special Import ance when the offlco of origin is known. This will supplement tho present prlvllcgo of having suoh mail delivered on Sundny by pur chasing n special dollvery stamp therefor. Tho purposo of tho law Is to ro il uco as far ns nrnctlcablo tho amount of Suudnv labor In post of fices. However, tho movoment of transit mail and tho distribution of mnll collected In cities for dispatch to other destinations must bo con tinued, nnd In order thnt tho otrly dellvory on Monday may not bo do- , lnyed mnll received for delivery by ....!.... .. I 1 .. 1 ns practicable, should bo worked after midnight on Sundny. Clorka when limiting up direct pnekngos that will reach first nnd second class olllecB on Sundny should plnco lot tors addressed to nowspnpors nnd ho tels on top of tho packago Imme diately undor tho special dollvory matter, should thoro bo any, and dally pnpors published on Sundny should bo kopt scpnrnto nnd distinct from other matter nnd dispatched In sacks so labeled ns to show tholr contonts. It Is bellovod thnt If tho sugges tions heroin nro cnrofully obsorvod with roforonco to putting up mnll In tho offlco of origin n satlsfoctory d!a i trlhutlon can bo mndo In post of i flees nn Sundny with ovon less work , tlinn Is now required nnd without incouvcmonro io win piinuc. Respectfully. E. T. RUSHNELL. Acting First Asslstnnt Postmnstor General. INCORPORATION VOTE IS IIEAVV DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED bj 1 (til niiillralloii, tliey rnmiot rincti tlioilln'rtkfl orltim nf tliei'Hr. Tlicruls only tnneuiiy to I'uiiitk'iifi o .multlmt U l) ton itltiltltmitlieniviKi'v. IxnOiu a U chummI liy an Indium l roi dllt'ii of t lie imipoim lining ol the Kiutiuliitt iTillie When Hits tul.o In In HhiiikI )(u Kuvhh ruinlilliiu toinul or lmpr (et tnurlne. nnil lien It U cntlri-ly tinted pontile la the remit, mid uiiU'.k Hie Inllam. nifttloM mil lie tuU'ii nut nnd tills tut rotund t In linrmnl cniiilltlnn. lieurlnu- will bo de itroxrd forne tilnecaHiout of te'.im'raiiMM byt'nturrii. hiiioii i milium,' bin an ninnri nu'dtoiidllloii of tlio mm muMirrmo i 111 die One Hundred DoUam for any cafe of doafneK (tallied h ralarrli) tli-t eiin. not bo curm b llii.i'n lauini i lire, 'uni (orclrculan.frte. . . . . r J rilKS'BV A CO lolelo, 0 Bold bv Pnuml t, 'k Tn c HulU Fumllv rill forioiiKiatlnu STADDEN All JJnds of pliotogrupli wont, bromide enlarglutt und kodiUt iliilBlilntt. Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Sovoril good bargains In Fnnns and city property. I ,it AUG. FIUZEEN. , k 08 .Central Ave. Marshfield, 'rurt)4 -.Ai-Ore&oa. Proiiosllloii CnnioR 10 Io I in Glen mm City Oillrmls Elected. FLORENCE, Ore.. Sopt. 7.--At tho olectlon hold In Olennda tho voto wn 20 to 3 In favor of Incorpora tion. Gonrgo H. Colter was elected mayor, and tho aldermen nro Col. C. II. Ilolden. F. J. Monroe, E R. Mum my. R. A. Lowe. W. R. Hull nnd N. J. Wisdom Ed T Mnbor was elected recorder. C. E. Hnrwood marshal, and S. E. Lowe iTossurer. SPECIAL CAXDV SALE nt STF FORD'S SATFRDW and 8PNRAV. TAFl'V nnd PEANl'T RRriTLE ISOc POPNI). RAND DANCE nt EAGLES HA LI Saturday nlujit, JSentpmlivr 7. If you have nnythltiK to sell, trad", ir onl nr wn.t ! tvv h Wnnt Art Oregon Agricultural College This aront Inntltntlon onons Its doors for the fall semostor on S'p- tember I'Otn. courses or instruction Include: (jenrrnl Agrlcuituro, A ronmnv. Anlmnl Husbandry. Dal'y Husbandry, nactorlology, llotany aim Plant Pathology, Poultry iiusuniui ry, Horticulture, Entomology, Vet orlnnry Sclonco, Civil Englneorln,,, Eloctrlcal Engineering, Mechnnlcnl Engineering, Mining Engineering, Hlghwny Engineering, Domostlo Sci ence, Dninostlc Art, Commorco, For estry, Phnrmncy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics. MnthomaHcs, English Lan guage and Literature, Publlo Speak In',', Mndorn Lnnguago, History, Art, Arc' Itecturo, Industrial Podagogy, Physical Education, Military Sclouco and Tastlcs, and Muslo, Catalogue and Illustrated lltora turo rrfalled free ou application. Ad dress: Registrar. Orogon Agrtcul- h,rnl Pnllorrn. Pnrvnllld. Orncon. i School Veiir Opeii-8tp'ftflnber 2011