THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, li WnfJce of Delinquent Taxes for Year 1911 1 (ContlnuoiUiUilSUlSSSJ "1x2301 lot 2, 23c; lot 3, 23c; S'l22. 23CJ ot'13. 23c; lot 14, 23c. '"VSit Bwnnk. In blk 2, lot 29, tax. K2ArliigloB,lBblk.lot3i. !ASL,S.bSi;;in blk6. lot 1. hi;SN.lWllk3n8on.lBblk0.1ot Kif-Oamby, In talk 9, lot 23, tax. iJ3AmeIlaaoddQrd. lnblk 11. lot 1. lWrfBkDlln,Btonllnblkll.lotk. '"a-eNoudb, Inblkll. lot 4. tax ite . ..-. in hik 11. lot 6. tax .,Tt7 J3C! ot8.23i -23l0: noynohl8. In blk 11, lot Mh'Kloppln. in blk 11. lot !Mtfn.Vubll.lotl5. tx. 2?c. . ... , .,.,, -n. 1nf it. Aii0a"bl'ilotT8.t8oS im' 9 23ci lot 20. 23c; lot 21, 23c. 10l.& nc,nn.wrd. in blk 13. lot 'i t.t. 23c; lot 13. 23c; lot 14, :c!pri"ly;lnblkl3. lot 16. Uxe- ,.., , ,., 1, i'. John li. uouuuiu, in urn. . . "li"' Amndon. In bile 13. lot 20, tax, 2$c; lot 21, 23c. Itcllc View Add. Alex Chrlstlo, In blk 2, lot D, tax, (9.38; lot 0, VJ.M. Town of Prosper. A. W. Vnrncy, In blk 0, lot 10, tax, tie; porsonnl proporty, $3.25. o tr UnM In hlk li. lot 12. tar. 3cj pc'reonnl proporty, $3. 26. R. V. liugiioi. in dik iu, ioi o, mi, Etfle Collier, In blk 10, lot 7. tnx, Town of ltlvcrton. Carl Sliollon, In blk 1, lot 2, tax, 7c; Ih blk 3, lot 8. tnx. 74c; In blk t.ilot B, tax, $7.3S; lot 0, 74c; In llkC, lot 2, tnx, 912.54; lot 3, 74c; lot 4, 74c; lot r,.' 74c; lot 0, 74c; lot 7. 74c: lot 8, 74c; lot 9, 7,4c; lot 10 74c. . Klvy Add. to ltlvcrton. Joseph Ferry, In blk 3, lot 1. tax, 74c: lot 2, 74c. Duncan Erkhnrt, In blk u, lot l. Ux, 74c. Conulllo CI tr. CbM, Thom Vol. 47, P. 349, of deeds. In blk 1, lot 3, tnx. $37.38; VolJS2, P. 68 of doedfl, In blk 1, lot J, lt, I1.C3. 'Sulfa Folnom, Vol. 47, P. 333 of ittii, -In" blk-.l, lot 3, tnx,. $.0.60; Vol. 47, P. 333, In blk 3, lot 1. tax. imi; Elliott's Add. M. E. Erown, In blk 7, lot 9, tru, fl.S). Mn, T. A. Tlonhnm, In blk 13, lot 3. tax, IS.13; lot 4, $1.G3; lot 6, IKS; lot C, $1.03. W 0 nenhnm. In bllt 18. lot 1. , 117.07; lot ?, $4.00. ' u. a. Dcnn, In blk 19, lot 1, tax, 135.75. O.'W. Harrtf. In hlk 21. Int 1. inr. IJ.15. T l t; n ni.L . .. .. ... ...'.I11 '.""' ,n U,K t ioi,3, tax,, J 'Rote Ann T.nnnvn In Mir 9 A. Inf H.JK $3.25; lot 11, $3.2G. 1 u. w Harry, In blk 44, lot 11,; lot 12, $2.44. i ..'; Kern' ,n b,k BB 't 7, tax, .! lot 8, $1.03. y'J-Af' "no 27 adjoin Ing lot U B. Pt .p i a.,. . vi, tax, iac. ivoi. 5. p. 87. nn :r:t .?.". tlli.. . V..""" v! ""', uujuiu Ins In i lot 1, blk 62. tnx. 98c. ... , , -"', Ulft MA, a, jgv It. t.i i'A6,50! 'nnd descrlbod In u. li. Iinnnmnn kit. fin r. aa 4 ft J7' Jlno Ul ndjolnlng lot Vrrr t. SvV. mn" doscrihed i.: tte'W0'?,n8 .,0 b 04 -tax. i Vo K.enUr,,hftrl' lnnl descrlb- tax 82c". ' . Ux tt Fetter. Inn,i n-u.. .. ,".lIne32,i9U ax rolls, u. VoUt'PCh71;pn?l!n' 'nd described ,ll'lJ:44. no 1 1DU ,nx ro,'J- flM5fr?.'.l b,k V. 8 lota. $ 'Vwrinn., ' ?3J. lot' 3'j.,!PQrsonal nronnrtv tl oc ' Exleiuln.. -'.?:"?!,.. ,. v .,.,,,,, ,nuUl ' .ri li nVv Coqulllo. UrP 78 iin oo ,nnd described MV"M atilno 82. tnv ( -uun ownnr ffi'V.'conuiiio. ; V. )j,75; " a, 400x402 ft., If5-8; In blk W.' .pa.rco1 A. tax, ' 98c; Jot i ,lax' 08c: lot . E riJ., 3' 98: lot 4. 98c LnaVoCoq,e. 11.17;- " ' uik 1, lot 3 tax, .WPX &M 69 A l''30; lot bI M?.c. i. ,;""! ,ot 8. lF in lot ' Int Sir Ic' lot 20, 82c; lotnd, 6-9 lo't 22,' 5Sc:und. 6-9 lot 23, fc Jot, 4, ,81c; lot C, 82c; lot 0, 81c; lot 7, 82c. Clms. I. Itolgard & H. G. Hoy. la bill 3, lot 11, tax, 82c. Town of Myrtlo Point. James Burk, In blk 4, und. U. int i), UIX, $,.J.U. liVliuliciT'M Extension Myrtlo Point. Jamca Durlc, In blk 17, lot 1, tax. $0.22; 16t 2, $0.22; lot 3, $8.88. Ih-own'H Add. to Myrtlo Point. W. M. Garvor, In blk 23, S 0i 1, tax, $0.04. i John 13. Rollou, In blk 23, N lot 1, tux. $3.CG. Lelmhcrr'h- Add. to Myrtlo Point. Vloln May Brown. In blk C. lot i. tax, $17.75; porBonal proporty. $3.73; lot 2, $3.GG; lot 3, $1.42; lot Holler tVi Bender's Add. Myrtlo Point A. Mi Dodgo. In blk 1. lot l. tat $0.22; lot 2, $1Ci98: norsonnl nrnn. W. E. Dlotz, In blk 3, lot 7, tax $13.32; porsonnl proporty, $1.78; lot 8, $3.55. V. L. Arlngton, In .blk 8, loi 0, tax, $5.33; personal proporty, $2.13. Extension of Itonlor & Bonder's Add. a. B. Diotr., In blk 18, lot 1, tax, $1.42; personal proporty, $3.59. T. O. Faucott, In blk 27, lot 4, tax, $2.84. Smith' Add. tp Myrtle Po'iat. W. M. Carver, In blk 2, lot 1, tax, $0.22; porsonal property, $4.09; lot 2, $3.55; lot '3, .$3.55. MnrsluU'n Rnncli. W. 8. Marshall, lot 79. tax. r.4p. DcsbIo A. Harrison, Jot 80, tax 05c. North Bond. Chan. Thom, In blk 13, lot 15, tax, $102.89; personal proporty, $77.35. John n. Horrori, in blk 13, lot 13, tax. $49.14. Holon Hpock. In blk 15, N 10 li. lot 11. tnx, $2.G1; lot 12, $7.28; lot 13, $7.28; lot 14, $9.10. 13. L. Robinson, In blk 10, lot 1.2, Ux, $7.28; lot 13, $7.28. J. Fauchuld, In blk 20, lot 1, tax $G1.43. Chas. Thom, In blk 20, lot 20, tax, $108.29. Stella O'Connoll, In blk 23,'lot 3, tax, $9.10. . , , Holon Hocck, In blk' 23 tot 22, tnx, $48.69; lot 23, $12.29;. Iu blk 24, lot 3, tax, $39.13; lot 4. $7.28. M. M. Blnford, In blk 25, lot 1, tnx, $16.38. W. II. Noy, In blk 20, lot 3, tax, $11.38; lot 4, $11.37; lot 5, $11.38; lot 0, $11.37; lot ,25, $15.47. J. J, rjiirns, In blk 27, lot 10, tax, $32.54; pursonnl proporty, $27.3l; lotX7, $22.75; lot 18, $9.10. Simpson Ijiimbor Co., In blk 28. lot 22, tnx, $0.15. Zllpha Ilamsoy, In blk 28, lot 23, tax, so.iri. , Myrtlo Fnrr. In' blk 29, lot 12, tax, $27.,10; lot 13, $9.10. Catorlno Parker, In blk 30, lot 21, tnx. $37.09; lot 22, $0.15. JcnnlnKB nros., In blk 32, lot 18, tax. $13.05; lot 19. $20.48. John Pontlno.ti, In blk 32, lot 23, tax, $9.10; lot 24, $9.10. 13. I.. Robinson, In blk 31, lot 14, tnx. '$0.15. nitncalda Jncobson, In blk 34, N 3 ft. lot 17, tax, 41c. Zllnhn Rampoyj Jn blk 34, lot 19, thx. $4.1,0; lot 20, $4.10. K, L. Robinson, In blk 35, lot 2C, tnx,' $0.15. Cathorln Parker. In blk 30, tot 17, tnx. $4.10; lot 18. $4.10; lot 19, $1.10; lot 20. $4.10. Oorttrudo V. Sharpo. In blk 37, lot 12. tnx. $5.24; lot 13, $42.55. 11. Frnnklln Dlors, In blk 41, lot 1, tax, $9.79; lot 2, $4.10. John Volz, In blk 43, lot 5, ,tnx, $0.15; lot 0, $24.35; porsonal prop orty,' $31.85. J. A. Ward, In blk 43, lot 10, tnx, $7.28: lot 17. $,0.15;- lot 18', $6.15; lot 19, $28.90; porsonal proporty, ClinB. Scnddlnc, In blk 43, lot 21, tax $6,15; lot 22. $0.15, r, A. 8hnw, In blk 43, lot 7, tax $17.02; lot 8, $17.53. n. F. Wyatt, In blk 44. 8 5 ft. lot 27 tax. $1.14; lot 28. X28.89. ' A. T. Androws. in blk 45 lot 20, tnv. $.7.74; porsonal proporty, $4.55. p. C. Lovnr. In blk 45, lot 29, tax, $r 'c; lot 30. $34.35. . 1,. M. Holmes, In blk 40, lot li, trv $27.30; porsonnl propeity, $3 12; Jot 13. $9.10. , Pirl I.nkdnm, In blk 47. S lot 24. tax. $3.19; lot 25, $15.25; por sonnl proporty, $1,37. CIn-a Todd. In blk 49, lot 5, tax, fl.S2: lot 0, $1,82. F. IT. nrlRham. In blk 49, lot 25. thx. $45.50; personal property. $9.10; lot 20, $9.10. R. W. Olsenj In blk 01, lot 13, tax. $2.28; lot 13. $2.28. Cooh Tlnv TTrewory Co., In blk 52, lot 6, tax. $11.83; lot 0. $27.76; lot 7. $37.70; lot 8. $11.83. .TohIo Collins, In blk 53, lot 12, tax $10.47. J. C. Wilcox. In blk 52, lot IB, tnx, too. 43; porsonal proporty, $13.65.; lot 10. $24.57. Geo. F. Zurchor, In blk 52. lot IS, tnx, H2.2a. , foos Pnv On,, In blk 5S, lot 25, tnx, $12.29; lot 26, $19.11. Goo. E. Horn & Thos Vigors, in blk 63, lot 27 ,tnx, $19.11. J. S. nowoy. In blk 58. lot 1. tax. $7.74: porsonnl property, $1.83; lot 2, $4.10. A. F. Johnson, In blk 58. lot 3. tnx. $4,10; lot 0, $6.67: lot 7. $4.10. Sadlo Nowklrk. Jn blk 58. N lot 13, tax. $2.05; lot 14, $22.30; por sonnl qrojtorty, $2,28. Steamboat Add. to Yarrow. . Unknown owner, In blk 5. lot.l. tnx. 23c; lot 2. 23c; lot 3. 23c; Jot 4. 23c; Jot 5, 23c; lot G, 23c; lot 7, 23c. A. B. JJenvor. In blk 7, lot 9, tax. 23c; lot 10, 23c. Unknown owner, In blk 7, lot 15 tnx. 23c John Mnrsden. In blk 12, nnd. "A lot 2, tnx. 14c; nnd Vs lot 3, 14c; und, lot 4, 14c. Hnrry W. Crosby. In bjk 14, lot 6, tnx. 23c: lot 7. 23c; lot 8, 23c; 9, 23c; lot 10, 23c. Unknown owner. In blk 19. ioi a, tax 23c; lot 4, 23c: lot 5, 23c. Ocean View Add- to North lleml. Henry Soencock. In blk 1. und 6-9 9(1 ,ov KKr,. nnil A-Q Inf 01. KS Henry Sponcock, In blk 2, und. 6 9 lot 20, tnx, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 21, 6bc; und. 6-9 lot 22, 06c; und. 0-9 lot 23, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 24, 55c. D. Flora, In blk 3, lot 13, tax, 82c. Stella U. Unldorston, in blk 4, und. 1-9 lot 7, tnx, 10c. It. C. Atiistcln & J. D. blk 4, lot 19, tnx, 82c. Ilcnnott Trust So., In blk 4, und. 1-9 lot 20, tnx, 20c; und. 1-9 lot Si, 10c. John Peterson, In blk 5, lot 11, tax, 82c; lot 12, 82c. Irving J. Luco, in blk 0, lot J, tnx, 82 c. David Cowan, In blk 0, lot 15, tax, 82c; lot 10, 82c. A. II. Waterman, In blk 8, lot IS, tax 82c. L. M. Holmes, In blk 9, lot 1, tax, 82c; lot 2, 82c. C. C. Holmes. In blk 0. Int 4. tar. 82c; lot 5, 82c; personal property, U.O.J. E. L. Holmes, In blk 9, lot 0, tax. 82c. R. C. Holmes, In blk 9, und. 0-9 lot 12, tnx, 55c. Stolla Daldersron, In blk 9, und. 1-9 lot 14, tax, 10c. Donnett TruBt Co., In blk 9, und. 1-9 lot 14, tax, 10c. W. B. Toddo, In blk 10, lot SO, tax, 82c; lot 21, 82c; lot 22, 82c; lot 23, 82c; lot 24, 82c. Patrick Hughos, In blk 11, lot 26 tax, 82c; lot 27, 82c; lot 28, 82c. W. M. Biggs, In blk 13, lot 9, tax, 82c. Robt. L. ColllnB, In blk 13, lot 27, tax, 82c; lot 28, 82c. D. W. Olson, in bile 15. lot 15. Ux. 82c; lot 10, 82c; lot 17. 82c; lot 13, 82c. P. Rolnors, In blk 10, lot 21, tax, 82c; lot 22, 82c. G. Solanl, in blk 10, lot 23, tax, 82c. C. A. Owon, in blk 18, und. lot iu, tnx, 4ic. ChnB. S. Meyers, In blk 20, lot 1, tnx. 82c: lot 2, 82c; lot 3, 82c; lot 4, 82c; lot 5. 82c. Geo. M. Pnr8ono, in blk Z0, lot 6, tnx, 82c; lot 7, 82c; lot 8, 82c; lot 9, 82c. Chns. S. Moyors, In blk 20, lot 10, tnx, 82c; lot 11, 82c; lot 12, 82c, lot 13, 82c; lot 14, 82c. Ii. A. Owons, In blk 20, und. lot 20, tnx, 41c; und. Vt lot 21, tnx, 41c; und. Vi lot 22, 41c. B. n. Glenn, In blk 20, lot 23, tax. 82c. RurroII B. Hunt, In blk 22, lot 15, lll., nc; llll IU, BZC. Lj A. Owons, In blk 22, und. lot 20. tax, 41c. Mrs, Jonnlo Evorly In blk; 23, lot zu, tnx. 8zc. Mrs. Knto Fritz. In blk 23. lot 21. tnx. 82c. O. II, Johnson, In blk 25; lot 1, tnx. 82c; lot 2, 82c. F. n. nnumgnrtner, In blk 25, lot 13, tnx, 82c; lot 14, 82c. A. E. Morton, In blk 20, und. 6-9 lot 1, thx, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 2, 55c, und. 0-9 lot 3, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 4. 65c; und. 0-9 lot 5, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 0, 56c.;. und. 6-9 lot 7, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 8. 55c; und. 0-9 lot 9, 50o. , B. M. Kennedy. In blk 27, lot 18, tax., 82c; lot 19.. 82c. L. A. Owons, In blk 28, und. i lot 13, tnx, 41c; und. j lot 14, 41c und. 6 lot 15, 41c; und. lot 10, lie; und. lot 17. 41c. B. M. Kennedy, In blk 28, lot Id, J tnx, szc: lot 19, 82c. R. F. Rullor. In blk 28, lot 20, Ux, 82c; lot 21, 82c; lot 22, 82c; lot 23, 82c; lot 24, 82c. Gustnvls D. Koopor, In blk 29, und. 0-9 lot 3, tnx, 55c. C. W. Stlpp, In blk 29, und. 6-9 lot 4, tnx, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 5, 55c. Jnincs P. Morris, In blk 29, und. 6-9 .lot 6, tnx, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 7, 05c; und. 0-9 lot 8, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 9t 55o; und. 6-9 lot 10, 55c;; und. o-y 101 11, odc; una. u-u lot iz, 00c; und, 0-9 lot 13, 55c; und. 0-9 lot 14, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 15, 65c.' C. W. Stlpp, In blk 29, und. 6-9 lo 31, tnx, 55c; und. 6-9 lot 22, 55c. Jerro 8. Purdhnm, In blk 30, lot 2, tnx, 82c. C. A. Owons, In blk 30, und. Vi lot 4, tnx, 41c; und. lot 5. 41c; und. Vi lot 6, 41c; und. H lot 7, 41c; und. Vi lot 8, 41c; und. Vi lot 9 41c. ' Frank F, & Wilbur II. Disney, In blk 30, lot 10, tax, 82c; lot 11. 82c; lot 12, 82c; lot 18, 82c; lot 19, 82c. Western Add. to North Bend. Episcopal Church, In blk 37, lot 24. tax. $4.10; lot 25, $4.10. W. M. Strnwn, In blk 38, lot 23, tax, $26.85; lot 24, $4.10. II. C. Schrooder, In blk 39, lot 14, tnx, $4.10; lot 15, $4.10. J. n. Cnrtor, In blk 39, lot 18, tax, $14.34; N 10 ft lot 19. $1.37. Unknown owner. In blk 39, 8. 20 ft lot 19. tnx. $2.73. Annlo Doollng, in blk 39, lot 24, tax, $4.10. Frank Shormnn, In blk 58, lot 23, tnx, $6.83; lot 24, $4.10. Dennott Trust Co.. In blk 58, lot 20, tnx, $4.10; lot 27, $4.10. It. G. Gnlo, In blk 73, lot 20, tnx, $4.10. W. A. Dlngman, In blk 76, lot 4 tax. $8,00; lot 5. $4.10. S. S. Rlchoy, In blk 78, lot 23, tax, $4,10; porsonal property, $2.28; lot 24. $4.10. Mrs. Ann Sharp, In blk 8.0, lot li, tax. $4.10. Helen C. Galo, In blk 81, lot 1, tax, $4.10. Thomas Doollng, In blk 81, lot U, tax, $4.10; lot 13, $0.15; lot 14, $0.15; lot 15, $4.10. IT. D. Hutt, In blk 81, lot 10, tax, $4.10. Albort II. Dlngman, In blk 80, lot 3, tnx. $4.10. C. N. Hnker, In blk 80, lot 14, tax, $4.10: lot 15, $4.10. R. W. Olson, In blk 87, lot 5. tnx $4.10: lot 10, $4.10; lot 11. $4.10. C. B. Ferro. In blk 87, I0F10. tax, $4.10: lot 17. $4.10. Lillian Putnam, In blk 87, lot 25, tax. $4.10. Hennert Trust Co., In blk 87, lot 2G, tnx, $4.10. Vlgnr's Add. to North nend. A. D. Hallett et a, In blk 2, lot 12. tnx. $4.10; lot 13, $2.73; lot 14. $2.73; lot 15. $2.73; lot 10, $2.73. CYntruI Add. to North Bond. J 8. Johnson & W, L. Coltharp, In blk 2, lot 20, tax, 91c; Iqt 21. 91c; tax. 91c; lot 12, 91c. J. S. Johnson & W. L. Coltharp, In blk 4, lot 13, tax, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 17, 91c. limner winter, in blk 0, lot 13, tax 91c; lot 14, 91c. Russell M. Hill, in blk 5, lot 14, tax, 91c. J. B. Lyons, In blk 0; lot 1, tax, 91c; lot :i, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 0, 91c; lot 0, 91c. W. Van Iron, In blk 8, lot 9, tax, 91c; lot 10, 9lc; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c. Isaac A. Horron, In blk 8, lot 19, tnx, 91c; lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c. O. W. Grldloy, In blk 8, lot 22, tax, 91c; lot 23, 91c. Solon Orr, In blk 10, lot 10, tax, 91c; lot 11, 9lc; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c. Daniel E. Archer, In blk 10, lot 21, tax, 91c; lot 22, 91c; lot 23, 91c. E. M. Kennedy, in blk 10, lot 24, tnx, 91c: lot 20. 91c: lot 26. 9ic. lot 27, 91c; lot 28, 91c. W. C. Howlo, In blk 12, lot 1, tax, 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lot 0. 91c. Jonnlo Evcrly, In blk 15, lot 1, tax, 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 6, 91c. Lutbor Wlntor, la blk 15, lot 6, tnx, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c. Nowtou GroBBor, In blk 16, lot 9, tax, 91c. Idaho Add. to North Bend. Albert B. Taylor, In blk 2, lot 1, mx, t'.zti; lot 2, xi. 37. W. T. Parker et al, In blk 2, lot a, tax, i.S7; lot 4, $1.37; lot 3 $1.37. A. D. Hollott, ot al, In blk 3, lot 10, tax, ?i.37; lot 17, $1.37; lot 13, $1.37;. lot 19, $1.37 lot 20, $1.37. W. R. Whipple, In blk 4, lot 12, tax, 91c; lot 13, 91o; lot 14, 91c; lot 15. 91c. A. L. Rodflold, in blk 4, lot 10, tax, $3.04; porsonnl proporty, $4.65; lot 17. 91c; lot 18, 91c; lot, 19, 91c, 101 zu, uic. Goo. Bonnycastlo, in blk 10, lot 20. tax. 91c; lot 21, 91c. M. C. Flndloy, In blk J8, lot 4, tnx. $2.28; lot 6, $2.28. Lowls Vnrhang, In blk 18, lot 31, tax, $1.82. Woodlawn Add to North nend. Thns. Vlgnrs, In blk 2. lot; 13, tax, uic; tot 14, 9ic; lot 15, 91c; lot 16, 91c; In blk 3, lot 1, tnx, 91c. C. II. Browlllnrd, In blk 3, lot 9, tnx, 91c; porsonal proporty, $3.42; lot 10, 01c; lot 11, 91c; lot 12, 91c. C. J. Kcano, In blk 4, lot 5, tax, 01c; lot 0, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, oic. . W. R. Wblpplo, In .blk 5, lot 1. tnx. 91c. Thns. Vlgnrs, In blk 7, lot 7, tn ,9,1c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91 c. B. F. ningston, In blk 18', lot 3, tnx, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lot 0, 91c; lot 7. 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10. pic. Porter Add. to North Bend. Holon Hocck, In blk' 59, lot 1, tax, $4.33; lot 2, tnx, $4.33. Ivn M. Wolls, In blk 59, lot 19. tnx. $3.42; porsonal proporty, $4.55. August Iloolllng, In blk 00,,lo.t 19, tax, $30.71 porsonal proporty, $21.02: lot 20, $3.42. 8. M. Qulmby, In blk 05, lot 2i, tnx, $4.33; lot 22, $4.33; lot 23, $4.33. Jamos R. Wall, In blk 69, Jot 16, tax, $3.42. Edw. Moollor, In blk 70, lot 11, tnx, $3.42; lot 12, $3.42; lot 13, $3.42. Midland Add. to North Bend. John K. Kollock, In blk 1, lot b, tax, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot tax, 91c; lot 0, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 9lc; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lo: 11, 91c; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; lot 16, 91c: lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c; lot 19, 91c; lot 20, 91o; lot 21, 91c; lot 23, 91c; lot 23, 91c; lot 24, 91c; In blk 2, lot 1, tax, 91o; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 0, 91c; lot 6, 91c. lot 7. 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 11, 01c; lot 12, 91c, lot 13, 91c; lot 14. 91c; lot 16., 91c; lot 16, 91c; lot 17. 91c: lot 18. 9c. lot 19, 91c; lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c; lot 22, 91c; lot 23, 91c: lot 24, 91c; lot 25, 91c; lot 20, 91c; lot 27. 91o; lot 28, 91c; In blk 3, lot 1, (ax 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4. 91c, lot 5, 91c; lot 6, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 11, 91c; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; lot 10, 91c, lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c; lot 19, 9K, lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c; lot 22. 91c, lot 23, 91c; lot 24, 91c; lot 25, 91o; lot 26, 91c; lot 27, 91c; lot 28, 91c; lot 29, 91c; lot 30, 91c; lot 31, 91c; lot 32, 91c; In blk 4, lot 1, tax, 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lot 6. 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 9lc; lot 9, 9ic; lot 10. vie; lot 11. 91c; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; lot 16, 91c; lot 17, 9-lc; lot 18, 91c: lot 19, 91c; lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c; lot 22. 91c lot 23, 91c; lot 24. 91c; lot 25, 91c; lot 2G, 91c; lot 27, 91c; lot 28, 91c; lot 29, 91c; lot 30, 91c; lot 31, 91c; lot 32, 91c; In blk 5, lot 1, tax, 91c; lot 2, 91c: lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lot G. 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot li, 91c; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14 91c; lot IB, 01c; lot 16, 91c; lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c; lot 21, 91c; lot Zi, 91c; lot 23, 91c; lot 24, 9lc; In blk 0 lot 1, .tax. 91c; lot 2, 91c; tot 3, 31c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lot 6, 91c, lot 7,-91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10. 91c; lot 11, 91c: lot 12, 91c, lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c: lot 15, 91c,; lot 10, 91c; lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c; lot 19. 91c; lot 20. 91c; lot 21, 91c, lot 22, 91c; lot 23, 91c; lot 24, 91c; lot 25, 91c; In blk 7, lot 1 tax. 91c; lot 2. 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91cj lot 5, 91c; lot 6, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot '8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 11, 91c; lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91o; lot 14. 91c; lot 15. 91c, lot 10, 91c; lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c, lot 19, 91c; lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c, lot 22. 91c; lot 23. 91c; lot 24, 91c; In blk 8, lot 1, tnx. 91c; lot 2. 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 5, 91c; lof 6. 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9. 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 11, 91c, lo 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 17, 91c, lot 18. 91o; lot 19. 91c; lot 20, 91c, lot 21, 91c; lot 22, 91c; Jn blk 3, lot 1. tax, 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c; lot 4, 91c; lot 6, 91c; lot 6. 91c, lot 7. flic; lot 8, 91c; lot 9 91c, lot 10, 91o; lot 17, 91c; lot 18, 91c, lot 19, 9lc; lot 20, 91c; lot 21, 91c; lot 22, 91c; lot 23, 91c; lot 24, 91c; lot 25, ,01c; lot 20, 91c; lot 27, 91c; lot 28, 91c; lot 29, 91c; lot 30, 91c, lot 31, 91c; lot 32, 91c. II. B. Huntor, In blk 10, lot 1, rax, 91c; lot 2, 91c; lot 3, 91c. John W. Kollock, In blk' 10, lot o, tnx, 91c; lot 0, 91c; lot 7, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9, 91c; lot 10, 91c; lot 11. 91c: lot 12. 9ic. James B. Johnson. lilv in lnf 13, tax, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, . , ... ..... 'V. .uv vie; ioc iu, uic. John W. Kollock, In blk 11, lot S, tax, 91c; lot 9, 91c. John K. Kollock and F. B. Wnlto. In blk 12, lot 7, tax, 91c; lot 8, 91c; lot 9. 91c; .lot 10, 91c; lot 11, 91c, lot 12, 91c; lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c. Portlawn Add. to North Bend. E. D. McArthur, In blk 1, lot 20, tax, 37c; lot 21, 37c: lot 23, 37c; lot 24, 37c; lot 25, 37c; lot 20, 37c. R. O. Galo, In blk 2, lot 1, tax, 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c; lot 4, 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c; lot 4, 37c, lot 6, 37c; lot 0, 37c; lot 7, 37o; lot 8, 37c; lot 9, 37c; lot 10, 37c; lot 11, 37c; lot 12, 37c; lot 13, 37c; lot 14, 37c; lot 15, 37c; lot 10, 37c; lot 17, 37c; lot 18, 37c; lot 19, 37c; lot 20, 37c; lot 21, 37c; lot 22, 37c; lot 23, 37c; lot 24, 37c; lot 25, 37c; lot 20, 37c. E. H. Moorohouso, In blk 3, lot 1, tax, 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c; lot , 37C; IOI 6, 37C. Harry Ynnckwick, in blk 3, lot 12, tnx, 37c: lot 13, 37c. L. A. Shoblor, In blk 3, lot 21, taA, 37c. L. R. Morcom, In blk 3, lot 22, tax 37c. L. A. Schlblor, In blk 3, lot 23, tax, 37c. W. B. Crawfard, In blk 6 lot 1, tax 37c: lot 2, 37c. W. II. Kcnnodr. In blk 6. lot a. inx. 37c; lot 0, 37c. Elnar Grotolk. In blk 5. lot 10. tax, 37c; lot 11, 37c; lot 12, 37c; lot 13, 370. W. 11. Kennedy, In blk 5, lot 14, tax 37c; lot 15, 37c; lot 10, 37c; lot 17, 37c; lot 18, 37c. John D. Goddard, In blk 5, lot 13, tax 37c; lot 20, 37c. B. D. McArthur, In blk 0, lot 8, tnx, 37c; lot 0, 37c: lot 10, 37c; 101 11, 37c; lot 12, 37c. R. G. Gnlo, In blk 7, lot 1, tnx, 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c; lot 4, S7c; lot 5, 37c; lot 0, 37c; lot 7, 37c, lot 8, 37c; lot 9. 37c: lot 10. 37c: lotJl, 37c; lot 12, 37c; lot 13, 37c, lot 14, 37c; lot 15, 37c; lot 16, 37c; lot 17, 37c; lot 18, 37c; lot 19, 37c; lot 20, 37c; lot' 21, 37c; lot 22, 37c, lot 23, 37c; lot 24, 37c; lot 25, 37c, lot 20, 37c Nolllo Tolmnn, In blk 8, lot 22, tnx. 37c; lot 23, 37c; lot 24, 37c. Mrs. A. Broughton, In blk 10, lot 3, tnx,, 37c; lot 4, 37c; lot 5, 37c. W. H. Kennedy, In blk 10, lot 13, tnx, 37c. John' n. Gnddnrd, In blk 10, lot 14. tnx 37c; lot 15, 37c. R. C. Loomls, In blk 10, lot 1G, tnx, 37c; lot 17, 37c; lot 18, 37ij ldt 19. 37c. John B. Goddnrd, In Tilk 10, lot zu, tnx 37c; lot 21, 37c. R. G. Gnlo. In blk 12. lot 1, tnx, 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c. Amolln Goddnrd, In blk 12, lot S, tax, 37c: lot 9, 37c. R. Price, In blk 12. lot 12, ta. 37c; lot 13, 37c; lot 14, 37c. R. O. Gale. In blk 12. lot 20. tax, 37c; lot 21, 37c; lot 22, 37c. Unknown ownor, In blk 13, lot 1. tax 37c; lot 2, 37c; lot 3, 37c. Francos A, Smith, In blk 13, lot 15, tax, 37c; lot 10, 37c. John F. Martyn, in blk 16, lot 2, 37c; lot 3. 37c; lot 20, 37c; lot 21. 37c; lot 22. 37c. IUnlc Add. to North Bend. U. B. Rico, In blk 13, lot 3, tax, $1.37. A. H. Brackott, in blk 13, lot 11, tax, $1.37. Mlnnlo McCurdy. In blk 14, lot 8, tax, $1.37; lot 9 $1.37; lot 10, $1.37? lot 11, $1.37. Mary Varnoy, In blk 16, lot 13, tax, $1.37: lot 14. $1.37. L. D. Kinney. In blk 16, lot 21, tax. $1.37; lot 22, $1.37. Zllpha A. Ramsoy In blk 16, lot 23, tax, $1.37; lot 24, $1.37. Mrs. 8. M. Arnold, In blk 17. lot 15, tnx. $1.37; lot 16, 1.37; lot 17, $1.37: lot 18, $1.37. A, F. Johnson, in blk 17, lot 2J, tax. $1.37; lot 26, $1.37. Bangor, Plat A. Mrs. A. Henschkel, In blk 1, lot 4. tax, $2.28; lot 5, $2.28; lot 6, $2.28; lot 7, $2.28. A. II. Brackett, In blk 1, lot 2J, tax. $2.28; lot 30. $2.28. F B Walto, In blk 3, lot 1, tax. $2.90; lot 2, $2.90; lot 3, $2.96. J. R. Deen, In blk 3, lot 4, tax, $2,96; lot 5, $2.96 lot 6, $2.96. ,N. II. Welling. In blk 4, lot 1. tax. $2.96; lot 2, $2.96; lot 3, $30.26; porsonal proporty. $5.69. Daniel I). FUnnor, In blk 4, lot 8, tax, $2.96. Mlnnlo McCurdy, In blk 0, lot 21, tax, $2.9G; lot 22, $2.96; lot 23, $2.96. Martin Smith, in blk 0, lot 31, tax, J2.28; lot 32, $2.28. R. G. Gnle, In blk 7, lot 11, tax, $2.96; lot 27, $2.96 W C. Mathows, In blk 7, lot 23, tnx, $5.23; lot 30, $2.90; lot 31, $2.96; lot 32, $2.96. h. T. Mathews, In blk 8, lot 1 tnx, $2.96; lot 2, $2.96; lot 3, $2.9G, lot 4, $2.96; lot 5, $2.90; lot 6. $2.96; lot1?, $2.00; lot 8, $2.90; lot J, $2.96; lot 10, $2.96; lot 11, $2.96; lot 12, $2.96; lot 13, $2.96; lot 14, $2.96; lot 15, $2.96; lot 10, $2.9H B. h Farrln and J M. Upton, In bin 8, lot 29, tax, $2,96; lot 30, $2.96; lot 31, $2.90; lot 32, $2.96. N. E. Ayor, in blk 9, lot 23, tax, $2.28; lot 24, $2.28; lot 25, $2.23; 'ot 2G, $2.28; lot 27, $2.28; lot 2a, $2.28; lot 29, $2.28; lot 30, $2.28; lot 31, $2,28; lot 32, $2.28. Unknown ownor, In blk 10, lot li. tax $2.90; lot 18, $2.96. Gqo. B. Horn and Thos. Vlgars, In blk 12, lot 19, tax $2.96; lot 20, $2.90. R. Gs Galo, In blk 14, lot 31, tax $2 28 Thos. Vlgars, In blk 10, lot 4, tax $2.28; lot 5, $2.28. Geo, B. Horn ft Thos. Vlgars, Jri Bangor, Pint 2. Thos. Vlgars, In blk 17, lot 29, tax $1.37 J. F. Huntloy, In blk 21, lot , Ux $4.33. Idn Lorena Huntloy, In blk 21, lot 4, tax $2.90. Coos Bny, Pint A, Dlr. 1. E. J. Coffolt, In blk 1, und. tf lot 6, tax, $3.42. J. S. Coko & E. DkiiBoabrook. Ik blk 3, lot 1, tax, $4.56. F. B. Walto, In blk 6, lot 3, tax, $3.42. B G. Flanagnn, In blk 0, lot 4, tax, $3.42; lot 5, $3.42. $2.73; lot 0, $2,73; lot 7, $2.73; lot 8 $2,73 'j. K.' Kollock & F. B. Walto, la blk 8, lot 2, tax, $4.55. Eugono F. Solloy, In blk 10, E 2$ ft. lot 5, tax, $1.82; B. 28 ft. lot 6, tnx, $1.82. Coos Bay, Plat A, D1t. a. F. B. Walto. In blk 11, lot , tax, $4.10; lot 7, $4.10; lot 8, $4.10. Jacob Anderson, In blk 12, lot if, tax, $21.02. E. B. Soabrook, In blk 14, lot 1, tax, $2.73; lot 2, $2.73; lot 3, $9.73; lot 4, $2.73; lot 5, $2.73; und. Vi lot 6, $1.37. P. C. Leaver, In blk 14, und. W lot 6, tax, $1.37. E. D. Seabrook, lot 7, tax, $2.71; lot 11, $2.73; lot 12, $2.73; lot II, $2.73; lot 14, $2.73; In blk IB, lot 1. tax, $2.73; lot 2, $2.73; lot S, $2.73; lot 4, $2.73; lot 6, $2.73; lot 6, $2.73. Frodorlck Supplo, In blk 15, lot 7, tax, $2.73. E. B. Saobrook, In blk 16, lot 1, tnx, $2.73; lot 2, $2.73; lot 3, $2.73; lot 4, $2.73; lot 5. $3.73; lot 6, $2.73; lot 7, $2.73 John 8. Coko, In blk 16, lot 8, tax, $2.73. B. R. Sonbrook, in blk 17, lot I tnx, $2.73; lot 2, $2.73; lot 3, $i.7lr lot 4, $2.73; lot 5, $2.73; lot C. 2.73; lot 7, $2.73; lot 8, $2.78; lot 9. $2.73; lot 10. $2.73; lot 11, $2.73; lot 12, $2.73; lot 13, $2.71; lot 14, $2.73; lot 15, $2.73; lot 19 $2.73; In blk 18, lot 1, tax, $4.19; lot 2, $4.10; lot 3, $4.10; lot I, $4.10; lot 5. $4.10; lot 6, $4.10; lot 7, $4.10; lot 8, $4.10; lot 9, $2.28;. lot 10, $2.28; lot 11, $2.28; lot IS, $2.28; lot 13, $2.28; lot 14, $2.28; lot 15, $2.28. Horbort Suranor, In blk 19, lot 2, tax, $12.52. A. R. Knowlton, In blk 20, lot , tnx, $3.42; porsonal proporty, 91c. Coos Bny, Plat II. A. B. Maybco, in blk 3, lot 3, Ux, tb.UU. R. II. Smith, In blk 5. lot 1, tax, $5.09; lot 2. $0.09; lot 3, $5.09 lot 4, $5.60. John K. Kollock, In blk 5, lot 5, tax, $5.69. L. D. Kinney, In blk C, lot 3, tnx, $5.09; lot 4, $5TC9. B. F. Wyntt, In blk 6, lot 6, tax,. $5.00. F. B. Walto. In blk G. lot 0. tax, $5.69; lot 7, $5.09; lot 8,. $6.09; lot 0, $5.09. ' James M. Conro. In blk 7, lot 1, tnx. $5.00; lot 2. $5.69. Holt Lino R. It. Co,, in blk 7, lot 3, tax, $5.09; lot 4, $5.09; in blk 8, lot 1, tax. $5.09; lot 2, $0.69. T. F. McMahon, In blk 8t lot 3, tax. $14.79. Belt Lino R. R. Co., Inblk 8, lot 4. tax. $5.09. ' r L. D. Klnnoy, In blk 8, lot 6, tax. $5,69 P M. Tully, In blk 8, lot 6. tax, $5.69; lot 7, $5.69; lot 8, $5.69; lot 9. $5.69. Rolt Lino R. R. Co,, in blk 9, lot 1, tnx, $5.69; lot 2, $5.69; lot 3, $5.69; lot 4, $5.69; lot 5, $5.6); 'ot 6, $5.09; lot 7, $5,09; lot $5.09; lot 0. $5.09. John K. Kollock. In blk 10, lot 1, tnx. $5.09; lot 2, $5.09; lot 3. $5.6$. W. 8. Bachus. In blk 10. lot 4. Uv, $5.69; lot 5. $5.09. Rolt Lino R. R. Co., In blk 11, lot 5, tax, $5.09. Llzzlo Bvorott, In blk 11. lot 6, tax $5.69; lot 7. $5.69; lot 8. $5.09, lot 9. $5.09. John K. Kollock. In blk 14, lot 5, tax, $3.42; lot I, $3.43; lot I, $3.42; lot 8, $3.42; lot , $3.42; la blk 15, lot 1, tax, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.42; lot 4, $3.43; lot 5, $3.42. Bolt Lino R. R. Co., In blk 16, lot 1. tax, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.42; lot 4, $3.42; lot 5, $3.41, lot .6. $3.42; lot 7. $3.42; lot 8, $3.42; -lot 9, $3.42; la blk 17, loc 1, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.41; lot 4, $3.42; lot 6. $3.42; lot 6, $3.42; lot 7, $3.42; lot 8, $3.42; lot 9, $3,42. Coos Ray Moat Co., In blk 18, lot 1, tnx, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.42: lot 4, $3,42; lot 6, $3.42; lot 6, $3.42; lot 7. $3.42; lot 8 $3.42; lot 9. $3.42. B. F. Wyatt. in blk 19, lot 1, tax-' $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.42; loV 4, $3.42; lot 5. $3.42; lot 6, $3.42i E. L. C. Farrln. In blk 19, lot 7 tnx. $3.42; lot 8, $3.42; lot 9, $3.41, R. II. Smith, In blk 20, lot 1, tar, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3.4.2; lot 4. $342. John K. Kollock, In blk 21, lot 5, tnx, $3,42. John 8. Coko, In blk 20, lot 4, tax $3.42; lot 6, $3.42. John K. Kollock, In hlk 28, lot S, tnx. $3.42. Kiln Sullivan, In blk 28, lot IT, tnx. $3.42; lot 18, $3.42. R. II. Smith, In blk 29, lot 1. tax, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3. $3.42, lot 4, $3.42. Lydln Borstal!. In blk 29, lot 26, tax. $3.42; lot 27, $3.42. John K. Kollock. In blk 29, lot 32, tax $3.42; lot 33, $3.42. nolt Lino R. R. Co., In blk 33, lot 1, tax, $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3. $3.42; lot 4, $3.42; lot 6, $3.4, lot 0, $3.42; lot 7, $3.42; lot i. $3.42; lot 9, $3.42: In blk 33. lot I, tnx. $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3. $3.42; lot 4. $3.42; lor 5, $3,42; lot 6, $3.42; lot 7. $3.42; lot 8, $3.42; lot 9. $3.42; lot 10. $3.42. J. K. Kollock. In blk 33. lot, 37, tnx, $3.42; In blk 34, lot 1. tax. $3.42; lot 2, $3.42; lot 3, $3,42; Mt 4, $3.42: lot 5, $3.42; lot 10, $3.4.1; lot 11, $3.42; lot 12. $3.42. Jesalo Smith, In blk 34, lot 21, tax, $3.42. yjwojtocjtyhjd (Continued on Nxt Page.), ?'? Stujiman , v, Ge: "nd. rcj lot 2 8UX' '? b,k lot M. D. 2lr - . m i, sic; lot , 83c; 82c, laMX. Imraer, In blk 2. lot iz lax, lot 22, 91a: lot 23, 91c; lot 24, Jlc Uot 10 91c; lot 11, 91c; lot 12. 91c; 55c; und. 6-9 lot 34, 55o. blk 10. lot 22. tax $2.28; lot 23,1 R. J. Walrath, In blk 4, lot 11, lot 13, 91c; lot 14, 91c; lot 15, 91c; $2.28.