HERE IS ggf SELFISHNESS BUT NEVER SELFISHNESS WITHOUT SORROW Z. - " " ' i - " " " "" rAnvniiTisixfl T" T,MKS will l'nt Your "cnl Estate "In ... ti-rkct" Effectively! ii will Pt tl10 facts n))V.t .?'"r ",, before tho eyes of all "pos- p.ViPAc" in town. And If tlioro f 1 of then who oiiBlit to own It, you'll sell iv fflons !mj Stows MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS k xxxvi iMiililMiod III 1H78 us Tho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, "l912 EVENING EDITION 14 WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Sternly. YOU enn really help tho family rovonuca by renting a fow furnlshod rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you niny keep that llttlo extra in- como as "steady as a clock." jsagatigirozagsgams1 .muLwwwm PAGES. BAN SITUATION IS MENTION AS LAST RESDRT NVESTBIS IN ill! E President Taft Authorizes the Sendincj oi muiu 'up to Guard Border. 1EBELS PILLAGE AND CRUiJb Bunucn huhiim m Additional Regiments of Cavalry win assisi in Patrol Work. for Associated Press to Tlio Coos t"1 tl.. IMi.tnn IH) All"" ni'VEni.Y. Mnss.. Sept. 7. Brcsl- Lt Taft lins authorized Gonornl Uts of cavalry to tho Mexican bor- . . la it I'nn 111 r :n nuiiiui ' " f.'-" " ke president to ihivu iruui.H uuoi .Wny UinVa tll0 ,my , . .. w no," decinrcd united States Senator Catron, of Now Mexico. "It soon will bo necessary to Bond troops to Moxlco to savo American lives. The Moxlcniis nro tnoro hostllu to Ameri cans than to any other people. Tho American Interests nlready Jeopar dized total over hair n billion dollars. ii A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali iiiia Coos liny Advertiser. No. 43 HUMAN TOOL CHEST" TO SURVIVE MORGAN AID 00 New Mexico Senator Says United States Will Have to Intervene. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos liny Times.) KANSAS CITY, Sept. 7 "Aro wo going to inlorveno In Mexico? .-- rri.n tirnulilnnr rnfnriltt ne Dorucr. i. """; """," he situation ' - " Ulcd on authority, however, thnt atervcntlon win noi no consmcrcu ir Taft except as a last resort. Br Associated Press to tho Coob Day TimCB.j WASHINGTON. Sept. 7. Tho Vir Department Is considering tho nrMitlon from mlltnry comntimderH long the border that tho United lutes lecuro permission from tho Mexican government ror American joops to pursue Into Mexlcnn tcrrl Icrr bandi of robol raiders who op- Srite on this sldo of tho line. This step was taken during the ndlm troubles In Arizona nnd Now Utilco In the '70's and '80'h. Tho Vtr Department advlrcs say that Bcneral Salaznr personally is ro- onilble for the rebel raids on this lit of tho line. A Mexican rebel paired yesterday declared thnt ilmr ordered tho men to cross tho ce and round up beef for his com- Bind. cam. mom: TROOPS FocketkniVeS, NailS, Blades! stomach, thoy found 10 pocketknlvcs. ana silver Dollars Removed From Stomach of Chicago Man. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. Sept. 7 -When tho doctors oporutod on John Mariner In tho county hospltnl to ascertain the couRo of "torrlblo pains" In tho UK FIRST seven nnlls, flvo knifo blades, n doz on screws and silver dollnrs. For 18 years, Mariner, known as Chicago's human tool chest, swallowed articles ns wogors. "Eating knives nnd that kind of stuff novor hurt mo," snld Mnrlnor boforo tho operation, "but sometimes I get terrible pnlns In my Biomncn." uno pnysicinns pro nounced the opcrntlon successful FELLER TO TESTIFY ABOUT CAMPAIGI FUNDS WIFE ICTIM 1 ES S 0 no Regiments of Cnvnlry to Guard Border. IB Associated Press to The Coos Day Times) I WASHINGTON. I). C. Sont. 7 IheWar Department Is prennrlnK to ifiraicn two more regiments of cav- urr to tho Mexican border. General ft ood, chief of stuff, asked President aft today for approval of tho ordo.. E:e troopers will bo from Fort III r, Kansas, nnd Fort D. A. Ilussoll, joining, ono regiment ench. JTItOOPS THROUGH KIj PASO. Deposed New York Police In spector Closely Cross Ex amined Today. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) NEW YOJIK, Sopt. 7. An ordeal pt cross, examination was abend of Cornollus G. Hnyos, tho deposed po llco Inspector, todny In the trial on chnrges of mnklng falso statoments reflecting on Commissioner Waldo. Hayes was on tho stand when ad journment was taken yesterday. Ho Insisted thnt Waldo had given him orders not to raid disorderly houses In "Making an outward show of de cency." When Hnycs took tho stand tho first question was "What did you roncolvo your duty toward disorder ly houses to bo when you first wont to tho Fourth district?" "To proceed against thorn; got ovldcnco and suppress thorn. That wns my duty until I was ordered by my superior officer to do otherwise, roplled Hayes, who mild that nftcr Waldo had forbidden him to rnld tho disorderly houses where- thero was no outside evidence? of dlsordor, ho (Hayes) Instructed his men not to enter tho houses to got ovldcnco. Louisiana Man Killed in Matri monial Conspiracy Charged I I51 ff - !l r vviui oimnar urime. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Bay Times.) SHREVEPORT, La., Sept. 7. Evldonco tending to hIiow a third mysterious death In connection with tho killing of Chnrlcs C. Bnlley nt Metcalf Monday night for which A. L. Watson nnd Mrs. Bnlley nro in Jnll here, developed today whon Illchard Wilcox of Shrovoport told tho sheriff that on her doath-bod tho first Mrs. Bnlley accused Balloy or neing responBiulo for her death. Tho dny after her death, accord ing to Wilcox, Mrs. Wilcox found ni bottlo of chloroform nnd another bottlo marked "poison" In tho doath-'j bod of Mrs. Balloy. When nccusod Bnlley mndo no roply. M Iowa Lutheran Pastor Burned to Death Underneath Overturned Auto. (By Assoclntcd Prcbs to tho Coos Times.) PAULINA, Iowa, Sept. 7. Rev. H. Grcfc, pastor of the Lutheran church nt Gcrmnntown, Iown, wnB burned to death Inst night beforo his children and sovcral other persons whllo pinned beneath a wrecked auto. KENOSRA MAN IS PENALIZED Wisconsin Merchant Pays $112,000 for Aiding in Smuggling Case. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Sopt. 7. Nathnn Allen, a retired merchant of Kono- sho, Wis., paid tho govornment ono hundred thousand dollars "today to compromlBo his civil liability in a smuggling enscs In Now York In 1909 which Involvod Mrs. II. D. Jonklns ln nn alleged attempt to cscapo du ties on jowols and wearing npparel. Tho criminal suit against. Allen re sulted in a $12,000 fine. M Wl ft KILLEH BY CAIl Jtov. Wlilto Wilson, of Chicago, Crushed to Death. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmoo). CHICAGO, 111., Sopt. 7. Rev. Wlilto Wilson, for 25 years rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church, was In stantly killed by n street car Inst night. WHITE SLAVERS VOTING TODAY IN WAS GTON . UNDER ID fnUui (Internment AskH for Per mit from I'nK.xl Ui....u m Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos I ...... "ay Times.) LK C,TV- Sept 7 For tho ona time tho Unltoit Hinn .m I aiVed for authorization for tho rnmion or Jlexlcnn troops If the War Department to conduct a1'10 ndded that ho told Waldo what -i6H against tho lnrgo body of " lin" (lono nntl wn,l,o approvun ii. vltAlc ma.Ii.i. . - ITa. Ih1Iii1i.I Mini (Iia nf fltln I llliyL'H llllllllilll'U lllitL till) .lllll.Mll stenographic report of his conversa tion with Wnldo whoreln tho nlleged fnlso BtntcinonlH woro mndo, had boon tnntpored w'th. A letter from Waldo to Hnyef, vo Inttor said, om hodylng Mayor Gnynor's directions that tho pollcomnn snld to discon tinue tho old mothod of getting ovl- I tleuco ngnlnst disorderly houses stop was tho ifr to nfflMT'' '""""?"u,l,H declnrntlon imputed to tno mayor Ps, alonir n, c ,. """",,D uovr tltar tlio passing or men in nuinueia Ratenlne t .. i . uzon" "noito and from houses hnrborlng women Pis If MmL , U ,h0 A'o'lfnn should be tnkon as ovldonco that tho toniorofrnm n. in,"ro """- Houses were- disorderly. I'nlteJ p"';' ,l"l"l,u" tnrougii Pit down tho robols. Mnxlnn Lk.i. V """"""' "' inrgo oouy ot C,.,.ne"ltn,e8 movlnB soldlon r'ni Jil mso. TO Clli:cK PERMIT. "! ReMs Want to ICwp l'e,l- b; AMoclatcrt Press to Cooa Bay ST-'Pt. 7.-Mexl Black Man Executed for Crime in West Virginia Was Not Guilty. (By Associated Prtss to Coos Bu Times.) PRINCETON, W. Va., Sopt. 7. That a nilstako was mado In lynch ing Walter Johnston, a nogro, Thurs day night following an assault on 14-ycnr-old Nlta White. Is tho bellof now held by tho authorities hero who say thnt ovldcnco shows Johnston wns guiltless. Governor Glnsscock has ordered an Investigation Into tho lynching. M TO R b'santlcri,atinpwi T X. w'from ,n8,,' 8,1C """ses, put a stc 'otranS practice. Tho letter wi c Z terPrlL, P8.thr0UBl1 t,,0,Inccil In ovldonco. It embodied tl n.. .. '"r".0r- "Oltt nnonymotlfl1 .InolnrnMnn ImnnM n ! nmvi w T BETTER daaJmi.. r0U0ls- Mexico !' CowSS pei'1I,C.,t " fW ",0nt,,8 Bted i r Colf""tt of Toxns pro- t.M;Sa:,M,,att,,e,,,ovo- "IMS TO MEXICO. lltttA.1 r. . - ?7 aSLC,'..' "L""" Mexico. ... i-ress tO TllA Cnna n.. liav Tlmn. 1 'n lint If (a avnontml flint aim will n pi'lTON'. Sept. 7. ArtlnK' England Olympic Committee! roach hero nbout tho first of tho SPORT ID M. S. Dollar Expected Here About Sept. 20 to Load at Smith Mill. Tho M. S. Dollar, a big lumbor carrier of tho Dollar Steamship Com pany, Is expected horo nbout Septem ber 20 to take on a cargo of about 2,000,000 feet of lumber nt tho C. A. Smith mill for China. Word of her coming line just been received bore, Sho was in hero onco boforo and took on part of n cargo. Sho carries about 3,000.000 feet and will probnbly comploto her cargo for the Orient nt tho Columbia River on Pugot Sound. No further deflntto nows lias been received concerning tho completion of the Adeline Smith, tho slstor ship to tho Nnnn S. Smith, which Is un der construction nt Newport Nows, West Hammond Saloonkeepers- Held in Connection With Dive Cases. (By Assoclatod Press to The Coos Bay Timet.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 7. Cornelius Mooro nnd Henry Fobs, West Ham mond snloon men, arrested In tho govornment rnld by government nnd county officials, last night, wero hold todny on ?G000 bonds on tho chnrgo of violation of tho Mnnn .white slnvo act. COURT OPENS T M Y ttn T1-. . ha.. .-Tent Taft's nuthorltv ii.l biffffiSS"hprlwto. P rifles nnVV-i I1 in, Mexico of r"W their iit" , "' ",0 Protee rrn .. : ' 'E II be fa" ""i1 ?Prty. Tho "trlbutto rwardea t0 Cannnon Explains Poor Showing at Stockholm. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bav (BOUiJi LONDON. Sont. C Great Brit ain's falluro to get bettor results In tho Olympic games at Stockholm wns explained todny In a report of the rirltlali niiMimln nnmnilllPA. TllO re- "e's CrMi. 11...1 l'rt says It wns not mere speclallza- n,... . ,"s'KHs Govern-' tfnn whloli mmlilnd Sweden nnd tho P AsSAMo.- i 0sltlOn, I ITnl.n.l Clnlno in .In l,fHr tlin.l thfl "vVCfl nra.. . " VltHWU MIHIVO .W . w WW..-. "'uii- Quits POST year. It Is hoped thnt Captain 01- Regular Session of the Circuit Court New Grand Jury to Take up Coach Case. Judgo Coko returned Inst evening from Coqulllo, whoro ho concluded tho ndjourned term of Circuit Court yestordny. Tho regular Septomber term of court will bo convened Monday. Monday morning a now grand jury will bo Impnnnelod. Tho old grand Jury In Its final report yes tordny recommended thnt tho enso of Joo Coach of Bandon, who Is charged with manslaughter In con nection with n death thoro, be tnkon up by tho new grand Jury. Tho old grand jury brought ln a number of Indictments, most of them being se cret, ns the parties aro not under arrest, , Monday morning, tho enso of Otto Elklns of Falls City, charged with tho theft of n BUltcaso from tho Blanco hotol, will bo called for trial. Elklns loft onco and his bond wns Progressive State Primaries Being Held Roosevelt to Speak Tuesday. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bar Times.) SEATTLE, Sopt. 7. Progressive primaries aro boing hold throughout tho Stnto of Washington for nomina tion ot full state, congressional, leg islative nnd county tickets. Rnln Is falling In western Washington nnd showers nro forecasted gonornlly throughout tho state. Tho dolcgatcs cnoson todny will meet next Tues day to listen to nn address by Colo nel Roosovelt nnd nomlnnto tho can dldato who receives tho largest voto today. Tho hottest contest Is ovor tho governorship nomination, four ex porlencod politicians nro striving to capture tho place, with Sheriff Rob ert T. Hodgo of Seattlo npparantly ln a slight lend ovor W. II. Paulhn mus, John C. Lnwronco nnd Otto A. Case. In tho first or Seattlo district, a bitter fight Is on botweon Stnto Senator Daniel Lnndon nnd Gcorgo H. Wnlkor for tho congressional nomination, with Lnndon's support ers confident of victory. MANY HARD CONTESTS Hard Knee for Governor nnd Con gressmen In Eastern Washington. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Sopt. 7. In terest in Eastern Washington In to day's primaries centered chiefly In tho contests for govornor, congress men from tho third district nnd nt large. Tho Third district congrop slonnl fight Is between N. W. Dur ham and F. M. Goodwin, although Ebon White Is n candidate. Andrew Carnegie Also to Be Called Upon Relative to Contributions. FEDERAL COMMITTEE TO PROBE TWELVE YEARS Ormsby McHarg Will Also be Called About Roosevelt's Last Campaign. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Ba Times). WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. 7. When J. P. Morgan tnkos tho stand boforo Scnntor Clnpp's Commlttco Investigating campaign contribu tions, ho will bo questioned not only about tho campnlgn contributions In ivm nnti iuos but about any possi ble connection botweon tho contribu tions In tho period from 1900 to 1912 nnd nny legislation In Con gross. This was learned todny bo foro n conference botweon Clnp.i nnd Pomornno at which plans for tho resumption of tho honrlngs woro to bo nrrnngod. Tho dnto of Mor gan's npponranco was not dotormln od. Ho has boon on tho committee list of witnesses since July, when ho waived Borvico. saying ho would cmnn whon called. Androw Camoglo and John D. Rockofollor mny also bo callod If de velopments wnrrnnt In tho Investiga tion of tho Ponrose-Archbold-Roorio-volt controversy. Ormsby McIInrg, ono of Roose velt's managers In tho proconvontlon campaign has been nakod to appoar. Tho commltteo wants to question him nbout tho expenditures In be half bf Roosevelt's candidacy In the Chicago Republican convention. WILSON PRAISES STRAUSS Approval Selection of Now York Progressive forGovcrnor. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEAGIRT. N. J., Sept. 7.-Govcr-nor WilBon todny recommended the cholco of Oscar Strauss as tho notnl nco for Govornor by tho Progressiva Republicans. "It's an ndmlrnbio ticket and ndmlrnbio plntform," said Govornor Wilson. "It will put ui on our mettle." Governor Wilson whon nBked If ho favored tho nomi nation of Progressive Domocrnts for governors nnd stnto pffices through out tho country said "That goo without snylng." (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coob Bay Times.) SYRACUSE, N. Y Sopt. 7. "Tho nomination camo to mo ns n great surprlso," said Oscar Straus, in dis cussing his candidacy for govornor of Now York stnto on tho Progressiva ticket. "I did ovorythlng I could to prevent my nomination," ho ex plained, "but It seems thnt I -vaa destined to lond tho causo. It Is tho causo in which I nm Interested, rnther thnn tho olllco, but I shall do ovorythlng In my power to wh, HOOSEVEIP IN MONTANA. (By Associated Pross to the Cooa Bay Tlmos). HATHWAY, Mont.. Sopt. 7. Af ter an all-night rldo from Fargo, N. D Roosovelt camo Into Senator Dix on's stnto today. Ho was to Bpoak nt Billings, Livingston, Logan nnd Hel ena. Ho will remain nt Helena all night, leaving for Spoknno oarlr Sunday morning. nn nt lin Vnnn Smith will ho nhln tn """ " ul" .""" """" ..ww. ..- -" ',",,,",' declared rorio ted and ho has re- R? ,JJ "0In e8ri ?,"( Lbr ? turned and will try nnd get the order tho big ship around the Horn, but this Is not certain yet WHALER IN THE HAY. ttiB Time, , os Day British Empire, but that luck of feerl- , 'JSHINqtov n n r. ous Interest In tho games on the part ,1 l' Dunlan n't n" .ept' Gl -! tho British public groatly affected r, Trjr' and assail, ,B"reau of enthuslnsm of tho British competl '(ir.wey ffi lnAe c,emlst uii-1 tors. Want of funds, the report Port .I ney whiiA .; . . ' l """I l01's. warn oi lunus, mo roim tl Of (V. i. "" tno latter wns nnvo nlcn .lonrlvml tlinm nt nnnn. Iept a commerchTl8"6!1 toda tunlty for training under trainers Or. . "in ftn wno """ii ill ucqiiainietl Willi IIIO uuav wicuiuiu the chareS W .0f the '- methods. It rests with the British ',nU Wiley r 'rreeularl- public WKetlibr this'stato of things Ip .. ,! D"ri.' uo ."Jmejiievt ti, m iuio 'MfenAX? A ,.0 vvA . TO C...-.2.. RANITARV' - "a.UKU'S. jTER'S. CHICKEN TAMALES AT SAR- jiml Wcstiinrt Comes In for Water Fuel Supply. Tho Westport, a small steam whal ing schooner, came in last nighb to take on fresh water and supplies horo. Sho Is out from Puget Sound. She Is a steam vessel and tho most modern typo of tho whnlers. How she happened to get this far south was not ascertained. changed and stand trial. Thoro are two forgery cases slated for trial Monday, ono being thnt of Charles Bailey, who passed bogus checks on the Blanco hotel nnd the Brewery snloon. and the other is that of Leo Huff from Myrtle Point. Tho papers In tho Bnlley case wero lost and It Is feared that their ab sence mny make It difficult to con vict him. Thero nro nlso six civil enses ready for trial In tho Interim between tho criminal cases. Many Subpoenaed. A lnrpn nnmlinr nt Riihnnnnnna TAFFY nnd PEANUT IHUTTLEJ hnva hpn RSllfili in rnnni.nlnn with 20 CENTS POUND. SATURDAY nnd . iha v,n rflmnnPn whlnh Mr. T.IHp. STILL PROBE GIBSON CASE SUNDAY nt STAFFORD'S i Quatermass Studio for Photos. Beautiful HAND PAINTED OIs'l. NA, rose pattern, at COOS CASH STORE. ovist has Inaugurated Constable Cox Is today serving a rnjmbor of subpoenas, Amopg thoso for whom ho received subpoenas nro RAY George King of the Enterprise meat market and Capt. J. A. O'Kelly, I Mysterious Deaths of Clients of New York Lawyer Being Investigated Today. NEW YORK, Sopt. C Pending tho decision of tho district nttornoys offico hero, tho attorneys of Ornngu county, New York, nro holding In nbeynnce their authority for tho In vestigation of tho dentil of Mrs. Rosa Sznbo, tho Austrian woman who wns drowned In Greenwood Lake, this county, whllo In company with Burton W. Gibson, a Now York lawyer. Tho Inquest nt tho tlmo of death gave a verdict of accidental drowning. Ono of tho chief quei tlons to bo cleared was whether Mrs HOUSES S E W New Arrivals on Bay Have Dif ficulty in Obtaining House keeping Quarters. Tho great scarcity of houses nnd living npartments In Marshflold Is rapidly bocomlng evldont, Indicating n marked increaso In population. Desplto tho largo numbor of now residences that hnvo boon orectod on tho Bay tho past stimmor, thoro Is not a vacant house In Mnrshflold, nt least ono that Is modern, so fnr as can bo ascortalnod, Dally, Tho Times offlco hits n num ber of Inquiries for houses nnd housekeeping apartments. Even P"nel "'1 "uar' amc"S,ad be".i1"rL:i":!.er "!!! Thero ims been'0 talk of several is alive and 'produced what he pur-! ?""!,?, "" ports to be a waver of tho citation blgned by her placing him In control of the daughter's estate. In an affi davit the Austro-Hungarlan Consul nlleges that Mrs. Menchnick died In 1910 and that tho waiver Is a for gery. Other mysterious deaths of clients of Gibson are being investigated. Pictures Studio. and framing, Walker bo me additional flats but tho oarly start of tho rainy season will prob ably delay tho carrying out of these projects until noxt spring. See HARMON'S WINDOW IMS PLAY of NIFTY now fall HTYMM. LATEST SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS Just recolved TODAY. RAND DANCE at EAGLES HAH Saturduy night, September 7.