THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1912-EVEMINB EDITION ii' " ma M Cfl 1 kvu at North Bend News M. B. Harlow, of I'alouso, Wash., 1b vlbltlng lila nephew, C. W. Cnlcf, of Lakeside oral machines wore south of Dandon. mired down Mrs. Norman Savage, of Jorth Hcml, returned this evening from a hort visit with friends on Coos River. Mrs. Lowln, of Handon, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis and other friends of North JJcnd. Mr. E. E. Illggs, of Norm uotiu, is planning to build a summer cabin on Ucalo Lake at Ton Mile. Proprietor A. J. Davis, of the-1 Whito House In North Henrt Is build-j Ing an annex 40 x 40 to his store. I riirla P,.nrRon 1ms received one ot. the many old Spanish fortuno fraud letters that havo recently been re ceived on tho Day. IMny In North llcnd. Tho Leo WUlnrd company roturned today Irom tho Coqulllo Valley and appear In North Dead tonight In "The Uat tle of LIfo." Miss Florence Jennings, of Port land, who Is spending a fow day3 with hor grntidparonts, Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Setter, of Myrtlo Point, will visit with Mrs. Robort McCann and other friends In North Dend next week. ; , HMHHHMVi G0AS1 LbAUUL I jm, BALL SCORES Jtt M H I v -v,VSfcrV Willi. WW mm r H asswL vSV. b Rov. D. A. MacLeod, the North Rend Presbyterian minister who Is romcwhnt of n carpontor, Is assist ing C. A. Smith erect n new houso In Porter. Tho North Dend firemen's baseball team and tho North iiciiti regular team will play horo Sunday. Tho firemen wero defeated at Gardiner Inst Sunday by n scoro of 12 to 7. n. n. Hazcr, who returned this week with tils family from Spokane a few days ago, will resit mo his po sition with his father In the hard ware business here. Mrs. L. H. Hughes, formerly of North Dcild and who recently re turned to her homo In San Diego, has written Mrs. llarzco that she sus tained a brokou arm In a fall. Mrs. Hughes was accompanied home from her recent vlBlt hero by hor daugh ter, Mrs. Jack Claroy, of Marshflold. WILL All) HOAI) Portland, Shuts Sacramento Out Los Angeles shuts 'Frisco Out. HOW THEY STAND Los Angolos . ...S" GS .000 Vornou SO , 01 .085 Oakland S4 U4 .ous Portland 00 71 .450 San 4m.v:j. 52 8S '4ia Sacraiu.iiio 52 00 .307 Slnco tho promotion of II. O'Mnra, Jas. Swindler will bo chief engineer, Jas. King assistant engineer, nud Lew King third nsslstant at tho Oro gon Power company's plant. No word has been received yet, from Eugene regarding tho condi tion of Dr. llnrtlo's father who was tnken suddenly 111. Dr. Dartlo loft for thoro Wednesday morning. Frank Wentherly, of North Inlet, and Miss Mao Schrolbor, who recent ly enmo to the Day from Eldorado, Kan., havo secured a marrlago li cence. They will go to Seattlo U mnlco tholr home. North Roml Picture Slums to Give Proceeds to lunil. Tho Joy and Star moving plcturo shows of North Dend next Monday night will glvo their not receipts to. tho fund being raised In North Bend for tho completion of tho waterfront roadway between Marshflold and North Dond. Tho fund Is growing steadily, a numbor of now contribu tions having been tnndo. Tho fol lowing arc somo of tho contributions slnco laBt wcok: A. O. Knah $C00 I- W. Wood r,,oo M. E. Evcrltt f.00 North Dond Stables 0.00 II. O. Kern 10.00 C. S. Gauntlctt 15.00 P. N. Itcberg C00 Davenport Company 10.00 Carl L. Albrccht 10.00 A. J. Davis G.00 Mrs. F. P. Framo and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor nnd family re turned today from Crescent City to which city they motored In Mr. Wl..- eor s car notno time ago. Tho roads wcro In awful shapo and thoy hart great iiirnpuity netting back, hart Sov- HLEBT I IK TIIK TIK THAT HINDS. County Clerk Watson Issued tho following mnrrlago licenses during tho week: John A. Prcntlco and S. May Ro zoll. Herbert James Wilson and May Smith. Carl H. Arlnndson nnd Mao E. Durko. J. Frank Wcathurly and Mao M. Sfhrclhor. Coqulllo Herald. . T A BIG CUT One-fourth Off on China and Cut Glass ON Hand Painted China -and Cut Glass TIIK OAIM'KXTCKS WIMi SOON UK REMODELING OUIl STORE AXDTO REDUCE THE IIREAKAGE wi: iiAVs decided to sell THESE GOODS AT A VKHY LOW rinci: rem aiiout ten days. SAVE MONEY 1Y HUYIXfi NOW GET YOUR FUTURE WERR1XG Oil CHRISTMAS PRESENTS NOW. Red Cross Jewelry Department !? PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 0. Hnln provented tho game between Oak land nnd Vernon at Oakland yester day. Tl'O otlier games In tro Coast Loaguo resulted as follows: At Los Angolos II. 11. E. Los Augolcs U ii 0 San Frnnclsco 0 4 0 At Sacramento It. II. E. Sacramento -.0 G 1 Portland 0 0 10 1 Wednesday's Games. Wednesday's games In tho Const Loaguo resulted as follows: At Los Angeles II. II. E. Los Angeles 0 5 2 San Francisco 3 10 4 At Oakland It. Onkland 0 Vernon 5 At Sacramento Sacramento . ... Portland It. ,12 . . 1 II. 4 13 H. 17 9 WORLD'S SE'HKS PLANS. tnUiMxVW Kammerer Says: "It never rains but it pours," But no need of getting soaked when you can be supplied with the season's best " ram proof garments. We have, also, a dainty line of new s Neclcwear Hosiery Ijfcts and Cluett Shirts We Specialize in Snappy Haberdashery. Yours, Anxjous to Please, The Toggery CIinutploiiNlilp Games Will Open Oc tober 18, (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmo3) ST. LOUIS," Sept. C Tho series for tho world's baseball champion ship will begin October 13, accord ing to President D. I). Johnson of tho American lcaguo In a lottor tq a local paper. In the cast, champion ship r'aco closes Octobor G and In tho west tho following day. THIItTY YEARS OLD. With tho next issuo tho Herald will completo its 30th year of oxlst- ence, nnd tho liberal patronage ac corded "tho old rollnblo" plonpor Journal of Coqulllo at this tlmo, evi dences tho multiplication of I(s .ca reer many times. nut four changes In proprlotorshlp havo occurred during Its publication very much, less thnn otjiors simi larly situated which demonstrates satisfactory business conditions nnd contentment. Coqulllo Horald. ii i'i i" -r-T- Pliouo fJ'J..!. .lenders and Optician).. muvnjissscmmt wwai iumPi IIM Front Street. FRECKLES Xeiv Drug That Quickly Remove Thc"o Hniely Siots. There's no longor tho slightest no (Hi of fcollng ashamed of your freckles, as a now drug, othlno doublo strength has been discovered that positively removes theso homely spots. Simply get ono ounce of othino double strength, from any first class druggist and apply, a llttlo ot it at night, nnd In tho 'morning you will boo that even tho worst freckles have begun to disappear, whllo tho lighter ones havo vanished entirely. It It seldom that moro than nn ounco Is needed to completely clonr tho skin and gnhi a beautiful clear com plexion. Ho sure to ask for tho double strength othlno as this Is sold under guarantee of money bnck if it falls tu removo freckles. Fancy Prize Cattle nro always offorcd to ub first. Tho breeders know thnt wo nro nlwnys seeking tho choicest, tondcrcst moats wo can got. Havo us cut you off a nice roast for next Sunday's dlnnor. It will bo a treat tho whole family will enjoy nnd will show you tho ndvantago of getting all your meals hero hereafter. MAIUHFIELD CASH MAIUOPT. FOURIER BROS. Mnrnlillcld Telephone North Hond 231 J Two MnrkntJ til THE FRIEND OP 0OO8 IIAV . S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FORI PORTLAND ' MONDAY.. SEPT. 9, AT lb;30 A. M. OUNNISCTlNa'wiTII THE NOIITI1 HANK HO AD AT POHTLAND NORTH lAOIFIO PTKAMSIHP CO.MPANT. Phone 44. O. P. McGKOItdn, Agent. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS p DXA LOU18IC LAItSO.V, L, Plnnlst nnd Tcachtr. Harmony, MtiBlcnl Hlstorr. Phono 2GMt. T W. HHNNETT, j uunneu ownnion, Tom T. Bo)l Attorneys, and Oounidlori u Ut I nanacan tc uonnoit Hank Baliil iuuiDuuuiu, v;oos (JO., urirot PEIIL KILKV IIALMNaER Hildnc Studio 137 Bo, Brpjtgl I'flono 18L T EW KRVZKIL -1- ' " .Violin Instructor , Apply Htlnes Mnsle B(or-CM starts Sent. 1. l WK. 8. rUItPKK, Architect. Marshfleld. Orecon Tun: TTT- rn. n. rw. mohhow, -' Hentltt, 171 QrlMM - Thtater. Building, ortr Oml I Office Those III. ih-:poiit op tiii: coxihtiox op The first National Bank of Coos Bay At Mni'.slilleld, In tho Slnto if Oregon, nl tln iloo ot luislmh, Scnioiif her I, 1 1) 12, UKSOl'ltCKS. Loans nud (llfeoiuitx Overdrnfiu, secured and unseeiirod U. S. liundK to MH'iiro elrt'iilntiou Other bunds to iwi'ine Postal tj.ivliifci. :io:.n i.7J -.',000.00 ...... .,...,,,.,,, L'U.UOO.OO City Auto Service wood Cars. Careful Drivers and rnaRonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any tlmo." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Illanco Clgrr 8tore. Day PhoneB 78 and 6 Night Phnne 4B, IIARKrit GOODAT.K. nronrlrtor PA8T AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo r Equlpicd viti irelcft9 nnd submarine M SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Sunday, Sept. 8, at 3 P. M. All Paaaenger Reservations liYotn San Francisco Must Ho Mado at H05 Pifo Hulldlng, or Pier No. 10. IXTKIt-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE U. a P. McQEORQE, Agont. W. a. OHANDLKR, A,RcmTEcr. Rooms 301 and S03 Ooke Hnlldlnr. Marshfldd. DR. BinD n. CliARKK 0ptda1lt In Nrte and iplul DkMse. ntnn nrA rnm nnlldlnf. Marsbfteld. Of f lc Hourt J M Thonn 144-L. 1U A. J. IIKNDUrB Modem Dental rariw- - . ---...i ) DUVV1' ItankliiK house, furnlturo and llMmtM ',,', so!obo!oo Duo fnun NiiUottnl Hanks (not rMffe nnwnts) , n ;j Duo f nun late and pi tvuti ba:iU and bwukors, tnitft coin- panles. and wivIiikh banks ;i.L';ta.23 Duo from appi oved reserve N.enU Oliocks nud other cash Items , ,.-., , - Not.u. of other National Hanks. u i i,ur iiiniMniy, uii'Koih, anil I'Cllts , , I'vt'1' : , $ 12,1 12.S5 Legnl-tondor notes ' 00.00 lieltompilou fund with U. S. Trensuivr tJl'. of elieiilatlou) iO.03 12. 1 12. S3 1.250.00 Totul i i t ..$t'.:a,i7iuo LIAIULITIUS, Capital mock paid In $100 noo on Surplus fund - boo oo I'ndlv IdtHl profits. lua omhiumm and taMw paid .....",','."" " i'i ')': Nailunul llwuk unto outstnudlng '" .iVni.' ... Ouo to otlor National Hank ,.n.'l Duo to Stato uiid private bunks and iKiukors imimuimi HHiouit mjujeot to ebick.. iit'iiiuiiu I'vruiiciuHS oi uttpoait. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estateand Insurance "I Vorfh IVnnt fnNH You Auto Call Foote IMIOVK NI-.I NIGHT AND D.H Staad front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NKW CARS After 11 P. M. Phone 6-J R8ldenco Phone 2S-J Will timkp trip to rwiulllr. EQUIPPED WITH WIHELICSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIMK. SAILS PROM AIXSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAXD AT r,'..7' 'r:.17, --nml -7 1',0M marsiipiiild at ir mi', inn; siirr. i, i), i H a. in., SEPT. THE SERVICE Phone Main .1.VL. 10, lit and 21). J. C. MILLER, Agent. D Wo ara eaulDDed to do M ,..V nn .hnrt nntlM tt Ut M lowtat rloa. ExamlMjlM R4 Lady atloBdant, Coko bulldlaf.W lte Ohanitler hotrl. Phn Hi. ' -. i I Have That Roof tix NOW Soo GORTEBU Pho 0.0R8.R3 3.1 10. IS :i7n.07.:i3 2S2 1 : Ciialiltr'a cbooka outftaiiilinit. I'ultod atato I'iMtal Suvliiga DaMMltg IMIIIIIIIM, lit. ....... Time irliricntwi of dopoalL. '.'.'.'." sl'oil Orllflod ohooka ,'; .?" . . a 41 HI . II U 2l0.4(i ... HSS.i; Total ..rt.rr-tf . Stato of Oregon. County of Coiw, m: I, l)ui-oy KiBltiinr. Cnahlor of th UoVi naiuod hank, do aolmniilv bolhJ?. t,,Ht tU "U0V Umoul l r "f no knowlodso ,u'd - , - HOH8HY KRKITXKIi. Ciuhlor. Subsoribud and sworn to boforu mo this ath'dny bf SBptmb'or,'il2. Corroct-at.oat: NotnrJbHcSfirTOrcBon. W. S. CHANDLER h WILLIAM (HUMES, W. U. DOUOLAS, Directors. Real Estate and PIRK IXSintAXCK Sevoral good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FKIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. " " Orf.uon liril.lHVO AVI RKPAIR WORK HoiKfi Moving and Oradlni;. We are prepared to do this work uy the tiny or contract and guarantee atlafaetlon Let n? fKUre with you n. s. PLorii r. rnnn :if.j Marshflold Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Friday, September 6, at 10 A, M. WITH PASSEXOERS AXD FREIGHT P. S. DOW, Agent. Oeeui. Dork. BlancharcTs Livery w-. Lu, .noiirod the llrw ?e resa ot L. H. Helsner. and l pared to ronrtor excellent Mrw Pnna HHT ',.. U www the people Wrr? . "" . j friik drivers, gona rim " '(,i I that will mean B"BC,?ii ;flrirtll i a.. ....i.ll Dhnna US Of "". J I horse, a rig or WtM" Y. ui ' tho livery line. Wo dn lug business of an "'"",!ER3 I1UNCHARD IinOTHC"3 Phone laB' ' jt. . i ,.n.i Sales 6n MM7pirt d AlderBtn COOS BAY-IiOSEBUKG STxOE LINE. 8tage leaves Marshflold ovorv mnmim, . ? - t ! tlm. to connect with .;iL "I I" .? "' u "ul,.ron5ne "oseburg In " .-.-. w.wm.ui. Liaiii iur t'nri nnii pnA n,. uoueuurg every mornins at 6 evening. PARE $0.00, Round trip $11.00. C. P. Darnard, agent. Rosehur- Tlckelca'ir",!'..12,?..""' Avenue, ""-"4 B1 nuiyers uigar store, rorilanil Rtno nicn .... .i.i.-l. . .o H'B loniBD v wiutu auu roacnes Marahfleld same Good meabj en route. Oro Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADKD ART GLASS DOMES PORADUfS TAND LAiira rnoxEm-K. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old Falso Teet sent us. Highest prices paid f.r old Gold. Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mail. Plilla. SineltltiK Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Fillings Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlca est prices paid. ' I i ThP.Sienof GoodCanJf Always SSIESS- 0 TiTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. ( Is preiared to do sll kinds of hauling laSflK.tnoM,ce- We meet all trains i ir1 nu antve a,so have the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R, 120-J, or 49-L. J llnimiP Pantator I " . oiVtM THK MODERN DYERS. - PKKSSKna nnrt HAT KWi' t C Agent for Edwarn . - UB pjwojis tlno Tailoring lt next Suit. Anrtvliere. Any Time Careful WiWiU,p( FIS11BR AUTO'SKRWC15 WM. .PISHBK. ProP- dpi Phono orders to "'"ftf.. ator Phone. 1A-J- fftjfo. Paona 6.-J f MarafcflW. Vt "TWKfiTJJ