THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. "" ' T "i il i mi 91 N you in a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit or overcoat, as well as any custom tailor in the country. You'll find here fall suits in every color. Snappy checks and mixed grays at $20 to $25. Fancy and plain blues at $J8 to $27.50. All the new models just in. 2 5-Cent Writing Tablets, for Only PHONE niHrtEMAS REPAIRED AT Marshfield Cyclery flow 158.R. 17J Xo. Broadway. tarshfleld & North Bend Auto Line Q0RST A Kivrs i....i.. Ufl It tin UnniliA.U .... It from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 llit. Leave North nnn on n5e?uJe' 'tortlnc at 7 a. m. SLoali. 7 ' Pale & Co. High Grade dies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported pi ..i -""' " nd Domestlo Wooleas ' tuu Hin.ra.U.. n . sMJBhthere. " urw front Street arbliflcld. PW Line of Fixtures Watch our window Tues lint. fti llu'eo dollars up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phon o 2.17-J. "'Hern ti.i.u .. Lt 0.A.METHM 01 fUi! cen,.E.Ty.1, Prop. WrBwuWa, ,V? upww 222H.?J2?nx- rtszss Suits for Men of Every Build O matter how unusual your shape, we can fit Woolen Mill Store This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Always "The Busy Corner"--The Rexall Store Tomorrow, Saturday, September the 9th, "The Busy Corner" Offers for Sale 5c Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Tha LBJa$SL Star -MAIN 298 US I WANT ADS. 10R RENT Housekeeping npnrt lnonts, $12. Corner Socond and Highland. Phono 319-X. j, ST Citilil crowi nttnclietl to linen dor ribbon. Finder plenso return , tu Times offlco and recolvo To ward. MOXEV SOLD on Installment to help working pooplo nnd othora. H. H. Harper, 334 First street. Phono 349. FOR RENT Nice furnished front room on first floor: sultnblo for 1 or 2 gentlemen; office or profes slouul mou preferred. Phono 200-L. FOR SALE Flno driving mare, liar Hess and buggy; a Bacrlflco If tak en within noxt few days. Archlo Phillips, North Bond. Phono 334. WANTED Boy nt "MnrslilleM Clean ing and Dyo Works. Apply at onco. oppoalto Lloyd Hotel. WANTED Good pasture for liortie. Notify Box 748, Marshlleld. WANTED Carrier boy to deliver Tho Times In Bunker Hill. Apply Times olllco. WANTED In offlco of afternoons.; refined girl or woman; modernto salary to begin. Address X, Maisn field. FOR SALE Flrht class gasoline launch with cabin and 5-uorso-power engine; all good as now, Huitablo for family or fishing boat. Snap. Cash, trado or part on time. Address "A," caro Times. MONEY SOLD on Investment to help working people and others. H. H. Harper, 334 First street. Phono 349. roil SAT;K Chean: Remington ttnewritar In cood condition. Ad dress Typewriter, care Times. BUY NOYV. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND oan t had at a very reasonable price if tak'u,nw. EBi GEAR;.&'iCO, First National Bank. Copyrlk'lit Itnrt Schaflncr & Marx Cooking Apples Per Box $1.25 SWEET APPLES, PER BOX ... $1.50 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, (0 Art PICK BOX, $1.50 AND. . .$6A)) CANNING FEARS, &4 rn PER BOX vpl.jU wS!":T:25c and 30c Full Assortment Of Vegetables PHONE US YOUR ORDER. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. OUR NEXT PRESIDENT will mako his homo In tho Whlto Houso for tho noxt four years, but wero ho living hero on Coos Bay his homo would ho right adjoining tho lot you picked out In Porham Park whore all tho best pooplo plan to mako their homes. See Reld, Coke Bldg. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry I'linVK MAIN B7-J fi'xrrsvriir y flu M i-niiTffwif.rf Snow Drift, Flour Q RETAIL PRICL $1.50 PER. SACK Northwestern fiard -wheat used eiv cluslvely In mlllinr these brands of flour. iiwj COOS BAY' TIDES. lol w Is kItou tho time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their tlmea en Uio flrit lino and heights on the sec ond lino of each day: a comDarlaon of consecutive holghta will Indicate whether It la high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 houra 3 minutes. Date. September. lira. .3.4G 11. IT 3.5 12.10 4.0 1.01 4.8 3.23 10.07 G.G 11.21 G.9 Feet .0.2 Mrs. .4,59 Ft. 0.1 Hrs. .G.C9 Ft. 0.G 4.1 5.00 3.9 6.09 3.1 THE YVEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Showers tonlcht and Saturday; southwest winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE re- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., Sept. C, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo toorologlcal observor: Maximum 58 Minimum 52 At 4:43 a. m 52 Precipitation 1.09 Wind southwest: rnlny. Meet Saturday. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot tomorrow nftornoon with Mrs. Fnnnlo Wheolor of this. city. Full List. Already nil tho bortlm on tho Redondo havo been rosorved for tho noxt trip Bouth and n num ber aro, on tho waiting list. For Papers. August Frlzoon nnd O. O. Lund wont to Coqulllo this morning witn cnptaln Severtson, who will socuro his final naturaliza tion papors. Cnntaln Severtson Is In .chnrgo of tho Powors. Buys Studio. Tho Coqulllo Hor nld announces that B. W. Goorgo tliero linn sold his studio to Photog rapher Quartermnss, of Marshflold, who will opornto tho studio In con nection with his Coos Bay business. Open Office. Charles Granby is opening n messenger service offlco In tno room north of Ekblnd's hnru waro store Tho offlco will also bo tnndo n waiting room for tho Gorst & King auto lino. Goes to Y'nlc. Tho following Item from a Salom papor will bo of Inter est to tho many Coos Bay friends of tho Crawford family: "James Craw fqrd. son of Attornoy Gonornl A. M. Antolno Dolorln, Postmaster nt Garden, Mich., knows the exact fncta wl on ho spenks of tho curative valuo of Foloy Kidney Pills. H3 inys: "From my own cxporlenco I rocommond Foloy Kldnoy Pills, as .i great romedy for kldnoy trouble My father wns cured of kldnoy ills caso nnd n good many of my neigh bors wero cured by Foley Kldnoy Pills." Lockhnrt Parsons, tho Rox- all storo. "Tho BuBy Corner." AT The Royal TONIGHT MISS JANE HALL, Singer IN PHOTO PLAY" "Lovo'a Floral Tribute" "White I'awn'a Indian Lover" "Cunning 8trm berries" "Under FiiIho Pictures" "Detective FuzIe'H Triumph" "An Infant Hercules" ALL FOR 10c. NOTE "Written In -Blood," a strong two reel drama for Sundny. SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store Tho newest up to dato lasts for ladles and children of all sizes. 180 So. Broadway,- Marshflold. ITwwi ir TT - " MM WEST MARSHFIELD SNAPS 41 x 90 Corner Commercial nnd Thirteenth $073 70 x 100 Fourteenth St.. 91 100 CO x 140 Contral Avo....$1175 70 x 100 Commercial and Fourteenth 91800 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Stroet ITIrtfir p, tv' Jr '- -iOi? . Crawford, leaves soon to talco a post graduate courso in Inw at Ynlo university." Rehearing Denied. A rohenrlng oi uio caso or isu i'arrlu nud J. M. Upton against L. T. Mntthows, In volving nn equity In somo lots In Pint D and which was decided In Tu vor of Mr. Matthows, has been do nled by tho 8tato Supremo Court. This confirms Mr. Matthews' title In tho property. Piny Tonight. Tho Coos Bay Concort Band will glvo a short con cert In front of tho Masonic Ouora Houso this evening prior to tho bene fit entertainment for tho Mnrshfleld public library. Thoro has been a good ndvanco salo of tlckots for tho benefit and a big attondnuco Is ex pected. Everything Is In rcadluoss lor mo entertainment. Pnitcrs Missing Justlco Ponnock and Clerk of Courts Watson nro hav ing a naru timo trying to locnto tho papers In tho caso of Chas. H. Balloy who was bound over to tho grand jury last Juno on the chnrgo of pass ing worthless checks on Emuiorson Ferry, tho Browory saloon and oth ers. Mr. Penuock thinks ho Bent tho pnpors to Clork Watson and tho lat ter can't find thorn. If tho pnpors can't bo found, Bailey may go free. New Manager. E. P. Lowls, an export and experienced hardwaro man, arrived yostorday from Fresno, Call., to assumo tho mnnngomont of tho Pioneer Hardwaro storo during uio noBcnco oi i is, iinguo. Mr. Lewis Biiccocds W. P. Murphy, who was In chnrgo temporarily until oth or arrangements could bo mndo. Mr. Lowls Is no strangor on Coos Bny, having been a resident of Mnrshflold jsomo 13 years ago and hold n posl- nuu nun uio same Bioro, ai tnat tlmo when Eugono O'Connoll wns proprietor. Mr. Lowls mnrrlod a uoos nay girl, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Howard. His family havo boon visiting for sovornl weeks nt the Howard homo. A hoBt of friends will bo glad to know thnt thoy aro io resiuo noro permanently nnd Mr. Lowls will bo welcomed bnck Into tho rnnKs or Mnrslinold business men. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO LADIKS OK COOS BAY. Noxt Mondny, Tuesday nnd Wed nesday, Soptombor 0, 10 and 11, wo will mako nn ndvanco Fall and Win tor showing of tho latest styles In Fnshtonnble Mllllnory. This oxhlblt will onihrnco somo of tho moat charming crontlons direct from tho contors of stylo nnd fashion. All tho ladles aro cordially Invit ed to cnll and mnko nn Inspection. CLARKE MILLINERY. Contral avenuo and Broadway. PERSONAL NOTES J. D, GOS3 went to Coqulllo this morning on court mnttors. PROF. BEGGS expects to roturn to Portland shortly to spend tho win ter. J. T. TAY'LOR was Smtth-Puwors Camp on business. down from 2 yesterday BEN CHANDLER will loavo noxt Mondny to resumo his courso at tho University of Orogon, MRS. J. M. THOMAS, nnd children will lonvo soon for California f'r nn extended stay, LLOY'D CORNWALL will loavo soon for Borkoloy after a short may hero and nt Gardiner. PETER FROST nnd family aro plan ning to loavo soon for California to mako their home. MRS. MYRTLE MATSON, of this city, Is visiting friends on Coos . River this nftornoon. MISS MARY CLARKE, of tho Clnrko Mllllnory, hns roturned from n business trip to Portland. DOC GULOVSON will loavo shortly for California to spend a few weeks, Ho may locato thero. DUNCAN FRRGUSON and S. Lnndo wero called to Coqulllo yostorday ns witnesses before tho grand Jury. MR. AND MRS. WM. ROHRER loft todny for tho Tyborg ranch nbovo Allogany where thoy will spend n wcok or ton days' outing. OHAUNCEY CLARK hns taken a po sition ns tlmekooper In Smith Powers Camp No, 1. Ho loft for tho camp this afternoon, ERNEST HARRINGTON loft for Isthmus Inlet this afternoon whero ho hnB tnkeu n position ns tlino- t keeper In tho Smith-Powers Camp No. G. MISS RUTH MATTHEWS roturned from Coqulllo this wook whero alio has boon visiting for tho past two wooks. Sho spent part of tho time camping at Bandon. MRS. LETT1E COWAN and daugh ter, Gusslo, of Allegany, wero in Marshflold today, Mrs. Cowan will movo to Marshflold next wcok SURELAY nnd hor daughters, Ilazol and Gus slc, will nttend school hero thlo winter. MRS. JOHNSTON of Allogany was a Marshlleld visitor today. FRED GAGE returned to his homo nt Allogany this nftemoon. Ho camo down from tho river yestor day. DAN ROBERTS, Sr formerly of the stoamor Alort, has taken tho pos ition of chlof engineer on tho tug Qlcanor. MRS. DAGGETT of Allegany, who has been been In tho city a day or two, roturned to hor homo on tho Alort this afternoon. W. E. GRAHAM has gono to Co qulllo to put on n benefit onto., tnlnmont there. It Is likely that mnny who aided In tho "Darling of Paris" hero will naslst him. ED WE1DER oxpecta to lcavo next wcokfor San Francisco. Whothor ho will enter tho University of California or take n position with his brother ho has not determined. COL. WM. GRIMES plans to loavo next wcok for California whero ho will visit for n whllo. Ho may go east to Join Mrs. Grimes, who Is visiting relatives in Chicago and In Ohio. W. S. CHANDLER and family ro turned to their South Coos River Bitiumor homo today to remain over Sundny and they plan to movo to town early next week to remain. . W. HOLMBEItG, of tho C. A. Smith mill offlco forco, loft on tho Nnnn Smith today. Ho will visit his parents In Denver nnd return to Onklnnd to mnko his homo. Mrs. Holmborg nnd bnby will join him thero next month. REV. II. I. RUTLEDGE, of tho Marshfield Methodist Eplscopnt church, expects to lcavo for Ash land on Sopt. 1C to nttend tho conference Mr. Rutledgo will probably go on up Into Canada to visit with relatives and will bo ab sent from this city for somo time. ROBERT SWANTON, of tho Brown Drug Co., returned yesterday from n month's vacation visit In Portland and othor northern coast cities. Ho combined business with pleasure buying now goods nnd visiting tho wholosalo drug storos nnd getting now ldcns in tho drug lino. T. J. THRIFT roturned to Coqulllo yesterday after spending a few days on tho Bay In tho Interest of his candidacy tor assessor. Mr. Thrift Bays Jho continued wot wonthor will causo heavy losses to ranchors. Ono rancher In tho up per Coqulllo has CO ncres of onts cut and hnd only threshed 400 bushols. L. T. MATTHEWS, who has ro turned from n trip to Josophlno County, says that nowhoro wore thoro moro ovIdoncoB of activity nnd prosperity than on Coos Bay. Ho oncountorod n largo' party of surveyors thnt aro running tho prollmlnnry lino from Ilandon to Grants Pass by way of Rogue Rlv or hut could lenrn nothing dofl nlto concerning who wns back of them. ALONG THE YVATERFRONT Tho Nnnn Smith arrived In Into yesterday. Tho Osprey snllod for Roguo Rlf or yostorday. Tho Bandon, EHther Buhno nnd llertlo Minor arrived In nt Dnndon yesterday. Tl'o Condor nnd Rustlor crossed out for northern points yostorday. Thoy wero detained hero a fow days by tho Btorm, CHICKENS Friers and Stews, for SUNDAY' DINNER nt STAUFF'S GROCERY' tomorrow. BAND DANCE nt EAGLES HAW Saturday night, September 7. TAFFY' nnd PEANUT BRITTLE 20 CENTS POUND, SATURDAY' niul SUNDAY' nt STAFFORD'S. BARTLETT PEARS for CANNING' per box. Buy them now whlfo tho PRICE is RIGHT. STAUFF'S GROCERY. TRIFORM TRUSS The most scientific Truss on the market. Retains your rupture. Fitted by nn expert. Solo agents. itiRiiWgasUjaifmKJ I i 1 I