IY TONIGHT THE OLD TOWN WILL BEGIN TO QUIET DOWN ONCE MORE TTiivKHTISlNa In Tlio TIMES (Eons States WANT ADVERTISING hi Tlio KIM& Will Keep tlio Income from Yorr Furnished Rooms from Lnpoiast YOU can really holp tlw Unlit revenues by renting a few furntahM rooms and, If you know how wirt when to use the classified column you may keep that little extra lucotn as "steady as a clock." tfill rut xvm U.e Market" Kffcctlwlyl hi nut the facta about your 11 .' HtJ? oro So eyes of all "pos propcrty bofow uo And ,f llblB buyUB wfao ought t0 rt is' -" im own MUMMER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS fignOTTyw.OTrgLTiTacm??aT?gJJ!tr' I iCdtflbllsheO In 1H .. ....... kf.ill MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. OL XXXVI A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mail mid Coon liny Advertiser. No. 41 as 'i no wn HI 111 CAMPAIGN STARTED Si watt OTKHVK'- i i ....-,, . . ... i .umi M1 maiM IINMMMMn glfrauiiEii "' puns EOR NEW YORK GRAF T III VIC I! Bt MuutilN DLULUtMiiU k 'iSSSl-T' were myowi j ' and Killed. OREIGN COUNTRIES NUW Mfp ,ur uhou U Removal of Attorney as Executor or wmui vwumuu Recently urowuuu. n, Associated Pross to tho Coos Dav NEWYOIIK, Sept. C Consul l0d roresclallvcH of two foreign ":.;r "" , eatkm do he conduct of Durton W. Gibson, h New YorK lawyer. uVed his removal ns executor of tho rill of Mrs. lioaa ozauu, a wiuun, to wa drowned not long ngo nt ;bllo In company with Gibson In a osboar. 8ho left nn estate oi itout 110.000. According to John I nmdcrlcK. acting cousin guiiuuu ..- llrllnlfl. rilllBOII WHS COIlSllI til adviser of John Rico, 11 Urltlah ubject, who tiwuppoarcn more mini Sear ago after winning tiu.uuu in dimato suit for tho loss of n log. ill traces of hi in were lost. In 906 Gibson was consul for Mrs. illce Klnnnn, who was Killed' in nor idme In tho Dronx. Tho murder ii never solved. Gibson was held for this alleged mi nn n rnrnnpr's recommondn- lon but bo was rolonscd on n writ it taben corpus and tho caso Iropped. WEST NAMES PORT MEMBERS HLI IS II WILSON Macks Democratic Candidate as Choice of Bosses Fears Bad Panic. (Bjr Associated Pross to Tho Coos) uay Times.) ST. PAUL. Sept. 5. Col. Roosc- elt attacked today tho nomlnntlon )l Cot. Wilson on tho Ilnltlmoro con Nation, laying It was arranged by rttarl, of Indiana: Sullivan of 11- 'Mis, and Murphy, of New York. He declared that If tho tariff plank t the democratic convention was put !o offeet It would "plungo this wastry Into a porlod of commercial 4V,V cn ns wo linvo not seen In Pr Hfe time." T.ttT TO IIEVERLY ffwldcnt Recovers Sufficiently 10 M..1 .. ni pr Associated Press 'to Coos Day iimos.j ttASHlXT.Tnv ia r, a r rresdeiit Tnft ir. p .' .. I'1', morning on his way to Now Km. i a.Md nvoriy. His Inmd B! ,1 lfc,UI ftr0,lbllK. "O Will go P"M tho Mayflower In New York Every nrn,.-.i. ..- it ik. u.Li ' ",,ttl,u" "u oeon innao -I Jiii. . Ite J,0,1E0 nnd '' railroad isM.1 to make tho President's trip " WST as uncoil, l n. . . ' ait in (,r '"""""" no nnu nrenK loii S. onin r.oam ln tho Wlillo MV'.:r. "CC,?(1 t to the elo- tnT. ro1! ,l10 olovntor to a i. nt6n enVf '??. t.o.ndjncet sten iX """c" 'u "laKQ oniy a l!U ?BCn' nnrd Tller0 l Wtstle nl LoD',0 to address tho CbSt h?p,e5. wtorway Assocla "affic.6hiefLwl,th tho intention " "" BPV.VIU, CAIIFOUI) IS CHOSEN Xd Pwlv Nomlnnto VAvvl (IB i..i?.n .for Governor. I "0'u"ated Press' to-Tho Coos S&S1 ,OlZa"Sm,rAr. :t.r."""ura. of Elvrln. wnn nn,.. r?iJ$"y ian i -.fcV cuint'iiiiun in ' i ' i". p,toHA7rrXKU aefh r,.r: Shin ,rnn"n 'or Gospel Neit ?,. s,a,"lny Night. 8Bl5!,.uy evenlne t mni-. 1 t0 raise f,?i? a,bnznnr and so- ?"' under ,iB.for the GosPel owhfni , r instruction.. i,Bee . onenntl nl. 04 there X1 you to Sumner hall, Te un s next Saturday if.''01"" Pence and fnrn,inM rfn . ".lU If n.1.1... kith trlp you may take a Governor Makes Formal Ap pointmentsCalls Meet ing for September 9. APPOINTMENTS MADE (Special to. Tho Times.) SALKM, Oro., Sept. 5. Governor West today appointed L. J. Simpson and Peter Loggtc, of North Doud, A. II. Powers and Henry Songstnck on, of, Alarshllold, nnd A. O. llogors, of Coos River, us commissioners for the Port of Coos Hay. In a telegram to the Mnrshilold Chamber of Commorcu, Governor West nunouucoH that ho has appoint ed h. J. Simpson, A. 11. Powers, a. O. llogeru, Peter Logglo nnd Henry Seugstacken as the Port of Coos Hay l Commission. Their commissions arc being forwarded by mall and they nro instructed by (iovornor west to moot in Mnrshilold, September U, and orgnnlzo. Governor Wcbc'h telegram doej not Btato Whether ho has deslgnntcd tho long nnd short term men, but t la presumod that he has not and that 4hlli will' bO Godded by "H)l"vvlictli tho commission meets. Thoro 1b already a lively scramble for, tho appointive positions of tho port. For ougtneor, 13. L. KoblnBou, the cngincar of tho former commis sion Is said to have tho lend but It la Undorstood that' olho'r civil engi neers on tho Hay would like the po sition. For nttornoy thoro Is said to iro sovorul tentative candidates. Among thoso montloued in connection with It nro C. R. Pock, C. K. McKulght. J. D. Gobs, J. M. Upton and Fred IIol Mstor. J. W. Uonnotf Is said to bo taking nn actlvo port In tho Intter by urg ing tho nppotntmont of J M. Upton. MOlti: Olli LAND SUITS Government After Southern Pnelflc'H California Holding. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGKLUS, Cnll., Sept. C Tho government Is about to Inaugu rate nnothor of tho norles of suits ngnlnsf tho Southern Pacific railroad for tho rocovory of oil hinds. Two thousand acres In Kern county, val ued at $G, 000,000 nro Involved In tho contemplated suit. DYNAMITE CASE UP Evidence l'roni Harrow Trial Wanted nt Iudluiinpolls. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos). LOS ANGELES. Call., Sopt. C Some portions of tho ovldonco In tho locont trial ol C aronco S. Harrow for Jury bribery In connection with ho McNamnru' ciiho which resulted Ii Darrpw'a ncaulttal, may bo used ln tho govornmout's dynnmlto con spiracy enso In Indlanaptlls. The govommont has requested a tran script of tho testimony of Anton Johnnnson, tho Snn Francisco labtir tender, who referred whllo on tho stand to various ones of tho Indlnnp (jIIh defendants. MERCED ROBBER 6ETS 110.000 Extra Talesmen to be Sum moned for Jury in Beckep Case. (Dy Associated Pros3 to tho Coos Day Tlmos). NEW YORK, Sept. C Justlco Goff Is expected to grant the motion summoning ano tnlcsmcn from which will be solccted tho Jury to try Llout. Decker beginning Sopt. 12. Dccnuso of tho widespread pub lic Interest In tho Rosenthal case, great difficulty ln obtaining tho Jury Is predicted. District Attorney Whit man probably will havo another talk today or tomorrow with Thonins D. Thatcher, counsol far Cornelius o. Hayes, former pollco Inspector. It Is now established definitely that Hayes chief renson for going to WJilttnnn first Ib to forestall any ac tion agahiBt him by tho grnnd Jury ponding his dupnrlmcntnl trial on ehnrges of making fnlso statements rclatlvo to Commissioner Waldo's at titude toward tho disreputable re BortB. Tho former inspector was ntioled today ns having said to tho district nttornoy. "Lot mo nlono un til I am through with my pollco troubles. It Is certain that I will be broke. Waldo can't do anything elgpi but If 1 am put on the stand 1 will tell tho story that will cause Waldo to resign his Job instantly. Yes, and It will go further and cause u sensation ln tho mayor's office. I want to bo frco from any handicap that the grand Jury might put on me." Waldo said ho had nothing to fear from Hayes and added that tho In spector will have ample opportunity to talk ln tho trial which will bo held In pollco headquarters. Judge Goff lato today granted tho motion of District Attorney Whit man for summoning a special pnnel of tnlcsmcn from which to choose a Jury to try Decker. MAVOIl GAYNOH ANGHY Charges New York Aldermen With Grafting. (Dy Associated ProBS to Tho Coos Day Times) NEW YORK, Sopr. C Mayor Gaynor took a fling nt tho Donrd of Aldermen today ln a characteristic letter to ono of their numbor. "I don't soo how I enn expect tho po Ucoincn to bo honest," says tho let ter, "when they know that many, If not most of tho members of tho Donrd of Aldermen aro selling 11- J censes for newsstands nnd tho llko inroiignoui mo cuy ai priceB ironi J2IiOO down to $25." BROODER 1 P KILLS CHILD Irving Todd, Aged 14, Suffo cated Near Coquille Last Evening. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Sept. 5. Irving Todd, son of n rancher living at Arn go, .'its suffocated last night In a tiro that was caused by tho explosion of tho broodor lamp of an Incuba tor. Tho Ind was about 14 years old and was sleeping In tho broodor room In tho barn. Tho tiro did con siderable damago boforo It was dis covered nnd extinguished. The lnd could not bo resuscitated although they labored long over him. PLAGUE KILLS CHEMIST GN MY Hundreds of Animals in' Ne braska, Kansas and Wash ington Are Victims. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HOLDRIDGE, Nob., Sopt. 5. Re cent deaths of hundreds of horses ln this section of Nebraska, Washing ton nnd Kansas wcro caused by corobro splnnl meningitis In nn epi demic form, according to Dr. A. Doostroni, state veterinary. TRAIN BANDIT IS CAPTURED CREATE LIFE? Prof. Schaefer, of London,, Makes Startling Decla ration. SDy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos). LONDON, Sopt. 5. Prof. Schncf or's declaration that life can bo cre ated by chemical action has created widespread discussion nnd contro versy among scientists nnd laymen. Nowspapors throughout tho country comment on tho theory of tho presi dent of tho Drltlsh Association, sur mising It will prove tho topic of bit ter nrgument. They comparo It to tho opoch-innking theories of Dar win nnd Huxley on tho ovolutton of mnn. Many clergymen nttnek tho Idea that life has Its beginning mere ly from tho action of chemical elements. MORE TROOPS GUARD BORDER T Large Amount of Gold Myster iously Dissapears From California Safe. (Dy Associated Press to thn Cooa Day Times). MERCED. Call.. Sopt. 5. Ten, thousand dollars in gom nas iiiyn erlously disappeared In tho past 24 hours from tho treasury of Morced count)'. No suspicion attaches to George W. Ktbnoy, tho county treas urer. It Is bolleved that a confeder ate of some ono familiar with the of fico is responsible. Our beans and pumpkins aro nu- - .1 A..1tltfn. tives or Amorica, aim woo tum.u ted by tho Indians. Tho seed of tho first rice grown in America camo from Madagascar. It was a "chanco" importation. Ancient paintings four thousand years old show ploughs, hqrrows and land'Hllersln liso In Egyt. A six-months' crluso will decrease the speed of a Bhlp 16 per cent. This la owning, to tho barnacles that gather on tho hull. United States Increases Patrol Owing to Mexican Rebel Activity. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 5.- Tho appearance of a largo numbor of Moxlcan reborn at OJinga has mado It necessary to Increase tho American patrol force ln tho Dig uend section and troops aro being sent thoro from Fort Clark. Seven hundred rebols are encamped ten miles below Quitman nnd Robel Gen eral Snlnznr with 1000 men Is In tho Cnputinn Mountains west of Sablnnl station on tho Moxlcan Northwestern railway. Nolther sido is moving to attack. Three hundred rebols are encamped 18 miles southeast of Junroz and General Salazar seems to command a large section .of terri tory bounded by Guzman, Casn Grundes, OJItos nnd Doca GrandoB, whoro ho has been receiving rein forcements from Souorn. Engineer Fractures His Skull After Whole Train Had Been Robbed. i (Dy Associated lrress to Tho Coos Day Times.) I NEW ORLEANS, Sopt. 5. Suf-' ferlug from a severo fracturo of tho hkull, the handle who single handed robbed the New York limited train on tho Louisville & Nashvlllo rail-' road 12 miles east of Now Orleans Inst night later to bo felled by a lo comotive driver who, catching hin: unaware, hit him n terrific blow ln tho bend with a piece of brass, is In the hospital today. Dotween Inter vals of unconsciousness, ho'has told, toveral things which lead detectives to believe they soon will havo in custody other members of tho gnn,j of alleged robbers who have been holding up trains ln this section. The bandit gave his name as Howard Edwards and his home as Jupltor, Florida. I The various countries of the world use 13,400 different kinds of postage Btamps. Nearly 3,000,000 men are con stantly employed ln the mines of the world. TltOUHLE IN INTERIOR (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bh Times.) MEXICO CITY, Sept. 5. -The Za patlsts aro crossing from tho statu) of Guerrero and Puebla Into tho ftate of Oaxaca and nro reported to havo captured San Miguel Ahuahuo illnn yesterday and nftor sacking and burning most of tho houses. Carlos Mondez, n wealthy merchant, was seized and cremated In the Homes of his own store. Tho volun teers piado a sharp fight but were overcome by tho Invaders. Darbor Ules followed similar to thoso report ed In other districts attacked by the Zapatistas. TO INVADE SONORA DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. 5. Equldded with 120 rifles and 00,000 rounds of ammunition. an organized body of cowboys Is prepared today to move on n moment's notice Into Sonorn, Mex., where Americans aro said to bo gravely imperilled. .Mil lions of dollars of American prop erty In Sonora is said to be In Im minent peril of confiscation or de struction', It Is declared the In vasion of Sonorn will be an accom plished fact within ' two or three days. CO DIM S W IS Forters Send Here for More Workmen To Take Near ly Two Years. Geo. R. Trembly nnd M. J. Slotko, special roprcscntntlvcB of Porter Brothers, wcro ln Marshflold last oveulng to sccuro workmen to rush tho construction work on tho tunnel. Thoy havo about 40 mon at work thoro now and want GO additional men. They find It difficult to got workmen. In dtscuBsing tho matter, they stated that thcro was about 1700 feet of an approach to tho tunnol to bo constructed boforo tho ontranco to tho tunnol wob opened. It will tako until nbout Jauunry 1 to com plete this approach. It Is planned to work three shifts n day on tho tunnol, each shift work ing eight hourB. It Is estimated that If tho tunnol work Is what Is anticipated that each shift will bq aoiq to urivo tno tunnel iwo icei, making' n progress of six fcqt a day. Tho tunnel Is about 4100 fcoc long so Utat l will. tJk,o practically two years to' build It, according to pres ent ostlmntos. mm ' ' LINE TO BAY Glen D. Hart in Letter From Deadwood Says North western May Build. Tho Roscburg Review prints tho following letter from Glenn D. Hart, from Doadwood, S. D.: In a recent Issuo of your pnpor I notlco whero n company hits bco.i organized for tho promotion of a railroad from Rosoburg to Mnrsh ilold, on Coos Dny, to bo known as the Uinpqun Valley railroad. Thin looks good and sounds good, and I hope that something will coino from it. Talking of building rnllroaus and rnilroad companies, I will state that nothing would pleaso mo more, nnd do tho pcoplo of Oregon moro real good, than to havo tho old ro llablo, time- tried Chicago & North western moko tho nnnouuecmont that they woro soon to extend their lino from Rlvorton, Wyoming, past the Yollowstono Park to Rosoburg and Marshflold. Understand that when this company builds Into n state everybody sits up and takes notico, hecnuso thoy build first-class roadbeds, uso tpo best stool rails and tho "best equipment that money can buy, and glvo tho public n sorvlco that Is equalled by few and oxcoilou by none. I havo lived nlongsldo this company s lines for 38 years, and an that 'you can hear Is words of praise, from reasonable mon. This lino could bo built nt nominal cost, Judging from what consorvatlvo onglneors that havo been over tho routo Inform me, and thoy further stato that It would mako ono of tho most plcturcsquo lines to tho const, besides capturing tho bulk of tho tourist trnvol for tho Yollowstono Park, which Is becoming quite ex tensive Tho Chicago & Northwestern needs an outlet to tho Pacific coast, to bo ablo to compete with other lines for tho trndo which goes to tho Orient, nnd tho big trado which will necessarily follow tho opening of tho Panama canal. Thoy aro shut out of Seattle, Tacomn, and Portland by other companies, unless thoy wnnt to use tho other roads to got ln and out nf these cities. I find that tho North western nro a pretty Independent I concorn, and always havo tho monoy to carry through any proposition! that thoy may undertake. Dy ox-1 tending their line, as I havo mon-j tloned hero, nnd doing a little worki Improving Coos Day, they can havo, tho best harbor on the Pacific nnd, enpturo tno uihk oi rno ousinuss m the fprolgn, lands; nnd open up a now country from Wyoming to tho Cascade Mountains which has no equaj. Deyond that to Roseburg nnd , the coast you find a section of coun-, try that has a climate so great, soi grand, that should tho Northwestern build such n road as I have outlined here, thoy would bo swamped with. business, transporting mo peopiu from tho frigid east to our sunny clime. California has nothing tp boast of, when It comes o winder weather, and wo can keen pace with them. The only thing Is, they aro Sheriff Gage and Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist Raid Marsh field Resorts. GRAND JURY PROBE IS STILL UNDERWAY Two Arrested on Indictments and Three Taken on Sub poenas Today. Shorlff Gngo nnd Doputy Prosecut ing Attornoy L. A. Liljeqvist last evening Inaugurated a "vlco cam paign" by raiding all tho North Front street resorts and nrrcstlug half a dozen denizens of tho under world nnd taking thorn to CoqUIUo this morning to nppoar boforo tha grand Jury. Tho raid took place about mid-night nnd Marshal Carter, Nlghtwatch Bhoupo, Patrolman Chas, Doano and Conntnblo W. D. Cox aid ed In It. Somo ono hnd evidently "tlppod" tho matter off for It was found that a number of the pnrtlos desired had left town. Each ono of tho half a dozon or so places wob visited and somo wero found closod. Tho mis tress of ono place nnd a half a dozen of tho women nro said to have loft town lato Tuesday night. Tho movo was not altogether un expected as both Sheriff Gago and Doputy Prosecuting Attornoy LIUo qvlst havo contemplated It for hoiup time. In addition to the statutory chargos against tho "Tondorloln," it is understood that tho womou will bo quostloncd by tho grnnd Jury about tho Illegal sale of liquor and olhor matters. It was roportod last night that an agent of Govornor West was on tho Day and was responsible for tho "clean-up." Howo'ver, Marshal Ca. tcr today denied this'. Ho stated that although It waB reported that Gover nor West hnd a special agent on tho Day, but that ha had not soon mm nor had any definite Information that ho was hero. "White Sluvo" Traffic. Among tho other things, It Is like ly that Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist will investlgnto tho "whito slave" traffic. That Coos couuty Is being nffectod by It Is known, but the extent Is not certain. A fow wcoks ago n woll known Mnrshtlcld man received a lottor by mlstnko nnd was horrlflod on road lug It to find tho details of a "Whito Slavo Traffic" schoino outlined In It. Tho lottcr was addressed to a party having n similar nnmo. Ho promptly turned tho lottor back to Postmaster Curtis, who la understood to have turned It ovor to tho United Stntou officials and it Is not unlikely Hint an Investigation of it will bo mado by thorn. Had Evidence. Twp of tle women taken ovor this morning wero takou on Indictments returned by tho grand Jury and tho others on subpoenas. Two or throo mon aro said to havo been taken in tho rnld last night. Marshal Cartor, although ho aided In the raid, said that hq did not know their names. It is understood that Mr. Llljo qvlst has had u Bpeclnl man gather ing ovldonce, tho nnmos, otc. This porson's activities aro said to have sturtod tho report that Gov. West had sont a man here. Dosldes tho Murshflold arrosts, a number from tho North Uend "Ton dorloln district" havo oIbo boon aub- woll advertised, and tho pcoplo have not found our City of Rosea yor, sim ply becnuso wo havo only ono lino of railroad nt present, nnd thoy bollove In advertising California on account of tho long haul. It will bo differ ent as soon ns tho Northwestorn steams up from tho coast to Roso burg and tho cast. I do not bollove that tho day Is far distant boforo thoy start operations. I will wager that F A. Ilnlnes, n porsonnl friend of Murvln Hughltt nnd roslding at Marshflold, could find n routo bo tween tho towns of Rlvorton and Roseburg thnt would mako othor railroad officials turn greon with envy. Mr. Haines was In tho omploy of tho Northwestorn for yonrs, and wns known to bo the groatost path flndor thnt4 tho company ovor hnd, and right todny ho would bo nblo to l Oliver Mu. l'moiIh with the rlu'ht kind of backing. 1 would llko to soo ovory Commercial Club ln Oregon get busy nnd lay tho mnttor before tho offlclnls of this road at Chicago, and I nm sure thnt this company could bo convinced tq such an extent thnt thoy would build as I havo out lined. Wed nt Empire. Miss May Ro zell nnd John Prentice, both of Kn.. plre, wero married last evening nt tlio homo of tlio bride's motnor, Mrs, A. M. Rozoll, of Empire. Rov. I). A. MacLeod., of North Hend, or f Ida ted. Only lmmedlnto mombera of the family wero present. In tho evening n largo reception was glvn at thohpmo of the brldo. . It Is said thnt In Austria 44 out of overy 100 doctors die of hoart dlsoase. :i