is I EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, 0REGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1912- ;ji i UNENT EN MULLAH TEMPLE FROM HmVa-JHH IsssW ' 'OH .sHswtJVM 2vILiiiiBsbiii1iiiiiiB AlinilRT Ifl University of Oregon Corresponds ISII-T lUin&ITII Son; forty UNIVI5USITV COOUSliS by MAIL. Abllit,,?? MM I llll I fl ni I M n... ana uninniml !b Ihb only rvniilromoiiL far ...,., ' Prtfti nil mum ii 1). II. GRANT, Past Potentate nnil In cliargo of Pil grimage. Ho lost his moustache slnco nliovo nlcturo was taken so thut nono of his linndsomo countenance Js no longer hidden. Some Side Lights of "The Pilgrimage" E. w. shehwin. rnst Potcntntc and present Record er. Ho came as far as Roscburg on the Pllgrlmago and wns forced to turn hack on nccount of Illness. He Is greatly missed. E. V. CARTER, Past Potentate, who Is expected hero and who Is one of the best boosters of tho Shrine. 1 (Continued from Pngo One ) homo this evening, chicken-house. lock up your I U6HHELD TO 1. M. LITTLER. I hear you've boon around tho world, And seen all nations' lings unfurled; Hnvo punched tho cattle on tho plnlnu Hnvo slept out In tho torrlds' rains. I hoar that you aro awful stout, Excepting when you Imvo tho gout Just liko you had a wcok ago, I When you wcro swearing soft and low. j I'll toll you what to do, my friend, When thoso llerco Shrlncru for you Bond, I Just toll them that you will not Rtnnd For any rough Bluff from their hand. Just toll thorn that you'vo been , around, From gay Pareo to Pugct Sound, ' And thnt you think their llttlo flag Is nothing but a colored rag. Rut if, by chance they mnko you beg, Just toll them of your gouty leg, And threaten thorn with dnmngo suits, , Each tlmo they hit you with their boots. , Don't lot thorn know you aro a man That's holped boiuo other boy to can, For it you do, they'll vongeanco seok, And mnko that log hurt for a week. Wm, M. Colvig, Mcdford; Robt. E. Smith, Roscburg; A. II. Cunnell, Grants Pass; 0. Winter, Ashland: D. B. Grant, Roscburg; Frank, Lewis, Rosoburg; Mr. Rulwlnklc, Rosoburg; .Mr. Grlnnell, Rosoburg; J. G. Hurt, Ashlnnd; Alox McLcod, Ashlnnd; O. J. Stone, Ashlnnd. At Mllllcomn Club. This nftcinotm thoso of tho visit ing Shrlnors who had arrived In tho city woro taken to tho Mlllicomn Club whoro they woro cntcrtnlnod by tho mombors. TO UK. HOUKEWOHTH Oli I Abraham, your tlmo has come, They soon will hnvo you going some-; No nioro you'll hnvo those auto rides, No more you'll poso whoro Geno ro- sldos. No moro you'll take a bllllnrd cuo And hand tho others what iu due, And no'cr ugalu will you servo pills To euro iib of our human Ills. Oh I Abo, bo bravo, you good old RCOUt, Just show thoso Shrlnors thut you're stout Uho anauHthetlcs If you must, Hut don't In any Shrlner trust. to pat iiennessev. Patrick, Patrick, hero's farewell, Where you'll go, no man can toll; find tho parting Ih, I know, That wo speak In words bo low. Who'll bo loft to dig our coal If you reach that fai-off goal? Who will Irish btorlus tell? Who'll plnnt lilies whoro you fell? All the hoys aro sad today Slnco you've started on your way; All tho Irish aro In tears, Morn of awful, uuuioIimh fears, Well wo know thnt you'll be brnw, And will do your host to save All you can of Patrick's framo, From tho Shrlnor's fearful game. Fearless be, while with that bund, Strike out hard for Krln's laud; Waco yourself for all that comes -That's the way I. ph cK tho plums ARAII PATIlOfj. Tho Arab Patrol of Hlllau Tomplc, tho mombors of which will hnvo chargo o tho Inltla- Hon, follows: ( W. W. Dunn, cnptnln. C. J. Stono, gutdo. It. L. Hurdle. ' W. II, Reynolds. 0. 8. Rutlor. Fred Wngner. Joo G. Hurt. C. F. Date.!. ' Hnl McNalr. Silas Cyester. Harry Hates. i T. II. Simpson. Mr. Cornollus. R. II. nurns. cijAM rake Wednesday Ono of the big events will bo tho clam bako Wednesday nt tho beach. Tho business sessions and intlntlons will bo hold Tuesday. About fifty now members nro to bo inltlntod. There Is no temple In this city so tho now members taken In hero will bo- long to Illllnh Templo of Ashlnnd. ( mi. . ... .,... ... ....- . i i no riHiiors win lucimio many promliiont men of tho stnto and will be a class of pcoplo which will bo highly bcnellclnl to hnvo visit tho community. Tho city hns been decorated. A big star and crescent dono in white and red electric lights is suspended In front of tho Masonic opera house, another nt the corner of Front nnd Central and a third which will show In four directions, is shown nt the corner of Mnrkct and Front. All of tho nvnllnble strings of electric IlKhts used during carnival tlmo will ho put up and tho city will bo made us brilliant ns possible. Red black and yellow nro tho ofllclnl col ors nnd bunting of these shades will be generously used Iu tho decora ttiins. The local committees will hpnro no expense or pains in making tho visit of the Shrlnors n pleasant one, realizing thnt It Is unusual for ' tho Shrlnors to mnko a pllgrlmago to a point which Is not renchod by a railroad. Tho following Is tho program for tho two days: Tiiwtilnr. September SI: 1:30 n. m. Street Concert by the Coos Bny Hand. 3:00 p. m. Alilross of wclcomo by Mayor Straw, rnd rosponso by Noblo D. S. Grant, of Illllnh Temple, Ashlnnd, Ore. (At MaBonle Opera Houso.) 1:00 p. m. T i-t parndo. Route, on Hrondwit o Alder, on Aldor to Front, on Front to Contrnl, on Cen tral to Masonic Temple. 7:30 p. m. Grand Coromonlil Session nt Masonic Tomplo. Wednesday, .September -I: Uonts leavo Marshlleld nt 0:00 n, m., nutomoblles at 9:30 n. m. for North Hond. Reception nt North Hcnd till 10:1C. Leavo North Uond at 1 0 : -I n n. in. for Mussoll Reef; n clam bako and general good time. The Committees. Tho locnl committees In chnrgo nro as follows: Exccutuvo Committco Gcorgo W. Wolstcad, chalrmnn, Chnrlos I. Rol gird and Wlhnti Knufmnn. Rccoptlon CommlttcoJ. T. Hnrrl gan, chalrmnn; J W. Dennett, Hor bort Lockhnrt, Goorso Murch, Wm. Grimes, J. V. Snienion, Goo. Mnndi go, E. S. nnrgelt nnd Dr. Dix. Committco on Ilnnquot A, T. Unities, chalrmnn; Albert Sccllg, W. II. Lench and Carl Ecerreon. Committco on Pnrado and Stunts A. I). Gldloy, chairman, Charles Menrs nnd D. S. Small. Commlttc) nil Decorations E. S. Rnrgolt, chnlnum, I'M. Connor nnd J. T. Harrlgan. Rainfall During Past Thirty Days Unusually Large for This Season. August this cnr 1ms boon nil un usual month of rainfall. Tho total rainfall during August this year was I 01 Inches whllo during August or 1911 only .19 of an men ion. im I total rainfall slnco last Friday to date was 1.72 Inches which is ex tremely grent for this tlmo of tho venr. Tho total rainfall from Sept. "l, 1011, to Aug. 31, 19 IU, tho past twelve months, wns CL',87 Inches. RAIN Ri:C()RI)HROKKN' (Jreatwt I'ifcliiUatUm In Portlnntl In August In Ycnrs. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2. Hrcnklng all records for rainfall In Portland during tho month of Au gust by .13 Inches, tho amount of precipitation for tho month up to noon Friday wns 2.G3 Inches. Prior to this yenr the greatest amount of rain over known during August wns In 1899, when there wns 2.50 Inches, thntJiPjng the record for that month, slnco tho wenthor bureau was estab lished hero II years ago. New Member. The meeting of the Socialists In their hall yesterday afternoon wna largely attended nnd Secretin') Steplinu reports that bIx teen new members wcro taken In. There wr-i general dlBcusslon of cwnnmlc problems. STADDEN All ;Jntls of photograph wort, bromide enlarging nnd kodak finishing. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Lin e GORST & KINO. Proprietors. Can loavo Marshflold ovoiy 46 mlnutcfl from 7:15 a. ra. until 12:30 midnight. Loavo North Dona on samo Bchodulo, starting at 7 a. m, until midnight. Soo Saturday Times for sctaedulo. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PUONE MAIN HTJ gaaoafTtTgTJji'r.,M7,',:i'g77f T?inyy FRATERNITY Buttons Pins HI I and' Charms SPECIAL LINE OF EMBLEMS FOR HILLAH TEMPLE, ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER OF THE MYSTIC SHRINL, AND FOR THE ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR. We have everything in this line, both in filled and solid gold. Red Cross Jewelry Dept. Our watch repairing department is complete. Single Tax Exposed Chas. H. Shields Will Speak in Coos County On the Following Dates: Coquille, Monday, Sept 2 Bandon, Tuesday, Sept. 3 Myrtle Point, Wed. Sept. 4 Marshfield, Thursday, Sept. 5 North Bend, Friday, Sept. 6 Mr. Shields Is Secretery of the Oregon Equal Tax League and a Well Known Author Ladies Invited Hear Him Free 4i... .nun snit nnlcetcd ..,.!.. n. tiniinrttiinnt. runt's iiuiui;iii.u ..,.... of Ilotany. Dolmtlng, Economics, Education, Electricity ?. erature. English Composition, UlBtory, Mathematics ?. M Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, SocloW, ?? veylng. Wrlto to tho Secrotnry of tho Correspondence sL,l!: versity of urcgon, j'jiihuiiu, " uiiuiiiiiuiuu unu catalogue. COURSE fl'HSlOUH TEACHING. USES IN UESIDENCE nt tho University prepare ,, ,. of ENGINEERING, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDIpkI HKL'Istor for ratalogucs descriptive of tho College of, 6 Collogo of Llhornl Arts, tho Schools of Education Commi,. Medinlne. nnd Music. mte,u, Get Busy AND GIST AFTKU THAT ROOF, HUT FIHST COMl IM AKn r I OUK PRICKS ON SHINGLKS AND HOOFING PAI'IUt. N1) 4 HI I INGLES V1.00 AHU ur. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.20 AND Ur, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg, (V "" " .'.AV&WI1A. A Unj-unll-t lkl t n(nt. T7' ulic, i-Diaie, rire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Cj Coqulllo Offlco Phono 191 Platting Land, a ipocUltf. Frma Timber Coal andsnL "BABTBIDF," Qaer&l Ag Manhfl.ld Offloo 14-J. LAKESIDE BY AUTO Mnko rcRuInr dally trips collecting with LAUNCH NORTH ETU Lcnvlng Stnuft's landing every day nt 1:110 p. in., returning fa norm niongn miming nnuininy ni u a. in. aiiu loaves LakMld(W hour earlier than boat schedule. Loavos boat landing North Serf Monday, 8:00 n. in., Tuesday 8:00 n. in., Wednesday 8:00 u Tliiirudny, Hiuu n. nt., iridny, h:;$o n. iu Hatunlay 0:00 .b, FARE EACH WAY 81.00 Will make special trips to connect with launch at wirtla,fcl or night.. For full information InqulroTOM SAWYER, Jrttlibl side, Oregon, or leave uicssairo with M. M. Plcmon, the Ltlntl Telephone Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELIiSS Steamship Breakwatd ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILS FROM AIXSWORTII DOCK. PORTLAND AT 8 a. hl, 5D 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 and 27. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SMI OF THE TIDE SKIT. I, I), II, II), 21 mid 21). Phone Main 021L. J. C. MILLER, Afett FAST AND COMMODIOUS fttf Steamer Redondi naulnned with wireless nnd submarine MI SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCIS Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 3 P. M. All Passenger Reservations lom San Francisco Must De)IM 805 Fife RulldliiB, or Pier No. 10. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE U. c. F. McOEOROE. A"5 Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bav for San Francisci Thursday, September 5. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. 8. DOW. Auent. (X1 THE FRIEND OF OOOB IJAV S. S. ALLIANO EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOSBAY FOR. EUREKA FRIDAY 551T.DT A ATT 7?30 A. M. CU.N'.'l!QTln WITH min vnnwu mvir nrtAn AT r0RlU ., t,.4ll iiih nuiuii umij w. NORTH PACIFIC I'rione 44. imKiiiDirni rviiA.i. WdmnaiiiM. -..'- j O. F. JIcOEUiv"-" nnn.Q U,iv DiciPDnnr cm i nP, TA0' Stage leaves Marshfield every morning at 6 and ",wlH HMr::..: ""u.even'?K "r .r;r"?" utriM ' -o ivi; uiuiuiug bi o o CIOCK null icv" " o.ouiuk. FARE 80.00. rtnnn.i Mn nn rinnA meal e C P. Barnard, agent, Roseburg. . j m , Otto Schetter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Tlrknta ran ha nt..i2.j .. ulll..r' CAztT bw1 --.- v.u mu UUIAIHU lb uiiijv. - ra Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving Reasonable Rates FIBWER AUTO SEUWCE WU. FISHER, Prop. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar 8tore, Phon 18-J. After 11 P. M., PnoMB. Morotl! Oregon. iininifp Pantator TDK MODKRN $ PRBMKRB HAi 8U Agent for Eawara - tins Tailoring-' next Bult. &' OSS OOBuaerc -44Miie