THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1912 EVENING EDITION. w Suits for Men of Every Build N 0 matter how unusual your shape, we can fit you in a Hart Schaffner & Marx well suit or overcoat, as well as any custom tailor in the country You'll here fall suits in every color Snappy checks and mixed grays at $20 to $25, Fancy and plain blues at $18 to $2750. All the new models just in. Copyrlflit Hurt SchnJmr & Man Woolen Mill Store This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes IPCMT! RE- LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-tour hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Sept. 2, by DonJ. Ostllnd, speclnl govornmont mctcorollglcnl obsorvor. Maximum 68 Minimum CI At 4:13 n. in Gl Precipitation G4 wind southwest; rainy. PERSONAL NOTES FRED STOHA ot Daniels Creek Is In Mnrshlleld todny. j A. L. NOSLER, ot Bridge, Is a Mnrshlleld business visitor todny. MItS. A. R. SEARS has taken n po sition In W. It. Haines' store. L. .1. SIMPSON was down from. North Hoik! todny on business. J MASON NOAH, ot Coos itlvor, Is In Mnrshlleld todny. WALTER BUNCH, of Loon Lake, is In Mnrshlleld todny. PETER GUILLIAMS of Coos River Is In town on business. MISS MARTHA ROSS of Isthmus In let Is n visitor in this city today. CARL CLINKEN13EARD of Danlols Crcok 1b In this city today HIVE TODAY 0 WANT ADS. WANTED Woman ciiuip cook, !?.") per month; mill workers, $10.00 nnd bonrd, freo fnro; woman dish washer, ?8.00 por wcok; wnltross, good snlnry. Phono UG9L. -""--'"- .. ......... .t - . .. Alter Building. Workmen began """"Tin . ,r i.v n.inv ' ?. Znnn, v J iSflLri Marshllold business visitor. Ing, occupied by S. Lnndo b store. CHAg gM1TI, nIU, wf(J of En8tBldo Stgo Pimseiigcrs Mrs. P. E.j cnmo (lown trom Allognny todny. Uurns, Miss Bollo Durns, Mrs. J. C. MISS AGNES WILKINS of Golden Stockol, J. C. Stockcl, J. H. Lash, O.j VMb Ja a Marshflcld visitor tlday. L. Lash nnd II. O. Davis wero pas-' MISS ELVA GRAY of Allegany cnmo songors on tho stngo to Rosoburg this Uown trom tno rlvor this morning. morning. h, u, BESSEY, superintendent of tho Will bo Slurried Nowb has boon Croamcry, 1b in Mnrshlleld todny rccolvcd that Miss May Rozollo and John Prentice, two very popular young peoplo of Emplro will bo mar ried next Wednesday evening, Sep tember 4. Shaft Hi-oiks Tho propoller shaft of the Tioga broko ihls morning ns tho boat waB making tho run up tho rlvor. The Hercules towed her back I to town, Anson Rogers taking the pnssongcrs on up tho river. Football Meeting. A meeting of( tho Mnrshflold football playors will, bo hold nt Matt's Billiard parlor to night to elect n mnnngor nnd cnptaln ' for tho gnmo with tho Blltmoro boyri n week from Sunday. Buy Restaurant. Messrs. Popo nnd liny have purchased tho Blnnco rcstnurnnb from J. W. Tibbotts nnd , look possession yesterday. Thoy rro now nrrlvnlB on tho Bay but nro experienced TestnurnntolrB. Steamer In From San Fran cisco This Morning Has Big Cargo. The Rodondo nrrlved in nbout S o'clock this morning from San Fran cisco after a rather choppy trip up tho coast. She had nbout C75 tons of miscellaneous freight nnd a good passenger list. Tho Redondo will sail nt 3 o'clock Wednesdny afternoon for San Fran cisco. Among thoso arriving on nor today woro tho following: Mrs. A. G. Alkon, E. C. Ilyman, II. BJorquist. Mrs. II. BJorquIst, W. Burg. I. Wnlfo, Edith J ml oil, R. S. Knowlton, Mrs. J. II. Novcns, C. Schonborg nnd wlfo nnd child, A. M. Greenough and wlfo, F. II. Chaso nnd wlfo, Miss Ethol Truax, R. Mill er, T. Christie, C. Chrlstonson, P. Hnrt, S. Lawdry, J. Strand, W. Swcotmnn, L.Klunkl, A. Ebcrhart, T. Davis, J. T. Drcsbeck, W. Van Buren nnd J. Cook. W lection. Judgo Hnll to tnoir nomc i in t-inpiro. ,n th,8 nftornoon from Snn Frnnclco. Coaulllo tomorrow to EMMETT PIERCE was up from tho!81)0 bro,,Bat C10 tons of freight and eiicom hrineiR ll Make your headquarters at the "Busy Corner'' leading Drug Store on Coos Bay. We have reserved room for your parcels. e'll be pleased to give you any information you desire. Free public telephone. Come'Aili! MONEY SOLD on Investment to help working peoplo nnd othors. H. II. Hnrpor, 33 1 First Htroot. Phono 319. WANTED Clgnr More. Must lie snap. Stnto price nnd location first letter; no ngonts. Box 740. WANTED hunk. Call Man to remove 1024 Elrod Ave clay Ciinvnsi Election will i'n tn hold tho rcgulnr Resslon of county, Tarheel camp today, having court. Tho canvassing of tho ro- closed down operations on account tarns of tho Toil r' Coos Bny olec- of tho rain. tl'in nnd somo orouitc innttors will GENE GRANT, Jns. Boono nnd John f-mo up. I Fltzpntrlck, of Smlth-Powora Hlcyclo Stolen. Somo ono Btolo Cam)) No. 7, spent Sunday m Leo Byorly's Dnyton bicycle from tho1 Marshllold. rear of Tho Toggory building last MISS CLEVE of Portland nrrlved on night. Whether thoy Just took It ns tho Inst Breakwater to visit for n n Joko hna not boon dotormlned yot.l month with Mr. nnd Mrri. Chns. but unless tho wheol Ib roturnod McKnlght of this city, soon it mny go hard on somo ono. MISS BELVA FLANAGAN loft for Flno New Front Manager Birch South Inlet this aftornoon whoro of tho Red Cross has nrrnngod with ' alio hns boon employed ns toachor .i.,nni i,cinin (.-. imf iii n nniv! in ono of tho schools. IIIU 1IIUII.IIII.II. i " w ,... ... .. "".-...,,, ,,xx,v,, . ..., ...Ill ivuur.nii vj .uiir.ijij unit wiiu win JUDGE WM. COLVIG, of Mcdtord, Is visiting friends hero nnd taking In tho Shrlno doings. FRANK GRANT, foromnn ot Smith Powers Camp No. 5, was a Marsh field visitor yesterday. DR. IRA B. BARTLE, of North Bond, was n Marshflcld business visitor todny. CHARLES MAHAFFY of Coos River Is a Marshllcld business visitor today. J. II. PINKERTON of North Inlet j was n Marshflcld business visitor' todny. MESSRS. N. V. MORGAN nnd T. F.! Smith nro down from Daniels I Creok today. FRED GARRETT, tho flrcst ranger, I of Allegany Is In Mnrshlleld cnjnitlNGS PASSENGERS AND ONE routo to Myrtlo Point. HUNDRED AND FIFTY TONS OF T. II. BARRY nnd family hnvo mov- FREIGHT. cd from their camp on Coos River. Th Btonmor Washington nrrlvod ARRIVES TODAY tho following pnsscngors: Mrs. F. G. Hurd, A. Goldsmith, W. II. Conwoll, II. Hunter, D. F. Burrldgo, M. C. Mulonoy nnd wlfo, Chns. McCollum. front In tho Red Cross building. It will bo strictly modorn nnd will ndd urontlv to tho nnnonrnnco and con venience of tho store. A show win-1 lonvo soon for Now York nnd other enstorn points nnd will ho gono sovornl months probably dow will bo put In on tho oldo of tho MISS EDNA McGRAW, who hns boon build Inr also". I visiting hor sister. Mrs. Hnrry Mui-shlleltl Beiitni. Mnrshlloldl Nnsburg. expects to loiivo this FOR SALIC Four doen year old, good Barred Plymouth Rock honrf. Cnll oarly nt Soventh St. South nnd Ingorsoll Avo. WANTED Two or three- modern rooms for light housokcoplng. Ad dross C, Tlinos oftlco. LOST Ono suit case, leathered J. O. D. Apply Chnndlor Hotel.. ockhart-Parsons Dmg C o FOR RENT Store building with fixtures. Apply to Honry Song-stackon. WANTED Purchaser for llvo-ncro trnct In Lobroo Park. Apply Title Gunrantco and Abstract Co. FOR RENT Tu furnished rooms. Handy location for mill mon. Good board noar by In prlvato family. Apply 977 Fourth St. Phono 188x. WANTED Gentlemen roomers; private homo; office mon pre ferred; nice rooms and homelike. Phono 200 L. 471 Elrod. wns defeated by North Bond nt North Bond yestordny by n scoro of flvo to three Tho Mnrshlleld tonm wns a picked up ono. Footo pitched for Mnrshflold nnd Hull pitched for North Bond. About 100 saw tho gnmo. It wns probnbly tho Inst gnmo ot tho Benson. Flno Dance About sovonty-flvo couplos onjoyod tho dnnco nt tho Eagles' hnll by Koyzor's orchestra. Saturday night. It was ono of tho1 most onjoyablo of tho series, tho noxtf of which will bo glvon a wcok from noxt Snturdny night. Next Snturday nluht tho Coos Bay Concert Bnnd Iwlll glvo n dnnco In tho hnll ALONG THE WATERFRONT. week for hor homo In Oakland, Cnllfornln. PROF. BEGGS plans to go to Co- aulllo thlH week to nrrnngo for n bonollt for tho Coqulllo llbrnry slmllnr to tho ono that ho Is as sisting In hero. MRS. CLAUDE NA3BURG, of Mnrshflold, nrrlvod hero Friday to visit with hor mother, Mrs. L. S. Doble, who has been vory 111. Rosoburg Rovlow. C. II. DINDINGER who hns boon vis iting relatives hero will lonvo on tho Redondo this wcok for Cali fornia whoro ho oxpects to mako The excelsior nrrlved in this morning nnd will lond nt tho Smith mill. Tho Nnnn Smith Bnllod Sunday with n enrgo from tho Smith mill for Bay Point. Tho Bronkwatcr Is duo In early to morrow morning from Portlnnd. She will remnln on tho flvo dny schedulo nil this month nnd will lonvo Port lnnd at 8 o'clock In tho morning, an hour onrllor than alio linn boon leav ing this Bummor. . AMONG THE SICK. Tho Rustlor sailed Saturday with gonornl morchnndlso for tho Sluslnw. Tho Condor Is lying in tho lowor Bny waiting for bottor wonthor bo foro stnrtlng for Wnldport. Mrs. John Mlrrnsoul who recently undorwont nn opperntlon nt Morcy hospltnl, Is reported doing nlcoly to day. Mrs. Pnpo, who resides In Ihj nn 0X1011(10(1 amy. B-irnlil lm lillni? nnnrlmnnts. 1b rn. -.- .' . .. ....... n ..... i .-,... ... , . . Killed IHg Deer Frod Woavor ro- MRS. S. C. CHAMBERS nnd unugn- ,)0,tod cjulto alck. Mr. Pnpo Is Just tor, Miss Dorn, who hnvo boon vis- rocovorlng from a sovoro attack of Ring nt tho s. u. unmcari nomo rhoumntlsm. Alfrod Flleshorg wns taken sud denly 111 of nppondlcltls Inst night and had to bo takon to Morcy hospi tal whoro ho underwent nn opera tion. Ho is reported doing nlcoly to day, much to tho gratification of tho young man's many frlonds. O. E. S. OFFICERS. turned Snturdny night from his out Ing nt Dorn. Ho and tho Howo blys killed four door, ono n live polnt or. Frod says tho Ilvo-polntor wns tho biggest door ho ovor saw nnd for n tinio ho thought It was an oik nnd would not Bhoot tho big fellow. Ho woundod It twice Ho had somo lino Ashing. Ho has practically ro coverod from a sovoro nttack of polaon onk, AT THE THEATER. Thoro will bo a largo audlonco on hand tonight at tho Masonic Houso to welcomo Leo Wlllnrd nnd , his company. Tho soat snlo has boon excellent. It Is opportune thnt Mnrshflold should hnvo a flrs class attraction in tho city In ordor to help entertain tho many visitors now In tho city. Tho vory bos,t of reports Imvn rnmo from other nlncos whoro this company has played. "Tho Bat- DONALD CHARLESTON left Satur-j0 Folsom, Worthy Matron, Boulnh tie of Llfo" is tho play ror tonignt. It's n clean homespun comody that' win maKo ovoryouuy iiuiijnui living. Tho compahy nro registered will lenvo on tho Redondo this weok for tholr homo,. MISS MRYTLE RICHARDS of Myr tlo Point who has boon visiting for n fow dnya with Mrs. A. C. Pottlt ot this city will roturn to hor homo this wook. MISS MYRTLE HERMANN who has boon tho guest of Mrs. L. W. Tra vor for tho past fow doya, will ro turn to her homo to Myrtlo Point noxt Wodnosday. J. LEE BROWN, of tho Brown Drug company, expects to lenvp 'jno last of tho wcok to nttond a meeting of tho Oregon Stnto Board of Phar macy of which ho Is a mombor, J. L. WAGNER, n rancher from noar Rural, was in Mnrshlleld Snturday for tho first tlmo In noariy oign TS JQoSJL Storm (ONE -MAIN 298 US FOR SALE GLASS All glnss and frnmos In the front nnd roar of front of tho store now occupied by Solomon Lnndo nt a bnrgnln. Op portunity for somo ouo In need of glass for any purpose Soo R. J. Montgomory. Prlco will bo right. tlm nnnlnnorlntr and liispoctlon of FOR SALE on ensy terms. One or nt tho Chandler alx gontlomon nnd ; tho work of tho Dredgo Oregon. the best Improved nnd equippou. f.vo ladles. I R. K. BOOTH Is oxpected Home tins dairy rnnchos In tho Coqulllo vni- . CIiohch nt Nutnl Dny Celebration In ThlH City At tho Natal Day convention nt tho Masonic Inst Friday, the follow ing woro tho guests of honor: Mrs. Mnrgarot Haytor, Worthy Grand Matron of Oregon, Dallas; Mrs. Floronco Bnrgolt, Past Grand Matron, Mnrshflold; Mr. J. L. Roy Carter, charter mombor of iflrst teen years. Ho roconuy sold ins Grand Chnptor of Orogon; Mrs. Pop flno ranch thoro to tho Smith com- pordlno, Pnt Grand Mntron nnd DU- pnny. I trlct Deputy of California; Mrs. Bus lty II. L For Informntlon, Inquire of Carl, owner, Myrtlo Point. HV Lin nf Fixtures Oil!' window Tuns "Tlu-eo dnlinvo ,i 00s Bay Wiring Co. Phon C 237-J. ? Bmming. Klectr7r lriedni K,ently ute? "ith Hot 8M,..TyN'prop. tBfotd,uaynluPWMdB WKST MARSHFIELD SNAPS 41 x 90 Curnor Commercial and Thirteenth S075 70 x 100 Fourteenth St. .$1100 50 x 140 Contra! Avo. . . .$1 17. 70 x 100 Commercial nnd Fourteenth $1800 I. S. KAUPMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. WANTED ! ! ! CARrKTS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnea inatlc Cleaning Company. Orders rot iork taken at GOING & ITAIIVEY PHONE 100 N OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT TH TIMES' OFFICE FOR SALE Flvo year old horho, 1500 lbs. Apply Cnrlson & Kotka, Bonvor Hill. WANTED Grocery Clerk. Address In own hnndwrlting giving rofor ereneo and salary oxpected. Ad dress Clork, caro Times. I)R RENT Nicely furnished front room; mouorn conveniences, mm nhlo for ono or two mon Elovonth st. Phone 343-J. 173 IOR SALE Clienpj Remington Opowritoi In good condition. Ad dress Typewriter, caro Times. FOR RENT .Vroom furnUh.'d house. Seo John Motley. iiirv NOW. 'Some choice lota In NORTH BEND can be hnd nt a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. OEAn & CO, First National Bank. VMHRELLAS REPAIRED AT Marshfield Cyclery rhone 138-R. 172 No. Broadway, Have your loti n." Tim' nfBr printing aon t ASHLAND CRAWFORD PEACHES Tho Alllnnco'Thursdny will bring t us nnothor shipment of this flno can ning fruit. Our last 'shipment wont I quickly. To make suro of getting them, better glvo us y6Ur ordor now. Phono If or bring It In today. FRESH FRUITS AND V EG ETA 11 LICS Tho Redondo tod' brought us In n big Bhlpmont of seasonable fruits and vegetables from the California market, Including a first shipment of tho famous I.ODI (.'RAPES. The Bazar "Store of Quality.' ' Phone 32. ' day for Bandon whoro ho will, chapter No. G; .Mrs, Lota Johnson, spend a fow weeks' vacation with Worthy Matron, Elgin Chnptor No. hla family. Ho hna nad cnargo ou:m; Mrs. louiso iioyio, wormy ia tron, Occidental cnaptor wo. io; rs Alexander Lnndo, Worthy Matron,' Doric Chnptor No. 53; Mrs. Mary! afternoon vln Drain and Gardiner, Mnndlgo, Worthy Mntron Coob Chap' from Portlnnd whoro ho has boon tor No. 99; Mrs. Jessie Davis, wor on business. Ho hnd to apond thy Mntron Rosoburg Chnptor No, 8; Sunday nt Gnrdlnor, thoro being Mrs. Clnra Groy, representative of no stngo service Sunday. Martha Chapter No. 48. EARL GREY, of Allegany, Is nj Tho following guests of honor nro Mnrshflold business visitor todiij.i members of tho Past Matron's As Whllo In town Mr. Groy purchnsedi Boclntlon of Doric Chnptor: a motorcyclo from Mr. J. C. Park-! ynio Frlodborg, Presldont; Ada or nnd Is tnklng It up on tho boat Dungan, Secretary; Floronco Bar wlth him this afternoon. I Belt, Annlo Wolcott, Jessie Marsh, WM. HORSTMAN nnd wlfo and Mr. Fannlo Hnzard, Ora McCarty. Annlo nnd Mrs. Clnudo Stutaman loft In pinnjignn, suay Murch nnd Rnchaol the formor's car this nftornoon for Allon. Myrtlo Point. After romnlnlng. Tho ofllcors olocteJ for tho noxt thoro a clay or two, thoy will mot-1 Nntnl Dny convention to bo hold la or down Into California and make. nandon nro Mary Galllor, Bandon, n tour of tho state Presldont; C. R. Wndo, Bandon. Vlco J. E. STEVENS of North Bend wnsi pr0sldont; Rosa Benjamin, Bandon, In Mnrshflold today on business. , sCCrotnry. Ho reports that about $000 has; -' been subscribed towards tno runu for complotlng tho wntorfront rondwny to Mnrshflold nnd that thoy hopo to push It through soon. I MRS. HELEN CHANDLER-TREM-l AINE loft for tho Chandler sum mer homo. "Tho Aldorbank." on South Coos Rlvor this aftornoon. Tomorrow. W. S. Chnndlor nnd wife will break camp for tho sum mer and their guosts, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Cox and Miss Wilcox, will leave on tho next Dreakwater. Circuit Court. jLage Coke will convene tho adjourned term of clr rcult court at Vjtjul'Jo tomorrow. RAIN OR SHINE CALL 141 Wo nro nlwnys nt tho other end of tho wlro with tho goods, wnlt Ing to dollvor them to you in short ordor. WSffiSmlmmm II !'.' J Ml w Wl '.' 1 t