BBByEPTEMBER 2, 1912 EVENING EDITION. w, iiirniviii ii-ikf . iti JOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV Editor mill Pub. DAN K. MALONEV ?VL 'M'"1' Entered at tho postofflec at Mar3i field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second claat mall matter. . An Independent Uepubllcnii news paper published every oronlng oxcopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Cooa Hay Tlmca Publishing Co. Official Paper of Coo County. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. One year $6.00 Fer month 0 WEEKLY. One year $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho ubscrlptlon price of the Coos Bay Tlmofl la $5.00 per year or $2.50 lor Iz months. LE BULL SCORES Los Angeles Still In Lead Positions of Teams Not Changed. ALMOST HALE A IULLIO.V TONS OE COAL IN U. S. HOW THEY STAND Los Angeles . . 83 57 .D93 Vornon 8G Gl .082 Oaklnnd 82 62 .509 Portland C9 70 .4G8 San Francisco ..CO 8G .414 Sacramento .. ..51 87 .370 SAILS WITH CllSGtl I r IJ. S. MINES BIGGER PAY THE United States has becomo a half billion ton coal country. During tho Inst two years tho total production hns avoraged Just u trinio short of tho 500,000,000 mark, exceeding that llgtiro In 1910 and al most reaching It In 1911. It Is con. nldorcd probablo that In tho futuro It will bo a bad year whoso produc tion falls far short of this quantity. Tho final figures show n total pro duction In 1911 of 490,183,308 short tons, valued nt tho mines at $025, 910,113. Of this production Penn sylvania anthracite amounted to 90, 404,007 short tons, valued at $171, 952,415, and bituminous coal nt $450,967,098. Tho decreaso In pro duction In 1911 was 5,108,070 tons, or a little over 1 per cent, In quan tity, and $3,04 0,908, or a llttlo over 0.5 por cent In value. I'KETTY SOON. Pretty soon north winds will blow, bringing with them sleet mid snow, nnd Midi goods: pretty soon tho wintry gnlo will go whooping through the vnlo and we'll hear It moan and wall In the woods. Protty soon tho spring will come, Hinging gaily lumty-tuiu liiinty-loo; Hprlng, with nil hor wealth of chnrniH. Hlirmfn of (lowers In hor arms, spreading o'er tho towns nnd fnnim hUIuh of blue. Protty noon tho summer dnyH will come sizzling down thu ways, till man fries; Mini he'll sally forth onto moro ns he's sallied oft before to de mand tho HCIllim mill iorn of llm I1fiti. Pretty soon the (lying yonro will Imvo leu us, ny tiio ears, to the end of tho long and hilly road, whero wo'vo borno our little load; then we'll reap what wo hnvo sowed, O my friend! Protty noon this llttlo llfo with Hh foolishness mid strife will bo done: linvo you mmlo n fair ronown? Do you figure on a crown at thu Muni go ing down of the sun 7 Pretty soon wo'll bo asleep and the willow boughs will weep ovorhead; lot us thereforo nut tin urass whlln tlu iinva of huuhIiIiio pass; for wo can't do much, iilasl when we're dead. PORTLAND, Oro., Sept. 2 Oak land won nil threo games against San Francisco Saturday and Sunday Los Angeles and Vernon each won two games Sunday. Los Angeles Is still In tho load. Tho scores follow: Siindny'H Games. At San Francisco HUE FlItST GAME Oakland 1 5 San Francisco 0 3 SECOND GAME Oaklnnd 11 13 San Francisco 4 9 At Portland It II FIRST GAME Vornon 4 5 Portland 3 10 SECOND GAME At Los Angolea II II Vernon 913 Portlnnd 0 4 FIRST GAME Los Angeles 4 11 Sacramento 0 7 SECOND GAME Los Angolcs 0 11 Sacramento 2 9 Siitiinlay'H (Junto. At Portland It. Portland 3 Vornon 2 Cruiser California Leaves Pan ama With More Forces for Nicaragua. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi Bay TImoa) PANAMA, Sept. 2 Tho cruiser California has sailed for Nicaragua with olght hujndrcd United States marines to rclnforco tho American conlngont in tho Central American republic. HAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday night, September 7. Rural Route Men Given In crease In Salary by Post master General. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Times). WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Tho potsmnster general increased today tho salaries of rural Icttor carriers on standard routes from $1,000 to $1,100 a year. Thirty thousand men are affected with proportionate In creases for carriers of shorter routes. HAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday night. September 7. II. 8 7 At Los AnKolos It. H. E. Los Angeles l 7 2 Sacramento 1 8 3 E. At San Francisco It. II. San Francisco 2 5 2 Oakland 4 8 1 rUtki JUUUw - Qbajxjn taJffM UBMOBROW GETS NEW JOB Is Appointed Head of Alaskan Railroad Commission and Leave Soon. AT TKe Royal TONIGHT .MISS M.U'HK LEON opens In a pleasing and attractive act or sing ing, dancing and acrobntlcs. This .n something you don't want to miss. IN PHOTOPLAY "At Crlpplo Creek," n strong mining drama in two rot-Is. "Almost a Tragedy" "Uliclo Itlllll'li fiiU'N ti 'I'mm" Two very laughablo comedies. TOMORROW NIGHT tho famous two rcol fonturo "Vo(t for Women" nnd two comedy pic tures. PIMOE iOc. Pendleton Hound I'p in threo rcols fur Wednesday and Thursday. Welcome Shriners and Visitors To Our Store Use our phone, directory, or use us for any information which you may desire. Red Cross Drug Store DRUGS JEWELRY-KODAKS Phone 122-J. 193 Front St. Major Morrow, In charge of the government ongliioorlng office at Portland mid with whom this local ity has transacted busluims at dif ferent tliuut, has a new appoint ment. Tho Portland Telegram of Saturday nays: Major Jay J. Morrow, corps of en glneors, U. 8. A-, wiih surprised yesterday by receipt of news from Washington that ho has bouu ap pointed by President Tuft ns chair mnu or tho Alaskan Itallroad Com mission, authorized Hhortly before mo aujournmeut or congresH to con duct surveys and make estimates of tho cost of riiiiHtruvtloii of from the nenboard lo the Alaska coal fieldB and to Interior points of tho torrltory. It will mark the llrar real progressive step ever taken by the government toward the development ui wiu natural rortoiirces or Alaska It Is probable the coimuUslon leave, the Sound for the north about September S or 9 on the revenue cutter Takoma. Their work will keep them In Alaska about three mouths. .Major Morrow h; bivu stationed nt Portland about two jours mid Is In charge of the river and haibor Improvements In the Flot District, comprising the Oiokuii coast, the up per Columbia and Snake rivers. In- ciuuing tiio DallM-Ct'lollo oiinal! iM-jvLi, nun me upper wiiiaineite ljlver. Ills appointment as head or tho commission in n ui,.n,ii i, .,.,.. Which came to him wh.iii. .., .,... cdly. Dining h' Usence the affairs or his district . !' be looked nftei by Captain 11 II Itoben. who has been stntloned ' ' ite .it Un; 1?,I WE WILL MAIL YOU 91 for each sot of old Fnlso Teet sont us. Highest prices paid f-r old Oold, Sllvor, old Watches brokOU Jowolrv ninl Prnrlniii Stones. Monoy Sont by Iteturn Mall. l'lilln. Hnieltlng .M Refining Co. Established 20 Years. HOB Chedtiiiit St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Fllllnga, Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. Hlgij est pricos paid. FOUND On Commercial Ave., near 7th St., u now sign pointing to Porhnm Park which Is rapidly being converted Into a hcnutirul resldonco district, wlioro lots within tlvo minutes' walk rrom tho post offlco may bo had on easy terms. See Held, Coko Illdg. The Sign of Good Candy Always UUILDING AND REPAIR WOIIK Homo Moving and Grading. Wo aro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee Jatlsractlon. Lot us ricuro with vnn I G. S. FLOYD r.n Phono :16-J. Marshriold. Or R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance ! VecJ fVoat fUtwct Ti? Star Transfer and Storage Co. Si la nriM fired to do ell klnrfi nt hm.tin.. on short notice. W meet all train and beat and we also have the latest styla Hoynolds Piano Movr. W. guarautoe our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J. or 49-L. Barnard & Langworthy bee our window display of WOOD KLEOTIUO FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES rOHTAJlLH STAND LAMPS PnONBIJU-Jc SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store i 7,ho nw;8t un to dnto lasts for ......vo mm cijimrort oi all sizes. 180 So. TJroadwny, Marshflold. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Leaves Marnhtteld dally at 5 a. m and arrives at Drain In tlmi to con nect with afternoon train for Port land. Ltmvee Drain at 8 a. ra. and arrive at Marshilold about S p. nt. Ticket on eala at "Busy Corner." Phone I7S, Uarahrleld aad O, Ma toon, Drain. E. Pale & Co. lilgh Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Importod and Domestic Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right hore. U7I) North Front Street Marshtlehl. T W. BENNETT. Dennett Swanton, Tom T. Dennett Attorney. nil Counsellors at Law. ..w.y., WUn UOi Oreg0ni Have That Roof Fixed Seo GOETHELl .ywijnakuuwl L....vrir , Blanchard's Livery Wo hav wcured the livery bul cess or L. If. Halsner. and ar pre pared to ren!r excellent service to the people or Coo Day, Careful drivers. ond rlxs and everything that Will mean lUtlarantnrv io..l. .. tho public. Pbon us tor a driving V . f .' " r,K or yininc needed Ic toe llverv linn u?.. ia a ....... -. ..-.-. ,.u uu IIUC4- lag dusiuahs or all kinds. 1ILANCHAHD lmOTHERS Phone 138- J Livery. FevU and Sale 8crvlce. Ill First and Alder fltrtvta. Perl iuley n a v.t.i .., llanla ... mi. Kc.laenca Studio 337 8o. Dr"adway . Phone 18L T EW KWZETL " " ' ai . V,oIln Instructor. SillH Mu8l Btor' NM. 8. TURPEN, Arrlilfvf Uarshfltld. Ofuran A. H. HODUDM ' Olympic Flour Snow Drift, Flour RETAIL PR1CL $1.55 PER SACK Northwestern hard wheat ud j. luslvely In rollllna; thete brands of flour. ficxiaucfl jfXOUil r. j. icAirx Marshiield Paint. (8b Decorating Co. ' Batlisatei UAR8HFIBLD, KMrnUhp Phone HOL Omob Real Estate and KIRK INSURANCE Several Bood barealns In Farm and city property. AUG. FRTZEBN. ' f v. ,.fl8 Cenh, Ave. Murehneld. 0rI nn- - W. MORROW. 7T, . Ientlat. ni,0r""' Building, over Grand Theater, orrico Phnn a-n " YT a, CHANDLER. vv ARCHITECT. Room 301 and 302 lWe Rulldlnjr, Marehfleiq. Y) u. nmi) n. OIlRKE. SpwvUlM In Nerro and Spinal DUeaae. Orrioe. Room 2. Roeers Home MapUifteld. Orric Hour. 2 to Phone HI-L. r l. A. J. HENDRrs L Modern Dental Pnrlo. We ae equipped to do hljrh rlti vurk oi nhort notloa at the Terj K prioea. Examtnation free Lady 8Madnt. Coke building, opp .1. otumjiwr hotel, phona 11J-J. PiR 9. V. MeCORMAD. Phystolaa aad Bargeoa Uarehfleld. Oregon. U.w Lok-lirt DnlldlBS, i ' u . i-wfAT'wU S "v,. Masonic Opera House TONIGHT Lee Wizard 1 ' Ironing Day Comfort With an electric fktiron you can do your ironing where it is coolest out on the back porch where the breeze invigorates you while you work. Add to this comfort the economy of a G-E Electric Flatiron which uses only about 15 cents worth of electricity for doing the weekly ironing of an average sized family, and you have the reason why thousands of families throughout the country arc using electric flatirons. Let us send you one on trial. Oregon Power Co. TELEPHONE 178. JHU CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho cloao of buaineM, Jum 14, 1012. nEsotmcEs: ' 4 Loans aad discounts t?tit Kiftll ?.nd8. warrants and securities .'.'.'.'.'' 7g!lM.l! S a.'.'.VSVSS;;: :: : : ' : ' : : : : KM Cash and sight exchange .... .... ....,'.', '. ', 'm ', .' ,' ', J . 1 1 i Sijilill Total 011,3f3.ft7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In tioooOOOO Surplus and undivided protlti ' JoMMI Circulation, outstanding. ... U'oln In Denoslts 8 23.800.00 P 477,0tU TOtaI $an,373.ST era Is' UoToon000. CaP'U1 StCk the ,nd,vWil 'ty ' Stockhold- INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS W 8. CHANDLER, President. DORSE? KREITZER. Cashier. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTABLISHED 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK ROXES POR RENT U. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS " Uty Allto Strvio ea;onatJIrrecbaVaelf, n" "d Will ( Le 8- 0ur motto: Brand.- m.;i:u2!" ." time." SK?C'S.SKf "lima. aoouAi wprt.,,, You Auto Call foote PHONE 144-J NIOHT AND Df 8tad front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After '11 P. M. lhone 6-J Realdeac Phone 1J , WIU aaaJM trlya to CoqulU- i iii. kauvittaViftfiflUeBSU ammtK