The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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i ?.. .,... V..r Ileal lltetete lu
(E000 lag 5tou?js
Will Keep tho Inrotno from Yuw
Furnished Rooms from Lapsing!
YOU can really hotp tlw family;
rovonuea by renting a fow furnished
rooma and, If you knew how m
when to use tho classified columns,
you may keep that llttlo extra lncoma
as "steady as n. clock."
tho Market" Effectively!
tt win put facta"t .r01"
J. J boforo 'he oyct of all "pos
S buyors1 lu town. And It
IM0..""?.- f thorn who ought to
. . vou'll soil ltl
gnu - -
-. VVVUI 'established in l7
VOL. Xaavu m Tho Coant Mntl
iCstnbllHlied In 1878
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
and Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 38
I gnu - - ,
.H' " ' I 'i I itfl'H WWII PIIIIMIMIBMI"
Roads In Bad Shape and Some
of the Autos Have
Clam Bake at Beach Wednes
day One of the Big
! Tho followlnB nro tho local
members of tho Shrinors who
I nro looking after tho locnl fen-
tures of tho gathering:
George Wolstend.
4 William Grimes.
0. V. Kaufman.
4 J. Ilonnctt.
4 Herbert Loekhnrt.
4 A. T. Haines.
4 8. C. Small.
4 Clins, I. Holgnrd.
4 A. H. Olilloy.
4 W. II. Leach.
4 Oeo, K. Dlx.
U. V Wood.
4 Calvin Connor.
4 Charles Mcnrs.
K. S. Ilnrgolt.
4 C. W. EvorlBon.
4 Fred Houghmnn.
4 J. T. Hnrrlgnn.
4 F. A. Haines.
4 Albert Scollg.
L, V. Snndora..
4 Geo. D. Mnndlgo.
4 1). W. Olson.
4 John Hanson.
4 W. II. Stoll.
4 deorgo Fnvorlll.
4 Syvcr Hackoy.
4 0. P. Ilarnes.
Thn Qlirlnnra nrn nrrtvlnt? Imlnv
-- !.- ..I, !... 9 lllllnl. iPnl.llllnl
Uu IUO Ull,nillUKU ill lllliuil AUI1IUU
from Ashland to this city. It Is tho
midsummer pllgrlmngo extraordin
ary of tho Ancient Arabic Order of
the Nobles of tho Mystic Shrlno and
It la Quito nn unusual ovont la vlow
ot tho fact that It Is tho fnrthorost
vest point chosen for n pllgrlmngo
and It is seldom tlmt an event of tho
kind is attempted In n placo which
Is not reached by n railroad.
Unfortunatoly Cooa county wna
Milled with rains which woro un
common for this tlmo of tho yoar
and tho roads were In had ahnpo hut
the Shrinors In tholr automobiles nro
making tho trip tho mountains from
Roseburg whoro thoy hold n big
meeting Saturday night. It wns a
difficult trip for tho roads nro In
my bad shapo but tho vlbltors nro
pushing on through. So fnr olghtcon
autos have loft Rosoburg nnd this
afternoon eight hnd nrrlvod In tho
cty with nbout forty visitors. Pro
tally a number of tho trnvelora will
top at Myrtlo Point nnd tnko tho
train from that point. Thoy havo
until tomorrow noon to ronch hero so
most of tho Shrinors who atnrtod
will probably get hero somo way or
A Hard Trip
Some of tho machines turned bnek
and the paBsengora woro takon tip
uy other heavier nutos which woro
2"lng tho trip with less difficulty.
The heavy condition of tho ronds
Mused a numbor of tho iutos to
break down.
It U eXneCtGll (lint n nnmlni ivlwi
jwi1 f.rom UosohurK by trnln to,
ortland will arr.Ivo horo on tho'
,. ... ' Il ls cxpoctod that
"ere win bo sixty to Bovonty-flvo
dinners hero from out of town.
Urging Tomorrow.
th.rl .!? . 5,asolc nail tomorrow
nofln . !bS nn ')en u,nnor from
ZnJRX, '"'dock In tho evening.
Jr'fl o Fcivcd continuously
tK.,,,eV,ourB' In Ul0 evening
ted wi M, mom to ho Inltln-
beach r i. Th0 c,a,n bako at u,"?'8 We08ny. Special
lam Is .havo boen '83"0'1 ana tho
. Tho Visitors.
arrheHntb0S0 ,rom out of town wl'
Wdnpv a,ljr woro th0 blowing:
hW"I. Snn Francisco;
"U Stoddard Medford;
h n i0u F!1' Grant8 Pn8s;
Tho? M0lob.ach' Aahliina;
En n. slmI'son, Ashland;
J . Aitkin, Medford:
Tom m rnott- Bedford;
Tom MofflU( Moford
Sethi nrnor Bedford;
L l m .uEer Ro8oburg;
E. T' Jq?n"V A8,,,antl5
J c p ?le(sv,ABbl"i;
J p n '"i rtBlua
C H v0r,A?b,and:
, aunel. An,in
Leon n u"8,1' As"and;
rSSk UMiasWn8' Bedford;
li. aK Wilson. liffi.lfnr,!.
W n "on, Medford;
! D VnerVer' C3ntral POlntJ
t "'.orcross. Centrnl Pln.
ntn -n. ,MVI
(Continued on Page Four.)
Young Man Loses His Life
While Bathing In Bay
Edwin Lonot, boh of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomits Lonct who resides at Con
torvlllo, Just north ot Forndnlo, was
nccldcntly drowned wlillo hnthlng In
tho bay Sunday afternoon. Tho
young imm wiih eighteen years old
and wns employed In tho Gnzoot
Prlntory In tills city. Ho aluo work
ed part of tho tlmo for Fred Ilnch
man who conducts a poultry plant
north of tho city. Tho father Is
employed as oiler at tho Porter mill,
Sunday itfternoon about 1 : ! 0
o'clock Edwin Lenet and hls.brothor,
Chostor, agod 10 years, started for
tho hay to swim. It was n regular
Sunday afternoon sport; with tho
hoys and they stopped at tho Ilnch
man placo nnd askod Mr. Ilackman
to go with thorn. Edwin remarked
that ho hud oaten n vory hearty din
nor nnd Mr. Hnchmnn suggested that
It might not bo well for him to go
In swimming so soon nftor eating.
Tho threo went to tho O'Connoll
wharf near tho atavo mill and aftor n
short tlmo Edwin and Mr. Hnchninn
went in swimming. Tho hoy had
dived onco and got up on tho dock
nnd divod again. Whon ho ennio up
ho looked at Mr. Dachmnn who wns
on tho whnrf nnd said: "I can't," nnd
sunk down. It wns evident that
something was wrong nnd 'Mr. Ilnch
man dlvod In for tho hoy nnd got
hold of him. Tho boy cnrrlcd Mr.
Hnchmnn down undor tho wntor nnd
suddenly lot go of his hold and sank
down and Mr. Uachmun was unnblo
to get hold of him again.
Jnmcn Koornn wns nearby In
boat nnd togothor with Hans Hanson
nnd others tho body wns recovered
within nbout twenty minutes nftor
tho hoy sank. In tho monntlmo Mrs.
Hnchmnn wns notified of tho nccldont
nnd tolophonod for Mnrshnl Carter
nnd Dr. Housoworth. Tho doctor
worked with tho boy hut It wus too
Into to do anything with him.
Tho mothor nnd daughter woro In
North Hond visiting whon tho nccl
dont hnpponed nnd woro aont for nnd
brought homo. '
Thoso surviving tho victim of tho
nccldont nro tho mothor nnd fnthor,
ono hrothor, Chcstor, ngod 15 yonrs,
nnd ono alstor, Myrtlo, ngod 17 years.
Tho funornl will bo hold nt 10:30
o'clock Tuosdny morning from tho
Mothodlst church In this city.
Thnt tho boy should drown whon
ho could awlm wna rnthor pocullnr
hut nn oxnmlnntlon proved thnt ho
probably chokol to death. Thoro
were Indications thnt vory llttlo wn
tor hnd been swallow'od nnd It np
ponrod thnt tho cliango of tempera
turo oxporioncod by ..going Into tho
wntor bo soon nftor eating heartily
had probably cnusod tho hoy to got
sick nnd choko. Tho mothor says
thnt hor son had boon complaining
of pnlns In his henrt and alio thinks
posslblo his donth in tho wntor wns
duo to n sudden atnek of heart trou
ble OF
Fell at Smith Mill Week Ago
and Injured His
Charles W. Doyor, who foil nt tho
Smith mill nnd broke his bnck, died
Inst night at Morcy hospltnl ns a re
sult of his Injury. Sovernl dnys ago
ho underwont a surgical operation
which it wns hoped might bring
nbout his recovery but It wns im
possible to snvo him.
Beyer was 41 years old. Ho was
born In Gormnny and resided In this
city with his wifo nnd niece nnd was
employed at tho C. A. Smith mill.
Tho funoral will be held at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon from
the Wilson undertaking parlors In
this city.
DO NOT WASTE ?1 a barrel on
Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have
ALWAYS USED. Tlione 73 Pacific
Liver- & Transfer Co,
I Ufil
Twenty Known Dead In Penn
sylvania Much Property
(Dy Assoclatod Press to The Coos
Bny Times.)
P1TTSUUHO, Pa., Sept. 2. Twcn
ty persons nro known to bo drowned
nnd mnny others missing following
a sorlcs of storms which swopt over
Pennsylvania and tho Panhnndlo of
West Virginia early todny. Rall
rond traffic ls demoralized and tho
dnmago Ib heavy.
Loss of llfo from Btorms nro com
Oriental Doctor Escapes Ar
rest When Potter's Death
Is Investigated.
(Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Day
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 2. Tho
body of Louis Pottor, tho Bculptor
who died mysteriously Inst wcok un
der tho treatment of n Chlneeo phy
sician, wns turned over to his broth
er, living at Cliatam, N. Y., whoro
tho Interment will ho mndo. Tho
chemist who mndo nn oxnmlnntlon
wns unablo to find any poison,
though traces of phosphorus woie
found. Tho Chtncso doctor was not
arrested. It Is practically proved
that Pottor dlsrognrdod tho Instruc
tions ot his physicians. Potter's
mysterious compnnlon Is snld to bo
known ns Mnrthn Miller. Sho Is be
lieved to still bo In tho city.
Must Tell Comiulttcu About 1001
Campaign Money
(Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
NEW YORK, Sept. 2 William
Loob, Jr., hns boon suhpnonned to
npponr Soptombor 30 boforo tho Son
nto committee Investigating cam
paign contributions to toll nbout tho
contributions to tho campaign of
Be a camel -Get
a hump on f
JKVlrv ,J
S5ScsssSMSiaiiifa. ,
Special vlow tnkon In "Tho Ca nyon" Sunday, 'tho deader ,of tho
Caravan leaving many of his "hum ps" bohlnd for tho other pilgrims
to cross before they reached the M yrtlo Point Oasis for food and rest.
Poor old DnvU, loved by nil, you
Imvn lifinri! the Shrlnor's cnll.
signed tholr papers pnld tho prlco,
you'll bo done up good nnd nlco.
Wish wo hnd n ennnco to snvo yuu,
t.nnr frtnnrt. from barrel stave.
Wish you dldu't have to go wnero
tho sands nro burning so. Wish you
didn't havo to rldo on a camel by
iiin niiin nt iiinKo fi w ful. shrloklng
Turks, traveling on by Jumps nnd
Jorks. Wlsti you aiuni nave io wum
on knife blades, nnd henr tho talk
of thnt man who holds a spear point
ing at your starboard ear. Wish you
didn't havo to unnK earners iiiiik.
right on tho brink of some mighty
ennyon wall. Feel nfrnld, my
friend, you'll fall. Wish you would
n't wenr a blind ns you leave your
friends behind. Wish you dldn i
havo to write things thnt mny not bo
alright. ,
Poor old boy, Ji's not too inie.
Don't go onward to such fate. Bid
those Shrlners fond adieu. Stay
with friends you know are true.
Stay here with us, good old man.
Dodgo those tempters while you can.
Just get In your old-time stride.
Run out In the woods nnd hide.
All members are requested to be
present Monday, Sept. 2. 1912. Big
pow-wow. Visiting chiefs Invited.
ing from sovernl sections. Mnny
persons wcro forced from tholr
homes by tho flooding of streams.
Oil derricks woro blown down nnd
houses swopt nwny. Damngo to all
kinds of property Is very great.
Wisconsin Storm.
((Dy Assoclatod Pross to Tho Coos
Day Times.)
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 2.
Koports aro being received hero of
serious damngo during yctordny's
storm. Tho Soo lino wns n heavy
Representative Stanley Gives
His Opinions Regarding
Some Existing Laws.
(By Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Day
HENDERSON, Ky., Sept. 2. Re
plying to RoobovoU's St. Johnsbury,
Vt., speech In which tho Sherman anti-trust
law and Stanley Btool Inves
tigation committees and recommen
dations In rcgnrd thoreto woro crit
icized, noprcsontntlvo Stanloy, chair
man of tho commlttco Issued n long
statement doclnrlng thnt "Tho Sinn
loy commlttco holds no brief for tho
Shormnn net. Tho chnlrmnn of tho
commlttco hns ropentcdly snld tho
Shormnn law by Itsolf wns not n suffi
cient romody for tho existing evils.
Tho fnct thnt tho lnw hns not been
enforced by tho republlcnn adminis
tration Is howovor no good ronson for
condemning It. Tho Shormnn net
fcnrlessly nnd capably enforced Is a
sword. Tnft has struck only with
tho scnbbnrd nnd Roosovolt nover nt
tnckod anything In his llfo except
with n horn and bass drum. For tho
nrst tlmo slnco tho Shormnn net wm
written, tho Stnnloy commlttco hns
proposod nmondmons with teeth in
them. Roosovolt hlmsolf rccontly
stnmpod with his unqunllllcd nppro
vnl tho rccommondntlons ho now nt
tompts to discredit by n bnld nssor-
tlon of nrgument."
Thoy say n gung of Shrlners havo
swooped down on tho Bay with guru
and ammunition to drive Dull Cnre
away. Thoy say theso men act aw
ful, llko Turks nnd A-rabs do, that
thoy wear knives and turbans, and
carry pistols too. Thoy Bay their
feot aro blistered from walking
through tho sand, that riding on
their camels has made them wnnt to
stnnd and how tho common people
thnt to como their way, that
Shrinors get amusement from cut
ting up this way. But, frlond, I've
Just discovered while prowling
'round them some, they're not such
awful creatures unless you treat
them bum. So, don't bo startled,
neighbor, when on tho streets you
see thnt queer, trlcolored bunting.
Don't go and climb a tree. Don't
let your fears o'orcomo you because
strange things appear about our
streets theso mornings. There's
nothing much to fear. Don't worry
'bout tho crescents that hang about
the town. Don't hldo becauso
there's strangers with faces stern
nnd brown.
They'ro rather klna nnd gentle ex
cepting when they're r'lled, nnd then
they're apt to carve you, and eat you
when you're b'lled. Don't let thorn
know you fear them. Keep still
ust like a mouse, bur wnen youre
(Continued on Page Four.)
Makes Speech at Buffalo and
Talks of Third Party
(By Assoclatod Frees to Coos Bay
BUFFALO, N. Y., Sopt. 2. Wll-
oon analyzed tho third party plat
form and Its relation to tho laboring
man today. Tho occasion wob tho
lahbr day celebration. It was ths
first expression from tho domocratlo
cnudldato on tho merits of tho pro
gressive platform. Tho governor
snld tho Roosovolt program lay
"whoro tnrlff and trusts nro Bpokon
Governor Wilson snld: "Mr.
Roosovolt declares ho Is not troubled
by tho fnct that n very largo amount
of money was taken out ot tho pock
et of tho gonornl taxpnycr nnd put
Into tho pockets ot tho particular
classes of protected manufacturers
but thnt his concern Is not thnt so
llttlo of this money gots Jnto tho
pockots of tho employes. I havo
searched his program very thorough
ly for nn Indication of what ho ex
pects to do in ordor to sco to It thnt
n larger proportion ot this prlzo
inonoy gots into tho pay onvolopus
and I have found only ono sugges
tion. "Thoro Is n plank In tho program
tpoaklng of tho establishing of a
minimum or living wago for womon.
I tnko It for granted tho minimum
ls to bo established by tho law of
that great majority of tho employers
who tnko occasion to bring tho wago
scalo as nearly as might bo down to
tho lovol of that minimum. It would
bo vory awkward for working men to
resist that process successfully bo
causo It would bo dangerous io
strike against tho authority ot tho
fcdornl government."
Wilson dcclnrcd tho plan suggest
ed not only would logullzo monopoly
but would glvo tho chief employers
or tno country "n tremendous nutho
ity bohlnd thorn." Ho snld tho em
ployors would havo tho right to pny
wnges approved by tho government
nnd pointed out thnt It hnd nlwnyu
boen policy of "mnstcrs consolidated
with Industries" to undormlno or
ganized Inbor nnd that tho Rooso
volt plan "looks strangely llko nn
economic mastery ovory tho vory
lives and fortunes ot thoso who do
tho dnlly work of tho nntlon."
Wilson upon his nrrlvnl wns mot
hy Norman E. Mack, former chnlr
mnn of tho national commlttco, nnd
a committee of Inbor lenders. Tho
govornor wns escorted to tho hotel
whoro a public reception was hold.
Asldo from tho set address tho gov
ornor Is scheduled to speak nt othor
meetings during tho day.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
VIENNA, Sopt. 2 Nowspapors
horo aro supporting tho British vlow
of tho Pnnnma Canal act. Tho Dlo
Solt suggests retaliatory moasures
ngnlnst tho United Stntes. Tho offi
cial Frendonblatt says If arbitration
should fall In a case so peculiarly
adaptod to It and bolng botwqon such
frlondly nations as tho United States
and Great Britain it may bo doubted
whether tho tlmo Is rlpo for tho arbi
tration Idea.
New York Murder Case Brings
Out Still More Hidden
(By Associated Press to Coob Bay
NEW YORK, Sopt. 2. Private de
fectives havo placed boforo District
Attorney Whitman Information thuc
several leaders of tho "vice trust"
welch runs a chain of dlsordorly
houses hero together with a former
stato assomblymnn and a police cap
tain have raised about $50,000 wltn
which to purchase affidavits that
cert alji county officials Investigating
tho police blackmail havo been guilty
of accepting money for falling pur
posely to obtain convictions against
the disorderly houses. A private de
tective working with the "trust"
disclosed a "conspiracy." Whitman
may seek Indictments against per
sons engaged In tho alleged plot.
Colonel Campa With Small
Force Gets Away With
Much Loot.
Ranchers and Mining Men
Are Declared to Be Favor
able to Federals. '
(By Assoclatod Press to Coos Buy
CANANEA, Moxlcy, Sopt. 2.
Colonel Emllto Campa, tho robol
commander In this district, mndo a
raid Into Santa Cruz Into Saturday
night with ono hundred nnd fifty
men. All bridges between that placo
and Nognlcs woro burned and much
loot carried off. Tho railroad com
pany cannot oporatn until oxtouslvo
repairs nro mndo.
People Armed.
(By Associated Prosa to the Cooa Day
JUAREZ, Mexico, Sopt. 2. Poo
plo of tho Stato ot Conora will bo
nrmed by tho federal govornmoilt la
nn offort to check tho progress ot
wcbL According to tho oftlc'nls
horo tho government plnns soon to
Import 2000 rifles. It la nssortod
thnt tho rnnchmon nnd mining moa
ot Sornorn nro loyal to tho govern
ment or nt least nro opposod to tho
robots, who nro operating In smalt
bnnds. Tho bulk of tho fcdornl,
nrmy Is In Chihuahua stnto, recent
ly doBortcd by tho robots bolow
Major Morrow Informs Com
mittee Oregon Will Soon
Come Back to Bay.
Further dotnlla nnd confirmation
of Cnpt. Mncgcnn's telogrnm of Snt
urdny announcing thnt tho drodgo
Oregon would havo to go to Grays
Harbor this fall camo lu a porsonal
mossago from Dr. McCormao to Mrs.
McCormne Saturday ovonlng. Dr.
McCormao wiib a mombor of tho
special commlttco to confer with
Major Morraw.
Tho news In Dr. McCormnc's tolo
grnm Ib more reassuring becauso It
Bpccltlos that tho Oregon will bo re
turned to Coos liny In olght montbn,
which will mean early noxt Bum
mer. Tho messngo rolutlve to port
matters la as follows:
Portland, Ore, Aug. 31, 1912.
Mnjor Morrow says tho Grays
Harbor bill specifies tho government
dredgo nnd consequently ho ennnot
consider our proposition. Ho snya
tho dredgo will bo returned to Coos
Dny in eight months. No funds nra,
avnllnblo olsowhero.
Tho gunrnnteo by tho Port Cora
mission of 25 per cent of tho cost ot
tho Jotty will rccolvo tho favorablo
consideration of tho engineers, and
ho Is almost posltlvo ot lta approval
hy Congress.
Cnptnln Roberts will glvo a hear
ing at Coos Bay on tho brldgo mat
ter Sopt. 18.
Govornor West will appoint tho
commission Immediately on rocolpt
of tologrnm announcing tho ardor
of tho court on tho oloctlon, Tues
day, It possible.
I will remnln until Thursday and
roturn by stago.
To Speak In Many States and
Tour the Pacific
(By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay
OYSTER BAY, Sopt. 2. Rooso
volt was up beforo dnyhroak today
nnd dopnrtcd for Hartford and
Suprlugflold, Connecticut, whoro he
ls to mnko speeches. Lenvlng Sprlng
flold Into today tho Colonel's roal
Journey begins. Ho turns his back
on tho East for a time, heading
for St. Louis, where ho will speak
at tho Missouri Stnto fair and from
St, Louis will move north to St Paul
and thonco up nnd down tho Pacific
Coast States. His plan will bo to
got back to Oyster Bay about the
middle of October.
Saturday night, September 7.
- nt
t ---'. jr, .