THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, F.-.L.". ', AUGUST 30, 1912- EVENING EDITION. WILL CLOSE ILL TRY 10 OIJUIDinS,' KEffJMEOBE I --jCggtlnucdfmml New Order Received From De partment by Postmaster Cur.tis of Marshfield. Tho following order regarding tho closing of tho post ofllco on Sunday hns been received by Postmaster Cur tis: Postmaster: Sir: Tho post ofllco appropriation net for tho fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1013, provides: 'Thnt hereafter post ofllccs of the first and second qlnsses shnll not bo opon on Sundays for tho purpose of delivering mall to tho general pub lic, but this provision shall not pro- vont tho prompt dollvery of special delivery mall." ' Undor this law you will closo tho goncrnl dollvery, cnrrlcrs windows, and oclc boxes and discontinue all uoiivories uy carriers on Hununy. You will note, however, that special dollvery mall Is excepted and ylu will thereforo nrrango to havo on duty n sufllclent forco to handle this mall matter promptly. Tho Department desires to rcduco Sunday work to tho minimum so that as many of tho employees as posslblo liny enjoy a comploto dny of rest on Sunday. You should, thereforo, roqulro only n sufllclent nunibor of clerks to report for duty on that day In ordo rthat transit mall and tho mnll collected for dis patch may bo handled without delay. If no mnll Is dispatched on Sunday n' very early collection should bo mado on Monlny morning nnd tho mnll for local delivery distributed before, tho carriers lenvo for their first trip. Respectfully, C. P. GARFIELD, First Assistant Postmaster General. PEOPLE HELP 0 Citizens of North Bend Give $600 for Water front Drive. Prospects for securing tho water front rond nil thu way from Marsh fluid to North Bond nro good. Tho North Bond city council hus agreed to build tho rond provided that tho citizens pay tho city $000 In ensh. Tho Southern Pacific hns sout word thnt tho railroad company will tako caro of Us part of tho road. Subscriptions nro being tnkun up and it is believed thnt thero will bo no difficulty In securing thu neces sary JG00. Tho following nro thoso hnrbor can profit. Tho dlffercnco botween' dredging by contract nnd by having tho government dredgo horo, would bo, If tho work was kopt up In tho future at tho samo rnto ns now, about $2,000 n month. In giving $10,000, tho sum of $4,000 moving cost would bo saved leaving this port $ 6,000 exponscs for keeping tho dredge horo but with n Bnvlng of $2,000 a month this would bo wiped out In three months. In othor words If tho government dredgo will snvo $2,000 n month it will snvo $21,000 In a yenr over tho cost of dredging by contract. Then there would bo an additional saving of $4,000 moving cost, in all a sav ing of $28,000 nnd for this Coos Hay Is willing to pny $10,00 to keep tho dredgo horo. This would mako a net saving In tho year of $18,000 if this arrangement could bo carried out. Moreover if the dredgo was taken away it is fcarod that It might never como back here. It possibly might not stand many moro sea voyages or something olso might turn up which would prevent It being brought back here noxt summer. Tho plan will bo thoroughly ex plained to Major Morrow and will bo decided definitely ono way or tho other. Cnpt. Margonn Plan Capt. Macgcnn of tho Drcakwator In his talk dwelt principally on tho program that should bo adopted for Improving tho hnrbor. Ho Bald that tho government should bo nskod to restoro tho old Jotty to whoro it was originally built and put In tho track and plant. Then, ho snld, tho Port of Coos Dny should offer to put up dollar for dollar with tho govern ment for oxtcndln gtho jotty to tho ncccssnry length nnd nlso put up dollar for dollar with tho govern ment for Improving tho inner chan nel nnd keeping It In good shnpo. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES HOW THEY STAND W. L. P.O. Los Angles .. 80 CG .588 Vornon 83 GO ,G80 Oakland 78 G2 .557 Portland 58 G8 .400 San Francisco ..GO 81 .420 Sacramento .. ..CO 84 .373 PORTLAND. Or., Aug. 30 Port land was bndly bonton by Vornon yostcrdny. Oakland and hor Angola woro both winners. Tho scores follow: At Portland , R H Portland 2 G r: ISTeTSO'N hATS" 'STETSON SHOES: :s"ietson hats: STETSON SHOES For Your First Fall Suit CO LU O a: t) o GO b ( CO CO o CO r- f-t0 CO UJ o CO o CO h- UJ CO For All Your Suits the Year Around Wear a "Benjamin" We have received the past few days a mighty swell as. sortment of new Suits and Raincoats Which we are ready to show you. See window display. Priced $18.00, $20.00, $22.b0, $25.00 and on up 0 $35.00. This season we are after your clothing business stronger than ever ' H.t.f, 9f fltnjamjn 03 First because our range of sizes, models and colorings aie larger and better than we have ever before carried Second "MONEY TALKS'' Will be impressed on you by the values and prices we aie showing Stronger thart ever "MONEY TALKS" HUE CLOTHING 8b SHOE CO MAKSIIFI1DLD STFTSOM HATS! STETSON SHOES; STETSON HATS! BANDOX STETSON SHOES who havo subscribed up to uoou to-1 Vernon 13 17 day: At San Frnnclsco R II Qorst & King Auto Lino.... $1G0.00 Oakland 3 8 Coos Dny Urowory 1C0, Go i Snn Frnnclsco 1 3 Coos Dny Grocery Co 25.00 At Los Angeles R II Oregon Power Co., G. C. ( Los Angoles C 12 uroen 2D. 00 Dr. 1. D. Dnrtlo 15.00 J. A. Alton 10.00 L. F. KnlltonHtelu 10.00 Win. Sehrock 10.00 Fred Johnson 10.00 John Volz 10.00 Geo. Murphy 10.00 Chris Grubs 10.00 Dr. A. L. Housoworth. Mnrsh- 1IOIU R 1 r i: 3 o K o Sacramento 5 9 2 Go to Sartor's for your Tnmnlea this evening. Ea3y to Get Relief From Indigestion Your stomach should digest tho food A VIIUZllo lOOOl wuuum iiiu am 01 any aril- Dr. II. B. IJu'rlnVlBtoV' !!!!!! G.'oo ! fl:,ttl 'tle. If it won't do that, i-ourlor mothers Soils to Snail Tfou! Coats Galore! Latest novelties and many morel Just step round to tho White House Store and walk right In at tho open door, A, J, Davis, proprietor, Might as well bo up to date, buy a coat, 'tis not too lato, They're to bo had a "any old" price. New York styles will sure look nlc3 on old Coos Bay, Be a sport and spend your money, Suro, times are hard, but then, 'tis funny if you can't dig up a five or two, In case you can't, your "face" will do, We're "onto our job" and we'll please you at The White Home Store Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Havo Pure Wholesome Meats. Phone 58 i 10.00 Alux Olson i....... WILL SEND HELP. r Oil "'" Jul u'u luuuuuuuy BUUJCCl 10 Rnn1d?JP'l,,!a lndlgestiou. heartburn, head. 0,uu I a-.hjs ant constipation. i ib&tJu cr taking digestive medicines, I TVk .D t ttt rn,iM at Atlin a(i J Uy Associated i'rosa to Cooa Bu1 tallies again in a healthy, natural c'tdttiou. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge will do th's for you if you will take It reg, tuariy. ft Is not a digester of foods, but It will restoro your stomach and Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 30. lt will probably ho necessary for uiuiiiii ouiiiiiuriunu to (iispate i n .,ustines so that thev will nttVnrt to relief expedition to MntnKalpa. The' their natural ftSctloiSf dlgcstinghat J,0'1.1 ,lB vo'' llfilciilt of access. , you cat nnd giving strength to tho llrltlah Interests thoro nro centered loay. largely In tho mines. About 12.", I For moro than eighty years thou Americans nro bt-lleved to reside on ds of mon and womon who had suf tho coffco plantations and work In te:?d. H1" Ea,ns, caused by dypepsla tho nilnou of tlmr nelKhl.ort.ooH. , 5S,f,alf10,liCiS W MSy which DisiiKN nil kin.ia i in-., .Li. hj'oEht them permanent relief. As the mi iS ' ' ..!IU..' ( ,,i:'V,K, Tonic acts directly upon tho stomach T,!v,..y.'V! mn NHW' TIIKM, at ; and Intestines, it is a natural appettret COOS IJ.W (WSII STOKIC. and strength builder. Aiauy xorms of supposed indigestion Get Busy AM. OUT AFTKlt THAT HOOP. HIT FIIIMT COSIK IX .VXD GET OL'll I'UIOKS OX SIIIXGLICS AM) ItOOKIXO PAIMMt. 8I1IXGLES $1.3() AND Vl Roorrxa PAPEn, oxc ply, sum axd up. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItCTAIL 'l.UPAUT.MKNT. Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay San for Prancisco Thursday, September 5. WITH PASSEXQEHS AND FREIGHT V. H. HOW. AKont. OoMuDod I 'THE ritlKNI) OK COOB HAV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELEB8 SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA FRIDAY, SEPT. 6. AT 7:30 A. M. CONXI50TIXG WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT P0niU NORTH PACIFIC PTKASISHIP COMPANY'. Phono U. a. F. .McGEOnOE. I . DANCE EAGLES HALL Sutunlar ' u.. -r , 4l .1 ". parasites, cvo., A I'd. .il. Lato miisle I Ki'v. for wh,cn Jayiw'a Tonic Verraifugo is .. .. : """w iin uu olio-, ooia uy nruggists every. CAHA.M I LS I'EXTS Pl.'l W.IOri Ir. 3. Javua & Son. PhllartHl. --. .....- J'OUXD Snturday and Sunday at Phla' ra STAMOItDS. --' : FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; R. .novo Them With tho Noi- Dnijj. An omlnent skin specialist lecent ly dlscovored n now drug, othlno- . doublo strength, which Is so uniform ly successful in removing freckls and giving a clear, beautiful complex. Jon that It Is sold by any first claw druggist under an nb3oluto gunrauteo to refund tho inonoy If It falls. Dou't hldo your freckles under A vol I; got nn ounce of othlno and ro inovo them. Evon tho first night's U8o will show a wondorful Improve, mont. somo of tho llghtor frccklns vanishing entirely. It Is absolutolj harmless, and cannot lnjuro tho inoit tender skin. Bo suro to ask for tho doublo strength othlno; It Is this that Is sold on tho money back guarantee. ' WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for ench set of old False Teeth sent us. Hlghost prices paid f-ir old Gold, Silver, old Wntches brokon Jowolry nnd Preclou Stones. .Money Sent by Return Mnll. PJillu. Smelting Al Refining Co. Established 20 Years. : Chebtnut St., Phllatleliihla, P.t. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. IUgu est prices paid. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co J IIKXitY SK.VGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coquille Om.ti Phono 191 Platting Londu a ipoclnlty. k'na Timber (ol anient "BA8TSIDR" OonorI ak MnrshnId Offlco H-J. Unique Pantatorium IIIR MODERN DYKRfl. CUCANIOUI, PltEHPICRS ud HAT It E.NOV AXOlCi. gent for Edward B. Straus & Co fine Tallorlnr Lt us maka your uext Suit. 255 Commercial. PIumm aSOOC. , i FAST AND COMJIODIOU8 Steamer Redondo EQllIed with wireless and submarine bell .y SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOSBM Saturday, Aug. 31, at 3 P.M. All Passenger Reservations From San Francisco Must Bo M ' H03 Fifo Riiildlng, or Pier No. 10. , r-i?nnoB. Af5U I j, S, ."-- PHONE 44. LAKESIDE BY AUTO Mnko regulnr daily trips collecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAli Lenvlng StaulT's landing every day at li30 p. .., retnriilne l North Slough landing St.rdat O R. ,. Auto leaVes LaSdo ono hour earlier than boat schedule. Leaves boat landing North Slough Monday, 8:00 a, n,., Tuesday 8:00 n. ,., Wednesday 8:00 a ,.. Tlmrwlay, 8:00 a. m., Friday. 8:.1( . ',., Saturday 0:00 a n, FARE EACH WAY 51.00 Will make special trips to connect ulth launch at any time dav or night.. For full infor.nnllou Inquire TOM MWYEn" Jr. a Lt Tefelfono Agent. ,CttV W,lh M' M reon. "the'likeSto City Auto Service flood CarR. Careful Drivers ant! reasonable charges. Our motto: 'Will go anywhere at any tlmo." Stands Blanco Mntnl mH niunnn Cigar Store,. Dajvijhones r78-aoU'46 Night Phone 46. ..''.1." IIARKER, OQOrVBjDrleton, EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FIIOM AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, ATO'-i i'8' I3 . and 28. FROM BIARSHFIELD AT THE SEW' THE TIDE, AUG. B, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. 1'hiine Main iKH-h.'ulJ ffiiB ' c I'LEn, m You Auto Call f oote PHONE 144.J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW CARS After U P. M. Phono 6-J Residence Phone 28-J Will make tripa to Coquille. , J. ... COOS BAY-IiOSEBURG STAGE LM&t Stage leaves Marshfield every morning at 6 and reaches Bo" 1trf time to connect with evening train for Portland. Stag i s Rosebiirg every morning at 6 o'clock and reaches Maroon" evening. FARE $0.00, Round trip fll.OQ. Good ms -. P. Barnard, agent, Roseburg. . m& , . uito Hchetter, agent, 130 Marlcet "" . .iPKeti can be obtained at Hiiwr-a cigar p" . nwi.