THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, Ig1 EVENING EDITION. stetson shoes; rsiETsoN hats: STETSON SHOES' CITY COUNCIL REDONDO OUT HOLDS IEETIIG: FOR TOE SOUTH r 'STETSON HATS: r First Fall Suit For Yon l M II f Andfipsnn Avenue Accented and Leaves With Lumber and Bonds Sold Other Street I Large Number Passengers Work Considered. for San Francisco. Street Ininrovpinent work ocelli)- The stcnnicr Rodondo Balled nt led the attention of the city council noon today for Snn Francisco with u most of the tlmo during tho mooting enrgo of lumber and a largo number last night. Tho Improvement on An- -f passengers. Tho following Is tho dorson avenue whero tho cedar list of those bound for Snn Fran blocks were laid was accepted umljclsco: Hugh McLnin, the contractor was or-l crnou and Vlhla Dnln, Mrs. M. rn.1 nnl.l 1m linlmmn film Mm. Tllf. ' .1 OneS, Alft. J. Ll. IIMH, JITS. Elm i.nndol, Mrs. C. C. Llghtued, Mrs. J. W. Hoss and child, Ned Wold and Evclln Wold, Mrs. 11. 13. Wronn, Mrs. I i2rlc Wold, Wm. Wrenn, Heaton Wronn, ray. jns. Maungnnis, C. K. Mclvcr, M. Solberg, u. Thorn, F. Scliaffnor, Paul F. Soulo, 0. E. Weaver, J. L. Bain, Enrl Llnd, A. Llnd, Mrs. A. Llnd, Miss K. E. lielsendorfer, Mrs. W. McVcy, Miss &usio A. Schrepplcr, M. Glass, X. Uhodes, Miss Ituby Ingcstrom, Miss Leila Schlberg, Mrs. Wlnnlo Llgltt i.all, Eddie Conlcy, Clins. Conlcy, Mis. S. Conlcy, It. C. Luken, J. A. Vokuin, II. B. Lewis, C. A. Lee. ALLIANCE SA 15 F00 EUREKA total coBt of tho street was ?5,9L7. 70 for tho two blocks. Hugh McLaln was awarded tho contract for tho Improvement of vVrenn. Jnmos Byrn, H. 13. Fourth from Control avenue to Don- Chas. Mueller, L. G. Gi M11ft. I'll. nnntimnt nilnn ...nt.! mm m mm m as 11U1IUJ. 111U lUlllltll,b '111U ITta 3,187, which Includes sldowalks and tho replacing of tho brldgo roadway which was condemned. Hugh Mc Laln mado n bid for $2,231,27 im provement bonds for Anderson ave nue. Ho bid for tho bonds at par and they wore awarded him. Tho grading on Market nvcnuo was accoptcd and tho grading on Fourth was nlso accoptcd. This was work dono by Moon nnd Barkley. Tho contractors wero ordered paid as far as tho money was available, It not having been nil collected. Tho council passed on ordlnnnco calling a special election for Sept. 30 at which tlmo tho pcoplo will voto on tho proposition for tho now chnr tor omondmonts. Tho principal ono of theso is that which proposes to mako tho election laws of tho city conform with tho stnto election lnws nnd to dlvldo tho city Into wards, An nsscBsmont was mndo for tho Improvement of Scvonth street from Flanagan to a point 12G feet south of Goldon. Tho nBsessmont mndo was $1.70 a front foot and $275 for tho Intersection of Goldon. Thoro was Homo discussion regard ing tho plnn for a boulovnrd from MnrHhflold to tho ocoan. City At torney Goes hnd at a previous moot ing been nsked to confer with tho nt tornoy for tho RoynoldB Development company for tho purposo of making Bomo kind of an agreement so that tho offor of tho company could bo put In such form that It could bo formnlly accoptcd by tho city. Ono question which has arisen Is In re gard to tho boulovnrd running through property which Is to bo platted. Mr. Goss suggested that If tho strip of land was 200 feet wldo nnd had a rondway In tho center nny proporty along tho boulovnrd which wbb platted would bo back aomo dlstnnco from tho drlvowny. Ho wanted to know If It wna tho Idea to havo n drlvoway on each sldo of tho 200 feet to roach tho proporty or Just how It wns tho Intention to nrrnngo It. No nctlon was tnkon by uiu council. CO LU O O go r Ul CO NO CLUB FORMED Equal HiifTrnge Movement Not Taken Up Hero Tho visit of Mrs. Colby, tho equal suffrage spenkor, to this city, did noi rosuit in tho formation of nn or gnnizntion .caves Today for South and Wili Be Back Here Early Friday. The stenmer Alllnnco sailed today for Eurokn and will bo back horo early Friday and will sail Friday noon for Portland. Tho following woro tho outgoing passengers today: F. Ward, It. H. I'rlco, J. A. Dowo, It. 13. L. Bcdolllon, R. A. Going, Wnltor Jones, Mrs. D. II. Jones and W. F. Dodge. WITH Till-: SICK. Mr. Sturdevnnt who was Injurod In ono of tho camps about a month ngo has rocovcrcd sulllcloutly to bo moved from tho hospital to Marsh Hold. S. 1). Harper of tho F. S. Dow campany Is suffering from a sorlous Infection of his throat nnd fnco, re sembling barber's Itch. Ho ia able to bo up nnd around but has to koop his throat bandngod. Mrs. Warren Ilachtcl who is visit ing at tho homo of hor parents In Tonnossoo Is rntlior critically ill ns a result of a stroko of paralysis, ac cording to lottorH just received by Mr. Baehtol. CO a: o CO b to CO LU O 3C CO o CO h- LU (O For All Your Suits the Year Aroumi Wear a "Benjamin" KPtJTlntV .IiM'-OsA-IM Nth. 9f fienjamjn Cloth.cs We have received the past few days a mighty swell as. sorlment of new Suits and Rainuoats Which we are ready to show you. See window display. Priced $ 1 8.00, $20.00, $22.b0, $25.00 and on up to 335.00. This season we are after your clothing business stronger than ever ' First because our range of sizes, models and colorings aie larger and better than we have ever before carried Second "MONEY TALKS'' Will be impressed on you !jy the values and prices we ai e showing Stronger than ever "MONEY TALKS" HUB CLOTHING $b SHOE CO. MARSHFIELD BANDOX STETSON HATS! 1STETS0N SHOES! 'STETSON HATS! ISTETS0N SHOES' .Peevish Children Suffer With Worma WANTED A man who desires to bettor his ilnnnclnl condition by making a Hinall i.ivcstuiout which will pny truni 25 per cent to 100 per cent. Talk with Hold, ownor's ngont, Porham Park, 203 Coke Dldg. Don't bi antrrr with your child ba. Mrs. Colby ns n sponkor cauio bo or sho Is continually Irritable. mndo qulto a fnvnrnblo iinnmRsinn Tn nnv.nin. .. v,,.jj ....'. I Who mnl". .nr'n-'l'T Ul l".1",0,8 ,10r. y0 " fl0d th,t tr0UWe l8 - ' iUm .t'S,." S yd2' . Amon coTon Byniptom8 of th8i Noxicr In tho way of organizing It Is not re"nM ' nnd worms aro nervous- N01ICL. likely Hint nny ormnl suffrnKo club "as, which often leads to eplloptl. ' , Notlco Is hereby glyen that tho will bo formed In this city. Mrs fora ttacks,-dixlness, vertigo, capri- entires of nn actual majority of Colby loft horo for Portland and dons appetite, restless sloop. itching of w'?? n,',l)?' ?' tho legal voters .. . . . - in i i ii iwiii nnin nni mi i nn nni miv ." in. i cny win go to Kansas to wa nose, nansea and often l,- ""V Orocor imvo bnon ni.tnlV.', help In tho campaign for equal uf- hysteria Round wormu aro several m nV? ' , "roaulrcd bv law b fniKo thoro. Clubs woro formod by Jpche? in length and infest the stomach. i"i. ,,'..," q,.m y ,, ' b. MrH. Colby t both Con ulllo mid ?a8,?n several hundred are fovuTd ;l01 n 1Ulul! to n )0tI lo nddrcwoil M....I.. ti. v-iiiimno nnu in slncla neraon. Ttiroori ,. vi. to tho county court, of Coos countv. "V"i mm. , rmaUer, often not longer than a quarter 8tn, of OreRon, praying that tho A(J.I.ST .SIN(JI,n TAX or an inch. The symptoms denotlnp; ..w. voDUm.o am odqui mo same, but in this case the child has no appetite. . . kIUVIin-H It fil rm j J'oil ami Slim Will I... ii. m..i... ..-j ." "V.r. . "ko io unsur " " in .'HiKii imoDcu in romoving worms, 'if,ii j t iiur ChnrlPH II. ShloldH, secrotnry of Iho OroKHii Kqunl Tux I.enKiio. has sent word to (IiIh c(y that he will bo hero next Monday to mako a tour of tho county. Ilo expects to speak in each city of tho cmmiv nn.i in tnlk aKalnst tho propolllon of hIiikIo tftV 'PllA .l.n-fl- . -m M . . . " Steamer Wa$hilgtOI Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Thursday, 3 P. M., August 29. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT V. 8. DOW, Awnt. OcoAn Dock. 'THE FUIKNI) OF COOB nAV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELK8B SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND FRIDAY, AUG. 30, AT 12 M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COS I PAN V. vu,nw J O. F. McGEORQE, Agent. DRAIN- COOS BAY AUTO LIN! VIA ALLEQAIrt Loaves MarshQeld dally at I it nnd arrives at Drain In UBitu nect with aftornoon train (or J land. Loaves Drain at 8 a. m.uil nt Marshflold about 6 p, m. TickotB on snlo nt "Duir ( Phono 278, Marshflold ud 0. 1 toon, Drain, r. i. BOAirE A. H. B0 Marshfield Pflint (8b Decorating Katlmates Furnished MARflliroiA Phone HOL w, l will it destroy them, but its tonic effects will restore the stomach to healthy ac tivity. As Jayno's Tonic Vermlfiitrn snld John Rands be- grnnted a llcenso to sou splrltous, malt and vinous liquors, and fermented cldor, com monly known as hard cldor, In quan titles less than ono gnllon, and that snld petition Is In tho words and fls ures, following, to wit: Petition for Liquor License. To tl'o Ilnnnrnliln Pnimlv nmi,t nt Cnnn Pnnnlv. AIhIa nt rkmrmn 1 Wo, tho undorslgned, legal voters pro- seldom purges, tho indications of its Le'al ?.? w111 be th Improved vw""'"u" mo person iisinrr it. i Mlllloai of parents have nri i thi. ' ,,.'"" .T." ','. "" ".' ?'"?"' . I medicine for more than eighty veari , .' , ""' ""'"" 'US" v Tncl.t llnn.. t- - i?" Bvy years, nn.i nphinl rnlilnnta nf nnnin.n : ",r"' ""' i'."i'""iiiiMi in mugio -" fvn wuyuu a ionic vennifiKre. -"'"'""'""' " inu-i tax. Tlio mlvocntos of sliiglo tax nro ,nd accept no other. Sold by druggists ciuct ln Coos county, stnto of Oro- iiinlrlmr,. .. . OVerVWhtrn. Dr. n .Taim. jrv o v.i..,I l'Hii rnsnnplftillv mttlllnn ....-' cnuso tho proposition Is to bo voted ' Uionorablo body to grant n licenso to' "I'i'ii hi uiu uiu oiociion ami ! 'imil i tkiiia iu u oiuihmi, mani i ax i.eaguo Is nn organization which ' ...... . , " '- il Will Furnish Your FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrelesi nnd submnrlno bell SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Tuesday, Aug. 27, at 12 M. All Passenger Reservations UVom Suit Francisco Mutt Ilo .Made iM H(5 FJfo IlulIdliiK, or Pier No. 10. IATER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. C. F. McGEORQE, Agent. PHONE ., North Bend News House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman wh'ch IVdin an t The M. Simp,.,.,, Cunday will hl to s.ui j(edondi). Oa'l . llil irin h. L. RIkkh uihI party havo return ed to North llend after having on Joyed n short outing. .Misses Ruby and Stella SJobers left today for their home In Calif -,r-Jila after a plemuint vlult with friends nnd rolnilvoM iu North llend Mrs. MrVey who mH iu.tii vUHlnu Her sister. Mrs. (leeliln here. t.ft on tho Rodondo today for her homo in San Francisco. Mrs. McSwoenoy nnother sister, who has been lsltliig at the McGoehin home will not lenvo until soinetlmo In Septombcr There will be n recital tomorrow oyenlng at tho Presbyterian cliunh. ".. , . ' "UIU "'UBlcnl talent, as-' Blsted by Miss Geti hoi of New York1 City, reuler Miss Getchol Is spend-! Ing the summer with relntlvos h,.re ! nnd Is the cousin of Miss Drown of Bliorinnn Avenue nus. :ilt North I"ront fit. Phone 29C-X: Res Phone 166-J 1VKR .TOHNSON 13IOYGLES nt Pioneer Hardware Co. fe$3 nnliltnt nj Pr School for Oltl l?V frhtrto of HUtrr of bt. John lUpU.t iKpUwiuir IOdII.iUU. ttf.4mlt ul tUmml.rr ,prUuoli, I llBlL. Aft. ElMBtlon. m ForrfUloi;iJdriMTIU: NlhTI.'lt .sUl'UIIlor.l .'.inu,.,.!. aivtril. 111,11 Real Estate and FIRE INRl'RA.VCK ipvertl good bargains In Farms and city property. PO. KMZEE1ST. BR Pentriil Am. I Unrsh field, Oregon nnd vinous liquors nnd fermontedi ftljlrkM nr-, -.- mr.. r. - ' i-ihui ivimiiiiiuiii.v Known as nari cldor) In quantities loss than ono gallon, In tho town of Conlodo, In Coalodo precinct, Coos county, srnio ' of Oregon, for tho porlod of ono venr ' from and nfter tho 4th dny of Sop-' teinber. 1912. That tho plnco whoro tho business' Is to bo conducted under tho llconst hereby potltloned for. Is not within ' tho dlstnnco of six miles of any pub-' lie works being constructed within' tho state of Oregon, by the govern-' meat of the United States or of Mm stato of Orogon; nor Is snld placo within the dlsrnnco of ono mile from any collogo or university. NAMES. Allon Rnndlomnn Win. Olson W. D. McNnmnra C E. Shea Archlo Mnddin jns. Cannlff Jns. M. Merchant I). Llljcrofto uwen Jones John Gnlll Paul Boyd Carl Carlson Frank Mnlo A. II. Roynolds Annollno Mnlo w. L. Chore Ed. Anderson P. W. Hopkins John Anselmlno Goorgo Fnrgo Jasper Marasco A. McAdams Walter Noel Tiiat tho said John Hands will an "ly to the said county court f-r tli Krnntlng of snld llcenso to Mm. om tho 4th day of September. 1012. at 10 o'clock n. m of said day. or is auuii ineronuer as tiie- said court an hear said application JOHN RAND. r.i . u.i Applicant. First publication. Tuesdav. Aug. 6. Last publication, Tuesday, Sep 'ember 3, 1912 EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH ROOK, PORTLAND !, 8. 13. 18, SKI ,,n.l 28. FROM MARSIIFIFJ A) AT ' THE TIDE, AUG. 5, 10, 13, 20, 2T d Vo. T 0 n. in.. AUG. THE SERVICE OF Phone Main 321-L. J. C MILLER, Agent. Unique Pantatoriw THE MODKRN DVHR8. CtW"" PRESSKRa and HAT RK.N0TAW A n. VA,.rA V.. RtfiBMC fl,UUb IUI mmmVmHm mm, . fine Tailoring Let ui Bil nezi auu. , . 21.1. Jommrt;liil. Pbns"l TTe Star Transfe and Storage Co, is prernred to do sll WniSl on short notice. W meet 1 gl and bcatn nnd we also naw t"! ntvln IfnvnnlKB l'lauu guarantee our work. L.H.Heisner,P Phonos 9S-R. 120-J. oHJl. Citv Auto Sen I Good Cars. Careful Drfw "reasonable charges, our . I "Will go anywhere at aw I Stands Dlanco Hotel "J.f.jn 'cigar Store. Day Phones-" I Night Phone 46. At GUOlwiw HARKKR LAKESIDE BY AUTO North Slough landlne SatuWi-nVn7 l. ..?: .n,:LnnB leave ...u.. .. ,."m :.-. -. ""' ichvci. LinKOSinn nnn iiiim liii iiri iiiiiii iifinr cmtjimBn. v . w -jwj Monday, 800 .V aVooTm. wllSKS 8i,,8h Thursday, 8:00 . ,., Friday, Him)0$i'a-' FARE EACH WAY SI nn or 3,r&r8St! time, day side, Oregon, or leave ,... J i.V i.V' XXAi' J-.,atLake- Telephono Agent. ' ,er80"i o Iiakesldo ..,r. vnnH for each sot of old False ( " PJL71 srfaK precis M!1 COOS BAY-ROStiBUKG STJlQE LINE Stage leaves Marshfield every mornlnr? n, r .. u time to connect with evening ?raln for P0rinH '" eB Ro,8ebur Rosirg every morning M &' C. P. Dard'TentReffg'11'00- e sent us ni.i riniH Silver. Utl, UUIU ...--, , broken Jewelry auu Stones. . ,rn oioney emu u " . ,r RiiifiItlnBKe'lBMW Established 20 Vea one i.c... Rt.. rlilladelpW' ..-."hicTS. Wn will buy your com J , j : - --- - - . ninfiniiui. " Gold Scrap, nnu i est prices paid Mof CloriciWe pW For the children U J famous "SKUFFEn" tn.. ...1 at The Electric Shoe JJ jUl 180 Io. Broadway