THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1912 EVEWIMG EDITION. i t . HI COOS BAY TIMES BI. C. MALONEV Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALOXEV Xews Editor Entered at the- postof flee at Marsi Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second clam mall matter. . An Independent Republican news paper published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tlio Cooo Hny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DA1IA' TIMES. BInrshflckl :: ;: ;; t Orcgo.1 Officlnl 1'niH.T of Coos County. iOFFER FOR PRIZE . II WELL KNOWN MEN IELL WHT PORT SHOULD BE ORGANIZED SIUDENTS sudscription rates. DAIIiV. One year $6.00 Tor month r,0 WEEKLY. One year J 1.50 When paid strictly In advauco the subscription prlco of tho Coob Bay Tlmos is f5.00 por year or $2.50 for alx months. , ITS OWX REWARD. THE movement which Madanio Montcssorl Is Initiating Is not so now In principle as In theuiy nnd practice. Tlmt knowledge should be Its own townrd Is ono if the chief contentions which tho nut' or hns set forth In her recent boi't. This Is a thing which has boon felt by multitudes of teachers hnvo not perhaps, hnd tho bi.ii. Ideas of how to enrry out tho doc trine. Tho real student discovers this before ho has gono very far on tho road of original research or creative application. Tho problem Is that of Introducing Llm to the truth as early ns possible and of making tho real student lesi of n rnrlty than ho Is In the mod:rn schools. If JIndamo Montcssorl Ac complishes this sho will deserve n plnco nmong tho Immortals. HOTEL ARRIVALS CHANDLER Wnllnco W. Null, Oakland; 10. T. Lnmpn, A. I). An drows, San Francisco; IS. Vnljean and slstor, E. E. Vnljean, Hollywood, Oal.; J. O. Dovonport, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kcolo, W. G. Emerson, Snn Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Ilooth and son, Leo Dornnoy, Rnsoburg; II. D. howls. Sacramento; Paul II. Soulo. Snn Francisco; J. T. Turner, Scot land; W. J. Wllsoy, Portland. LLOYD II. C. Oreon, Snn Fran cisco; Fred Ilnudt, Spoknuc, Wnsh.; Ohns. S. Crlbney, San Francisco. BLANCO II. A. Todd, Arngo; A. J. Wilson, Corvallls; It. It. Dennett, Oravol Ford; M. F. Ilakowell, Lnng lols; W. Ingcrsoll, Lakeside; W. A. Kent, Dluo Illdgo; Ilobcrt Jensen, Snn Francisco; IS. Honry, Handon; 15. W. Van nressor, Portland; Mrs. D. II. Jones, Eurokn; nobcrt Skcels; P. W. Ocorgo nnd It. A. Wnllnco, Co qulllo. COOS W. S. Redmond, Snn Frnn tlscn; Leo Schuey, Ilnndon; S. L. Curry, Conulllo: 10. Valjcnn, Los Angeles; MIhb Miller, Coqulllo: Mrs. Kllcnborg, Drain; Mrs. (loo. Hollnnl, (Jen. Rellnnl, Chns. Landers, Co qulllo; C. H. Thayer, Hunker Hill! E. Barney, Snn Francisco; M. Drown, Dnndon, Mr. and Mrs. Varnoy, Coos itlvor; 10. hnrnoy, San Francisco. Supt. Tiedgen Highly Pleased With Offer Made By Mrs. Harry Winkler. "The Item In Saturday's Times re lative to tho Chemistry prlzo offered by Mrs. Harry Winkler needs f slight modification." said Supt. Tied gen of tho Mnrshfleld Public Schools today. "Tho prlzo ns definitely decided upon will consist of ten dollars cash and will bo awarded annunlly during tho llfo of Mrs. Wlnklor to that stu dent In Chomistry who completes tho first year's work In that subject and who, In tho Judgment of tho High School faculty, ranks highest in tho clnss in cIbbs work nnd in know lodge of tho subject. Tho prlzo will bo known as tho "Rose Wlnklor Prlzo In Chemistry." It will bo awarded at Commencpment. "This prlzo mny well bo tho first of a number of nwnrds which tho school could use to great advantage In its work. Slmllnr prizes could bo used In tho departments of mathe matics, English, history, Physics, or atory and dobatlng. "What a flno thing It would be, too, If Mnrshflold High School had a scholarship to odor whereby somo deserving member of Its graduating clnss would bo ablo to pursuo n courso at Orogon Agricultural college or nt tho University of Orogon, who ii'niilrl nnf lin nliln in nttnntl. Many of our best high schools havo the scholarships and I really know of no moro useful momorlal that ono could lenvo than a llttlo money In vested In n work of this kind." CHEAP VACATIONS ALONG THIS WATERFRONT. Tho Hudondo will sail nt 12 o'clock Tuesday for San Francisco. Tho Alliance Is scheduled to call at 10 o'clock tomoriow for Eureka. I have n picture of the sea; It's In a rustic framo, and it's n groat re lief to me when I nm tired nnd lamo. I often sit for hours nnd gnzo upon Hint dnub of mine, nnd I nm whoro tno billow plays, nnd I can tnsto tho brine. I henr tho cheerful mermaids chant tho latest rngtimo song, and kco old Nopluno gallivant tho ocenn depths along. I rlso refreshed when I hnvo viewed that chromo for a time, nnd take my nxo nnd whnck up wood with industry sublime. I hnvo n picture of tho woods, tho forest robtncholred; tlmt pnlntlng oiiroly Is tho goods when I nm faint and tired. I contomplnto It by tho hour nnd lenvo tho clanging mnrt, I think I'm In n woodland howor, rloso to Dnino Nature's heart. I near the sighing of tho nlno. tho rustling of tho birch; oh, novor mny that daub or mine bo taken from its , perch! A splendid picture of nn Alp conlrnntH my glowing oyos; Hint mountain roars Its snowy scalp clear I up agnlnst (he skies! And so, with , pictures and with bookB I Junket round tho sphore, nnd visit Intorest- I Ing nooks, soo wondors far nnd near; I I seo tho works of nnclent Grcoks, nun irenti tiio streets of Homo, nnd climb tho fnrthest mountain penks. nnd still remain nt homo. Tho Nairn Smith arrived In Into yesterday fiom Hay Point nnd will probably sail Into today with n car go of lumbor from tho Smith mill. The Dnndon arrived In nt Dnndon from Snn Francisco yesterday. CWlkvlWn Tho A. M. Simpson sailed from North lluml for San Francisco yes-lerdny. Tho Hardy sailed from hero for Snn Francisco yostenlay, taking n cargo from tho Smith mill. Tho Anvil arrived In nt Hnndon yestordny nnd sailed lute In tho day tor Portland. CLAIMED TO HIS HOHHF.I) iilnu Said .Money Taken From Him In Hoomliig House. A man whoso name was not lent ned applied today for a warrant lo Justice- itunock. Tl-e Judge was not In nt the time and the man did vot return. To those In the offlco at the time he said ho had been lobbed. He went to a rooming house end slept for something llko 3G ItouiH. He- believed that he hnd beon doped. Wlion ho woko up ho found j ?3G lie hnd In his pocket was gono. POKTiaXD THIS CAPITOL Governor Will Make llciulimnrtcis Then for a While. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Da Times.) IOHTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 2C Gov ernor West niiiinntu'od this nftor joon that ho would move his stenog- nphers bore and mnke this tho enp itol so far as he Is concerned till ho puts tho vlto campaign woll under wiv. THIS HOME TEAM. "They nro n bunch of dubs," said Hrown, "tho worst that over hit tho town. I novor go to seo thorn piny. 'TIs only throwing coin nwny. Ono fellow hns n broken dutch, another hobbles with n crutch, anothor has n glassy wing, another enn't hit any thing." I heard what Old Hrown had to say about thu home team 'tothor day. It almost Hindu mo sick nt henrt. Ills words toro nil my hopes npart. Ho knocked tho team, ho knockod the gnmo, nnd mndo mo think they all wore Inme. Ho tnlked about our plnyors so I did not 'havo tho heart to go nnd seo tho other fellows snap tho homo team's hopes clean off tho map, and so I laid mo down to dream wlille other fellows ato tho crenm. I saw my neighbor, Smith, noxt day. Ho said: "ou'd ought o' seen thorn piny. Thoy knocked ono pltch- or on tho mound, nnd with the othor wlpod the ground. You missed It when you stayed at home, and passed up nil tho creamy foam Hint gathorcd In our cups o' Joy when our hnrd hitters stung their toy." I went bohlnd my study door, nnd kicked myself again, and more bo cause I'd listened to Old Hrown when ho wns. knocking 'round tho town. I'd laid around nnd missed tho gumo, nnd poor Old Hrown hnd done tho same, whllo Neighbor Smith, tho good old spud, wns counting runs that warmed his blood. 'TIs over thus. I'm finding out that men who knock homo things about, ore never worthy of bollef, and when one heeds ho conies to rrlef. HOH STANLEY. HEASOXS SET FOHTII WHY VO TIOHS SHOULD VOTE IX FAVOR ! OF PHOJECT AT TUESDAY'S EL ECTION. To tho Votors of tho Port of Coos Day District: We, tho undersigned legal votors of tho Port of Coos Day residing without tho boundaries of any city or town of said Port, do horoby ex press ourselves as being In favor of tho Incorporation of tho Port of Coos Day. Wo rccognlzo that overy dollar expended In harbor improvement will Indirectly benefit tho ranchors and farmers of tho Port. Tho build ing of a harbor means the building of cities nnd towns nnd brings to us tho advantages of schools, churches and markets; as theso advantages Increase, the valuo of our lands will Increase. Tho candidates for commissioners nro honest, representative men of tho community and wo believe that any flvo of such candidates will give us fair treatment ns a Donrd of Com missioners. In this movement wo feol that no iMstlnction should bo mndo botweon the vote of the city nnd voto of tno country; wo are all Interested in Iho development of tho Coos Day country ns n whole, tho rancher, as well ns tho banker. Wo nro hnnd in Land with tho men of tho cltlos In the building nnd development of this community nud on noxt Tuesday tho oto of tho country will bo polled In favor of tho incorporation of tho Port of Coos Day. Signed: Alfred Tyberg, J. A. Smith, Z. T. Slglin, Nell O. Watson, J. D. Hoss, C. D. Mnttson, II. E. Edwards, A. F. Masters, S. C Rog ers, Julius Larson, Low F. Price, Arthur Mnttson, II. II. Hogcrs, E. G. Smith, P. E. Lnrson, W. II. Smith, H. F. Whlity. E CALL EXPECT TO TO MINISTER1 FLOAT RUSTLER Marshfield Baptist Church .Reported That Gasoline Boat Wishes Corvallis Minis- Will Be Pulled Off ter to Come. ' Sand Today. Tho congregation of the Marsh- Reports from Gold Dench todny field Dnptlst church last evening vot- -cro to tho oftect thnt It wns hoped cd to extend n cnll to tho Rov. A. F. ' that tho gasoline schooner Rustler Dnssford of Corvallls, Orogon, who could bo floated nt high tldo this has occupied tho pulpit tho last fow i.flornoon. Tho Rustler went on tho Sundays. Rov. Dnssford has takon ' beach while trying to outer tho liar ... .... t.i ..... .1 I... i ... utiititn iiii'n. A. inci .iiinri OUI1UUJH. IIUV. IIUHSUJIU HUB IUHUU IJUUV.I1 mull) "JlJ lu uinui n.u tho cnll under consideration nnd boi nt Roguo River. At Inst repo will glvo his nnswer tho Inst of thlslUic bont was not dnmnged nnd It week. I Lcilcved thnt If she Is flontcd so Tlnl" Mr Tlnaafnrrl iti Hila mnrn Ing for Corvallls nnd will wlro Ills nnBWor from there. Ho wns fnvor nbly Impressed with this field but wished to confer with his wifo bo foro definitely accepting. Tim nnaafnnl la n vnri nliln pronchor and during his stay hero won mnny friends who hopo thnt ho will bo able to como. WELCOME NEW PASTOR .Many Attend Reception nt Hucdlxli Lutheran Cliunii Tho recoptlon for tho Rov. J. E. Oslund, tho new pastor of tho Marshflold Swedish Lutheran church nnd his family In tho church parlors Saturday evening wns largely att ended nnd proved n most dollghtful nffutr. Rov. D. F. Hengtson nnd Rev. Thorp delivered tho principal addresses, Rov. Oslund expressing n fitting appreciation of tho cordlnl re ception extended them. An Inform al good tlmo followed tho speaking, the congrogntlon presenting tho now pastor with n purse ns u toltoii of their esteem nud good will. QUESTIONS When Adam delved nnd Eve span, Who was then the gentlomnn? When Evo tolled and Adam sweat, Who was then tho suffrngotto? porter hros. nusv (.ntheiing Material and Estuhllslihi-; Cn nips nt Sluslnw. Tho Florenco West says: "Tho Wlllielmlnn arrived Sunday from Ynuulnn lulnglng about GO tons of frelirht for Porter Urns. "The freight consts-ted of touts, stoves and other camp ouulpngo, shovels, picks, etc., hay nnd oats. This wns unlonded at the city waro hoiiHo In Florence nnd Is being tnk en lo Mnploton by barges. "Large camps hnvo beon estnb At last reports Is nnnn f ho will not suffer any from the ac cident. Hroko Itudder F. E. Allen who left Florenco Frl- ilnv nvonlni? lintnn Intn Sntur. ilnv nnil ronnrlrt thnt Hut U'lllinlmlnn nccldent thoro wns duo to Cupt. Tyler trying to cross In on nn ebb tide. Tho Wlllielmlnn struck on tho bar nnd lost her rudder nnd drifted In on tho Snnd Spit. Frldny, thoy plnn ucd to unload her nnd woro confident sho could bo floated again, possibly by tho uso of skids to got hor out In deep wntor or mny bo, when light, she could ho llnntnil nn hlcli thin. Rim Is up on tho soft sand nnd It Is not uoiiovcu Hint nor nun is badly dam- need. Thorn wnrn nnlv fnnr nn board, ono being tho ngent of tho Fnlrbnnks-Morso company who re cently gave exhibitions hero with tho enmpany s last motor bont SCIiEL WILL PUT ON BOAT Owner of Steamer Washington Arranges tor rive Day Ser vice to San Francisco. (Special to Tho Times) SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., Aug. 2G--About Soptomber 20 Coos Hny will havo n II vo dny freight nnd passen ger sorvlco with Snn Francisco. This hero today llshod by tho subcontractors overy Ker Borvlco w" Sm Francisco fow miles nlong tho routo of the "nnpimcomont was mndo here rnllrond from Mnnintnn tn im Vni "t ocammell, principal owner tunnel and theso suppllos nro being nml Bonornl mnnogor of the Coos Hay taken to those camps ns fast as thei& huroa Steamship company. Tho IpnniH pun linnl ihnm ... I BtoamBllIn Homnr U'hlnh linn Imnn nn At mi: AT VALE Work of Const ruction On Oregon Eastern Ih Helng Rushed. VALE, Oie., Aug. 2C.Wlth tho ofectlon of more warehouses In the loenl mllroml ynrds, Vnlo Is present ing tho busiest scono of activity. Railroad construction on tho Oregon iCnHtorn Is being rushed with nil pos eiblo speed nnd within another month tho Harper terminal, 30 miles west of the city, will have been cached. Harper Is to be used as n tormlunl until Kininir. u-hm invin ., tteol can ngaln bo resumed Just a iu.i nines ueyi'IUI rnni station. It Is understood thnt next spring mils will be laid as far ns Jiiiitura, 75 miles west, which Is destined lo uecoiiio nn importnnt railroad aud Hading center. With the rnllrond uporntlng to Junlura In early spring. It will bo nn easy mntter to rush gtadlng woik over Into the Hnrnoy country. r 3julund3un JIUlfcft ' """if V? txrrmlf l?1wvt Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRl'cE $1.55 PER SACK Northwestern hard wheat used t 'luslvely In mtllln'g these brands of flour. fwaiaijcfl. lit WAITIXC FOR HILL Doctor Locating at flolrt Heach 1J. pects Road. That u physician locntlng nt Gold ilench expects the Hill Interests to nulld down the coast Is shown by tho following from tho finht rtn.icii Globe: Doctor Campbell, a physician nnd surgeon who has long been In the "mploy of the Hill railroad compnnv. arrived nt Wedderburn Sundav evening dliect overland from Wyo ming The. doctor Intends to take tilt the general practice whllo rest ing up and waiting for tho rush of the ral'rond which ho claims will be complet-d down this coast bv tho Mine the Panama Canal Is finished. The doctor refused to be questioned rurther on tho subject, saying that ue was not Hill hut inn una .,. Ing through this terrltorv mnM, oiuner man uny or us expected. stoamBhln Homer which linn iionn nn gaged In tho Alaska trado will be put on tho Coos Day run in addition to tho Washington of tho snmo com pany now running tn C.nn nv Mr. Scnminoll nt tho nnnin tlm'n .. prossed himself ns not exactly satis- ueii uiui ins compnny was getting a squnro deal from tho Marshflold mer chants and freight shlppors In tho way of business. Ho said ho hoped thnt this move to glvo tho peoplo of mm secuon a prompt, reliable nnd elllclent transnortatlnn Rnrvi u...,i.i bo met In n reciprocal mannor by the uuBiiiL-sa juen oi coos uny. "Wo do not oxnect or deslrn nil Hn i.ia, business," said Mr. Scaramell, "but o mum we nro entitled to a fair nnd equitable share of It and nro prepared to glvo tho service that en titles us to this consideration." Mr. Scammell further expressed himself ns enthusiastic over tho pros pects of Coos Day and said If tho bus iness his ships recelvod would war rant It he had plans for erecting n dock and wurehouse In Mnrshfleld nnd nlrondy had an option lease on land for this purpose. It Is under stood thnt this Is the Nnsburg estate property near tho foot of Alder street. The Homer loaves Unnlnskn, Alas ka. September 2 and Is scheduled to nrrlvo In San Francisco about Sept. 13 and will nt onco be made ready for the Coos Day run. Sho will probably arrive there about Sept. 20. AXI) THISX HAXO OFF. He wooed the fair hello girl. And sinking to his knees, Ho murmured: "Edith, dear, I want" And she said; "Number, pleaso?" LJ.SIMPS0ND PETER L06GIE Candidates for Port Commissioners for North Bend OUR. PLATFORM: No interest to servo except what is for lhG benefit of the ciitire Port. A square deal for every portion of the district. Careful expenditure of the Port funds aud not over three hundred thousand dollars authorized or expended without tho sanction of tho legal voters of the Fort. All inlets to Coos Bay improved in pro. portion to their necessities. (Paid Adv.) FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTAHL1SIIEI) 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted IXTEHEST l'AII) OX TIME DEl'OBITS LOCK IIOXES FOR REXT U. S. DEI'OSITOHV FOIt 1'OSTAIj FUNDS COXDEXSEU STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At Uio closo of business, Juno 14, 11)12. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts J23S,51U! Donds, warrants and securities 7S.191.J! U. S. bondp to sccuro circulation 25,000 (I Real ostato, furnlturo and ftxturos , . . . 81,011.11 Cash and sight exchnngo 188,653.11 Total 9011,373,11 LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid In 1100,000.0 Surplus and undivided profits 10.543.41 Circulation, outstanding .' . . 23,800.0) Total ?011,373Jl In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. ' IXTEHEST PAID OX TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, Prcsldont. DORSEY KREITZER. Cubler, Get Busy AXD OET AI-TER THAT ROOF, DUT FIRST COMB IN 'AND OCT OUR PRICES ON SIIIXGLES AND ROOKING PAPER. SHINGLES $l.BO AND UP. ROOFrNG PAPER, ONE PLY, (1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estateand Insurance l"l Xurth Front BtroeC Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, niSNitY SKNGSTAOKKN, Kgr. Coqujlle Offlv Phono 191 Platting Lands a pcl.lty. rarms Timber Col aadenU "KA8T8I(B" uenenu A Mnrshfleld Offloo lw. PROGRAM AT The Royal TONIGHT A Hip, Two Reel Feature "Under Two Flajs" "The Cook C'nino lluck" comedv Three new pictures each night. Nono Repeated. Sood Music and Realistic Sound Effects. PRICE 10 CENTS. Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving Reonable Ratei FISHER AUTO 8ERVIOT WM. FISHER, Prop. Phone order, to Hlllyer's Cigar Stor.. Phon 18-J. After U P. M , Phone 6.-J Marshfield. Orecoa. UUILDINQ AND REPAIR W0R nonw Movlnn and OmVft- . We are prepared to do toll by the dny or contract and 8"""'" latlsfactlon. Let us figure wip I"- a. S. FLOYD & CO. Phone 316-.T MarshfKdi Have TJiat Roof Fixe11 MOW Seo GORTEELl Prww lt Barnard & Langvvo See our window diaplar WOOD ELECTRIC FlXEs LEADED ART GLASS DOMM rORTABLB STAND L" PHONE 184-1'- STADDEN All ISnOa ot potograi bTomlJe eaUrgU aad & Wp'thllfg, I ' HL. J. asatfjj.Ty -j-