THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 14 Notice of Delinquent Taxes for Year 1911 (Continued from Last Pago. ) 416.60; lot 4, 110.60; lot G, $16.60: lot 6, J1C60; lot 7, U0.60; lot 8 116.60; lot 9, J1C60; lot 10, $16.60, lot 11, 16.60; lot 12, 116.60; lot 13, 116.60. John R. Horron, in blk CG, lot 1T, tax, $33.20. l-cniinuc. Mrs. Qcrty Johnson, In blk 1, lot 1, tax, 8.30; lot 2, $29.0B. North Fcrndnlc. Anglo Campbell, In h.k C, lot 3, tax, $2.08; lot 4, yi us. M. E. Barry, in blk 0. lot 1, Ux, $2.08 lot 2, $2.08; let 3, $2.0J; lot 4, $2.08; lot Ii, $2.08; lot 0, S2.0R: lot 7. 12.08: lot 8. $2.08. Goo. P. Zurchor, In blk 8, N M lot 3, tax, $1.C4; N Id lot 4, l.oS, N Vn lot C, $1.C8; N V4 lot 6, $1.J8. E. O'Connoll, In blk 8, 9 M lot 3, tax, $1.58. Ferndulc I'nrk. J. A. Sladcn & C. 11. Martin, lot 1, tax, $1S.7C. Ooo. W. Hnlbert, lot 3, tax $17.33. Chas. E. Short, lot G, tax, $15.75. East Mnrsliflcld. East MarshflulU Land Co., in blk 6, lot 1, tax 32c; lot 2, 32c; lot :i, 32c; lot -4, 32c; lot G, 32c; lot 0, 32c. II. P. Campbell, In blk 7, lot 1, lax $1.26; lot 2, $1.26; lot 3, $1.2M; lot 4, $1.26; lot C, $1.26; lot 6, J1.2C: lot 7. $1.26: lot 8, $1.20, lot 9, $1.26; lot 10, $1.26; lot 11, $1.26; lot 12, $1.26. East Mnrahflold Land Co., In blk 8, lot 10, tax 95c; lot 11, 95c,. lot 12, 9Cc. It. h. Ashoroft, In blk 9, lot 3, tax, $21.27; lot 4, $2.36. J. E. Cauipboll, in blk 26, lot Sri tax. $2.37; lot 27, $2.36; lot 2j. $2.37; lot 29, $2.36. W. K. Watkinn, In blk 33, lot I, tax, $1.89; lot 2, $1.89. JanioB It. Wall, in blk 34, lot 1, tax, 9Cc; lot 2, 95c. EaBt Mnrubflold Land Co., In blk 35, lot 23, 95c; lot 24, 95c; lot lo, 95c; lot 26, 95c. Loo W. Culbortson, in blk 36, lot 11, tax, 95c; lot 12, 95c. East Murauiicld Land Co., In blk 36, lot 23, tax, 95c; lot 24, 35c; lot 25. 95c: lot 20, 95c; lot 27, 95c; lot 28, 96c; lot 29, 96c, lot 30, 95c; lot 31, 95c; lot 32. 86C. T. O. Swanton, In blk 38, und. 'a ,ot 1, tax, 95c; und. Vi lot 2, 96c. Mrs. L. E. Stoddard, in blk 40, lot 19, tax, $2.37. Mary A. Peterson, in blk 41, tot 17, tax, $2.37; lot 18, $2.36, lot. 19, $2.87; lot 20, $2.36. Uonnott Trust Co., In blk 41, mi 21, tax, $2.37; lot 22, $2.37. Llliu Ooutz, in blk 43, lot 21, tax $2.37. Win. & Hnttlo Lonton, In blk .", lot 7, tax, $9.93; personal propon;, $1;2G; lot 8, $9.92. East Mnrahflold Land Co., In bl: 46, lot 30, tax, $2.37; In blk 57, lot 1, tax, 32c; lot 2, 32c; lot 3, iits lot 4, 3tc; lot 5, 32c; lot 6 32u; In blk 58, lot 1, tax, 32c; lot 2, 32c; lot 3, 32c; lot 4, 32c. Uurfleld & Hengstoken'a Add. tj Koat aiarshfleld. Columbia Doat & Moch'y 0". In blk 1, lot 1, tax, $16.92; per sonal property, $18.90; lot 2, $1.17. Dr. Ingram, In blk 6, lot 5, tax 38". C. F. EdtnundB, In blk 6, lot If, tax, 38c; lot 18, 38c. Mnbel P. Miller, In blk 5, lot 29 tax 38c. Town of KuftUlde. Thoo. Fllnk, in blk 3, lot 8, tni, 16c; lot 9, 10c. Arthur II. Sandohl, In blk 14, lot 27, tax, $1.26. 1). II. Dunton, In blk 14, lot 28, inx ii.zu. J. T. Ilerrott, In blk 33, lot n, tax, 16c. Dorrla Songstaken, in blk 34, H 13, tux lCc. Kchettcr's Add. to MnrMifleld. Mm. Jeunlo Hoed, In blk 3, lot 5, tax $2.37; lot 6, $16.54; personal property, $3.15. SllllhllfUlcl (lllltlflLS. Xlrs. Geo. lllctiurds, lot 7, lax $4.31. E. L. Church, lot 8, tax, $2.4t; lot 9, $6.54; porsonal property, $1.54. Mnrsliflcld lfciuht. II. Hongatackon in blk 3, lot 6, John Hnlln , in blk 8, lot 7, tax $1.58; lot 8, $1.58. II. HongBtncken, In blk 8, lot 3, tax $1.58; W j lot 10. tax 79c. Unknown owner, In blk 8, E , lot 10. .tax 79 ii. aengstneken, )n uik 8( iot 11( mx ej.un; iot 12, XI, OS. Western Add. to Manlileld. Edna Smith. In blk P, lot 1, iax, $31.13; N 10 ft. lot 2, $1.09. A. II. Hodglns, In blk W, lot 5, tux, $28.02. Efflo Magary, In blk X, lot 3. tax, $24.90; porsonal property, $2.08. Marshfiold Investment Co., in blk X. lot 9, tax. $24.90; lot 10, $4.15. .W: C "nrr,s- ln b,k Y. lot 1, tux, $0.23; lot 2, $6.23. Esther X. Ttiruln. In Mr v. 3 I 'i lot 8, tax, $4.82; personal property, $2.08; S 1-3 lot 9, M.57; S 1-3 'nt 10, $4.15. Cjinlca Add. to Mnrtdifleld. J. W. Morrow, In blk 1, lot 10 tax $$.08. Hoagstncken Add. to Mnrshflelcl. James Caldon, In blk 3, lot 7, tax J. C. Merchant, In blk C, lot 2, tax. $3.12; lot 3. $3.12. James P. Morris. In blk G, lot 9, tax, $3.12; lot 10. $3.12; lot I., 13.13. Alice M. Trogo, In blk 9. lot 10. $33,20; poronal property, $4.1o; V, 11, $4.15; lot 12, $33.20. Julius Ilrandr, In blk 9, lot 13, lax $7.27. Warren Ogren. in blk 10, lot 8, tax $8.12. Mary Larson, In blk 14, lot 20, iux, iz.ub; iot si, 12.08. $4.15: lot 2, $4.15. Edith D. Wyrick, in blk 2, lot 6, tax, $6.23. llayvlcw Add. to Mju-ahflcld. A. S. Dibble, in blk 1, lot 7, tax $3.12. illTdeband & Kennedy, in blk ? lot 27, tax, $1.04; lot 28, $1.04. James P. Morris, In blk 10, lot 1, tax, $3.12; lot 2, $3.11; lot 3, $3.12; lot 4, $3.11; lot 5, $3.12; lot 6, $3.11; lot 9, $2.49; lot 10, $2.49; lot 11, $2.49; lot 12, $2.49; lot 13, $2.49; lot 15, $2.49; lot 16, $2.49. Frultvnlc. Win. Slggs, lot 14, tax $2.94. Hoi so Add. to Mnrsliflold. K. I. Perky, trustee, ln blk 2, lot ,otT4; tn' ?7'.09 lot 3, 68c; in blk D, tax, 81c. Ilonlcvard Park. J. K. Kollock, blk 1, tax, $6.30. Dennett TruBt Co., In blk 2, lot 1, tax, $3.16; lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $3.lo, lot 4, $3.15: In blk 3, lot 1, $3.1'-. lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $3.16; lo: 4, $3.16; in blk 4, lot 1, tax, $3.1.. lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $3.15; lot I. $3.15; lot 6. $3.16; lot 6, $3.15, lot 7, $3.15. J. K. Kollock, in blk 4, lot 8, tax, $3.15. Uonnott TruBt Co., ln blk E, lot 1, tax, $3.94; lot 2, $3.94; lot 3, $3.94, lot 4, $3.94; in blk 6, lot 2, tax, $14.72; lot 3, $7.56. Dolt Llnc-Jly. Co., ln blk 6, S ELS WW . Dnncr rnuU CURLS FOR COIFFURES. 5, tax, 08c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7, OS;; lot 8, 68c; lot 17, 68c; lot 18, CJ:; lot 19, 68c; lot 20, 68c; lot 21, 6fc; lot 22, 68c; lot 23, 68c; lot 24, 6 !:; J. A. Johnson, ln blk 4, lot 5, tax, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7, 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 9, 68c; lot 10, 68c lot 11, CSc. K. I. Perky, trustee, In blk 4, !''. 18, tax CSc; lot 19, 68c; lot 20, 6dc; lot 21, CSc. Arthur It. Wright, In blk 6. lot 1, tax, 68c; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, 68c. K. I. Perky, trustee, In blk 5, '.ot 6, tnx, CSc; lot 7, 68c; lot 8, 63:, lot 9 CSc; In blk 6, lot 11, tax, 68:: lot 12, 68c; lot 13, 68c; lot 14, 68u, In blk 7, lot 17, 68c; lot IS 68c; lot 19, 68c; lot 20, 08c; lot 31, 68c; lot 22, CSc; lot 23, 68c; lot 24, 68c; In blk 8, lot 1, tax, 6Sc; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 4, Gdc; in blk 12, lot 1, tax, 68c; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 4. 68c: lot 5, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7, 68c; lot 8 68c; In blk 13 lot 12, tax, 68c; lot 13, 68c: lot 14. 68c: lot 16. C.c. lot 16, 68c; lot 22, 68c; lot 23, 68c; lot 26, 68c; lot 27, 68c. Florenco Damon, In blk 13, lot 24, tax, 68c; lot 29, 68c; lot 30, Grfc; lot 31, 68c; lot 32, 68c. K. 1. Perky, trusteo, in blk 14, lo. 24, tux, 68c; lot 25, 68c; lot 26, 6Sc lot 27, 68c. L. Kce, ln blk 1G, lot 8, 68c. lot 9, 68c; lot 10, 68c; lot 11, 6dc; lot 12, 68c; lot 13, 68c. K. I. Perky, in blk 15, lot 15, tnt 68c; lot 16, 68c; lot20, 08c; lot 21, 68c; lot 22, 68c; lot 23, 68c; lot 24, 68c; in blk 17, lot 9, tax, 68c; lot 10, 68c; lot 11, 68c; lot 12, 68c lot 13, 68c; lot 14, GSc; lot 15, Get; lot 16, 68c. W. M. Van Iron, In blk 20. lot 1. tax, 68c; lot 2, CSc; lot 3, 68c; i 4, 68c; lot 5, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7. use; lot 8, cue. K. I. Perky, trustee, In blk 20, ,ut 23, tax, 68c; lot 24, 68c. Mrs. S. L. Everest, in blk 20, lot 27, tax, 68c; lot 28, 68c. K. I. Perky, in blk 20, lot 31, tax, 68c; lot 32, C8c; In blk 21, lot 6, Ux 68c; lot 7, C8c; lot 18, 68c; lot 19 68c; lot 20, 68c; lot 21, CSc; lor 22, 68c; In blk 22, lot 1, tnx, 68c; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 4, die; lot 5, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7. 63c, lot 8, 68c; In blk 25, lot 9, 68c; lot 10, 68c; Iot 11, 68c; lot 12, CSc, lot 13, C8c; lot 14, CSc; lot 15. CSc; lot 16, 68c; In blk 26, lot 9, my 68c; lot 10, 68c; lot 11, 68c; lot 1, 68c; lot 13, 68c; lot 14, 68c; lot 15, 08c; lot 16c, 68c; In blk 28, lot 9, 68c; lot 10, 68c; lot 11, 68c; lo'. J.-. G8o; lot 13, 68c; lot 14, 68c; lot in, CSc; lot 16, 68c; lot 23, 68c; lot 24 obc; iot 2&, esc; lot 26, 68c. E. C. & F. It. Wnlroth, ln blk 28, lot 27, tax, 68c; lot 28, 68c; lot UD, 68c; lot 30, 68c. K. I. Porky, truBteo, in blk 28, lit 31, tnx, 68c; lot 32, 68c; In blk 29, lot 6, tax, 68c; lot 7. 68c; lot ;;., CSc; lot 26, 68c; lot 27, 68c; lot 28, 68c; lot 29. 68c; lot 30, 68c; lot Jl, 68c; lot 32, 68c; ln blk 31, lot 25, C8c; lot 26, 68c; lot 27, 68c; lot 28, CSc; lot 29, 68c; lot 30, C3c; lot 31, 68c; lot 32, 68c; in blk 32, lot 2G, tnx, 68c; lot 26, 68c; lot il, 68c; lot 28, 08c; lot 29. 08o; lot au, ghc; lot 31, G8c; lot 32, 6oo; In blk 36, lot 1, tax. 68c: lot 2. Cos: lot 3, 68c; lot 4, 68c; lot S, 66c; lot 6 CSc; lot 7, C8c; lot 8, 68c. C. II. ItolmrtB, In blk 37, lot 1, tnx, 68c; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, CSc, lot 4, 68c; lot 5, 68c; lot 6, CSc, lot 7, 68c; lot 8, 68c; lot 9, 68c; i-jt 10, CSc; lot 11 68c; lot 12, Coc; lot 13, 68c; lot 14, 68c; lot 1G, Cac; lot 16, 68c; lot 17, 68c; lot 18, Cdc; lot 19, GSc; lot 20, 68c; lot 21, 6o3; lot 22, 68c; lot 23, 68c; lot 24, C6c; lot 25, 68c; lot 26, 68c; lot 27, 6So; lot 28, 68c; lot 29, 68c; lot 30, 03-:; lot 31, 68c; lot 32, GSc. K. I. Perky, trusteo, In blk 38, Jet 1, tux, GSc; lot 2. 68c: lot 3. 6Sc: 'ot 4, 08c; lot 5, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 17, use; iot is, use; lot 21, 68c; lot '"!, 68c; in blk 39, lot 1, tax, 68c; lot 2, 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 4, 68c; lot 5, 68c; lot 6, 68c; lot 7, 68c; lor GSc; lot 17, GSc; lot 18, 68c; lot 19, G8c; lot 20. GSc; lot 21, C8c; lot 22, GSc; lot 23, 68c; lot 24, 68c; lot 29, GSc; lot 30, GSc; lot 31, Coc; lot a,', use. C. II. Huberts, In blk 40, lot 1. ux. CSc; lot 2, GSc; lot 3, CSc; lot ., ooc; lot &, use; lot 6, 68c; hi 7 G!c; lot S, GSc; lot 9, 68c; lot 10, GSc; lot 11, CSc; lot 12, GSc; lot 13, 68c; lot 14, 68c; lot 15, 68c: lot 16, G8c; lot 17, 68c; lot 18, 68c, 'nt 19, GSc; lot 20, GSc; lot 21, 6So; lot 22, G8c; lot 23, GSc; lot 24, 63c; lot 25, G8c; lot 20, GSc; lot 27, GSc; lot 28, CSc; lot 29, GSc; lot 30, 66c; lot 31. CSc; lot 32, GSc, K. I. Porky, trustee. In blk 41. lr,t 7, tax. GSc; lot 8, GSc, J, H. Good, In blk 42, lot 1, Ux, oc; ioi 2 use; lot 3, 68c; lot 4, 68c; lot 5, CSc; lot 6, 68c; lot i, GSc; lot 8, CSc. K. I. Perky, trustee, In blk 44. lot 1, tax. GSc; lot 2, 68c. C. H. Hoberts, In blk 4G. lot a, tux. 68c; lot 2, GSc; lot 3, 6Sc, lot 4. GSc; Jot 5, 68c; Jot 0, 68o; lot 7, 68c; lot 8, 68c. K. I. Perky, trustee, In blk 46, iot i. iax, use; iot 2, use; lot 3, 63c; lot 4, GSc; in blk 47, lot 1. tax, 68c; lot 2. 68c; lot 3, 68c; lot 4, GSc; lor7, 68c; lot 8, 68c; in blk 4t, lot 4, tnx. CSc: lot 5. 68c: lot e. CSc; In blk 50. lot 7, tax 68oj lot X, 6Sc; Jot 9, 6Sc; lot 10, 68c; lot 11, uac; iot is, use; in blk 51, lot 1, tax, 68c; lot 2, 68c: lot 3, 68c; in oik 62, lot D, tax, 68c; Jot 6, 68c; J. K. Kollock. blk 7. tnx $15.73. James P. Morris, S 120 ft blk 7, tax $3.15. Dennett Trust Co., In blk 9, lot tax, $3.15; lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $3.1r; lot 4, $3.1G; In blk 10, lot 1, tat, $3.15; lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $3.1; lot 4 $3.15; In blk -41, lot 1, ux, $3.15; lot 2, $3.15; lot 3, $4 16; lot 4. $4.15; ln blk 12, lot 1, tax, $4.15; lot 2, $4. IS; lot 3 $, lot 4, $4.15: ln blk 13, lot 1, tux, $4.15; lot 2, $4.15; lot 3, $4.15; lot 4, $4.15; In blk 14, lot 1, tax, $4.15; lot 2, $4.15; lot 3, $l.lf. lot. 4, $4,1G; lot G. $4.15; lot , $4.15. J D. Johnson, In blk 15, lot 1 tax, $2.08; lot 2, $2.08; lot 7, $2.08; lot 8, $2.08. F. A. Golden, in blk 16, lot 1, tax. $64.33; lot 2, $2.08; lot 3, $2.03' lot 4. $2.08; lot 5, $2.08; lot 6, $2.08; lot 7, $2.08; lot 8, $2.08. Frank Uowkor. blk 21. tnx $3 'JO, F, D. Walto, blk 22, less part boM tax $42.54. Frank Dowkcr, parcel land de scribed In Vol. 10, P. 297, lino 13 of 1911 tax roll, tax, $20.75. Sheriffs AsNC.smentfl for 1011. C. E. Housor, SWtfSWW, S. ?. Twn. 30, 8R. 11, tax, $3.42. Chas. Masters, und Vt lot 31, bis 62, It. It. Add., tax $1.25. E. M. Lockhart, SWUNEVi, les-1 9 acres sold, S. 29, Twp. 28, SK. l-i, tax. $15.12. C. W. Tower, SNE, S. 3, Twp. 26. SH. 14, tax, $3.76. That 6 months after such taxes an delinquent a tax certificate of de linquency will Issuo therein, ob pro vided by law. Tho foregoing Is the net amount of tax only and those re mitting should add 10 nor cent o' total amount ns ponalty provided by law, Intorcst at the rato of 1 rJor cci.c per montu rrom trio 1st Monday lu April, 1912, and tho cost of nubllsj- lng, which nmountB to 50 cents put line. W. W. OJuOE, Sheriff & Tnx Collector, Coos County, Ore 8omo of the New Designs rrom Acrone the Oooan. Looal Producer and Dealer Deterve nd Need Patronage of Their Fellow Townsmen Straight From tho Shoul der Talk From Sedalla, Mo. Coohery points Salt Flth For Lent. Tho season of Lent Is now with us, and thero are still n certain number of people who fast during this time and Invariably mnkn u point of having salt fish ou Ash Wednesday. Many eoplo shudder at tho idea of unit flub nt all; but, properly treated. It Is by no means to bo despised. Too often, how ever, the necessity for suflk-leut soak ing la not realized, with the conso qoeuco that when served. If It be eaten at all, whoever ventures on It literally feels be or ahe la performing u en ance. First of all, having procured the salt flub, let It aoak for several hours, placiug It under the tap if jkis. slble and letting tho water slowly run on to It Should this, however, not bo feuulble. soak It ln plenty of cold water, changing this fairly often and having tbo hut water tepid. Then next it should be soaked In sklmmllk or milk and water for several hours longer, soaking It In all for twenty four houra. Having gone through this process, it should be simmered In half milk, half water, with a very little salt, and then It may be served with a variety of saucea. Often the fish monger will claim that tho fish baa already been steeped. Should this be so the soaking tn cold wuter may be omitted, but on no account should the steeping lu milk and water be for gotten. Treated thus, the flesh will b white and firm nnd roost palatabl. No man can bo a true booster who la selllsb. Nor can one be n booster who harbors petty Jealousies and can not rejolco In the success and pros perity of his neighbor or competitor Nor can ono who beurs malice bo a lnccro booster, for malice Is the prop erty of a small soul, and a smull ho ill kas no plnco lu tho big things of this Ufo. Wo may proclaim ourselves boosters, we may Join the ranka of a booster club and wear a booster but ton, yet by our ads shall wo be known, and until petty Jealousy, envy nnd sol ushncas those things, should they ex ist, that tend to warp and shrivel men's souls arc eliminated and substituted by unselllsh thoughts and a feeling of good will toward each other we can not hepo to succeed. Mon may meet and feast together, thoy may talk of things that will bene fit the city and community, and. while such meetings aro always beuellclal and Instructive to a certain extent, yet it ta the acta of men that produce results. How many citizens of Hednllii, active members of tho Hoosicr club a club organized to promote home In dustry. to build up the IriHtltutlmis we already have, are doing their whole duty lu that direction? How iiiiiny merchants, membern of the llnoxier club, arc buying their stippll) nlinuiil goods that could he purcluiHcd lu Si dalla (and oftentimes lit u belter price), the mime quality, the nume brand nnd free delivery? How mnii. members (not iiicrchiiutHi mil tor homo products when giving nn outi-r or making a purchiiHe from i tit-ir grocor or butcher' Thousands of dollar itini could he nnd would be kept tit home go abroad Thero are many worthy i-ulerprMeH In Sedalla, all employing local helii Mini lu turn are spending lliclr earning In Scdallu, and both employer and em ployeo pay taxes In Sedullii. und tin inonoy is being used lo keep up out city. Further, do we realize Hint I In continuous employment of I he men working In our home IuniIiiiiIouh In de pendent wholly on the output thereof J Other cities that are dully growing In wealth nnd popularity attribute theli growth and prosperity to the loyally ot their homo people and xpruk with prldo of their home brands of kihmIp nnd of bow by tho coiiMiiiioiim tittr change of patronage they keep iln-h money nt homo, thus Im-rt'iixlng tin volume of their business, the vuliu- ul their real estate, the population oi their city. and. best of all. eulilvuu- n elncero fecllim of cood will lownnl each othor. There nre no petty Jenl ouslos In these cities. They hiiveu't time for such thoughts, but Instead ovcry one seems trying to be higher than tho other fellow by outdoluc him in building up his home institutions and town. Lot us give this matter serious con slderatlon and lot us all bo boosters that boost by giving tho goods put up or manufactured In Sedalla preference and so tnx our minds with this duty (all things being cqunl) that wo will specify theso -,'oods when giving an order. Wo all have a personal Interest In tho growth and prosperity of our juir cny; nence let us during the year demonstrate by our Individual efforta that our Interest is sincere and lovnllv support every homo Institution, large and small, nud thon we can truthfully say to the world, "Watch Sedalla grbw."-Sedalla (Mo.) Democrat Sen-UneL 1" X . " 'i - X SCHOOL!! OESTROy Defective Lift, uangerous lo PERMANENT A" Over th. Ceunl, I of Window. ..! -" smii.L a f it coma ecri&H. a PUI.--II . ' KJtl "Uu,noiu Should ( In a ii'd-iii nh..ii lie .- ... 7,,c"i5l I-. It w,m round ih a9l me Nci(, ..i-i,,, tfllMIl III I :... ',i,, t mi,, Light uud lovely aro tho curly coif fures Bhown lu the Illustration, re cvntly deslgued by Uuropenu artists In hair dressing. To fully appreclnto their remarkable rharm and fiiNclnntlon they must be seen nnd handled, since their extraor dinary lightness of weight la ono of their chief attractions. As a matter of fact they are lltorally as light an the proverbial feather, and even the most sensltlvo sufferer from neuralgic headaches would never realize that sho was wearing nnythlng in tho way of additional or applied hair. The entire transformation which la shown iu the center of tho group of curls will be found most useful, since a lady's own hair can bo drawn up through the center nnd then parted and brushed lu with tho other hair, which is dressed xo becomingly on tho rthcr sldo of thu face. A very light fringe, scarcely perceptible, softens tho general effect delightfully and la allowed to mluglo with the wearer's own hair, where It Is turned off from tho forehead In the center of thu front. To complete the headdress nt tho back my of thene curds can be applied with sn equal certainty of success. were HUfTeriiiR fro,, J?J "'". uie iiiMrini..j ri of Forest tv,.r, m 71 f ll.tu.. ....I. v, T fii.ii. ...... i .i -7' l the windows nre huMp light rajKronilngdlrMfc Mini HirlkitiRtbMrf,;, iu "l , :. -" ,u mw .? Their ori ,. i. , - - ..IV IU !. JMjruuuiciitly Injured, natl BATIBPAOTOUILT mD( ma Will Entertain King George. Louise, the duchess of Devonshire, U a womnii much envied theso dnys by other Hngllsh Indies of tho nobll Ity. Sho In to tuko a lending part ln tho social functions attending tho cor onation of King Oeorgo V. next June. Flower For Dinner Table. From now until the close of tho spring season thero are no mora at tractive decorations of n simple order for the dinner or luncheon tablo than those of spring flowers arranged ln at tractive buskets. Charming baskets wnien aro suitable for this purpose are rin mi 1 1. 1 1 h I.H.J, ; ; Children toon git onf th' gro. ' . . cr that bretki a cracker In two ' ' :: m"kvhvcale,b,UnM At :: , , Martin in American Magazine. r ii i ii i n n i H--H--H--H-H-: ; A Date For Achievement Providence. It. 1.. u unorh,.,. i. that Is fixing iu eyes on a definite date when It shall have adopted and carried out a plan making It a bet ter place to work In und to live la. The town criers In petitioning the mayor nnd council for the appointment of a city plan commission resolved "that this plan be known as the Prov idence 103U plan, culminating on that dato In the celebration of tbo three hundredth anniversary of tbo founding iu i ruviueuce or tne tirst home of ab SaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBEw' ibbbbbbbbbbbbbP LaMr LaBBBtaBBBBBBBBBk ' V'C iVy BBBBBBBm L WT I SsaL ' l BaaaiBmJ . i M aaBBBkVi l i . ar to be had at many of the department solute religious and civic freedom by atoros and at tho Japanese shops. The j an exposition of Providence Itself as a iwduci ujuy ue in any snape that Is quaint or beautiful, and daffodils, cow. slips, lilies of the valley and lilac braucbes look lovely when arranged in mem. ine bottom of tho basket Is filled with fresh damp moss and the stems of tbo flowers are thrust Into this. If tho flowers are to appear for a long time In public and thero la dan ger of their wilting, the bottom of the basket may bo fitted with a shallow pan filled with water and tho flowera placed In this. The moss may then be tucked in around the stems of the flow ers. . city beautiful and a city useful, a pleasaut and profitable place for all classes, rich and poor, young and old to live and work In." Sub..Dlv. of Illk A, BcnKsjackcTallot 7, C8c; lot 8, 68e; in blk 63, ioL Q. .Aa?' to yr18,,rWl; M. tnx, C8c; lot 2, C8o; lot 3. 66o; SIgfred Stone, In blk 2, lot 1, isx.In blk G4, lot 1, tax 68c; lot 2, 65c; With three Interested pnrties add ing fuel to tho brisk tiro un.lnr M nn one will doubt that tho political pot will uoon be boiling merrily. Where the Clerk Shin... 8omebody han said. "The clerks can only wait upon the people who come Into the storo; It's up to the dealer to bring them In." nut that la only a half truth. It certainly Is largely "up to" the clerk to bring them back, and the clerk who has the making of a merchant in himself is continually "bringing them In" to tho atore "his" store, as ho considers It. uucirxsa or dkvonsuiiih. Prior to the coronation tho king will be her guest ut Kimbolton castle, where she will hold a largo houso party, with muuy uotnblo persons pres ent. For u whole month in tho lutter purt of April und tho Hrst imir at mu the children of King George nnd Queen Mary nre to bo entertulned by '" "ucness nt her castle. A serien of elaborate fetes will be given by tho duchess In connection with tho coro nation ceremonies. Aro thoy going to take old wolves Into the bull moose party? If they do what will become of tho sheep? If tho Colonel's running mate can pull all tho Johnson vote thero won't be much trouble about carrying Mln nesota, anyway. An unfilled want causes unhanni. oeaa Times Want Ada bring reaults. Lobbyl.t For Suffrage. Mrs. W. R. Stubbs. wife of the gov ernor of Kansas, und Mrs. W. A. John on. wife of the supreme Justice of the state supreme court, have registered their names us lobbyists for the worn ens suffrage constitution nmeudmenc. i tie law of Kansas requires all lobby Uts to register, and many of the lead ng women already have Inscribed tueir names. When the Rote Waken, w nen the roses waken And the wood dove coo 1 the eunny shadows frail the valley throuajh in i ray heart a longlne Wakes and call for you. When the Breen Is Klowlng- In the violet bed And the robin chatter ' Th'lL6 'taVM 0'e-head For y heart .BOe" P'eadln For a dream Ions dad. Such a happy race, nun and summer crowdlna- All about the place How the soul goea .obbln For no abso faM of the wroiiL- direction ii but also by the umj-.tcl colved. Meuiiiluie icbdtj superintendent nrr rotlm iuslon that their KboolhJ lighted that all puplli iter! proper quantity uteriteKl only, whereas thli U trad the "bud bors la t!tj These uluruilng rondlikarl to pruvnll In nlmujt ilrl in the land, und upoaBbil gators mny he coDvlortdd of this by ttieniJtlrr i n few hours yeatt nre required tosltlnfrfts- thu year. in order to get tbecra of direct sky raj tuitrli' und fewest to xtrike tbt( warned to nhtidn our W near the zenith u wllr- Diit ihehirlsrinialnij.w likely to do Injur wtbftii In our present ImlMMi' pear that nuin liamloarb! circumvent the lanjuta" regnnl lie has dwell f lugs with opaiiue routiF hnpa. because there wtin ent rooting available nt nnd partly because tbli' wnv he knew In 6k0' Bolf from the heat acd w of the huh ...... .,... fll nMwWS'l UIIL- Ul Mil- " "")"- atory school building U ' nnmul liM.ri.iimil COt tt ' truo that thN plan reqcWj number of rooms more r-i larger cost for listen hut thli Is larcclT.lfn0"65 terbalnuced by the Ptl lighter foundation ana ' tton. hv ihoelltulnatloa wuys nnd the conneqwotr i,.. I. annn Mnrvorer. CM" UUIUO.UlV. ...-- - tngs eliminate the uW-fw -mmo .ml timrhlldreuiit 11.(11.0, ...... ...- - the dangers of Are ' r.iin.i.1,..' i.r htulrs Ii ' ,... r.,.i..i,.a ullldMI better ndvuutage. new llw.v i-iinnut lie UNedtM" enreh'ss tem her to "J"'"1 l..lit nf rtillill4. Skylights will olre tr rut lire consiruvuxw - u, .i.... ...i,i. ih teas oi"" Hnlinntrnnms nhCaUj atorv rooms may yet bet skylights. In some cases H" cost, by uHlng a tunnel JPI rnf tothecelllM" ..... i... ., the tnona" IUI7 IUIUIIW. v " d white, i.. ..nir tn bulla K m,.i. iiim-h more land U i i.lrli.g mnv llnd (III of the (juestlon beej" vnhii's. Rut In " ". ."". ....i pomow" towns mm ""; hle il available at r -; ,. only question w - e uun we iiuui" .litt vuke of the eyesight oi A-!- . ...l . n busln... '- th-jr.. M i xno , j , ni"l never U counted ,im may set me r- ,h, , community. -" , Decau.B -.. I the' ntty are made of Uu ulll all ...' :.! for a man whose ' 4 dav. ' LJ4K 4HH-H"M-,rTT' .. iSpsrcsrsi.