The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Will Keep tlio IncoiiHi from You
Furnished Rooms from Lnpslnrjl
YOU can roally help tlw family
rovcuuos by routing n fow furnIbL3
roomB and, If you know how and
when to ueo tho classified columns,
you may keep that Uttlo oztra lnc&ma
ns "Rteady as a clock."
Will ut '""
tho ftliirkcl" KifecUvclyl
rt will put tho facta about your
.- "" "8"1 10
H0wn "-" I
UMJilillshwl In 1H7H
ns Tlio Coast Mnll
A Consolidation of TlmiH, Const .Mnll
and Coon Itny Advertiser.
No. 31.
Orozco With Six Hundred Men
Is Hemmeu m y
Federal Troops.
UW nio ujwm t
i i rl Atuntf nnrl
His Hope is xo uut "
Join Heuei ruioua uu m
my Associated Press to uoos ouy
1 ' Tlmos.)" Mat.. Auk. 24. Some-
aero south of Juarez Orozco with
Jr hundred followers Is said to bo
Jcmnc I" tho federals nnd his
chan o for escape reported to bo pro
hlnmatlcnl. Upon his succosa or fall
JSnovadlnB capture or death ut tho
hands of tho fodornl troops Is declar
ed to hlngo tho succosa or fnlluro of
tho organized rovoiuuun m mit..u...
Mexico. Orozco's purposo If ho enn
cscapo Is to Join tho main body of
rebels already moving townrd tho
cst coast with tho object of Bocur
iDg control of u senport through
hlch ammunition mny bo Imported
and tho revolution continued.
Honors Shown American Win
ners on Their Arrival in
New York.
(Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day
NEW YORK, Aug. 2 1 Now York
tendered honors todny to tho Amorl
enn Athlotcs who roturnod from
ubrond bearing tho honors of tho
Olympic games nt Stockholm. Tho
American wlnnora of tho Olympic
gnmes woro escorted in n monster
pnrndo through Fifth nvonuo and
Hrondway to tho city hall whoro thoy
woro wolcomod by Mnyor Onynor nnd
tho reception committee. Thousands
of porsons nlong tho lino of mnrch
chcorod tho nthlotos.
senate Committee to Hear G.
W. Perkins Roosevelt Is
Silent Today!
(Dr Associated Press to the Coos Day
WASHINGTON. D. 0.. Aug. 21
Reported "Santa Anna" Can
not Be Found South
Slough Mystery Deeper.
Further mystery comes with tho
dlsnpponrnnco of another man on
South Slough according to reports ro
colvod this nfternonn. It Is snld that
Georgo ICIIno, commonly known for
years past ns "Santn Anna" Is miss
ing. . Tho report was received at Tho
Times' olllco this nftornoon too Into
for verification. Al Nichols, cnptnjn
of ono of tho bay launches telephon
ed to Tho Times ofuco this nftornoon
from Emplro stntlng that Tom Tal
bott wnB In Emplro this nftornoon
making Inquiries nbout Snntn Anna
nnd Btntlng that tlio man waa not nt
hla scow lioiiBO nt South slough nnd
ns near ns ho could lonrn had not
boon thoro for n wcok. Nichols snys
Hint Talbott was asking In Empire,
believing thnt Santa Anna might
have como to that place.
Tho man was called Santa Anna,
after tho Moxlcan general, for tho
reriBon that ho had a wooden log.
Ho has lived nt South Slough for a
long tlmo nnd was known to many
For some months pnst his scow Iioiibo
wns un tho slouch n wnyB from tho
brldgo and ho might liavo been miss
ing for Botno dnys without any ono
noticing It.
In vlow of tho fnko story about tho
finding of Joyncr's body today tho
story about Santa Annn was received
with somo doubt.
Tho dlsnppearanco of Santa Anna
follows tho disappearance of Joynor.
tho killing of Jncob Evnns and Mot-
talf nnd other events which
hnvo kept South Slough beforo the
eyes of tho public for sovcral months
Taft Puts Signature to Meas
ure Affecting 0. and C.
Railroad Lands.
On the North Spit But So Far
Not Damaged Osprey to
The Rescue.
Tho gn8o1lno schooner Ilustlor of
this plnco Is beached nt Roguo River.
A meBsngo enmo to 0. F. McGcorgo
this afternoon from tho Woddorburn
Trndlng compnny stating that tho
Hustler bound north from Eureka
wont on tho north spit whllo attempt
ing to cross In. When Inst henrd from
Hho wns resting easy nnd practically
no dnmngo had been dono.
A request was rccolvod thnt the
gnsollno schooner Osprey como down
to pull tho Rustler off. Capt. John
son of tho Osproy will get out to
night If poBslblo and go to tho rescue
It Is thought tho Rustlor can bo
tlontod nt high tldo tomorrow.
Tho RuBtlor has bocn running be
tween Coos Bay nnd smaller poits
nnd was returning from Euroka
whoro alio took wool from Curry
county, enpt. Peter Olson Is tho Una
Launch on Coos River Strikes
Snag But is Being Repaired.
Says Democrats Will Win the
Presidency and Both the
House and Senate.
President Prepared to Sign the
Bills Passed al the Last
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
. . ... ... Ih a . . ' -
Tlio launch Allco II mot with nn bpenxor uiarko today delivering hla
nccldont whllo coming dowji Coos valedictory of tho democratic house
Rlvor yestor lny. Dolow tho Cutllp of tho sixty-second congress, nssertei
placo sho struck a snag and punchod' that historians would doclnro with
a big holo In ho? bow. Tho hold, absoluto truth that tho sixty-first and
filled with water but tlio launch was
floated down to tho Rogers wharf and
Is on tho ways thoru and will bo ro
palred probably In time to uso tho
launch tomorrow. The snag Is tho
snmo ono wMch tho bent struck laat
Tho Allco II after striking tho
snng filled with wntor and sank.
Floats woro nrrangod on each sldo
and tho launch wns floated and towod
to tho Rogors' ways.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 24.
President Taft yesterday nlgncd tho
nlll which confirms tho tltlo of nil
purred by tho tostlmony yesterday. nmocont purchnsors who acquired
f John D. Archbold tho sonnto com- lands from tho Oregon & California
iiiifft invPRtlcntlnir tho camnalcn' Railroad company in oxcoss of 1OO0
unds met early todny to lay plnns ncrcs, but which stipulates that thoy
- .... , .t . it nnnii nnv inn pnvArnmnni x? rj fin:
or pursuing wiu iiivobiikuiiuu. it - .'',,, ", , ,,,:. 7 .
ru expected the commltteo would ' ncro 'r " l1"'1' '" nddltlon to tho
...- -. . .. riiiifiim iu nninr(iriiiiA ttni.i inn m l
dccldo upon dates ror ruturo near-. " ' " nuuu
lags, tho placo whoro thoy will bo company.
'held and tho witnesses to bo callod. Innocent purchnsors who acqulr-
,i, ... n nw ,ti.t.i i. nr. led less thnn 1000 acros and more
iW. Perkins would testify Tuesday.'!'1'"" aunrtersoctlon. nr n,8 0
Whether ho will como to Washington1 "' " , ? ! - l olr ?
;r,:r,!!f(i,!if:oi i pyet nio.. .uiuhowii .
tutcd within a yoar from yesterday
to nvorturii their tltlo.
R. D. Townscnd, assistant to tho
Pttornoy gonornl In tho lnnd grant
Milt, informed both brnnchos of con
gress thnt thoro wns no Intention to
question tho tltlo to tlicso smnller
piirchnRors nnd this clnuso Is prac
tically of no effect.
Under tho bill ns passed, anyrlnnds
recovered by tho government ns n
losult of tho pending forfolturo suit
Indictment to Be Filed Monday
Against Secretary of Build
ing and Loan Association.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa
Bay Times)
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 24
khcre they'll he convonlont to henr
others whoso nnmos woro montlonod
ly Archbold will nrobnbly bo dotor-
mlned today.
l(Djr Associated Tress to Coos Bay
Timon )
OYSTER HAY. Anir. 24 Cnlnnol
noosevelt had nothing to add today
to his statement of last night In which
at Said llO did nnt hnllnvn Inhn It
Arcnboid a Btnteinents boforo tho son-! will bo hold to nwnlt such dlsposl-
W investluntlllir rnniniltlnn wnrn Hn.. no ...n.. !.., i. .11- i.i
true and charged Archbold with a by congress, lloforo signing tho bill
tUnneCllOn ttltll Arcllbolll'B tfstlninllV .if,V irnnoml IMl.l Mm .nnrnln,... nt
mi? tl10 n,leKcl1 conversation tho Interior. Attornoy Gonornl
.".?. tno Into Cornelius N. Bliss. Wlckorshnm, whllo not entirely imt-
f. iteM.?0Uhl tl10 Co'onol discuss tho Isflod. snld ho would not recommend
Possibility of his testifying beforo tho tlio veto of tho bill, hut Sccretnry
iMshor wns far from plonsed, nnd
thought tho bill should hnvo requir
ed tho Inrgo purchnsors to pay tho
government nt lonst ?25 nn ncro for
lands previously bought from tho
railroad coninnnv. Ho contended
Hint somo of this kind of land wns
worth $250 nn ncro nnd his first
Impulse wns to suggost thnt a largor
l.rlco bo demanded on tho more valu
able tracts.
After npponla woro made to him
oy Roprosontntlvos Hnwloy nnd A.
C. Dixon of tho Booth-Kelly Lum-
uor compnny, roprosentlng, tho Inno-
nate commltteo.
TO lMmciMM. w ........
Kn. 1. "Vi.r.i li.lll'.K,
IW Associated Press to Tho Cous
,. Times.)
WASHIVP.TRnv m r, ..... .
fine proposal to summon Col. Rooso-
Lti,. . ,y ucroro th0 8i)eclnI B0"
liloii?. ,Ueo on cn'l'nlgn contribu
tions ftas not rnnRl.lon,! i... .1
1,11,, , .- -.-.Mv.w u) iiu tuiu
r,'', Th0 committee, how-
", It WHS flfnr. ... ...... ..
Itlfuli.. 1 . . ' u"1' WUI ,O0K Pr-
Ke ,,fn,n, th0 I'cnroso-Archbold-r'ooseelt
contmvnrcv. ,. i. o.
loardOllCo pf.n Ti .1 l"u oluu"
"Publican war i.hno rn.L ".:.....: cont purchiiBors. ho modified his oh
the commltteo Is snld to fZr . ftf.t,onB nnd tho President signed tho
uune thft .!... . . . ----- .- 1,111
, -w (U 111 Miru nfA lw C?nk. I "-
wiu,m:avk atonok
"e"y to Dcimrt for 8......
(Brj . mcr Cnpltol.
'Associated Preblrt tQ no ,
WABHivo JK?"
President r, !"? U'. c-. Aug. 24
A Joint complnint charging William
C'orbln, secretary and gcnernl mnnn
gor of tho Contlnontnl Building nnd
Loan Association with perjury will
bo filed Mondny by Georgo 8. Wnlk
or, Stnto Building nnd Loan Commis
sioner, nnd District Attornoy Flckert.
Gomeone Starts Story Without
Foundation That Joyner's
Body Had Been Found.
Much excitement was crcntcd In
tho city todny by reports thnt tho
body of William Joynor, tho missing
South Slough mnn, had been found
In tho lowor Dny. Tho story was
ontlroly without foundntlon nnd
started ns n Joko, but tho various re
ports which became circulated woro
amusing In their vnrloty of dotnlls.
it was said that Joynor hnd been
found to hnvo boon shot In tho back
of tho head. Somo reports said ho
was floating In tho water nnd others
wero to tho effect thnt ho was
wolghtcd down with rocks.
Tho first story thnt rhched North
Bond nnd which wns telephoned
from thoro to this city wns thnt Geo.
unil Jack Flnnngnn, who woro pre
paring for tho Shrlner's clnm bnko,
wero digging clams In tho mud flats
nnd unenrthed tho body burled In
mo mini
Impossiblo to find out further thnn
thnt It wns ovidontly n Joko. Archlo
Phillips henrd tho story nnd tele
phoned to Coroner Wilson nnd nlso
to Sheriff Gngo. Ono mnn tele
phoned thnt ho had recolvcd tho
messngo from ono of tho rcsldonts
of South Slough known ns "Snow
ball." Ho snld Snowbnll hnd wnlk
ed nil tho wny to tho llghthouso to
lolophono tho news nnd It wns snld
that Snowball would not Joko nbout
such n serious mnttor.
Jnck Flnnngnn wns In the city thts
morning nnd snld thnt someono hnd
plnyed a Joko nnd thnt ho nnd his
brother hnd not found Joynor. Who
ever stnrtpd tho story, n good mnny
got "stung" nnd Inquiries nbout tho
mntter woro very numerous nil dny.
Mnny of tho peoplo In tho city woro
firm In their bollof of tho roport
nnd tho pocullnr pnrt of It nil was
thai nearly ovorvono Imitatori hnf
tho roport was true nnd thnt they!
tlAfl ll Mnn ..h..!..-, 1.1- I
...... ,u uum iiiiiiiiBiuKiiuio sources.
At nny rnto thero wns nothing at
all to It nnd tho Joynor dlsnnpoar-
nnrn la oHll n mn.i.... -.. . --
Just how the story started It .was jB concerned the finding of the body.
fcour aft, .t. "orly within nn tiir.,n,i ,nni. ,
capltol until olectlojn
Missionary Hours flO Knlfo Wounds
ns Result of Fight
ing sixty knife wounds, Inflicted
by Chinese plrntes nt a lonely polut
n tho Ynngtso river, In tho
A. W. Sheldon, tn
inlsslnnnrr tonphnp. vii
OT after !,.. ..-.""' Wlt" n " turned homo on tho RtPnmnr P.hlna
re8 this attlrZZuinTnt P.! .co.n'. from the Orient. Bort Hicks, ono . f
!"?next train after "tl, .! xneilho companions of Sheldon, wns kll -
yn8 and with tho 0J'n,,Mnn n, ml l0(l ln tll nnck. P. Hoffman it
.?." a h en 1! ?' flU: Cleveland, another of tho party re-
;.u "umraer canltni .in i , f.j I celvel "evornl superficial wound
Sheldon nnd his associates w
driven from tho province by the
toldlors, but when conditions bec.miu
somowhnt Bottled thoy roturned. The
hnd proceeded 1200 miles nlong t' a
Ynngtso when the pirates surround,
id their house bont one night and
swarmed on the deck. In the flg'il
that ensued Sheldon wbh cut on evoiv
part of his body, sovornl fingers bemK
slashed off. He was helped to Sha tw
hnl, where h's wounds were treated.
Foto SurmlleB. Walker Studio.
tho best drinks. I
fill! A LIAR
Plot Disclosed Jo Take Life of Archbold Will Not Treat Light-
Representative Johnson
at Capital..
ly Things Roosevelt Said
About Him.
. KU' t j . -
andCo.vrs i ,,!' nil(l WINTER SUITS
d'Play. Um,trV,?,.T.ei:....Nw on
i.ii rum u..
na1 at ST.VFoRn.s! Y' 85 per
"'-'"re fram,nB. Walker
Southern Pacific Man Says We
Should Prepare Better for
Auto Tourists.
II. P. Hooy, tho Southern Pacific
engineer who la in chnrgo of tho
construction work of tho compnny In
Oregon, wns much Intorcstcd ln tho
Matter of nutomobllo ronds ln this
locnllty. Ho said thnt tho cllmnto
of Coos nnd Curry county wns so
pleasant nnd tlio country nffordod
00 much beautiful scenory hero that
thoro should bo n good road to got
In horo. Regarding tho const road
m Curry county Mr. Hooy suggested
ihnt Coos nnd Curry counties should
rot togothor nnd Improvo tho rond.
Ho snys It would not cost moro thnn
$10,000 to fix It up In fairly good
"I enn scnrcoly understand," snld Hooy, "thnt such nn attractlvo
plnco ns this hns no good unto rond
bo that tourists from tho outsldo
would find It moro easy to get In
horo. You would bo surprised nt
.ho nuinbor of nuto tour.Vts who
would como to your locnllty ovory
aiimmor If thoro was ono good road
In horo. Thoso peoplo would bring
n lnrgo amount of monoy Into your
community nnd n good road for
them would bo n paying Investment.
1 nm surprised tho community hns
not beforo this taken somo such
In speaking of rond building Mr.
rlooy snld: "If n first clnsB hard road
cannot bo built nt first It Is n good
plnn for the comunlty to mako good
ordinary roads nnd ns mnny of them
ns posslblo nnd tlion Inter on build
permanent ronds. Nothing dovolops
iso country quicker thnn good ronds.
Tho Importnnco of such Improve
ments ennnot bo overestlmntod by
nny section of Orogon."
(By Associated Press to the Cooi Bay I TI .,. . . ,.
Times). By Associntcd Tress to Tho Coos
WASHINGTON, D.'c, Aug. 24 Bay Times.)
An nlleged plot to kill Ropresentntlvo1 NEW YORK, Aug. 24. "I nm
Benjamin Johnson, chnlrmnn of tho not a liar. I nm not accustomed to
commltteo on tho District of Colum- being so accused nnd will not endure
bin. so ns to head off proposed legls- lf iiufi T,. r. a -...!..
Intlon l,oo l,n.. -II. 1 1 Tl. '" ". "! U. iJltllUUlU Ul
nnd n 'sworn statement of a Washing- tho Standard Oil company made this
ton mnn hns put Johnson and his orlof statement before sailing today
friends on their guard. Affidavit glv- for Europe, in reply to Colonel
Ing details of a conversation over- Roosevelt's charges that he told un
heard n a street car In which ono of truths while on tho stand at Wnsh
thoso talking snld he had been fol- jngton. "What do you mean when
lowing Johnson for three nights to 0u say you will not endure It
kill him. Johnson declared that tho lightly?" Archbold was asked. Ho
story wnB true but declined to say, waved his hand deprecatlngly and
what Interests were behind tho then walked down to tho pier and
scheme. bonrded the steamer Majestic. He
wll remain ln Europe several weeks.
An anxious correspondent wishes To tho reporters ho said, "Take good
to Know wneinor me piurni ior uun caro or the country, boys.'
moose is "uun mooses" or "Dull
meese." Thero Is no plural for bull
moose. There la but one bull moose.
If you have anything to sell, trade,
r rent, or want help, try a Want Ad
Quatermass Studio for Photos.
Itlltmoi'tf Specials. Fine, at Iew
!' tho place where they know how
to mako things good.
W. R. Fontaine at Eugene
Gives Out Encouraging
Railroad News.
"Work is getting nlong splendidly
this flno weather. We exnect mils
In a fow days and will bo ready to
lay steel for quite a distance on their
nrrlvul," said W, R. Fontalno, engi
neer In chnigo of the Coos Bay lino,
ln nn Interview In tho Eugeno Guard
which states further:
At tho Bates & Rogers hendquar
congress "did croat
ininga- nnu "hnvo mado a swooplnc
democratic victory absolutely cortn'ln,
a victory that will glvo us tho Iioubo,
sonnto nnd tho presidency."
Tho sponkor ln trlbuto to tho lond
ors of both parties doclarcd that no
mnjorlty was over moro Buccossfully
lod thnn by Ropresentntlvo Dndor
wood, nor nny minority lend mom
ably than by Roprosontatlvo Maim.
Calling attontlon to sneers which had
boon hurled at domocrats for years.
Sponkor Clark dcclarod that thoy
hnvo fought and won llko veterans
ami constltuto ns thoroughly a dlsdl
pllned forco ns over nppoared ln the
Houso or any othor parliamentary
body. Tho spoaker expressed his
thnnko and gratltudo of tho country
and to "tho bravo, wlso nnd patriotic
republicans who co-oporatod with us
In passing good bills.
Awnlt Adjournment
With both houses mnrklng tlrnn
awaiting nn agreement on tho slngln
appropriation bill tho adjournment
of tho second session of tho slxty
socond congress wns nssurod bofore
sundown. Early today both the
Houso and Sonnto sont tho gonorol
deficiency npproprlntlon bill to con
foronco over minor disputes and sot
tied down to clonr tho docks for m ad
journment. An ndjournmont rosQlu
tlon waa drawn In tho 'Houso nnd
awaits tho passago of the final appro
priation bill boforo Its Introduction.
Plnns wero nrrnngod to hnvo tho pres
ident go to tho capital nbout nild
nftornoon nnd tnko up tho task ot
signing bills pnssod In tho final mo
ments of tho Bonnto.
Signs Hills
President Tnft hns signed tho bBl
(o extend tho pure food lnw to con
trol disbanding of nostrums.
President Tnft nlso slgnod todny
tho sundry civil sorvlco appropriation
bill which wns ngroed upon without
tho provision for tho tariff board.
Committee Reports
Tho commltteo on war dopartmont
expondlturcB roported today that Ma
jor Bcecher B. Ray, whom tho Presi
dent yestordny nominated deputy pny
mastor gonoral of tho army, had boon
ongngod In political activity particul
arly In tho Interest of President Tnft,
nnd had four times boon charged with
Borlous offonses and never vindicat
ed nnd novor had boon disciplines
moro sovoroly than by roprlmnnd.
Will Spenk for Wilson.
Sponkor Clark will start on a
speaking trip for Govomor Wilson
next weok nt Rocklnnd, Mnlno, nn
nm) devolop Into n tour of tho con
tinent. Ho will probably spenk In
Missouri and Now Mexico aftor load
ing Now England nnd thon procoeS
(o tho Pacific coast.
Governor West Prepares for Port
land Moral Iloiiherleaulng.
(By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bar
PORTLAND, Aug. 24. Governor
West this nftornoon tondorod tho ap
pointment of special prosecutor in
his moral house cleaning of Portland
to Doputy District Attornoy Wnlter
A. Evnns, tho Republican candidate
for district attornoy. To tho cnndl
dntes for sheriff nt tho coming elec
tion ho has offerod special doputy
Biirievniiries. "inis gives thorn a
chnnco to mako good," tho governor
snld. Tho candidates for sheriff aio
V. J. Fitzgerald, Republican nnd
Thomns A. Word.
Fire In London Ciits Off Telegraph
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Biy
LONDON. Aug. 24. Tho general
telegraph offlco of London Is on fire.
- a i i -..:." i ii
ivid li nua iL'uuiL'ii li I it rim iihiiv .. ... . .
me nil m, ..i., -i rr "" i an leigrnnine uusiness including
Ln n,i ?hS Kf ln.i,b0t0n m trnmmtlantlc cablegrams Is practl
gono nnd the Coyote, that they will t.a,lv nt stnn.lBtlll.
finish tho work and a tempornry
irestio ai tnat stream In less than
a week and will finish tho fnlso
work at the Long Tom in two weoks.
It will be posslblo to lay steel to the
Long Tom ln a fortnight.
TRY SARTER'S Vnnlla Ico Cream.
Order your BOX CANDY at BARTER'S.
Flno Stntlonery nt Wnlkor Studio,
Taclflc Commandery, No. 10, stat
ed conclavo Monday, Aug. 2C, 7
o'clock sharp. Visiting fraters cour
teously Invited to bo present. Worlc
in tho Red Cross.
C. B