THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. mnmnMim Tearing Down npHE carpenters are busy tearing down the walls to accomo date our rapidly growing business Our store, will soon be double its former size. While this growing process is taking place we are receiving heavy shipments of Fall Clothing from our Eastern manufacturers. We can show you a lot of new Suits already, Clothes that have a lot of distinction of style about them that isn't found with most Clothes you see. Hart Schaffner & Marx design them that way; smart style; they give a man an air of quality which none but the best Clothes can give. We sell these Clothes because they are' the best kind for you to wear. Suits $20 to $35, Woolen Mill Store This store is the home of JLu-l Scliiiffnor & Mnrx clothes "H" Ir f sP--a ytsrlf &ffl Mczk ' yMuX t coos n vv rimes. Mo) w la rIvou Hi's tlmo and height of high and low water nt Mil rah Hoi a. Tli tides tiro placed In tho order of occurrence with tholr times on the first lino and heights on the sec ond lino of imkjIi dny; u comparison of 'nnpcutlvp heights will Indlcntn whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar. subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. :llKISt 12.53 1.2 1.31 4.C Dale. 231Iib. .5.13 illrs. .0.0 MHrs .G.Ul Feet .0 7 G.'12 11.40 3.7 0.3G .00 3.4 .V TIIK WHATHIMl. OUISQON Fair tonight and Saturday. Cooler cast portion. T.OCAIj iti;- TKMl'KltATUllB l'OHT. For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Aug. 23, by DonJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government mctcorollglciil obsorvor. Maximum C5 Minimum r4 At 4:43 n. in CO Wind northwest; cloudy. Precipitation none WAXTKD Pantry Hotel. llways "The Busy Corner" The Rexali Store Tomorrow, Saturday, "August the 24th, for Our !8th Saturday Special "The Busy Comer" offers for sale a 50c Box of University Fabric Station fry, 50 Sheets and 50 Envelopes for only 20c, See Our Window. rOckhart-Parsons Drug Co. JH0NE MAIN 298 US WANT ADS'. I'OIt SAM.' Largo hoarding limfe mid furniture. Good business loca tion. Inqulro Times. I' Oil MAIjK flood paying luinliiev. Kstabllnhcd six yeiirH. $4200 each takes It now. Proprietor leaving town. Wrlto "Snnp" enro Timor.. i WANT I'D To rent furnished rooms l for light hoiiBo hooping. W. F. 1 Harmon. 157 J. , l'Oll SAIjK Hiiliy Orcind plimo nml ! ono Itoulnlx rug, 9x12. Terms If desired. Mrs. A. W. Myors, 471 ISlrml. Phono 200 h. WAXTKD T Invest $20(10 or $3000 In business lot clost In. Wrlto location nnd cash prlco to "Xewconior" enro Times. i MOAHD AND DOOM. Homo cook-' lug. Now malinger. 207 N. Third, FOIl SAM Trndo or rent, Launch Central. Apply to Honry Song atackon. .MOXKV SOM) on Installment to help ! IJOllX. rULLKY Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Pulley of Bnngor, Tuesday, August 21, nn eight-pound dnugh- -ilksvs-.r. ,.. frnnio building, 21x10, on South Hroadwny, just south of Hall avonno. Ittiildiug House II. C. Noble In starting tho construction of nnolher residence nonr Fourth and Hall uve nue whore ho hns two or threo other residences. Leave on Aulo Alex Johnson, Mrs. Alex Johnson, Victor Carlson. M. Lewis, Mrs. Lowls, Hoy Morgan and Mrs. Hoy Morgan left on tho Anegany-Hraln auto line this morn ing. Hack from Trip Dr. Tnggnrt, Guy I.nttln, Chns. Powers and J. II. Helg lcr nnd others returned Inst evening from their hunting trip nonr tho Tom Lawhorno plnco above Allegany. They got all tho venison they want ed nnd a lino trip. ."Unite Contribution D. C. Green, J chairman of tho special commltteo oi mo unninpor ol uomtnorco solicit ing funds to defray tho expeuso of the Port oloctlon, was notified todny by Supt. W. F. Miller that tho South ern Paclflc would contribute $100 to wards tho fund. .Mnirlcd Here n. F. Mnttlson nnd Miss Clydo A. Scott of Daiidon woro united In mnrrlngo by Itov. Z. O. Howard of tho Christian church nt tho pnrsonngo last evening. Tho l.nppy couplo, nftcr remaining In tho city for a few days will return to their future homo by tho sen. i Carter's Hnundup. Mnrshal Cnr tor has boon making a roundup of cnttlo and horses tho last couplo of days. .Too Hausor paid $2.C0 ponnlty for a horse, Andrew Chrlstcnson of Fcrndnlo pnld $2. GO for a cow, Four ier Brothers pnld $7.G0 for threo cows and Chns. Lund pnld $2. GO for n horse. Will Olve Kutertnlninciit. An on tcrtnlnmont Is to be given In this ! city Sept. C, for tho benefit of tho public llbrnry. It will bo managed by Professor Hoggs, who will lu ll educe his dancing pupils and will glo a flno program of fancy dnncos. Seven of his pupils who nro to grnd unto this year nnd recolvo diplomas- 3rncory clerk. Address'""' ln,0 "nrt '" U, 't- Lei'luro Saturday Night. Mrs. Clara llowlck Colby, tho Kqual Suff ragist who Is hero to aid In the cam paign to sccuro tho right of tho ballot for women, will hold a mooting nt tho Marshdcld llnptlst church Saturdny ovonlng to present tho vlows of tho suffragettes. Frldny ovonlng, sho will address n mooting nt North nend nnd Saturday afternoon nt 2:30 nt tho homo of Mrs. Henry Scngstneken. Here on VIsll. N. F. Throne, who formorly wnB located on Coos nny, Is horo on a visit. Mr. Throno Is now located nt Ashland. He en mo to Coos Hay lu 1900 but his health failed him and ho wont to Arizona where ho wan much benefitted. Ho Is now onjoylng good hcnlth. Mr. Will Ilulld Phil Rolchort Is mak ing nrrniigomcnts to build n two story working people and othors. H. II. Hnrpor, 334 First St. Phono 349. glil. Chandler ! W.h VOl' IN XKKD OF SHINGLKS? j Wo hnvo n bnrgnln In tho best rod ! tednr sliliiglos on tho mnrkot. Sco I 1. S. Dow, Oconn Dock. FOIl SAM-: Oil HUNT House, Mrs. ! Ilennliig Larson. WANTKD ' In nn It fi tt .1 .t,.l tn ! !.. ...iFa. II UIMI llllllli I. I IblilH KIVtflK iULUI- onco. Address Clork, enro Times. the city and tho Southern Oregon compnny. Knjoy Picnic A number of tho older residents loft on tho Buffalo Bill this morning for South Coos Riv er whore they will enjoy n dny's out ing. Tho uffnlr Is In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. .Ins. I). Asbcr who nro hero from Portlnml for n visit. Among thoso going wore 13. A. Anderson nnd family, Del Cathcart nnd wlfo, Jas. Ferry nnd family, Ivy Condron and wlfo, W. 11. Curtis and wlfo and E. O. Hall. Ktutsiiinu Leaves Claudo Stuts man niiij wife loft this morning with Win. Horsmnn and wife on tholr nuto trip down tho coast. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stutsman expect to bo gono about three months during which Mr. Stuts man's bother will tako cbargo of tho II io ongino. Tho dopnrture of tho pnrty wns delayed by tho fact that Mr. Horsmnn had damaged his auto qulto badly by running without cylin der oil. Potato Blight Anson Rogers who wns down from Coos River yosterday reports that tho potato crop nlong the river hns been seriously damaged by a blight, n pccullnr dlsonso which nffocts tho vinos nnd Injuries tho pro duct. Ho noticed it among his vines yesterday and figures It will cost lilni upwnrds of $1000 In damage to his crop alono nnd othors will suffer proportionately. Tho potato crop In Coos county mny bo short ns n result of the dnmgo to tho crop. A.MOXO TIIK SIOIC. James Mnrsdcn Is reported to bo much Improved at Mercy hospital whoro ho underwent nn operation for appendicitis a fow days ngo. 13. W. Schrock of Empire, who underwent n surgical operation and who has been In Mercy hospital for fcomo. time past, has recovered suf ficiently that ho Is ablo today to lenve tho hospital and bo taken to his home. F. A. Lnlse, who has been confin ed In tho hospltnl at North Bond for tho pnBt wcok, Is ablo to bo out. Only few pieces of our llAHOAIN OltANITi: WAKE loft. Soo window. COOS HAY CASH STOHE. FOIl It EXT TS-rooin furnished house, -IIS Golden Ave. ANOKL FOOD nnd HONEY NOU OAT, .Saturday and Sunday, J15e per pound nt STAFFORD'S. STRAWBERRIES, Saturday :l boxes for "5 cents or 81. 75 kv ante nt Stuuff's Grocery. , WANTED To buy or rent n 10vl2 tent. Enqulro Times ofllco. FOIl SALE Rooming house. Four teen rooms. North Front St. in qulro Times office. CHICKENS fryors nnd stows, nt STAl'FF'S GROCERY. WANTED An evK!rlenccl cleaner and pressor. Apply TImos office. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms closo In. Tolophono 2 3 9-J. COOS HAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY nnmo bolongs to E. O. Hall. Phono Throno said ho would not hcsltato about coming back to Coos Bay to llvo but ho cnnnol stnnd tho low nltl- 1C9-J. FOR SALE or trade, n good launch. Apply 204 Coke building. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell. Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yak Inn Vnlloy Nursery Co., Topponlau, Wash. BUY NOW. Somo choice lot3 In NORTH BEND enn ho had at n vory reasonablo price If takon now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First Nntlonnl nnnk tudo. Deal for Property It Is roported todny that eastern parties aro nego tiating with tho Southern Orogon compnny for tho purchnso of tho en tlro Now Bedford Addition, Tho addition Includes tho proporty on To! cgraph Hill nnd was plnttod somo tlmo ngo by tho Southorn Orogon compnny hut nono of It hns ovor bcoi sold. It ombrnces tho old comptory, ovor which thoro Is n clash botween Men Who Shave will find that a little B. & S. Germicidal Shaving Lotion applied to tho face afte" tho shave will keep tho skin smooth and fie.' from pimples and all iv ; tated conditions. 25c and 50c tile Bottle. Q.Q0BICYCLES-$3Qo0Q -0WL- -0WL- -OWL- OWL- 0WL- -0WL- TvH' way .ujeap BICYCLES Cheap To meet competition we have ordered 0o00 NOTICE! This advertisement will not appear again. SIGNED; Owl Prescription Pharmacy, by Frank D. Cohan. The Uallilii Cigar Is tho SAMI-l as the Klixardo, so well known on tho Hay us tho best for 25c goods. The dllVm-nco In iiiuih's Is only n matter or different dlstilbutoi-s. Never Before and Probably Never Again! Cigars 50 Per Cent Off on Balbin ( THIS IS OFF THE WHOLESALE PRICE ) We obtained 7,000 of these cigars (how and where is immaterial) at an unheard of price and we are using them as the first of the OwPs Advertising Specials It will mean Less anxiety for you. Fewer postmortems for all concerned. FA1TTILL YOUSEE OURS ian'slhfieldl Cvdleinf 72 Broadway. Phone 158-R. 30.00 $30o00 KINDS 0F JB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE We wanted to make friends of the whole family. We wanted you to find the way to the Owl Prescription Pharmacy and want you, your wife and the rest of the family pleased because you came. You will come again, and your wife and your family will follow you, be cause the Owl's present methods of doing busi ness are used as a foundation for our future business. CIGAR SPECIAL We are selling Clear Havana cigars, the same stock as the famous Elisardo, that sells every where at two for a quarter or $5.75 for a box of 50, at $5.75 for 100 $3.00 for 50 25 cts. for 4 NOTE THE SAVING! o We're nlvlntf tliein invny. Don't tako any one's word for (ho quality of Halliln cIkhi-m. Step In and smoke oho with ns free. Wo will gladly jjlve yon iiiiu to try. If you like It conio back the next day and order as many as you wlth. Vo want you to lio satisfied lu this ns' with every thing you liuiTlinso here. W M JffiL PHONE 74. J. Owi I3RESCRIRTION JTHARMACyi I ttntmjrii'' '-vfflfi FRANK D.COHAN IN BUSINESS FOR YOU Hlnco tho ladles do not benefit direct from this sale, tho Otvl will boon put on a special advertis ing sale for women. watch roil it o C" -0WL- 0WL- -0WL- -0WL- 0WL- -0WL-