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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1912)
IAKE HASTE BUT PONT If T THE WASTE EXCEED THE VALUE Of YOUR TIME VTANT AnVHHTISINO bi Tho TIMES (to WANT ADVERTISING In The TMCBfl Will Keep tho Income from Yo. Furnished Rooms from Lnpelugi YOU can really holp tlw fnwllr revenues by ranting a fow furnlflhod ag aitms Will l'at our Ilcm """-" " Uio Market" Effectively! . 't wUl put the facta about your rnncrtY before uo eye" of a11 "p0D" Pin buyorfl" lu town. And If Sere's ono of them who ought to ..' t. vou'll eell Itl rnninn nmt. If vnil know how leA i Swhon to ubo tho classified columno, you may keep that Httlo extra lnoomn ns "Bteatly oa a clock." 0H KfiKBBSEHMBiniKKHr MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS igaags3xgn3JgKgsa?.Tgrmsre ... vvVll 'established In 1U78 OLaAAVI. ,lH T,,0 CoiiMtMnll fGIIER HOEY OF S MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mull fn on mid Cooi Uny Advertiser. uu" "" DUTHERN PACIFIC VISITS COOS NT t.ioe Trin Un the Coast ICJftCO !- - , .. . From uresceni wiy m Touring Car. ILL GO OUT OVER NfcW tUULIMt LIIMC humors of Building Down the Coast HCVlvuu uy nip ui Engineer. ti t ttopv. nflslstnnt cnglnoor of bo Southern I'nclllc and In chnrgo M tho construction work In Orogon, Ha In tho city. Ho arrived last nigm from CrCBCOni Lilly, llllvniB iuuuu mu itrln up tho conBt In an automobile i. i. in the city today and will loavo .tomorrow to go over tho route from ,, in Kuceno. going via Allognny Eto ScottBhurg, thonco down to Onrdl- Bcr nml following mo survey. "I camo in bore sniu xur. uoey 10 REPRIEVED TILL AFTER ELECTION H. E. Roberts, Guilty of Mur der, Escapes Gallows for a Time. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Tlmofl.) SALEM, Ore. Auk. 23. II. E. (Jnck) IlohortBi tho penitentiary ox- convlct, convicted on tho chnrgo of killing Donald M. Stewart near Port land Mnrch 21) last, was reprlovod today by Governor West until nftcr Uio Novombor election. Tho covor- co over tho routo irom noro 10 iug-,nor in a mcBsngo accompanying the enc. I thought nt tho samo tlmo that ( roprlovo staled that tho proposal to would fnmlllnrizo mysoii wun mu t iioiisu capital puniHiimont will bo country no I mado tno trip inrougu voieu on uy pcopio in Novombor and ,riirrr muni v. I had boon at my. If they roject If, Koborts will bo ranch nt the head of tho Deschutes allowed to hang. frlvor nnd was entertaining seven urrconi of Snn Francisco, nmong them Dr Coffee, chief surgeon of tho Southern I'nclllc and United Rnll- ways. WO weni in ninciiiiii-n 10 ivia math Fnlls nnd from thoro by way of Grants l'nss to Crescont City. Tho doctors hid a big soven pasoongtr Peerless enr nnd wero nfrnld to at tempt the rond north ho they left nnd vent to Snn Francisco whllo I enmo up through Curry county. "My visit hero lins no particular significance excepting thnt I want to go over tho Kugeno lino. I undor itand thnt Porter Bros., who hnvo the contrnct for a largo part of tho road, aro tanking preparations to go right ahead." when nsked If there was not an en TRAIN ROBSE Wells Lounsbery, Shot and Captured, Jackson County Rancher With Family. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) TOP13KA. Knn.. Aug. 23 A dnr- ing robbor who was shot nnd sorloua ly Injured by hlu own rovolver whllo resisting enpturo after ho had robbed n mail enr on a Union Pacific train last night, Is still allvo this morning. The police hnvo not yet learned his Identity although they hopo soon to Induce him to dlvulgo his nnmo. Tho trnln Is known an tho Denver Express nnd carried a heavy mall. As It was leaving Knnsns City tho man leaped Into tho car nnd after lovollng IiIb rovolver nt tho clerks, rlllod tho reg istered mnll, taking rich packages. When Lawronco was rcachod tho rob bor droppod from tho car and ran to ward tho renr of tho train when an alarm was given. Tho sleoplng car porter -said ho had Just seen a man with his pockots bulging got Into a sleoplng enr. Tho conductor njtid trnln "bunds went Into tho car whoro they dlscovored tho man hiding In n berth. Tho robbor ralsod Ills rovol ver to flro and Just ns ho did so tho conductor caught his bnnd nnd turn ed It iinrk, tho bullet ontorlng tho R IS IEDF0HD IN SCHOOIR ILHELIflli TOTAL m n ! ! &!! mm un mm mw man's chest close to tho heart. Tho only cluo to tho man's Identity was a letter In his pockot addressed to Mrs. Willis Loimberry, Mcdford, Oregon. Physicians stnto tho man will re cover. Iilves In Mcdford. Tho wounded robbor confessed to .' authorities that his nnmo Is Wm. Lounsbery, formorly of Medford, Oregon, thnt ho Is an ex-rallway mnll clerk nnd that ho has a wife nnd two children in Mcdford. win: cannot explain (Dy Associated Press to tho Coob Day Times.) MEDFOltD, Or., Aug. 23 Mrs. Wolls Lonsborry Is unnble to explain tho fact thnt tho .Topoka train robbor had a letter In his pocket nddrcsscd to her. Sho admitted that her hus band, who Is n rancher nenr hero, left two wcokB ago for Denver, but said sho had a letter from him thoro n fow dnys ago snylng ho would ro turn to Medford In tho near future. Tho description of tho robbor appar ently tniiics with thnt or the Medford man. Lonsborry wns Injured In n trnln wreck nbout flvo ycnrB ago and slnco then ho has lived on n rnnch. Friends horo think tho Injury nffocted ins mind. M W M Lefty Louie," Gunman of the Rosenthal Murder Case May Be Caught. (Dy Associatod Press to Tho Cooa Day Times.) NEW YORK, Aug. 23 Louis Ros Went on Beach Early This Morning When Trying to Enter Port. NO LIVES LOST; CARGO IS SAVED Carried Railroad Supplies to Porter Bros. Was Built in North Bend. (Special to Tho TImos.) FLORENCE, Ore., Aug. 23. Tho gnsollno schooner Wllhomlnn, which, hns been on tho run between Coos Unj and Yaqulnn, la wrecked on th bench nenr tho ontranco of tho Sius- JUDGE HQLDEN SIS AWAY Stroke of Paralysis "Ends Life of Venerable Citizen at Coquille. Judgo E. I). 0. Holden, who dlod at his homo In Coqulllo August 2u, IfrlnftArlntv rrnu' ufnrtfwl tnwnril Clnrrv, county, Mr. Hoey snld ho bollovod ' wns widely known In tho county and there wns n pnrty down that way nnd been qulto prominent In his car tomowhere. When nsked If tho y days In tho east. Judgo Iloldon Southern 1'nclflc Intended to liullil1 BB bcen jllHtcu ot llm pwiCu nt Co. on down tho const to connect with, , , , . , , , , Eureka ho snld that there was noth-' ""',l0 von yearn and ho d that Ing definite but called attention tol " "io iimo .i ins lean . no the fact thnt the rond from 80.11'.."..- w - i J "' ' Francltco wns being built into Eure-I ?,"'l, norwnra. no was uorn Va and thnt tho contrnct wns lot for ,, t't,7...' i.. ,. ,. th linn frnm l.'.i.,,.... 4 tl.. '" IIUIUUH II1IU IIVUII till IIII1UIII ,, L". .L "K... . .C.". ?"? member of tho Odd Pollowa for over ARCHBOLD TELLSJHAT RE GAVE riis Contributions to Republi-; J,1'"1 "'wo wna oro than a coinci nnn rnmnn!n in 1001 f no ' "once In tho nppenranco of tho ad Can Oampaign m ISUf Was vorao govornmcntnl reports, "over: 3IZ0,UUU. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos B.iv Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 23. and that there wns between horu and Eureka a stretch of about 270 miles and that It wns rcnuonnblo to bollovo forty years, and n dovout member of tho Methodist Episcopal church, nnd nn oxnmplnry citizen throughout or f mid 'iw,ni..,i.,, - i .. i.i...: "" an oxnmninrr c mzun urn go ron, Zl nLnnr ' "l" ' ''""'l 1" ' "0 WHB gmild IllnStOI ltZ,??,n ntitnuU,oUn ..'f the Odd Follows of tho stnto o ..Jt.!0.u.L(l..,,0 .?. bSnu"f.111 ro".t0.' I Michigan for tho years 1880-1 mu l dn Z vrn0Ut0 t,,04F",te(l Stntea. ' resontntl vo for tho years 1 882-3. 1 10.01..1. wh?r. tnE.r.e C0.V,(1 b6 Mr. Holden was a member of llec- uwg uuiiiciivu iriii. i-iin rimmifl. .. t .! xt 111 t r r t onl r?t t Brnt,y to tho nlonBurol Fiorcnco. Orogon: Coqulllu Encnmp in .h J ,onB!loconHt'. rrllvolors, mont-No. 2n, i. O. O. Y Mid Mnmlo If.. PI?61, t,ln? conil"B froi Itoboccn Lodgo No. 20, I. O. O. F.. ""',1U' i-uuiury wouiu on run- 0f Coqulllcs mL ,!!'n lhe. S,.llfllaw "lvor at oncoi Mr. Iloldon was secrotary of tho i Li ,. c ,nnt0 of Ul con8t ''nt0 f Michigan thlrty-fonr years ana enjoy it all tho way to San Ro. nt which tlmo ho wns nctlvo In ti, ei , limlltlcnl nffulrs. Ho enme to Co- ,, oluamw country through quITlo nboul twolvo years ngo from n , in "v " iHiwtwoHHh rilMUIHUj UM"4ll, 11IU PCI I'll BUUI- aumnere Is (lnii scenery In this coun- al tonus as eliv -"-nrdor and nbout iL, 11ne-rou,o on down the con&t Ight years iih i f.tico of tho penco. wougn Carry county would tnkotrn-:n position ho heM with dignity nnd eier8 aionr n tuna nnAi..A . i i.A.. .i n.-. M, . , " v uiuntuiu cuubi. I iiiiiiiii iu u nuhli-u llllll IIUIIU III- in Places the railroad would run out tempted to dispossess him. iose to the ocenn nnd give n view C. H. Iloldon, n brothor, a Justlco lln i"any reofs n1"' r(""ky nhoro of tho poaco at Olonndn, Oregon: um i. ,?oultl not uo 8UC'i n voryl'onry S. Iloldon, n son, a business "ncmt lino to build. Thoro aro' "inn nt Grand Rapids, Michigan; nn ,n roU8'1 I1qcch In Curry county other son whoso nnmo nnd plnco of ti ---- .vn, w, u iuuu inrougu i-amuiii-u cuiiiii nui. uu luiiiiiuii iiiiii llttl Mm be constrcted with very Mrs. Judge Porklns, n daughter, tho cry tlmo wo wero concerned In litigation In tho courts or every time legislation npponred horo In Washington in which wo wero IntcrcBtod." Arch bold wna asked If ho thought tho ro- .Tohn D. Archbold, who wns pictured rural to mnko a second contribution .is tho political munngor nnd direct- hnd anything to do with tho socnllcd Ing genius of tho Standard Oil com- unjust Investigations." pnny took the witlicss Btnnd today i "Woll. I don't know," replied beforo tho sennto commlttco lnvcs-1 Arclibold. Pomoreno Insisted upon tlgntlng tho cnmprtlgn funds and told knowing what pnssod between Arch ills vorslon ot the- contributions to. hold and RIIkb when tlin rtnnnvni in. tho cnmpalgn of 1904. Archbold , vcstlgatlona wero discussed. "I sun testified to having mado two contrl- ptiso," answorod Archbold. "DHbs ox butlons, both ho thought In curroncy, pressed tho opinion thnt it would not VA a. ,"'J",U"C" cumpnigii lunu in havo been thus If wo hnd wished nnd 190L One wns to CprnolluB 111 ss,; x lmvo no ,,oubt on tlint HubJoc.t my. nmounung to iuu,uuu, ana mo nir aio.i if i. l,.. ,i,h,;. other wns to Scnntar Ponrpso nnl dHbb reported' to Roosovolt Ills de- IIIIIU....IU.. i .".. ,"""'" cllnntlon to make further contrlbu could not stao tho exact dato when ' Uonai Archbold snld. "I nssumo of tho contributions woro mado. T)ioiCOUr' ,t wn. BO ronrtn(, , "." OnO tO BUSS hO bollOVCfl Wns In Sop-' ,"w In lml i,nn ? I. ,nnr. wi tombor nnd followed a talk with I '" ' in,: nnp S$IJna?, llllss concerning tho matter of ob-1 n,n? h"1 i VieyimB?0r. tnlnlng tho contribution. Archbold I n!L??r "i0 (,frM "JFS m said ho could not find In his letter now Btntomonttlmt tho $25,000 pnld book any correspondonco rognrdlng Ponroso wna for political purposes Tonroso contribution, such ns hns on,1' "ml not, ,f10r,1I;0r8on,nl 8vIco In ,, ....i.iii..i ... . nrlvnto or nubile life. Oliver Inslntort UUUII IIIIUIIDIII.-U III II IIIIIKH'IIIU. 1U , .. r., ...-. . snld ho did not romomber writing on nowng whother ChnlrmnnCortel- hiich n lottor nnd thnt tho slgnaturo " ol l" nxionni iiopuoiicnn uom to tho lotter Is vory unltko his. Arch- nilttoohad any dcnllngs with Arch- oold snld In 1904 ho was not con-l U0ll " regard to contributions. nected with tho Rteol corporation. Archbold replied thnt when tho sub tho Amorlcnn Tobacco Company, or' Jpct ot a socond contribution wns un any rnllroad combination nnd hnd (,op discussion. Dllss had suggested not dlscused with any reprosentatlvo n" Intorvlow botweon Archbold and of tho corporations named tho qucs-. Cortolyou. Lntor Bliss told Archbold Hon of campaign contributions. Out- Unit Cortolyou dld'not think It nd slde of Bliss, whom Arclibold snld vlsnblo for him (Cortolyou) to come ho understood represented Colonel to seo Archbold, but thnt ho would Roosovolt, ho hnd no conferences, support Bliss In anything Bliss might on tho subject with nnybody. To say. Senator Jones tried to pin Arch Bliss, howovor, Archbold said, ho. bold down to a statement whothor trnnkly said that "Wo wanted to Roosovolt know of tho $100,000 con- .......... . .1 Inw rlvnr. Rim will lin n fnlnl ImiB. onzweg, "Lofty louio" has been w- Tho rnllronaniaterinl and equipment Liuuii in uio suuurus oi u huiiiiiwchi orn city nenr tho Rock mountains and two detectives of tho district attor ney's staff hnvo bcon sent to arrest tho much wanted gunman In connec tion with tho Roscnthnl murdor case Tho authorities do not mention tho nnmo of tho place GREAT PLACE Ben Selling Thinks Optimism of People In This County Is Wonderful. "Coos county Is tho most optlmls t'c place In Oregon," Bald Ben Spi ling, tho Republican cnndldato for United States senator, who hns bcon limiting n tour of tho county. "I think In calling upon tho votors I hnvo been In every dubIiicbr houso In this county during tho pnst week nnd of nil tho business men I talk ed with thoro was but ono who snld business wns not good. Thoy all .aid they wero doing well nnd wore hopeful for tho future. You pcopio 1-oro bent nnythlng I over saw when It comes to being optimistic. It Is certainly n good sign." Mr. Selling left for Portland this morning ovorlnnd. He visited nil of tho cities of tho county slnco nrrlv- Ing horo Inst Saturday. LIVED IX SPOKANE American Killed In Nicaragua Fought ' With Madera (By Associatod Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) SPOKAN.E, Wash., Aug. 23 Hnr vey Dodd, reported killed by tho reb els In Nlcarngun, formerly lived In Spoknno whero ho practiced lnw. Ho loft hero In 1911 to Join Mndoro's forces In Mexico. BURNS DENIES REPORT wlfo of tho circuit Judgo nt Grand Kaplds, Michigan, survlvo him. The funornl sorvlcos will bo hold Sunday from tho Mothodlst church nt Coqulllo. Tho sorvlcos will begin nt 2 o'clock. Tho burial will bo In tho Odd Follows comotory nt Coqulllo. DISCUSS SHERMAN LAW. little dlfficiiiiv '!l?y lk trw"nB In n big ma- jay trouble Coming tin from firnsnnnt I' I'shter nuto m cht hnv0 Hrn',..i,i ihtwA ,rmp,e,!ljr of ,,owor uml st bid '.. ro.r2UBh ,n P,ncos b,lt t A gJm nm,ht b0 Po1. They m rnlnl4 "!a,ch. ?1.8 M yesterday 't evening rnvea ,loro ahout- c if . ni! n(Ier. said Mr. Hoey "that f D' Associated Pross to tho Coos By "i tn Aiin... . ." .: Ti iri.nn tna.t . vhiiiuid anil Ueautlrill ' iiim-n.; "ast country here to attract that I WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 23. frnm.vrov,s,on8 for nn nuto mail' nG controversy between Colonel me outside hnvo not been mnrtA ' Roosovolt and Attorney General ear .ooa roid to cot Into this Wlckershnm over Prosidont 'Tnft's ill h ueB,alo mnny tourists would' ndmlnlstiailon of tho Shormnn law nere every summor." ! ,vas continued today with a stnto- row mn i lI,K0 "is car tomor- ' """" umi "kw then. ,!f, ng t0 Allegany and from ' s,mni who Hec'nr6'' that tho ex- 'll nut tC ' ni0sunrg whoro ho "., , v . , , h; . . , Pxiosevclt ami M'ickornlinm Arc In a Controversy, toGMi. iar on n bcow and co lo"y B,"c " Kau in uuiuu ,' liardlner. Ho .m -.:... ""', ? tin u-nrV nf thn nilmlnlRtrntlnn nnd rou, between here and EuBenc , "..commondB to Roosevelt tho perusal Work nn ti.. of a magazlno article by Frank D. ,wMr Hoey is rlw i . , Kellogg, who prosecuted the Stand- "e Dlan f. 'll."Br reticent about nrr. Oil nmniuinv. whlrh snlil t-o . that he mProK..n V10 ntiy .Ho lr,lst I"l heon nctually dlssolvod. of the constrn)i y lind supervision T"en ami ." .'" " nn" thnt ordora AXGEL FOOD and IIOXEV XOU- :?n came frnm I ork wns o bo AT, Saturday and Sunday, JWc per v.l(1 nt know ?, rranclsco- He l,()UI,(1 nt STAFFORD'S. I?.! nd franoh """ V10 i, . " l (ranch ' " " .r. V" . . : : i said that h -" uuuer uniy row pieces or our n.ui.ii. le looked after all 05ip?c'ed u W0W GRAXITE WAKE loft. Seo window. ?rk 80th f Ba,tl the only '-.v lUU !SlllQlnlr lU.i .-m r.n. vwriljLi"t llU BllWlM IIMlllHII.a, tCootlnued on pbo Pour) Saturday 3 , boxes for 25 cents or $1.75 per ' crate at Stauff's Grocery. mnko this contribution but not with- trlbutlon. Archbold nnnlly said Bliss out knowledge of tho powers that Informod him thnt Roosovolt nnd Cor-I bo. Wo wanted It understood and tolyou wero both cognlznnt of tho .ipprecinieu Uy uoionoi itoosovolt. conditions undor which the contribu Bliss smilingly assured mo thnt that tlons hnd been mndo. would be uio enso." -Did you ovor receive n lottor from iuciiuum mini no nnu no romoni- Roosovolt thanking you for your con brnnco of mnklng nny contribution, trlbutlon?" Jones nsked. personally nnu ir no nan it was a "No,.. no said, "beforo ho camo to miiu Hiuuun. Arciiuoia row no thnt ho had decided on another course -.Hf?- -wled?? J".8t. fy..1,,m ' according to correspondence ns pub-oth5yimil5Mn-iih0TCT0nt-rMUtinBi ' 18". the alleged letter written by hni inil nVil8 T,H,8nl(1 no,hnd. Roosovolt to Cortelyou." Archbold i rnntr ,h" ItfVlZ, ?mMnB 8a,(l tll "ttnckB on the Standard Oil rnSoiW conndn,ectd.o8nC0wI,!!i8 1 SrSutS8"1 l ' U1' clntes It wns without Archbold's Til0.08.?.8!11 .ed. t2'at.tho 100': knowlodgc cumriuuuuii wb novor roiur.ioi Senior Pomereno Inquired of tho "nd,n, fBBestion of It was ever witness particularly as to Archbald'a, ma( toth,m- At Ponroso'a request, onnvoraniinn win, nn .i , I Arclibold was drected to make furth- whether Roosevelt's name had boon ' Z cX, for documentnry evidence. mentioned during the r talks. Arch- ,,:",,,- .7. UAV"DCV "tuu"1"""' bold declared that ho had specially f rn h,0 estlmony today on condition referred to Roosevelt as the person 0'batr ho bo 8UbJect t0 n reca11 ,n 0ct whom ho wanted to know nnd appro- ,,' . . ,.,,,, clato tho fact that tho Standard Oil I J e"r080' ,who ',"ow Archbold on had contributed. Later ho said Bliss be8ta"d corroborated the Iattor's came to him for a second contrlbu-l!?""1,?? Us f0"0'"810" tho inn nf Jir.nnnn Ar-MmH ni, i ,J commlttco ndjourned, It being nn- board of directors of the Standard "0"n,f i e"g11BV.- w Perklns Oil declined to make further contrl-1'0"1'1 PPenr jiextTuesdny. (Dy Associated Press n Coos Dav Times L CHICAGO, Aug. 23 W. J. Duma boforo leaving for Now York this nf- tomoon declined to confirm tho report thnt "Lefty Louie" hod been arrested. Burns ndmltted that his scm Ray mond was In tho vicinity of Snllda, coio. WHEAT .MARKET. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Bay Times.) CHICAGO. Aug. 23. Septembor wheat. 93 4: Decembo'r, 9316 : Mny, 9G?6 97. Portland and Tacomn wheat mnrkot unchnnged which mndo up tho cargo will bo saved. No lives wero lost. Tho Wllhomlnn went on tho bench, nt 1:15 o'clock tills morning. It Is snld thnt Cnptnln Tylor, tho mnstor, nttomptcd to cross In at low tldo and In consequonco beached tho bonL II wns nt first thought thnt sho could ho flontcd but tho llttlo bont was driven fnr back on tho snnd aplt nntt Is now nbout half a mile north ot the north Jotty. Sho Is badly dam aged, Is filled with wntor and Is 300 feel bnck from tho water lino so It till bo ImpoBBlblo to ovor got her rff. 4 Crew Walks Ashore. Thoro wna no difficulty In Cnptnln Tyler and his crow getting on land. When tho tide wont down tho bout A-ns high nnd dry. Today tho ca:o Is being unloaded and will probably all bo snved. Tho Wllholminn hnd boon engngod by Fortor Bros., tho rail rond con tractors building n pnrt of tho Eu-Msno-CooH Bay line, to bring ma terial and onqulpmcnt from Ynqulna, to tho SliiBlaw river whoro Porter Bros, aro making hoadquartorfl. Her rcgulnr run wna from Coob Bny to inqulna, making stops nt tho 8ius i.iw. Tho cargo consisted almost en tirely of rnll and other material And equipment for tho contractors. Built nt North Itcud. Tho Wllhomlnn wns built by and Banks at North Dond la 1908 by Chnrles Thorn, ownor of the Coos Bay Browing company. Sho wiiB onornttd for somo tlmo out ot Coos Bny to other Bmrtllor ports. Mr. Thn:n Bold the boat to a company ot ir.i-n who nro orgnnlzod as tho Lin coln County Transportation com unny with headqunrters at Newport CiMtaln Tjlor. master of tho boat, is ono of tho owners. The Wllhemina when now cost nbout $20,000. Sho is 80 foot 3 Irinos long with 21 feet 3 Inch bonm and 6 feci 0 Inches depth. Hor gros tonnngo wns 9C nnd not tonnngo 70. Sho was equipped wtlh gnsollno en gines of 150 horse powor aud carried t, crow of four men. Loaded With Steel Rnlls. It Is understood that tho Wllhe mina was loaded with rails, it Is hupposod theso woro tho light rails used for temporary tracks In con struction work. COASlliUE BALL SCORES Portland Wins from Sacramen toVernon and the Angels Also Winners. . HOW THEY STAND ulno Is "a deliberate and wilful false hood and Sonntor Penroso knows It f lift nlirtli lolisvtrt 1 f vn1vfin l It fT)l. a iu mu Bum miuii uu iiiunua ii. lllu.A. Dnklmwl T A Colonel declared his ilrst letter was' I p"",""', ll written October 20 when ho Ilrst 1 1 Ban F?nnniRPo "m linnr.l l.n rnmnr M.n h Qnn.l-.1 ' T an mnOlBCO ..57 nn i..i -n....., . i" ,nni " "i Sacramento VH llllll WIUIIUUIUII IU lilt lUUf I'Ulll Vernon 80 Los Angelos ... .75 CO 5C CI C9 C7 77 78 .588 ' .581 4 .550 .442 .42G 391 pnign fund. wroto oven Tho noxt day ho said ho more emphatic and ho buttons nnd that when ho told Bliss this, BIIsb replied that If "you don't somobody will and I think you aro making a mistake'' Afterward when some of Roosevelt's bureau heads "began their unjust attacks upon us" Archbold said he went to Bliss who "threw up his hands saying he saw the attacks were unjust and that ho sympathized with us but could do nothing." Archbold said the attacks he refer red to wero those mado by tho com missioner or corporations, James A. Garfield, and Herbert Knox Smith, nnd which "President Roosovolt un failingly approved without Investiga tion and without the slightest knowr ledge of facts." Archbold nssortod Roosevelt Talks (By Associated Pross to the Coos Bay Times). NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Colonel Roosevelt declared that Senator Pen rose's Btatoment that George W. Per kins "underwrote my primary expen ses for $3,000,000 or any sum even remotely resembling It, Is a deliberate nnd wilful falsehood which ho knows to bo such when he makes It. Pen roso would do well not to attribute to' others tho baseness which actu ates himself." Regarding Senator Penrose's state ment Roosovelt said the statement that lettera and 'telegrams to Cortel you wero written for the purpose of TirvTJrnT vn -i a .. n - reenlvn.l n Rtntfimont frnm Pnrtnlvn,. I . ""w, ur Aug. w ron- "If nny such contribution was re-. At portlnmi n it t celved It was not only without iny Poi' f""'1 0 nK " B E&..but nBOln8t my 0X,,,,cISsncramenio V.-.:;;.: i5 4 '6 The- Colonel went on to Bay thnt Vo?nt0an Francl8C0 n " tho reason Penroso and his political son Francisco 57 "nllloci ntwl l,l, on.l mol. . OIIII T f UHLIHtO t) ( tho world of flnnnco nro ngalnst him ' Los AnMloa8010" ? i ? now Is becauso they could not uso " onkinnA i 41.111 . I11IU IIU nun ffl COIUUIll. IVUUSU- velt declared thnt Penrose's attitude' , ,rtlMrT,ra In this matter symbolizes his habit- xm' SIAIIKbr8 ual attitude which has finally brought (By Associatod PrenB to The Coos him disaster In Pennsylvania. "Thoro Bay Times) Is nothing I would vyolcomo more CHICAGO, Aug. 22 Wheat, Sept E 2 II 1 1 than Penrose's opposition.' QUICK DELIVERY AT HAIXKrf. PIIIPIfRVS frvnra ntwl cln,,c ot going Into record and were not gen-' STAVFF'S GROCERY. ' closed 93 3-8; Dec, 93; May, 9G. Portland and Tacoma wheat markets aro unchanged. If you have anything to sell, trade, 'r rent, or want help, try a Want Ad.