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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1 912 EVEH1IMG EDITION. 4 I miiiiii. mill i " w p ai - - C0AS1 LEAGUE JUfflltSOi BALL SUES STOCK TOMPPLE North Bend News Portland Defeats Sacramento Has Lease on Building and yesterday Vernon and Purchases the Stock and Oakland Win. Fixtures. Chns. Ilnnscn, tin old pioneer of North llcntl, was rnlten suddenly il1 i Inst evening- Ho suffered nn ntuu". ' c.f hemorrhage, nnd Is In n crltlcul condition today. Mayor L. J. Simpson and wife, Miss Isabel Stearns of Hoqutam, Wash., Mrs. Callander of Astoria and MIbs Uurroughs of Hoqulam loft today for Ton Mllo whero they will spend a few days. MAGN i PC. .5sr. .578 , ' .437 .429 .391 HOW THEY STAND. W. h. Vernon 79 5C Los Angeles ....74 54 Oakland " 74 58 Portland 52 67 San Francisco ..57 7C Sacramento . ..50 77 (Rv Associated Press to the Coos Oiv Times.) PORTLAND, Aug. 22. Portland beat Sacramento In the game he'3! yesterday. Vernon defeated Saa ' Francisco nnd Oakland was vlctot i lous Jn tho gnme with Los Angola The scores: ' At Portland R. II. E. Portlnnd 3 8 1' Sacramento 2 8 0 At Los Angeles R. II. h Los Angeles 0 3 0 ' Oakland 2 5 0, At San Francisco R. II. 12. i San Francisco 2 8 0 , Vernon 4 7 1, R. A. Copplo gets tho Merchant & c. S. Wlnsor nnd wlfo and family Son store. Tho matter wns finally nnd Mrs Frtu,k Frnmo loft In tholr settled JuBt beforo noon today. Mr. nuto yeaterdny on a trip down tho Copplo has a lcaso on tho store build- consti They will visit Mr. Wlnsor's ing nnd has bought tho stock nnd fix- relatives nt Gold Boach nnd vicinity turcs and will open tho storo for nnt wjt j(rB wlnsor's relatives near business. Tho settlement enmo nftor Crescent City, a good doal of negotiating, somo oth- or bids for tho stock nnd fixtures hay- M d M M Q CoIcnm( Mh lng been made. The mnttor now Is E E R MIgg M Potorson of, finally settled and the purchnso of Mnr8hnc,,,, M, nuby Sjoborg, Mul the store by Mr. Copplo wbb ofnclallyjstcn gJoborB .m83 Goid0 nBB8 a,US announced today by Mr. Grny. who, Mrs M Hendricks of May. loft yn represcnts tho Snn Francisco Board. fr,,nv fnr . pnmninir ri in i;M,..iV of Trade. ,,,.,, .'Lake where they will remain several Mr. Copplo will tnko possession of jnyS, the store nt onco and will movo from I ' his present quartern within a few) Tno fonrth nnnnj convention i-f days, having taken a leaso on tho tho W. C. T. tl. will ho hold tomnr- Merchant storo room ror n numuer or years. HOTEL ARRIVALS row at Coquillc. A large number of delcgntes have planned to go from North Bend, Mnrshfleld, Myito Point, Bnndon nnd Port Orfov. PORT CASH POSTPONED. Port Orfnril Mailer (Iocs Over In llio Next Term. It Is nnnounccd that tho Tort of Port Orford litigation hns been por poncd until tho next term of nnd will not como up next week a.? somo expected. This action followed n determination by Geo. M. lire n to inBtltulo quo warranto procc"! lngs In tho case. In addition t tho quo warranto proceedings, Mm complexion of tho Port Commissi hinges on tie nil election aul whether the lltlgntlon will bo push ed will probably depend on the outcome Tho Chandler. C. L. Weaver nnl wlfo, San Francisco; Ira D. Rld'o and wife, Roscburg; Harvey Wed Portland; Rex, II. Connnt, Portlnnd; C. R. Dnvls, Portland; F. G. Djif nlng, Portland; W. S. Booth, San Frnnclsco; J. A. R. Peart, Chicago. Ben Selling. Portlnnd: John Antr--Chicago; W. F. Ready, La Jim a Colo.; C. B. Watklns, Ashland. Lloyd. Ted Peterson, Portland Fred Hndgcn, Springfield, III.; II P. Hanes. Topokn, Kas.; Andy Ca. bton, Topckn, Kns. ,'rhoro will be nn all day session, ntd many Interesting fenrures linvo bio. planned for tho day. Thoso goln from North Bend will leave on tho Tioga nt 7 a.m. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Osproy arrived In from Roguo River today. Tho launch Vega Is on dry-dock undergoing repairs. ES & MATSON Announce the arrival of a. shipment in advance styles ofl LadiesTall Smite andCoati i TO SETTLE ROSS ESTATE IT. J, PnikNon, Portland Attorney, In the City I II. J. Pnrklson. nn nttorney of Portlnnd, arrived hero last evening ' to adjust mntterH connected with tho. A. M. Ross estate. Mr. Parklson ro- presents otic of the Ross heirs. Noj Iltigntlon concerning tho estnto has, been started but Mr. Parklson will tnko tho mnttor up with C. I. Rclgnrd who represents Mrs. A. M, Ross hero. Mr. Parklson nttalned considerable; publicity In connection with tho rofor- endum on tho university of Oregon npproprlntlon. Ho Is iiIfo ono of tho HMiiniiD it iiiu vivht'ii i.iiiiiwj ui n 1.1-i ability Law. Ho Is nn ndvocnto of tho Rlnglo tax and exports to do some work In its bchnlf whllo In this sec-1 Hon. Ho wns grnntly pleased when ho heard that W. S. U'Rcn, tho loml-l .. I.. II. -... !..! . ' ui in uiu uii'K"ii nuiiu in move ment, wns coming hero. "I hnvo bo'Vinio nn earnest ndvo- rato of good rondH In Oregon hh n ro- suit of my trip ft om Rosebure to MyrMo Point yesterday," romnrked Mr. Parklson today. "Evory doubt nbout tho necessity of road Improve ment wns dlspolled by tho Jolts I got In tho nuto yentordny. I can't do ncrlbo It but I do know that wo need boiler roads. "I wnB greatly surprised to find so good n town hero and tho flno country In this Foctlon." Blanco Loin Wilson, Bnndon; V . ' J. Horn, Portland; H. Lne. Eurolcr I H. Averlll. Empire; I. S. Roblsoi J Coquillc; Archie Mail din, Bcav?n Hill: C. II. Wntklns, Ashlnnd; W Koniln, Ln .Iimtn: D. D. BrninnrC Vcssols with n tonnngo of 499,000 aro bolng built In English shipyards for foreign nnd colonol owors. If morchnnt vcssols and warships nro combined construction now undor way foots up 2,277,100 tons. It Is stated that not only has tho Whlto Star Lino dccldod to uso oil ' North Bond; T. J. Thrift. Coqulllo", 'uo In tho now 18,000-ton steninor. .1. W. Hnwklns, Dnlryvlllo, Bob Ro'i-1 "u" ""'" " " iu """u orts, Nebraska; S. J. Scymnn, Sum ail0' but "'J1 u ,s contomplntlng Frnnclsco. ! tllu construction of tlirco moro of , i tnoso inrgo unors or uo root lcngtn, Coos. A. Russell, Tacoma; Gi C9 foot beam nnd loaded draught of Mason, Salem; E. A. Yocum, 8p- o.j fcet n inches of the new fabrics, such as Diagonals, Chinchillas, Serges, Woolen Mixtures, etc., and in Norfolk, Tailored and Johnnie Coats. By coming at once the best selections can be made. M AGN ES & M ATSON kaue; M. White, Los Angeles; J:ts Johnson , Roscburg; W. Whcclv, Portlnnd; Ben Mason, Snlcm, it King, Portland, According to ntcnmshlp concerns oporntlng constwlso, tho frolght and pnsscngor trnflle between Snn Frnn clsco and southern ports Is Increasing so rapidly Mint tho stenmors now on .Tohnson-Jennnett Rout not to Tnko "i""" n ' ,,, 1 pnssongor accomodations booked to (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi FIGHT CALLED OFF Bay Times.-) NEW YORK, Aug. 22 Tho John- tho limit. If tho Increnso Is main tained during tho next year, tho ad dition of more stenmors will bo ncces- Hon-Jonnnott boxing match sot for 8nr' t0 ""omodato tho demand. Soptombor 25 wns declared off today . w. ,, w "for bottormont of sport" by Jcsso DANCE EAGLES HALL Saturday nnd Edward McMnhon, promotors of ?vo.. . AUO. 21. Lnto Music. KEV- bout. Tho McMahons cnllod off H"' uiiuiii--rni. iso "ragging. Marshfield's Leading Outfitters and Furnishers tho tho bout nftor n long conforenco with tho stnto athletic commlBslnn. Times' Want Ads bring results. FORM IIRANCH HERE Coos Ray Slntliiiii'ry Engineers Or ganl Soeli'ty. Coos Bay Association No. I of tho National Association of Stn,,oueiy Engineers wns porfectnd under the direction of Jns. D. Ashor at n mcot lug in North Bend Tuesday ovonlng Tho objo( t of tho hho( latlon Is to ad vnnco Iho Intoroxtd of Ihu nmnilieiv through co-opornllon, special niton. Hon being jrlvon to educational ad vancomeut. It Is not n labor union Tho twpnty-fnur charter mombors have oleelod tho following offlcors: ProHldout J. VV. Chnpman. Vlco-Prosldont Edwin Ronehnu. pen, Roc. Soc W. Ros8 Siultli. Cor. Sec T. H. O'Mara. Financial Soc. 13, Babcock. Troas. J. A. Horn, Conductor Wnltor Hill. Doorkeeper Fred A. Kruao. TriiHtQOH Chan. Donnlson. Jniiiea ltennott and Leo Totton, VIEW OF ROl'IIKSTER. l' E. Ilii'im Give? Implosions f Easlorii Siinllniliiin. ' W. P. Murphy rccolvcd n' from V 1' llneno wh) recently weal j to Roc'iiostor. Minn., to bo t rented bv tho Mnyo Itrotlu'i'x Eiigtne O'C' i-1 noil rooclvod n tolegrain from M- Hhkuo vlnv; thai .Mr. llauuo - , boon oiiortoi iiiion yeolord.iy and was getting along fine. Mr. HK'i ' )' ! to Sir '.'lll-n'r WIS wrlttvi Aummt Id and U ns follow: 'Arrived h r In t Isjht "i 'iv li( n Interview lug iHc'iir ever tu"e WIM n nt know what thoy will do With mo for a day or two. '"'"oro are moro sick peoplo lion Hinn l over how beforo In nil my II I hnvo boon told that thoy operate on mi nvorHKo of 7000 peoplo over year TVs In nn iivithko of twon each dav. including Sundays. "Thofo worn coven of us In tc doctor's offlco V is moron : with tt' siiho t'-onbl. Ewrytnl i vnu Jiocr here Is nnoiTitl'ins In f n-l. tho whole town Is kept up by ' iinyo iirntliqrs," o n tpi xammnieorree and Glasses Fi By State Licensed Optician AH Work Goaramteedl Broken Lenses Replaced Frames and Mountings Repaired Red Gross Jewelry Dept JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS LAKESIDE BY AUTO Mnko regular dally trips collecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR Leaving Stand's landing every day at liitO p. in., returning leave North .Slough landing Saturday at I) a. in. Auto leaves Lakeside one hour earlier than boat schedule. Leaves boat landing North Slough Monday, 8:00 n. in., Tuesday M:0() a. iu Wednesday 8:00 n. in,, Tliiu-bday, 8:00 a. in., Friday, 8:it() a, in., Saturday 0:00 a. in. FARE EACH WAY $1,00 Will make special trips to connect vtlth launch nt any time, day or night.. For full Information Inquire TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lake side, Oregon, or leave message with M. M. Plcrson, the Lakeside Telephone Agent. Steamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Friday, P. M., August 23. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equlpjiod with wireless and suhmnrlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Friday, Aug. 23, at 3 P. M. All Passenger Reservations IV om Snn Francisco Must Re Mnde at HO.-i Fife Building, or Pier No. JO. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. c. F. McGEORGE, Agent. THE FRIEND OF COOH RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. COOS BAY SATURDAY, AUG. 24 AT 6 P. M. OoNNECTlNa WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PAC1FI0 STEAMSHIP COMPANY. I,,10D0 4' O. V. McGEORGE, Agent. AMONG THE. SICK. Jimmy Mnrsdon. tho little son of Jack Marwlon who uiilerwent nn op eration at Mercy hospital yestorday for appendicitis, la reported to bo ln rather critical condition Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sole tinu from tho lnrtrc stook now ou land. $iv. "Wilson has in his cmnlov tho only practical marble and granite putter in Coos County. And none but tho best work is turned out. 3 10 oSHtAtfH ori Mfmxwi EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND AT 0 , AiTf 8, 8, 1U, 18, l and 28. FROM M I tSIIKIKU) AT THE BEHVIPP or THE TIDE, AUG. 0, 10, 15, "0, 2 5 and UO SERMCE OF Phone Main .121. L. J. C MILLER, Agent. COOS nAY-7?nSnTiTTT?n Orn.'T, rrw." tiTollS rrann,apo6rtrdreireK3eRO,8eVe ,n RoSoeb,,rS every morning at 6'c,oc'k0L0rSesSSagr8hnu,eSd,eBaa C. P. naVr,nlL90aTent",Sea$,,,0' " " e" ' Build Where It's PRlt 70x1 00 corner, 14lh and ConHW- cial, sewer, water, planked sired $1800.00 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam La PHONE MAIN 07J Blanchard's Uvej Wo liav secured the "J" ' rea of I.. H. Holsner, ind pared to rondor excellent ier"t tho people or coos jisi drivers, good rlcs and " that will mean satiFiaciorj . the public. Phono us for i linrxA n rlir nr lnVtblDg "'""a the livery line. We alio lUg UUHlllUHB Ol "T.TIH-'DS - llIi.NCHARD WIDTH"8 Phone 13BJ j Livery, Feed fJ Til l''irt ami ' mv0 an ivv. Q A. H. , Decorating 0' KBtimatei PnrnlKhed PhonP xiLg 0 Unique Pantator -..tlftl I THE MODEnN YEnB'lil PRKSClia ana iu 'r;,UII i v Agent for Edward E. " , n- Tnlln.lnP' Lat us n3 next Suit. phon2S- 2HX Commorrlnl . iij. Barnard & Langiw See our window d'8 LEADED ART 08.SJlJ PORTA11LE STANP PHONE 18F" mrrrz 5 r& ! ,. i-i-iv "!li. .&i,,,- aw; .MAJJflH