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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Aim voir weakv LiPnJWHl "The Busy Corner" has itr mv 3 are better than riches, and 'much enBicr I. to attain. Nowisthctlmetotniil'J , up your strength, tone your entire system and estab lish a solid, permanent i lounuaiiou ui ." Hecin with n good tonic I we have several excellent ; ones. Let ua recommend 1 RexallSarsaparillaTsnlc. It will clear your blood, impart j tonetndvicortoallyourorgans, ! itimultteyour entire system and help to strengthen nd build up your body, brain and nerves. Sold In Urge bottles, $1.00, with ' Iho Rextll guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company 'The Busy Corner" hip Chaedlery We have just received a large shipment of ship chandlery supplies, including fcLj latest and best in galvanized and iron pro l-ucls. s I'lionc -Main !22 Stor Lights, anchors and in fact everything for launches, yachts and ships. See our window display. Piomieer Hardware Co0 COOS HAY TIDES. Hoi w Id glvon th-s tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshlleld. TH tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence with tholr tlmoB on the first line and heights on tha sec ond line of citch day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whethor It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dale. August. 22IHrs. .4.4C 11.57 (Feet .0.3 3.8 23HrB. .5.43 12.53 illrs. .0.0 4.2 II lira .G.31 1.34 Foot .0.7 4.C 23 lira. .0.40 7.11 Foot .G.7 0.4 4.33 10.5. 3.0 5.5 5.42 11.40 3.7 o.6 0.3G ,U0 3.4 .t 2.00 .I 4.0 0.1 THE FASHION TAILORS AND DRAPERS . Ladies' and GeinltSo First Class Work 150 Front Street L Pale & Co. High Oniric dies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring "Ported and Domestic Wnnlnnn Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed IVe do all wuik right hero. u .Mirtli Front Street .Miu-sliNcld. fiVidd & North Band Auto Line IfilHSST & KING, Propilcluii,. Mt havo Mnrshricld ovory 45 iili-ifrom 7:IG n. m. until 12:30 mn Lenvo North Uona on If ICCCdllb. ntnrtltn. nt t - , II midnight. Sno Saturday Time enediilo RAIN- " " ;oos BAY AUTO LINE via am.egany Iti Marshlleld dally at 5 a. rn. "J" "l "rn,n " tlmo to con-! - uuernoon train for Port- "Ten Drain n o ... -.i .. lliMi,iii . " '" u," arrives piyiltfleld about 6 p. m. Pa? m 8?.le I.1 "Um Corner," P :78, Marshlleld ami n nin. .urain. " Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IUC.ViIY 8KNGBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofll.u Phono 101 Platting Landu n specialty. Farms Tlnibor Coal anoint "EABT8IDF." O on era! Ajf Mo rah fl old Ofllco 14-J. 'I'll E WEATHER. OREGON Fair enst tonight and Friday: showers In west to- night or Friday. Cooler In tho Interior and northwest portion. .LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. , For twonty-four hours ondlng at 4:43 a. in., Aug. 2, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government niotcorollglcal obsorvor. maximum C8 Minimum 52 At 4:43 n. m 54 4 4 4 SOOIAIj CALENDAR TODAY Mlnnlo-Wls Social Club pic- nlc at tho Pumping Station, Social Sowing Club with Mrs. J. D. Kccs. 4 Mrs. F. K. Qcttlns for Mrs. II. A. Pnddock. PERSONAL NOTES NEIL WATSON of Coos City Is a Marshlleld visitor today. PETER LOQGIE of North Dend Is a Mnrshflold business visitor. DUNCAN FERGUSON and family aro enjoying an outing at tho beach. MRS. PERCY PEET of Eastsldo is a f ntu1i tlnl1 nlmnrtnit Imlmr Equitable Rating Duroau, arrived GUY TORREY has gono to' Portland in.:.-, uTm? , n V , . ro to v,8lt "londs and rolatlvcs. nsurnnco rates In Mnrshflold. Whore w. II. SMITH of Coos River is a niprovoinonts havo been niado that Mnrshflold business visitor today. will reduce tho flro hazard, ho will; a. II. GAFFNEY of North Dend was order a reduction In rates but where a Marshflold business-visitor today. the hazard has been Increased, ho will u B. LARSON of Allcennv was look. ordor a raise. Generally, it Is ox poctcd, thoro will bo a reduction. Buys Itnui'li Gust Carlson of Ten Mllo yesterday purchnscd tho Makktr ranch at Ton Mllo from Alex John tion, tho administrator of tho ostnto. Thoro woro about ilvo acres In tho' tract and tho prlco was f 700. Leave Today Wm. Horsmnn anil his brldo loft this aftornoon In their KEEPER auto for Coqulllo vnlloy points from whoro thoy will motor to California on tholr honoymoon trip. Thoy woro wod last ovenlng at tho Marshflold Methodist church parsonngo, tho Rev. II. I. Rutlcdgo ofllclatlng. Only tin modlato relatives of tho brldo, form erly Miss Clara Rohflold, hor parents. F. W. RohHold nnd wifo being nros- ent, at tho romantic culmination of an acquaintance of thrco wcoks. All Free Tho Ditto Rldgo Tlgoru telephoned Inst ovenlng that tho re freshment booth on tho picnic KrOlltlllR lit l'lliniTATl'u flmn QnnilnJ - I..I. .!.. ". .. "I"."' "? - mu..u, I 'w'i '" no"" jwonn servo light rorrcshmonts froj, Wind northwest; clear. .H bolng understood that all who du- sired big picnic dinners bring their Mincn oaHKOts. Uesldcs til b. t hey no Get Busy AM GET AITKU THAT ROOF, HIT FIRST COME IN AM) GET Ol'R PRICES ON SHINGLES AND HOOFING PAPER. SHINGLES Sl.n AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, 91.23 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Enjoy Social Mombors of tho Ep-. tlflcd Professor Rnymond, who Is lu worth Loaguo of tho Marshflold Moth-; gonoral chargo of tho affair tint odlst church last ovonlng onjoyod a no "ragging" would bo permlUo.1 moonlight picnic nt Enegron's Grove! nnd thnt liquors and Intoxicated pj:- sons would bo kept off tho ground. Leave Today Among thoso loav- lig on tho Allogany-Draln auto lino1 Family Ilcmilun Judgo D L woro E. O. Yoakam, W. J. Horn, U.j Watson nnd wifo nnd children on N. Hoffman, Goorgo Mason and II. W. Joyod a sort of a family rounlon at i annul. mo WntBon II n inn nt r.nna Pllw mi. I . . J "m w.v,, jva- toruay, most or tho chlldron bolng lng aftor business In Marshflold to day. JAKE IIILLSTROM hns roturnod from Eckloy whoro ho bogged a flno buck. J. ALBERT .MATSON enmo down from "Tho Nook" to look nftor bus iness mattors today. J. D. GOSS returned lnst ovonlng from Myrtle Point whoro ho w.v called yesterday on business. JOSEPH DUNSON and On Picnic Today. Rev. Downnl and a largo party, consisting of mom Lorn of tho Christian church Suiidny school, loft this morning for Sout'i Coos River, whoro thoy will plat's today. Calls Meeting F. A. Sncchl hns cnllod n mooting of. tho North Stnr Relief committoo to bo hold nt tho Marshflold next Saturday ovonlng to various mattors. homo on tholr vacations. All woro present OXCObt Countv Clnrk Jnnina Watson who wns compollod to romnln1 Jins wifo of tho Capo Arago Lighthouse woro Marshflold visitors today. E. O. DARKER and wifo of Coqulllo aro spending n few days at the Geo. A. Gould homo near Allogany. MRS. J. T. HALL Is spending a fow days at tho F. M. Frlodborg su ru mor homo on South Coos River. U. N. HOFFMAN loft this morning for his homo nt Bend, Orogon, af tor a pleasant visit at tho L. D. Tozlor homo. MRS. OGREN, Miss Llzzlo Folk and Miss Anna Ogron of Bnndon loft yostordny for Ton Mllo whoro thoy will enjoy n short outing. A. N. GOULD, county surveyor, was horo from Coqulllo today on routo to Allogany whoro ho will spond a fow days at Elkhorn ranch. TOM DENNETT loft todny for Cifj" county whoro ho will dofcu 1 k prisoner named Tllton who Is lic ensed of n statutory crlmo. FLOYD COFFELT and wifo of North Bond woro horo today. Thoy aro camping out for a fow wcoks at tho CofTolt placo on Coos RIvor. MRS. LLOYD W. JACOBS and llttlo son of Portlnnd aro guests at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. Ferry, Sr., In South Marshflold. HENRY BISGHOP and baby vi v,uquiuo. thoso present woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry FoUom of Marsh lleld, MIssos Dorothy and Laura Wat son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Watson nnd chlldron of Coqulllo nnd Noll Watson. Chnmbor of Commorco i,...i.. ,, U1BIUBS . Mm u-oll 1rnr.1l., tn.ln...l ..... I ... -.. .... I...W,,.. i ui uiiiiii Ki'HUllll hi- WANT ADS. I FOR SALE Lai go hoarding ImifC nnl furnlluro. Good IiiihIiicss loca tion. Inqulro TIiuch. l-O't SALE Good paying lnisliu-.. F-"nl)ll3lied six years. 14200 carti tnkoB It now. Proprietor leaving town. Writo "Simp" caro Timet,. MNTKI To ivnt furnMietl rooms f r light honso keoplng. W. F. I 'iriuou. 107 J. ' ReaKEstate u nd '! 800d barcalna in - TT51ty PrPrty. AUG. PKJZEEN. mm.u vv,"i Ave. Ormrnn ''OR SALE Hnliy iiaud piano ami ro Ilmilnlx rug. 0x12. Terms It desired. Mrs. A. W. Myors, 471 E rod. Phono 200 L. WANTED To lnvei.t .S(" r $3000 in biiBlness lot c!om in. Write location nnd ensh prlco to "Nowcomor" care Times. Blue RidgeTigers First Annual Free Picnic at Enegren's Grove Sunday, August 25th, 1912 Selling Here-Bon Soiling arrived rogulnrvlBltBtTilBtorritorv an I horo this aftornoon from a trip down' Sdny ! busy shak L l.n.?l7w i ?f0Q,'rm,, n,Ul t0u ?"rry, CTy,t "! , 'S -& f " ends l"SeB uTy o bohnlf of his candidacy for United thn Uny will ho cut short by n re States sonntor. Ho will lcavo tomor- quest that ho meet tho bodyof Oo .. row via Drain for homo. n. Merrick, tho Portlnnd postmnstor c. . i r. i 7t ,,,,,.,, 'w.'10 wnB B'i'idonly stricken nt Lake- Seids Can Harry Bradllold this vlow yestorday, nt Rosoburc and .tc mornlng rccolvod a card from Robert company It to Portland. Mr. Wol a Mnrsdcn, Sr., who Is now nt South-1 "nys thnt tho Coos county end of 'ie port, Eng. Mr. Mnrsdcn picked out: Rosohnrg rond Is In much hotter a postnl showing two musicians nnd condition thnn tho Douclns countv suggostod thnt Director Fonton try end. nnd got them for tho Cops Bny hand.i . I Sll t North llcucl Dr. Bnrtlo, lluy Homo Sltet. Tho Southorn president of tho North Bond Corn Oregon company through tho Sluts-' merclnl Club, hnB written tho com. man ngoncy has Just sold sovornl lota mlttoo In ohnrgo of tho arrangements on Nob Hill, nonr tho end of High- for tho ShrlnorB big doings horo In hind nvenuo, to locnl parties who In-1 Soptombor asking that North Bond tond to build homes thoro In tho nonr o permitted to ontortnln tho Shrln future Among thoso buying woro C.' ers for a short tlmo. Thn rnmmiMn,,1 F. McKnlght, Hugo Qulst. Sum Lnndo consisting of Messrs. Wclstond. Knuf- W. K. Wiseman nnd Mrs. Fnnnlo Hnz- man and Rolgnrd, havo notified him n"l. thnt tho ShrlnorB will stop nt North Head from 9:30 to 10:45 on tho Pension Changes Senator Cham- morning of Soptombor 4 while on berlnln has introduced a bill provld-' routo to tho clam bako nt tho bench lng for an Incronso In tho nonalon of nnd will bo nlonsod in nrmnt m. A. G. Alkon of Marshflold from $ 8 to courtosles of North Bond. Yestordny $10 per month. Tho bill hns passed, tho committoo nnd Judgo Hall and two readings nnd will doubtless bo- Supervisor Grout found that tho road come n law. Sonntor Chamborlalni to tho bench was In fairly good shnpo also socurod an Incronso from $8 toj nnd tho fow bad places will bo put In $10 In tho poiiBlon of Anderson ' ropnlr by Supervisor Grout at onco. wriHiu, wio sumner pioneor. Tho two nro Indian war votorans. Norton in Iloseliurg Tho Rose- Will bo tho host of Boason nnd Suit Over Auto Itlll Tlio enso of Fred Nolmo who runs an auto. against Honry Hugglns, was trlod by burg Rovlow says: "F. P. Norton, tho jury In Justice Ponnock's court yes HOARD AND ROOM. Home c lng. Now mnnnger. 207 N. ThI I gonoral Invitation Is oxtonded to K, . ol . ' ?r80,m.nn nrr,V0(' noro tordny aftornoon. Nolmo wns suing -public to participate in good tlmo. f, ","y,,n,Bht,T,th, ,t1 pncr8 a"d. r "H M15 for taking n pnrty In ''"; Will bo conducted right and ladles wn rV.,r8 Ith which ho will mnko n nuto. Hugglns did not object lili nnd chlldron especially wolcomo. '' Nortw58t fairs' circuit this full., to tho amount of tho bill hut claimed FOR SALE Trade or rent, Ijnunrli Threo freo boats, Allco II, Express Central. Apply to Henry Song- nnd Wnh-Ta-Waso will oporato bo- stacken. j tweon Marshflold and grounds, MONEY SOLD on Installment to help Free dancing nftornoon nnd ovon wnrklnir noonlA nnd others. II. II. lng. No "ragging" nllowed. iiuiiuauiiiuiiiH survuu iree on titu e Have Been Successful kuTS law. n,v.. -. kon,:'CM ra0ter,a' can zrz rrou liB. .-- -"-uur "ce -uru to miss It, Cos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 2370 Ilnrpor, 334 First St. Phono 349. I Rolro, grounds WANTED-Grocery clerk AddresB PrTLS LTo Knows now." Public Is assured that porfect or In own handwriting giving refer onco. Address Clork, care Times. io luuvua tomorrow wun nis strintr thnt tii niiinra i i, .., t . . for tho Linn county fair at Sclo,pny and that ho was willing to pay thenco ho goes to tho Snlom fa r at. iii aimm nnw ti. i-.. .i.i.i.i ' Salem and nf forwards to the District tho plalntlfT nnd gnvo Judgment for' fair at Eugeno tho nmount sued for. It is nnnoun- n n . . i. , ' C0(l t,int Mr- H"BKlns will npponl tho Huh Operation. Mrs. Eugono man mwi nnii in i, .i, i'.i. ... n'Pnnnnll ! .,! -!... w,l ' o union III Hill UIU w wuiiiiuii IIIOl UVUIIIIIb IVIUIVUII (I telegram from Mrs. F. E. Hague stat- I TlfT flint Aft ITflfvilA nnilAiufAnr nn rtt n t U()UU UIIMUt KVmV (tit WJI" i oration at Rochestor, Minn., yestor. I who havo boon visiting In Washing ton nro now at Grangor. Thoy will not return until tho latter part of Soptombor. E. II. CLARK, chief clork In Major Morrow'B ofllco loft today for Ya qnlna nnd other northorn points, having completed tho task assign ed to him horo. J. O. LANGWORTIIY and wifo and daughtor, Evolyn, Cnl Langworthy nnd wifo and dnughtor nnd A. Ab bott roturnod yestorday from a short outing nonr Bridge. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE will lonvo . morrow for Cuny county to In '. tho regular term (if circuit cou.t which will opon next Mnndiy. Must of tho cases schodulcd are of n criminal nature. DR. HOUSTON of Bnndon h n Mnrshflchl visitor today. Ho s.ijs that MacArthur Brothers aro re ported to havo takon over J. H. Somers Grants Pass-Handon r.i I way project. I f MRS. F. E. COLLINS has moved from tho Elks building nt Third and Commorclnl to tho honso Just south of tho Chnndlor. Mrs. Suo mola and Miss Mnmlo Elmoth hnvo nponod n hoarding houso In tho Elks' building. TREASURER MINOR of tho C. A. Smith Tlnibor compnnles arrlvod horo on tho last Nann Smith for a short stay on tho Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Minor rocontly moved to Oak land from Mlnnonpblls nnd this Is his first visit to tho Bny nnd ho Is Immonsoly plonsed with It. MRS. FLORENCE BURROUGHS nnd Ilvo chlldron will loavo on tho next Broakwator. Mrs. Burroughs will ontor four of tho chlldron in tho Sister's School nt Boavorlon and tho fifth will onter Mount Angol. Mrs. Burroughs will return nftor entering tho children In school, BILL GARRETT Is In town todny on routo from Allognny, where ho closed down Camp 3 and moved tho machlnory out for (ho Smlth-Po-wora company, to Coalodo whoro ho will bo located In tho now camp henceforth. Tho donkey-engines woro brought In flvo miles unler tholr own power. party as witnesses or nnrtlos to tho suit. FOR RENT 5-rouui house, 418 Golden Ave, Hmifil Snrffjirr.. C.,nf.1r..M . rn .in.. I. iii i.a tnnintninn.i ,in .,,i ..1..1.. ' day momlnir and was irettlnir alonr ni.. t-.,.ii. rn... '., ' fniiilsliiid "" ' '""""".. "'v" ""'""". "'".u i lino ti, , ,r ,;r.j ?.""" ""'"' r.vmmB WANTED To buy or rent a lOvlS tont. Enqulro TlmeB olUce. on gi omuls. No liquor or Intoxicated I porsous will bo allowed on ground i. Welcome All BLUE RIDGE TIGERS fine iFOR RENT Furnished front room. Enqulro 373 South 4th St. "'tre'rTl,e '-wfui Driving WM- PI3HEU. Pr 'WmSj0 I1"'' Cigar 1A-J iJl"'" P- M., i8ia. Oregon. &'Sk'Ul'j:'ectrlr rwwiliM i,""1- Rlegantly 4 Cold I w Vth Hot ii r t?'d Water. . ii .. C.A.METi,S00B AfltiV.?" -"ntid. orewnr"- FOR SALE Rooming house. Four teen rooms. North Front St. in quire Tlmos office. WANTED An eviwrlenccd cleaner nnd pressor. Apply Times office. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms closo In. Telephone 239-J. COOS BAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY namo belongs to E. O. Hall. Phone 1C9-J. FOR SALE or trade, a good launch. Apply 204 Coke building. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY wil ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi Volley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, Wash. DUY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH BEND fan be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National Bank. Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT Plinut 138-11. 173 No. Broadway. Have That Roof Fixed vow . See GORTHELL PROM- 1S1 You.Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Bland front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phone 5-J Residence Phone 28-.I Will make trips to Coqullle. inu uiiuiuuuii wub liuriunneu llin rnlloirn Vmml Ciffr, T ., by Dr. Mnyo and Mrs. Hague wired u in thn oUV ri, ,..m oi? i that It was very successful. nowB that, North Bond Friday and In this city' will ho most gratifying to their many Saturday and In each nlaco will nro. I liottltr dnlliiAN n mabhmh J A... I menus on mo uay. unbiy doiiver nn nftomnon nnrt vnn v. .t 7,"T t. tt n lng address. Sho will speak In bohnlf I Now Insurance-Rates Rex H, Con- 0f Amendment No. 1. Mrs. Colby nnt, survoyor of tho Underwriter's hn8 Ju8t roturnod homo from tho Co qulllo Vnlloy. Sho organized suffrage leagues at nandon. Coqulllo nnd Myr- tie roiiu. a mooting win bo nom Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Honry Sengstnck en who Invites nil ladles Interested to call at her hoso Informally and meet Mrs. Colby, TONIGHT AT TEe Royal ELKS' CARNIVAL at Portland A special foaturo Just out In addi tion to tho three new pictures: "Between Two Fires," "Father's Bust." "Nuislo ami tho Knight" (A Great Child's Plctruo) "VIRGIN.IU8" A Great Roman Drama In Two Reels for Tomorrow nlghf. 10 Cents Men Who Shave will find that a litllo B. & S. Germicidal Shaving Lotion applied to the face nftoi the shave will keep the skin smooth and fico from pimples and all ir ; tatcd conditions. 25c and 50c the Bottle. lum.i u-nrti UMllMtUlUiMUUHIiaM If You Are Noti Using 1&- gs& You Are Not Using the Best,