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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1 912 EVENING EDITION. M. C. MALONEY Killtur and Pub. IMN E. MALONKY News Editor Entered nt tho postofflco at Mam field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mulls us second cl.m mall mntter. OUT COOS BAY TIMES Jf I I P AD INFECTED FRUIT An Independent Republican news paper published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by The Cooi Uny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnishflcltl !! : : : : : Orego.i Official Pnpey of Coos County. 10 START 11 1 nm i iMr nnriMi um lmvl ouum P. M. HALL - LEWIS GIVUS IX- SMITH-POWERS COMPANY 1 structions regarding mar JiHTIMJ OF AVVIil'i CHOI'. Dedicated to tho servlco of tho people, that no good cause shall luck a champion, nnd that evil shall no thrlvo nnopp sod. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. One year $G.uO Por month r.o WEEKLY. One year $1.50 When paid strictly In advnnco the subscription prlco.of the Coos Day Times Ib $5.00 por year or $2. CO for six months. SHOULD HOXOIt GUESTS THE pllgrlmngo of tho Shrlnors from Ashlnnd to Coos Dny which takes placo Soptombor .1 Is to bo nn important ovent. It is qulto un usual for tho order to attempt coming to n placo not locatod on n railroad and it is thoroforo up to tho pcoplo to show tho vlsltora ovory considera tion. Tho Shrlnorn gathering will bring men from nil parts of tho state and many from tho onst who nro now on tho coast. Tho organization In cludes In Its membership men of promlnonco nnd woalth nnd doubtless ninny of thorn' will prolong their visit jioro in oruor to looic over tho conn Editor Times: P. M. Hall-Lewis in tho following lotter mnkes clear how tho fruit growers or Coos county may mnrkot satisfactorily their infe.'tod fruit. All fruit growers should try this sim ple remedy nnd all consumers should make it a point to purchase this fruit abundantly at least for cooking nnd canning purposes, whenever it shall bo offered. You, as a consumor, when refusing to do so becomo a poor "boostor" for Coos county nnd Hkowlso utterly fall to tako into account a necessary fcaturo to your own welfare. All fruit dealers and consumors nro horoby requested to road caro fully tlieso slmplo instructions and iiuinu kiiimvii iu nn iiuu grunvrs now , inoy may saroiy employ tneso moth ods. C. II. M. Mr. C. II. McLatiglln, Marshflcld, Oregon. Doar Sir: Iteplylng to your favor of 12th Inst, will say that fruit tronted in such manner ns to destroy lnfoctlon thereon. Is not considered bv this ofllco "a public nul8nnco.M Cnro should bo cxorclsod that tho instruc tions for treatment of Infoctod fruit ho substantially followod. In treat ing fruit only, such treatment ns is authorized by tho Stato Board of Hor- tlrllllllrn nhnnlil l.n nm.llml tn.wlt. Immersion In a ono por cent (Rnumo) iimo-Buipnur solution for a sufllclent try. Tho clnss of vlsltnra uiii Y.J "-"i""r soiuuon lor a sumcient those wl L o, n.nL'nnrrru.: ", f V. to .destroy all Infection.. Four their own homos nnd thoso wlio lnvo1 .inLSTlT n r0(l"lrca n monov n lnvpq nn.i r,,- h.i. rn. mlc" cn8CS n'"' ' U cases consp c- U nothlnJ oTbo t ? worth .'0,,H mnrkln& of "K Is also re whl o J tho nonoio ,, Hhow i "ulrc,1 Concentrated lye Is a rom to her boa a rivnntnio Mnvnr Vr ! 0,ly not cognized by tho Stnto nonrd hn "nrnMnS.lrii.," .?1"' "! consequently not pormlsslblo. local Masons arc making preparations' JKJ J1 biTTo buffi for tho enlortn niiient of tim viuiioru Sl-... UIU1K. prices, mil mo mijing nnd hnvo appealed to tho pcoplo V . . .? "J .' y. n,,y,H0', of assist in decorating tho city nnd ' ,h "nl,!r?, of t,H. fr,l,t ,n til0 " Bhowlng the conRldernton bat the J!!,0' nntl ,'?.,!I!nrWn5 "u,." 'lono ,.... ... niiiiniviik I I Will mil IIIUL'U XIXG ACTUAL CONSTUUCTIO OX ItOAD FROM MYRTLE POINT GET RIGHT-OF-WAY Tho Southorn Pacific yestor- day closed negotiations for tho C purchase of right of way P through Steamboat Addition to Ynrrowj West of old North O A tln.t.t A That tho Smith-Powers company will soon Htnrt coiiRtructlnn nn Hi i logging rond from Myrtlo Point Is tho word brought horo today by pa. tics from Myrtlo Point. F. A. Warner, assistant to C. A Smith, has boon on tho ground for n fow days and visited Myrtlo Poni vestordnv. It In iimlnrHtnml Hint liU visit hero Is In rolatlon to contract for tho road. A. ft. PnU'nrfl ta nnlrl In tin ilnalrmt of building much of the Hue hlnisoir nnd probably will do so. Whllo tho Smith company and Hie Southern Pacific have not yet ont) td. nn ngromont regarding tho ban ' ling of tho traffic from tho Smlf -Powers logging rond between Myrtle Point and Marshflcld over tho loci lino of the Southern Pacific, It Is on- dcrstood that fliov nro plnnn nnniiiO. toccthor to Ins n in the onntrnnl li.-.i made. This will ellinlnnto tho nesoti slty of tho Smith-Powers peop . building a parallel track Myrtlo Point nnd Mnrshfleld. Havo your Job fhj Times' offlco. A SWIFT PASSAGE Wlml .Tnmnicr Makes Record Trip from Oregon to South Africa SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21 What Is considered n rattling pnssngo for a windjammer hns Just been completed l by tno urilisn snip urown oi uuuu, 1 Cni.n Tmra RnnMi Afrlp.1. AtlCUSt 2, nftor hnvlng been out but 82 days frnm tim Cnluinbln river. Tho avor- r.r tv ago passngo from tho Itlvor to Cnpo w.JlTown ranges from 100 to 120 days. V.V.n I Under chnrter of Balfour, Outhorlo & Co. tho Crow of India loaded lum bor at Portland from llghtors nlong sldo of tho Alaska dock, a plan mndo necessary becauso of hor Inability to got under tho span of tho now stool brldgo. Sho cleared with 1,751,437 feet of lumber valued at $31, 2G 1.72. Tho ship got away from Portland on Mny 7, but It was May 12 boforo she crossed out to sea. . IviSii ii ii ii ii ii ii fi&ffisml l JTl I' l Another Bargain for Homem VI.'W l.'AI.f. ninl WIVTHI! SI'IT and COATS Just received. Now on display. LADIES EMPORIUM. I.lbby COAL. The kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Mvor- Transfer Co. To Rent. Why keep paying rent when tho samo nmount Invested each mouth in Pcrhnm Park will soon onnblo yr -to own nn attractive homo of yum own within a few minutes walk from your place of business? Talk wic!t Hold, Coke Bldg. printing dona distinction of tho visitors desorves. WOULD OPEX RESORT DISTRICTS jF IT IS possible to enrry out tho rmui, mo won or making provls whero grown. If tho nbovo roguln tlons nro carried out, you will bo unmolested by this olllco. Fruit which Is found on tho mnrkot lnsiilllclontlv disinfected, will bo slmnly seized U,et,,Vp" me Hoiunorn Pnrlile lirlilim nvm. Pn..u .. .,i.i.... .. .. " ... . i Dnv ivmii.i ..,.. .. i.r V Vi.7.:. ..7' X .'. "Z " "'i'i.i. 11 mo inner roiunromonis. Bay. Note niw o. Pi i X .,," " ,u l" Inw ,mV" 'on .0,vc'1- nlblo for tho ranchers of some locali ties to drlvo Into tho city without tho bother or n ferry hut It would give! nn nutomobllo connection with re Rort nlnroH. it wmiiii i .,,.,,.,11.1.. r.. ,. . - ' "' I'wnniuiu nn. : -.v.. ... .wnn ..nil mill ll'lll'll 1 110 beach nnd run up to Wlnrhoster Buy. nnd connect with n road which Is to do uuiii rrom that point to Rocdsport. Yours truly. P. M. HALL-LEWIS Coos Co. Fruit Inspector XEWS OF PORT ORFORD llnppeiilims lu Curry County as Told In (ho Tribune .Ins. Chonowoth'H llttlo girl wbh ii ,....ii. i ".... .-. i.uniBnni, nn nun in mo iieui v a norso ot Elk wlfh' 'n'rMil'r?.,""" "'""II.mib rlvor recently and Is reported to bo' " .in iA ""' "" iiii Milieu in n sonous condition. ....I i.i-iiiiim u uunoiiH Mumnior resnr' with bottor connections. Those who nro furthering the movement hnvo In in ud tho oponliiK; of the Ten MHo inkes and tho bench to nuto travel. Mr. Lundy nnd son of Myrtlo Point' m llltlt illnla ...I..... . . I Schloss Bros.' Baltimore Suits At, The Fixup I fa rsh field North Bond. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Street The Sign of Good Candy Always Sale of Electric Grills week starting Aug,; You can obtain cither n General tilechv Grill or an " 131 Orillo" for $100 less thn Ific loiicsl rcluil price if you comply with oiu tonus. 1 1' you road the magazines you know thes.j now and immensely popular cleclric Uibk slaves. m Wight indies long, five inches wide aim six inches high they are big enough to co-jk an entire breakfast with the expenditure, of a low cents for current. They are for broiliny, fryiny, buHi,i,j I oust hi j, and two cooking operations can Lo carried on at once, all on your dining room; table. Weight only a few pounds; healing cK iiiont guaranteed by maker. Tho lowest retail price wo ever heard of was $(.00. Jf iou use Iho coupon in tho (onwr you can yet cither of these famom y rills for $3.00. Our "dogday toaster sale'" was a irnu I success. The grills are for people who want to to a lit lie furthei with electric cooking. Aic think we can sell 25 of them this week. What wo ask you to do is this, merely to mail us the attached coupon properly filloJ cut (or bring it to our office) in order ii,) save us the expense of a house to house can vass locating people who may want olccUi,' grills. II v arc irillniy to pay the dollar to ., uistciulofl I he solicitors. If you mail the coupon we will send the hi ills to you for demonstration, and our mi resenlalivc will not annoy you bv urgin" b o" to buy if you decide otherwise.' Act qmclly; the sale lasts one week only IWLL IS COM INC 1 ho days go by as dnys havo gono slnro tlmo was llrst Invented, ami ovory breaking of llm ,an should llnd us more contented: for good old KunuiiKi'H falling fant uud hooii will lio skedaddling a.0W, (he river of tho Past, where other ghoDts are pad (ling. September's coining to tho door. September mild and graceful of siiiIIch to heal the heart that's soro sho always him a face full. She brings iih sweet ami lextfil ((1vs, ,) lilghlM Hint Kootl-e ti r..tmv nn ttlt. IOIVO. dOHII th V.oollllll WIIVH n- pnntlng 10.I mil vellovv. She booh will loino w'th hIioii'h pohe. our heat Hick souls enmeshing, to hint of froats mid early snows ami other things ro leaning. Hoptoinbor! When !).. who, with their wlvos, woro cnniped mr Heverni nays at Agato Iioach, I denarled for tholr homos. i Attorney Sherwood, jvlfo mid, , friends emtio down from Cociullle p t'liy. and enjoyod nn outing camping ! nt Agnto Ileach. W. :. Hiiitow nnii 1-Ih ilntiirtlior ' IJva iinl her husband, Ttufus King, cnmpe'l In Port Orford Mondnv on their way to Mr. King's homestead, nonr Denmnrk. Atlornoy W. A. Wood and wife pjiiiio up rrom Oold Ilonch nnd took In tho Agnto Carnival. Mr. Wood taiighi school In Port Orford boforo loontlng at Oold Peach. F0S On Aug. in. t 7 f0t irrtor en rrom the Ilan Ic-i wharf to tho I'm Pav bir In Just ono hour, tho iiulckost pnssage over made botweon those points. Tho run was mndo by C. Duimlebergor mid Geo. Ongo. Mis. Win. Ollllngs of this placo iw ii small sirawnorry patch that Z ii.. i , '"' """ ",nn ,H loastel ' " lino example of tho wonderful biii. ho lovos your whlspeilngH of productiveness or thnt horry .in our r i Q?.?"r OVon,"!!H Kl'a" " 'lillly. '0l,Ht ,ll'"n'. Tho plants havo been uni huniiner. with hU brmsen skies,' ''' ling prolltlcnlly ror nenrlv threo '" "f now Vul ,,wi,,I"k: Hoon;'""th8past nnd aro still blossoming, n naj cease to swat the llles. and IUmtIcs two Inches long and an Inch n ?i. . .'! '.""' k,n,ll,K- And noon1'" dlnmeter aro now bolng picked. ngnln well dream our dreams bercuo ""- j--r .... . 1. the grate nnd ember, whllo front upon i hows riih' thl". Sen;::!! St,, Ki-7r .JdflJr V ,,ll,(', lll.l I'H lllllliril 7." .-...'. ..M.llfl IHI1L I'M iiii i it,. ..nnii i.r n . .. llAir('rtl,irrS lnr.. ' nm ,, ' ' . ......i.-ni minim Of nil, ('OHIO foil l. nm. .-lol. i plensoH: bring im a n.esBago rrom the oith, tho homo or Ico cold breozes! 9Hf MtltUw lluu Cbucjn fWCHJ MVItTI.K POINT i:WS. Crtliirr1) Cur.' K.J.niKNKYACO., Tub il... O. UV, llllMlllilfPMliiiml, llMl'k'l nn v J. Olie. jw ti 111111.11.1 In , i.ii.i,,,... irii.acl(mi, inl lltiitii'-Ulh Hlilo hu-irry oil iiv o' lk-. 1 Hum. m.K Ii) hi. ilrm. ' ' K ".;l.",.s"'.K,N!,s & Mhvi, 1...1 ' ,.i,,",rrh".,r vii InUTimlly. net., Iiiirilliivtlv him iu i,i,,o. ,in, imimii. .lire (ttf. of Hi.. m, m Tolliiii"lal .out frt.0 1 '-l' . 7?' !,,', I"'1 ' ' ' ". i.ll limll ilriis-M Tk. Hull'. Vn. ) pill, for .m"mI."iToi. ' RENT Mr. Investor if you want genuine good buys fall and lot us tell yon of a few we have which are good buys and will stand investigating. French Realty Co. 315H N. Front St. WANTED ! ! ! ,ll,.',:TS "I'llOLSTUUIXQ AND PIANOS TO CMiAN, by tho Pneu. miitlc Cleaning Company. Orders foi uoi k tulicii at iiAnvuv I'Iio.m: mo City Auto Service Oood Cars. Curorul Drivers nnd ronsoniinie c! nrces our r.inif.. 'A HI go nny where nt nny time" jjmi.'uU- Ulnnco Ilfitcl and Ulunco ?.'iK,7. 8.!ur" U,1' Pl'owai 73 nnd 10 sight Phono IK IIAItKI'II fiOOD.M.f;, nnnuleinn ULII.OINO AM) IlKPAia WOU Home Moving uud nnullng. . VL l)relrud to do this work by tho day or contract nnd gunrantei aatlsfnction. Let us figure with you O. 8. FI.OVI) .V CO. Phono 31C.J. Mnrshfleld. Ore r7S,irriririririfE55,f Electric Grill Coupon. Not good nrtor September I. Plonso Bond us your rcpreswU tlvo to (lomonstrnto both the Cu-, oral lCloctrle Orlll nml "El flrllta' with tho understanding that II I purchase tho prlco will be J5.M ror omior. Kiuno ,...,, Street & Nn This coupon will lo honoreH presented nt our njllke. Tolephono No. 17S. Oregon Power Co. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T V. UKNXUTT, 1 Dennett Swnnton. Tom t nnn-i. Atlonn.,8 ,! Coiinsellora at Law. Unnagnn & Ilonnott Dank Dulldlng .Mnrshriold, Coos Co., Oregon pKKL HILUV IJALLINOKn n . . lat ml Teacher Ilesldonco Studio 237 So. Droadway uuuu mil Ooliigs or the People Told In ,),.. Kntci-pilsc. A vory pretty home wedding ton plnce Wednehdav evenlni? a .' i.i nt the residence or .Mr. and .Mrs. N. O. W. Pet kins, coiner of .sh an' Kirth streets, when their beaull.iu anil nrcuiun Is mil iin.iin,... i .,' . I.oIm , wi.s uniti'ii in,... i, .n. fi fit ten fin rhn Claude II mien. ,.,, ,,r Mi , . i i ,UUJt ul1 Hivi il Will Furnish Your Wi: WILL MAIL VOU $1 ror each set or old Falso Teeth sont us. Highest prices paid f.r )ld Oold. Silver, old Wntches, broken Jewelry and Preclom Stonos. Money Sont by Return Mall. Plilln. Smelting .V Itcfliilug Co. Ustablished 20 Years. HUH Chestnut St., Plilladelpliln, P.i. TO DKNTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Filling, Oold Scrap, nnd Platinum, lllg.t est prices paid. Mr. ...... i.uuei i.iies mm an Instructor In the local high school. Uev. Tlu.. Ilarklow pronouncing tho words tli niiide ihem man and wire, in i' t Pietieiice of nu .. lm n .i ...i ,.,,;,.., T'ls Is the !:. Ii wedding ceiemom nt which Hev " Il.rklow oi.,, elated. Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman ll North Front fit. Pus Phono 29fi.X; Res Phone I66..1 T KW UKVZER. Violin Instriirln. Apply ualncs starts Sopt. 1. Music Store Class fM. H. TUHPEN, Architect. Mnrshfleld. Oregon JIL R. MORROW, 171 Grimes Dulldlng, over Grand Thenler. Offim Phone 32n lU I ntliinilSlguun'J I r wikst ' I L- .,......f (1 Olympic Flour Snow Drift, Flour RETAIL PRICE $1.65 PER. SACK Northwestern hnrd wheat used t tluslvely In milling these brands of riour. V''""' ' mm The Star Transfer aid Storage Co. Is prei ared to do all kinds of buuiln an shi rt notice. W meet all iTn'n nd N at i aud wo also havo the latesi iym ueynniv's riano Mover. W uarsutte our work. L. H. Keisner, ProP Phn. ms 9S.R. 120-J. or 4 9-L. 7 c' CHANDLER, vv ARCHITECT. Rooms 001 and 302 Coke llulldlng, Mnrshfleld. Telephone 178. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Jun II, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 9-ie still Donds warrants and sec, rltYes 1 U. S. bondP to secure circulation 25 0 ill Vnf f!Vnltr ndi0uBw;:::::::::::::::;:::: ; K Cash and sight exchange !....... . . . . . . . . . . 188.65J.H To,nI $oil.3I3ji , LIABILITIES. S" l 8tck paid In ' noo.OOMI Surplus and undivided profits 10 5M Circulation, outstanding. ... u 0 II Dopos ts . . i.'Jiiii ' 477.0H." TotaI Tui ers IsS'.oSoo0.1'1181 Stock thc Individual liability of StoekhoM INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND 8AHNOS DEPOSITS. . HA.NULER. President. DORSEY KRE1TZER. CuhW. f) R. Illlll) II. CLARKE. - SpecUllst In Nervo and Spinal Disease. OHIce. Room 2, Marshrield. Office Phono 1H-L. Rogers House Hours 2 to 5 T" A. J. IIIJ.MlKVt, L Sfoilcrn Dntnl Porlora. are eqmpjied to do high cla urk or. short notice at the rer owost price xamiuuilou fre a&y attendant, Coke bulIJlug, 0ppi Ite Cbaiullor ao.ul, phono 112-J I Most Sensible Shoe For the children Is the famous "SKUFFEH" ahoo. For sale at Thp Flprfrir Chno QiAi-n 180 So. Broadway .... Marshfleld. rtl ThJFtiS. 00" ' D i. J. T. McCORMAo, Hnvlclan and Burgeon Uarshfleld, Oregon. )fflce Lockbart Building, " noMit neat nfflm Pho mfi.j FLANAGAN & BENNE1T BANK KSTARLISHED 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK BOXES FOR RENT L'. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS U ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE- zsmfflsg