THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912-EVENING EDITION. '8 i:fl ftl -,., ' mi " '.! Iffl i: : i w SWILL WK III f Continued frgmPaKeaj having the loc.i! uiiii of tho gntherl ig in clinrge: Executive conimltteo. George 'V Wclstcad, cliulrinnn; Clms. I. R'i gnrd, Wilson Knufmnn. Reception cominlttoe. J. T. Ilnr rlcan. chairman: Herbert Lockliail, J. W. Bennett, Geo. Murcli, Vu. Grimes, J. V. Smcaton, Geo. Mamll go, E S Bnrgoll, Dr DU Commlttco on banquet. A. i Ilnlnoo, chairman; Albert Sellg, C.rl Evcrtson, W. II. Loach. Committee on pnrado and stunt'. A. B. Gldley, chairman; Charles Mcars, S. C. Small. Committee on decorations. E. S Bargolt, chairman; Carl Connor, J. T. Hnrrlgan. Marshals of dny. S. C. Small, C. I. Holgard. THE SHHINEH CANDIDATE. Ma, I'm doln somthlu' awful l.ul my heart Is 'most Hko load. ' agreed to Jlne tho Shrlnors, and ui soul Is filled with dread. I'm n-BJii.' 'crost a desert wlicro tno snnud s burnltr hot, wlicro thorc'B floic", man-catln' camels whoro they bllj you In a pot. Yes, I'm goln' through n kingdom whoro they lcavo all IIopo behind, and tho other fellers tell n thnt I've got to go It blind. I'm gOiii through In darkness with n hoodwi.i on my eyes. Mnybo no'cr again l''t sco you, nor tho earth, nor hunt), nor skies. I'm n-goln' In a counti'i thnt Is long, and dcop, and w!il" whoro somo others, so they tell mo, havo laid down to rest, nnd-t-DIiS Somo havo crost thnt awful down but tlioy got back blind, and lnni-i Somegot back with hair nil mlssln' but they got back Jlst tho same. Dearest Ma, I've- K"t to leave yoti rienso take enro o' nil my tra 1: for my only hopo o' llvln's based n kcopln' up my luck. Wish I didn't havo to Journey whoro them Tur;s and A-rnbs live. I would go iti'l hldo this cvcnln' but thorn fcild.-s won't forgive. I will go and try, n.j dnrlln' to bo bravest of tho bivwo, but if I should fall In crossln,' plo.uj jilnnt posies on my grnvo. BOB STANLEY. GO IS WINNER TODAY Defeats New York in Gan e Witnessed bv Thousands 1 of Persons. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Aug. 21 Beforo a crowd of people that crowded the grand stand and bleachers to capaci ty and overflowed Into the outflo'.d where they stood thirty deep, Chi cago defeated New York today. Tho score stood: It. II. E. New York 0 7 1 Chicago 1 0 2 The batteries: Now York, Crnn, dnll and Meyers: Chlcngo, Richie anJ Archer. I BALL SHORES Portland Beats Sacramento and Vernon Loses to San Francisco. EXPLAINS THIS TEAR'S RULES P. M. Hall-Lewis lells What Coos County Apple Grow ers Must Co. HOW THEY STAND W. L. P.C. Vernon 78 EG .582 ' Los Angolcs . . 7i G3 .583 Oakland 73 58 .557 Portland 51 C7 .432 Snn Francisco . 57 75 .432 Sacramento .. ..50 7G .307 PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 21 Port land defeated Sncrnmonto in tho1 gamo hero yesterday. Vornon jlost1 to Snn Francisco. Oakland and Losj Angolcs did not piny. Tho scoro fol-; lows: At Portland It H E Poitland 712 1 Sncrnmonto 515 1 At Snn Francisco R II E San Francisco 2 G 2 Vernon 1 G 1 Thoro was no Oakland-Los Angoles game. WILL LOOK OVER ROAD Editor Times: Tho threatened shortngo of tho Committee Will Confer with Judge Hull HcgnnlhiK Improvement Tho commlttco nppolntod by tho Chnmbor of Commorco to look Into tho matter of Improving tho rond to Charleston Bay will mako a trip over local applo crop, has caused a "oodi Vnun,u""," '7' B1, "i of inquires to pour Into tho Fruit """ J.1'0' P'"'"1 ,c ?on,p?B?d "' Inspector's olllco, asking If it will bo' ?J't "" ?fAorih lIJcn;1' J1' im possible to sell fruit that whllo .ad- """" '? " & i mlttodly diseased, has boon dun- "" . . . . ' 7 ,. fected and thereby. purged of its In J "' '"" rn " " rnrtimifl tinftirn. Klrnt lnr mn rnnnnf " " .. w .i..u ...i,. uu uiu ui1 IMPROVING THE RIVER PlIliiB to bo Driven to Protect HunkN of Coqiilllc. To protect somo of tho lnnd along tho Coqulllo rlvor Is tho purposo of n plan to bo followed out. The Myr tlo Point Entorprlso says: "Tho county court has lot n con tract for driving 500 piles along tho lower Coqulllo, botweon tho county sent and Boavor slough, tho purposo bolng to protect tho bnnks from wishing nnd cnvlng. This work of tho wlntor freshets Is not only dam aging to tho fnrms and roadways nlong tho stream but tho washings nil in tho rlvor channel, producing alionls that nro disadvantageous from tho nnvlgnblo standpoint of tho rlvor. It Is found thnt with piles driven nt intorvnls and bnckod with brush thnt it is tho purposo of tho Horti cultural quaranttno sorvlco to sup press tho diseases of fruit. It Is a question whethor or no fruit original ly diseased which lias been purgod thereof, comes within tho purview of tho lnw. To constltuto a public nul- .. .nn 4 It .. it nfln .Inn . ,. spread of disease. Tho law gives tho ! Qllcctl A h I''v 8 M,'c,klK 'nmnK Uc' caslon of tho visit of tho Shrlnors toi this city. Thoro Is to bo n clnm bnko ' at tho bench for tho visitors and it Is expocted thnt many nutos will run ! over tho road. I SELL FOR HIG PRICE Board of Horticulture tho power to to beautify their places. Tho con Ists. 1 nm of tho opinion thnt fruit which has been purged as nbovo, Is not a public nulsnnco, and until rovlowcd by my suporlor ofllccrs shnll pass local fruit so tratod, provided tho fruit Is sold In n pnekngo upon which tins been plonlnly mnrked tho nnino nnd post olllco address of tho growor and packer, or his registered shipping mark, togothor with n con lies Recontlv Knlil (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coo Bay Times.) LONDON, Aug. 21 Anions tho royal rollcs sold rccontly nt Mnnor Mouse, nonr Harrognto, woro n pair of silk stockings said to havo been worn by Qucon Victoria on hor wod dlng dny nnd n pleco of ornngo blos som from hor bridnl wronth. Tho ar ticles nnmod woro in a bijou tnblo which sold ror ?385, nnd which also contnlned pieces of tho bridal cakes nnd logs, tho wnshlng nwny of thoj havo produced dlsonscd fruit aftor ombniikmonts nt tho shnrp curves of having been Bprnyed, simply lndlcntos uiu iiiui' ib iiiiiiuHi oiiuroiy oiinunat od. Along this uppor portion of tho rivor thoro nro aovornl bnd boiids that could bo troatod similarly with pro- m ui mo propony owners nnd nnvl gators." him i "K muni, lugcinor wuii a con- t-i r., . , .... . ,,, splcuous label or marking stntlng $ ,?" IU nml lns QcorRo that tho fruit contained In tho pack- ' n i,v p? rl0, n,ml 8 T8 ago has boon Immersed In n ono do- L" '!"' "onnparto, sister greo lluio-sulphur solution for nt lonst ".?.,.. - - - - four minutes. Last sonson certain1 I'HKPARE TO OPERATE growers sold npplos which had been',,.711,0., E"Kono Gunrd says: "Tho moroly sprayed in n pllo or bin, which " ondllng-Johnson Lumber company wns obviously an ovnslon of tho rogu- nro lotting contracts for logs to bo lntlons. I may havo orrod on tho sldo I'"1 ln tM0 rlvor n,'t wlntor nnd nro of lonloncy Inst season In theso mnt-' Pn"B to operate tholr mill nt Ac tors, but 1 hopo to avoid tho claim of "'' next summer. discrimination this year by fixing tho rulo thnt doubtful fruit must ALL bo trcntod as above Tho fact that trees .MYRTLE POINT NEWS. Doings of (lu IVoplo Told In i,. Kiitn-pi'lsc, G. W. Shelley went to North Bo.iJ Saturday to visit with his family till Aloiulny morning. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernc-H Endlcott, at Woudllng. Ore. a d.iux . tor, weight 7t pounds, on August i. P. M. Ilnll-I.cwU enino up tiu.A Coqulllo Monday to sol the Rial? stakes for tho Improvement on Spruro street. E. P. Schow of Portland, a ror.i eentntlvo of tho Southern Pacific company, wns In this section tho l.tct half of last week. Contractor S. O. Small of M.iu -field sot u force of mon tn u.n-i.- i.,., day llppliiK iii tho surfneo of Spruio street pivllmlnury to paving. i A. T. lloyno of Aberdeen. W.tI ington, who has been making a til') through wontorn Wushlngtoii northwn Cnllfoiiiln by tenm, was i Myrtlo Point last Saturday on u way north. , Ex.ConKit'snian Illngor Hermnna iniiio in ironi unspinirK Tuesday to remnln sevmnl days and look af: -his propor'y IntorontH hero, meal whllo visiting with rolntlvos an-I friends. It U understood that Mr. lloriiiann coiiUMuplato innklng soniu Improvonieuts to his proportv In CiN neot Ion. Tin Home Tvlepli'ise r'Himanv . preparing to move Its emit nil off:e from tho alien bulldng to f o Ad.iniu building, n block further oust n Spruco street, which wns reeeutlv vncntod by tho Pearco harness shop The- now offices will bo fitted up eonvonlontly for tho transaction l the telephone business. Clayton E. Downs, a young iu.,n from Michigan, nnd Miss MvrtU Di vis, dniiK'Uer of Mrs. H. S. D.ul ox i(iiioit. woro united in marring in uiu Mini or I.. K. Brown of tins city, Ilev. Thonins Bnrklow officiat ing. Onlv nesr relatives of the ctn trne'Ing mi riles wero present. l'.n young connlo lavo returned to Mich, gan to make tholr homo. thnt tho sprnylng was Insulllclont. nnd tho moro fnct that tho grower did spray does not nbsolvo him from tho operation of tho law concerning tho fruit. In splto of ndvorso opinion rnthor freoly expressed, I nm n II rm bollov- er In tho futuro of Coosi county ns n fruit raising section, nnd hopo to ns slst tho destiny by making tho pro duction of dlsenscd fruit through tho mnlntnlnnnco of diseased treos so unprolltnblo that tho grower will find tho lines of least resistance lie In donning up tho orchnrd, AND KEEP- IMi IT CLEAN. P. M. HALL-LEWIS, Fruit Inspector. Coos Co. Coqulllo, Pro., Aug. 17, 1912. Return Home. F. A. Wnrncr and Jack Mereen of tho C. A. Smith com pnny rorurned from California on tho Nairn Smith. i liny fovor nnd nsthmn mako Au gust a montn or Intonso suffering to mnny people. Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound gives prompt oaso nnd rellof, nnd Is soothing nnd honl Ing to tho inflnmed mombrnncs. Wm. ,M Merothow, N. Senrsport, Mo., says: "A fow doses of Foley' i Honey nnd Tar Compound rollovcl mo of n sovcro nttnek of nsthmn anl less than a bottlo caused n comploto euro." Rofuso substitutes. LocV-hnrt-Parsons Drug Co., "Tho Busy Onrnpr." TIMOTHY nnd ALFALFA hay by tho CARLOAD nt II VINES. r i.IHl Con4icv4 krtbcSISKHSOFTHE HOLY NXMES OF JISUS AND MARY. C,".wfi2;r5 w...i.f uk wi, An. iioaiiieo mj Ccmm.r cll Du. 4dJmiinJ0t Shtii.RefJ lloc.l uxi lMtlUcitMlTriitlnr.WrketorAiMunrriwnt.AJ.Jrfu OPPORTUNITV Opportunity is knocking nt your door. Thoro nro Just two lots loft on Eighth Torraco, ono of tho most sightly locations ln Porhnm Park. A rnro opportunity for n good buy nt n low llguro and easy terms. Sco Rold. Coko Building. THE FASHION TAHLORS AND DRAPERS Ladies' and Geinite. AD TLlv. nrvixr stePi jTCA-VV Lined I SHOT SHELL zs.'-r. First Class Work 150 Front Street Llbbv COAL. T!-e kind VOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Liver- Transfer Co. It Vnil .nulhln. A ..- ir ront. or want help, try a Want Ad J Steamer WasSl!EgtO! Will Sail Prom San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday Aug. 17, WITH PASSKNOERS AND FREIGHT F. R. DOW, Avnt. mvjmv:4KkXMsr t i b vjmf: v 1.t ia jMmMMmr- ir l i rs rrsj-r . - " v.mjpr.wtCsJUtfs ii a fr jrn- in- r rr tti r n i i r r i i 1 -- "z MJamxiBEmmm'A v jvyrt .vu,iAr9MwmBMMMMv'.:r'.:-.LL- y ,a nation m:-JA Vniii'JJii' nnoai z&$&W: Make sure your game Shoot me speea snens In Rcmlngton-lMS Arrow Shells, the steel lining puts all the force of the explosion behind the shot. That mile-a-minute "on-comer " can't beat out the pattern driven by a steel gripped charge. And with Eastern Factory Loading, uni formity of speed and pattern is assured in each and every shell. Shoot ItmtogMl-MC Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eastern Factory Loaded Shells for speed plus pattern in any make of shotgun. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway Now York City THE GUNNERY Sportsmen's Headquarters PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqulpiKHl Willi wlrcleas nnd subnini-lne bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Friday, Aug. 23, at, 3 P. M. All lMsscnRer Rcscrvutlon.1 Wr om Snn FrnncUco Must no Mndo ot 803 Pifo RulldliiK, or Pier No. 10. IXTKR-OCEAX TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. P p ,,npft' . . u McQEOuGE, Agent. THE PRIEND OJ' COOS HAV xur. i-iHKM) Oi COOS HAV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. COOS BAY SATURDAY, AUG. 24 AT 6 P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY'. ,0n 44, O. P. McGEOHGE, Agent. Wc Clean and Pro Ladies' and Gent's Sri Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam La rt PHONE MAIN 87J BlancharcTs Liver Wo hava secured the HW v reus or U Ii. iieisner, - imred to ronolir excellent ierW Hio of Pnni HaV. VTT. drivers, good rlRS nod ier'J: ihnf n.111 rnnn lametOrT M"1? . mat win raoan BaiiBiaciun "Vrirtil LI1U IIIIU1IL. M. UM UW -- i.ll horao. n rig or inytblns My r.nn ivnrv i nn vve uiov wv I Ing business of al! kinds. I HLANCIIARD nitOTnEW Phone I38-J 1.11 1?lre nnd AlliCf Stlt!, EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK. PORTLAYn it, " , 8, 13. 18, 2.1 and 28. FROM SI UlSlIl'lFi 11 ,Jc m" AUQ' THE TIDE, AUG. 5, lb, IS, 20, Snii" to SERVICE OP Phone Main 82LL J. C .MILLER, Agent. Ocean Pock. j ' COOS BAY-I?nsnrinj?n om n ,-, Stage leaves Marshfleld every mornlnc at s n , v ttmi to connect with evening Sah??5r Portland '"w6- Ro,8eburS Roseburg every morning at 6 o'clock Jj l"di S!?E8 a,8 leaes evening. CI0C,C afld "aches Marshfleld same C. P. BardeToJeou'r11-00' G --en route. ' w6t aioro. T. J. IOAIFB dj A. ILHODfi MarKfield Paint J- "" . Ti (8b Decorating va Phone UOh Estimates Furnished I Ininiio PnLatoriUil1 TTIR MODERN DYKM. SjSS PRESSKRS Bfl HAT """ t & Agent for Edward B. tr8U" ..t .. . ... .,i tall' ' uno Tailoring w- - nuri Ritlt g.tff OommM-clal ALL KINDS OF JOB PRYING DONE AT THE TIMEffOFRCE Barnard & Langwo Seo 6ur window dlipW , ww wi..-- jjj LEADED ART OJjjfi TORTABLE STAND v PnONE iw