THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAR5HFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Tearing Down THE carpenters are busy tearing down the walls to accomo date our rapidly growing business. Our store, will soon be double its former size. While this growing process is taking place we are receiving heavy shipments of Fall Clothing from our Eastern manufacturers. We can show you a lot of new Suits already, Clothes that have a lot of distinction of style about them that isn't found with most Clothes you see. Hart Schaffner & Marx design them that way; smart style; they give a man an air of quality which none but the best Clothes can give. We sell these Clothes because they are the best kindjifor you to wear. Suits $20 to $35. WooIenfMill Store This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Talk about tin railroad, lljtt.ii lut "The limy Corner" has to any. fir Tho HEART is THE ENGINE ' cf Life 15 1 csre' 1 fi t you do not ovuuxitiil .. Lot weather. Tte r.. k-li cxliaustlng ef JCtj cf c. ..r l,.-t mako it "aler U t .3 l.:a.t to do its wort, e-J it your hcsrl la nai ls:!. ,-k-l, yu cannot bis too car;:,.!. tyvjcuE'-rfresi any nfTsetion erti5l.;i :,I!cr.a4l licartl'ur jjlolJlvU nrcatly benefit you. Tbe:o t-ble a crengthen nnd tons the heart uml keep that or S i In free, healthy actloni Sold wim the RcmJI Guarantee ot 50& per box. Lockhart-Pa rsons Drug Company 'The Busy Corner" Nione Slala a08 H Auto Call foote ! K!? Lw, N,l.a,iT and av Aftir "ii w UA,S win , rnone 28-J jjgjgfc trips to f!nn,...,. E. Pale & Co. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported nnd Domestic Woolens Fit nnd Satisfaction Gunrnnteod :I70 North Front Street Marshficlii & North Bend Auto Line GOHST .M KINO, Proprietor. Cars leavo Mnrshtlola every 45 minutes from 7:15 n. in. until 12:30 in I (In I slit. Loavo North Dona on sumo nchodtilo, starting nt 7 u. m. until midnight. Sco Saturdny Times (or schedule DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Loaves Marshflold dully nt o a. m. nnd nrrlves at Drain In tlnio to con iiui't with aftornoon train for Port laud. Loaves Drain at 8 a. m. and arrives at Marshflold about 6 p. m. Tickets on salo nt "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshflold and O. Ma toon, Drain. We Have Been Successful lu buying a largo stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low prlc on house wiring, Gut our prlcu you uua't afford to miss It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J Any n here, Any Time Careful Driving Iteaftonulilt Hates fisuek auto service WM. FISHER, Prop. Phone orders to HUlyer's Cigar Store, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. M., Phone 5 .-J Marshfleld. Oregon. A Modern Brick Quiidlng, Electric Light, Steam Heat. . Elegantly Furnlsned Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTKL OOOS C. A. MBTLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards ' Cor. Bronaway and Marks t. Marsnneid. Oraeon. LAKESIDE BY AUTO "K StaunJ" ly tr,pa conectlng with LAUNCH NORTH STAR J'h 81ouuli i ,ftn(1,nS every day at 1:30 p. in., returning leave hoa' eariicp o. "s Satuly t O a. in. Auto leaves Lakeside one Monday, a.niT Rt 8chlulo. Leaves boat landing Nortli Slough Thursday 'u-nn "' 'r"l'sday 8:0Q a. in., Wednesday 8:00 a. in., " "" a. m., Krlduy, 8:30 n. m Saturday 0:00 n. in. PARE EACH WAY $1.00 Win .. .r ght., p.,!?11? r,P to connect with launch at any time, day '. OrtcoV , ,nro"ation Inquire TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lake Tflfpioa AgenVCaV0',"p,i,8nep wUh M M r,eron t,,e Lkea,(l0 . Build Where It's Pretty 70x100 corner, Mtliand Commer cial, sewer, water, planked street. $1800.00 I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Stroot. Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Sevorsl good bargains lu Farms and city property. AUG. P1UZBEN. 08 Central Ave. Marshfleld. Oregon WANT ADS. FOR SALIC Trade or rent, Launch Central. Apply to Ilonry Soug- stuckon. MONEY SOLD on Installment to help working pcoplo nnd others. II. II. Harper, 331 First St. Phono 349. WANTED Grocery clerk. Address In own handwriting giving rofor- onco. Address Clork, care Times, FOR RENT '.room fiii-nUhi'il Iioiibo, 418 Golden Ave. WANTED An nll-nrouud man r woninn for restaurant work. Box 2C9, Murslifiold. WANTED To buy or rent a 10x12 tent. Enqulro Times oillco. FOR RENT Furnished front room. Eiuiulro 373 South 4th St. I'OR SALE Rooming house. Four teon rooms. North Front St. in quire Times office. WANTED An experienced cleaner nnd pressor. Apply Times office. FOR SALE Hi aero trad wl.h small house nnd ham. 1 acre cleared. Ootid bout house. For In formation Phono 41 J, or write to Box 540, Marshfleld, Ore. FOR RENT Seven room modern re sidence on South Fourth Street. Apply to Times ofllco. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms closo In. Telephone 239-J. COOS RAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY name bolongs to E. O, Hall. Phono 1C9-J. FOR SALE or trade, a good launch. Apply 204 Coko building. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell- Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yaklim Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, Wash. $ BUYNOW. 8ome choice loja In NORTH BEND can be had nt a wry reasonable price If taken now. JB. S. GEAR & CO , First Notional TJnnk. Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT rhonc iSH-a. 172 No. Broadway. COOS BAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given tho time and height of high and low water at Marshfleld. Tli tides are placod In the order of occurrence, with tholr tlmea on the first lino and heights on th oec ond line of each day; a comparison of consecutive holguts will indicate Whothor It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. August. 21 lire. .3.36 10.39 2.GI 9.4o Fcot .0.0 3.4 3.8 o.O 22 Hrs. .4.45 11. G7 4.33 10.5 Foct .0.3 3.8 3.9 o.5 23 11th. .5.43 12.53 5.42 11.40 lira. .0.0 4.2 3.7 ..G ZA Hrs .G.31 1.34 6.3G .00 Fcot .0.7 4.G 3.4 .u' 25 Hrs. .0.40 7.11 2.0G Y.l Fcot .5.7 0.4 4.9 :.! TJIE WEATHER. OREGON Probably fair to- night nnd Thursday. Cooler lu west portion Thursduy. .LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 a. in.) Aug. 20, by Bonj. Ostllud, special government motuorollglcal obsorver. Maximum 7G Minimum 52 At 4:43 n. in. o3 Precipitation none O Wind northwest; clenr. BORN. HOFFMAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. O. S. Hoffman this morning n novon pound girl. Mother nnd child are both doing well. Leavo Today W. A. King, C. A. WcBthnfor nnd Mrs. R. Rnst woro outgoing pnBsongorB on tho Allognny Draln auto lino thin morning. lusuraiiro Man Here H. C. Davis, a special agent for flro lnsuranco companies, Is lioro from Snn Francis co on business. Ho cxpoctH to ap point local agents to represent his companies. Camping parlyMrs. II. J. Mont gomery and children, Mrs. WIckmnn nnd Mlssos Mnbol nnd Annlo WIck mnn of Empire, nnd Hnrloy Snllng and Andrew Hlllstro inof Marshflold nro enjoying a few days' camping nt tho bench. Protect River Tho Coos County Commissioners nro having sovornl hundred piling driven nlong tho bank of tho Coqulllo botweon Coqtilllo nnd tho mouth of Bonvor Slough to pre vent freshets cutting nwny tho bank nnd doing sorlous dnmngo. Get Four Deer J. E. Wynno Inst ovenlng recolvod word that Guy Lnt- t In. Chns. rowers and Cnpt. Shook of tho Drodgo Oregon killed four deer nonr tho Tom Lnwhorno ranch, nbovo Allegany, whoro thoy liavo been hunt ing. Thoy nro expected homo soon. Gets Contract J. T. Tolnndor this morning wns awarded tho contract for remodeling tho front of tho Mont gomery building on Front Btroot, which is occupied by I.iukIo'h storo. A lino modem front will bo put In tho building and work will begin tit onto, Wt'd Tonight. Frlonds of Clnrn Rehflcld nnd Win. Horsmnn have been apprised that tho young couplo will ho married this evening. Mr. Horsman lins been on tho Bay for bo mo time- as tho representative of tho Toledo Manufacturing com pnny, making his headquarters nt Snn FrnnolBco, whoro tho young peo plo will reslilo. Buys Ranch D. O. Konyon nnd wlfo woro In Marshflold today on route homo to Ten Mile from Fair vlow whoro thoy havo purchased tho Barkor ranch. Thoy will movo thoro soon. I-avo for Hohchurg F, B. Walto and family who havo boon visiting In tho city left last night for Rose burg. Thoy oxpoctod to roach Myr tlo Point In tholr auto boforo dark, spend tho night in that city and start over tho stago road this morning. Blue RidgeTigers First Annual Free Picnic at Enegren's Grove Sunday, August 25th, 1912 Will bo tho best of season and genornl Invitation Is extended to public to participate in good time. Will be conducted right nnd Indies and children especially welcome. Threo free boats, Alice H, Express and Wnh-Ta-Woso will oporato bo tween Marshfleld and grounds. Freo dancing aftornoon nnd oven lng. Refreshment booth on ground In line of eats, Music by six pleco orchestra of Prof. Raymond, "Tho man who knows how." Publlo is assured that perfect or der will bo maintained day nnd night on grounds'. ' Welcome All ' ' BLUE RIDGE TIGERS SOCIAL CALENDAR TODAY Prlscilla Club with Mrs. Hon- ry Olson nt Bunker IH1. Mr. Walto said he oxpoctcd to bo back In Mnrshllcld ngaln boforo long. Services nt Sumner Rov. A. F. Bussford will hold sorviccs nt Sum ner next Friday ovenlng. Mr. Bass ford is from Corvnllis and has been temporarily filling tho pulpit of tho Marshflold Baptist church. Tomor row night nnd Sunday morning nnd evening ho will preach nt tho church In this city. Buys Back Again. Yesterday, W. F. Harmon bought 11. C. Millet's cleaning and pressing establishment on Front street nnd last ovenlng Mr. Miller bought It bnck again. Mr. Mil lor Htnrtcd for Corvnllis on ac count of tho Illness of his mothor but when ho renched Myrtlo Point 'Iia found It would not bo necessary for him to go and so Is returning co tho Bay. Funcrnl Saturday Tho funornl of Gcorgo Parker, who died Monday as a result of Injuries sustained In a motorcyclo accident, will bo hold Sat urday morning at 9:30 from: St. Monica's church, tho Rov. Father Springer olllclatlng. Two brothors ot tho deceased, Randolph Parkor and Wooton Parker, will arrlvo horo from Evorson, WnBh., on this ovon Ing's stago. Closo Deal F. B. Wnlto has clos ed tho deal for tho purchaso ot tho lot Just south of tho now Coko build ing from tho Flsko Town Lot com pany. Tho lot Is 50x100 fcot nnd tho prlco was $8, GOO. Tho deal was closed through tho I. S. Kaufman agency who represented tho Flsko Town Lot company, tho prlnclpnl flg uro In which Is P. A. Warner, son-in-law of C. A. Smith. Injured Today. Chns. FrodclltiB whllo riding his motorcyclo down Brondwny tills morning encountered a dog. Ills wheel was upset nnd ho wns thrown ngnlnst a telophono polo, badly bruising himself. After ho hnd secured somo ointment for his bruises nt tho Owl Pharmacy ho dc clarcd that ho thought ho wv.s mighty lucky to escnpo allvo. Grade Corner Pnrt of tho big ombankment on tho Cordcs proporty nt tho cornor of Commercial nnd Broadway Is being graded nway to day, tho dirt being usod to fill somo of tho strcots in tho Mnrkot nvonuo district. Tho Federal Construction company, which has tho contract, has arranged to talto about two hundred londs of tho dirt which will probably provont tho part of tho lot from cav ing Into tho street, by sloping tho ombankment. Prepare for Races Brndshnw and Kimball nro overhauling tho spcod bont Coos Bay which Is now hold by a syndlcnto of Coor Bny men with a vlow to getting her In shnpo to com poto In somo of tho northern rnces, tho rogattn at Astoria or tho Pugot Sound contests. It Is clnlmcd that tho prlnclpnl trouhlo with tho Coos Bny has been in ltn engines nnd Mr. Brndshaw. who Is rntcd as ono of tho host gas onglno men on tho const, may bo ablo to ovorcomo this. Must Servo Term A. Gustnfson must servo n term ot four years in tho ponltontlnry bocnuso ho broke his pnrolo. Somo months ago ho wo: nrrostod for robbing n man and woh tried boforo Justlco Ponnock. Ho wsn found guilty nnd bound over to awnit tho action of tho grand Jury. When tried In tho circuit court ho was found guilty nnd sontoncod to tho penitentiary but was paroled dur ing good bohnvlor. For n timo ho did vory woll, working on n farm nnd staying nwny froni tho city. Ono of tho conditions of tho parole was that Gustafson not drink. Lntoly it was found ho was getting drunk nnd this nctlon broakB tho pnrolo and tho man must go to tho penitentiary. PERSONAL NOTES ROCCO BIASCA and wlfo of Coos River nro Marshflold visitors. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos was a Murslifiold shopper today. MRS. ALICE KRUSE of Isthmus In let) Is n Marshfleld visitor today. ASSESSOR T. J. THRIFT Is horo to day from Coqulllo on business. GROVER GUILLIAMS Is down fnm Daniels Creok today on bushier. W. F. HARMON Is mnklng n busi ness trip to Coqulllo vnlloy points, FRANK HODSON nnd wlfo of Coos River are Marshflold visitors today. REV. FATHER SPRINGER of North Bond was a Marshflold visitor today. L. J. SIMPSON passed through horo yesterdny en route to Bandon by auto. MRS. HERMAN SANFORD of Catch- lng Inlet Is n Mnrshfield shopper today. W. U. Douglas nnd family havo ro turnod from their outing near Sun sot Bay. IVY CONDRON and Mayor Straw havo returned from a short outing near Golden Falls. DR. STRATE of North Bond who has boon In Portland on a visit, has returned homo. MISS GRACE KRUSE roturnB today to lior homo on Isthmus Inlet after a few days' Btny In town. PAUL SOULE, who represents tho Nnson paint company, Is horo from Snn Francisco on business. MRS. CHAS. VAN DUYN loft today for a fow days' visit with Mrs. A. T. Haines on South Coob Rlvor. REX GOW, n printor who has boon omployod nt Eurokn, nrrlvod horo today to look over this section. DADE RICH, who rcsjilcs on tho Ward rnnch on Daniels creok, 's In Marshflold today on buslno'3. J. M. DIXON, Grand Recorder of tho Oregon A. O. U. W left yestorday for Portland nftcr a short stay on tho Bay. MISS McCIIESNEY who has boon tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Peck loft yestorday for her homo in Portland. CAPT. LEONARD MASTERS of Sumnor loft yostorday for Portland nnd Washington points whoro he will spend a short vacation. MISS IDA ADAMS who rocontly ro tircd as librarian of tho Marshflold Public Library loft yestorday for her homo in Now Hampshire MRS. S. C. SMALL nnd Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy aro spending a fow days with Mrs. A. T. Haines nnd Mrs. F. G. Horton on South Coos Rlvor. CHAS. HORTON nnd wlfo nnd Grant Brown of Rosoburg aro in Marsh Hold en routo In tholr nuto from Bandon whoro thoy havo been en joying a short outing. MRS. a. LoROY HALL and threo chlldron, Whltford, Frnnccs and Phyllis, will leavo Sundny on tho nrcnkwntor for Portland. Thoy will visit In Portland nnd Pondlo-ton. MR. HARDING, formorly city editor of tho Snn Jtso Nows, is on tho Bay on routo bnck to California from Smith Rlvor whoro ho has boon spending n fow weoks. THEO BRADLEY nrrlvod In today on tho Alliance from tho South. Ho Is accompanied this trip b Will West, n holiday goods spo clalty man of Mr. Brndloy s house DISTRICT ATTORNEY Geo. Brown of Rosoburg and his assistant L. A. Llljoqvlst of Coqtilllo, nrrlvod in tho city yostordny. Thoy will leavo this weok to attend court on Curry county. MISS DOROTHY WATSON of tho county clork's oillco Is hero from Coqulllo to spend part ot her vaca tion at tho homo of lior parents, .Tudgo nnd Mrs. D. L, Watson at Coos City. JOHN O. WRIGHT of Clinton, Ind., Is expected hero soon to visit his nophow, Chns. Vnn Duyn of Tho Chnndlor. Ho Is now nt Los An golos nnd had difficulty In finding out how to reach Coos Bay hut Mr. Van Duyn has written him do tnlls of how to come. JULIUS LARSON was in yestorday from his ranch on Larson's Inlet nnd reports that during tho rocont electric storm, a largo troo on his plnco was struck. Luckily tho bolt did not set flro to a stack of hay noarby. C. II. DUNCAN of Coos Rlvor is in Marshflold today. Two ot his fmo goats, which ho had mourned for ton days ns lost, and the probable victims of somo hunter, w?iu found nt Mrs. Yoakum's ra en, having strayed down tho rlvor. A CLEAN SCALP Is nearly always a healthy one. Keep your scalp healthy and clean by using B. (Sh S. Eucalyptus Shampoo It prevents dandruff, Invlgorato1 the hair, makes it flue, silky and liivurlant. 23 Cents 1 TifAfTiNBbTiTiriiVAfAi California Hour Down Again 40c Per Barrel in a Week Look Out For Low Prices SPERRY FLOUR CO.