THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION. CIGARS : The Owl Says: Why smoke f five cent cigare, wlheni yom cae have two-f or aqoarteiromies f k practically the sainme money by taking advantage off The OwFs Special Advertising Sale of Cigars For a short time only we can supply you. real Havanas in boxes off lOO ffoir $5.75. $3.00 ffoir SOo 4 ffoir 25c. These are the same cigars as the Eli sardlo, so well known here., Yoo pay 2 for 25c, for Elisardos, or $5.75 is the best yoo can do on 50. I can sell yona 100 at that price. See the specialand the only difference is that one cigar is distributed by a Portland f inn, the other ffroim San Francisco. While the 7, lasts this special holds good,but they're going ffast. Order a box tonightconme in and try one anyway. This is a special just to get you ac quainted with The Owl Prescription Pharmacy. lie m fef IvXa Qrescrirtion !- IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTHP) FRANK D.COHAN The Owl Prescription Pharmacy will have a SPECIAL for women soon. Watch for il. IttHOO I i Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexali Store Keep Your Eye on This Place Saturday, August the 24th, the biggest bargain ever purchased anywhere will be sold at "The Busy Corner." Only one day, SATURDAY, AUGUST THE 24TH. Uckhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE I Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. OH Ccntrnl Ave. Marsh flalil Oregon. MAIN 298 US N If You Are Not, Using && C-' You Are Not Using the Best WANT ADS. WANTED An nll-nrouutl mini nr woman for restnurnnt work. inx 2C9, Mnrshflold. WANTED To liny a lOvlSJ tent. Em qnlro Times olllco. FOR RENT Furnished front room. Enquire 373 South 4th St. FOIt SALE Rooming house. Four teon rooms. North Front St. in qulro Times office. WANTED An exieiieneel cleaner and pressor. Apply Times office. FOIt SALK 1)5 ncro tract Binall honso and barn. 1 aero cleared. Good boat house. For in formation l'hono 41 J, or wrlto to Hox 540, Marshflold, Oro. FOIt RENT Seven room modern rc sldouco on South Fourth Street. Apply to Times olllco. WANTED To buy Improved ranch with stock and tools, Stato lowest prlco and full particulars. Ad dress K. V. Dobson, 14 S Napa St., Spokane, Wash. FOH SALIC Horse, weighs about 1.G00 pounds and 7 years old. Kn quire North Dond Lumbor Co. Phono 1201. FOIt SALK. Small fish bant. Wa. sou's Fish Market. Phone 37 J. LAKESIDE BY AUTO Mko remit-.. .in ..... ' .. Uvlng stLufP dtal,y tr,ps C0ect'"K with LAUNCH NORTn I 10"J Slonrii i il U,UB "very uay at i:.iu p. m., returning "o- MrllS .i. . B oalraay nt U a. in. STAR leave "our Mrlir .1 , h a"ruy i u a. in, auio leaves ijaacsiue one i'oniUy u.oii nt BC,,cdlo. Leaves boat landing North Slough ThutviaV '.,,!! '"Tl,l'syH:0 " Wednesday 8:00 n. in., . in., I'riuay, 8:!) a. in., Saturday 0:00 a. in. FAKE EACH WAY $1.00 Jv, 8s()0 Will , or night. 'pnT?!,1 tr,P8 to connect with launch at any time, day L!de. Ore'enn , lnfontIon Inquire TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakc- . " u" or Icuvn misnin f tr nin .1.- T-Viu,iii -uQne ABent. "" ' " -"-"" ""' ---" FOIt HENT Housekeeping rooms closo in. Telephone 239-J. Y Aufn So.: anu A.Carful Driver. . 11 loi..: Our motto: Bl. . al "' time." r,8t0 D2rPh0tel 1Dd B,"o ltvn" . " ""QOODALE, pouter.. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Staait froBt ef Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono B-J Resldesc Phoaa 28J Will make trip to Coquille. COOS HAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY name belongs to E. O. Hall. Phone 1C9-J. J&Gm. COOS BAY TIDES. Mol w is Riven th time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tldos aro placod In tho ordor of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the sec ond line of each day; a comparison of coriRccutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. August. 9.10 2.00 8.4: 3.4 3.2 1.8 10.39 2.54 9.4o 3.4 3.8 'o.C 11.57 4.33 10.5 3.8 3.3 5.5 12.53 5.42 11.40 4.2 3.7 o.C 1.34 0.3G .00 4.G 3.4 .( 7.11 2.0C v.: 0.4 4.9 !,.l Date. 20,llrs. iFcct 21Hrs. iFcot 22ttrs. IFoet 23Hrs. lira. Cllllra .G.31 Feet .0.7 25 lira. .0.40 iFcot .5.7 .2.23 .0.7 .3.30 .0.0 .4.45 .0.3 .5.43 .0.0 THE WKATHKlt. OltEGON Fair tonight. Wed nesday fair in tho enst, with Increasing cloudiness followed by Hhowers In wet portion. Cooler in tho lntorlor and west portion. LOCAL HE- TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 a. m Aug 19, by Uonj. Ostlln, spcctil government moteorollglcnl obsorver. Maximum . ' OS Minimum IS At 4.43 a. m 5G Precipitation nono Wind northwest: clear. Left on Stage Thoso going out tills niornlni on the Roseburg Htngo woro Charles J. Tochlon nnd Mr. and Mrs. D. O. ICouyon. Stopping at Coos Hotel. A largo number of tho niltmora Btmlcatu who nrrlvod yestordny took apart iiientR nt tho Coos Hotel. New llootli Tho llusy Comer Drug Storo Is having a prlvnto tolo phono booth installed which will bo nnothor convenience for tho pntrons. Mill Honiiuich Tho C. A. Snu'h mill resumed oporntlons ycstoiduy after having been shut down for a cuplo of days on account of ;.to breaking of tho big drive belt. Looking for Rooiiih Tho boys who innko up tho clnss in forestry hero with Dr. Schonpk havo bcou busy yos tordny nnd toduy looking up lodging plarcH. Quito a numbor found rooms villi prlvnto famHIo Enjoy Picnic Chas. Iluntor and family, Mr. Glossop and family, Win. Onlo nnd wlfo, Mort Curry and family nnd Hilly Smith and family constitut ed a picnic pnrty who onjoyod nn out ing nt Charleston Day Sunday. WimI Ih'iv. AIox Johnson and Miss Ellon Urantt woro mnrrlod urdny ovonlug nt tho John Hill i evi dence, tho Hov. J. E. Oslund otHciin ting. The- Initio Is a sister of Mm. Hill. Thoy will resldo In Man. neld. Writes Article Tho current Issuo of tho Moobo Horald, tho olllcial pa por of tho Order of Mooso for tho northwest which Is published In Port land, contains nn nrtlclo wrltton by S. W. Green, tho organizer who Is now In this city. I Funeral Xnt Decided Tho tlmo of tho funeral of tho lato Goorgo If. Parker has not yet boon decided up on. The relatives hero had not yet determined whothor tho burin! will bo In this city or tho body taken to tho old homo In Nova Scotia for bur ial. Leave on Auto Tho Draln-AUo-gnny auto resumed sorvlco this morn ing, tho rond being reported In good condition botweon Allognny and Scottsburg. Among thoso going out this morning woro W. G. Stearns, Andorson Hongol, J, A. Haines nnd U, w. King. Drag for Joyncr Victor Wittlg of North Bond is still dragging tho lower Dny and South Slough for tho body! of W. II. Joyner whoso mysterious disappearance hns not boon solved yet. Archlo Phillips was dragging for a time but has given up the effort. It is said that n place hns been dis covered whoro n couple of sacks of rock woro removed, near tho spring whoro Joyner io alleged to havo boon shot, and it is claimed tho rock was tinea as ballast to sink tho body. Blue RidgeTigers first Annual Free Picnic at Enegren's Grove Sunday, August FOR SALE r trade, u good launch. Apply 204 Coko building. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell. Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, Wash. I1UY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH REND can be had at a very reasonable price if taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National Rank. Marshfield Cyclery BIOYOLE8 FOR RENT Phone 1S8-R. 172 No. Broadway." 25th, 1912 Will bo tho best of season and goneral Invitation Is extended to public to participate in good timo. Will bo conducted right and ladles and children especially welcome. Throo free boats, Alice H, Express and Wah-Ta-Waso will operate bo tweon Marshflold and grounds. Free dancing afternoon and even ing, k Rofreshmentr booth on ground In line of cats. Music) by six piece orchestra of Prof. Raymond, "Tho man who knows .how." Public Is assured that perfect or der will bo maintained day and night on grounds. to Vclconio All BLUE RIDGE TIGERS Firm Changes Fred Kuudson is now solo proprietor of tho Ualtlinoro Unto at Commercial und llroadway, having put eliased tlie interest of hm partner, UHI llrown, yesterday. Mi. iwuidseu will conduct tliu place aloio now. .ir. llrown litis not mtidc do natio plans but may remain ou mo Day. Comes to Maiblilleld Tho Rose burg Rovlow says: "William Wlm mer, until rocoutly ongagod In tho barber business In tho Wollotiborg building on Cass street, has gono to Mnrchilold whoro ho intends to ro niulu permanently. Tho room for merly occupied by Mr. Wlmuior bus been leusod by Mr. Wilson, tho shoo ropniror." Child liupUsed Vcrno Leator Ewuld Hill, tlio young hou of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, was baptized Satur day ovonlug by tho Row J. E. Oslund. Tho chrlatoulug. ceremony took place Immediately after tho murrlago of Alox Johnson and MIbs Ellon Drnutt, tho brido being tho slater of Mrs. Hill, and the newly-weds acted as sponsors. Get Out Ties. Tho Estnbrook com pany is supplying a lurgo amount o railroad tlos for tho Santa Fo and other roadi, according to purtic3 r turning Trom Luudou. The uompauy is having dilllculty to sucuro suti clout men to get out tho tics souta of Unndon rapidly enough to All the tillers uud is now planning to Mi lit a number of workmen. Conference Next Month Row II. I. Rutludgo Is arranging to leuvo hero about Septombor 15 to attond tho an nual conforonco of tho Methodist church which will bo hold at Ash laud. Following nro conforonco, ho and Mrs. Rutlcdgo will go to Susk otchownu, Can., to visit his relatives who havo moved thoro from their old homo in Iowu. Funeral Tomorrow Tho funeral of tho late Martin Allison will bo held at ten o'clock tomorrow morning from tho Duiigau Undertaking par lors at 545 South Broadway. So far It has been Impossible to find any of Allison's rolativcs if ho has any. Sev eral letters from out of town frlontls havo boon found nnd theso porsons will bo written and Informed of tho (lentil. At I'.ucngi'cii'N Grove Tho llrst annual froo picnic of the llluo Rldgo Tigers will bo hold next Sunday at Eiiegron'u Grovo on Coos Rlvor. It wub erroneously announced yester day that It would bo on Daniels Crook. Everything will bo freo. three boats being opornted b'otwoen Mnrsh Held mid tho grounds to nccomodnto tho public. Prof. Raymond Is In charge of tho arrangements for It. Rulho WiiKuti Tho Eastsldo school board at a mooting last ovonlug voted to lncronso tho wages of tho two touchers thoro for tho ensuing yenr. Mrs. Solum Thomas, tho principal was atlvaucod from ?CG to $75 por mouth and Miss Franso, hor assist ant, was advancod from 55 to $G0 per month. Both tonchors havo sor ved tho district a number of terms nnd tho udvnnco 1b in appreciation of mo oxcollont horvico thoy havo given. Buys RiinIiicsk V. F. Harmon this morning purchnsod 11. C. Minor's intorost In tho cleaning and pressing establishment on Front street, near Central, which has boon occupying tho qunrtora Jolnty with tho Harmon Tailoring compuny. Mr. Harmon plans to dovoto most of his tlmo t tho olllco buslnoss now and will ha j others on tho road. Mr. Mlllor loft for his old homo near Corvnllls, his mother Doing critically HI thoro. lust Quit Work John Dowo, ono or tno nino sailors on tho Redondo who quit Sunday, ohjocts to tho mat tor bolng roforrod to as a strlko, say lug that tho men simply quit work bocnuso thoy did not wish to work with an Inexporloncod wlnch-drlvor. Ho bought n tlckot to sail on tho Re dondo but was put off at Empire, Pursor Reynolds informing him that tho boat was overcrowded. Seven of tho sailors loft via Randon for San Francisco and Dowo and another re mained to try and got tho money which tho sailors claim la coming to thoin. Work Near Bend U. N. Hoffman of Tho Bulletin of Bond, Oregon, arrived horo yesterday to visit his old frlond, L. M. Tozlor, for a fow days. Mr. Hoffman roports that tho Southern Pacific la prosecuting tho work vigorously on its East and West lino across Oregon and thnt tho poo plo thoro hopo that It will bo only n short timo until tho road becomes a reality. Mr. Hoffman was formerly assistant city editor of Tho Ledger at Tacoma but had to glvo It up on ac count of Ills hoalth nnd went to Bond to rustlcato but soon got back in tho newspaper game. Ho has converted The Bulletin into one of tho best weekly papors in the stato. Railroad Men Messrs. Cool and Welcks of MncArthur Porks Co. loft North Bond on tho Breakwater today for Portland. From thoro thoy will go to Eugono for a short stay. Contouring Plan Col. Brlgham, city englneor of North Bend, was In tho city todny. Ho says that tho plan for contouring tho hill district In worm uonti is up to tno property owners. Tho Iden Is to vacant tho sixty foot streets in a largo tract and then make now stroots according to tho contour of tho land. In boiiio rases It will likely requlro tho chang ing of tho position of tho residences but tho nnrrowor strcots will glvo tho property ownors about 120 moro lots and thiiB n greater area In which to beautify tholr places. Tho con touring of tho hill Is regarded by nwiny in North Bond as bolng tho only practical way of handling that part of tho city nnd morcovor will innko n beautiful residence district. May Build it is understood that J. W. Bennett nnd Tom Mnglnnls nro figuring on erecting a business block on tho MnglnnlB proporty nt tho north west cornor of Market and Broadway. No Fires Yet Tho lato rains havo postponed tho flro dnngor season in Coos county until it looks now as thoro would not bo any forest fires. So far It has not boon necessary for tho Coos County Flro Patrol Associa tion to put out any extra men. PERSONAL NOTES FRED McLAIN is horo from Myrtle Point on business. 11. WILSON mndo a trip to tho Fall Crook country today. GEO. DINDINGER Is enjoying an outing trip down tho const. MRS. J. T. COLLVER of North Betid Is n Mnrshflold shopper today. DR. HENDRY loft today for 3uujjt Bay for a short outing with hla family, who nro camped thoro. A. T. HAINES is spondlng a rjv days with his family on Souln Coos Rlvor. ARCHIE PHILLIPS nnd wlfo of North Bend nro Marshflold visi tors today. MRS. A. J. HARTMAN of Bandon Is spondlng tho day In Mnrshflold. WATT SHORT has goo to Ton Mile whoro ho will spond sovornl days with friends. BEN CHANDLER wna down from tho Chnndler summer homo on Coos Rlvor yostorday. L. M. TOZIER nnd wlfo expect to lenvo soon for Eugono to visit re latives nnd friends. JAY B. TOWER nnd Victor Dlmmlck returned yestordny from nn over Sunday stay nt South Inlet. MISS GERTRUDE SOAIFE loft to day for a short visit at tho Robort Rooko ranch nt Loon Lnko. MISS ZELLA SWINFOR-D return-id todny from n short visit nt tlu R. A. Annln homo in Myrtlo Point. DONALD CHARLESTON, govern ment onglnoor, returned Inst night from Bnndon whoro ho went on business. MRS. REBECCA LUSE-STUMT nnJ dnughtor, Catherine, nro spending n fow days nt tho Luso ranch on South Coos Rlvor. C. S. DODGE nnd wlfo nnd children arrived homo this nftornoon from nn extended visit nt their old homo In Wisconsin. PETER SCOTT left todny for Gray Harbor whoro -ho expects to re main for Homo months. Mrs. Scott will follow him Intor. MRS. J. W. BENNETT and sons, Mutton nnd Rodorlc O'Connor, loft yoetordny for Lakesldo whoro thoy will camp out for nwhllo. MRS. L. E. BLIVENS nnd dnughtora nro oxpocted homo Saturday from Long Bonch, Wnsh., whoro thoy unvo been spending tho summer. ALBERT MOHLER nrrlved hero o day from Philadelphia for a short visit with his nld-tlmo frlond, A. J. Mendol 'of tho Hub Clothing nnd Shoo company. MRS. J. L. ICOONT55 nnd chlldron nro oxpectod homo tomorrow from Gnrdinor whoro thoy havo boon making n short stay nt tho homo of Mrs. Koontz's undo, Cnpt. A. D. Hall of tho Umpqua lighthouse II. II. S1CHEL of Portland, n nophow of Ben Soiling nnd also of Slg Slch ol, tho woll known Portland busi ness mnn, nrrlvod horo yostorday via Bandon to spond n wook or so hunting nnd Ashing In this section. M. C. HORTON nnd wlfo nnd chlldron left on this morning's stngo via Gardiner for Poplar Bluff's, Mo., whoro thoy will mnko their futuro homo. En routo, thoy will stop nt YollowBtono Park and other points of Interest. JOHN K. KOLLOCK and Sandorsou Rood passed through horo today en routo homo to Portland nftor n wr-ok spent In Curry county nn mattors rolatlng to tho R, D. Humo estate Mr. Kollock said that thoro was nothing In tho Plat I) or Major Klnnoy mnttora, that Mr. Walto was working on It nnd that thoro was nothing ho could do personally now. A CLEAN SCALP Is nearly always a healthy one. Keep your scalp healthy and clean by using B. (b S. Eucalyptus Shampoo It prevent dandruff, invigorates tho hair, makes It Hue, silky and luxuriant. 25 Cents tlgOWJiM M g4lltgf I California Flour Down Again 40c Per Barrel ii a Week ' Look Out For Low Prices SPERRY FLOUR. CO. j-- i m