The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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The Best Made
New Fall Shapes
Now in Stock
vans "The Busy Corner
Make Your Bath
a Pleasure
and get the full health-glv-!ng
benefits from It by usinjr
the best bathing helps.
, When you take a bath yoa
icpen an tne pores 01 ma
ciin and so you should bo
extremely careful that every
thing that touches your body
hen is pure anu clean.
We sell hynlenic bath
foods of all kinds clean.
toft and durable sponges:
ifirm, well-mad c body
brushes: pure and whole-
tome bath soaps, etc.
After your bath, if you are
(liable to ttiff muscles and
hints, use REX ALL HUB-
This is a Boftenincf and
toothing liniment which im-
irts a warm, healthful clow
to the skin by Increasing the
Fircmauon. som witu the
Rexall guarantee.
Drug Company
"The Busy Corner"
phone Ma 208 u
n $aaJUL jav
I litit of photonranh wam.
""Ms fnlvglng ud kodak
re That Root fixed
Vw B1S1
st Sensible Shoe
-onuuuM iho.
r sale at
fWric Shoe Store
"uway ... vf...v.u
- ."---I-,
The Sign of
Good Candy
Sao i r
"U-J. LO
"rtniuid, Or.
Woolen Mill Store
-to-Man Clothiers
I'Olt SALK 15 aero tract
Htnnll hoiiBO and barn. 1 ncro
cleared. Good boat house For In
forinatlon Phono 41 J, or wrlto to
Dux 5 10, MurHhfluld, Ore.
FOR HUNT Seven room modern rc
Hldoncu on South Fourth Strcot.
Apply to TIiiioh olllco.
LOST Brooch, enamel faco In half
clrclo of diamonds. Howard for
return to Cooh Hotol.
WAXTKI) To buy Improved ranch
with Htock and IooIh. Statu lowest
prlco and full partlcuIarH. Ad
dress K. W. Dobson, II S Napa
St., Spokane, Wash.
WAXTKI) A purchaser for ." atio
tract In I.oliro Park for $1500.
Lot on Hioadwny $800. Tilio
Guurnntoo & Abstract Co.
LOST White towel hat; picked up
on tlio Allco II. Monday. I'Icaad
return to Lillian Cool; or loaio at
I'Olt SALK Cheap. Slv room house
and two lots, lluukor Mill Addi
tion. TorniH If dofllrod. Knqulro
.1. S. Lyons, Coqulllo, Ore.
WAXTKI) Competent maid for gen
oral hoiiHowork In Binall family.
Mrs. W. M. Ulako, phono 21 a J,
WAXTKI) Slushing or land clear
Ins by tho ncre. Address Bruco
Hood, Marshnold.
FOB RENT Klght-room furnished
hoitxu. CIoho In. Call al Timed
FOR ItKXT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. ?12. Mrs. B. II. Smith,
cornor 2nd and Highland. Phono
FO It SALK Horse, weighs about
1.500 pounds and 7 yoara old. En
qulro North Bond Lumber Co.
Phono 1201.
FOR SALK Small fish boat. Wa.
son's Fish Market. Phono 37 J.
VOll IlKXT Housekeeping rooms
closo In. Tolophono 23'J-j.
WANTED Young man or woman
compotont for olllco and book
work. Address In own hand writ
ing giving references and oxporl
enco. Opportunity, caro Times.
FOU SALK Restaurant in live town.
Owner has other business and must
soil at onco. Seo Andorson at Pal
ace Restaurant.
nn-o belongs to B. O. Hall. Phono
WANTED Experienced miners. Ap
ply at onco at Llbby mine.
FOR SALE or trade, a good launch,
Apply 204 Coke building.
ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock.
Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi
Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn,
Some choice lots In NORTH DEND
can bo had at a very reasonable price
If taken now. E. S. DEAR & CO.
R"lrt Vptlnnpt TlnnV
on good security nnd satisfactory In
terest. For particulars apply to
Marshfield Cyclery
Phont 188-rt. 179 No. Broadway.
JJol w is glvon thi time and
height of high and low water at
Th ttdos aro placod In the ordor
of occurrence with tholr tlmee on
the first lino and heights on tha nec
ond lino of each day; a comparison
of consecutive heights will Indicate
whethor It Is high or low water.'For
high wator on bar, aubtract 2 hours
34 mlnutos.
Date. August.
10 lira. .1.15 7.18 1.03 1.4 1
Feet .0.7 3.9 2.4 0.1
20 lira, .2.23 9.10 2.00 8.41
Feet .0.7 3.4 3.2 5.8
21 Hrs. .3.30 10.39 2.54 9.4u
Foot .0.G 3.1 3.8 b.G
22 Hrs. .4.45 11.57 4.33 10.5.
Foot .0.3 3.8 3.0 5.5
23 lira. .5.43 12.53 5.42 11.40
Hrs. .0.0 4.2 3.7 i.G
4 Hrs .0.31 1.34 0.3C .00
Feet .0.7 4.(5 3.4 .0'
25 lira. .0.40 7.11 2. 00 V.l
Feet .5.7 0.4 4.9 5.1
(By Associated Pross)
OREGON Fair tonight nnd
Tuesday. Warmer.
For twonty-four hours ending
nt 1.43 n. m.. Aug. 18. by IlonJ.
Ostllnd, apodal government mo-
corologlcal obsorvor:
Maximum C4
Minimum 49
At 4.43 n. in 49
Precipitation nono
Wind northwest! clear.
DKMKItlTT To Mr. and Mra.
George Domorltt, nt tholr HUtntnor
homo on South Inlet, Sunday, Aug
ust 18, a daughtor. Tho family
resides In Portland but havo boon
spending sovornl months on tho
SCOTT To Mr. and Mih. James W.
Scott nt tholr home In South
Mnrshfleld, Monday, August 19,
n son. Mother and child aro doing
well, and the grandmothorfl, Mis
Peter Scott, Sr., and Mrs. Tllotson,
aro overjoyed.
Social Tonight Tho Women of
Woodcraft of North Bond will hold n
social tonight In their hall.
Will go to Curry Judgo John S.
Coko will lonvo Friday for Curry
cmintv to bold a term of tho circuit
court. Tho Curry county court will
open a wcolc irom today anil mo uoos
county court will eonvono two wooks
from tomorrow.
Went to Coiiulllc Bon Soiling,
tho republican cnndldnto for United
Stntos sonntor loft today for Coqulllo
Ho wbb accompanied by J. S. nnrton
of Coqulllo. Mr. Soiling will soe
tho voters nt Coqulllo and Bandon
nnd will roturu to Marshnold In a
fow days.
Court Soon Judgo Coko will
loavo tho last of tho wcok to hold
circuit court In Curry county noxt
wook. Tho following week, tho ad
journed torm of circuit court will
bo hold In Coos County nnd tho re
gular torm will opon tho Monday sub
sequent. Plan Reception Tho reception for
Rov. Osluud and wife will bo hold
nt iim SivpiHfih Lutheran church hall
next Saturday ovonlng. Tho church
council will meet Tiiursuay ovoning
tn mnkn fnrtlinr nronaratlons for It.
Yesterday largo congregations wel
comed tlio now pnsior ami mo fsorui
Bond congregation ralsod qulto a
New Fall Shoes
Wo are Hlumiiig our fall slwcs,
tiw Hot bhipmentH of which liavu
Just ivached us.. They aro tlio clas.
slest and most durable shoes shovn
here for the money.
Men's shoes in latest lasts A ff
$:i.M) to pt.w
BojV gunmetal Bluchers, welt ole,
new lasts, sizes 25 to (TO CQ
Youth's gunmetal Bluchei-s, welt sole,
new lasts, sizes 1 to 2 (TO JC
Famous Little Gents' Shoes d0 Or
Sizes 12 to l:J 6.6J
Famous Little Gents, sizes (0 AA
8 to 11$ $Ci,)J
The Bazar
"Store of Quality."
Phone 32. .
F irst fv, T-wfror for Ladies and Gents, Our work
is made here. Fit, Style and Woikmanship guaranteed,
Mrs. P. M. Wilbur at dinner
for .Mrs. Eric Wold, Mrs. A. J.
4 French nnd Mlsa Qortrudo Englo 4
purso which was prcsontcd to him by
Mr. BJorbeck.
Auto Line. It In expected that
tho roads will bo In condition within
a fow days to onnblo tho resumption
of tho auto lino sorvlco via Allegany
and Scottsburg to Drain.
Get Fivo Deer Dr. Vnughnn re
turned last ovonlng from n dcor hunt
In tho Bluo Rtdgo country. Anson
Rogers, Al Smith nnd Harry Jarvls
wore with him nnd they socurod five.
Plan Picnic Tho Bluo Rldgo Tlg
ors aro planning to glvo a picnic nt
Danlols Crcok noxt Sunday and ex
tend nn invitation to all to cotno with
tholr lunch baskets and onjoy a good
Moonlight Excursion. Frank
Smith will entertain n number oi
friends nt a moonlight excursion to
tho sand hills complimentary lo hli
cousin, Miss Ellon Flock of Portland,
who Is visiting tho Levi Smith Joinc.
Entertain Wednesday. Mrs. F. K.
Cottlns nnd MrB. W. A. Hold will
ontortntn tho mombors of tho former
Prlscllla club Wodnosday afternoon
complimentary to Mrs. II. A. Pad
dock of Portland and Mrs. Eric
Not Bargelt E. S. Bargolt says
thnt It wasn't his auto that struck J.
II. Cox at Broadway and Curtis, as
was reported, tho other day. Mr.
Bargelt Bays that ho did not run
down anybody and doesn't wnnt to bo
blamed for tho misdeeds of other nu-
tolstB even though they may drlvo a
car similar to his.
Auto Ditched. Chas. Thorn's big
browcry auto truck ran off tho grndo
In Forndnlo Saturday ovonlng but
wns not damaged much. A stump
stopped lr beforo It got to tha bottom
of tho gulch. Tho driver had 3Jt
tho brnko and loft It for a fow min
utes on tho stcop Incllno and tit
brako loosened, allowing It to bncic
down over tho grndo.
Remodel Store CnrpontorB began
work this morning roiuodollng tho
Coos Bay building, turning tho Wool
on Mill storo room nnd tho room for
merly occupied by tho Moyora storo
Into onu room, tho additional spaco
being ncedod for tho Increasing busi
ness of tho Woolen Mill store. Man
ager Rotnor has plans for making
tho enlarged quarters tho finest storo
room In Southern Oregon.
Attend Races F. P. Norton nnd
IiIb niece, Miss Edith Preston, aro
leaving for vnrlous Wlllnmctto Val
ley points whoro thoy will take In
tho fall races. Ho oxpocts his horsos
to rnco at Sclo, Salem Stato Fair,
Medford and Eugeno. Ho takes
Nearest N, Volmn Z, Harry N. and
Billy Murrny. 1). L. Rood will have
chargo of tho road work In this dis
trict during Mr. Norton's nhsonco.
Broko Arm Joo McCnhoy, n well
known Coos Bay man, sustained a
bnd break of his loft nrm hiBt Friday
night by n fall on North Front strcot.
Ho was taken to Mercy hospital yos
terday. Tho arm Is broken In two
places between the shouldor nnd ol
bow nnd will have to ho wlrod to
snvo It, necessitating nn oporntlon as
soon bb tho swelling Is reduced sulll
clontly to permit It.
Old Pioneer Hero Jnines D. Ash-
or, n pioneer of this county Is visit
ing hero on business, no uvea in
Coob county twonty yonrs ago. Mr.
Ashor la an old friends of Postmnstor
Curtis and Ib known to many othors
of tho old rosldonts. Ho Is hero as
doputy state orgnnlzor for tho U. S.
Association or Stationary Engineers
nnd will form a branch of the ordor
In this county.
'Flue Dance. One of tho largMt
and most select crowds that ovor
gathored to a danco In Marshfield
was In nttendnnco nt tho danco glvon
Snturday ovonlng nt the Eagles' hall
by Keyzer's orchestra. Tl.o ,mi3lc
was excellont, tho lntost dawn 'okr
tlons bolng rondored by tho excel
lent orchostra which Lew Key r
lias organized. Tho dance was th
first of a series, tho noxt of which
will bo glvon next Saturday ovonlng.
F. E. Wilson who had charge of the
band 'dances was foormnster.
Found Insane Judge John F.
Hall returned Saturday ovonlng from
Coqulllo whero ho wns called to ox
nmine Harry Rhodes for Insanity,
Rhodes was found Insane and order
ed committed to tho state hospital,
Ho was sent up about threo months
ago but was discharged and sinco
his return, grew violent again. He
Is about thirty-eight yoara old and
single. Physicians attribute tho loss
of his mind to alcoholism, ho having
been heavily addicted to It In tho
east whero he conducted a saloon.
Ho came to Coqulllo about two years
ago and sometime ago bocarao very
religious. He declares that ho Is
the "Second Son of God and that
Moses is his father."
PROF. A. G. RAAB of North Bend
wns In tho city todny on business.
J. D. McNElL and family will go to
Charleston Bay today for a short
T. F. HAUSOHILDT of Coos River
wob a Murshflcld business visitor
JUDGE JOHN F. HALL and family
spent yesterday with friends on
South Coos River.
MARION REYNOLDS loft todny to
resume his law courso nt the Uni
versity of California.
CHAS. SITTON, a football star at tho
Orogon Agricultural college, Is a
guest of Gordon Rasmusscn.
II. S, TOWER nnd wlfo returned
homo ovorlnnd from a fow weoks'
visit at vnrlous California points.
SVATT SHORT, Jack Flanagan, Don
Short nnd Nat Curry havo gono
to Ton Mile for n few days' fish
ing. M. POPPELBAUM nnd family are
arranging to movo from Ten Mllo
to tho Scngstacken ranch on South
MRS. TABOR nnd Ray Plrtchard loft
today for Ton Mllo whoro thoy will
spend a fow wookB at Mrs. Tabor's
dnughtor returnod yesterday via
Drain from a threo weoks' visit
In Portland.
EMMETT PIERCE enmo down from
the Simpson camp noar Emplro
yestordny to got somo repairs for
his machinery.
MRS. E. K. JONES nnd son Eugeno
will loavo noxt Sunday for Port
land to Join Mr. Jones on nn ex
tended southorn trip.
WM. IIICKING, formorly of tho Pros
por Mill compnny, Is now nt Wald
port on Alsen liny, negotiating for
a small mill thcro.
GEORGE CHILDS. Bon Willey nnd
Leonard Mnuzoy aro oxpectod
homo In n fow days from n hunting
trip to Curry county.
C. R. I'KCK nnd wlfo nnd tholr
guest, Miss McChosnoy, havo re
turned from nn over Sundny out
ing with Coob Rlvor friends.
MRS. GEO. A. GOULD and Miss Robo
McClny of Allegany woro In Mnrsh
ileld Saturday on route to Coqulllo
to visit at tho Dr. Richmond homo.
day for Camas valloy whoro ho will
spend n rouplo of weoks' vacntlou.
MrB. Winchester preceded him
S. C. SHERRILL has returned to his
school nt Temploton nftor nttond
lug Tonchors' lustltuto nt Bnndon.
Ho taught tho Bunkor Hill school
hiBt year.
E. W. WRIGHT and son, E. W.
Wright. Jr., arrived hero today
from Portlnnd, Mr. Wright com
ing to look nftor property Inter
ests on tho Bny.
JUDGE COLVIG Is oxpoctod horo
soon from Medford to visit frlonds.
His daughter, Mrs. Holon R. Onto,
and llttlo daughter aro now guests
of North Bend friends.
JAS. WATSON, Coos county clork.
enmo ovor Saturday night to visit
frlonds horo and to visit his par
onts, Judgo and Mrs. D. L. Watson,
at Coos City. Ho will return this
tfRS. ERIC WOLD and chlldron who
nro guests at tho homo of hor par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Ander
son, plnn to loavo onrly In Soptom
bor for tholr home, at Burlln
game, Calif.
R. F. GEBHART Is oxpoctod horo
soon from Portland to Join Mrs.
Gobhnrt and baby who aro visiting
nt tho homo of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Elckworth. Ho
will probably locato on tho Bay.
W. J. HOWARD, who Is In chargo or
tho former Hopo ranch on North
Inlet, passed through horo Satur
day on route home from tho Coqulllo
valloy whoro ho purchased fourteon ! !
fine Jersey cattlo ror his ranch. They
are converting tho proporty Into ono
or tho finest dairy ranches In this sec
tion or tho state.
J. E. SCHILLING, now proprietor or
the Guerln hotol at Myrtle Point,
spent Sunday with frlonds In this
city. 1I' is planning to get an
auto ror his use thore. Ho re
ports that J. H. Somors who Is
trying to Interest Myrtlo Point
men In a railroad project loft tho
mlddlo of tho weok ror Calrornla.
DR. J. T. McCORMAC and rnmlly
today "broke camp" at Deer Lodge
California Flour Down Again
40c Per Barrel in a Week
Look Out For Low Prices
nnd returned to town for tho summer.
J. A. GOODWILL of South Coos Riv
er ranch on business.
a Mnrshileld visitor today.
HENRY HELM of North Bend was
a Marshfield visitor today.
J. J. STANLEY nnd wlfo of Coqulllo
aro Marshfield visitors today.
REN SMITH was down todny from
his Coos River ranch on business.
F. B. WA1TE nnd wlfo nnd sonid
friends are enjoying tho day at
tho beach.
O. P. WILLIS who has been spondlng
soino tlmo on tho Bny loft today
for Roscburg.
day from tho Towor sumraor home
on Coob River.
haB taken a position In the Sumner
Hnrdwaro storo.
MRS. C. M. BYLER of North Bond
Is tho guest or Mrs. W. S. Turpon
of West Marshfield today,
CHAS. IIICKOX and wlfo and Miss
Hattlo Bowron aro leaving for a
two weeks' outing at Ten Mile.
M. C. M ALONE Y and wlfo loft on tho
Rodondo today for a couplo of
weoks' visit at various California
MISS ELLEN OGREN loft on tho Ro
dondo for n fow weoks' visit to
Berkeley, nnd othor California
donco, Oregon, nrrlvod horo today
for a fow weoks visit nt tho W. S.
Chandler homo.
D. C. GREENE and wlfo woro ovor
Sunday guests at tho J. Albort
Matson summer home, "Tho Nook"
on South Coos Rlvor.
GEORGE BEALE was down from his
ranch todny. Ho roportB thnt care
less shooting by hunters Is causing
much'troublo among tho rnnchors.
FRED McCORMAO loft todny for a
short visit In San Frnnclsco nnd
othor points boforo resuming hU
courso nt tho Oregon Agricultural
HARRY WILKINS was In from Ton
Mllo todny nnd roports that a forco
of nbout sixty men nro now work
ing near tho slto of tho tunnol
through to tho Umqpun.
JESSE LUBE roturnod from nn ovor
Sunday visit at tho Luso ranch.
Ho roports thnt two of C. II. Dun
gnn's lino gonts hnvo dlsappoarcd
and that Mr. Dungnn thinks soino
hunters must havo shot thorn for
mountain sheep.
G. E. COOK nnd family, Gono Bo
dlont nnd family and O. M. Wilson
of tho Red Cross roturnod this
morning from nn ovor Sundny vIj
It nt Charleston. Thoy Intondod
to como homo last ovonlng, but the
Lower Bny was too choppy for
tholr small launch so thoy spent
tho night nt Empire.
T. C. RUSSELL and wlfo of Bonver
Hill nrrlvod horo todny, Mr. Rus
boII having gono to Portland to
meet Mrs. Russell, who Is return
ing from n visit at tholr old honu
In Dlamondvlllo, Wyo. Sho wna
accompanied by hor slstor, Mrs.
Mary Sneddon, nnd Mr. Russell'd
sister, Miss Jessie Russoll, who
will visit horo ror nwhllo.
Mrs. Fred Raymond, who under
wont an operation at Morcy hospltii
tho othor day, Is gotll'i,: along nicely.
Miss Ellznboth Donnelly who sub
mitted to n surgical oporatlon and
who hna boon qulto HI, Is hotter
Mrs. Helen Chnndlor-Tromnlno un
derwent a minor oporntlon at Merey
hospital this morning nnd Is report
ed to bo getting nlong nlcoly.
Mrs. II. P. Lold who undorwont an
oporatlon ror nppendlclts tho othor
day will bo ablo to return to hor
apartments nt tho Levi Helsnor homo
In a row daysj
Mrs. Caughlll, wiro or Captain'
Caughlll or Weddorburn Is expected
hero tonight to onter Mercy hospital
ror an operation.
trouble you?
Get a bottle or
Brown's Flea Bane
That's all.