t ; i'i if fflf :5i 1 X M -, h its .ij M '! V i .K ; I'V I .! l III urn i :: h I 4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 191? -EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES 31. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. dan e. maloney Xcw jvditoi Entered nt tho postof flco at Mann field, Oregon, for transmission through tho nmlls ns second class mall matter. Mi ur An Independent llopubllcnn nows japer published overy ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tito Cos Day Times Publishing Co. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshflchl ":: ! OrcRo.i Official Pniwr of Coos County. BE MURDERER Dedicated to tho service of tho people, that no good cause Bhall lack a champion, nnd that evil shall no. thrlvo unopp ised. Postoffice inspector Dying "ic catise of Needie Driven Into His Heaa. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmoa). LOS ANGELES, Aug. 19 Calvin W. Dullard, formerly postofflco in spector, Is at tho point of death In tho county hospital from a wound In tho right temple Inflicted with a sack lng needle. Tho noodle had been tlrl- fin MiHAn IMnlinn Intn lifi-i t r n il tiilinn Ono year ?6.00 .'" ' '"V o '"V " "uuu Por month .f.O no was foun(1 Saturday In n comotory WEEKLY. nl "" """ Ono yenr ' ' .. .$1,501 Thoro wore ovldcnces of a strug- When paid' strictly' In advanco the Slo. Torn pieces of a photograph of subscription prlco of the Coos Day a young woman upon which was writ Tlmoa Is $5.00 por year or $2.G0' for , ton "F, from your Dnkorsucdd swoot slx. months, heart" wore found near by. Bul- laru'H wuo lives in uaKorsnoui. xno pollco nro looking for a young woman said to havo been scon with Dullards two hours before ho was found. BEND WIRE TO OBJliT" PRESIDENT TAFT BRINGS CLASS SUHSCHIPTION HATES. DAILY. THE HUNTERS Now on tho wild Unbeaten tract, They'ro elthor going Or coming back, MEDICAL SUGGESTIONS CATIONISTS TO VA- A' T Chamber of Commerce Asks That He Approve Panama Canal Bill. J. N. Tenl of Portland and others wired to tho Chamber of Commorco that there was n possibility of Pro.il dent Taft vetoing tho Panama canal bill and urging that tho commercial bodies tnko action. Tho Mnrahflold Chnmbor of Com merco sont tho following to tho president: To tho President. Washington, D. C, Tho Mnrahflold Chamber of Com morco respectfully submits to tho president that tho passago by. con gross and tho npproval by tho presi dent, of what Is known ns tho Pann nin, cannl bill is of tremendous Im portance to tho IntoroBtB of tho Pi clfic const. Understanding that the matter would come boforo you today or tomorrow wo respectfully ask for your npproval of It. Mnrsliflold Chamber of Commorco, J. T. McCormnc, President. Forestry Students, Numbering AUOlu nay, rruin diiiiiiuiu Arrive in City. Dr. Sehenck, head of the Hlltmoro School of Forestry, arrlvod In tho city today with about fifty of his stu dents who will study timber nnd log ging conditions In Coos county. Last yoar Dr. Schenck mndo his first visit hero with his students nnd tho work In this locality has been mndo a regu lar part of tho school yonr. Tho stu dents will remain nero until mo ini tcr part of Soptombor when they will go to tho Dlnck Forest of Gormnny. Tho studonts will hold their clnsscs In tho Mnrsliflold central school and will mnko this city their headquart ers. They will visit tho different log ging camps In tho county nnd study tho mothods of tho loggers nnd tho timber resources of tho county. DISCUSS CANAL HILL LMOST any innn can do 12 months' work in 11, but nono do 13 months' work in 12 .without paying nnturo heavy tolls for almslng body and lirnln. Summer need not cnorvnto a mnn for work if ho takes decont enro of himself, but no mnn Is mndo worse off by tak ing a senslblo vacation. Thoro still . Is tlmo, nnd tho host of the summer it nhoad, for those who need or want a vacation to tnko It. Chnngo of activity is tho host Tho Portland Telegram prints tho moans of rocuporatlon for many poo- foUnwlllR torC8tlB boost Itom: i-.. UoV..u ui uui'i u hi ,n iu -Having over tho nnturnl uonulloj iosi; a nunti quno vncnui is a mini ; f coos nnd Curry counties nnd tho .... "Ul "iru"uV"H i' ''" ( nbundnnco of gntno In thnt section, activity may prove positively dun-. nbort Cox nnd .Inck O'Neill roturn Borous for tho sedentary worker. : od Inst night with tho scalps of nlno io cmiiiK" nuiiiiuiiiy irum uihiiho oi ( ,ioor after n two weeks' trip by aulo- Portland Hunters Boost Coos Section for Beauty and For Game. muscles to sports demanding tho mnxlmum or uodlly vigor Is Inadvis able. Tho lungs nnd heart of such men, cspoclnlly If thoy bo over 10, can not bo enslly taxed by such ox orclsos. . Ilccrcattnns In vacation vary In icrvlconblcness, accordliiK to their snfonoss for pooplo of different nges, Fishing, mountaineering and pedes trlnnlsm, riding, rowing, shooting or swimming nro all Hafo nnd out-of-doors rocrontloiiH. Hut dnnclng nnd tennis nro said by doctors not to bo fitted to tho physical condition of men over -10. As to baseball, cross country running, footlmll, jumping, nnd racing thoy brand thoso ns re latively IniposHlblo for men ovor .'10. . Tho modlcnl men doclnro thnt dls t eunes of tho kldnoys nnd tho honrt .' nro increasing In number on nrcniint of tho strain of work on modern men. Thoy thorofnro nro Justified In suggesting thnt vacationists coiihIiI er tho offoct of BtroniioiiH play on the orgnns, mobllo. A guide was of mntorlnl as- slstnnco In bagging the gnmo. but Cox Is n first class shot himself and O'Xolll. after ho recovered from a sever attack of "buck aguo" brought down his quarry. " 'Greatest country I'vo ovor soon, said O'Xolll, as ho munched n strand of Jerked venison. 'Thoro nro wat erfalls In thnt Foctlon that ecllpsi! nnythlng nslde from Xlngara. Tho Silver Fall and tho Golden Fnll nro tho IiihI word In bonuty. Ono of Ihoso fnlls has n drop of 100 foot and then drops ngnln for another 200 foot like a veil. Tho pooplo of Oregon Hlmply do not know Hint thto conn try, which Is Isolntcd. but nllvo with IKHine. Wo rnuld havo killed "0 deer without difficulty, nnd thoro nro wild hour nnd bonr until you can't rest. All of our deer were klllod In a few hours.' " OPPRESSED WIVES Old Huckshnw works on Jaded foot to keep tlio pot a-liolllng: down on tho crowded city street you'll see him always tolling. IIIk eyes nro dull nnd full of care: IiIh countenance Is drenry; tho wintry snows lmve touch ed his hnlr, IiIh heart Is sad nnd -wronry. Day after dnv. with heavy tread, ho makes IiIh stern endeavor; ho sees no ray of hope abend JiiHt toll and fenrs forever. Ills wife Is flaunting through the town, nnd hoods not his distresses; with Jowelry 1io'b loaded down and wears the lnt est drosses. She's organizing suff rage clubs, and kueps the same n flontlng; she's lining up tho femnle dubs to clnlm the right of voting, "We're robbed," so Mrs, Iluoksnw claims, "of nil that mnkes life use ful; nnd so we ilnuntloss, dippy ffnmcs, pursuo our crusade gnnseful. Wo'ro trodden down by Iron IipoIh. wo'ro benton with a mnllot; but mnn must listen to our suuenls. nnd let ns linvo tho bnllot." And In the grim nnd changing mnrt. the Inlr of Lognl Tendor, old Hucksnw tolls, with bro ken heart, to keen his wife In splen dor. And tlicro each dny he's rub bing hames with other human horses who slnvo to let their foolish domes pursuo tholr Idle courses. CbmSix 04CMJ OUT OF DANfiEH. (ny Assoclntcd Press to Coos Dny Times.) LOS AXGELES. Aue. 10. Cioowlii. who wiib Injured Thursd.iv when Ills rnwliont dnshed on Kocky Point Is pronounced by his physl eliuiH entirely out of danger. LIHHAHY .NOTES HOTEL AHHIVALS CHANDLER J. J. Monnhnn, Den Soiling, Portlnnd; J. S. Darton, Coqulllo; J. T. Conloguo, Lampn: Dorthn Conloguo, Lnmpn; O. F. Hickok, Win. Horstmnn. .Portlnnd; A. Dawson, Snn Francisco; Knto Dowdon, Rosoburg; F. W. Mulkoy. Portlnnd; Lewis McMuIIon, Myrtlo Point; Dr. It. It. Hnmllton, Klnniuth Fnlls, II. S. Prnntz, Sntoop, Wnsh.; N. E. Domont, J. E. Schilling. Mvr- uo roitu; jnmes Wntson. Coqulllo; Itobert Wnrrnck, E. W. Wright, 13. W. Wright, Jr., Portland; P. L. Wlllotts, Chlcngo; S. S. Jncobs, Port lnnd; I). D, Wntorhouso. Allcgnny; Carl Hamilton, Clovelnnd, O.; L, It. Young, Mount Clnlr, X. .1.; J. D. Ashor nnd wlfo, Portlnnd: .Mrs. A. J. Hnrtmnn, Ilnndon; H. F. Yolm, Port lnnd: J. J. Stnnloy, Coqulllo: E. C. Young. Spokane: II. II. Slehol. Port land; 15. n. MeFarlund, Portlnnd. ULAXCO Chester Itydoll. Elk- ton; Henry Chlnherd, Alodo, III.; .Tnmes Harlan, Daniels Creole; C. It. Coloman, Temploton, W. II. Ilunch, Coiiulllo; Chris Lnrsen, Itosoburg; .1. II. Jones. Ilnymond; Al Connoll, Raymond; I. C. Pntnnm. Senttlo: G. II. Isnion. Idaho; Mrs. C. 15. Arms bary. nandon: II. Folsom, Coqulllo: Arthur Gall, Portland. President Wnnts Heolutloit Intro- iliiccd In House (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 19 President Taft today began tho taBk of convincing tho mombors of tho House and Sonnto that the' Panamn Cnnal bill should contnln somo fen turo to convince other nations thnt United States did not Intend to vlo lato tho Hay-Pauncofoto treaty. Ho gnvo a resolution to Representative Shirley drawn to Insuro tho right of any foreign ship owner to have a froo tolls provision passed on by tho Un ited States courts. Somo mombors think tlio bill nlroady provides for that tint tho resolution of tho presi dent submitted spcclllcnlly provides for It. Shirley said ho will submit tho resolution to tho House, and Son nto conferees on tho bill nnd learn If thoy nro willing to havo it presented to Congress. The Water That Cleans Is Hot Gas water heaters provide piping hot water almost instantly. Eliminate the labor of heating water in small quantities for washing cothes or taking a bath, . Heat water economically any time, day or night. Our Gas Water Heater is of interest to everyone, TELEPHONE 178. Oregon Power Co. An unfilled wnni cnuics unbnppl no Tlmos Want Ads brine results COOS E. D. Ilowmnn. Portlnnd; II. Wilson nnd wlfo, Seattle: W. J. Howard. North Inlet: J. Pleshok, Rnnler: F. M. Cook, Snn Frnnclsco; LLOYD Geo. W. Wilson. Myrtlo Point; R. A. Nass, Cooston: Jnmes A. Wilson. Myrtlo Point: James Ander son. Portlnnd: P. S. Haley. Rose burg; F. 15. Xonl. Hnndon: Alex Pot- Nat! oreoii, Tncomn: Miko Mitchell, Roso- iiuik: i 11. CnvBiiuugh. Portlnnd: R. W. Xoyes, Iloston. Miihk.: Donald White, Potsdam, X. Y.: F. Schwnrz molr. Iluffnlo, X. Y.: H. T. Johnson. Ishpennlng, Mich.; IC. Crockott. Riv erside. Conn.; D. II. Otis. Wnter- town. X. Y.; A. Russoll Ives, Stnu WE WILL .MAIL YOU $t for each set of old False Tooth sent us. Highest prices paid f-.r old Gold. Silver, old Watches, broken Jowelry and' Prccloiu Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Philn. Smelting .V Refilling Co. Estnbllshed 20 Ycnrs. H(i:l Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P.i. TO DENTISTS. V will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. HIgit est prices paid. ; ford, Conn.; S. H. Simons nnd wife, If any one should llro "Where Is, Portlnnd: John F. Heck, Huntington, iiiu.uiiibiiiii.-iu ruiiiic i.iurnry- rouiti . .: it. v. Footo, iloston. Mnss you return tho shot? Could you give Mllo Plorson, Lnkesldo; C. Hnrr the liouro? could you toll whother you couiii una Snn Frnnclsco, Port hind nnd Snlum dally papers thoro to say nothing of tho local dallies? Aro thero any you want to boo? Soiuotlmos It Is well to think of such questions nnd nlso of Just whnt a public Institution like n library moans In n community, in tho minds of mnny It Is n place whore maybe you can Unci tho latest book of Action, but tho probabilities aro ,. -, .. .., ,.., . , T,,, v io ( pl..co where you can obtain 'nformn Hon thnt is transforrablo Into dollnrs and cents or n place of iwu.ii.iiont that yields no after ro somotluies does not occur to ub. CONTRIHUTED. 1Kb Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prcjnrcd to do all kinds of hnulin on slnrt notice. Wo moot all traluv and b( at'i nnd wo also have tho )nto?t style Reynolds Piano Movor. Wo guarantee our work. L. H. Heisier, Prop. Phonos 98-R. 120-.T. nr 4fl.L. CONDENSED STATKSIENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho cIoo of IjusIhcaa, Juim 1-1, 1012. RESOURCES. Lonns and discounts J238.61J.7J Donds, warrants nnd securities 78,191.15 U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 25,000.0 Renl ostate, fumlturo nnd fixtures 81,011.11 Cash and sight exchange 188,653.11 Totnl 11011,373.17 LIADILITIHS. Capital stock paid In... 1100,000.00 Surplus and undlvldod profits 10.548.U Circulation, outstanding 23,800.09 Deposits 477,021.71 TotaJ $011,373.37 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, Prealdont. DORSET KRUHTZER. Cashier. Harris nnd wife, Sumner: H. L. White. Los Ancoles: Edward King. Richmond, Cnllf.; Jnmes Menrs, Novado: C. J. Tohlen, Portlnnd; F. M. Cook. Snn Frnnclsco: II. F. Mnthlsoii nnd wlfo. Ilnndon: C. E. Norton, Fnlrvlew: C. iimi in, d.iii r nuicir: ,m urK('f"n, l nuBuuiirg; ii. i' .Macson nnd wlfo, iinncion; u. u. .Morso, noston; R. Lit tlollold, Fltchburg. Mnss.; H. D. Ilouso. Xew York; R. II. Gnede. Pnt torson. X. J.; G. S. Lyman, Clove lnnd, O.; G. von Hermuth. X. Y. City; H. It. Paige. Randolph. Vt.: H. Rob. ortsen, X. Y. City; L. R. nreen. Wnt ortown. X. Y.; Jack Johnson. Swe den; E. II. Andorson, Salem: O. So verson, Spoknne. Jljve your calllj cards printed at rhe Times' offlce. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Anvil sailed from Ilnndon for Portlnnd today. Tho Hrooklyn sailed today Ilnndon for Snn Francisco. from The Nownrk arrived in nt Ilandon this morning from North Ucnd. Tho Excelsior arrived In horo to dny from tho south to load nt tho Smith mill. An unfilled want causes unbsppl oess Times Want Ads bring results. HEAD HISTORY IN THE MAKING H Times' Wnnt Ads bring results. ISTORY Is bolng mndo day by day, exactly such history as tells tho advancement of tin. human race, and this uowspapor chronicles it day by dny ns It hap pens. Could nnythtug bo moro inter esting or more Important? Can any living man afford to let ovonrs pass without knowing about them? Every mnn, woman nnd child who can rend should rcud ono pa per nt least and should rend It rogulnrly nnd carefully. Just'e? to himself, to his neighbors, to his country nnd to future generation.! demunds this. Every man should know whnt Is going on. Ho should read The Coos liny Times. I.lbhv COAL. Tie kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Liver- Transfer Co. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Xotlco Is heroby given thnt tho annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Coos Ray, Roseburg and East ern Railroad and Xnvlgatlon com pany will be held on Monday, August 10. 1012. at 12 o'clock M., at tho olllce of tho company in Mnrshllold. Coos county, Oregon, for the purpose of electing directors of said com pany nnd for the transaction nt nmo. other business ns may come bofore said meetings. O. L. KING, Secretary. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Street PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOaT T W. DENNETT, J Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Dennett Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law. Flanagan & Dennett Dank Duildlng Marshflold. Coos Co.. Oregon Perl riley dallinoer J'lanlst nnd Teacher Resldonce Studio 237 So. Broadway Phono 18L T F.W KEYZER. Violin Instructor. Vtllly ne.a Muslc Store Class Q.HH.O OQJt. I, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTAHLISHED 1HHI) XM. 8. TURPEN, AT RufaniSljuuwt f JRUUCft ' '""v nr ii Olympic Flour Snow Drift, Flour RETAIL PRICE $1.65 PER. SACK Northwestern hard wheat used t cluslvely in mllllns these brands of flour. to'w if' & BW7SlCi:C jflOUR TFe Royal TONIGHT THE ISIS CO. are filling the house. A funny col ored sketch, "Till: lURGLAH ALARM." In Photo Play. THREE NEW PICTURES. "HOUR OF TERROR." "THEFT OF MONA LISA.' "MESSAGE FROM IIOYIIOOD. ' The pictures alono are worth lh PRICE 10 CENTS. Architect. Marshfield. Oregon TR. It. V. fnTHriir Dentist. 171 Qrlnins Duildlng, over Grand Thealer. Office Phona 320. TVT G. CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Rooms 301 und 302 Coke Duildlng, . Mnrshllcld. r)R. Ill HI) II. CLARKE. - Specialist lu Nerve and Spinal Disease. Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK I10XES FOR RENT U. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. ' nK.vltY BKNOBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Oflkw Phon9 191 PUttlni Laiidi a specialty. Farms Timber Coal andtnU "EASTBIDST . Qeaeral Am Marshfisld Offlco 14-J. LAKESIDE BY AUTO how eSlle5Uthd nB.Satf rd"' nt a' n'. Aut lcvea Lftkos,d.6 !he Mi nlnT Sm?"11 b?n 8chwJul- evos boat landing NorU Sloogb TlHiSlaV HnS,,,,,Ua,rH,00 n' '"' Wodiiwday 8:00 a. Iliui-s.Ua,, 800 . ,., llVjayf 8..,0 n, Jni Rntur,ay'0iOO n. W. .... , PA"K KAOH WAY ?1.00 side ikn . . ,n'nnatlon Inquire TOM SAWYER, Jr., at L Teleplmno ftent meBMB W,th M M' ,,cwoD' tho Real Estato Roeers House Hours 2 to 6 DH. Office, Room 2. Marshfield. Office t'linne 1 M-L. A. J. HEMtRY'H " Modern Dental Psriorm. We are equipped to do high clan vork Mil shurt notice at tht verj owost prices. Examination free dy attendant, Coke building, oppo tt handler hotel, phone UJ-J, D" J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and 8nrKMn Marshfield, Orecon. ifflco: LocKbart Building, Opposlto post oflUe. Phoia 10B-J nud FIRE INSURANCE Severs! good bar6alns In Farms and city property. I Unique Pantatoriiim PRES9KRB and nAT REIVOVATOi" AUG. FJJIZEEN. ilurahnold, S Central Ave. Oregon. You Auto Call f oote TWO NEW or"0181' F .I1 F' " i'hoa 5-J Rssldence Phnne 28-.T WIU Kako trip to Coqnllle. i-iir.Mtfjciui ana iiai nn.." . . , tine Tatlorlnr It us m ttS I next Suit. -.! 235 Oommerclal. Photo) Barnard & Langworthy S?e our window display of WOOD ELEOTRIO FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOSfl PORTABLE STAND tstf' 1 ( WWIMMAU- I, .Vwiu.w uv "X.Jtll&i jtA.i,-' ,i;