SOME PEOPLE SPEND MOST Of THEIR LIVES SAVING MONEY TO SPEND A WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES (Ham WANT ADVERTISING la Tfce XIM Will Keep tho Incoino from Yqi Furnished Rooms from Laf"! YOU can really help tlw fatally revenues by rontlng a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how nd when to uia the classified column, you may keep that llttta extra Income as "stoady as a clock." WIH Put lour Jw lunmi: -in tho Market" Effectively! it win put no ftcta about yur nronorty boforo 'lw eyeB of nil "pos sible buyers" iu town. And It her.'a one of thorn who ought to own U, Tou'll soil ltl tms MEMnEIl OF ASSOCIATE!) PRESS mm VOL XXXV Ustabllshed In 1878 m Tho Const Mail MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. mm eiDENCE segued " porter H ROSEN IMDRDER CASE A Oonsollclatloa of Times, Coast Mall and Coo nay Advertiser. No. 339 Alleged Paymaster of .Murdor- crs Furnishes Mission Connecting links. .ACCUSED POLICEMAN ARRAIGNED .IN COURT Lieut. Becker Cheerful When.l.) Court to Answer Charge of Murder. my Associated PresB to Tho Coos Day Times) NEW YOKK, Aueust .10.-Sam Scheppa, tho alleged paymaster of tho murderers of llormnn RoBoulhal, arrived lu Now York .today and was taken to tho Wcstsido .prison whoro ho was placed In n .coll. District Attorney Whitman, who mot Schoppa at Albany, said that nlthough ho waj held only a a matorlat witness, ho would bo arraigned iu court ns a matter of form. When tho train ar rived tboro was a clnsh hotwoon tho district attorney nnd pollco detec tives. Detective IlaKKorty, who .anld he had been sent by Doputy Conimls. ilouer Daughter', trlcil to Lako Scbcpps In charge, but Whitman In sisted that tho district attorney's of flco should alone Jiavo charge Nows that Schupps luul arrived and whlio on tho train had been examined by Whitman served to lu crcaio tho hopes that ho hnd sup plied tho missing links In tho story told by "Ilald Jnck" lloso, implicat ing Lieutenant Dccxcr In iho mui jicr. That ho hud dono .this .was. ovl dencod by a mcsHngo .from Pougu kcopslo from Whitman stilting that Bchopps had dono so. Roso has re peatedly Bald that if Schopps would tell tho truth Hobo's story would bJ confirmed. Information icnmu ifroin Whitman's office todiiy thnt created unusual Intircstt nt pollco head quarters, it was learned tuntjsovcr CHIEF CLERK CLARK HERE Represntative of U. S. Engi neering Office Makes Visit to Marshfield. Chief Clerk Clark of Major Mor row's office at Portland, nrrivod in tho city from Portland today onitho Ilrcnkwator. Todny ho was (making a visit "to tho government .llrodgo Oregon. Mr. CInrk had nothing to say for publication to thoso .whom ho met At North Bond somo of tho business men escorted him. about tho city. It lu thought possible thnt Mr. CInrk Is horo to nmko propnra tlonn for .Major Morrow, of the gov ernment longlncorlng corps, .who . Is expected 'In tho city later. M GEO. H. PARKER MEETS DEATH Railroad Contractors Purchase Front Street IMarstlen Prop erty from "E. W. Wright. Announcement wns imado today thnt Portor brothers nad Grant Smith, the contractors who aro building the mnjor portion of tho Southern PiuMc's lino between Coos Day and Eugqnc, hnvo purchased tho former MarsuVcn properties on North Front street (from E. W. Wright of Portland who bought It n year ago from Robert JMarsdcn. Tho proper ty consist of llvo lots, Including tho Royal theatre and brewery buildings nnd tho present Breakwater ware house and buildings. Tho purchnso price Is said to bo $75,000 nbout $35 000 moro than Mr. Wright paid for tho property a year ago. Tho deal in significant tin tho fact F. B. WAITE IS BUYING HERE Motorcycle Strikes Wood Rile and Result to Hlder lis Fatal. George II. IPnrkor, a machinist ntt tho Smith mill, dlod shortly before al inotnhs prior to tho Rhoatlng of, ociocic tins .morning nt Mercy hos Ilojcnthnl, Hint tho offices of tho district attornoy hnd boon auietly in vcitlgatlng graft lu tho pollco depart ment. Dig grnfters, it is snld, had been constantly shadowed for four months, and tho KoBcutluil sliootln simply hurried imattcrs. Prom mem bers ot tho district nttorneyls offlej ,lt was learned thnt a well-known .civ ilian and two, possibly four, pollco Inspectors aro caught in the .toils. Sclicpjn Tolls. (Djr Associated l'ross to tho Coos Hay Times.) JPOUGIlKEKl'SIH, N. Y., Augliac IS "I havo obtainod from Scheppa corroboratlvo ovldnnco I oxp;tod," Mlfl District Attoruoy Whitman to day after a hrlof conforonco with ttio little gnrabJor captured nt Hot Springs and hold ns a mntorial wl . bm In tho Mosonth&J murder cusb. Although Schtpps was a bit iiorTOUH, M told tho prasccutiob ho would toll freely all h0 know of tlio ovonts that Itlt llll In ,1.. II .1. ... . .. . .. m,. lu ,u 4(.usuiunw uonill. a pltnl In North Uond. ns tho result of injuries received In a motorcyclo ac cident Saturday night. Idttlo is known of how tho Accid ent hnppenod lurthor than thut it wan learnod thut Mr. Pnrkor hnd been riding nbout on his motorcyclo Satnrday night. It is known that ho mnrtV) n trip to North Bond and hack nnd 'it wnH probably lato whon ho Htarted out Broadway to his home in Bunkor Hill. Thoro was a pile of wood Un front of AIkIo Ilnnscn's re sidents, nt 912 South Broadway. Tho wood 'had boon dollvorod Saturday ovonlne nnd had not yot boon re moved. Tho fdg wns'henvy and Par ker ovldontly did not sco tho vyood jllo nnd ran into it. Tho motorcycle uhowod signs of having been hit hnrd and tho rldor wns thrown about sixty ifoot. Tho injured man lay In tho street until nbout 5:30 n. in. whon ho wns found by A. P. Davis who is em ployed nt Iho mill. An mitomobllo was coiled nnd Pnrkor was hurried Sutherlin Man Is Purchasing Property on North Sec ond Itear Central. Prank II. Wnlto of Roscburg Is to dny concludlm; negotiations for tho purchase of n lot on North Second street. Just imrlli of the now Coko building, from "tho FIsko Town Lot company. The purchase price is un derstood to be :$8,600. The lot Is orro of tho most dcslrn- , bio in tho down 'town section nnd it is Mr. W alto's ibitontlon to lmprovo tho proporty Just ns soon ns condi tions warrant. Tho Flsko Town Lot company purchtttttd tho lot n year ago for about $0,500. Mr. Waito has recontly purchas ed tho property near Tho Clrandlbr nnd has other oxtonslvo holdings on ttho Bny. J. D. Jones of tho Coos Bny Stonm Laundry has practically closed nogo that tho Porter Brothers and Mr. Smith are tho buyer. Whllo they havo taken over the proporty ns nn Investment, it Is unde.:ond that they were especially dcnliious cf securing tlii' dock and waro'iouso to bo used In hnndllng tho supplies and mater ial for "building tho lino. An Intimation of tho denl wns giv oa The Times when R. B. Portor and Mr. t m'lh visited hern six weeks ago. They looked tho inrvpori;' over care fully then but the vn was not closed until day or two ago in Portland. The closing of tho denl now Is taken to signify Iho likelihood of early starting of actual construction work cm this end of the line. Mr. Wright still rotains extcnslvo property intorcsts around tho Bay while ho wns rotlcont about tho mat ter, ho was highly elated over it -and nlso about tho prospocis of his other property. WILL PROVIDE A T Committee Decides It Shall Cost Not Over Fifteen Million Dollars. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi Bay Tlmes.-l WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Tho conferees on tho naval appro priation bill ngrced todny to provide one battleship to cost not moro thna $15,000,000. An appropriation of $2,500,000 Is to bo nvnllablo for be ginning tho work. No ngrcomont nm reached as to tho slxo or armament Tho bill also provides for eight submarine .six torpedo bonts, two col liers and oiio mncllinu ship. It was ngrced tho new hnttleuhlp should not bo n Bupor-droadnnugut but a vessel of standard slzo. The movement to nnmo tho now bnttlcshlp "Constitu tion" hns 'ben stnrtod. Today Is the ccntcnnlnl of tho hnttlo botweon tho Constitution nnd Guerrlore. Undor tho Inw tho socrotnry of navy will be nhllcnil ta rhi'lnton tlin vossnl Arlznnn itlutlons for tiie purchnso of tho or vow Mexico hut tho Sonnto and southwost cornor of Sixth nnd Ool- Houso conforoes will bo urgod upon dnn from August CnrIson. He ,1s t0 insert n provision nnming tho now buying It ns nn Invuatmcnt. hiilp after 'Old Ironsldo,"' DISTRICT AnORNEY IS SROT or Wl AT U R THREATS M E IK LETTERS Prosecutor Liljeqvist Receives Notes from Parties Un known About Joyner. It was reported today that L. A. Llljoqvlst, assistant prosecuting attor noy, had rocelved six letters threaten lng him if ho did not quit his re' sonrchos of tho Joyner disappearance enso harm might como to him: It is not known whether tho lottors wcro written sorlously or whothor someono wns playing n practical Joko on tho nttornoy. It is said that one letter wns mailed nt Emplro, two at North Bond and that thrco woro post marked Mnrshflold. w,i. Whitman Aid not pro-' to Morcy' Hospital at North Bond and wng tne, converse Ion. wnu attondod by Dr. Mingus and Dr. iwvn.. "l'.ckt,r l,1,cd' I Dlx. Nothln;q; could be dono to snvo ueCKCr mnuo a Brief atrsonrnnpo .n . Tni, lu. oi...n .....! fu.u n.1 ll Koneml stntloil to pload on the brain. Tho injuries woro on Uroly to tho htnd. Ho never regain ed consciousness nfter being found. murder In tho first dogrce. At tho requMt of tto counsel, tho pleading ; ailjoumwl until Wtylnosday. ine counsel for Becker mad n mo- .V.-".,n8nci' tl10 njlnutcfl of tho BREAKWATER ' ARRIVES TODAY 0 BIG VESSEL IS L Efforts to Float Steamer Plei ades So Far Are Without Success. (By Associated Press to tho Cooi Bay Tlmos). SAN DIEQO, Calif., Aug. 19 "Tho Denver trlod to pull us off but failed. Tho Washtonnw has proceed ed south. Wo need a wrocklng crow." This In brlof wns tho messago flash ed from tho stranded steamer Plo Indcs on tho const nenr Mngdnlonn Bny to tho government station nt Point Lomn todny. Tho Denver will anako nnothor attompt to float tho Pleiades, nnothor messago said, but thoro Is llttlo hopo thnt tho effort -will bo successful, Tho Pleiades is on tho rocks nnd sand In 12 foot of wntor. Though tho hull Is dnmagod, nono of tho crow aro In dnngor. TO SEA TODAY EXPENSE SMALL Brings Large Number of Pas sengers From Portland On Good Trip. The Brenkwntor arrived in todny after a rood trip down tho const. Sho had n capacity passenger list, tho regular travel bolng augmented by the comlug of Prof. Scheuck and forty or fifty students of the Bllt more Forest school who como hero to Georgo II. Parker was 28 years old ' spend a month as part of tho Instltu- Muy 3 Inst. He was born In Am-1 lion's course. TWELVE HIES Brand lurv n wmmT t.V.i" . "... I nersi, jNovn acoun, ana came to uoas made no comnu-nV n iJ- i Ba' two VarB a0' Ho wnB Bnl(l to chwul! " ' " pea' 'I b0 n ftr8t cln8S machinist. He resid- I eu ttjui ma uroiiier, jiick I'arKer ana wife in Bay Park. Ho also has a sis ter, Miss Catherine B, Parker, of Nova Scotia, who is horo on n visit. Ho also leaves two brothers. W, R. and Wooton Pnrkor, of Evcrson, Wash., another brother Wllllnm Pnr kor, and his mothor. Mrs. C. B. Pnr kor, of Amherst, Nova Scotln, and nnothor Bister, Miss Mary Parker of Halifax. Mr. Parker hold a $2,000 accident Insurance Ho was formerly a mom- ber of tho W. O. W. lodge at Bandon but it is not known whether ho still hold bis membership in that order. The time of the funeral has not. yet been decided upon. Mr . Pnrkor was out Saturday j;- nnrt .nn..i..i: . .. I nt 4.jn ... i.i n.nvA..Ain . I special Ai .1 '-""""""uunor. nt tnei0,""fc ijii "ut muiuiw;'" commi i n AuBust 27. Five' Into in tho ovonlng made a trip to isortn ueiui nnu uacK, running ac high speed, evidently to test it out. PORT TICKET Time for Commissioner Candi fates to Go on Ballot Has Passed. bal ioi tl ""T3 wln annenr on tho " I0r port COmmloalno- t h Tho Breakwater will said at o'clock tomorrow for Portland. Among those arriving on tho Brenkwoter wero tho following: 'Mnry Sneddon, Jestdo Russell, Mre. T. C. Russell, Win. Vnughan, nnd wife, Archlo Vnughan, Geo. Steele. Mrs. "B. Wilson, Grace Hall, Mrs. Russell Morgan, Mrs. M. B. Brown, J. W. Whitcomb, Mrs. W. J. Murphy, I wmmlsslo: iTinra a . . . urdav ... :; . " lu uo oiociou. sat- K ttckei SI la8t cnanco t0 set on lows- p a,8.6 rui"'nB ns ns foi suson w t ATndersn, Duncan For Kie, E mi-. . Pn'we, Peter Log noge wgU?' A' ; lowers, A. O. "tacken L i R0l!8t' IIonry SenK S'.J A.Wardmr,80n, Wl F U 5 nfnV1" ,;avo nn opportun tbemseh'ea '5. a reso'on pledging dl,u of m'o0 ',voto. for a" "Pea 0ut subrnuire ,tnnn 300,000 with Pie. UDmut'ng to a vote of the peo- (B' ASciT,ATIOX M P,r688 t0 The Coo. New J? Times.) MD0o IT.-' .AuS. 19- W Before Leaving Sailors Strike But Captain Magee Fills Their Places. The Rodondo sailed this afternoon for San Francisco with a Inrgo pas senger list. Yesterdny nlno sailors on tho Re dondo struck for no npparont renson. One of the men who wns handling the "winch" quit work because of some disagreement with tho mnto. Tho othors then quit. Capt. Magee quick- I ly filled their places with some sall- uru who iiuvo uuuji wumuiK ni mo mill ponding nn opening to go to sea. Tho strikers wero around tho dock boforo tho Redondo sailed and at tracted somo attention, somo of them making threats against tho mate. Among thoso snlllng on tho Re dondo woro tho following: Clydo Schute, Rev. H. O. Opsal, J. Wife of Doctor Believed She Has Grievances Against Her Prosecutor. WOUND WILL LIKELY PROVE TO BE FATAL Victim Is Albert C. Fach, of Richmond County, New York State. " NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Albert Xi Fach, district nttornoy of Rlchmon county nt Stntcn Island, wns shot down In his office today at Stnplo ton by Mrs. Elizabeth Edmunds. He was probably fatally Injured. The womnn fnnclcd n grlovnnco because her husband, n Dr. John M. .Ed munds, whom sho sued for divorce with Fach as prosecutor, had boon acquitted. Whon nrrcstcd Mrs. Ed munds told tho pollco sho hnd boon arguing with Fach and that he struck her. ARMY OFFICER KILLS FAMILY Frightful Tradegy Enacted h? Well Known English War Veteran. ' (By Associated Press to Tho 'Cow Tlmos.) EASTBOURNE, Englnnd, Aug. 13. Captain Hicks Murray, nn army officer who hns soon much India sorvlco shot nnd killed Inst night hl wlfo's sister, her two chlldron and houso sorvnnt and also sovorefe wounded his wlfo nnd then commit ted sulcldo. Ho Is supposod to have hcon Insnno. After tho crlmo tb hoiiBO wns mystorlously burned. Mr. Murray wns found Inter wandorlns tho streets In hor night dress ocroam lng for hor chlldron. Flvo bodlea wero found iu tho ruins of tho Mur rny homo nnd of thoso two nro not Identified. WOULD BET A Progressives Make Record for Economy Politics Lively In Chicago. Many stories have been afloat as T' B j s NlchoB. Starlus to how the accident occurred, but 'lchol G We8tlnml T, Pjunkett, theso nro absolutely without foun- npv ' .,--, Hnrv RnvflrRfin elation. Mr. Parker's brother, Jack, having Investigated thorn this morn ing. George Parker was one of the most likable young mon, of excol lont habits and his sudden death has cast a gloom over his many acquain tances and fellow workmen. TAKES HAXFORD'S PLACE. (By Associated Ivess to Tho Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. President Tnft sont today to tho sen tlon,TS' actl"K chairman o7thnn'at0 tne nomination of Clinton W. "o demoeratio a.n.0 ne. na'. Howard of Bellingham. Washington, ro..Jna.anapoUs tolatt' T V Un!. .. Jd8..for the Aft. ,un r Govnrnm. - i. ii i W08lern utMCi ot wusningion, ut Ch ""dses. ?acn0nvM8hali, heeding Cornolhjs II. Jfanford, who Ulca60 to onen K .0-11 so to resigned while under ' Investigation jby the congressional committee. Pen head quarters. E. W. Wright, Jr., C. A. Schonck. ' Gnrdlnor. Horbort Swnnson, Mrs. Jen Mrs. C. A. Schonck, II, D. House, . nio McNlcol, Mrs II. Swnnson, Hans Schenck, Mrs. L. R. Strato, Mrs. M. C. Malonoy, Miss AHco Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. J. B. Hill, Cocll i Gray, Miss Annio Gray, Marlon Roy Wllcox, Mr. T. Missel, Mrs. T. Mis-1 nolds, P. M. Jones, A. Roy, M. C. Ma sel, II. ti. Simon, Mr. Bornuth, Mr. i loney, P. N, Roberg.C. Anderson, A. T-...11 W-. A 1.A 117 f llitBnl... 1T ' n T)n.n1n1, O n wt Tlnttrw TC.11 Ml Ullll .HID. iianui, . o. .iuiuij, IV, VI. 1VUUUUI1III, ClUtlt I'UltO, Ulllll uu. Bowe, M. E. Brown, John Foster, ! ley, Robot. Stynes, Richard Chapman, S. Jncobs, J. B. Hill, E. C. Yocum, S. Flnloy; Miss Bessie Coko, Miss El T. Jnnltz, P. D. Willotts, Arthur Galo, len Ogren, Fred McCormac, S. Smith, T. C. Putman, E. B. McFnrland, Dr. Thornton Farhnor, T. D. Keeron, L. K. Strate, D. C. Waldvogel, A. I Mrs. A. H. Fickert, Mrs. E. Keeron, Schwartz, A. Schwartz, R. Schwartz, Mrs, A. Johanna, Mrs. T. A. Bergor, Howard Schwartz, G. Zlpp, O. Sever- J. HodJI, Chas. Olln, Chns, SJorberg, sen, Henry Zlpp, T. C, Russell, E. B. J. N. Davis, R. Smith, S. W. Smith, Clarke, Gus Turnqulst, Albert Pon- E. Tunge, J. Foster, John Dowo, S. Sorensen Henry Everett, Henry Seversen, Mr. Llttletlold. Mr. iiommeller, Mr. M. Caplow, W. M. Hoffman, roung, Jir. ivps. wr. jacKson. xur. C. F. Hnrtmon, W. P. Wedge- Tapim, Mrs. J. w. wnitcomu, a. w. ward, L. Varhang, W. H. Moore, C. i Wright nnd J. U Asher. Wolvern. F. H. Elliott. O. N. John son, Mr. Mnrse, Mr. Noyes, Mr. Zlm-J mormnn, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Johnson, I Mr. Keoier. Mr. l,ockwooo, Mr. L,y- snid to b6 railroad contractor from LOCAL OVERFLOW Contractor Here. Mr. O'Brien, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos ) CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Lavorno W. Noyes, treasurer of tho Progresstvo convention arrangement committee, mndo public today a financial state ment showing that tho total expense of tho Chicago convention was $1?, 400, Noyos In tho statemont say this Is probably less than any con vention in recent years. Tho balano sheet allows tho following receipts: From Individuals, $2000; from Chi cago hotels, $3300; from tickets, $13,200; from programs, $1200. Tho commute had a balance ot $175 on hand. Political activity Increased today with tho preparations for tho opon Ing of tho Democratic headquarters In Chicago Wednesday. It was said a largo number of Democratic load ers will como horo from Indlaunnolls Immediately after tho notification c. Marshal. David W. Mulvano, direc tor of tho Republican hcndquarteiE hero announced today that Genet J. Dlekema of Holland, Mich., had been selected chnlrmnn of tho speak ers' bureau here. Today Illinois Re publican headquarters woro opened nt tho Hotel La Salle and it is an nounced that Governor Dlnoen and other candidates on tho stato tlckqt will mnko addresses Saturday, Mem bers of the Illinois state progress! o state committee met today to con sider plans for the stato campaign. MARTIN ALLISON DEAD $10,000 BLOCK Major Kinney Willing to Back Statement Regarding An - other Road. man, Mr. Nye. Mr. Otis, Mr. Woods, Idaho, in company with another man .Mr. raien, jur. wuuer. sht. iuno- wn8 ln tho city Sunday for tho pur- fleld, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Nusante, Mr. p0so of conferring with Engineer F. Schwnrtzmein, Mr. Paige, Mr, Robert- a. Haines who was here from Myr- son, Mr. Pchmaltz. Mr. Smith, Mr. tie Point. The purpose of their vU- Alexander. Mr. Wlmmer, G. R. Is- it horo Is not known. man, Mr. Breen. Mr. White, Mr. Bun- ting, Mr. Kllby, MY. Clnasen, Mr.' Will JUve Natal Day The mom Crockett, Mr. Emmer8on. Mr. Euts- bors of the Eastern Star of Coos ler, Mr. Doharty, Mr. Footo, Mr. county will observo Natal Day, Aug. Zenner, f&. McGrath, Mr. Frank, Mr. 30, The Chapters of the county will Heck, Mr, Fullenunder," Mr, Moore, Join ln Marshfleld ln holding tho Mr. Gaede, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Glffhorn, meeting. Thnt tho Klnnoy proportles affairs, at least so far as John K. Kollock is concorncd will bo cleared up tomor row or noxt day was announcod by Major L. D. Klnnoy todny. Major Klnnoy snld that Mr. Kollock would bo back from Roguo River whom hn has boon on matters connected with tho R. D. Hunio estnto and that on his arrival n conforonco would be noiu ootweon F. B. Wnlto, Mr. Kol lock and Major Klnnoy at which ar rangements would ho mndo for set tling Mr. Kollock's claims against Klnnoy. Mnjor Klnnoy wns fooling rather Jubilant this morning whon ho tele phoned Tho Tlmos nnd naked thnt the following statement bo mndo for him: "I will wager n $10,000 block ot Coos Bay proporty with any man that tho train of nnothor transcontinen tal road will run Into Coos Bay be foro tho Southern Pacific operates n train in horo, I havo novor been a hotting man hut I would llko to mako vhls wnger. I will put tho deed to tho proporty In escrow this wook and will wager It with any man. The wager should bo taken ln a week or ten days:" REPASS BILL. Senate Acts on Mcasuro Vetoed by President Tnft, (By Associated Press to Coos Bfaf Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 19. After a dobato tho sonato today re- Old Fisherman Passes Away nt Mercy Hospital Martin Allison, a fisherman aged I passed tho vetood legislative, oxecu about 50 years, dlod at Morcy hospl-itlvo and Judicial appropriation blU tal In North Bend last night follow-, still cnrrylng tho provisions for ths lng a surgical operation for appendl-! abolition oftho commerce court. Ths cltls and peritonitis. Ho was found i majority of appropriation commlttea In, a shack by Charles Lash and sev- j reported the hill with a provlsloa oral others who had tho man taken , for tho retention of the court an io me uospuai out nis conaition was , wuen tnis was eliminated tail's so serious there was llttlo that could bo dono and the operation was tho only chance. Allison told the nurses at the hospital that lie had nq relatives. friends predicted tho will will again be vetoed. Have your Job printing don The Times' oHce.