THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4 o i: v : .i . i mi .1 i' I INT HlltS IKILtAb'Ut MWIHtH UthH I CHICAGO GiE: BALL SGORES MM CASE I i i New York Defeated in First or Vernon Wins Again and San Series of Gaines for the Championship. i ((By Associated Press to Tho Coob Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Auk. 1G Standing room was at n premium when tho Chicago and Now York national len guo teams began to play hero yostor day afternoon, the first of a tlirco game series. Moro than usual in terest Was attached to tho event be cause of Chicago's great showing on tho eastern trip Just ended when thoy won 15 out of 18 games nnd cut New York's lead down to six games. McQraw solectod Marqund to fnco Chicago whllo Rlchlo pitched for Chicago. Meyers caught Tor Now York nnd Archer caught for Itlchlc. Sensational fielding prevented scoring In tho first Innings. Now York scored once In tho fourth byi hard hitting. Crandal relieved Mnr quurd In tho fifth, after which Chi cago scored flvo runB. No runs wore, mndo In tho last four Innings. Tho Chicago scoro follows: Chicago 5 Francisco Loses Port land Game Postponed. STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. L. P.C. Vernon 77 GO .GOC Los Angeles . . 73 52 .584 Oakland .... 70 57 .551 Portland .. .. 49 07 .423 San Francisco . . 53 74 .417 Sacramento .. ..49 73 .401 PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 1C Ver non won anothor gamo yostorday do fentlng Oakland by ono run. Sacra mento won tho game with San Fran cisco. Tho Portland-Los Angolcs gnmo was postponed on nccount of wot grounds. The scores follow. At San Francisco HUE San Francisco 2 5 1 Sacramento 3 8 2 At Vernon R II B Vernon 10 13 0 Oakland 9 12 2 Portland-Los Angolcs gnmo post poned, wet grounds. 8 ! Now York 1 C 1 FIGHT TO A DRAW NEW YORK WINS TODAY I An- (By Second Gamo of Series Draws other Hlir Croud Associated Press to Tho Cous Times.) CHICAGO, Aug. 1C -Another ca pacity crowd was present to witness tho second gnmo botweon Now York nnd Chicago. Jimmy Lavender, re cruit pitcher, opposed Now York whllo McGrnw choso Tearenu. Mey ers caught Tesrcau and Archer ro colver for Lavender. Lavendor was knocked out of tho box In tho second Inning, Roulbneh talcing his pin co on tho firing lino. Cheney rcllovcd Rculbaeh in tho seventh. Toney wont In for Cheney In ninth. Cotter replaced Archer in ninth. Tho scoro follows: (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Aug. 10 Patsy Callnhan, tho Irish feather- weight champion, fought ten rounds to n drnw hero last night with Gcorgo Klrkwood of St. Louis. W L 55 II Now York . . Chicago .... By Innings: Now York Chicago II 11 5 t Chamber of Commerce Tonight ';: Will Talk of Educational Campaign. 0 0 2 1 0 WOULD RELEASE McCOT Tho matter of doing cnmpnlgn work In tho Interests of tho Port of Coos Bay oloctlon will bo taken up at n meeting of tho Chambor of Com njorco tonight. It Ih fenred that In Unliln t9 t lin miiinl .1 In i at I xi m 41i a a Efforts Mtulii iii Iklinlf of tho Aincr. i ,i nn, rnnii tim .iirAf i," lean Hover n... ,i, m ,i.i.. , .i. , (By ABsoclated Press to Cooo Bay ;, o'f tho port because they do ...... ,ln, f(lin nu -.itinli Inlnitnat I .. Ili a... 4..r IP T I .1.... 1 . ' ,,wv ...lVJ 0 ...Ml.1. IVUIVtlb III UIU Will ui IUII IB lllUUgUl LONDON, In Donio quartern tho Unltod States mny Intorvono In bohnlf of "Kid" Mc Coy (Norman Solby), tho Amorlcnn boxer. Ho wnB arrested July 2C In n chargo of larcony alleged to bo com mitted at Oxtcnd. Solby was ro ninnded when flrnt brought up beforo tho maglstrnto for n period of a week nt tlio roquoHt or tho Belgian author Itlcu, Although tho paporu arrived Bovoral dnys ngo, tho nttomcy of tho Belgian legation doclarod ho waa un-' nblo to proceed until additional pa-1 conio of tho olcctlon ns would be do Hired. It Is posslblo that tonight ho mo plan for nn educational cnm pnlgn will ho Inaugurated. COCOANUT CANDIES, S3 CENTS por pound at STAFFORD'S Sutur day and Sunday SPECIAL-. Largo GRANITE lip SAUCE PANS S( cents nt Coob Bay L'aah Store. annual Meeting of stockholders Notlco is hcrobv clvnn that hn porn arrived. Frlonds of tho Amor- annual meeting of tho RtnrUnni.inra ,cnn boxor nflsort that tho Bolglan of tho Coos Bay, Rosoburg and East niithnrltloH finding thoiusolvcs in- orn Railroad nnd Navigation com volvod In nn oxeusnblo blundor arojpany will bo hold on Monday, AuguBt trying to negotiate an unconditional 19, 1912, nt 12 o'clock M, at tho roloaso of McCoy. Detectives nro offlco of tho company In Marshflclu, working on tho enso nnd declaro op- j Coos county, Oregon, for tho purposo only they hnvo no easo against McCoy, of olcctlng directors of nld com- pnny nnd for thp transaction of such Moo Cmiiii Tho Sinlth-PowerH other business .is may como beforo Man Same Name Disappeared From Los Angeles Four Years Ago. Was William Joyner, who disap peared from his homo on South Slough tho Bnmo Joyner who made n similar disappearance from Losi Angeles four years ago when ho de- sorted his wlfo? This is tho question , winch arises after Hearing tno story of tho Lob Angolcs man as told by Mrs. W. F. Dixon, n former Coos Bny ploncor, who la now hero on a visit from hor California homo. Mrs. Dixon happened to hear of tho Joyner caso hero and the name caused hor at onco to recall tho In cldont of tho Los Angeles Joyner In speaking of tho case today, Mrs. Dixon said: "As soon as I heard of the als nppenranco caso hero nnd was given a description of tho Coos Bay Joyner I could not liolp but think It might possibly bo tho snmo man. I cannot recall tho Los Angolcs Joyner'n first nnmo. It might hare been William. I know ho nnd his wifo, ns thoy nt tended tho snmo lodge nnd Mrs. Joy ner nnd my niece woro qulto good friends. Tho description you glvo of tho missing man hero would answer vory well for tho Lob Angoloa mnn. "I think It wns about four yeard ngo that Joyner disappeared. He and his wlfo wcro woll respected poo plo nnd moved In good circles. Joy ner simply disappeared ono day and was nover seen again. Tliero ap peared to bo no particular rcasoii why ho should go. Ills wlfo was n vory nice woman nnd herself could not nccount for his notions. Sho worried about it for a long tlmo and I think finally secured n divorce. "I could not attempt to say that they wcro ono nnd tho Bnmo man but I was Impressed with tho similarity of tho description and tho name. If tho Coos Bay Joyner enmo hero about four years ago It would corro spond with tho tlmo that tho Loa Angolcs mnn disappeared as well ns I recall now. I am cortaln it was At least thrco or four years ngo thai ho loft his wlfo. "Thoro Is still another reason why he- might have como to this section. Joynor would know of Coob liny as my nolco was born hero nnd sho of ten talked to Mr. nnd Mrs. Joynor of Coos county nnd had told how it wn3 Isolated from railroad connections. GRANITE liTEW KETTLES, inc. nt Coob Bny Cauh Storo. LADIES' SWEATERS See window display of new Fall Sweaters which we have just received. Priced $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.50, $10.00 We invite comparison "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, Marshfield. Bandon. DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANV Leaves Marshfiold daily at S a. m. and arrives at Drain in tlmo to con nect with nftornoon train for Port land. Loaves Drain nt 8 a. m. and arrives nt Marshfiold about 6 p. m. Tickets on snlo nt "Busy Cornor," Phono 278, Mnrshflold nnd O. Ma toon, Drain. Logging company today brought down Homo moro euglneH and equip ment from Alloxany, near whom It rorently cloned down a ennip, mid Ih taking them to tho new cUihp nt Coalodo. said meeting. Q. L KINO, Seeretnry. Terminal Work Tho Terminal Hallway rtwumod work on Its lino Boutli of Front titreot from Mnrkot nvouuo thin morning. Foreman IllohardKon hnx boon clvitii in mulm-. Htniul that It will be rontimio.l smith ' Contain no through tho Alliance warehouse nnd.1"'1'! I' built ncrosH the corner of tho Smith Re tall Lumber ynrdx to Broadway to conned up ulili the lino already built on Hi ond way. Tho company nbo linn the franchise for building on Central incline botweon Front Htroot and Broadway but when this will bo put In has not been atnted. THE "PROGRESSIVE" PARTY' Ib tho Individual, man or woman, who uses Foley Kidney Pllla for backache, rheumatism, weak back, and othor kldnoy and blnddor Irrog ulnrltleH. Foloy Kldnoy Pills aro lienllng, strengthening, tonic, nnd quick to produco boneflclnl results. harmful drugs. Nover Put un in two slzos In sen led Dottles. The genulno In a jellow pnekago. Lockhnrt-Parsous Drug Co.. "Tho Busy Corner." DRINK HABIT I RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tho ORRINE trentmont for tho Drink Habit can bo used with absol ute confidence It destroys all do sire for whlskoy, beer or othor al coholic stimulants. Thousands hnvo been restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness. Can bo given so retly. Coats only 11.00 por box. If you fall to get results from OR RINE after a trial, your money will bo rofundod. Ask for a freo booklet tolling nil nbout ORRINE. Owl 'Prescription Pharmney. Phono 7-1. N'oto that word Prescription. Most Sensible Shoe For tho children Is tho famoUB "SKUFFER" shoe. For snlo nt The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway .. .. Marshfiold. 1 CcxJidam Every Day in the you'll And our meats choice wis dor. You will novAr ... , ' tastoIoBB moat on your table i UU )UUl HllirKOlinE llPfA V you hnvo to pay a higher 2 our bnttnr onn-lm tn.. .'""l . ..."J"!,- . , '??'. . 4U8 W8 Glvo It to us today. " sIARSIlFIELD CASH HARrjJ FOURIER BROS Mnrnliflcld TclciihonrsNonii, i-u iwojinrkeu We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical material nnd can glvo our patrons a vory low prlco on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J LAKESIDE BY AUTO Mako regular dally trips coiiccIIiik with LAUNCH NORTH Sill I Leaving Stnuft'H Inndlng vcry day nt 1:() p. m., rcturnlne!,! North Slough landing Saturday nt O a. in. Auto leaven Lnkcil&nl hour earlier (lian bont schedule. Lenvos boat landing XorthSlondl Tuenday, 5:110 n. in. Wednesday, (1:00 a. in., Thursday, 0:30 a,aj I'liuuj, i. uu a. in,, oumruiiy, v:;iu a. m. FARE EACH WAY' $1.00 miii mnKo Bpcciai iriivs to connect with munch nt any tlmtiil or night.. For full Information Inquire-TOM SAWYER, Jr.,tUl Bide, Oregon, or lenvo mcBsngo with M. M. Ficrson, the Laltl ivicpimno Agcnc. rOCO.Wl'T CANDIES, U5 CENTS per pound at STAFFORD'S S.itui day and Sunday SPECIAL. A Modern Brick BuiiuIur, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnlsned Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. II O T E L COOS (J. A. METLIN, Prop. Itatos: SO cent n Day and Upwr.rds Cor Bronnway and Market. Marsnndil. Orecon Kin g the Belle E. Pale & Co. Ladies' and 'Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolons Fit nnd Satisfaction Guaranteed !17n North Front Street $8300 BUY'S $10,000 LOT. Lot on Second Avenue, noar Contrnl. Positively best Invest ment In central business property to bo nnd for tho money. Reason able terms. If this lot doesn't pay a handsomo profit on tho In vestment, notning on Coos Bay will. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redond EntilpiK'd with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM CO0SBAI Monday, Aug. 19, at. 2 P. M. All Passenger Reservations liVom Snn Francisco Must IJeJWiil N03 Fifo Building, or Pier No. 10. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. piio.nb . c. F. McOEOROE, Ajti City Auto Service Oood Cars. Caroful Drivers and roasonaole charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero at any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 40 Night Phono 4G. DARKER . fiOODALE. proprietor. Have That Roof Fixed vow See GORTI1ELI I'bow KIWI -, l ' --. -M V ' of your heart with ono of our Bolltalre engagement tokens. That will hold her If anything will. If things have not reteh ed or hnvo got beyond that stage adorn hor with a brooih or a pretty liccktnco. When sho knows you hnvo bought the Jewelry hero sho'll rospoct your good Judgment ns muoh as alio will ndinlro your good taste. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman ill l North Front St. Bus. PI one 29fi-X: Res Phone 166-J BlancharcTs Livery We hnva ecured the livery bust ress of L. H. Helsner. and are pre pared to rencinr excellent service to tho pooplo of Coos Bny. Caroful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satistactory service to the public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or inythlng ncorted In the livery lino. Wo also do truck ng business of all kinds. BLANCIIAHR.. BROTHERS Phone 1HH-J Livery. Feed nnd Sales Service. 1 11 Flrt wml Alder Streetn. Steamer Washington Will bail from San Francisco for Coos Ba) Saturday Aug. 17. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. 8. ROW, Agent. 'THE FRIEND OF COOB BAY" S. S. ALLIANCB EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA SATURDAY, AUG. 17 AT 12" o'clock CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT r0TUi NORTH PACIFIO OTEAMSIIIP COMPANY ,,M". o. F. McGEOnOR Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE I SevorM good bargains In Farms and ! city property. AUG. FRJZEEN. 08 Central Ave. MnrsndMd 0recon Red Cross Drug Store The Sign of Good Candy Always You Auto Call Foote! PIIONE 14I.J NIGHT AND DAY oiauu iront or 1.10yd Hotel. TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. m. rhone 5-J Residence Phone 28-J Will ninkr trips to roqullle. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwatei ALWAY'8 ON TIME. h1VP.,A,XSWORT" ,)00'f. PORTLAND. AT 0 j tup 3 r,l,""d "8- Vll" MARSHFIELD AT THE BERTIE "u"- t ", 15, 20, 23 nnd 30. Phone Malt, .'J21-L. j, c. MiLLEH, AVil WANTED ! ! ! OARPETS UPHOITERINO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pne" mntlc Cleaning Conumny. Orders fot Mork at GOING HARVEY' PIIONE ln Anywhero, Any Time Ciavful Driving Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER. Prop. Phone ordors to Hlllyer's Cigar 8tore, Pbone 18-J. After 11 P. M., .'hon 6.-J Marshfield. Orejon. T. J. BOAIPE itt A. H. HODOmi fe Marshfield Paint, d& Decorating Co. Blstlraatei Furnlthsd MARSHFIELD. Phono 140L Oregon COOS BAY-TtORnnrma ,?t.i GF. LINE. Stagn leaves Mnrshfleld every morning at 6 and reaches RoW, tlmr to connect with event.e i,.in . stauo tWjt, ivenlni' motnlas at 6 ' d "aches MariM1 r 11 nARB f0'00' Rouna tr,P ".00. Good meaU en ro - .. ".,, ngeni, uoseburg. tunW Otln RMmttnr. . in A ir..l,t AvanUS. W" I Tickets can be obtalnad at Hlllyer's Cigar Storft Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract & n ... "KKitr 8KNG8TACKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.o Phon, 10l Plattlng Land,, a apeell Farms Timber Coal aiu "BASTMDBr Oeneral A Harihfleld Ofc H-J- 1" ' "'HHajf" umHti