THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. PERSONAL NOTES Make your own deductions Y OU can figure for yourself how much you will save on one of these Hart Schaffner & Marx suits that we are marking down for this big clearance sale. You can see what you'll save on extra vacation suits. Every garment is guaranteed to satify you, Here's the list; $30 Suits at $22.50 $25 Suits at $ J 8.85 ' $20 Suits at $14.85 9 . $J5 Suits at $H.85 $3.50 Cravenetted Hats $2.85 $3.00 Millicoma Hats $2.35 Broken Lines of Summer Underwear at v 2 Price Boys' Suits Fancy Brown and Gray Mixed Off V Tomorrow Last Day of Sale The Woolen Mill Store Mill-To-Man Clothiers omorrow, 26th Saturday Special Sale Brass at lowest prices obtainable anywhere at prices it will pay you to pay us a visit. ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TFb Busy Corner" "TEe Rexall Store" PHONE MAIN 298 US UNAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTABLISHED 1880 al & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOOK BOXES FOR RENT U. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS CONDENSED STATEMENT f The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Jun 14, 1012. IlPisnnnfipo R1 "l discount. ' I"1", warrnnt. JZ3H,oio.iz r and , and fixtures 81.011.34 " "cuange 188,653.99 Total . f 01 1,373.37 Li. . I .1 A nTI.TTIWa E?'0CkM!.lln " Ey7s nd undivH;; 1100,000.00 . outKL01118 10.548.93 P" 23,800.00 477,024.74 ui ., In $011,373.37 U IOO.OgoVo. Capltal Stoclt the Individual liability of Stockhold- 'XTEREST pi 8. on,., " un " AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Handler, Pmlflent " ....... -.. uuuocii uiuwii Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tlic Hcdondo today brought us n big shipment of fresh fruit nnil vegetable, which with tho offerings of tlio homo market, afford an exceptionally flno lino for Hpeclnl dinners, for canning uiul preserves. Glance over tliN lint and phono us your order. Fruits WATERMELONS CANJELOUPES PEACHES EATING APPLES COOKING APPLES 11LACIC GRAPES WHITE GRAPES ORANGES PEARS BANANAS PLUMS APRICOTS for canning Vegetables STRING DEANS . TURNIPS UELTi PEPPERS TOMATOES PARSNIPS SWEET POTATOES CARROTS GARBAGE OUCUMRERS RED MEETS WAX DEANS Berries BLACKBERRIES STRAWDERRIES Our shipment of Ashland Crawford peaches should reach us on tho nut Breakwater. Give ui your order now. THE BAZAR STORE OF QUALITY PHONE 32. WANT ADS. FOR KALE Cheap. Six room house and two lots. Hunker Hill Addi tion. Terms If dealred. Enquire J. S. Lyons, Coqulllo, Oro. WANTED Competent maid for gen eral housowork in small family. Mrs. Ulako, Phono 212 J, Marsh field. FOR RENT Eight-room furnished house. Closo hi. Call at Timed olllco. work. Address In own hand writ ing giving roforoncos and export onco. Opportunity, caro Times.. FOR SALE 00x100 lot on Sixth and Donnett. Address August Carlson, I) ox 7SD, Marshflold. COOS BAY TIDES. Bol w 1b glvon tho time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides aro placod In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr Urate on tho first Una and holghts on tho sec ond line of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whether it Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 mlnutos. Date. August Hrs. .4.54 10.43 5.29 11.17 Foot .G.l 0.0 C.7 0.7 Hrs. .5.45 11.23 CIO 0.0 Feet .55 0.7 C.5 Q.O I Irs. 0.13 G.42 12.13 C.50 Foot .0.7 4.3 1.0 C.4 THE WEATID3R (Dy Associated Press) OREGON Showers tonight or Saturdny in west; fair In oast portion. LOCAL TEMTERATURE RE- TORT For twonty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 a. m., Aug. 1C, by DcnJ. Ostllnd, spoclal government mo- oorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum C4 Minimum 57 At 4:43 a. m 03 Precipitation nono Wind southwest: cloudy. FOR SALE Good young horse, Good saddlor and can bo driven single or double Address "Horse" care Times. LOST Wednesday evening on tho street, a black and white agato bolt pin probably attached to a whlto linen bolt. Suitable reward for roturn to Timos Office. FOR EXCHANGE New 80-30 Win Chester rllle, short barrel, to trade for good light weight shot gun. Phone 200L. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. $12. Mrs. D. II. Smith, cornor 2nd and Highland. Phono 319X. FOR SALE Horse, weighs about 1,500 pounds and 7 years old. En quire North Bend Lumber Co. Phono 1261. FOR SALE. Small fish boat. Wa. son's Fish Market. Phouo 37 J. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms close in. Telephone 239-J. FOR SALE 3 gasoline launches, 23 26 o,nd 30 feet in length. Phono 6J, WANTED Young maa or woman competent for office and book FOR SALE Restaurant in live town. Ownor has other business and must sell at onco. Soo Anderson at Pal nco Restaurant. COOS DAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY name belongs to E. O, Hall. Phone 1C9-J. FOR SALE: Chlckerlng Grand piano in good condition. Phono 294-x. WANTED Experienced inlnera. Ap ply at once at Llbby mlue. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell- Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, Wash. FOR SALE -or trade, a good launch. Apply 204 Coke building. HUY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can he had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO , First National nnnk. Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT Phniif 173 Vn. Ilroadwav. WANTED TO BORROW $1,000. 91,200. $2,000. on good security and satisfactory In terest. For particulars apply to TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT COMPANY. W. C. T. U. Meeting Tho W. 0. T. U. will moot nt tho homo of Mrs. Fannlo Whcolcr Saturday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Rain Interferes Owing to itho heavy rains putting tho roads in bad shape, tho Allcgany-Drntn nuto sor- vlco has boon temporarily uiscontln nod. Gets Now Auto V. W. Gorst of tho Gorst nnd King Auto lino re turned today on tho Redondo from San Francisco, bringing n flno now sovon passenger Lozlor car with him Fishing Is Fine riobort Kruogor who la spending his vacation on South Coos River reports tho fishing flno. It 1b proven In a substantial mannor by a basket of finny boautlos which ho sont to Tho Times with his compliments. Thoy woro especially flno. Rand Concert Owing to tho threatened rainstorm last ovonlng, tho band concert at tho city park was not as largely attended as usual. Tho full Instrumentation was not out but tho progrnm wob a most excollont ono nnd highly enjoyed by those who hoard it. In Juvenile Court Ray Whlttod, a boy from Allogany, will bo glvon a hoarlng nt 10 o'clock tomorrow bo foro Judge John Hall in juvonllo court. Tho boy was arrostod and brought to this city. Ho Is chnrgod with using bad languago and soma othor mlsdomonnorn. Did Not Bring Man Judgo John Hall was In Coqulllo yostorday and expoctod to try a man from Bandon supposed to bo Insano. Tho Judgo was notlflod by tolophono from Ban don that n man would bo brought bo foro him nnd ho wont to Coqulllo but tho supposed Insnno man fnllod to nppoar. Loaded Cigar Victim Olo Oloson, a well known character about town, had his hand badly burnod by n loadod cigar. Someono loadod tho cigar with powdor to scaro him and put In too lnrgo n lond with tho re sult that It seriously Injured his hand. Marshal Carter may tako steps to prosocuto tho offondor. Not Yet Decided Whether thpro will bo a fourth team for tho noxt schodulo of the Coos county leagtio has not boon decided upon. Mnna gor Schott of this city oxpocts to re- celvo sonio word tonight. Marsh flold, North Bend nnd Coqulllo havo so far agreed to play and It remains for Myrtlo Point or Bandon to mako tho fourth team, IN'covern Pin In last evening's Times, I. S. Smith Inserted an ad for tho recovery of a flno black and whlto agato belt pin which n member or his family had lost. Within few hours after Tho Times was dis tributed, tho lost pin was roturned to him by R. O. Graves who ha I picked It up on tho sldowalk near I the Masonic Oporn House and who ascertained tho owner through Tho Times. Hit by Auto Jos. H. Cox of South Marshflold narrowly escaped serious Injuries yesterday afternoon. He was coming around tho cornor at Brondway nnd Curtis and was walk ing ncross tho street. E. S. Bargolt was coming up the street In his auto which was running nlong almost noiselessly. Mr. Bargolt did not see Mr. Cox and tho latter did not not ice tho nuto until they were very clojjo togothor. Tho nuto olthor knocked Mr. Cox down or ho tripped i and fell when ho tried to got out of tho way. ANDREVy WICKMAN and wifo of Empire aro Marshflold visitors to day. R. A. WERNICII of North Bond was a Marshflold business visitor to day. FRANK D. COHAN and Dr. Geo. E. Dix mndo an nuto trip to Bandon today. AUGUST FRIZEEN and family re turned today from an outing at Ton Mllo. J. A. LUSE and family havo r. turned from a fow weeks' outing nt tho Luso ranch on Coos rlvor. GEORGE MASON of Salom has a rlved in tho city nnd is looking or or tho country with a view of lo cating. L. W. PLANZ roturned todny from San Frnnclsco whoro ho hns spent thrco wooks with, relatives nnd friends. MRS. T. M. DIMMICIC of Coqulllo Is spending a fow days hero an tho guest of her son, Victor Dlmmlck, nnd friends. MR. and MRS. GEO. ROBERTSON expect to loavo about tho first of Soptombor for their homestead near Temploton. A. T. HAINES nnd family nnd F. O. Horton nnd family loft today for tho Bartlo cottago on Coos river for a short outing. MISS ALICE CARLSON of North Bond Is tho guest of Mrs. William Stovons of Forndalo for n fow days. II. C. DIERS of North Bend was In Marshfield yesterday. Ho has L. J. Simpson's potltion as a candi date for port commissioner. MISS M. E. CLARKE loft today for Portland whoro sho will Bpond a weok or so visiting rolatlvcs nni nttondlng to business matters. MRS. MYRTLE TILOTSON of Port land nrrlvcd hero today to visit at tho homo of hor dnughtor, Mrs. Jas, Scott in South Marshflold. TOM HALL, Tom Patterson nnd Mr. Horton of tho Stauff grocery will leave tomorrow for tho upper Coqulllo for n fow days' flshlnrf nnd hunting. MRS. J. T. McCORMAO and Mrs. A. J. French returned today to tho McCormnc summer homo on South Coos Rlvor nftor spondlng a fov days In town. J. M. DIXON, Grand Rccordor or tho A. O. U. W., 1b In tho city In tho intorcst of tho local organize tlon. Ho camo In on tho Break wator from Portland. MISS MAY PETERSON, cashier of tho Wolls Fargo Express offlco, loft this morning on a two woeki vncatlon which sho will spend at Ton Mllo and with hor pnronts on Haynos Inlot. M. C. HORTON and Will Horton camo down today from tho camp on South Coos Rlvor. Tho Hor ton family will loavo noxt week for their now homo In Poplar Bluff, Missouri. REV. FATHER KEVNEY of Bandou loft on this morning's stngo for Portland whoro ho will participate In tho annual retreat, after which ho will visit hlB old homo In Now York for n couplo of months. GEOROE E. WEAVER, n formor Marshflold boy, but now a promln. ont member of tho San Frnnclso bar, arrived horo today to spond a week or ton days with rolatlvea nnd look after buslnoss intorcsts. ests. MRS. MELCHOR NELSON who has boon visiting Marshflold friends roturned to tho Horbort Rogers homo on Coos Rlvor today to spond tho romalndor of hor vaca tion before returning to hor homo In San Francisco. MISS ELIZABETH DONNELLY of this city who submitted to n sur gical oporatlon soveral days ago at Morcy hospital, Is doing ns well as could bo expected. Sho has re covorod from tho shock of tho op eration but Is still qulto weak. MRS. PETER SCOTT returned to day via Gardlnor and Drain from a visit with hor son. Potor Scott. Jr., at Abordoon. Ho Is foromnn of a big dredgo thoro and Is doing flno. His dredgo will shortly movo to Hoqulam but will roturn later to Abordoon. Mr. and Mrs. Scott expoct to movo from hoio to Abor doon soon to make an oxton led stay. " SOCIAL CALENDAR. Today. Miss Evelyn Anderson at cards for Mrsfl Erio Wold. Keep Your Mind Off Your feet Don't be otornally thinking about your feet. Give yourself a chanco to think about othor things, and do bettor work. Get foot rollef today. Get a can of A. D. S. Peroxide Foot Powder AT OUR STORE FOR 2Sc ; . kiV4 m uiliMtLtJ California Flour Down Again 40c Per Barrel in a Week Look Out For Low Prices SPERRY FLOUR. CO.